t it- s Bring Your JOB PBINTING NEW ALB Ine News-Herald IS THE Best Advertising - Medium IN THE -TO- T5he News-Herald Office. T. G. COBB, Publisher. THE BVRKE COUNTY NEWS Consolidated Nov. 29,1901 THE MO R.GANTON HERALD I '"onso0"00 "ov- Subscription Price, $i Per Year In Advance. Fikst-Class Work at ) Lowest Prices. PIEDMONT , SECTION MORG-ANTON, N. C, JULY 13. 1905, VOL. XXI. No 14. Ill TEE FAMOUS LITTLE FILLS. For quick relief from Biliousness, Sick Headache. Torpid Liver, Jaun dice, Dizziness, and all troubles aris ing from an inactive or sluggish liver, DeWitt's Little Early Risers are un equalled. They act promptly and never grip. They are so dainty that it Is a pleasure to take them. One to two act as a mild laxative : two or four act as a pleasant and effective cathartic. They are purely vegetable and absolutely harmless. They tonic the liver. f REPARBO ONLY BY E. C. D.Witt & Co., Chicago W. A. LESLIE, Dinegist, I Morganton, N. C. FIRE INSURANCE. t We vrie Fire Insurance poli- cies o:i kinds of property i. in the largest home aud for i eiga companies. Eve ry loss .-sustained on property Insured in this agency, established fifteen years ago, has been prompt ly and sat. sfactorily settled. Ve are agents for the I North Carolina Home, l Aetna of Hartford, f Hamburg Breoieu, I Hartford, of Hartford, Con. Iusuraaee Company of Jforth America, i Niagara of iew York, I Home, of New York ami I German American. ! Policies placed oa our books are promptly renewed before expira ai ion. 1 We write ris-ks from $i00 to iOU,0!)0, on property in town or country, at lowest rates. " ATEEY & EEVLN, Ag's. I Posfc-otUci Building. iCMU & IOHIH-WESIEHI HI SOHSDULE Effective July io, 1904. INokthboi-sd Passenger Mixed Lv Chester 9 00 am 4 30 am Mixed Lv Yorkviile 9 4-S am 7 57 am - a m l.v Liaeolnton 11 50 am 10 4-5 am l.v Newton 12 28 pm 12 15 pm Lv Hickory 12 57 pm 2 45 pm 11 OO am jAr Lenoir 2 10 pm 5 05 pm 1 30 pm Siji'TnBOi'NO Passenger Mixed Mixed "Lv Lenoir 2 40 pm 4 00 &m 8 00 am j,v Hickorv 3 32 pm 6 05 am 9 25 am Lv Newton 3 59 pm 7 20 am Lv Lincointcn 4 37 pm S 25 am Lv Gastonia 5 25 pm " 30 am JLv Yorkviile 6 14 pm 3 05 pm Ar Chester 7 07 pm 4 45 pm I CONNECTIONS. Chester Southern Rv., S. A. L. and L. & C. Yorkviile Southern Rai wav. Gastonia Southern Railway. T irn-.-ilnrriTi S. A. L. Newton and Kirkory Southern Railway. Lenoir El.. wing Rock Stage Line and C. & E. F. Eeid. G. P. A.. Chester, S. C. '3 )DR.hA franco'sJ l Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator ! Superior to other remedies soM at n:t;n prices. C'l're inmnniti-Mi. Successfully ued by over 200.000 Women. Price, rij Cent-, drug I gisisor iiv nia i. Ttsilinonlala A booklet free. 15r. rai'ranco, iillajlelplila, Pa. HCLLISTER'S Koantain Tea Nuggets .:cr I A 2asy Medians fcr Busy People, i S:-b?3 Galdea Healtli and Eenewed Vigor. I -:-,(":f.2 ?nr rnn:f inntion. Inrlieestion, Live I" :i TCMt'V Troubles. Pimples. Eczema, Impure ?: .:, !. Bad Breath. P'usrsish Bowels, Headache trr.cerIa?uSoTy uaarEaDRcaCoMPAST, Madison, wis. i LDEH NUGGETS FCR SALLOW PEOPLE ? I f 1 : 1 1 11 1 i i ! I U i 1 1 1 M 3 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 niig 5 I THE XORTH CAROLINA 1 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE i I AND MECHANIC ARTS Offers practical industrial educa- E tion in Agriculture, Engineering, Industrial Chemistry, and the z: g Textile Art. Tuition 30 a year. Board $S a month. 120 Schoiar 5 shi;is. Address I PRESIDENT WINSTON, WEST RALEIGH, N. C. a'Uii'.iinHP.MHiiMiuiHiiniiimuiii 11112 WANTED For U. S. Armv. able bodied, unmarried men, between ages ui 4i auu O'j, cuizuas ci me uniteo Stated, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to Re' eruiting Officer, 15 West Trade Street. Charlotte, N. C.,40 Patton ave.. Asheville. N. C , Kendall Building, coiumDia. a. u., or iiank tfukurjg tuekory, in. u. Town Property For Sale. i House and lot on Green street in Moranton. House contains 10 rooms. 