nti news-herald Telephone No- 26. RSIUY, NOV. 24,1904, OCAL NEWS. Mr. J- B. Holloway is erect jn(ra nice residence on Avery avenue. The D. & D- School direc ts held a meeting- at the school building the first of the reek. Petitions are being" circu lated asking the Legislature to include all the mountain ous section of western Burke in the stock law. The line n0w runs to the foot of the mountain. auomits to a Charge of Larceny. Fear the Dog Was Mad. une John bmith, a picture It will be remembered that 9rwn. T J Jl 1 I . J "mu':. maKei iraue wnose Mr. J. H. Hoffman advertised home is in Charlotte, was aires- in this paper ast week for ,a ted in Marion last Friday on a bird dog which jef t hU home warrant issued by the mayor of one day week before last. The Monranton on a charge of lar- dog having-bitten his two sons gency. Smith disappeared Oliver and Horace, and fear Thursdav night from Mrs J.N. ing hydrophobia, he desired Payne's boarding house simul- information as to the dog's taneously with a suit of clothes whereabouts and condition, belonging to C. S. Smith, a fel- A dog which had been acting low boarder. The missing suit strangely was found dead was found between the mattres- near the Leonard place, above sea in the room where the picture Glen Alpine, the first of this frame man was lodging in Mar- week, and this was reported ion. lie was brought to Mor- to Mr Hoffman, who went to ganton Saturday morning by i00k at the dog- and pro Policeman Clark, acknowleged nounced it the one that left having stolen the clothes and was his home. Fearing- that the committed to jail in default of dog. was raad and out of the bond. Monday, however, his abundance of caution, Messrs. Messrs. R. T. Clay well and wife who lives in Charlotte, fur- Oliver and Horace Hoffman F. B. Brittain are still wear- nwiiea a cash bond of one huu- ieft Tuesday morning for in'jr straw hr.ts and will con- (lred dolla1'8 and he was releas- Baltimore for a consultation tinue to wear them till Christ- ea tl court- and perhaps treatment by fflas. Thev agreed in the cam- Since Smith's trouble in Mor- specialists, taking the head paio-n to do this if Roosevelt ganton we have learned that he 0f the dog with them for ex- Jras" elected.' haa "skipped" his board bill in amination. Messrs. HuttonA Bourbon- eral towns and tried to play It is earnestly hoped that .7. r.a,ur ;a , 8,nart in many ways- ot there-will not be no serious tints. wiw i v nL-i uu u i i a t a. i i 1 f tjmwn ht Q .. until alter he was placed in jail results to the young men tract of timber on the bouth i n-4 . ... , - i j 1COU1,0 J & . utre uiu ue stJLiie uis uoaiu uili Mountain, near luorg-anton, Avers LA2ARU 5 B ROTHER: vith an estimated stumpage of eighty million feet of lum ber, will probably construct a steam railroad to bring- the lumber to Morganton. at Mrs. Payne's. The Burke Election. Morganton Correspondence Raleigh Post, Thfl lOfi-i nanriirfatea lor the The Fire Department. t.-..0m rm unrk arp w,h Members of the Morganton excellent men, Kerley a loading volunteer fire department met farmei and Davis one of. the lead last Thursday night and elected ing merchants of Morganton, and both members of the Methodist church. Davis is a man of Hue hnsineas attainments and will make a very usefal member. The Republicans made a remarkably strong fight and elected J. F. Bat tle register of deeds by over two n I t 1 1 Burglars entered trie store officers as follows : Reel team of Coleman & McGalliard on No. 1, Charles Forney captain, Union street last Friday night, E. Lehman assistant captain; entering through a rear win- reel team No. 2, Daniel Downy dow. They rifled the cash captain, J. A. Clay well, Jr., as- drawer of five or six dollars sistant captain. Hereafter one of small change, but failed to reel will be kept on the premises hundred majority. C. Manly Mc get into the sate, though they of the M. M. & T. Co. in order to Doweil, the present sheriff, again evidently made a desperate furnish quicker service to the convinced his friends of his great effort to break it open. east and north