' 5 - - - . f The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has home the signatnre of and has heen made under his per- ' frf-f sonal supervision sinee its infancy. Zc4ciCtt Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are hut Experiments that trifle with and endang-er the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What S3 CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrislmess. It .cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Si The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Oyer 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMHNT, TT MURRAY STREET. NCW YORK CITY) FRESH GARDEN SEED! Just received from "W. Atler Burpee & Co. All va rieties. You know our way of doing' the seed bus- iness. Everything sold in bulk - no small packets. "We sell in any quantity, and the price is lower than the seed sold in packets, and besides, if you buy here you get "BURPEE'S" - The BEST seed grown ED Clover, Alfalfa,"Orchard Grass, Ken TL tucky- Blue Grass, Red Top or Herds Grass, Timothy, Italian Rye Grass, Meadow Fescure, and several other varieties of Grass seed grown by T. W. Wood & Sons. Prices on Grasses guaranteed at all times. If you buy Vegetable Seed, Flower Seed, or Field Seed before coming here, you are throwing your money away Leslie's Drug Store 15he BKnk of Morganton OPENED FOR BUSINESS September 1st. 1904, John A. Dickson, Jos. Ernest Erwiii, President. Vice-President. W. E. Walton, Cashier s. n. SLOAN, Teller. Board of Directors: J. A. Dickson, J. E. Erwin, W. E. Walton, W. B. Berry, I. P. Jeter, F. Sc roggs, C. A. Spencer, F. P. Tate, W. A. Leslie, J. H. Hoffman, Geo. I. White, T. R. Glass. CAPITAL STOCK 15.000.00 We return thanks to the public and our friends for the liberal 2 pdiruuage anu encouragement given us. Let us add your name to the list. C. C. Henderson' Machine Company. The following is taken from the- Greenville, Ala., Living Truth. The proprietor of the enterprises spoken of is a son of the late Lawsoji Henclerbon, of this county. His many friends here will be glacT to hear of his success: ' "Starting a few years ago with limited r capital and capacity theseshops have. grown to where their capacity is practically' un limited and- where the work turned out, geod from its very beginning, is tbebest that can be turned out from inachineshop or factory. The shops employ a large force of skilled mechanics at high wages and the fact that only first i-lass laor is employed is beyond doubt the cause of ma chinery, engines, locomotives, etc., being sent from such a wide scope of country to these shops to be repaired. It is the aim of the proprietor, himself a practi cal mauhiuest, that every job turned out shall bear theimprint of first-class material, workman ship and brains; Brains tellas the continued success of this plant proves that brains and en ergy combined ?ith skill la the moving force. Near-the shops a large power house has been built well supplied with all the requis ites for a complete electric plant. Everything here is new and spec ially selected for this special work, consequently our people can safely expect. the very best service from the electric light plant. Near by is the Hender son Grist Mill, busy all day turning out mill products put up in special sacks under special brands and all aiming to pro duce the best. "None but the best" seems the motto of the proprietor of these enterprises, Mr. C. C. Henderson, and that he attains his ideal is evidenced by the continually increasing custom he receives. Many of our citizens have no idea of the mag nitude of the plant in its entirety and a look over the place would be a source of great interest to many who have not yet seen it. Of late the company has acquired some valuable real estate near the plant, where in a short time will be erected a number of mod ern cottages, pretty, comfortable and convenient for the occupan cy of employes. Everything points to the fact that the Hen derson Machine Co. has been a great factor in the growth of the city and a great enhancer of real estate property. Hr. Henderson has shown his faith in Greenville by his investments and those in vestmeats carry with them a pay roll which puts much money in circulation. Greenville needs more citizens who, like Mr. Hen derson, will put money in manu facturing enterprises, thus keep ing money in circulation all the year." . ce. Ice. You Need Ice This Hot Weather. We Have it. Jail and get a book of ice checks and save trouble and money. We also carry almost anything-in the line'of Staple and Fancy Groceries And Give Special Attention to Our Fresh Meat Department. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromu Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to enre. b. YV. Grove 8 signature is on each box. 25c. ree and prompt delivery any part of town. Fruits and Vegetables in season. Mrs. E. F. Patton & Son Peary Off For the Pole. New York Dispatch, 16th. The Roosevelt, 10 which Captain Robert E. Peary hopes to reach the North Pole, started on her ong voyaga to-day. Captain Peary and a party of guests were on board at the start, and remained with the snip on her trip down the bsy, but they left her at the Nar rows, returniug to the city on a uavy tag. Captain Peary started to-night by tail foi Sydney, Cape Bretou, where he will join the ship. On board the vessel, beside the explorer's party, were a Dumber of guests and newspaper meu, who accompanied the ship as far as Saudy Hook, where they were' taken off by a naval tag, sent out by Admiral Coghlau. A launch beaming a party of excursionists attempted to rau close alongside the Roosevelt after she was uuder way, and nearly collided with her! The Roosevelt was saluted by ali manner of steam and sailing craft on her way to sea. She passed out the Nan ows at 4:45 p. in. Greenville'? Rich Negro" Greenville News. Iu the condemnation proceedings, instituted by the Southern Rail way Company for the purpose of purchasing certaiu lots near the passenger station from Heuiy Moseley, colored, the jury sum moned to assess the valne of the pioperty, met at the ite yesterday and found a veidict for $6,250. The laud consist of several lots in that part of the city just across the' Southern Railway yards from the passenger station and is nearly two acres in area. There are one or two small buildings. Th com pany will use, the property in the development of its yard facilities, upon which work is Roon to begin. The veid'ct gives an idea of what a negro can do if he is re liable aud hard working. This land does not represent by a good deal, all of Henry Moseley's hold ings in real estite in this city which has been Advancing in value every year. There is more prop erty adjoining that is affected by the proceedings, probably as valuable besides the other build ings aud lots about the city. In speak iug of Moseley yester day, a promiqeut citizen said: "Mosely is not only the weal thiest, but he is the best" negro in Greenville. He baa worked faith fully and made his money. He is a good citizen.'' Moseley expressed satisfaction with tue verdict. His friends on the jury had treated him right, he was sure, he said. ONE LADY'S RECOMMEN DATION SOLD FIFTY ROXRS OF HTTAMRFR LAIN'S STOMACH AND LIV ES TABLETS. I have, I believe, sold fiftv boxes of Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets on the recommendation of one lady here, who first bought a box of them about a year ago. She never tires of telling; her neigh bors and friends about the good qualities of these Tablets. P. 51. Shore, Druggist, Ro chester, lna. Tne pleasant Dur gati ve effect of these Tablets make them a favorite with ladies everywhere. For Sale '.by W.-A. Leslie, Druggist. Av ersfalls Ayer's Pills. Ayer's Pills. Ayer's mis. Keep saying this over and Over again. The best laxative. iZ&SfJi'. Want your moustache or bWrd BUCKINGHAM'S DYE a beautiful brown or rich Mack? Use run cn. or Dmnitis o& ?. am. co.. kashca, . h. For Over Sixty Years. Mr, vftialow's Soothing: Syrup has been used for over 60 years by millions of mothers for their children -while teething, n-ith per fect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind rolic, and it the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will re Here the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold bv Druggists in every part of the world Twentj-five cents s bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Semi-official details concerning the latest Japauese loan of $150, 000,000 have heen made public in New York. The. hoods will hear interest at 4J per cent .aDd will he secured by a second lien upon the tobacco monopoly. The loau will be divided into three equal parts, London, Berlm and New York each taking 850,000,000. The subscrip tion price will probably be tbe same as the previous loan which was 97. Au interesting feature is Germany's direct participation in the loan. A Guaranteed Cure for Files. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to curednycase. no mat ter of how long standing, in 6 to 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. 