THE NEWS-titfUALD. T. 0. C02B, Publisher. THURSDAY, SEPT. 22, 1904. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For President: Alton B. Parker of New York. For Vice President: Henry G. Davis, of West Virginia.. STATE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Governor: Robert B. Glenn. For Lieutenant Governor: Francis D. Winston. Associate Justices Supreme Court: W. A. Hoke, George H. Brown, Jr. State Auditor: B. F. Dixon. State Treasurer: B. R. Lacy. Secretary of State: J. Bryan Grimes. Supt. of Public Instruction: J. I. JOYNER. Com. of Labor and Printing: H. B. Varner. Corporation Commissioner: B. Li. ICOGERS. Commissioner of Agriculture: S. L. Patterson. For Congress, Ninth District: i. X ATES WEBB, of Cleveland. EDUCATIONAL AWAKENING AND PROGRESS. Its record warrants the Democratic party in making-; modest but unquestioned claim to earnest advocacy, and active and continuous THE CAMPAIGN OPENS. (Correspondence The News-Herald.) Hon. Thomas M. Hufham Makes a Great Speech to a Large Crowd- Music by Two Bands By invitation from the Parker ad- Glenn-Davis CInb of Morgnuton vancement of the cause of ed- township Hon. Thomas M. Hnf- ucation tor all the people. bam, of Hickory, add l eased the in tnis advocacy ot the peo- people at the Couit House last pie's schools, throughout all Friday night. There was a its historv. the Democratic ha rarfv hns VPfn frnp tn the I .. ... . . . . . r j ; . - - Beat in tue courr room bciug 00- LedL-nins 01 ussreatiounaer, nmo,i a,i .-. ; Jc0nt;mof ,-: i " rry i -r rr i I v " I M " " lufumus uuuoiu w aa I av-in.imv.iii. Javwi nil; LUC CICt xnoraas Jenerson, wno was fllrniah1 k . W, f TWC . ..,' .1:,. , . , a r li' i uet hand and the Hunting Creek tion in th ar1v rlav nf thJ string band renublic.trueto itstrariitinnsJ Whea tbe appointed hour ar- and history as the bravest rired Jadge A. C. Avery, in a and boldest champion of the ,BW appropriate works, introdnced rights ot the many, true to its lue speaker. When Mr. Hufbain cardinal doctrine of equality arose he was greeted with ap of opportunity to all, true to plause, after hich the audience the declaration of the consti tution that "Religion, moral OUR RALEIGH LETTER. f,M?. That brief interrogation re- ftra tn n frrfi i farf triaf wac An interesting proposition fiiv arrom that is now advanced, and ufa at- do.,h. which will be a lead;ner suit- I -aa l tol;.., Kf ject of discussion for the next ignoring that, and many other three months, is: fart .n thi mnnprtinn fhp Who will be elected Speak- EWnincr Pr naa nn .ftOP er of the House of Represent- this fashion : atVeS? "Wll if cn wKir h-.c r. At present there seems to Annf nnthJno- aKn.,f if? Whv bea widespreadand growing did he not it washi; sworn duty, call the attention of Con gress to the matter, and ask for appropriate legislation? The Republican platform speaks of reducing the repre sentation of the South. Is the President for that, or for doing anything? He does tinguished son, Col. John S Cunningham, who has been unanimously nominated bv the Person county Democrats to represent them in the next House. Colonel Cunningham i UUWu, k.v,,,,; me 8peaKr liaraentarian, the largest to- " , Mr' Ua,Dam 8peDt 80me tuue ,n representative business man ..v,,.jm , i.u cwueuvii liiiicui n scnsR n? national icanoa a t I mrl L ... 1 ,1 L r 1 i.L L r i , . . ..auo uuu auu nc nuum llldKC a 11 UC ShS! 1 if L"e J??.