T i Bring Your JOB PRINTING pi The: News-Herald IS THE Best Advertising Medium IN THE in s -TO- (j News-Herald Office. T. G. COBB, Publisher. "SSSSSWSSaI )Con,ol,Ut. d Nov. 39.190! Subscription Price, $i Per Year In Advance. First-Class Work at 1 J P1EPMONT, SECTION VOL. XXI. MORG-ANTON, N. C, JULY 27. 1905. No 16. N ERALDo V V S ill Ml ;' Lowest Prices. ))) i DeWitt Is the name to look for when to-j go to buy Witch Hazel Salve. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Saiva is th cripmal and only genuine. In fact DeWitfsisthe only Witch HatelSaW that is mads from tho unadulterated Witch-Hazel All others are counterfeits base !ml- . tat'ons, chfap and worthless erea dineerous. DeWitfs Witch Hazel Sahra is a specific for Piles; Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Protruding Pile. Also Cuts, Bums. Bruises. Sprains, Lacerations, Contusions, Boils. Carbuncles, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Kheum, and all other Skin Diseases. PRIFARID BT DeWitt 4 Co., E.C. Chicago W. A. LESLIE, Druggist, Morgmiton, N. C. mt insurance: J We wri.e Fire Insurance poli cies on all kinds of property in the largest home aud for- eign companies. Every loss sustained on propert;, insured in this ageucy, established I fifteen years ago, has been prompt ly and satisfactorily settled. i Ve are agents for the North Carolina Home, Aetna of Hartford, ' llimbarg Bremen, I Hartford, of Hartford, Con. j Iasaraace Company of 2forth I America, S Niagara of 'ew York, I Home, of New York au! i German American. I Policies placed ou our books are I promptly renewed before expira fatiou. We write risks from "$i00 to 1100,000, ou property in town 01 I country, at lowest rates. AVERY & ERVIN, Ag'S. I Post-ofiicH Buildinjr. I CAROLINA & NDRIH-WESTERH BY SCHEDULE Effective July 10, 1904. t X os T ii bound 1'assenser Mixed Mixed Lv Chester 9 OO am 4- 30 am Lv Yorkville S 4-S am 7o7 am Lv Gastor.ia 10 3S am am "I - Lincnlnton 11 50 am lO 45 am Lv Newton 12 2S pra 12 15 pm J Lv Hickorv 12 57 pm 2 45 pm 11 00 am Ar Lenoir " 2 10 pm 5 05 pm 1 30 pm I SorTiiBOUND Passenger Mixed Mixed Lv Lenr.ir 2 4-0 pm 4- OO am 8 OO am Lv Hickorv 3 32 pm 6 05 am 9 25 am Lv Newton 3 59 pm 7 20 am Lv Lincoluton 4 37 pm 8 25 am 11 25 Lv Gastonia 5 25 pm j 30 am Lv Yorkville 6 14 pm 3 05 pin Ar Chester 7 07 pm 4 45 pm T CONNECTIONS. Chester Southern Rv., S. A. L. and L. & C. Yorkville Southern Kai'wav. Gastonia Southern Railway. Liucolnton S. A. L. Newton nnd Hickorv Southern Railway. Lenoir Bl wing Rock Stage Lice and C. & , N. I E. F. Eeid. G. P. A.. Chester, S. C. r.La Franco's! Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator 4 Superior to other remedies soM at hicli prices. I r r (niaranucd. Bm-t-essfully u.-a by over i MOII.flCO U aiiirr.. Price, '25 Ont, drug J irUiserl.vma l. leiiinoni.-.K A xoK:i-t free. Br. LaFranco, JPliiladelpIiia, Ia. fnsiky 8cint2in Tea Haggets A 3sy Jlsdicine foi Sa?y People. I:'i;j3 GeLlea Heattk and fceaewed Vigor. A n -cif!C for Constination, Indigestion. TJv9 .- i Ki -ia-v Troubles. Pimples. Eczema, Impure .Vt:, yt. Tn.l Breath. Slnejrish Bowels, Headache i ud BaCiacje. It's iiocky Mountain Tea in tab. M ' .nn. 55 cents a box. Genuine made by BoT.LiiTL?. Drto Compass, JIadison, Wis. t OLDEK fi'JGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE risirn-niiiiiniinniiminiiiiniininiin 1 THE .NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE i AND MECHANIC ARTS E Oilers practical industrial etluca- j 5 tion in Agriculture, Engineeriug, : Industrial Chemisiry and tho j Textile Art. Tuition 30 a j ear. E Board S3 a month. 120 Scholar- ; 3 ships. Address PRESIDENT WINSTON, S WEST RALEIGH, N. C. J r 1 1 1 : : i ; ; 1 1 1 s 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 1 : i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 s ? WANTED For U: S. Army, able bodied, unmarried men, between agee of 21 and 35. citizens of the United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to Re cruiting Officer, 15 West Trade Street. Charlotte, N. C.,40 Patton ave.. Asheville, N. C , Kendall Building, Columbia. S- C, or Bank Buldiog. Hickory, N. G. Notice to Creditors- The undersigned, having qualified asexecn- tors of the last will and testament of T. Geo. .1 1 . ; V,... V... rrirn testator to m.ike immediate payment, and