50c. It your druggist hasn'i it send 50c in stamps and it will be forwarded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. University College of Medicine. Those who expect to practice medicine will be especially inter ested in the Catalogue of the Uni versity College of Medicine, of Richmond, Va., which will tell hew Medical students are affected by various State laws reguUtiug the practice of Medicine. This is a most important subject' to the general pnblic, too, as it bears di rectly on tbe qualifications of the doctors, to whom all of us must some time or other entrust our lives. The advertisement of this nstitution appears in this paper. Attentiorv, PLEASE For nearly, twenty-four years the rarrand Organs have been made on HONOR -sold on MERIT. There are thousands of them sold in 'he homes of the best musical people, and they can truly testify to their mer its. A trial of one of these FARRAND ORGANS is sufficient to convince you of this tact. Unusual care is taken in the manufacture of the FAR RAND Organ and every fea ture is carried out to the dot. Send me your order today for one of these beautiful and artistic organs. C. T. Morrison, HICKORY. W. C. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1789-1905 Head of the State's Educational System DEPARTMENTS. Engineering, Law, Pharmacy, Collegiate, Graduate Medicine Library contains 43,000 volumes. New water works, electric lights, central " heating system. Nevr dormi tories, gymuabium, Y. M. Ck A- building. 667 Students. 66 Instructors, : The Fall term begins Sept. 11, 1905 Address FBAJtcis P.Venablb, President, CHAPEL BILL, N. ,C. A Personal Message, If we could call on everv reader of this paper it would be an easy task to convince you, and all the rest, that we are prepared to take care of j'our ig drug store wants. ' In our prescription department we have the ts most approved methods and apparatus for filling Jc prescriptions. " Our work and the drugs are right $ and consequently the medicine is right. The last number on our prescription file is g large enough to gratify us we haven't been filling .prescriptions quite three months in our new store & yet. m Don't think we refer to our experiences in jg & this work; that extends over a good-many years. f Our New Fountain is Running Every Day: Besides drugs and medicines we sell brushes, all kinds, combs, soaps, sponges, in' fact a select assortment fancy and toilet articles. I ALLISON'S PHARMACY 3? i iti A A 0 3' & iS S s & THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College COUESES- Literary Classical Scientific Pedagogical Commercial Domestic Science Manuel Training Music. Three Courses leading to degrees. Weli-equipped Training School for Teach ers. Faculty numbers 50. Board, laundry, tuition, and fees for use of text books, etc., 170 a vear. For free tuition Ptudents. $125 For non-residents of the State, $190. Fourteenth annual session begins September 21, 1905. To secure board in the dormitories, all free tuition applications should be made before July 15. Oorrespoudenc6 invited from those desiring competent teach ers and stenographers. For catalog and other information, address CHARLES D. MclVER, President. GREENSBORO N. C. Morganton Really Company Some Offerings Do you want a location for a home? We have 6 choice lots, part of Avery's Mountain View. A splendid lot in the business centre. The best Hotel site in Morgantoru Some ideal farms. A Model Young Fruit Orchard. Office Over First National Bank. M. SILVER, Manager. Commissioner's Sale of lands. By virtue of the power and authority con tained in and under the direction of a decree of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Western District of North Car olina. Fourth Circuit at Asheville. made by His Honor. James E. Boyd, United States District Tudge, presiding- at the May Term, 1905, of said Court, in the case of "Theo S. Morrison et al.vs. Southern Building & Loan Association," then and now pending in said court, the undersigned commissioner will, at twelve o'clock Boon, on Monday, the 7th da v of August, 1905, sell at public auction for cash, to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in the city of Morganton, county of Burke and State of North Carolina, all the following described piei.es and parcels of land, to-wt: 1. The land anl premises described and conveved in a certain deed ot trust made by E. W. Hennessee and wiie, Rebecca Hennes see. to M. Silver, trusee. dated Feb. 1st, 1892. and registered in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds tor Burke county. North Caroli na, in Book T. on pages 587 et seq , to which reference is hereby made, said land being therein described follows: "L.yiug and being in the town of Morgan ton, county of Burke and State of Nortli Carolina, and hounded and particularly de scribed as follows, to wit. Beginning at a stake in the line of Chis Murphy and A If. Lych, 1 2 poles from the post oak corner and running S. 37 E., 7 poles to a stake; tjience N. 4Vi0 E . 