-1 8bowiDe P levelt in bl. true presiding official if heaccedes light. He also touched on the trusts, to the wishes of his friends schools and the means for ed ucation shall forever be en couraged, true to the declara tion of the bill of rights that "The people have a right to the privilege of education, and it is the dutv of the state to guard and maintain that right." Under democratic adnvni- stration, the public school showing how the farmers and laboring classes suffer from these great robbers. Tne speaker dwelt upon the Republican party's claim ot prosperity, and in this be showed himself to be master of sarcasm. He said the Kenubliean party claimed the good effects ot the seasons and the sunshine For the Senate, 34th District: J. Hatden Burke, of Alexander. Lawrence Wakefield, of Caldwell. system in North Carolina was claimed credit for what a merciful first brought to efficiency be- Provideoce bad doue. Roosevelt's tore the war. After the civil neero nnli ,.. Bi,rt , ... 1 " 1 u au nir war, unaer republican admin- Deal made to nil ,a"a"uui uic sysieiu xcii lino m .1 lAinsi. ru f ,i i r ,- v.v. . . v o vi biiia man wuu SSf "?lW5J!An: MoM. no respect for the consti.o- u.i.wu, tin, okiiuuia ncic cuuer COUNTY DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Representative: B. F. Davis- For Sheriff: C. Manly McDowell. For Treasurer: A. N. Dale. For Register of Deeds: R. G. Gibbs. For Surveyor: D. F. Denton. For Coroner: T. L. Hemphill. For Commissioners: W- B. Berry, D. B, Mull, J. M. Brinkley.. CON- closed, or became so ineffi cient as to be unworthv of the confidence, respect and pat ronage ot the people. Under democratic aoministra- tion, from 1876 to 1895, the lion, overrides Congress at will, and who is attempting to place the negroes? on social footing with the white man. flu. . . xue eaKer men spent some time discussing S'ate issues, lie is one of the most popularand .?- able men in the State, an ex- TJur penenceaiegis ator and par- Mr Roosevelt's assumntion of the office and duties forced upon him by the assassination of President McKinley, he made a patriotic and highly commended announcement of policies by which his admini stration would be guided. The brain and heart ot the nation responded with fervor to his solemn pledge of fidelity to thepoliciesof his predecessor. Prominent among, those policies, and, perhaps, the most potential of all the reasons why McKinley was" loved by all 'the people, was his fixed and inflexible de termination to prevent any re vival or resurrection of the race issue. To this end his solicitous attention andefforts were constantly and success fully directed. He found the race question moribund from the eFects of the defeat of the force bill; he left it dead. And President Roosevelt, in September, 1901, by his A ,1 , , duu ciuiuirers ana uecomes a candidate and is elected to this important and honorable omce. I he names of two other able gentlemen are also being mentioned. Messrs. Guion, ot Craven, and Graham, of " -11 1 . T viiduvme, dui x am not au thoritatively informed whether they will actively enter a contest tor the place. O A 1 1 wvciuor avcock is now in 4-L Cl.l. -r " i"c owie oi iviaine, in re sponse to an invitation ex tended by the State authori ties, delivering a number of addresses largely of an edu cational nature. The New England "Yankees" (so m a n v of whom are densely ignorant vi. uic n uc oouin ana unac- The People APPRECIATE mnnnfartnrprl article that is honestlv mnrlf nrwl ;n . J " " n) illlU RI1UII 1 I UU1 U.lUU.t .AUV.IK.llkC U1UI t;UUli SlTVirOT .! 