i The News-it grald. It. G. COBB, Publisher. THURSDAY, NOV. 24,1904. I Fearful of the effects of a northern winter, the relatives . of Ira D. Sankey, the famous .' gospel singer, are preparing- to bring- hiiri south in the hope I that his life may be prolonged. I The New York World says : War News in a Nutshell. General Stoessel sent word to the Czar that he coald hold Port Arthur for several months longer. The Japanese report that they have blown op another Russian arsenal at Port Arthur. It was reported iu St. Petersburg that lour Argentine warship have beeu bought by the Russian Gov ernment and that they will join the Baltic squadron. It was rumored that the Jap anese intended sinking a Bussiau warship in the Saez canal, to I "The da' of the sweet singer block the canal. 1 who has stirred multitudes in General Sakharoff reported I many lands is practically repulsing the Japs below Mukden. i done. 'I have just .had a let- ter from mother,' saia Mr. I. Tt as reDorted that Chinese bindits" under the Japanese offi cers were trying to cut the Siberian To The Bright Girls of the County. The expenses for one year at a leadioff Southern college will be paid for a bright, worthy girl of Burke county, N. 0., who will secure for me one hundred and fifteen subscribers to my book, "Lee and Longstbeet at High Tide." The college expenses in clude board, books, tuition, laundry and incidentals. For the double purpose of giving the people the truth of our civil wan history, and of extending a helping hand to the struggling am bitious girl of the county, I am pleased to place a year at college within reach of a giil of this countv who desires an education earnestly enough to exert herself a little. Should the girl availing herself of this opportunity prove particulary deserving, 1 pledge myself to the endeavor to open the way for her to complete the college Thanksgiving. A Boy's Thanksgiving Menu. No real Thanksgiving din ner would be complete with out pie; indeed, it is said that a certain eight-year-old lad, on being asked to write out what he considered ag-ood bill of fare, offered this : Furt Corse Mince Pie Sekond Corse Jf pkin Pie and Terkey 1 Third Corse lrt- 'ie- Terkey. Cranberries Fourth Corse Custard Pie. Apple Pie Mince Fie Chocolate Cake. Ice Cream Plum Pudding; Dessert Pie. -r i e 11 4. to tne .Lora ior me must charming crop of beautiful babes ever born in the old town since creation dawned and the morning stars sangl together. Sweet, dainty, darl- - m ing ones, like sunbeams in shady places, kick up your little heels and make of earth a heaven." A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES 1 Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Draerists refund money if PAZO OLNTMENT fail to cure any cae, no mat ter of how long standing, in 6 to 14 days. First amplication fives ease and rest. 60c. and it will be forwarded post-paid by Paris I Undoubtedly the mOSt COm- I II 1" IjeiTs Furnishings. Shirts Neckwear Gloves 1 SUSPENDERS HANDKERCHIEFS UNDERWEAR Our Turkey Crop. The turkey crop of the Un ited States finds its first im portant market at Thanksgiving-, when, according to a re- I i 5 Allpn Cantrip nf Nn Part ? . . , railway I piace, rsrooKiyn, son ot tne Bishop cbarles B. Galloway, of I singer, yesterday, and we Mississippi, who lias just returned I have decided to send father fr0m JapaD, says: ? south. We hooe that the "The Jananese have lost more course. ! w:.rmpr pP7P! mnrpepr than fnrtv thonsanT men in the The girl who is interested in this . WW .V. .V. . i u: i. tt I oflVkrr. tn panrnrn Port Arthur. WtwhprpT An ni rxro in Tbey cremate the bodies of the at once, and her communication hable estimate, about 6,000,- I Vvt a u dead. When I left Japn all the should be accompanied by the en- 000 of the birds are sold. It have published because he is mUitary hospital8 were fiUtd to dorsemeut of her county School is raised in small lots all over so sensitive. We have had nvprflflwin wi h from ' fortv to Commissioner, the editor of this nTrv Mru f ,rm-r con. ? honPS that hiR pvps wnnW im ... .. a j-j nonar und Ihn ihrr nf rh last I . . . . j . nrty mousana wounaeu. t. . - - tributing a tew. This crop s juuiv., uu l x may uuw oa.y tuat 'Tue Japanese are aoie w pm 'uuui ouu '"'" he is totally blind and will a million soldiers in the fleld, but I would oe glad to communicate nerer see ag-ain.' In his de- the financial, burden wonld be with every ambitious girl in this cline