11 poles (crossing the old Walton line at 3 poles) 6 pries to a stake in the line of Chis Murphy and Jones Krwin; thence S W., 0 poles to the begin ning, containing 70-100 acres, more or less, being the same conveyed to E. W. Heo nessee by Chiw Mui phy and -wife On the 2nd dav of May, 1891, by deed of record in the Register's office of Burke County, State of . C, i Book T, pages 356 57.'' 2 The land and premises described nd conveved in a certain deed of trust made by George Happoldt to M. Silver trustee, dated Jan. 2nd, 1891. and registered in so id Regis ter's office for Burke county 1h Book R, on pages 518 et seq., to which reference is here oy made, said land being therein described as follows: "Lying and being ne:ir the town ol Mor ganton, county of Burke and State of North Carolina, and bounded a::d particularly de scribed as follows, to-wit: "L.ing on the Rutherford road near the town of Morganton; beginning at a small black oak on the west side of said road and runs souh 86 west, 14- pole and 6 lin s to a stake; thence south 6V west 22 po.es and 10 iinks to a stake on said road; thence north 86 east, 14 poles and 6 links to a stake on said roan; thence north 6V east, up said road 22 ooles and lO links to the be ginning, containing 2 acres more or less, be ingthe same conveyed to William Lee by T G. Walton, on the 5th day of August, 18S by deed of reco-.d in the Register's office ot Burke count f State of North Carolina, in Book K, page 14-2." 3. The land and premises described and conveyed in a certain deed of trust made by Kate H. Silver and Manuel Stiver, her has baud, to I. T. Averv. trustee, dated May 8th 1894. and registered in said Register's otficr for Burke county in Book Z, on pages 95 et seq , to which reference is hereby made, said land being therein described as follows: "Lying and being in the town of Morgan ton, county of Burke and State of North Carolina, and bounder and particularly de scribed as follow, to-wit: -Bv-ginning cn a post, the prrsent corner of James W. Wilson's let on King Street running thence South 1 W , to a stal e on prolongation of line ofback fence of Manselot hence with said fence to a stakje in Jno F Sprague's line; thence north 41 o R with Sprague's line to Kinr street; thence south 5?f B with said street 97 feet to the ola ssss VotMhr8a9a- .tswssa This June 29, 1 905. DUFF MERRICK. Commissioner. Noiica to Creditors. Jp"y?05U,yanifi n tb 8" day of the 8-.h da of Jul iSo'flt'? on or be ore be pleaded in bar ot V ecoverv?1"'!! persons indebted fo said KfJTyA and a" This July 8, 1905 MRS ROSA A. CAME. AUmrtt. of Ed win Camp r TRINITY COLLEGE Four Departments-Collegiate, Graduate, Engineer and Law. Large library facilities. Well equipped laboratories in all departments of science. Gymnasium furnished with best apparatus. Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. Young: Wen wishing: to Study Law should Investigate the . superior advantages offered by the Department of Law in Trininity College, For catalogue and further information, address, D. W. Newsom, Registrar. DURHAM, N. C. 5 A Living Monument. If we were to assemble all those who have been cured of heart disease by Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, and who would to-day be in their graves had not Dr. Miles' been successful in perfecting this wonderul heart specific, they would pop ulate a large city. What a remarkable record a breathing, thinking, . moving monument, composed of human lives, that for which every other earthly possession is sac rificed. The Miles Medical Co. re . ceive thousands of letters from these people like the following: 'IJ1 Indebted to the !. Miles 7teart.f!ure for my lif- I desire to call the attention of others suffering as I did to this remarkable remedy for the heart. For a long-time I had suffered from shortness of breath after any little exertion, palpitation of the heart; lmes terrible pain In the region ?C I heart. bo serious that I feared that I would some time drop dead upon tne street. One day I read one of your circulars, and Immediately went to jrty druggist and purchased two bot tles of the Heart Cure, and took it according to directions, with the result that I am entirely cured. Since then I never miss an opportunity to recommend this remedy to my friends who have heart trouble; in fact I am a traveling advertisment, for I am widely known in this locality." -J. H. BOWMAN, Manager of Lebanon Democrat. Nashville, Tenn. