W3-HERALD J Bring Your ! jnBjgKTINfl TO- s-Herald Office. PRST-O-ASS WORK AT The Hews-Herald .IS THE Best Advertising Medium IN THE T. G. COBB, Publisher. THE BVRKE COUNTY NEWS ) Consolidated Nov 29 1901. THEMOKGANTON HERALD J o"80"" Nov. Z9. 19 Ok Subscription Price, $i Per Year In Advance. LowKsr Prices. VOL. XX. J PIEDMONT SECT10 '. W MORG-ANTON, N. 0., SEPTEMBER 22, 1904. No. 25. NE -1 U iliC pALE S TONIC ,. Scientific Discovery for the jLOOD and NERVES - the blood by eliminating the ,er a'ui other impurities and by the -enii3 or microbes that nnJi,illf' It builds up the blood and multiplying the red I making the blood nch and red. , and stimulates the nerves, ,H free flow of nerve force i: t ihe entire nerve sjsinu. n N, "res unstrung nerves, nervous- '-e;-ous Pror.iiion, and au other nf the nervous system. LE'S TONIC is sold under a posi- Ljuarantee. L 50 ce nt. f amily tze 9 1 .00 ' MANlFACTURED BY cal Remedy Company, HICKORY. N. C. LIE, Druggist. W.A. i insurance: Insurance poli- I 'c ..1 1 . aC npAitairtr u o;i all K1,,U3 "l . i..,t luime ana tor- ,Miedrs ago. u.is f'f1- l .1 ...... ottb Carolina tiome, Hertford, of Hartford, Con. Insurance Company of North Aaieric.i, Siaira of New York, Heme, of New York au German American. 1 . ... j mi . Knrl?a i rti L.)ily rr newed Deiore expira- , f id win iiks from Si 00 to ,vm nn nronertv in town or ,:rv at lowest rates. 'ateky vS: Eryin, Agts. .oik" liiiiniuiii- C. W. Tucker, fcantractor and Builder, Morganton, N. C. -A an prepared 10 tase wunacw xui 1 Lais of budding, and guarantee his work an I material. Esti a furnished ou application. Parties to build cue get information umv ability as a workman and Liliir from the best citizens of DE the r38 RD. 1 12, :tro :d rating nation KASS. II 1 1DRIH-WESTEM HI SCHEDULE Effective July 10, I004. Mixed Ijfivule y ain .inonia 10 3 am THE NEWS OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. A Batch of Live Items Culled from the Papers in the Adjoining bounties. CATAWBA. Hick ory Mercury, Sept. 16th. A series cf meetings will com mence in the Baptist chut ch here next Sundav. The pastor will have the assistance of Rev. T. T. Martin of Missouri. The singing will be led by Mr. F. J. Harrel, one of the sweetest gospel singers in the South. Hickory was never on a more substantial boom. The public works gives it a city appearance. There are at least three crews of hands at work on the water works system, and two on the streets and side-walks. These, together with the many on pri vate works, repairing and build ing residences and store houses, churches, etc., give the city in deed a prosperous and rapidly growing reality. There was a quiet, home mar- in tne citv veanesaav The parlies were Mr. K. C. Menzies, cashier of the first National bank, and Miss Mattie Gwaltney, daughter of Rev. W. R. Gwaltney. The marriage took place at the bride's home at 9:30 p. m. Only relatives were present. Dr. Gwaltney officiated. There were several nice and valuable presents. The happy couple took the train for St. Louis. The good wishes of a host of friends accompany them. nage night CLEVELAND. Shelby Star, Sent. 14th. Revs. R. F. Tread way and D. F. Putnam have just closed a splendid revivnl meet inn- nf. Bessimer Citv. nnd manv nnla contractinK parties are all of Le were saved, ttntl, nrpn.h 00 nir 8nd are araon hei" t &v CALD VELL. Lenoir Ne-s, Sept. 16th. Thei fant 8:n of Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Guire died last Monday eveniuir. Lenoirite8 are much interested in three approaching weddings to take place n our midst in the near future. We are not at liberty to give names, but the most popular young people. Miss Ella Austin, of Patterson' died at the home of he- father, Mr. C. D. Anderson, Thursday of last week. The remains wore buried at Harper's Chapel on baturday. Messrs. W. F. and Walter Austin, her brothers, and her sister, Miss Nettie Austin of Nebraska, came in Tuesday to see her but were too late. Last Wednesday at 1:30 p. m. Mr. John T. Steele, of Happy Valley, and Mrs. W. J. Alex ander, of Rutherford, were united in marriage by Rev. J.O.Shelley. The ceremony was witnessed by a tew friends at the home of Mr iCB -! ARKS MS sic inn may ther an mu"ica' Patent tpnts. ' receive Ml I).C WATAUGA. Boone Democrat, Sept 15th. 