to all persons havins claims against sai-1 es- tate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 15th dav of July. 190fi, r this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. - This the 12th day of lulv, 1905. ! J. T. WALTON, H. H. WALTON, - Executors of T. Geo. Walton, deceased. Avery & Ervin, Att'j s. Dr. W. H. Wakefield. of Charlotte, will be in Morganton, at Mountain House, on Thursday, August 3rd, for one day. The Doctor's practice is limited to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. He can be consulted in his Charlotte priice every Monday and Tuesday. E3Doyou want anything in the drug line? Largest stock in Western N. C. Prices low, quali i TdlTafr an go's c m ty high. Leshr'H Drug Store. THE NEWS OF THE A Batch of Live Items Culled from the Papers of the Adjoining Counties. Mcdowell Marion News. Tuly 21st. Mrs. Gala 11 Sparks (nee Miss Nora Butt) died suddenly at her home in Garden City, Tuesday night. Her death was due to heart failure. Dr. G. I. White, who spent a few weeks at the Maryland sea shore, returned hornelast Friday. He looks much better and is cer tainly gaining in health. Last Saturday morning as Will Odom was making his way io work in the Western Furniture Factory, he came in contact with a passing freight train. He was very seriously cut about the head aud face and otherwise injured. He was taken to the office of Dr. B. L. Ashworth, where Drs.- Ash worth and Justice dressed his wounds. At last accounts he was progressing favorably. . Invitations are out announc ing the approaching marriage of Miss Lillian Yancey to v Dr. Franklin S. Claik, of New York. Miss Yancey is .the widely popur lar daughter of our former towns- man, Col. John G. Yancey, now of Woodlawn. The charming personality of the bride-to-be makes her a great favorite, and she will be greatly missed hi her social circle. Dr. Clark is re membered here in connection with his extensive business re lations with wood alcholol dis tillation and pine oil plants. The members of Dr. Clark's fami ly are now in Europe and will not return in time for the ved ding, but will tender a reception at Hotel Seymour, New York, after October the first, which is the date of the "at home" an nouncement. CALDWELL Lenoir News, July 21st. Mr. Ike Palmer, living a mile north of town, sold last week S6.00 worth of Japanese nlumbs off of one tree.' Mr. John Austin, who lives a lew miles east of town, raised and sold last year nearly $15.00 worth of cucumbers on a plot of ground about 30 by 40 feet square. A gentleman in ienoir was offered 50 to boot in a cow swap one day last week. That much beot being offered would indicate that Caldwell has some fine cows. Mr. Avery Powell gave us some ptars last week that grew on a k i i tree perhaps 150 years old. The venerable Nelson A. Powell re members gathering pears off the tree 75 years ago and says it was then large and looked to be at least 75 years old. rJert iUCJJaue, a thirteen-year- old son of Mr. Smith McDade, was drowned last Saturday evening in Gun Powder creek a few miles from Hudson. The boy's mother had forbidden his going near the creek, but with some other boys he went in and got into water over his head and was drowned. His body was recovered by Dr. Wright, who found it lodged among SOmelogS in the creek. The TViiiS Pnhliiiln'no ffim- v. pany, composed Ol Ur. U U nr ti piriTYr-i.. ti ea er, jr roi. a. tu. waltz, ana Mr. J . cj. Mattocks, who nave been running the Topic for some six months, sold the property this week to Mr. Thos. M.Locke, I .,,..1 -tr t.i. I ( 1 1 VIMTI HVlh. VM- l 1 I - 1 jIH'kR 1R 1 a IieWSpaper man OI COUSiaeraDie I . . . . exoerience aud we are glal to welcome him to our town. He took charge of the office at once and will move his family here later. FORCED TO STARVE B- F. Leeki, of Concord, Ky., says: "For 20 years I suffered agonies, with a sore on my up per lip, so painful, sometimes, tnat l could not eat. Alter vainly trying everything: else, I cured it, with Bucklen's Arnica Salve." It's great for burns, cuts nd wounds. At W. A. Leslie's and Jno- Tull's drug stores. Unly 2& c, NEIGHBORHOOD. CLEVELAND. Shelby Star, July 19th. Cleveland Superior Cou-t will convene in Shelbv on Monday, July 31st, with Judge Charles M. Cooke presiding. Mr. William White and Miss Dicie