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Is sold by 3updr"J?'t! who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If It fail he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind HOW TO DRESS E NOniCALLY AND- Well, I can show better than can be told : with cold type.- Your get the idea? I can illustrate, but you must come in touch with superior, high class, ready-to-wear suits and haberdashery, so called, meaning everything needed by mortal man here and hereaf ter that, is to say, Clothing, Men's Furnishings and Hat's. In this is all. B.E.. DAVIS, Truly yours, Clothier - . w x e r Baptist University ror women Diplomas given, in the arts, Sciences an Philosophy; in Music in An imd iE Expression. Courses ofBtudy similar to those in boys colleges, lieotiou per iods one hour each. Faculty of six men and twenty-four women. Si i.ool j Bible taught by a full graduate of Wake Forest and Newtoj Theolo-icai S-mi-nary. Thorough Business Course. Excellent equipment for u adun Chemistry, Biology, and Physics. School of Music, with a faculty of two xm and six woman, aud unsurpassed in the South The comfort of students looted after by a Lady Principal, Lady Physician, two Matrons and a Nurse. Lonrd. Literary tuition. Heat, Lights. Baths, Fees for Physician, Nurse and Library. $193 per session; in tbe Club from S54 to $E8 less. No discount to an :evt iybiv pays exactly the same rates. Believed to be the cheapest school ol' its iriudeiii the South. For further information address President R. T. VANN, Kaleigh. N. C. m NORTHWEST I TEXAS REACHED VIA QUEEN & CRESCENT BOOT! & HOURS. Quickest Time to Dallas, U Ft. Worth and all Northern Texas Points. HOURS. Quickest time to Southern Texas Points. SOLID TRAIN TO NEW ORLEANS AND CINCINNATI Through Sleeper Shreveport to Chattanooga and to L,ouisviIle Excellent Service to Northwest Points For information call on or address J. C. CONN, D. P. A. Reed Block, Chattanooga, Tenn. H. F. LATIMER, T. P. A. 602 Gay Street. Knoxville, Tens SSS3ER23F KILL the COUCH and CURE the LUflCS I WITH FOR C 0KSUIWPTJ0N CUGHS and OLDS try Price 50c 4 $1.00 Free Trial. Surest ajid Quickest Cure for all t THROAT and LUNG TEOTJB- I LES. or MONEY BAfT?. 1 We promptly obtain U. 8. and Foreien i AMI locuu mouei, oKetca or t-fioto eiUiTtrticLwor? .uOTiciJoinuu lttueuiaoiuty. jpor irce CfC'OK ' . wait una gti-4Ul-s?jMr4il Be sure to be proper 1 y equipped r jr your hunting1 trip. B Use the "STEVEN J" ami have the assurance that 3 your choice cannot be im prove 1 tpon, and that there 9 is no possibility of your tfame tetiiu away when b sighted by our jpms. Our line : R RIFLES, PISTOLS, SHOTGUNSJ Ask your dealer. and;IX)KT Fait, to send for insist r n our por ds. If;'il'stra;ricr.teir?. It Is a yoacann-tobtaiiitlicmP'k'.!,Fat':-,iri'e,KC,:d a: i- . i nppea Is to a. I interested m we wul ship oWt, cx- .Ji Er3r.d spcrt Cf shoot press prepaid, upon ine- lH..!!ei f ta cents in receiptxf price. Istajniistoj ayixtoc. HlTTIii; MARK ri:h w;rP.!FL TVZ7L.T. I This clever .ovelty .iu Le uiailej 1-kLE u;vn re ;i!est. J. STSYEK3 AH:3 & TCCL CO., P.O. Box 4093. - Chicopee Falls, Mass.. U.S. a. CO YEARS' 1 3 : B Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone scnrtlnB a s'oioh an5 deaoription maj qnlckly ascertain our opinion tree whether au invention is prnhably patentable. Communica tions strictly coiiuilciitiiil. IIamlb(M)kon Patents ent free. Oldest rtfreney for peuriiiK Patents. Patents taker, tnrouth JUuun A Co. receive ipecial notice, wil host charge, in the Scienilfic American:'- A handsomely r.h otratel weekly. I.arpest cit eulation of any roientino Jonrual. Terms. $3 a Villi rI,ith8' L 801,1 b all newsdealers. ffiUNN & Co.36,Broa. New York Branr-h Office. 62? V 8U Washington. 1. C. in f ) Opposite U. S Patent Office ! JSHjNGT Promptly obtained, or FEE RETURNED. 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. OurCHARCES ARE THE LOWEST. Send model, photo or sketi-h fur expert search and free repdrt on patentabilitv. INFRINGEMENT suits conducted before ail courts. Patents obtained through ns. ADVER TISED and SOLD, free. TRADE-MARKS, PEN SIONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly obtained. Opposite U. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D. C. SEWING MACHINE; ROLLER BEARING. HIGH GRADE. Aaufatic Will by Juyin r.u relhblc, 'v.nest, liipjli rjade tz: rj machine. STRONGER A flUARANTEr. Nationel Ocwiag Machine Co. iSELVIDERE. ILLINOIS. To Cure a Cnld in Aa v.r":, W V"" 54WnB ratlete. m , on every Cures Grip in Two Days. Seven Mjffion boxes sold in post 12 months this sisnatfire, Sr-Xyfrvtrt box. 25c.

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