Ht: news-Herald. PERSONAL MENTION. was registered at Hotel Morgan Death of Mr. P. H. Rich. last Tuesday. Mr. D. B. Mull left Wednesday " LUua' Kieh, mention ot iavening for the Johns Hopkins Mr. J. A. Perry, of Conne'ly vvnose illness nas Deen made in Hospital, Baltimore, for an op- Springs, spent Tuesday in town. inese columns trom time to time eration for appendicitis. Mrs. Bulow Erwin and dauzh- IOr T pa8 8eTU mont?? it ii. . . U w nf w r 7. passed away last trmav at Ins ii t ..I- . home, in the southern part of ville Bottling Works, was here Vll,e are visiting Mrs. W. M. . ' . 1 , , , . : Morganton township, and was ouriea at- uiiuoa Metnoaist ; Misses Lou and Mamie Lon- Mrs. Julia McDowell, of Orlan- hurr:h Saturday afternoon. Rev. ! don, of Asheville, Julia London, da Fla- is visiting her daughter, G. Mallonee, his pastor, con-1 of Morns Plains, .. J., daugh- aire-J- i. vvaiton. . ducting the funeral services ters of Mr. J. . London, of Mr. W. R TTiob-m-xr Mr. Rich was one of Burke's J I W A - UllIiUI TBI " ' - Telephone No. 26. jjntfPAY, AUG. f5, 1054. LOCAL NEWS. vaJe school will open next at her new no me on Avers Avery avenue Mrs Elfn Moses sent us several Table Rock, are on a visit to agent for the Singer Machine Co javs ac two uteis "ulu& meir parents. was oa our strests Monday. - 1 "M. T-l.ltintlS. 1UC VCIC HUl we anu ! . ,. .urs. ma iuuii ana Miss Willis Chief of Police Ed. R. Clark and lk,;ll! boots, bu real live, nne arriyed home iast Saturday from Mrs. Clark have been on a visit f tlin o-nnlpn kind, and w. -r-n . pnes ... B , piorns nains, IN. J., alter an the past week to relatives in New- u;tl be hard to Deet. absence of three vears attending Un NT r r.A q r v f-, wvu " Vy. j UI1U VVlUiilUlUj VJ v a school for the training nf Tr P T. xx?a iio.-wn fiiUn.. - C3 I T V t-l.A UlilUg nurses. fp Plnrk'a nlnoo nja rfcnlipfmfln Mrs. C. W. Spruill, of Fort Mr. Morehead Averv, of Dallas, Worth, Texas, is boarding at Texas, is here on a visit to rel- .urs. u. f. trwin s. ntirps , Mr. J. L.Chambers and daugh ter, Miss Elizabeth Chambers, Hollaway have returned from a who have been boarding at Mrs. visit to Misses Annie DeVault G. P. Erwin's, returned Tuesday and Julia Morris, in Asheville. to their home in Charlotte. The tin st tomatoes seen on th' market here since the season lt.,l were brought to town bv Mr. Charles open tuiula v Eighteen of them fMunnson. filled a half bushel measure. Mr. . K. Presnell's Irish po tato weighing 2 W ounces, men- in t week's paper, has 111!."-" --- been beaten by one taken from rronipn of Mr. J. R. Pat- lUfc - ton. whioh weighed 30 ounces. ur. II. L. Milner has bought Mis. D. C. Pearson her in'" r.,n,knme residence cn West llliii - most substantial crtizens and was a thorough christian. He was a man of fine education, and his mind was a storehouse of knowledge. He was a fine Greek and Latin scholar. The deceased was about 74 years of age and had been a resi dent of Burke about 3o years, coming here from Davie county. He leaves a wife andfivechildren with numerous grand-children. His wife is a sister of Mr. James Misses Mary Wilson and Pearl A. Clay well, of Morganton. For Over Sixty Years. Messrs. Gordon Bagg and Cecil Butt are spending this week at Blowing Rock and Roan Mountain. Mr. H. L. Milner spent a few Mr. Joe. W. Avery is here from Carlisle, S. C, on a visit, .i r ji 1- r:.-,.i ct t ip nrice nam Demir 3-7.