'Tater digging is now in order and the crop is said to be good. The contracts are being let for two newT brick buildings at Blowing Rock. One large store house for W. L. H. Ishouser and a bank building. Mr. H. C. Miller is also erecting a residence and store house. Mrs. George Moody, died at her home on Cove Creek last Saturday and was buried on Sunday. Mrs. Moody was well up in years, a good old lady, and 2opm 4 oo am sooam iPflves an acred husband and a 3 32 prn 6 05 am 9 25 am icu " H M'rpm lisam lar2e family to mourn her c.e- parture. Mrs. John Lineback, of Moun tain City, Tenn., the eld st daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Shull, of Shull's Mills, died on last Friday alter an illness of some time with typhoid fever. She leaves a husband nnd several small children, the youngest being only two months old. A miserable, ragged and de 1 ipotpd locking woman, with two ' i"H30i'ND l'asenj;er Mixed .aster 9 00 avn 4- 30 am i o am 9 00 am Ikmicton 11 30 am 10 4-5 am wton 2'l pm 12 15 pm Hickory 1- " ()in 2 45 pm 11 OO am -acir 2 lo pm 5 05 pm 1 30 pm thbocsd Passenger Mixed Mixed -ffloir tkoir non -icumton 4 37 p 11 25 I .5tua; 5 25 pm i 30 am rkville 6 14 pm 3 05 pm .Ester 7 07pm 4 45 pm CONNECTIONS. -Southern R .. S. A. L. and L. & C. "it Southern Kai'wav. ffls sonthern Railwav. iton S. A. L. is and Hi.-korv Southern Railway. i'-Bl iwing Rock Stage Line and C. & E F. Eeid. G. P. A.. Chester, S. C. gospel sermons and they bore fruit. Forepaugh's and Sells Bros.' big circus will be in Shelby on Wednesday, Nov. 2nd. The ad vance agents were here this week arranging the site and making things ready for the coming of the big show. Mr. C. C. Roberts, of Shelby, one of our big tax payers, was the first to pay" his state and county taxes for the year 1904. He paid last weeu. soon after the tax list for this year was placed in the hands of Sheriff Suttle. Mr L. A. Blanton received a fflT nn fllf Rnnthorn noooanmii, 11 I rrr i "-- .otuggi vjiass ana Wednesday evening train Saturday morning from a reception was given "in honor Mr. J.C. Price at Cassatt, S. C, of the event at the hospitable aim me uoys uad a great cnase home of the groom in the Happy auu une spurii oaturaay nignt. Valley i ney ran it for nearly an hour J X! 11 I . uuu uuany caugnr. ir. LINCOLN The series of meetings now in Lmcointon journal, sepi.ieth, progress in the Shelby Baptist. There was a small fire in the church will close Friday. Two picker room at Daniel Mill last services are held daily. Practi- Monday morning, which burned jally all of the business houses in about one hundred pounds of town closed during the morning cottn- service the greater portion of last There WU8 ite an excitement .1 X 1 I wwk, ana me services nave Deen hpr lBt VrAn r,;oi u.6.,iUI,uuiuhh; o'clock. A large hanging lamp At a meeting of the Board of on the second floor of the Aber Aldermen held Tuesday Coke nethy building fell, the oil run Duncan, of Blacksburg, S. C, ning out and blazing, but it was was appointed Chief of Police of soon extinguished, without any Shelby, and Mayor Jennings was seiious damage to the building. instructed to communicate to Tl , . , r .r , , fc. . The many friends of Mr. P. h 1 m Ilia O WHAn I'hl if Tlnnnnn I , i f i A 'M&P were shocked to learn of a brave and fearless officer, and . , . . .... , , ' nis uearn last 1 uesday morning of diabetes. Mr. Reep had not Mr. Jesse Hogue, one of the been in good health for some county's oldest and most highly time, but no one thought him to respected citizens, died Tuesday be seriously ill, and his death morning at 1 o clock, of nneu- was a surnrisp. to his inn'mntp monia. He leaves a wife and 6ix daughters and one son. Mr. Hoyue