5 finished and 4 unfinished. Knownas ihe H. F. Kistler place. For fuatlver information and terms apply to. M. F. uildebrand, Morganton N C. f J. J. Daves, i Greenville, N. C. Dr. W. H. Wakefield. I of Charlotte, will be in Moreranton, t Mountain House, on Thursday, August 3rd, for one day. The Doctor's jractice is limited to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. can be consulted in his Charlotte iiice every Monday and Tuesday. ECS" TV. ,.. 4 ii JJo vou want anvthin? in leurug line. Largest stock in nigh. Leslie's Drug Store THE NEWS OF THE A Batch of Live Items Culled from the Papers of the Adjoining Counties. Mcdowell. Marion Democrat, July 6th. R. W. Brown's condition con tinues to caue alarm to his fami ly and friends. Complications are now feared. A. Blanton's condition is re ported by his physician as well as could be expected and that he is progressing favroable toward recovery. Esquire W. F. Craig received his eighth commission as a Unit ed States commissioner, Tues day. Uncle Sam still deems the 'Squire useful and shows confi dence in his integrity and appre ciation by continuing him in the service. Deputy Marshals D. A. Kanipe and Vance Scoggins and Deputy Collector George Sheek seized a complete blockade outfit on Cedar Creek, in Rutherford county, a few days ago. The operators got away but bad no time to carry off any of the plant which the officers destroyed together with about 800 gallons of beer. The following paragraph from the Goldsboro Headlight, July G, announcing the marriage of Zeb B. Pyatt, formerly of Nebo, will be of interest to friends in flip cnnntv! "The marriao-eof Mr. Zeb B. Pvatt, foreman ol the HeadliSht office, to Mrs. Katie Brongrhtou, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Casev, of this city, was solemnized at the St. John's parsonage Friday night at 8:30 o'clock by Rsv. A. R. Surratt. The happy couple will make their home for the present with the bride's parents." Other McDowell Items. Marion News. Tuly 6th The town authorities have in creased the tax on saloons from oQ0 tO $1000 a year. This will go into enect Uet. 1st. The psople in the country should be careful how they shoot off their guns. They aie liable tu hit some of the railroad engineers. I be woods are lull of them. The situation is gradually de veloping in railroad matters. Very little can be determined about the Southern's intention, except whatia given outat head quarters, and that is not always reliable. The Southern has the woods full of engineers "seeking a route across the mountain. Much activity-, being displayed. The South yn(1 Western have . , reauv gone to work. A large force of 1 ands is at work grad- ing between Spruce Pine and McKinney's Gay. Rights of way have been purchased over a set tled route from that point to the uiawoa river two ana- one half miles from Marion. Gangs of men are at work grading at a few points along the rout so as to hold certain strategic points ainst the Southern should thev desire to obtain them. From what we can gather it is proposed to extend the line ihrouffh Monttord's Cove to Rutherford ton to connect with the Seaboard and then go on to I Spartanburg ONE DOLLAR SAVED REP- RESENTS TEN DOLLARS FT?N'F!n savfl to exceed ten nr PPnt. of r x his earnino-s. He must snend nine dollars m living expenses for every dollar saved- That being the case he cannot be too careful about unnecessary ex- seeds tor nis garden, will save several dollars outlay later on- It is the same in buv- ing Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy. it costs but a tew cents, and a bottle of it in the house often saves a doctor's bill of several dollars. For sale bv- W. A. Leslie- Where are you sick? Head ache, foul tongue, no appetite, lack energy. Dain1nvonr Rtorn- I iaui. cucigy , yciiu ili yuur Stum- L.i. "rr,- . . Mm-mtnin Too win rv,..i unn well ATr1 toon vn,, ,n NEIGHBORHOOD. CLEVELAND. Shelby Star, July 5th. At Lawndfile Saturday even ing was celebrated a happy mar riage, the contracting parties being Mr. Oke Canipe and Mijs Margaret Wesson. Mr. O. D. P4ce, of Lattimore, raised 65 bushels of wheat this year cn 2 acres of land, making what is considered a good yield this bad wheat year. M-. J. N. Gantt, of Moores boro, has two remarkably old coins, one an old English