Mr. Sankpv 5s still thp enormous. Business interests are county who is struggling to edu- v anfl the conserve I cate herself. sweet soui oi ine out uays - when he was with Moody, but vy stroyer Eestoropny has been blown up by her commander in the bar bor of Chefoo af ter having eluded the blockade of Port Artbnr and in presence ot sympathetic sisted on nliug dispatches trom friends. In seclusion he General Stoessel to St. Petersburg. spends his days waiting- his It presumed that she was de stroyed in order to prevent me Japanese from cutting her out as they did Byeshitelny. Advices from St. Petersburg, say the dis patches filed by the commander at Chefoo have reached there, but A Love Affair and Suicide. Asherille Dispatch, 20th. John O. Grimes, a will knowu young man of lhi8city,employed as bookkeeper m the nursery depart ment of the VanderbilC estate at plete collection offered. Me dium Weight Underwear of rrkiira it. isn 't safe to risk thin Underwear these days Biltmore. committed suicide this morning between 10 and II o'clock too many sudden changes in by taking poison and then plung ins into the river. It is said that a love affair is responsible. Phy sicians say the poison caused in etant death. the knowledge that he is blind forever bears hard on him. He who sang in front of thou sands now shrinks from the MRS. JAMES LONGSTBEET, Gainesville, Ga. of 6,000,000 Thanksgiving turkeys, if all of them were marching in single file, would stretch from Boston to San Francisco and as far as Den ver on the return journey. "I was trubled with consti- the weather. Thp Fall and Winter weights are here in such vari pation and stomach troubles, ety that ther's. no want in the lost nesu, my uumpieAitm was i mined; Hollister's Rocky I whole Underwear catalog Mountain Tea brouerht back mv health and conmlexion." man can have, that can't be Mary Allen, ot. .Louis. 5 "Lee and Longstreet at High Tide." Exchange. end. Once in a while in the evening the wandering rustic i hears again the song of the I "Ninety and Nine," the fam I ous hymn that has infused spiritual life into many vast their character has not been di I assemblies. It is Sankey sing- valged. It is surmised from the I ing his old favorite. Then fact that a desperate trip was v.Q : made irom ton Arinar ana ex fi- rri posed to a large risk as it were,retired within him- A Happy Mayor. The mayor of Henderson, The people of this country Kentucky, in issuing his pro will refuse to be prejudiced clamation for Thanksgiving, against Mrs. Longstreet's cites several facts which bear book on the life of the "War directly on his city, the most Horse" of the confederacy, by important being found in this J the sucfsrestion that it is I naraeraoh from his messasre - - r cents. W. A. Leslie. "Dearly beloved, let us play upon a harp of a thousand strings and sing a new song of praise, and give thanks un- of destruc tion or capture, that the dispatch es she bore are of great importance. written in a spirit of friendli ness to the north. Mrs. Long street was born in the Ameri can Union, after the Confed erate struggle had become the "Lost Cause" of American WHEN YOU HAVE A history. She evidently has COLD. never known what it was "to You want a remedy that will hate anything American. It not only give quick relief but BAD self, living over again in mem- interviews with the Bestoropny's was high patriotism, worthy e YnnMat will ory tne spienaia scenes ot his officers give optimistic accounts of of the opening days of a new relieve the lungs and keep ex century, that prompted young woman south to prime, i? ather does not com- the conditions at Port Arthur. ulain.' said the son. 'but he No advices of importance have has grown very sensitive and been received from the armies fac retiring in his mUfnrtnn ' " inSeach other alonS the Sbakhe river. The State election board, composed of R. T. Clay well, Morganton ; W. G. Lamb, Williamson, and A. 3. Free man, Hendersonville, the last named a Republican, met in Raleigh this week and elected a State canvassing board of tour members who will meet A GOOD COMPLEXION. a pectorauou easy. of the new lu w.uaiBiuUy uia wm invite a valorous Urn rd rknonmoni a. Union officer to write the in- You want a remedy that is troduction to the biography pleasant and safe to take. . , , , " f Chamberlain's Cough Reme- of a dead adversary. y meets all of these require - The opening words of Gen- ments and for the speedy and T5he Prescription