was 82 years of age and was known and loved through out his section, and he was a valuable citizen. LAST WEEK'S COAST STORM. uch Damage Along the Coast A Number of Persons Drowned. The War. Charlotte Observer. VVbat will likely prove the great eat battle of the campaign in Mao- chnria.has been fought, and the sol diers oi both Czar and Mikado are Kew York Dispatch, 15th. . A number of lives were lost, much property damaged now re8t'DE from the great fatigue and several ships were wrecked in the storm which swept up the Atlantic coast last night and today. It was one of the fiercest which their almost unprecedented flghtiog occasioned. The resole was au overwhelming victory for the Japs but it makes one shudder to calmly contemplate the awfnl cost of the capture of Llao Yang, September storms on record The casualties are now placed at thunder and lightning add- a ltaI f ahont 6J.000, and the ing terrors to a howling gale ,actnat tne hospital corps and which swept drenchingsheets 'he Ked Cro8s w,th the. Russian of rain over sea and land. To- rc.f werV.D"rel?. h',md , . , , ,. . ujr mo worn idia out ior mem by il . me Japanese bullets shows the that the storm has swept out magnitude of the slaughter. The into-the ocean from the Cana- fact that 25.000 Rnssian. t.n wA dian coast. The greatest loss of life was near Wilmington, Del. The tug, Israel W. Durham, with a crew of six men, and four other men, employes of the American Dredging Com pany, was swamped in the Delaware river early today been cat off from tbe main body and were in danger of annihila tion or capture at tbe baud of the Japanese made their escape, and tbe failure of tbe Japs to overhaul ivuropatkio before he reached Mukden, is not surprising and de tracts nothing from tbe sweeping triumph of the Japanese arms s ine situation now presents it- during the height o f the! self, tbe Russian forces have haul. storm. Eight of the ten per- ted in the vicinity of Mukden, sons on the little craft were drowned. From farther down the coast Jacksonville comes the report that five men were drowned off Char leston. New York suffered abont 75 miles north ofLiaoYang, with the Japanese not far away, but, there seems no immediate danger of another general engage ment, and iu fact, late dispatches that the present campaign may be considered practically ended, and Ay ers Pills Keep them in the house. Take one when you feel bil ious or dizzy. They act di rectly on the liver.i.1ra.;- Want your moustache or beard abeantiful brown or rich black ? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE tim dm. or mjcmitiw nm. a. p. hall o- xa&uua. a. a. 0 DIRECTORS: A. M. Kistler, I. I. Davis, S. R. Collett, R. T. Claywell, Clement Geitner. A. A. Shuford, K. C. Menzies, l l CAPITAL STOCK, $35,000 STOCKHOLDERS LIABILITY, 35,000 SURPLUS FUND, 7,500 0 In addition to its excellent . facilities, this bank has the advantage of large resources, a gcod board of .-directors and a . strpng body of stockholders. We endeavor to please our customers in every reasonable way. First National Bank Mortfa.iton, N. C. comparatively little. The the armies are likely to establish wind and rain and lightning winter quarters and merely and thunder were terrific, but strengthen themselves for tbe sec ond year s warfare. It may be tnat tne isassians will remain at little damage was acne. Nine teen coal barges went adrift in the bay and tonight their wreckage -strews the shore from the battery to the nar rows, but no lives were lost. Several small vessels also went ashore on various parts of the coast near New York. One fatality was reported in this city when a piece of cast iron fire escape was blown r u. .:i j: : 1 I iiuiu a uuiiuiug duu an urn tbe Japanese, and made Kuro- Carl Hertzner, killing him in- patkin'a alleged strategical move stantly. ments appear in the light of From Wilmington, Del., to- retreats that became in some night, comes the news that instances almost panics great destruction was caused SEASONABLE GOODS