coin made in 1772 and the other of Spanish make, bearing an ear lier date than the English coin. Rev. C. L. Howell, who for the last year has been pastor of the Baptist churches ofCaroIeen and "Henrietta, has resigned to accept a call elsewhere. He preached his farewell sermon Sunday, June 18. J. A. Anthony has purchased from Mr. J. P. Delinger 121 acres of land, lying about two miles from Shelby, near Mr. P. D. Wilson's, for $3,000. It is a good tract of land and in a high state of cultivation. In attempting to change the direction of a falliug tree which he had just cut down, Mr. Burt Beam, who was working near New Prospect church, broke his arm. it was set by Dr. J. F. Beam, and Mr. Beam is doing as well as could be expected. Mr. Pink Page was arrested last week for growing too bois terous on the streets of Casar and confined to the calaboose. This did not suit him. So he filed his way out, and after- being chased to the corporate limits by Policeman Brittain on a mule, he made his escape and is now at large. Mrs. E. t. Cabaniss has a tur key hen that has established a reputation as a producer of fggs. She had laid 64 up to last Wed nesday for this season, and there seems to be no limitation to her capacity, for the supply is b'- no means exhausted. She is going right along with the good work. Miss Mahala Crane, 85 years old, of the Pleasant grove neigh borhood, commonly spoken of a& "Aunt Mahala," died last Fri day and was buried at Pleasant Grove Baptist church Saturday. She had throught her long life accumlated some property and was in some respects a very pe culiar woman. She was regard ed by some people, especially negroes, as a witch doctor, and around her medical chest flocked the lame, the warty and the blind of the colored population, and now and then of the white to the relief hidden in cards, peas, or coffee. To Cure a Cold in One Say. Take Laxative Bromn Oninine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E W. Grove's signature is ou each box. 25c. Burke County Sunday School Con vention. The next annual convention of the Buike County Sunday School Association wi.l be held at Er win'a Chapel during the month oi AagQst- 1 be exact aate antl tLe prpgram fr tue convention will be given in " ,a BUSSu ' e supenn- . r l i 3 01 me uuiereui ounaay bcnoois in the county see that the delegates are elected aud their names sent to 0. F. McKesson, Secretary, by the first of the eu- FORCED TQ STARVE. B- F. Leek,, of Concord, Ky., says: "For 20 years I suffered agonies, with a sore on my up per lip, so painful, sometimes, tLat 1 could not eat. After vainly trying everything else,. 1 cured it, with Uucklen's Arnica Salve." It's great for burns, cuts and wounds. At r ' .sne s ana j i draSstores- Only 25 W. A. Leslie's and Jno- Tull's c. I. W. HARPER is the acme of excel lence in whiskey production - Safest WATAUGA. Boone Democrat, July 6th. Strange things continue to happen, even among what is supposed to be our best people. On Wednesday evening of last week Thomas Gragg, of New River, who has always been con sidered a worthy, christian gen-tleman.-eloped with his cousin, a Miss Greene, and left behind him a wife aud three young children. We are told that Montana was the State he was heading for when he'was last seen. Little Sallie, the four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tice Wagner, of Stony Fork, who was with her grandparents, was drowned in the Watauga river near Valle Cruris on Tuesday evening. The child was follow ing her grandmother, a corpu lent lady, across a foot log, and by an awkward step plunged in to the river, and before help could arrive, life was extinct. The parents were wired of the sad accident, but they could not come, and the remains were taken home for burial. "Pet" Hartley, son of Mr. El bert Hartley, of Blowing Rock, met with a most horrible death on Wednesday of last week. He was driving on the Yonahlossee road near Linville when, it is sup posed, his horse became fright ened and started to run. The young man tried to jump; his foot broke through the bottom of the cart and hung; his body went forward over