3 Any vice. reasonable paices have been hard to find. They had been deceived so much in purchasing before STAT? rm . i SHOES were put on the market thai they were looking and lon'-irv f, r . I 1U . . - UHn. at f of shoes that they could bu), and know they were made right good satisfaction. It is an old adage that and would "Necessity is the Mother of Invent!. and six vears ago, realizing the necessity for a line of shoe i i i : : 4. i 1 ...... i .i i 4.1 :r i u . , liiu uciicviiik uic ucuuic nuuiii uuy iiicni 11 tucy luuiu iit'l Ilism Johnson & Rand Shoe Co., of St. Lous, was organized and began saie tneir ceieDratea o ajx riviViMJ &n.KjtL,a ana to-aav to 'olierts. i-ace oa Three Million, People are wearing their shoes and telling their neighbors and fi iends that shoes they have ever worn, they find that all the "Star Brand Shoes are Better All articles of established popularity and merit are soon imitated purchasing shoes be sure you get the genuine. You will find our Star t ? Star on each shoe carton. Some dealeas will tell vou nthr hra , ea good. Let your answer to them be "STAR BRAND SHOES ARK IIKTTFR These shoes are made in all sizes for Men and Bovs, for Children. Be sure to give them a trial and you will we no other, a complete assortment now readv for your inspection at You v.;; iin( "M: ,",;,r"' itusMcu a lerm oi o- better and f lc: s puucies, gave assurance fice and compared it with the o-n- dass) w51, rprp: SVl? l? the African people that , - w v t C (.V. k v,"" "ulu WW iu J.O, LUC I " " .oo o. ur (....J.i.J ,;(i , , , utpicuiuci, 17U1, U V niS i ihb f.n...iifin r P.i.. , mudiuieu wun tne real char- .jl A nv oy3icm VTdS 1 CUI td.U- I winnnuu ui oujna ctl - r n - .. incuse lu dUUCTC LU J.V1CXV1 M- ized, the schools were of Kassell's term of of- uutnern men ot the iev's policies, jrave assuranrp i - ... i i uc l i r I Mnn rot-vt rtsrM 4-. i - " opened, new institutions of learning were established, there was a gradual but con tinual improvement in the sys tem and in the schools, a rat- ia increase in the school tund and in the expenditures for school purposes in proportion to the increase in the wealth uj. me sia.Le ana in tne re quirements of the schools. and a corresponding increase in tne emciency of the schools and in the confidence and re- Mixe" played by the striug INCREASED PENSIONS FOR FEDERATE SOLDIERS. Not a penny has ever been sPecJ and patronage of the band. i - .t , i tJ pvuic. u uuci lusiou rule, appropriated to the old sold- fro 1895 to 1899 educatio lers of North Carolina except al progress was checked, and by authority of democratic J notwithstanding there was no lee-islation. decrease in the rate of tax In 1885 the first pension law ation for schools and no ma- jlilinn ..-vri.L.. .1 .1 .1 ' xiniwu .uai ciiais uuiitr rnH nra i : r , , lirpss nn fiT nnr pnt irnvn.nmui.r LTa r,....;i.i It. . ... - v,. u u.v. . nc luitiun uih- rnrftiinr h tha . ; i ........ .i , . ... lULcrcuurse v,u.0u ti,c wa.l8 ,aw anu its el- with Governor Aycock and teeth. I T ti i t L!M . i ? i r ... i""3'- estimate oi inis ve wush every voter ib the section of our common coan- coonry could have L-ard this trv speech. Dr. Baker, of Tarboro. who Tbe large crowd hnng upon was charged v ith the murder eveiy word that was utteied nd ot Ur- Bass, of that place, and at the close was an outburst i m v t: 11 1 11 'J XTOSL of the H,e,ch there whose case went to the -jury R00sevSlt simply urst of applause, and J? ,nff 'as .a what was ancient hi the influence of his o-rf rf! 1 i ... - puic nCe would be employed to pre- vent any attempt at its impos sible resurrection. There is no violation of Li. 1..J 1 . r niaL pieuge rno ninx ot "ao- i . .... .. propriate legislation or re- A 4-1 . f i uuwkiuu ui represeniaiion in it , . .mm tne "retort" quoted bv th Eveninsr Post. Candidate mentions ANDERSON'S, was passed by the democratic T'" ""S? legislature, appropriating crease in the enrollment and" B- F- Davis' Record An Answer to Railroad Company for dam 530,000 for certain classes of attendance of the oublic Citizen." disabled confederate soldiers. I schools, showing- a deolorahle To the Edtor of The News-Heraij and that law has been amend- loss of the confidence and the 'A comanication iu the last respect ot the people. With AnaePe"uent" attacks the record Tflf rptnrn r4 A ...... , ...v up.i.u.,., to Dowe. juu - SChOOl Onest on nnil n.llo Arnn I . ' - " a. i - ""' amounts to wu.uuu annually, restoration of oublic confi. him. under a fintWon, ia . - - ... I f . . . - I - "'fcuiuit. and trom 1885 until no-v the pence and a wonderful awaken- to define bis positiou, to gratify confederate pensioners 'have 'P public interest in pub- the whim ot a man who is ashamed received Sl.658,000. V euuca.uon- J-he present to give his T7 iL a. i ii Li j , ucuiundUL aaraimstration For the totally blind and has been an pra , wnnlr 1 .1-11 J ' L1. J f I.I . "VUUIUUI uiiaiiy uisaoieu conieaerate progress in education, marked soldiers the democratic legfis- by a commendable increase ?n lature passed a law allowing the public school fund and in them S120 a vear. That class tne iengtn ot the public school received last vear $11,280. rfrm Wlttlp"t any increase in n-A ; ,ii ? r"e ot taxation for public After Mr. Hufham's speech, Mr. I. T. Avery was called for and de livered a short, though strong, argument for democracy. He was frequentlyvinterrupted by a roar of applause. quitted, the day) afternoon traveling on a free pass that the7ub 'ct o had expired. It has come to abLt three v fe?f J themost notedcases 1! n lOrth lam nn liifir rafiiiM.nn. I m. . " "V"J! its verdict vesterdav Rn. 7' ,A" " "e iom, v-. nidi inerLepuDiican party has n. i l nj x . . . Thp nf uccu wiupcueu to yieia to a . iiccudss rasp ali j hasiust been arcm.H Ti,I Pwvvc.r uominates ai writ- " u lul i ron I n m c m " . : i i SlinrAmp rnnrt 4U iL! 3 I o n.c .1 icsisiiuie ! ; "I ' LUC l,1,ru Power of public opinion. -a iew iork dispatch says SALE OF LAND FOE RARTITI0N. By virtue of ao order of the Superior court in the ca8e of John Black and others vs. lohn Rhyne and others. I will sell, for vusu, w xne mgnest Diaaer, at the court house in M ore. n ton on first . Mom.ay in October. 