For Every Housekeeper. MOTH ALINE. The new Moth destroyer. No bad odor like moth balls. For putting up fine woolens, furs etc. Price 15c. pound package. SURE DEATH. For destroying Cockroaches, Vermin. Water Bugs, etc. In liquid form, put up in squirt cans.QPrice 15c. COEOLEUM. Disinfecting liquid. For sick rooms, closets, kitchens, stables, etc. One pint makes five gallons of a superior disinfectant. Price 25c. NAPTHA CAMPHOR. Moth destroyer. Superior to Moth balls. For putting up heavy woolens, blankets, Price 15c. pound. Russian evacuation of the entire BED BUG POISON in liquid form. Appliedwith a feather. The most effective destroyer on the market. 25c. pint HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA. The good kind. 10c. bottle. VIOLET AMMONIA. For the toilet and bath. 15 and 25c TURKISH BATH GLOVES. 25c. pair. Mnkden, but it has been indicated in recent dispatches that Harbin would be made headquarters. Tbe latter place is some 300 miles north of Mukden and should Kuropatkin withdraw thither, southern portion of Manchuria would be complete. But whatever the decision of tbe Russians on this point, the recent operations have emphasized the steady victory of We Fill ny Prescription, tlllB ion have the sum right ia 'lo vour iihvMciau. E ich impoverished little cniidren.tooK oil bf ehoseu witb care. E in the town last week, begging people have tbe impres en , . n,ir npnT)P a9 usual. MfsPiintinM must, 1" un that filled by tbe diussrist friends. He was 57 years of aire Hon. Richard N. Hackett, cf Wilkes county, addressed the people of Lincoln county here at THE STOMACH IS THE MAN. A weak stomach weakens the man, because it cannot trans form the food he eats into nourishment. Health and arriving at Baltimore report any gick man or weak woman that never before in their ex- without first restoring: health nerience has such a severe and strength to the stomach. a. by the storm. Trees were uprooted, houses flooded and crops ruined. In Chesapeake Bay the storm was particular ly fierce. Incoming steamers Leslie's Drug Store. LIES' ITCHES! ! I a l, u 4. ,j : t. the court ho. last Tuesday, gale swept do on them at -tStSS C f - R. 13. ulenn was to have snoten. this time of the vear. One nnd raviva th tirprl md rnn rr i i r i I I i I j l i a i w vuv vva MiUV4 a, ineuepuoiican senatorial ton- but on account of being one of man was seen adrift in asmall down limbs and organs of the vention met at Ru thei fordton v.Q lq xvu: I u.i. ru.u tj-., body. Kodol Dyspepsia Oure Monday and nominate M9r, " - . . - 7 digests what you eat, cleanses m.- hi i it-i mr i -1 i in .ii iiuiinrv i t- v it tp i o i m nnc cin 0 t n rt-z., and strengthens the glands and membranes of the stomach, and cures indigestion, dyspep sia and all stomach troubles. Sold by W. A. Leslie, druggist. $1.00 For The Campaign. Tbe Daily News and Observer will be fall nf the latest RKinnaipn riding for life, 18 miles, to get new8 fr0m National and State I 1 A fliaii. itrnnta wprp up tt resiJtJiiueu, uu iuch tmv iiose blank they appear. 8upplied. Soon after their depar tJtrJT 1 ture it was learned that on the hill near town, awauing men return, were two large, strong men, each carrying a gun. Such as this is simply an outrage, and Winn u ant to nif.k no - l 1 r ,ever ulif citmes tiniullf st 5 3!i he lias uo eboice iu the except that the pre- option be tilled where the will bo properly done. bope tue rrUOd people of this "lake a spenaltv of h gh 1 .. ,, pre.scnpt.ot. work and 1 and surrounding counties will XT yv ri t xi. vuinu oi vieveiana, ana wa8 unable to be present.. Cant, cue him. The storm was ac N. B. Hampton, of Polk county. Glenn was employed in the companied by a cold wave. mr. sjumu was iormeny cierK oi case before his nomination, and the couit in this county and Mr. of course, had to carry out his A BOY'S WILD RIDE EOR Hampton has been clerk and duties. While. the large crowd LIFE, sheriff of Polk county. The expected to hear North Carolina's With family around ex- Democraticsenatorialcandidates next Governor, the general Wting him to die, and a son r j i n .i .