ends of town, this strength by beating P. W. Patton, ;4- i i Ux clerk of the court nearly 500. UUUll UClllil 111U1C tCUtlitl tIJclIl I Lenoir Committee Inspects Morgan- Unv ntW for thnt. nnrrinn A. C.Avery, jr., chairman vmo ton Water Works. . . . . V . cratic committee, is entitled to Messrs. J. L. Nelson. GT J ?Wn; f 7 &b large credit for his intelligent and ku n tt, JOT,n-dt'OUUSCe' active management of his forces. am ,enoir street Monday night, He Ms a shrewd and tactful young z.a. irue, a tommuiee ap- cause(l quite a little excitement politician. pomieu uy me inoir Doara i for &vve but no damage was It must be admitted, however, of trade, were here last it ri- (lone The fire department were that John W. Garrison, the Eepub day inspecting the plant of ivmrlrablv nromnt in thpir pp. lican chairman, did a bigger the Monranton Water Works . lu i, t work for his Dartv than has been ppuuae iu liic ummi. in a very I lo., wnicn is proving sucn a short time they were throwing uuuo c"' , " i -i i mi .1 "I .ratio fnatifla nnn0rtrlitr.A him On av.aea success. xne town wateron the house to removeany ge he"got out for his v' " " f danger 01 tne rooi caicmnff U;tot Th.tmnnfnni w. s is a ere at gratification to his , t i . i tne installation or a works system in the near fu ture. The Southern Service Corporatian, of which Mr. H. TOODSA.NDS CUJBED. frieiuls the state over. An able, I . i : t . DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has scnoiariy man, an original, uuique L. Millner, of Morganton, is cared thousands of cases of Piles, thinker and speaker, he will com- the local manager, has closed contracts for building water and electric light plantsinOx ford and Graham. The Mo r panton plant was thefirstven ture of this corporation. "I bought a box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve on the recommenda tion of our druggist," so writes C. H. LaCroix, of Zavallai Tex., "and used it for a stubborn case of Piles. It cured me permanently.'' Sold by W. A. Leslie, druggist. IS BEAUTY ONLY SKIN DEEP? The Vote for Senators. In our mention last week ol mand the attention of the senate and the nuDlic. He is a friend of the great puplicinstitutionso f Mor ganton the School for the Deaf and Dumb and the Western Hos. pitul for the insane. He is a great admirer of Dr. P. L. Murphy, the saperinten dent of the latter. In common" with the people of the forces that create beauty are as deep asi the result of the vote lor htate state, he appreciates Dr. Murphy's tne lountam irom which thev now, Senators in this, the iiitt), dis- wonderfully expert skill in his whea the Blood is charged with im- ... TCprp m!iT1fnPnlP(i HS tn , . the 1 proieeSiUii, ui pyicuum cieuuuvu to ents is pure Beauty blossoms in face the majorities for 1 earson and aDiiity and his marked capacity rhS?hndtt. Miller' Following, the official even tbe affeCti0 of his pat.e, purities Beauty disappears, when blood and for the Liver healthy and the Bowels regu lar. prevent the blood becoming la deoe 1 with bile and waste matter, make the skin clear, eyes bright and Beauty more than skin deep. W. A Leslie. vote : Pearson, Burke, 4238 4071 iSTThe CoftVy Wagon Co. will piy eah for Hickory Axles-P-iice according to size. Pearson's majoiity, 167 Pearson, Wakefield, 4239 3988 Mr. Vance Powell returned Saturday from a business trip to Cleveland county, and his wife and daughter are at home from a visit in Catawba. Pearson's majority, 251 Miller, Burke, 4259 4071 R YD ALES STOMACH TABLETS. Rydalea Stomach Tablets aro made for the Stomach and organs of assimi lation ana are not intended for a "cure They contain concentrated ase Plic, Pepsin, Pure Pancreatin and other digestive agents. They contain power ful tonics and mild stimulants that have a specific effect on the Stomach an'l organs of assimilation and which aid nature ia reconstructing the broken Miller's majority, 188 Miller, Wakefield, Miller's majoiity, 4259 3988 271 DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CUBED by local applications, as they canni.t reach tne diseased poruun ut lhc . iucich