1904. the Black place in Quaker Meadow township. Beeinning on a pine stump, and runs north 122 poles to a white oak. then west to the Murphy line, then witb Murphy line northward to a oost oak. Ihen a north course to a rock. Terry's cor ner. then west 40 poles to a stake in Jane A I man's line, then south 34 poles to a Span ish oak. same course 54 poles to a gum, then east 24 poles to a stake, then south 66 poles to a pine, then east 120 poles to a stake, then north 56 poles to the bet in iinf. containing 144 acres, the timUr being marked and sold to J D. Pitts, This Sept. 1st, 1904. r R- E- ROPER, BJ J - T. Perkins, Commissioner. Attorney. This ;e iUn ,. . -l--w xotk aispatcn says EdTto?McN Cons?lidd Liquid sued fh nnipSf.' Air Company has gone broke. TD7,:r The comoanv is thesnrrpssnr preme court held name oat hides his identity behind a nom de plume. It the Bepablicau author will rise, like a man of courage, io thy first public meeting whom t I - I . uia is preseut, or at any ap- another verdict for the pointmenr of Mr. Davis, the an swer he will get will prove suffi cient to satisfy every true friend Of the SChOOl. Mr. llaria rti1 " - UIU not vote in the graded school elec rf fha 'P-Cl T! ;j ages sustained while he was n ' lL m Air I wmuii y , nuuac audirs were f much notorietv ears ago. 1 : x; c auyiiLduim ior a re ceiver tor the Consolidated was maae alter a for the concern me and 54 OOn ,i J uu ,ucu u " ciaira tor iK"ivw biic ri u iit.-.i- l On the fircf :CZ uaLK salary. Among the in- me su- cornoratnrs Brp fn,mQ. n: ; ,:L 4.L.. . .r- - "v.viunuc, u 111- n.n uic I tori Si. i . i. Tl x . T"1 1 I inn H . 1 , auiau wiuuany anaoraered Un t . " a new tr al and iu . ""U.1U,U1CI oenator ivianon " J1 . fc,JV-" tuc ueil Butler, the latter havino- hn muc UIC Case CaiTIr nn iho - n . T . ? ff;nn. I K'sirumentai in brin and thev have received in all I scnooi Durooses. a rpmk increase in enroll ment ine soldiers Home was or-(and attendance, a wonderful ganized by the democratic J 'mprovement in public school tioii but yielding to the right ol m f I tl Oil " I A. I . legislature ol and there . "0,-a l"rveious increase lu msijonty to govern, has iu luc uumoer or new school P edged himself to help the school 250. That has P-raduallv i n- Lf 7ul : j V , .p,r Srowtn ,u au wav thst s best friends 0 j lower court having rendered rail road company, this time fnr 54,UUU, the supreme court af firmed the findings of the lower court. Then there was "'"nuu iu renear tne r- that was allowed and the lower court atrain affiimi Then during the last term there ing about the consolidation of the companies. When the company began business it was announced that at last the ideal motive power, the ideal cooling and heating t 11 f o power, naa oeen tound. Llewyam. Raleigh, N. C, Sept. 19, 1904. I I TRINITY comer One hundred and seventy grad uate and undergraduate courses of study in departments of Liter ature, History, Science and Phil osophy. Well equipped labora tories in all departments of sci ence. Large library facilities. Gymnasium furnished with best apparatus: Expenses very mod erate. Aid for worthy young men. Broad and national spirit. TRINITY COLLEGE HAS THE LARGEST ENDOWMENT OF ANY COLLEGE IN THE SOUTH ATLANTIC STATES. For catalogue and further in formation, address D. W. Newsom, Registrar, Durham, N. C. LARGE PRINT To My Friends Bibles and Testamen At Small Prices. nc.emuerwe take subscriptions for any Magazine Published at publishers' prices. Gaither's Book Store WATERMAN'S IDEAL F O U N T A IN PEN. f . o - i j i creased from vear to vear n. PynrPcc;nn : 1 " , T "e Has gone in , iu iutdi laxa nnn til this year the appropriation ad a contagious enthusiasm amounts to $15,000. There for ed"cation such as was has been raid to the soldiers' never known before in the . - j. - state, home