-,-.. . r rirtinor tnr llfA IK mi IPS. f Cftt resiue iu nuinerrorn nnn i-ipnrip"- : : r..i. n iiu.u&'''"i-r ' r? i uco uum opiiiiuu urni uipi. ",t:u Dr. King's Hew Discovery tor Democratic JJeadqoarteis until son tounties and the Republican would have had a hard time put- Consumption, Coughs and November 8tb: it will lead in adyo- cancndates hail from Cleveland tin"1 up a better speech than they Colds, W. H. Brown, of Lees-j eating tbe election of Democratic heard here Tuesday. Music was agonies f rom asthma; but this fashioned Democratic doctrine; it furnished by the Reepsville and wonderful medicine gave I will also be full oi freshest and best South Fork bands, and thev did instant relief and soon cured news every day. its bu.iday him. He writes: "I now sleep editions will givf Mr. Dooley, Dr. we"- soundly every night." Like Kingsbury, Dr. Wbitaker.Liteiary marvelous cures of Consump- Notes, aud bright special corres- TlrtTI rTlPllTTlllTllH. I k II 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 I IfS. I f""" "I . " - t' Coughs' Colds and Grip prove est to every North Carolinian. : v,fv,i0c mprif fnr nil It has special facilities for get- rrhof on,1 T,inr tronhlps. h S th best and la;est political GOLD, GOLD FILLED, SILVER AND NICKEL. ALINE of excellent values and by . far the handsomest cases ever shown here. Durability combined with real prettiness are the strong points of these goods. Absolute Reliability is guaranteed in every watch in the lot. Prices, $3.50 to $35. 00. Men's watches from $1.00 to $25.00. New line just in. It's a pleasure to show you. See them to-day at SWINDELL & PATTON'S Successors to J. B. Swindell. and Polk. 'pulped to give service keep a lookout character. No mat n ua An, nq for them, and ,uat; )bsician vnn . w ec,iu till his 0113 1 not be duped as our people were i m I K prescrip- 5J TULL'S inn. : 'xiniitiiiiiiliiiiiiilMllllllll'illis bold v Discovery g fCNSUMPTICN Price 1 1 OUGHS and 50c4$1.0Qi NLDS Free Trial. 1 j?i.,1aHuicke8t Cure for all I to r,7trand LTJNG TB.OUB- NMOXEY BACK. f HI , ' HOURS. 3 TO 6 J.J.A.CHILDS, IJcgj7lS- entionM asts M .rauW gers; iton, a ' FROM 148 TO 92 POUNDS. One of the most remarkable cases of a cold, deep-seated on the lungs, causing pneumonia, is that of Mrs. Gei trnde E. Fenner, Marion, Ind., who was entirely cured by the use pf One Minute Cough Cure- She oo,ro. ''The couehinsr and ct,.Q;Vi?ntr so weakened me that t ran down in weight fron 148 f o? rounds!- I tried a num- v,v rpmpdies to no avail un til I nspn One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me otiHvoIv nf the eouffh, strength ened my lungs and restored me to mv normal weight, health - J .. rt ill TTT A and strengtn." fcoia oy vv, a Leslie, druggist. - Mcdowell Marion Democrit, Sei t. 16th. E. L. Gaston, by purchase, be comes owner of the poplar H0W TO SECTTRE A VI30E0TJS tion, Pneumonia, Bronchitis square and poplar square busi ness owned and controlled by the late Dr. W. P. Jones. The consideration was S6.275. The business will be conducton at he old stand and George L. Chapman will remain in charge. Mrs. A. Blanton, who was critically ill for several weeks, was removed to the Biltraore te Limited in nicoacpc nf 0ltien and feprtai n;cacc Oft K'CXORY. N, C. A CARD. ."fKurke County: dn i'icitation ot some friends, I re ,nyself n independent lotti tthe next November - elec BiittlietjKce o Register of Deeds e County. Respectfully, John Roderick.' Execution Sale of Interest in Vain able Town Property. t n. rf nn execution to me directed . w. p. Walton -frs. A. E. Wilson and others from the Si perior court of Borke county I will, on the 10th day of October. 