uuijr nne wav to cure deatness, ana tnat is oy I . c i. .1 1. constitutional remedies. Dealness is cansed IS excellent lor IJUUitij- ouu uugf. Free Mulberry Trees for North Caro lina Farmers. The past several seasons' exper ieuce in silk-growine in North Carolina has demonstrated tha the women and children of this State mav bv light and interesting work during six weeks ef earl summer, earn from $30 00 to $40.00 Those who can devote more time to the work may earn more. Every Donnd of silk cocoons grown in i North Carolina in 1904 has been sold at 90 cents to $1 00 per pound. It is necessary to increase the available supply of silk-worm food. Every farm and village lot in North Carolina, having dry soil, should have at least 100 trees. The frnit of seedling mulberries We know what all eood doc tors think of Ayer's Cherry g Pectoral. Ask your own doc- tor and rind out. He will tell Cherry Pectoral you how it quiets the tickling throat, heals the inflamed lungs,' and controls the hardest of coughs. ,? Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Is well known In pur family. We think it U the best medicine in the world for coughs and colds." K4.ua raTKBsoif, Feuluma, Cl. C.-. aflC...l.W.' J. O. ATM CO.. iur Lowetl. Mass. Hard Coughs .000000. GRAND SPECIAL SALE FOR OlSTE WEEK ONLY ! ! egomnmomig uvupirodlay, CMlov, The key note of wise buying our prices, and our goodsl Timely, dependable merchan dise at little prices that cap the climax I One of Aer's Pills at bedtime will hasten recovery. Cently laxative. Unbleached Domestic, vard wide, per yd., Yard wide, bleached Muslin, 10c value, per yd.. Fruit of the Loom Mus lin, per yd., Good grade Alamance, per yd., 10c Storm Outing1, per yd., Glen Alpine Springs Property Con verted Into a Church School. Morganton Correspondence Charlotte Ob server I The Glen Alpine Springs Hotel r Kf 1 n-va K ... : 1 .1 : ,l I MV-4Uu, otu., uuuu.uk auu OUU 1Qc j- ht anddark0ut- ii; rets uiihuu aujoning on ine OOQCQ Monutam section or this conntv. has been purchased as a Presby. cerian mission scuooi. Tne prop erty belonged to Ool. John S. Armstrong, president of the At lantic National Bank, of Wilming ton, and the purchase price was $3,000. The hotel building alone I Waistinsrs in tan, blue cost over $20,000 when built. The and pink, real value" properly is deeded to a corporation I 20c per yd., called the "Glen Alpine Springs Silkaline Drapery, real value ltc, sale price, 4c 7c 8c Bargains in Notions. Men's ing-, per yd., Yard wide Outing in pink and blue, 15c value, per yd., Sea Island Percale, yard wide, light and dark colors, per yd., coats and capes, real ' value 85c. ner vd.. AQf r j-, t, , n ii. r- $1.00 Broad-Gloth in all doz ' shades. 54 inrhps wirl per yd., 75c Bal1 Threrd, 10 balls for $1.25 Broad-Cloth and Hair Pins, 2 papers for Novelty Suitings, 54 in- Steel Pins, 2 papers for ches wide, per yd., $1.00 TolIet s 1Qc 4c All-Wool Waistings, real per cake, r1..a CO A ri ydt ' 35c Hooks and Eyes, per card, oA.m:it,. . Ladies Turn-Over Col- owioinoKirung,perya., zuc 12.50 18.00 Suits, 10.00 15.00 7c 8c School,''and Rev. Dalzell Schoon- maier, of Plainfield, N. J., is the superintendent. A successful mission school is already in opera tion there. The work was begun by Bf rs. Margaret G. Grant, of Sum 10c lOe 12c 10c 60c Ladies' Flannelette Shirt-Waist, sale price, 45c Readj-to-Wear Department. $1.50 Ali-Wool Flannel Shirt-Waist, all colors and nicely made, sale price, 98c Ladies' Dress and Walk ing Skirts, only a few of a kind, real value $4.00 and $5.00, sale price, $2.00 Men's Overcoats. Black and blue Kersey, un finished Worstead, Vecuna and fancy Cheviots, cut in medium and long lengths. Youth's Hobby Clothing. We are considered head quartars for Youth's Cloth ing. The youth of to-day is the criterian of fashion, and we pay especial attention to his many fancies. Our show- 5c ing this season 's large and 5c varied. Prices from $3.00 to $15.00. lc 5c lc lc 5c lc 25c Bargains in Blankets. Ladies' Jacket in Oxford, Full size 10-4 Blankets, onY double-breasted real value $1.35, sale T sf.le ?r,Tce' . f1'38 price Der Dair voc "4Ulco ja gwu a a. mit. N. J., who has resigned on Full size, extra heayy 11- acconnt of ill health, leaving, the management to her cousin, Mr. Schoon maker. CASTOR I A Tot Infants and Children. . Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of bcJC "Those subscribers who have promised us wood on sub scription will kindly bring it in. We are needing it now. The News-Herald. 20c REPORT OF THE CONDITION OP TKe Bank of Morganton. MORGANTON In the Stats op North Carolina At the Close of Business November 10, 1904 RESOURCES. Loans anrl Discounts, Fnrmture and Fixture. Due from Banks and Bankers, Cash Items, Gold Coin, Silver Coin, including all minor coin currency. National Bank Notes and Other U. S. Notes, Due from Stockholders, install ments on stock subscriptions. S18.18B.09 997 5,017.70 859.45 600 OO 2,710.92 2,055.00 2,435.00 $32,761.64 LIABILITIES. 4 Blankets, real value $2.00, sale price per pair, $1.50 Full s'ze 11-4 All-Wool Blankets, in white and grey, real value $6.00, sale price, $4.25 Special Bargains in Window Shades. 3x6 Linen Shades, real value 25c, sale price 3x6 Linen Shades with fringe, real value 30c, sale price, Bargains in Dress Goods. 40-inch Worstead Dress Goods, in black and all colors, real value 30c, per yd., 35c Novelty Dress Goods, per yd., 50c Wool dress goods in solid and fancy colors, per yd., All-Wool Dress Goods in Zebaline, Fancy Mix tures, Plaids and solid colors, some are 5V in ches wide, a great many of these are just the thing- for children's dresses, per yd., black Beaver, sale price, $1.75 Ladies' Jacket is tan and black, nicely made with military collar, real val ue $4.00, sale price, $3.00 Ladies' Jackets in tan, castor and black, in all Children's Coats, real val ue $1.25, 85c 15c Children's Coats in blue and tan, nicely trimmed with braid, real value $3.00, sale price, $1.75 Ladies' $2.00 All-Wool lars, embroidered in blue, pink, black, red, yellow and green, 10c value, each, Pearl Shirt Sets, per set, Ladies' Leather Belts, all colors, real value 50c, sale price, Bargains in Carpets and Druggets. Goodquality Ingrain Car pet, full yard wide, 35c value, 25c Wool Ingrain Carpet, real value 65c, sale price, 50c $12.50 Wool Smyrna Art Squares, size 9x12, sale price, 8.75 Bargains in Furs. Entire line of manufactur ers samoles will he sold dur ing this sale at 25 per cent. Adamant Shoes, pair, less than marked price. Bostonian ' 44 Children's Swell Wire. All the newest things in Children's Suits and Over coats at greatly reduced prices during this sale. Our Gent's Fiirnisnlng Department Enbraces everything that is to be found in an up-to-date store. Undeiwear from the best manufacturers, Gloves of all kinds, a full line of Hosiery, Neckwear and Suspenders. Our lines Manchesterand Globe Shirts are the best the market affords at $1.00 $2.00 the latest up-to-date . 33 ,,U1U uuswu"1" styles, real value $7.50, $5.00 $ 1.25 Furs, sale price, $ 1.00 Interesting Millinery, hildren's Coats, real val- 2.00 1.50 r J' 3 qq xn cnarmiug 101 oi new 450 moo-es that are to be seen in 6 00 our snow roora have been 7.50 &reay admired and many 9 QQ have been classed as superb. n'0r Everyone enthusiasticallv J t X Al L ' icici lu mc scdsun as ueing 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 t t . tt tt tt t Sweater, sale price, $1.50 Bargains In OUT Clotting Department, one of unusual interest, and . .... t j j ia t. t. ii all are loud in the praise of Bargains in Under- . Individuality has been the the beaut of te Hats key note to our success, and brought nt r 19c 25c 35c tt tt tt 50c wear. Children's Size Shirts & Drawers, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, Ladies' extraheavy Shirts and Drawers, 35c value, each, Ladies extra heavy fleec ed back Shirts and Drawers, all sizes up to 9, 65c value, each, for which our clothing has be- Capital stock paid in $12,565 Caoital stock due in installments. 2.435 15.000 OO I r r i i. 1 T .- i inr-iiiL.ii r A LJ U 11.U. T . 1,-uiicuk . . -i . . - .. . . . , . 