-0. The purchaser is the davs this week in Charlotte. r , .,w.i r1- rT tl-irt I f PC Tonni- T?V f -F AT. V-i iliiiuanton Waterworks Comp- hngton, arrived Tuesday and is Morg-anton. boarding with Mrs. G. P. Erwin. Mr. jeff. Glass and family, of Sterling Mr. .kis.Lruest Ji.rwin nas been eleeted an appointor lor tne Lni- is visiung aiiss Aiyra aiton. versiry t N asliington, u. Kj., i Miss Mattie Mae Ballew. who Mrs. Winnlo-w's Soothinz Syrup has been nsed for over 60 years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, n ith per fect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will re lieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the worfd ... tit' J 1 wcniy-nve cents a uome. jse sure ana asK and hlS man Old triendS are for "Mrs Winslow s Soothing Syrup," and - . w.uw. glad to see him. Mr. and Mrs. Woodson, of Sslisbury, have been here several days this week visiting- their daughter, Mr. Horace Payne. Messrs. Frank A. Clin ard and Horace Hays, of Hickory, spent Monday in Citxr. Tpvss haw hwn here several Miss CHffie Haynes, of Raleigh, days this weekvisitingMr.Theo. Glass of this place. Mrs. A. Bourbonnais, of Hickory, act authorized to appoint two has been visiting Mrs. W. A. Ha r worthy young men to the depart- bison, returned Tuesdav to her ment of law, and requests us to ho state that he would appreciate anv voting men applying to him for this position. A scholarship is valued rt S100.00 and entitles the holder to free instruction until irraduation. The Fall term legitif S-pt. 20th, 1904. On account of the Confederate veterans' reunion at Asheville nxt week the Southern Railway came up Sunday to visit her nephew, Mr. J. T. Miller. Mr. Geo. Wilson, formerly of this place but now of Gastonia, was a vis itor here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pope and Miss Leila went to Newton Saturday to attend Ball's Creek Camp meeting, which com- ville, spent a few days this week menced last Saturday. in town. an Mrs- John McNeely have moved to town. Dr. Carl Mott, of Statesville, is Mr. Ferree Perry, son of our countv- spending his vacation in town man Mr- J- A- pprry. is at home from with his autn, Mrs. Gertrude le in Lenoir. Mr. Louis McKesson, of the Statesville Drug Co., at States- Sour Stomach No appetite, loss of strength, nervous ness, headacho, constipation, bad breath. f eneral debility, sour risings, and catarrh of me siomacn are ail duo to Indigestion. Kodol cures Indigestion. This new discovery repre sents the natural juices of direstlon as thev exist In a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia. Cure does not only cure Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Bin. of Rsrenswood. Vs., atrs I was troubled with sour stomach for .twenty years. . !ii?d ma wa 0011 us1dC in mi Kodol Digests What Yon Eat ettlesoohr. $ 1.00 Sin hoMlnc2M times the trial lie. which sella for SO cents. Prsprs4 bj . O. OeWITT OO., OHtOAQO Sold by W. A. LESLIE. Call for Senatorial Convention, will sell tickets to that city and Boger. Mr. John Tull, of St. Louis, Mo., is visiting his parents, Dr. 1 it t m ii return at a reduced rate. A spec- anQ 31rs- Jno- iul1- ial train to accommodate those Mr. Dan Foile arrived Monday wishing to go will leave Greens- from Asheville and is visiting The Sunday School Picnic at Warlick's the U. S. Army on a furltmgh. He has been located at Fort Howard, Bal timore. Mr. Monroe Cloer, who has also been in the army and for the past several months located at Fort Han- rrwlr "M T ripe rwn Vinnnrarilv dis- charged and is now at the home of his trict chosen by Republican parents, in Lenoir. and Independent conventions, A meeting of the delegates for the 34th Senatorial dis- boro on the oOth at 12:lo p. m., arriving in Asheville about G p.m. This train will pass Morganton about :j:-0. There will be a prent gathering of the veterans at Askville and the occasion Mr. Jno. Pearson, Jr. Miss Yelsie Webb returned Monday from a visit to friends in Salisbury. Mr. Robert Avery will be held at Lenoir, N. C, September I5th, Chapel. Reported for The News-Herald. fcj. q nominatino- On last Saturday, tne 20th, t persons to represent this the gcoa people oi icara district in the next Genera township were out in large Assembly of North Carolina. will no doubt be an enjoyable Monday from Raleigh. one. Morganton Graded School Census. Dr. H. B. Battle, of