Sweat, of Waco, were hap pily married a few days ago at the reidenc of the officiating magistrate, M. P. Harrelson. Mr. John Hainrick, popular 3'oung son of Mr. Avery Ham rid, and Miss Gertrude Byers, the charming young daughter of Mr. J. J. Byers, of Ellenboro, were most happily married at the residence of the bride on July 9th, Rev. Z. D. Harrill perform ing the ceremony. Mr. Augustus Haynes, of Nanito, died on July 4th and was buried July, 5th at Pleasant Grove church graveyard, Rev. Z. D. Harrill conducting the funeral services. Deceased was 60 years old, a member of the Baptist church since he was a bot, a deacon for a long time, and leaves seven children. Mr. A. W. St roup, a well known and popular citizen of this countv, died Mondav at his home near Waco, alter a linger ing illness of several months. Mr. Stroup had been practically blind for the past year or so, and had also suffered constantly with a serious stomach trouble. He was G7 yea s old and leaves a wife and ten child ren three daughters and seven tons. Mrs. W. D. Earl, of Kail sta tion, aged 42 years, die? Satur day afternoon, after an illness of several months. She was a good Christian woman, greatly belov ed by all of her neighbors and acquaintances, and universally esteemed because of her raanv good qualities Mrs. Earl was the mother of five children, three 01 whom, together with her lov- ingand faithful husband, survive her. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd and daugh ter were in Shelby Saturday and Sunday, Mrs. Boyd being gener- ady known as the lady evange list. She preached Saturday night and Sunday alternoon on the square. The family travel in a buggy and Mr. Boyd says they have made their way by private conveyance all the way from 'Oklahoma Territory, and that thev live in Guilford countv, n. C. J udirin? from their talks n n both Mr. Bovd andiis preacher wife seem to think that things are badly out of joint in the world. CATARRH CAN NOT BE CURE D with LOCAL, APPLICATIONS, as they can not reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh order to cure it you must take internal reme- aies- nan s uaiarrn vurc is uucd micro- ally, and acts directly on the bloo 1 and mu cous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a auack medicine. It was prescribed by one ot the toes'-- physicians in tnis country tor years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of thf bf st tonics known, com directly on the muccs surfaces. The per fect combination of the two ingredients is bined with the best mood punhers. acting what produces such wondertul results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonals free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo.O. Sold by druggists price 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills lor constipation. Substitutes Worse Than the Real Article Charlotte Chronicle. In prohibition towns it is better I " nnf trv Hrintr at. oil t h j n 1 1 onanira thP snhstitnte habit. All suhsti- KntG ,- arB i a L The fireeneboro I Kecortl says: "Corn liquor will 6ud one's days soon enough as a J steady diet, but the young bucks around this towu who are resorting to Jamaica ginger are helping to I diff their 0TA VPS t a rather raDld gait. Some of these boys have beeu buying so much of it that tbe I drne stores will not sail it to them. jnbich case tbey send some one else after it.' In Chailotte, 'soue of the can't do-without-its are try ing to kill themselves on a decoc rion tbe basis of which is cinna mon drops. BUY IT NOW. Now is the time to buy Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and I Diarrhoea Remedy. It is cer I tain to be needed sooner or later and when that time comes you will need it badly you will need it auicklv. Buy it now. It may save life. For sale by W. A. Leslie. CATAWBA. Newton Enterprise, July 21st. Some people are still planting corn patches, notwithstanding the warning of the katydidstbat frosts will begin September 26th. ! Mr. Albert C. Allen died last Thursdav afternoon, aged 83 years. He moved to this conn- ty fiom Davie about twenty1 A trestle was washed away last Wednesday afternoon on the C. & N. . W. railroad between Maiden and Lincolnton, and the trains were run by Statesville and Charlotte for two days. v Rev. C. E. Wehler has been elected Superintendent