138 38 oi.rM.itri. n h ark. Ytfttw iadies wool onirts ana 'WWtJ . ' - T Drawers, real value Undivided profits less expenses ana taxes paid. Time Certificates of Deposit, Deposits Subject to Checks, 3,850 OO 14,273.16 and brown, suitable for ladies' and children's $32,761.54 I, W. B. Walton, casnter of the Bank of Morganton, oo solemnly swear that the above statement is trne to the best of my Knowledge ana Deiiei, W. E. WALTON, Cashier. Correct attest: I. P. JBTKR, W. A. Leslie, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of November, 1904. vv. J. ,8 YIN, notary fnrjiic. Bank opened September 1, 1904. SALE OF LAND. 1 v virtoe of the powers contained in a D certain deed of mortgage executed on I county line; thence south 252 poles to a the 9th day of May, 1904, by W. H. Garri- I stake ia Hutchison's line, E. 8. Waddell's fl.00, each, come famous. The same care special during this sale 5C and attention are given. Ladies Keady-to-Wear 8C whether it is a cheap suit or Hat r?al Yalue 52.50, 10c overcoat or one at $30.00. sale price, $1.50 12c There is an individuality Ladies' Felt Hats, 15c aDoui our ciotning mat mattes trimmed with velvet, 18c them equal to tne nnest mer 20c chant tailor's output at about one-tnira me cost, ana en- on tt t i. j -.l 4 'r.A:J- ... Silk Hats trimmed with iiuica - nic iiiuat idaiiuiuus dresser to be easily satisfied. Our styles and fabrics this season embrace evervthinc that is new and fashionable. Ready trimmed Plats for Coats are cut in single and children, all colors, 50c dauble breasted sacks. were $2.50, at $1.50 Men's $ 6.00 . Suits, 8.50 75c " 10.00 " 25c ribbon and feathers. real value $2.00, $1.25 good quality velvet and nice feather, real value $2.50, at $1.75 $ 4.25 Children's Hats trimmed 6.50 with ribbon and pom 7.75 pom, real value, $2.00, $1.25 SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of the powers contained in a deed of trust, executed by John C. Mollonee to the undersigned trustee, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door in Morjrantou, N. C, on Monday, Dec. 5th, 1904. at 12 M., the following described lands, located in Upper creek township, Bnrke county, and defined aa follows, to-wit: Beginning on A. B HMiiBnn'B corner on the Biai Chestnut Knob, and running east 25 poles to a stake in the Caldwell county line, on Big Chestnut Knnh. wnt of Prichard's Grave: thence north 70 degrees west with the county line on top of the dividing; ridge between Wilson and Upper creeV , 656.7 poles to a stake in the PJ" !? f""" w," 7""'" The roots thread widely - Dear IT! I L1C DUBiavuian x mi-"-. vuia luuv I a the down cells and etrenethenin theflacid fn surface of the fiOlI and Will prevent muscles of the walls of the Stomach and deafness is the result, and unlessa the inflam- even 8eeD bill8ideS from WashlC . 0ther'diEe8t.ive oreana. Evdales Stom- ation can b. .taken out .and this "ta w-ored u . ach Tablets are a perfect stomach medi- c'ce, they relieve at once and soon cure the worst forms of stomach trouble. "ice23a.nd50cts.abox. W. A. Leslie. nornrr- thence east witn nnicmin nnc 641.4 poles to the beginning, containing 532 acres, more or less, and being the land contained in deed dated Jan. 25th, 1898, by E. L,. Propst to Joha W. Miller. CHARLES H. DULS. Noy. 1st, 1904. Trustee. son and Alice Garrison to the Henkel Live Stock Company to secure a debt of Two Hundre 1 and Sixtv-Five Dollars, and default having been made in the payment of the said sum, and Ly the terms of the mortgage the whole having become due, the under signed mortgagee will Fell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Morganton, N. C, on the 17th cay ot December, 1904, at 2 o'clock p. m the following described tract ot land ly ing in Burke county and bounded thus: Be ginning on small red oak 56 poles to Mar tin Berry's line and runs west 54 poles to a post oak; north 44 poles to a small white north 29 poles to a black oal but now a I For sale, or will exchange for town mcKory; ineneasi . jwi w "v"1" or country property in or near Morgan runs with said line 98 poles to a black gum; " wmuhj t"vr J east 20 poles, more or less, to a stake; then ton. south 174 poles to the beginning, contain- Located in the village of Minneapo- ing24acre8,m..reor less, and for a more lig containing convenient stores, paiticular description reference is hereby , ' , ;. made to Book t, No. 2. pages 76. 