Pharmacy If we fill your prescriptions you can be certain they are rightly filled and your physi cian will be pleased with the results. "We mrke a specialty of pre scription work and are equipped to give ideal service. Prices always reasonable and alike to all. JOHN TULL. met here. This is iust the time for Medium Underwear and just the time for colds Take your choice. DON'T OVERLOOK The fact that we carry tne argest lines in all the here with nnmed deoartments to hf fouud anywhere, and can vv j supply almost everything re quired in Furnishings. We need hardly suggest to the trade the advantage con fining their purchases to one house. HOSIERY Unquestionably the leadin-r ine. For men who take as good care of their feet as thev do of their head, we have liuse of Hosiery that are EXCELLENT. You wouldn't wear any of hat Con't wear any of sox. We haye Fall and Winter weights cashmer and mer ino, if you want all standard makes. kind kind restored by using DeWitt's Little eral Sickles introduction to permanent cure of bad colds Early Risers." to writes S. P. Moore, of Nacogdoches, Tex. A certain cure for biliiousness, con stipation, etc. Small pill easy to take easy to act. Sold by W. A. Leslie, druggist. Anf o rnv "Lee and Longstreet at High gale dv w, A. Leslie, druist. m:j'i :i :i 1 1 I iiue iiuyuuv suence an criii MORTGAGE SALE. Bt vitture of a mortcaee deed execnted on the 5th day of March. 1895. by John A. Hrit tain and wile. M. L. Brittain. to Annie Snipes, to secure the payment of a note for fifty dollars of even date withsaid mortgage, and due on the 5th day of March, 1896, said note and mortgage transferred to Amos Strono. and by him to Joseph Roper, and by Roper to the undersigned. I will on Saturday, tbe 19th f'av of November. 1904, at 12 o'clock m , expose to sale to the highest bid der at the Court House door in Morganton. N, C, the following described real estate. to-wit: Adjoining lands ot a. n. uaie and others, bounded us follows: Bef-ining on a I pine and post-oak, and corner near Salem cburcn. and runs south 132 poles to a stake, Patterson's dividing corner: then south west with old dividing line 117 poles to a stake in said line: then norh 41 west with ' Dale's line 96 poles to- a stake tn Patterson's line; then north 35 east 112 poles to a stake in old line; then with old line east 93 poles to thr beginning, containing 118 acres, more or less, being the land purchased from R K. Presnell, excepting outof the above bonndarv 75 acres sold to oseph Roper, Said sale made by reason of default in the payment of said note and interest. Terms of sale cash. This Oct. 19th. 1904. G. P. BRATTAIN, Assignee. cism "If it be thought strange LVti TTTTATITr V ! TnTiWADrV that I should write a preface 11 IILEj VV UHAJJJ 7m 1 IJXlJ H UJMYIJ J the A Serious Ffre in Asheville. in Raleigh December 1st to Asheviue Dispatch. 20th. canvass the election returns. 1 F,re which broke out in Those elected were Lamb. Cndy Kitchen Jof the Theobold asrjerities are forgotten, both .well and Lewellen, of ?"n JPv' at ?:2? l01111'; armies were American, old to the memior of a conspicuous adversary, I reply that the civil war is only a memory, its Clay ) i a lllll 1 2 III 2w V III 9 w IKIII III HI1II11I. burry, democrats, and Clar- mm Tfae flames were prac army friendships have been ence Call, of Wilkes, Republi- ticaiiv extinenished shortlv after renewed, and new army friend- can. If there is any contest J midnight. ships have been formed among before this board between! The principal losers are the the combatants, the truth of Newland and Blackburn the Theobold Candy Company, build- history is dear to all of us and GRANT DALE NEAR THE HOSPITAL Has license to sell fireworks outside the town limits and has a large stock of :::::::::::::: : FIRECRACKERS, CANNON CRACKERS, SKY ROCKETS latter will get cold comfort, iaR and "tock destroyed; the Ashe for the lone Republican mem- Vl,le Masic Company and Bender's ber is fiercely anti-Blackburn. -Statesville Landmark, 18th. the amenities of chivalrous manhood are cherished alike by the north and south, when justice to either is involved." Sickles is one of the most Mr. Frank D. Hackett, of North Wilkesboro, is a candidate for re-election to the Chief Clerk ship of the lower house of the hair dressing establishment. The roof of the building of the Ashe Tille Citizen, a morning news paper, caught fire twice, but was saved. The scene of the fire was in the heart of the business section of the J has been prominent in ; Demp- city, being located on Patton cratic oolitics in New York And various other things in the fireworks line. Call on him for your Christmas supply before the stock is all scld. Prices reasonable. ' ' famous of thesnryivingUnion officers of the civil .war. He 3 t avenue, about a block from court . ... . 