of the graded school and has accepted the position. He is pastor of the Reformed jhurch in Newton and has had experience as a teacher in the schools of Pennsylvania. Esquire J.'H. Moser at his residence in Cla em en t last Sun day afternoon, united in mar riage Mr. Charlie Bolick, son of Mr. Gerard Bolick, and Miss Sallie Isenhour, daughter of Mr. Wilnon Isenhour, both ot Cliue's township. The Register of Deeds tells us that the tax lists show a con siderable increase in the valua tion of property in the county over last years returns. He is not able to give the aggregate but the increase is a very marked one. The item of cotton on hand the first day of June was in the neighborhood of $1 00,000. A witness in the Mark Mc Corkle case was asked by Mr. Self: "How wide are the side walks of the city of Hickory?" "About so wide" answered the witness, holding her hands about three feet apart. It was con sidered a good joke on Hickory, and everybody laughed so loud that the judge had to rap for order. The people from Maiden this week were full of praise for the innovation introduced by Rev. Glenn at tbe recent revival meet ing in the Methodist church at that place cf having the ladies remove their hats durinjr the services, it enabled every Doav to see the preacher without po much moving and wriggling in the seats. Ladies take better care of their hats than the men and do not like to stick them un der the seats on the floor, and may find it inconvenient to take care of them durincr the nreach- mg, but it would be a good Fash ion to introduce in. all assem- blages. Sentenced to Kiss His Wife. , Charlotte Chronicle. Iu Brooklyn, a day or two ago, a man was held before a magis trate's court on a charge of ill treat ing his wife. The magistrate, at ter hearing tbe evidence passed this peculiar judgment, "l sc ience you to- take wife and baby to Coney Island one dny in each week, to kisa yoor wife once at irast each day, and to pay her 6 each week. I suggest that you take her a bunch of flowers once in a while. You are coromauded not to allow your mother in-law to ...tr nr lmnhuM nr- 17 7 7 , rangsments. n,s sentence no.u. ror lour weeKs, ana you anu your wife are to report neie four weeks from to-day. If you do not obey tbe sentence you will be in con tempt of court, and I will punish yon.'' This, at flist blush, would be taken as a piece of cheip humor, bat the indsment was eiveu in all - r seriousness aod was so recorded on the court docket. Barring the mother-in law joke, it must be ad mitted that there is a good deal of common sense in it.' CHOLERA INFANTUM. Child Not Expected to Live Fhom One Hour to Anotb.ee, But Cubed by Chamberlain's Colic, Choleka and Diar rhoea Remedy. tutn, tne nttie aargnier 01 E N. Dewey, Of AgnewVllle, Va., was seriously ill of cholera infantum last summer. "We gave her up and aid not expect her to live from one hour to another," he says. 1 hap- pened to think ot Chamber- Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diar- rhoea Remedy and got a bottle of it trom tne store, xn nve hours I-saw a change tor the better. We kept on giving it and before she had taken the half of one small bottle she was well." This remedy is for sale by W. A. Leslie, druggist. Mother's Ear munaima am imfamt. amo im rum months that com mmfohm that time, SCOTT'S EMULSION murium thm kxtha mrmmmaTH ahb itoummHMMMT mo mmcmamAmr pom THM HKALTH OF UOTH MOTHER AMO CHILD. U ' Send for free (ample. SCOTT & BOWNE. Ckemkt g 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. yjc. ana n.oo ; ail araggisu. Has Mr Bower Been Offered the Fc-.-'tinn of Assistant District Attorney? Greensboro Correspondence Raleigh News and Observer. Wbile on tbe subject of politics it may not be amiss to state that whether Hon. W. H. Bower has authorized a denial ot his political chaDge of heart or not he will not deny that three weeks ago he was in Greensboro by appointment with Congressman Blackburn and other .Republicans, aud had a long conference on political matters He may not be responsible for it, but after the conference this cor: respondent was authorized to state that "Horfc Bower and Lawyer Crauor, of Wilkeeboro, had left the Democratic party." The intelligence was not used from here because -the correspond ent was nuable to see Mr. Bower before he