77, 78 in churches and mills, on Toe river, 3 the office of Register of Deeds for Bnrke miles from Cranberry on the Lanvilje REPORT OF THB CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BM AT MORGANTON, IN THB STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, AT THB CLOSB OF BUSINESS, NOV. lOth, 1 904. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $112,363.15 Overdrafts, sccarcd and unsecured 614 OS U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 1S.OOO.OO Banking house, furniture, and fixtures 5,000.00 Due from National Banks (not re serve agents) - 29,664.10 Due from approved reserve agents 7 .388.00 Checks and other cash items 497.12 Not es of other National Banks 1 ,000.00 Fra ctional paper currency, nickels, and cents 70.03 Lawful Monet Rbsbkvb in Bank, viz: Specie 13,749 001 Legal-tender notes 2.SOO.OOI 16,249.00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas urer (5 per ct. of circulation) 750.00 Beautiful Mountain Home IN MITCHELL COUNTY. tn its normal condition . bearing will be de stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are I causer by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall s Catarrh Cure, send m- circulars, tree. ' F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Truggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. JS Wanted. Lady orgentle raan of fair education to travel for a firm of $250,000 .capital. Salary $1 ,072 per year and ex- Mrs. Lizzie Wilson, of penses; paid weekly. Address M. Edith, Catawbs county, is vis- Percival, Morganton, N. C. Ring relatives and friends in We are indebted to the Enniss Mr. James L. Battle, depu ty Register of Deeds, and family, left yesterday for a visit to relatives in Shelby. to organton. MOTHERS PKAISE . IT. We recommend that farmers plant I seedling mulberries 12x12 feet apart, permitting the plants to branch low. Use the field as a rnn for poultry or hogs and allow the children of the family to have the leaves for feeding silk-worms as a source for pocket money. In order to encourage the plant ing of the white mulberry, the North Carolina Department of Agriculture will distribute during the fall of 1904, among the farmers of the State, rooted seedling trees in lots of 50 100. Not more than 100 will be sent to one pearson. county. This Nov. 15. 1904. THE HENKEL LIVE STOCK COMPANY, Mortgagee. M. H. Yount, Att'y. We are indebted to the Publishing Company of Raleigh N. C, for a copy of Tamer's N. C. valuable nublication. A reliable Becipients of trees will be required Mothers pvmwhpw nraiaA Onei Hrntn Atmanaft flstronomicall V to DaV DOStage Of expre8Sage t Miuute (Joaeh Care for the saffer- calcalattd for the State and which I th rate of one cent per tree. This State and amount must be enclosed with ,nS!s it has relieved and the lives of I gives all of our Courts, ltir little oues it has saved. A Federal; and all matters pertaining a,inatnn aftnd RramDs or mon- :-Nicure for coughs, cronp and to the Court; the most important application. Send stamps ormon 'J,'")iug cough. A. L. Spafford, statistical information concerning ey order not bank checks. -ustoiHster. of Chester. Mich., the erowth of the State farm and Address applications to, and "ays: "Our little girl was uncon- household, and medical receipts for make money orders payable to the "uous trom strangulation during a I home use, with much miscellaneous I undersigned. - ; Eollen and terrible attack of matter, is in need in every family, Gerald McCarthy, Biologist, One Minute Cough Cure and by all business men for refer- N. C. Department of Agriculture, Tiiekiy relieved and cured her and ence during the coming year: and I Kaleign, N. i. j eanijot praise it too highlv.'' One no publication is so full, complete J: nine Coaah Cure relieves and reliable as the Old