1 general Assembly, and his ttior- square. The losses are partially ough familiarity with the work, I covered by insurance. It is not his fine business capacity and his J known how the fire originated. kind, courteous manners with all assure for him the support of the next House. This writer was associated with Mr. Hackett in the last House and does not be lieve there is a better fitted man DOESN'T RESPECT OLD AGE it's shameful when youht fails to show proper respect for old age, but just the con trary in the case of Dr. Kinsr's New Life Pills. They cut off since the war, and has suffer ed much in consequence. The south will not fall out with Mrs. Longstreet for de fending the great name she bears, now that the stout war rior is dead and cannot answer his accusers ; a magnanimous people will honor her for it. ? Ho Harbison B. BRISTOL W. A. HARBISON Leading Retail Grocers. IF YOU WANT NICE GROCERIES CALL AT OUR STORE. in the State for the position of aJadies no matter how severe rh;o,n ti 1 S?d "respective of old age. Chiei Clerk. He is a fine lawyer, DysDeDsia. Jaundieo Ffivpr a high-toned christian gentleman Constipation all yield to this and one of the best, most svs- tematic business men within the bounds of our acquaintance. Statue of Frederick the Great Unveil ed in Washington The bronze statue of Frederick the Great, presented b? the Em peror of Germany to the United States as a 'estimoaial of friend ship and good-will, was unveiled Saturday on tbe grounds of the War Colleg in Washington with brilliant ceremonies. The pomp and glamour of Military display were prominent in tbe interchange of courtly compliments between tbe representatives of the two great nations. The statae was presented to the President Dy tbe German am bassador, whose wife unveiled it, and tie President accepted it 00 behalf of tbe American government. HO W WE CATCH A COLD. A cold is sometimes contracted while peneccrni. ZOC, at JOIin lull I uncomfortable room or a cold draft ana VV. A. .Leslie's drugstores. ?? ng to sleep under like con- uivivu.t uut uiubi) cuius are caugut while sleeping too cold at night. Deep Tol RrpptinriHno rtoorf I BU,ep cauBeB Biuggum circulation which L0I. Breckinridge Dead. renders the system .uacentibU, tn Col. W. C. P. Breckinridt .hn .OI "mperaturr. to prevent -w corns, sieep anaer plenty of cover. - To sullered a stroke of apoplexy a few cure colds use Bydales Elixir, it lessons days ago, died Saturday nieht at le 8eYfrity and shortens the duration u Jo , ' . 6 of a cold and prevents Pneumonia Bron- UUU1D iwiiugion, Ji.y. I chitis and Consumption. W. A. Leslie Col. Breckinridge was born ,in Lexington August 28, 1837. He We Keep the Best, Always For Sale. Thorouo-hbred was noted as a lawyer aud orator Essex and Yorkshire, also grade A and served five terms in Consrresa I Pies: also, for cash or fimp uariDg his last term he became involved in a ecandal with a wo man and his usefulness as a public mau was destnned. o, foi pair each of horses and mules, in pairs or single. J E. Coulter, Connelly Springs, N.C. SATISFACTION GUAKANTEED : Phone Orders Filled Promptly. We Pride in Our Quick Delivery. Por Over Sixty Years. Mrs. WinnIo-w' Sootfatoe Syrup has been for over 60 years by mtllir n of mother for their children while teething, irith per fect success. It soothes the child, softens the gams, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will re- NOT A SICK DAY SINCE. "I was taken severely sick with kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of medicines, none of which relieved me. One davl saw an ad.rof your Electric Bitters and determined to try that. After taking a few doses I felt relieved, and soon there after was entirely cured, and 'Taint no use to sit down and whine, When no fish get tangled in your line. Bait your hook withra bum ble bee, And keep on taking Rocky Mountain Tea. A. Leslie. - - - Cherokee Marble Works, V . ,1 Sfe? " fIJ1 -WAOTED.