since its organization Ifl':!"1.1.11 n .i.iuuniiuy au me scnoo s in l,S0O. the state, hio-h anrl xi uic iignt oi xnese iacrs M'-t private ana denomination- we can not understand why al tne republican olattorm xue democratic t a r t v should persist in stating that Pr?u.dly points to its past rec the Republican party favors fZCrnJ liberal oensions to the con-Nonri,,. . . , . .,. t j -xv,o.,a upon mac as its ' . Jrviu, now pies:- 1CUC1 4lc auiuici S. uis irue v-iiira to tne support of everv aeut ol th oard of trustees and was another mntmn . this time for the rehearing of MSHN'S . COUGH Anil nnf Imf... "Si -'S Was th.u tbirt v ; V -V i f ranAed nd the ment set Medicines that aid nature thau tdntj vears and trusts thai for the foot of the docket &Ve ,alw.ays. most effectual. v cs.L:uiieDeu sucn a cuarae- trom the th . . i cer that he will be believed. The spite the fact writer is authoriz-d to sav thr from the eio-hth I T . C Hod Customers tne charge repeated on the al ledged authority of Charles Camp bell, who hassiuce killed himself, ISUlterlr flsp. and nnf,mn,l,l The graded school act yeas passed March 5th, 1903, after be ing published id The News Ueb ALD. Mr. S J Ervin ird d istrirr ri. uuuluen's uugn Kemedv K!ture ,n "ai,n8r to my f f u acts on this plan, it allavs th Sit" v .u inem WIi11 nice a- cougn, relieves the lune-s. aids Mondav. t , ' As the fall season for fresh fih ia now at hand, and the supply is more abundant this fall than usual, I take customers fresh ay and . United State, Senator Sim- S'! 23 mens, m .peaking of the con- storioe the Wtem to a healthv ".-p"!3S a"s,rZ rerence he is to h VP v5tl- I onrtA i tin I itt wanuj mg order I will always irive vou fresh Senator Alrlrh "i d . ' i;""X V"":m u v ' S- sto t lowest possible price. xaidnu, at lieautort . thU 1 w - VJ week, that there is a certain classof honest friend of education. confederate soldiers to whom the republican leaders concernino- the tvi;. uniLies oi imorovemenf rwf , I m : tnat Harbor, states that he be lieves it possible with ?. mod- erat 1nnroni.t'ni! ' i4 . iiinacrpp if tka i I i- . i -ir "la&r .: : "cdutort tne third hesf h.r.. OYSTERS! OYSTERS1 OYSTERSI The dailPP rriiren ihia ..i. ri,,-" "o i v iv ui i - i r,rt.,.) tt II , J' season opens up on Tues- lioger 8 Hull was very small, day, the 27th of September, fr, and Mr. B. F. Daviw. our rnnrlUiifo ... , - I ' " v.viwv . tneir party nave Deen very for the Legislature, is for graded liberal in giving pensions, but schools and will do all in hi it is to those confederate sol- powor for the si m uuu oook. lie was chal lenged by some friend of H, 2 II GO -vf A. 1. I n 1 - . . wuuvtm in i r 1 nr. 1 1 1 w 1 1 ani nii j: ,.,u 4.1 : rn..- L, , . "" "u u, t vore. not . Wuu,.u uuic me.r scnooi. ,n fllorganton. If our being registered, his vote, ,n case Ppie asK ior an election on the OI a t' between those agnail 4uesuin oi a bond issue for - wou,a nav leeu, like Mr graded school purposes he will D,V18' counted agaiust the school give it to them. All of which "is really so." In this connection .attention is called to acommuni though quite an onjoyaUe affuwJSirJ"" V" rni , - , . - ' cvcuings Wlta the co-iples present were Miss l?&9 flect ysters at 40 cts. per qt AddieErwin with Walter Evan,, oToU Siiy-seS May, ,o as to qualify him to vote, on y Nw York tne I NcXik M il ? SS: S? ii "SSM ough his na,e was on the reg: surpassingit. sals a ' Addie Moo, e with lua" 8ara and Miss Beie a standing :fo; tw7." 