the dash board, his head reaching the ground. The animal ran for half a mile and when the horse was stopped the poor boy's head was literally torn from hia body. Pieces of his skull were found along the road and his brain was scattered in everv direction. Has Stood the Test 25 Tears The old. oriein 1 GROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tod'C. Yon know what yon are taking. It i iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No care, no pa v. 50c. CALDWELL Lenoir News, July 7th. This section has been blest during the past week with fine rains and prospects for a full yield of corn tirs fall is good. Mr. Herman has finish n the stone foundation work of the new cotton mill at Granite Falls. He is now completing his work on the race. Tuesday night lightning struck in the rope way at Rhodhiss factory and set fiie to the intei ior. The alarm was given and the fire soon put out. G. W. Conley, TJ. S. Commis sioner, is making it rather warm for those who are selling whis key around town. Several have been bound over to the Federal court and warren's are out for others. Mr. J. E. Corpening, who left this county ten years a 50 and went to Texas, is here visiting his father, his relatives and friends. He expects to remain some two or three weeks, when he will return to his Texas home ' The Statesville District Con ference will meet in Lenoir Metho dist church from Julv 13th to 16ch, inclusive. There will be in attendance between 75 and 100 delegates and ministers, "iming from Iredell, Alexander, Cataw ba and Caldwell counties, which is the territorv embraced in the district. Dr. J. H. Weaver wil preside over the sessions of the conference. CHOLERA INFANTUM. Child Not Expected to Live From One Hour to Another But Cured by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. Ruth, the little daughter of E N. Dewey, of Aenewville. Ya., was seriously ill of cholera infantum last summer. "We gave her up and did not expect ner to live irom one nour to another," he says. "1 hap pened to tninK ot unamber Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy and got a bottle oi it irom the store. In five hours I saw a change for the better, we kept on giving it and before she had taken the half of one small bottle she was well.". This remedy is for sale by W. A. Leslie, druggist. CONTINUE Those who are gaining flesh and strength by regular treat ment with Scott's Emulsion should continue the treatment In hot weather; smaller dose and a little cool milk with It will do away with any objection which Is attached to fatty pro ducts during the heated season. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409-15 Pearl Street, New York. 50c and f 1.00; all druggists. CATAWBA. Newton Enterprise, July 7th. Miss Martha Witherspoon, about 60 years old, died at her home near Claremont Monday. It was so hot Monday that some of the carpenters working on houses had to give up and seek the shade. All the electric lights in the stores on the east side of the public square were put out dur- I ing the thunder storm Tuesday night. The track and trestle crews on this division of the Southern road are on a strike and Mr. Geo. E. Bollinger is at home getting up new hands. Cotton is now 10 cents a pound. This is good enough news for one week. Many Ca tawba farmers have a few bales in the eastern part of the coun ty. We are told that nearly every farmer has from one to The preferences expressed by the converts of the Black meet- ng on cards handed in to the pastors during the meeting were: Methodist 15: Reformed 14: 'resbyterian 10; Lutheran 4; Baptist 3; Episcopal 2; no pre- nPnp q. r4i ;n Mn nra ri, t?i'. ,:f , ( Mrs. Emma Rockett, wife, of Mr. Eugene Rockett, died in Thomasville last Sunday morn- , . , , tt ing oi typuoiu icver. xier remains were brought up on the buntlay nirht train to her father's. Mr. G. D. L. Yount's, in Newton and were taken to &t. .Johns in Cline's township for burial. Rev. W. F. Womble preached the funeral. Some of our neighbor exchang es got ahead of the Enterprise ,t, tnrvitirla h t oo n Tha finer leard W S on June 20. The first . , j rosi 18 