-20or 25 men cured of Rheumatism, Neu- for eneral work- Some will ralgia, Liver and Kidney e employed on rough house tro ubles and general Debility." work. No ! tools . req ui red. This is what B.F.Bass-of Fr ,V. i cTe Ah Poor l'ttle "ufferer immediately, i rnftJ H wrifoo nlTrf;n of -PP t0 WILSON UREEK ooia ot urnggiBrs in every part oi tne world. " , - ' ' ' l. J uvv, at i T MSnSM d ' Zohn Tll and W. A. Leslie's, Lumber Company, Houk, tak.no other wnd. 7"v' pruggists. ' Caldwell Co., N. C. 6 MANUFACTURERS OF Monuments and Tombstones, Anything in Marble. Catalogue ffree. D.P.DENT N, Local Manager. 65 N. Main Street, F. A. QENNETT, General Manager. , F. Davis, CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER B ife A SWELL SHOE jfr SHOE J Ui made in all t?4 i ' leathers and lXSt V ASWBk I I I il styles. m JJ U I THIS 13 ONE MAicdc 1MTH THE CKARACtS" W':$3.50 MPEG A?i TON. N. cj Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One end a Half Million bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Pay. 50c Enclosed with every bottle is Ten Cent package of Crovc's Block Root liver Pffls. YOUR FAMILY DRUGGIST The relation of the drug-ig-st to his customers is dif ferent from that of other mer chants. The professional character of his business has a bearing-. The druggist must supply knowledge and skill of an important character. His patrons have to depend upon him in roany ways. It is therefore essential that you patronize a dependable drug store. Find one and stick to it Try this one and we have no doubt that you will stay. 4 John Tull. Water Works Notice! The Morganton Water Works Com pany respectfully call the attention of their customers to the danger of freez ing, which attends all exposed water pipes in winter. Each private l'ne should have a drip cock located at the lowest point on the supply pipe and well below the frost line. Whenever a freeze is threatened (and no chances should be taken) th re cock should be given a quarter turn, which will cut off the water from the street and at the same time allow the contents of the service pipe to escape. A spigot in the bouse should be opened to admit air in order to entirely empty the pipe. This is a very important matter, as frozen water pipes cause gTeal inconvenience and frequent loss. Any special information or assistance will be gladly furnished by any em ploye of the company. MORGANTON WATER WORKS COMPANY. NOTICEI W. A. Moses enters and locates 640 acres of land in Morganton township, Burke county, on the waters of Hunt ing creek, tributary of Catawba river, adjoining the lands of W. G. Hogan, Hennessee lands, Mrs. Moses and others. Beginning-on a" rock, corner Hogan, Hennessee lands, Mrs. Moses, near a house on top of the hill east of the creek, and runs various courses and distances for compliments so as to include vacant land. Entered Oct. 17th, 1904. Any person or persons claiming- the above entry or any part -thereof will file their protest against the issuance of a warrant for the same in the Entry Taker's office, and if said protest is not filed within 30 days from the date of this notice, I shall issue a war rant for the same as the law directs. This Oct. 17th, 1904. J. F. BATTLE, Entry Taker SE ssss; L2 ESS J5he BaLnk of Morganton OPENED FOR BUSINESS September 1st. 1904. John A. Dickson, Jos. Ernest Erwiii, President. Vice-President. W. E. Walton, Cashier. s. n. SLOAN, Teller. Board of Directors: J. A. Dickson, J. E. Erwin, W. E. Walton, V.. B. Berry, I. P. Jeter, F. M. Serous, C. A. Spencer, P. P. Tate, V. A. Leslie, J. H. Hoffman, Geo. I. White, T. R. Glass. CAPITAL STOCK 15000.00. We return thanks to the public and our friends for the liberal patronage and encouragement given us. Let us add your name to the list. 9 5 r -"5 $,S Hi m m ay m Clocks 5xnd WATCHES. CUT GLASS a.rd STERLING SILVER.WARE SWINDELL (Si PATTON'S. l ill v) i ii Hi Hi i iii $ Graded School Tax Notice, The graded school tax for 1904 is now past due, and those owing this tax are expected to pay, same at once. The trustees of the school are pushing- me for the tax for school expenses and I must collect. The books will be found at the Sheriff's office. F. C. BERRY, Graded School Tax Collector. HOLLISTER'S . Rscky Mountain Tea N8 k Dm. VIm'na tnr Unit Fecpi- Bringi Golden Eetlth sad Bi nd KidoT Troubles, Pimples. i-fm &J, Blood. Bad Breath. Plutrpish Bowels. n. aud Backache. It' Eocky Mountain l w lynn, o.) ccDifl a dux. tt; Wis. tltlXlBTKR VB.Va COVPAKT, Bau""- f GOLDEN NUGGETS FOB SALLQwJl Our jirescription l)ui"es' prows greater all the time Tull's.

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