4 1VZJ? irra hm 1 1. 7:1 m . n. I nn Tutuim. ,1 j 71. wwic mm uusun iat3. J hp J x win general r.lCu tu pay n,s poll tax iu bor on ' th Afi.J" " f -, .w nc savs a ml guar- country's need deserted the confederate army and its cause and entered the union army. They are now permit ted to draw pensions under ieaerat autnority, ana it is a T7I .., little peculiar that this legis- eation in this issue signed iahuh aa luttuuy promotea ocuoji without Guile ' by a late republican senator from this state. A PO WER FOR GOOD. The pills that are potent in their action and pleasant in effect are De Witt's Little Early Risers. W. S. Philpot, of Albany, Ga. says: "During a bilious attack I took one. Small as it was it did me more good than calomel, blue mass or any other pill 1 ever took and at the same time the effect was pleasant- Little Early j Riser are certainly an ideal ) pill." Sold by John Tull and W. A, Leslie, druggists, I iNouoUy questious Mr. iruusuip ior tne school. Whv shouldu't Mr. Davis word be trust ed as fully as Mr. Erviis. Graded Scnooi, Without Guile. i . UJUwinc apnronriation win provide a 25-toot channel and an adequate amount will o-ivn at least 35 feet draff tt- HobbiV fhl , . eaS,'y be Me88rS-Ja,Iles JohnstOU, Ivereon -bananaV 20 and 25e d tne greatest harbor south ol Davis. Tl A I ,i., J rs?? 30 nd c doz. pineapples. ' Avicuara eacn, apples, 10 to 15c Dk Boger and Clifford Corpening. fffiF S.apes 51b basket 25c, rVinr,,. ii. , t ui.appoint you a simrle were air. ana Mrs. "me ana en your orders with, extra and the stHfrs w a?5 ?"te wry lowest -v.v pll.c. i aiso Keep on hand, all bi on the Atlanti York Evenint SOMETHING TOATs EVERYBODY WHAT IS LIFE? xiatteras coast. The New Post, which apparently thinly it is giving strong and sincere support to Parker and Davis. notes tnat the only reference to the race Question in Pr-o.; uent Jxoosevelt s letter of Dr. C. F. Henderson, of Tanina. Fla., is stopping with Mr. Joi n C Miller. A REMARKABLE RECORD. "'""it a ilUUlBine(l till l.ini..i I made a remarkable mhT-8 wviuucdo VI lUUHi: H Sinn 1Ainn T -a i l . . : jvium, it mar.. cooBtipation IS Under Strict law. AhnsA -L r. "1!,. ai ,nme th. hV-r.rehe,tro.le wascaused rybodv X:!."T. . but that law even slihtW tourteentl .7:'" UJT!"" umaua tko . , . kujis laziness. I. r , jt i l "i relieve the tu . ".despondency the , ulUs A"eguiar living means blues, irritability and iTnia.. MArflTiimmorif- e ar. centanrp- Io in i,nni r TnthA lf nai0;0 A iidpe or a Everybody knows that sick h..- knows, but wp Tdo tnoW; 1. IV.." Ur Opponent iionunnoa . vu. 1 . ' ii (.uai il 1 uci v i.i1ht t n an4 pain at once and soon 10 lb basket, 50c. Vegetables. Green beans. 10c nt. Tri.K 20c Pfc. -weet potatoe-s,'20c Sbb Groceries. Flour, $3.00 hund U',he"bb?..10c lb, pure -wia. ah kinds of cakes and crackers. A nice line of candr from 10 to 20c Ib-a nice Hnfof Jrile ch nV"i.H r-r runs prH buttons. w aiwics. VII n MiiuiHiMuiiiiiiiiiuiiiM;iiiiiiininimH I Always at your 1 I . Service. I Although our slore is riot open all night, we are always F glad when needs aiise lor r drugs, medicines or olLtr E supplies for the sick, to answer uight calls. nigLt E terice is just as competent E o "ur service during the day and Our prices are the same E Day or Night And alike to all. When- I ever you have o-caiou j to patiouize a drug 6toie I either day or night, rem em- 1 uerjou can be sure of right E treatment, right goods aud Z right pricfs htre. E Don't hesitate to ring our night bell when necessary. 