uiwuya uue jubl iuiw mnn tb frnm th niirhh vnn hpnp t e hrst note Ot the katydid. ocfi, lulonmuc "C1,WU,UCI -LiJ' a very early Irost. btrange to say none of the cotton telegraphic letters has taken the katydid in to consideration in determining the size of the cotton crop and the price the staple should bring this fall. A party on tha way to Cataw ba Springs Tuesday evening had a thrilling time in a wind, rain and hail storm, which caught them about 8:30 two miles from the Springs. Trees were blown down around them and' across the road and the rain and hail came down in torrents. -They returned Wednesday morning and report that the crops on the road were considerably damaged by the hail and win 1 and the roads were terribly torn up by the heavy rains. THE DIAMOND CURE. The latest news from Paris is, that they have discovered a diamond cure for consumption. If you fear consumption or pneumonia, it will, however, be best for you to take that great remedy mentioned by W- T. McGee. of Vanleer. Tenn. "I had a cough, for fourteen years. Nothing helped o til T rnnb- rr TTo-'fi Maw llisrnvftrr rnr iVmsnnrm. I ""V - - - tion, Coughs and Colds, vvhich gave insianL reiiei, ana enecieu a permanent cure." Unequalled SSViii" if1??1 Aanar JfSS A . rm a IT and John Tull's drug stores; price 50c and $1.00, guaranteed. Trial bottle free. t , i iCa-UtltV YOUr COmPleXlOn ..,;k lUfUinot It ,;.!, "iiuiHUOcusu aj. vy u Tiou a SmOOth. Clear. Creamlike COm- i, . i - PleXlOn. rOSV CheekS. laughing pnpe. faVp Hnllistpr'! r?npkv IVlOUniain lea, greatest eaUll- fier known, do cents. Tea or Tablets. W. A; Leslie. Do not forget that Dr. Seth Arnold's Balsam is the best known Remedy for all Bowel Complaints. Warranted by VV. A. Liesiie, .morganton, jn. u. . Tornado in Texas Loss of Life and Damage to Property. Dallas, Texas, Dispatch, 5th. A special to the Xews from Ka- cona, Texas, says that a tornado aud thunder storm passed a few miles west and oolh of there this afternoon, killing fourteen persons and injuring many others and de stroying u number of houses. Many farm bouses were swept entirely away. The school house, three miles west of here, was damaged. Baptist aud Methodist churches at Deliher were considerably dam- aged. The Methodist cbarcU at Montague is reported wrecked aud I. a a a tUe COl,n Loas" "aged; also otuer cunrcues. Xue Dixie school buildioff, six miles south of here, was entirely blown 8 way. Hail stones as large as hen eggs fell here, breoking oat mauy window glasses. Reports of the work of j the tornado are still coming in. The number of killed and injured will probably reach sixty. N aeon a is in the northern part of Texas, ou a spur line of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Rail road, fonr miles from Gaines ville. Ten people were reported dead at Montague, Texas, and several stores and 15 dwellings were com pletely demolished. Mauy head of stock were killed ontrigbt. The number of injured is unknown. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. fte Kind YCQ HaiB.AIWajS BOUgfat Bears the Sgnataw of ux, 4UcAjt Low Rate Excursion To Portland, i f uregun, Account i,ewis ana uiarK x- cousin Central Railway. If yon 1111SIIIIIII Will IIH in HIIHI-L VIH VV IR. iutend to go to Portland this year as me ucsec agent io maae your I - - ' " t.nlrat. taart T Wiuvinaiii I ionrml between Chicago and St. Paul. PaUmsin rieeDe. free reclining chair cars and a la Carte meals make the jonrney comfortable and I pleasant. Further inlormation cneerfuily given by addressing W. H. All?n, T. A., 621 Park Building, Putsotorg, Pa. r-Screen Doors $1.00, Win dows 25 cts. Morganton Hard- vvare Co. lSubscribe for The News- Herald. SECOND-HAND BOILERS FOR SALE. Requiring large additional boiler ca- I riof it tr sra fniinrl l r. nATPRRarv t.n nil v larger boilers, and have for sale tl e I boileis now in use. We will sell on the Hospital grounds: Five Horizontal Tubular Boilera- One Horizontal Tubular Boiler- 40 H. P. I Comnlete with front and erate bars. but no stacks. bargain. These boilers will be sold at once. Address, F. M. SCROGGS, Steward, Morganton, N. C. Thomas