Mont-s-omerv. Ala., snent a few davs Mr. j. .u.v.iarMiasjuaiiiuifciitJu thig week -n tQwn taking the school census of the Morganton gra-ed school dis trict nhd hi- Misses Sudie and Margaret returned numbers at. Warlick's chapel, four miles from Connelly Springs. The occasion was a picnic by five Sunday schools of thd Methodist and Baptist churches. At least five hundred peo- C. F. McKESSON, Chm. 34th Sen. Dist. Morganton, Aug. 16, 190-K Why is it that Ayer's Hair Vigor does so many remark able things? Because it is a hair food. It feeds the hair, puts new life into it. The hair Hair Vigor cannot keep from growing. And gradually all the dark, rich color of early life comes back to gray hair. - When I first used Ayer's Heir Vigor my heir wu about all gray. But now It Is a nice rich black, and as tfcfck as I coold wish." MRS. SL'SAH KlOT'SHSTIBK, Inscumbls. fliW a bottle. All drngglsts. for J. C. ATZK CO., Lowell, Mm. Gray Hair Prof. F. T.Barnes, principal of Amherst Academy, and Miss Minnie Tilley, of Smoky Creek township, were married on July 24th, by Rev. J. S. Gwaltney. The best wishes of their many friends go with them. For Sheriff I hereby announce myself an inde pendent candidate for Sheriff of Burke conntT and if elected will nerve the people of the county to the very best of ray ability. I waa a soldier in the Civil War and the people know me. I take thig step at the solicitation of many friends. All favors shown me will be appreciated. C. A. MULL. We Fill Any Prescription. EMII mm I find nothiner better for li VAT derangement and constipation man unamDerlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets- L. F. An drews, Des Moins, Iowa. For sale by W. A. Leslie, Druggist Yon have the same right to choose your druggist that I g you do your physician. Each j E Bhunld be chosen with care. 5 1 Many people have the impres- H sion that prescriptions mast E be filled by the druggist np i g on whose blank tbey appear; s Bat the blank has nothing whatever to do with it. The i physician is apt to pick up g whatever one comes handiest 1 g and be has no choice id the 1 E matter except' that the pre- 5 I senptioo be filled where the i s work will be properly done. 3 P We make a specialty of high s i grade prescription work and I fi are equipped to give service P of ideal character. No mat ter what physician yon em. ploy we can fill his prescrip- g E tions AT TULL'S HnuiimiimmmitiuuiiiinmirainiiinB a, I -I MnWnnHnanVMMnWM a me BaLnk of Morganton WILL OPEN FOR BUSINESS September 1st. 1904. In the Building Formerly Occupied by the Burke County Bank. President, John A. Dickson, Cashier, W. E. Walton, Vice-President, Jos. Ernest Erwiii, Stockholders and Directors: F. M. Scroggs, F. P. Tale, T. R. Glass, Manley McDowell, W. B. Berry, G. I. White, W. C. Ervin, W. A. Leslie, L. A. Bristol, E. McK. Goodwin, M. F. Morphew, R. B. Boger, C. A. Spen;er. B. S. Gaither, T. G. Cobb, I. P. Jeter, H. J. Dunavant, J. H. McNeely, J. H. Hoffman, S. J. Ervin, Rev. J. S. Corpening', T. L. Duckworth W. A. Connelly, J. A. Dickson. CAPITAL STOCK 15000.00. FIRE PROOF VAULT, STEEL SAFE, TIME LOCK, BURG LAR INSURANCE, OFFICERS BONDED. Offer every facility given ly any first-class lani, and solicit your business. (IS m Grand Final CLEARING ' SALE ENTIRE BALANCE of SUMMER STOCK must be sold AT ONCE, as we need the room for our early fall stock, which is arriving daily. 