1 TOLL'S. 1 mm "iimiiuiiiiiiimiuiimiiiinnnnjj REPORT OP THE CONDITIO OF THE FI3ST NATIONAL BANK AT MORGANTON, IN lHE STATU d NORTH CAROLINA. AT THE cnSRF i RESOURCES. OverdralU. seen red and i ' A. C. Avery, Jr., W. A. Harbison. ' Averj & INSURANCE FIRE INSIRAN E, ACCIDENT INSLRANil HEALTH INSURANCE LIFE IN51 RANCE a?e is-iit-il I v n. f bo-. tu. t .'fliee. Corner lUAll $107,537 4-0 V. S. BondiV -"J??rea 52 Banking hon-tnrcTand 0 15 000 0u Due trom National Bank (not re- 5'000 00 serve aeenta) 1 . Noo?SthI"h-'.t'm. 13.93 ! Pnl ,"OUO Lawful Monkt Rbsbrtk ix 90 35 PP"6 10 4.U-? uni 1 1 nrer (5 perct. of circulation) Total - LIABILITIES: d " " naze 3.000.001 ur,pon land with U. S Treaa- 1 Our ResponsibW Aooreciated A TI.e r Hoits of tbe l'! cmii must alwvs k i m uted liy the tffirtof capable pliannacisr i that the rniieiliVs may le rel ate in l action. We appiccute 'nr Kibilit.v in f Lis HiaiW"' to it I hat even drDS' of the reliable tbl ter, aud all l"'1 wo k isd.Mie b ' phanurtcist ol wftia ie'ice. No yffersrnif1. : rices can l''1 207.8-10.52 Capital stock paid in Snrplns fund Undivided nrnfita -nd ta.e, paid ""- lBdi,2dr"J deposits subject to Demand rii;,.t . .. Jl,115 32 . iIKVH oaistandi Total $35,000.00 7.500.00 3J.799.10 849.14 207,840 52 n no. L -1 -. bur. I 1 r- uwmuw 1 . I ... owu ren nrm I aiBodue aerangement of the organs, UURED OF LAME BACK AF EvervS.8 remove ho "iffneVs. chewing-tobacco, a lo" snuff ,IS of "PJSS.1 gfaufe inr- Cotipation: TEK 15 YEARS OFSUFFEK S'iizJSl!;1 SiSHbi aV? cTde? ainar,' y" epirite bJoian? Sf adf or Lwer trouble. l)r. ING. ' Leslie 00 aa",d a few Pairs of PSSS S3S- IhSs giSs 5l0i! l."etakln "edicine . Wffi?.! A? A and. A. Leslie's the use of Chamber! K, '. ties. $18 salarvTnHJli! ?: KTA7J"f. cheap, and lauiHia n r a . - 1 iii-r irifii fw - I 1 1 4 " - m. jl aii; 1 - -i;uaca nam r v.Vio uiv uidce in titirt tha chronic constipation and all liver dk eases and disorders Yn..r f refunded if thtse tablets do nfney Batisfaction. W. A Tl Site? DOt gIve i"Leave orders for Fertili- zsr with PtfPt Xr n0u tu. luev handle the best brands. 1 1 4 . . uHiam,ina. mis liniment aiso Wltnout nn on,,r,l for Commkcinn .-- avanced. I Permanent en- fiau. 1 .Busil ess "uccessful. Pre- ;rx', .'"-c noc essential. En- sprains and hrhiftpfe Tf 'close self addrpfiu,i . 1 . ..i . IB Jill I -uUUDC. ACItlrmaa saie oy w. A. Leslie, dmggist.' KaTihT,J-". oncwm convince .ourer- Thomais Lowdermilk. Staib op Nobtb Carouna.1 , T -JUWIOFBCIIM.1 knowledge and belief. of 7 Jnhrih.j . A- M- INGOLD. Cashier. - A. BRISTOL. C. S. C. Correct Attest: S. R. collktt JI.I. DAVIS. Directors. For Sheriff r u i nrniinre C1J: x IltTCUJ ouu . pendeDt candiJate for Sh j county aud if el people of the couutj teCl mv ability. I s 50 !ilier . . . . .! tnnw this step at the solicit' friends. AH lav"""" appreciated. C.AM .1 rtfltf PR. u p. ; ;.mlfri" ' ' FOR REGISTER. t nl pereb? ann,0nce myself a candidate SSSTi r,,e aCtiOQ f the publican county CtnTention. : Beepectfully, F. D. Bebry. Il.i i-innr ri'i",!ie( Hosital. U'IkKt1" PHYSICIAN to theneopleof ft a I1.T4.!'"' .Moisten nom v t 30 hoi Sr ptem of treat iu' all 1!,e' , --ftv

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