left Greensboro, aud did not choose to connect his name in any eucu important announce ment. In the same conversation it was stated that President Roose velt was continually asking about some reputable Democrat of ex perience and ability for assistant district attorney sinee Rollins and niacKourn couia not agree on. a Republican who suited both, and that Mr. Bower was the comprimise man for Assistant District Attor ney Price's place. So it my be that Mr. Bower will not join the Repub lican ranks and that his denial of having left tbe Democratic party can be explained in this way. Mr. lower s selection would unques tionably prove a popular one. as be is recognized not only as an able lawyer but a fine man. If As sistant District Attorney Price has to go, and he hasn't gone ytt by a long sight, he could have no more able successor thn Mr. Bower, who, like Price, is equally popular among botn Democrats and Be- nnhli..an. lr. ia aUo ai,i h,- T r. r Titr-.u u it Lawyer Green of Wilkesboro, will oe given tue insiae '-rack m cbanc- ing for tbe nomination for district solicitor next rear vpr m,wh Harshaw aud that Cranor will even contest this with him vin Wilkes. It bad been said all along that Greene was Biackbaru's man for Price's place, but he could nor land him, having Cowles, of Wilkes to take caie of. statesyiiie Landmark I The Landmark also anew that Mr. Bower was in conference with Republicans at Greensboro, and it was from this conference that the statement came tnat Air. B rr had changed bis political affilia (ioi ONE DOLLAR SAVED REP- RESENTS TEN DOLLARS EARNED. The average man does not save to exceed ten per cent of his earnings. He must spend nine dollars in living expenses for Averv dollar savod. That. bein the cae he cannot be too parefnl ahont nnneftftssarv ex penses. Very often a few cents - properly invested like buying seeds tor his garden, will save saverai uouarjs o u ua y later on. It is the same in buy- ing Chamberlain's Colic, Chol- era and Diarrhoea ICemedy. It costs but a lew cents, and a bottle of it in the house often saves a doctor's bill of several dollars. For sale by W. A. Leslie. Salisbury is to have a hotel building to cost $125, 00. The new cur; oration is to be known as the Salisbury Hotel Company, and tbe hotel is to be as large, as any m the Piedmont section. THE DIAMOND CURE. The latest news from Paris" is. that they have discovered a diamond cure for consumption. it you tear consumption or pneumonia, it will, nowever, be best for vou to tike that great remedy .mentioned by W. T. McGfee. Of Vanleer. Tenn. "I had a cough, for fourteen vears. Nothing helnd mef until I took Dr. King's New . Discovery for Consump tion. Coughs and Colds, which gave instant relief, and effected a permanent cure." Unequalled cure, for Throat and Lung Troubles. At VV. A. Leslie's i and John Tull's drug stores; price 50c and $1.00, guaranteed. Trial bottle tree. Subscribe for The News-Her ald. 1 Farmers' Institute. A Farmers' Institute will be held in the Court House in Morganton on Monday, July 31st. All farmeis who have heard the discussions at formers' institutes know the bene fit these meetings are. They re ceive hints that they can pat to practical use throughout the year. Farmers who have not been at tending the institutes should begin this year. We copy the following from the poster sent us by S. L. Patterson, commissioner of agri culture: - 'The object of a Farmers' Insti tute is to bring together the farm ers in order that they may discuss tbe subjects relating to their Easi ness, such as tbe best methods of using fertilizers on various crops the preparation and cultivation of the soil, stock raising and stock feeding, diseases of stock, grain and grass-growing, trucking, im- provment o! worn soils, value of cotton seed and cotton seed meal, etc. In addition to local speakers, Tail Butler, Hiate Veterinarian; C. K. McQuarrie, a successful farmer of Florida; T. B. Parker, of Hillsboro, N.- C; W. F. Massey, Horticulturist K C. Experiment Station, and Prof. Benton, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Wash ington, D. C, will be present and discuss questions of interest. An interesting program has been arranged. All farmers and those interested iu farming are invited and nrged to come and ask questions and join in the discussions. Morning session will open at 10 o'clock sharp, and afternoon ses sion at 1:30. S. L. Patteeson, Commissioner of Agriculture. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. Tbe Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of 1 Low Rate Excursion To Portland, Oregon, Account Lewis and Clark Ez- nnHir.ion. will ha in eflfcnt-. via. Wis, cousin Central Eailway. If you inteud to go to Portland this year aBIt lue "cuec agent ro mate your ticket lead'vla Wisconsin Central between Chicago and St. Paul. pQl,man 8leepeB free reclining hair cars and a la Carte meals I make the journey comfortable and pleasant, Jbnrtber information cheerfully given by addressing W. U. Allsn, T. A., 021 Park Building, Pittsburg, Pa. B-Screen Doors $100, Win dows 25 cts. Morganton Hard ware Co. "Subscribe for Thk News- Herald. SECOND-HAND BOILERS FOR SALE. Requiring large additional boiler ca pacity, we found it necessary to buy larger boilers, ana nave for sale ti e boileis now in use. . We will sell on the Hospital grounds: Five Horizon tal Tubular Boilers )H. P. One Horizontal Tubular Boiler 40 H. P. Complete with front and grate bars. but no stacks. Persons in need of boilers' can get a bargain. These boilers will be sold at ones. Address,' F. M. SCROGGS, Steward, Morganton, N. C. Thomas lowdermilk. COME THIS WAY And Get Bargains. LOOK AT MY PRICES BEFORE BUYING. Heavy Rib Bacon, 10c. lb. Thick Fat Back, 11 lbs., $1. Good Lard, 10c. lb. Besf Granulated Sugar, 14 lbs. for $1. Good Flour, $2.80, $3, $3.20. Best bolted Meal, 80c. Canned Corn, 9c, 3 for 25c. Arbuckle Coffee, 15c. lb. Good Vinegar, 30c. gallon. Porto Rico Molasses, 25c. Kerosene Oil, 20c. gallon, 2 gallons for 35c, 3, 50c, 5, 8dc Fruit Jars, 65 and 75c. doz. I keep on hand a nice line of fresh Candies, all kinds of Fruits and Veg- etables a i"4 Prices; ?resh. Mel M.i".?:"1, I snuff and cigars, and other articles too numerous to mention. THOMAS LOWDERMILK. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF y.lEDICltlE, "vf RGI N IA?' Thorough coarse in ftEOlCUiE.SURGEir, OBSTETRICS and the SPECIALTIES ; tin DEITISTBT tad rHABJUCY. Lecture Hall, Laboratories, Hospital and Diipensfj. riea amply equipped lot lacceaafal teaching, crenty Teachers. High teeard befem State Boards. -That Nice Dwelling of Yours - Should Be Fitted Up With Bath Tub, Lavatory, Water Closet, Hot Water Boiler, Kitchen Sinks, &c, 4c. GE1TPEICES FROM STANDARD HARDWARE CO We are prepared to name Rock Bottom Prices on Water Pipe Plumbers' Supplies We carry a nice line of Valves, Steam Gauges, Pop Valves, Whistles, Stojim Pipe'and Pipe Fit tings for your steam engine. " v Be glad to furnish youany thing in the hardware business from a tack to a traction engine. Tours very truly, y Standard Hardware Co. S. V. T. CHAMBLEE, Prop., Free Delivety. Phone 122. MORGANTON, N. C. CHAS. LANE I am now located at the old stand of W. W. McGalliard, on West Union street, and am prepared to furnish to the public the choicest of Fresh and Cured Meats. s'iaref yur patronage will endeavor Free and Prompt DeiYery. Give Me a RESPECTFULLY, CHAS. LANE. New Business Having bought the R. E. Coleman stock of f Groceries, Confections, &c, on Union street, I will continue the business on an increased scale at the same stand, always keeping an up-to-date stock of Family Groceries, 4c. I have just added to all lines and am able to satisfy the most particular customer. Call on me for Meal, Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Canned Goods, Fruits, Candies, &c, and 1 will do you right. Cash or trade paid for Country Produce. G. Gr. BOWERS, A. M. Kistler, President I. I. -Davis, Vice President 4$ First National Bank Morgatnton, N. C. CAPITAL STOCK, 35,000 STOCKHOLDERS LIABILITY, . 35,000 SURPLUS & UNDIVED PROFITS 10,000 8 DIRECTORS: A. M. Kistler, 1. 1. Davis, S. R. R. T. C. H. Every courtesy and accommodation extended consistent with sound banking. WANTED! . AT ONCE. . 100 Laborers On the Sewerage Construction Works in Morganton. Good wages and pay every Saturday evening. Apply to will be appreciated, and I to please You. A. M. Ingold, Cashier J. A. Clavwell, Jr. Teller Collett, Claywell, Geitner. A. A. Shuford, K.-Cr Menzies, GUILD & CO., Co n tractors MORGANTON, N. C. A

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