5c. Balance of our Lawns, Dimity, Cotton, Voila, Ginghams and all Wash Goods that sold up to 20 cts. per yd., now 5c. 102. All Wash Goods in Silk, Ginghams and mer cerized novelties that sold up to 30 cts. per yd. 10c. 60c. Ladies' Shirt Waists 39c. 1.50 " " 75c. 1.50 " Oxford Ties 1.00 75c. " " 50c. Special Bargains in Our Clothing Department to Clear Up the Stock. Suits culled from our regu lar stock, all made for this season, all desirable patterns, but they are now sold down or another. ill ii ii il ii ii li il ii ii ii ii ii ii ii vl vl) li li li li l; ' ''''&9'&&:'$i?t Aug. 15, 1904. $ 7.50 Men's Suits $ 4.50 12.50 " 44 7.50 iaoo " " 13.75 "5.00 Boys' " 3.25 7.50 " " 5.C0 12.20 " 7.50 2.00 Children's Suits, 1.50 3.50 " 2.75 6.50 44 44 4.00 2.50 Men's Pants, 1.75 4.00 " 2.50 25c. Knee Pants, 15c. 50c. 44 44 45c. $ 1.00 " 44 75c. $1.75 Men's Shoes, $1.25 2.50 4 4 44 1.75 3.00 44 44 2.50 3.50 aud 4.00 44 3.00 50c. Straw Hats, 25c. $1.75 Straw Hats. $1.25 50 and 75c. Men's Shirts, 35c. RETURNS IN CONTEST FOR St. LOUIS TRIP. Following are the J- two highest. Miss Hartense Seagle, Mrs. P. W. Patton, $871.29 535.48 We, the undersigned, have counted tickets in contest for St. Louis trip offered by Messrs. Lazarus Bros., and ceitify the above amounts to be correct, and therefore award trip to Miss Hartense Seagle, she having tickets to the amount of f 335.31 more than the next highest contestant. T. G. Cobb, W. B. Berry, SJudges. Maxly McDowell,J report shows that Presnell, Hop- McAIpine, Nan , wefe present; The ch apel, there are 892 white children of rearson ana Messrs. 500 rres- or chu rch. is one of the best s.jiiooi nge 433 males ana 4ou " ana largest in tne county. females-and 3G3 colored chil- wa.y sPent Sunday at Connelly In the forenoon instructive dren. of whom 178 are males and Springs. an entertaining: addresses Mr. Maurice Dunavant left were delivered by J. F. Click Tuesday for Oak Ridge. and Mr. Smathers, of Hick- Mr. E. K. Powe and Mr. J. E. ory, and the Rev. Mr. Bridgr- Erwin have returned from the es?' the Pastor in char At noon there was an adjourn- IS.j are females, the tatal num ber nf childrenwhite and col ored being 1255. Mr. John Mitcht.l arain heads the list with the largest number of children of school age 9, and Mr. S. S. Lane follows with 8. Last year Mr. Mitchell come up with 8 and Mr. Lane 7. up Men's Fall Hats Are now ready and a full display we have. No matter St f.rn?is TsY-nrkeiHriri ment, and a long; table groaned Air. ana mvb. trwm nuetr, 01 j weigrht of asolendid t,r 1, 0 tlnnirW umr fasfp. vou'll iiuuiiiftiuu, aic.ioinus .c. . j aViimdant rnnrlv Ot . rc j 1 i JJOOre. 1L 1 i- U:C, 4-n of Tf nrnc Mr. Louis McKesson and Miss really a very fine spread and surely find here the Hat you should wear. Stiff Hats and Soft Hats !?B.A11 who wish to use the am;q r,.Q arA tv Pari Trtt n:,A otar Brand fertilizers this! , n...-t. r- 4. . F. 1. i j , 1,: ir Ur-n-.A r. -ac nnrmw ac vmir huild wil r . ,-1. -1 I ami iiiss uertruue vavia bjjcul Alter Qinner mere were au- ' o. j hand in their orders at an Sunday evening at Connelly dresses by Sheriff McCall of admit, as cheap or as gfood as 'our pocket book will allow, earlv date to either Hilde- Springs. Caldwell and Messrs. C. F. , - .uAn a 1,.. cfi;et, hutA. . brand & Connellv or Fred 1. tn..i. McKesson and I. T. Averv of a few days this week in town Morg-anton, to which the peo- We have the exclusive agency for the STETSON, the Mr.R.K.PreSoeU is sPeDainS 'f fThai HAWES and the HAWSER hats. If there are better Hats this week at Connelly Springs. wn;ie Mr Averv was pressed on earth for the money than these celebrated Hats, we don t nine hats. pr-r.- t 1 1 ,7 b fi 11 f I J 1 TOiic, iiuijiiuouvLu 1 i(jr LIUIC, 11C lUauc a. sbviaii)' 1 nuun it. i utu v v ui c .iiiuiuuf, tvyt " 1 Charlotte, will be in Morgantou at visiting Mr. Walter Hughson, Jr., g-0od talk on Bible history. Mountain House, on Tuesday, Sept. for the oast two months, re- . The oeoole were well utlj, t'i)i the nnrnosfi nf trpatinff . . i - . .... . r-.t tnpnpd : nnnnT rn nis nomp in HracccH ms hpnnupn ann Philadelphia. showed evidences of thrift Mr. A. M. Ingold spent Sunday and prosper ity. . In a material inHickorv. way that Part of Burke has ,r t xr t, u 1 - gfreatly improved new build Mr R. W Ro8ebr,ugh spent K Sunday in Hickory. there and fine crops ;n all di. Messrs. W. S. Pearson, M. Sil- rections