Lowdermilk. COME THIS WAY And Get Bargains. LOOK AT MY PRICES BEFORE BUYING. Heavy Rib Bacon, 10c. lb. Thick Fat Back. lt lbs., $1. Good Lard, 10c. lb. Best Granulated Sugar, 14 lbs. for $1. Good Flour, $2.80, $3, $3.20. Best bolted Meal, 80c. Canned Corn. 9c, 3 for 25c. Arbuckle Coffee, 15c. lb. Good Vinegar, 30c. gallon. Porto Rico Molasses, 25c. Kerosene Oil, 20c. gallon, 2 gallons for 35c, 3, 50c, 5, 83c Fruit Jars, 65 and 75c. doz. I keep on hand a nice line of fresh Candies, all kinds of. Fruits and Veg etables at lowest prices. Fresh Mel lons every few days. A nice line of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, also &nulr ana -gars, ana otaer anises fnn numerous to mention. THOMAS LOWDERMILK. Sale of Dwelling Lot and Store-House ill AUIUCUUIU UUlitgC. Y virtue or an order tf the Snoerier court of Burke county in the case of J. T. Pcrkics, administrator, vs. Marvin tnrankiin ana otners, x win sen si puunc auc tion at the Court House door in M reantor on Saturday. July 15th, 1905, those trac'a I ot lana at ana near Kntneriora I owned bv T. C. Frantlin. deceased. ot land at ana near Kutneriora college I Lot at Rutherford Colleee. adjoinin , nds of r. H. Peeler and others, be I winning on a stone on Main street and runs I north 28 degrees west with said street 8 p. I to stone: thence north 64deerees east 21 I p-to a stone; thence south 28 degrees east west 21 p to the Defnnuing. containing 1 acre more or less, Bidding as a whole to beets) at teaz.su. Feimster & Hsrpet s Dia. Said lands will be sold, the store house, dwelline-housr lot and tract each seprrate. and tbe store-house and dwelling-house lot as a whole, to suit purchasers, and confirm sa it brings m st. Terms of sale 25 per cent casn, Daianceinsix montns, witn purcnas money not and seennty. This Tune 15th. 1905. TNO. T. PERKINS. Com. and Admr. of T. C. PrauiUin. That Nice Dwelling of Yours Should Be Fitted Up With Bath Tub, Lavatory, Water Closet, Hot Water Boiler, Kitchen Sinks, &c, &c. GET PRICES FROM STANDARD HARDWARE CO We are prepared to name Rock Bottom Prices on Water Pipe Plumbers Supplies We carry a nice line of Valves, Steam Gauges, Pop Valves, Whistles, Steam Pipe and Pipe Fit tings for your steam engine. Be glad to furnish youanythiug in the hardware business from a tack to a traction engine. Yours very truly, Standard Hardware Co. S. V. T. CHAMBLEE, Prop., Free Delivety. ' ' Phone 122. 09 P3 CHAS LANE. I am now located at 'the old stand of W. W. McGalliard, on West Union to furnish to the public the choicest of Fresh and Cured Meats. A share of your patronage will endeavor to please You. Free and Prompt Deiiery. Give Me a Trial. RESPECTFULLY, CHAS. LANB. New Business Having bought the R. E. Coleman stock of Groceries, Confections, &c, on Union street, I will continue the business on an increased scale at the same stand, always keeping an up-to-date stock of Family Groceries, &c. I have just added to all lines and am able to satisfy the most particular customer. Call on me for Meal, Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Canned Goods, Fruits, Candies, &c. and I will do you right. Cash or trade paid for Country Produce. G. G. BOWERS. 4jr I. I. Davis, Vice President urst national can k Morganton, N. C. CAPITAL STOCK, $35,000 STOCKHOLDERS LIABILITY, 35,000 SURPLUS & UNDIYED PROFITS 10,000 4 DIRECTORS: A . M. Kistler. S. R. R. T. C. H. 4& I. I. Davis, I Evey courtesy and accommodation extended consistent with sound J banking. ' Cherokee flarble Works, 5 (INCORPORATED) M a.n vif a-ctvirers of and Dealer Ir MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, ETC, Yards at Asheville and at MurpKy. N. C. BUSINESS is business and while it is a sad business buying a tombstone for a de parted loved one, it behoves us to get the best we can for our money, for . tad riRNCD k We claim to be the LOWEST PRICED hous in the state. iUTu CATALOG FREE. F. A. MORGANTON, N. C. g street, and am prepared will be appreciated, and I .A. M. In gold, Cashier J A. Cuywell, Jr. Teller Collett, Claywell, Geitner. A. A. Shuford, K. C.LMenzies, IS A DOLLAR SAVED OENNETT, Manager Murphy, N C