190. (first Mob ay of court) sell to the irL..' v.iHf fnr cash at the court house Trl. i.,rntnii. N. C. all the right title interest and estate of A. E. Wilson, the ame beine a vested one-eijrhts interest, sub iert to the liie estate as tenant by the ject to toe ji f T W. WilHOn in f s-, nil that certain lot ir. Morgan vsnr street, adioinine M. Silver. Col leee street ana tne sircci. uc o.., ,Ui and tne ooiu wi. - j- j W. Wilson nome 1"i,lu"'' MANLrEY MCDOWELL. Sheriff. BODY AND MIND- Health of body and mind depend up on the health of the stomach. The brain, the blood, the nervesr, the lungs, in fact every organ of the body depend upon the stomach for sustenance. The stomach's power to digest and assimilate food measure the strength of body and mind. If you are below the normal in strength and flesb, Rydale's Stomach Tablets will help you out of your trouoie. 'iney insure perrect digestion and assimilation and these secure health of body and mind. By dale's Ttomacb Tablets cure the worst Estimates Furn ished FREE. V. V. Hallman, Contractor and Builder, MORGANTON, N. C. Plans and Specifications on Application. fnr ma nf rlnvsrwnsiA. ami inrficefrtinn hospital last week. Latest re- and all forms of stomach trouble. rr,-ra hrirnr thp fnvnrnhlp npws Trial size, 25cts. Family size, 50cts. poi ts bring tne ia oraoie news Tfae large size coptain9 2 1 2 times the that she IS progressing nicely quantity of the trial size W. A. lefclie. under the treatment and is soon expected to be once more at home and amonsj friends enjoy ing her usual good health. HEALTHY MOTHERS. Mother should always keep in good bod'l.v health They owe it co their childieu. Yet it is no nn- Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1. 00, Trial bottles free at John- Tull and VV. A. Leslie's drug stores. The Harvest Moon. Stateiville Landmark, 20th. The moon which falls next Sat urday, the 24th, is the harvest mMu, lue most glorioas of the year. The harvest moon is ; the full moon that falls nearest the autumnal equinox, and owing to the fact that the full moon at time of the antamnal equinox is In that part of its orbit where it makes tbe smallest angle with the horizon it rises at nearly the same . hour Prices Low as First-CIass Work Can Be Done. Indigestion Causes Catarrn of tne Stomach. For many years It has been supposed that By the breaking of ar. axle of usual sight to see a wotuer, wuu several nights in succession, .tuns carr& of th stomacn causeo inaig esuon ri i . i habu in arms, coughing violently iTrin fll, nnnsnal nronortion of nd dyspepsia, but th truth is exactly the Otie Of the tender trucks, passen- , ,hlhltil' aii 8trnntoms Slv,IJS 811 na8Qa, Proportion OI indigestion causes catarrh. Re- . .r a(l ,D,t,,,g. al1 .n' 3mproms . -t evenin28: and when the piSed attacks of tadieestion Inflames the (rprirn n n .m. onn evjuar tsc n .riiiHiimrr.iv renneucv. Ann i " i ton Division, which is scheduled 1 why hhould this daogerous con ' t i j . . : .1. 1 1 1 r UlllOll eiisi, uauxnuuj an&n- iu to leave here at 5:25 p. m., was derailed iust this side of Glen- wood, six miles south of here, Tuesday night. The train was in charge of Conductor Barxtell and Engineer Albert, an 1 wasde-; layed until 5 a. m. Wednesday. mother and child, when Dr. Bos chee's German Sjrnp would put a stop to.it at oncet No mother sbou'd be without this old and tried remedy in the noose for its timely use will promptly core ans lung, throat or bronchial tron'dt iii herself or her children. The worst cough orculd cao be speedil, pnred bv German Sviur; o can' When troubled with consti-1 hoarseness and congesMou of the weather is fair tbe harvest moon seems to sh;ne with unusual hril liancy. nation try Chamberlain's) Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and pro duce no griping or other un pleasant effect. For . sale by -W.- A. Leslie druggist. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. Has world-wide fame, for marvelous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lotion, oint men' or balm for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers. .Tetter, Salt Rheum. . ... I Einn Qwac f V Q nrG1 Huno toratiou easy, ana gives injmiii jbci": ""r-,."" '' relief and refreshing rest to the Skin Eruptions; infalhble for ough racked cousump ive. New Piles- .Cure guaranteedOnly tiial bottles, 20; large size, 75tv 25ct at John Tull and W. A. At all druggists. Leslie's, Druggists. ' bronchial tubes. It makes expec mucous membranes lining 1 exposes the nerves of the stomach, thus caus ing the glands to secrete mucin Instead of the Juices of natural digestion, inis u called Catarrh of the Stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure relieves all Inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the stomach, protects the nerves, and cures bad breath, sour risings, a sense of fullness after eating, indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. Kodol Digests What Yon Eat Make the Stomach Sweet. Bottle ctuy. Retular she, $1.00. holdine 2 H time the trial size, which tells for 50 cants. Prepared by E. O. DeWITT A CO., Ohicago, 10. Sold by W. A. LESLIE. Wood's Seeds. VIRGINIA GRAY . Winter Oats. Sow Early For Best Results. 1 Our Trade Mark Brand is the .. best and cleanest quality, that it is possible to procure. Hairy, or Winter Vetch, Sown with Winter Oats, makes the largest possible yield of the best and most nutritious hay. Write for prices. WOOD'S DESCRIPTIVE Fall CATALOG Tells all about seeds for fall eowinsr. It is the most valua ble and helpful publication of . the kind Issued in America. Mailed free on request. L W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, - Rictmond, Ya. SALE OF ILEAL ESTATE news and ought to be lead by everj nprnni-ratio. voter in the State. One dollar will send The Daily Satisfactiou fuaranteed. Give me a trial and be convinced. Newsand Observer to any address until the November election, and will give at tbe close tbe fullest re tnrns showing the election of Al ton B. Parker as President aud Robert B. Glenn as Governor. Send in 3 our subscription at once. Address, JOSEPHUS DAS I ELS, Jialeigh, N. C. By virtue of an order of the Superior Court made and entered in a special pro ceeding entitled Col. Koss et el vs. Monroe Mitcheil et al , to the undersigned commis sioner directed, I wi I sell at public auction. at tbe Court liouse door in Morganton, N. C. on Monday. Oct 3rd. 1904. to tbe high est bidder, on following terms, -to-wit : for one-half cash and balance on six morths time, note and aporoved securely subject to an order of approval bv the Suoerior Court the following described ti act of land, viz.: Situated in Mi rganton township. N. C. adjoining lands ol Renas Wbitener. Sid Mull et al. Beginning on three post oaks, tbe old Frazer corner and ru"s south with his line 90 poles to a nine, R C. Whitener's corner; then fut with w nitener s line 1 80 poles ti. a chestnut, now down-; thence with his line 4a poles to a white oak. his corner ; thence nortu 20 degrees- west 62 poles to a chest nut, S. E. Mull s corner ; thence west with his line 140 poles to the beginning, contain ing 113 acres, more or lessexcepting 11 acres heretofore sold to Tboe. Mitchell. TblS AUg. 31, 1904. F. S, MULL. Commissioner. i"Subscribe Herald for Thf News. ; . For. Register. : T herebv: announce myself an Inde pendent candidate Jor ; re-election for Reinster ot ueec s ior a seconu term. I am willing to stand on my past record and the manner in wnicn l nave con ducted the business of the office. Sale of Town Lot. By virtue of an order of the Superior court of Burke county, I will sell for cash, at tbe court house door in Mor ganton, N. C, to the highest bidder, on Monday 3rd day of October, 1904, tnat certain 104 on iasr union street - in Morganton, ad;o ning James Mull and others, beginning on -East Union street in James Mull s line, at side of walk, and runs with sa d tine 88z de grees west 200 feet to a stake in Mull's line, then north-east 70 feet to a stike 200 feet from the street, corner of No. 2, then south 88 degrees east feet to a stane on &?.st- Union street LI1C11 WllU B.1U BllCCL UJ L 1 1 CT IM1T1 n Ti 1 Tl O 1 nis isr 5epiemoer, iyu4. -i W. B. SLOAN. Adm'r W. H. Sloau, By J. T, Perkins, Atty. '