Standard cor Davton. Ohio. Mrs. Mary State Almanac. Be sore yon get Simpson veryinmg uiac- Coagh Cure relieves aikvs brcathinff easv - - " w our the phlegmdraws out iu "mmatiou, and -u(,e ot a eouffh And strain on " " B - I - 1.1 1 oue and hang it up by vour fireside. ' greed wito pie ana Daoy umu rdmoves everv The price is only 10 cent?. To be 1 1 usen llollister s xCOCKy JUOun- bad of merchants and postmasters tain Tea. Now baby sleeps and ptows like a weed." 6o cents NOTICE. North Carolina, ) Morganton Burke County. ) Township. Taken up and entered on my stray j book, according to law, by J. A. Odell,- liviner one mile south-east of the Court House, in Burke county, Morganton township, a certain stray horse of the following description: uiack horse, weight about one thoasand pounds, little white on left hind foot just above hoof, and white spot on right side qj nose. "Said stray was-appraised on the 17th day of Noyember, 1904, at the sum of $100. J. r. BA1TLE, This 17th Nov., 1904. Ranger. railroad. Twenty acres river bottoms and 10 acres woodland. New 7 room house, finest mountain spring water flows directly into house, t ine young orchard, barn and outbuildings. Terms made to suit any purchaser. Apply to DR. Li. E. CLARK. Morganton, N. C Total LIABILITIES: 188.SSS.43 Capital stock paid in $36,000.00 Surplus fund 7 .500.00 Undivided profits, less-expenses and taxes paid 8.434.72 National Bank notes outstanding 15,000.00 Individual deposits subject to check 96,441.88 Demand certificates of deposit 39,389.81 Cashier's checks outstanding 1,819.02 Total 188,589.43 Stats or Noktr Cabouna.I a a COCMTT OF BVBKB.j I, A M. Infold, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear, that the above statement is tree to the best of my knowledge and belief. . . A. M. INGOLD. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of Nor. 1904. L. A. BRI9TOL, C. S. C. iA. M KISTLER. 3. R. COLLBTT, K. T. Cl.AY WELL. Director REMEMBER! J. A. BEACH &SON, .. ..Near Depot.. .. "Carry a nice line of Sale of Land. Bv virtue of a mortgage deed" exe cuted on the 13th day of April, 1903, by Jacob Corpening to J. G Mabe to secure the payment of a note given by said Corpening to Made, which said note and mortgage was atterwaras as signed to me, and said Corpening hav ing failed to comply with the terms of said mortgage, I will, on Saturday, December 24th, 1904, at the Court House door in Morganton, at 12 o'clock M., offer for sale at public outcry a certain tract of land lying in Burke county, N. C, on which said Jacob Corpening now lives, and more fully described in said mortgage deed, registered in Book S No. 2, pages 372 and 373, in the Reg ister's office of Burke county. Terms of sale cash. This Nov 24, 1904. J. McK. HUNTER, Assignee. Dry GoodP Notions, Shoes, Gro ceries, Confections &o. And nowhere will a share of your trade be appreciated more :-: :-: than at their store. :-: :-: Honest Goods and Fair Dealing. Call and see us. It may be tha we can SAVE you money. HANDLE "CRYSTAL" FLOUR. VV e NO BETTER MADE. Yours to please, J. A. BEACH & SON. FREE DELIVERY. TWO WINNERS (tV & S3 i in our line of LADIES' WEAPS i a nri i ii we warn you xo see. i ney are uuin medium length, full belted coats in military or coat collar and come in lack, Castor, rown and lue at Six and Seven ' Dollars. Just received a new line of styles and fabrics in Ladies' Underskirts ask for the "Girl irv Grey" L I. Pelvis & Son. SAFEGUARD AG AH 8 1 ACCIDENT. The best safeguard against accident ia to ut god judgement in d reeling every act. But, accidenU will often occur in epite of every effort to pre Tent them. The beet safeguard ag ainst Iniurrreflnltinzfrom accidents Iiiott'e Emulsified Oil Liniment, It is he moet serviceable accident and Emer gency Liniment ever made and U tne mrMt HAEiBiaciorT utuiiu - - I the family nd on animals ever offered. PH0XE 103 1 Large bottle 25cte. W. A. Leslie- Subscribe for tbc News HERALD And get the news. '8t. ' IPnhlishine- fln.--Rftleiflrh.-N. fl. Tea or Tablets. V7. A. Leslie.

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