and evidences of bet- Mull. Bv doing; this you will be sure to gret your fertilizer on time. We are agents at Merjranton and Drexel. Huffman & Mull. diseases of the Eve, Ear, Nose aud Throat and Fitting Glasses. tEainsour will be at Bridge- warer to make all kinds of Photos 29 ii, 30-h and 31st, and at Glen Alpine 1st, 2ud and 3rd. Do uot 'ail to see him. Come here for vour Fall Hat and you wont regret it. B. F. Dacvis, The Clotheir. A PRESENT FOR 250 LADIES. We have a useful present for ver and I. T. Avery spent Tues- r farminp- than in the "oast. lie first 250 ladies who will call day in Connellv Springs. They are a fine, intelligent, were personally and ask for . . , . . a.: them. Thev will not be given to Mr. Sidney Cohen has returned industrious peopie, iuu ineir chil.lK. n Thin la r.11 xr-kfV I r Rolf imnro Qftor. a ;c;t to Vi, interest in the exercises of 'lu- time, as it is something uncle, Mr. N. Lazarus wnmtin ncas I n - I UC.0 AVM I I Miss Ada Pearson left Wed nes- It was a great pleasure have been with them. Respectfully, -Mr Jim Wilson snent Tuesdav CM. in Marion. (COLUMBIA jJ-bIstetson cot. - uuit everv tifii this ad vertisment when vou call. Eksslie's Drug Stoke. terefted piHtLlhTngs" I DIRECTORS: fc:Foii Rent Eisrht-room reniilence with large lot on West JWn street. Apply to J. T. J'et-kin.s. SICK HEADACHE. Mis Maty Lou Bristol and her For several years my wife was friend Miss Ruth Gully are visit- troubled with what physicians to W 0 A. M. Kistler, I. I. Davis, S. R. Collett, R. T. Clay weir, Clement Geitner. KPurole Too. Red Too, R Mr. Berts Bristol in States- caUedC We, Earlv Flat Dntrh. Sev- ville. ifhe, Earlv Flat Dutch. Sev- ville en Top, large White Globe and Southern Prize Turnip Seed at Tull's. CAPITAL STOCK STOCKHOLDERS LIABILITY, SURPLUS FUND, A. A. Shuford, K. C. Menziea, 35,000 35,000 7,500 1 PATTON SCHOOL MORGANTON, N. C. Principal: JACOB C. PATTON. A. B.. Harvard. Remarks. 1. Next chool year of ten months opens August 8, 1904. 2. Tuition will be per month $2 to $3. Fee ten cents. 3. The school is for both boys and girls above the primary grade. 4. The Academy is being enlarged by adding two rooms, 23x25, in one of which a reading room and library will bz started. 5. Friday afternoons will be devoted to debate, declamation, composition, recitations, music, etc. 6. The purpose of the school will be to have the students well grounded in the public school course of North Carolina, and thoroughly fitted for any college in the State. For furtherinformation, address the Principal. - ft Big Jkily and August Reduction. Sale on Ladies' and Men's oxfords: witn seve iefllpur w add5tion to its excellent facilities, this bank has & Misses Hannie Hemphill and ciana .anum. j r I h advantare of lare resources, a board of I rf-kl-l ITT III t'lll VV WIJLaC - " - . . . fiSe'Grass Seed for early toll sowing. Don't send your orders off to another place till you have our prices. We handle all the leading vari eties of grasses and clovers. Leslie's Drug Store. . - I II II V Si . V "W- Annie James returned batuitlay Qv,a tn dn anv kind of Z. directors and a - I WO"3 UUWUJU wx l I !p J t... T . 1- AKsM-if a xraaT n CfCi Rhft I T . body tn T.anrinburir. wrvk. - 1 . . -1, 1 i 1 began taking vjnamoe nam s Rev. W. S. Wilson, of Marion, Stomach and Liver Tablets spent Tuesday in the city. and 'today weighs more than 1 she ever did before and is real Mr. H. E. C. Bryant, of Char- well," says Mr. Geo. E. Wright, lottpent Sunday in town. ofNew nJork. Mr. L. A. Bo it, of Hickory, gist , it We endeavor to please our customers in every reasonable way. First National Bank Morganton, N. C. Everything in this season's new stocks reduced to make room for fall shoes. We are not waiting until the season is over but offer you choice just when they are needed most. Come early for your size. " I. I. Dacvis & Son f 0 t M J t t