THE -NEWS-n HRALD. G. COBB, Publisher- THURSDAY, JULY 27, 190.'. Ixolosion of a Gun-Boat Boiler Kills r ... 29 Many Injured. Ian Diegc. Cal.. Disratch. 21st. Twenty-eight members cf the Tew 1 'lie uuuea oires jjuu- -i, i boat Keimmgtnii weie kicmi ami our-scoie sailors were injimd, 24 ;.-rinnlv. at !0 o'clock tuis fore- joon by a boiler eiploMon tbatdis- libled i be fcs-sei hi au uiego uar i or. l'ilteeH tsanors are miwius, jriiere weie moie tbau 20O men iboard the boat when the accident hccurred and many men were hnrled or lorted to jump into the hea by the terrific explosion, which ifted nart of the dec ami cotn- ' veiled the beaching of the ship Ifhe Beutiiugtou, at thti tiaie of tu.- iccidenr. was lying in the stream ust off the commercial wbari at 1J I-itreet. The warship bad received hiders from the Savy Department lit Vasbmtu to Sill this rnoru- ug for Port Ilaitfoid to meet the Inonitor Wtosuiwe: and convey the oni;oi u ilaie Island uavy yaid. Ban Fraucisco. Steam was up and everything I.Tas in leadiuess fur the departure hf the Bennington when thestar hoard torn aid boiler expldded with 1 deafening roar. The explosion- Uas territie.. lo ie standing on hole saw a huge cloud of steam isc above the Bennington. Col- lmns ot water were lorced high uto the air. A dozeu or hfteeu uen were oiowu overooaru oy me bice of the teriilic exph sion. Japt. Weutwortb, wlio was look up at the tsenniugiou wnen tne llisaster occuued, says he saw hu nan bodies hurled over a hundred feet upward. The air was clouded vith smoke, which enveloped the -hip. When the haze cleared iway, outy a tew couiu oe 6een on he decks, wLile a number were lloundering in the water. A boat .vas lowered from the vessel's side liud most of the men in the water veto nicked up and tafceu on hoard. TLater intelligence shows the oss 01 lire to nave been mucu lireater than fiist reported. A lispatch under date of Saturday light, -2nd, says the summary ot he casualties up to thar, time give It total ot ou dead ana oU luiuren. ome of these fatally, with a num er still missing. A number of the ben killed were from the South victor Blue, 01 .North Carolina vas an officer on the Bennington. hut he was as-hore when the acci- lent occurrel. O l her North Cai- liuiaus attached to the Benning- on were Moses Bell, of Garysburg, .nd Monroe loster, of Winstou ?alem, but these names do not appear iu the list of dead so far re orted. Commander Young ex ressed the opiniou that there was weak spot in one of the boilers. ut said there bad been no visible efects 60 far as be knew. The men ho were injured ieU a different tory. They say it has beea the alk of the ship for at least six louths that the boilers were de active, and many of them bad Uared for a long time that iust och an accident would happen. The War. Charlotte ObsTver. 24th. According' to Baron Hay ashi, the Japanes minister to Great Britain, Japan is carrying- on her plan of warfare jyst as though nothing in the way of a peace movement had occurred, the capture of the island of Sakhalin being a case in point. Reports have been received of the landing of a Japanese army north of Vladivostock, and while these have not been officially con firmed, it is likelv that if not accurate, they are at least anticipatory of the real sit uation. It is probable that Japan proposes, despite the assembling- of the plenipoten tiaries in the United States, to make a move upon Vladivo stock, and-at least isolate it .l3' cutting- both land and water communication. There has been no fighting of anj' moment in Manchuria, so far as known, during- the past week, but the Japanese seem to be continually on the move to improve their positions, to judge by the reports that come from the Russian Ji.nes lhe latest jirsrefifardino- tne-.rapa.nese disposition of their forces is that the ar mies are in the shape of a big sickle, and that they have ddO,000 bayonets, 2,0(K) field and mountain guns and about 100 siege guns. It is added that the rains have been less severe this year than usual, and that it will be possible to oegin operations sooner than supposed. Baron Komura, one of the Japanese peace commission ers, is now en route East. having landed at Seattle Thursday from Japan; News irom lokio is that Japan con A J T " , Liiiucs iu suspect jxussia s good laith in the matter of bringing- the war to a close and it is believed there that Linevitch has been promised men sumcient to nnallv win 4- L a. j m i - luc tonxest. inis seems hardly possible, when Rus sia's plight is considered, but there is no telhnsr bv reason r ... - - oi what she savs ahnnf th matter, what Russia is really going to do. . Sale of Town Lots for Taxes - By virtue of levies made by me for default in payment of taxes to the town of Morganton for the year 1904, I will expose to public sale, for cash, at the Court House door in Morganton; N. C, on Monday, Aug. 7, 1905, town lots belonging- to delinquent taxpayers herein named. The whola of each lot will be set up for sale at the same time and the bid will be struck off to him who will pay the amount of taxes, with all expensns, for the smallest part cf said lot. The purchaser will pay the amount due on the snot or thp lot will ri imTnr1iat1w ! resold. Each lot will be sold in the In Memory of Dr. George H. Moran, A Ruling Elder of The First Presby terian Church of Morganton. Dr. George H. Moran was born in Baltimore, Maryland, on the 30th of October, 1839, and died in a hospital at Salisbury June 23rd, 1905, after un dergoing a critical operation. Dr. Moran first came, to Morganton as surgeon of a regiment of United Si ates troops sent bere about the year 1875. Though the bitterness engend ered by the war had not then subsided, his gentle and affable manner, his kindly disposition and his professional and general attainments made him a very welcome uest and a favorite in the households of all of our most cul tivated people. His sojourn among us wder named below, and the sale will i3 d. suuiier resulted in nis engagement continue from day to day until all is s""ocHutui uicuude, on juay ra, i disposed of. ij , ixj luisa odrda xoung lirwin. After his marriage he settled in Mor ganton, where his learning and skill as a physician and surgeon and his high character as a gentleman com- manciea up to Uie time of his last ill ness a leading and lucrative practice. Dr. Moran became a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Morgan ganton, on profession of faith, on the 21st dayof Sept., 1882, and subsequent ly, in the year 1890, was ordained one oi its ruling elder. Dr. ' Moran en tertained decided views upon all public questions, formed after mature delib eration and intelligent study. He was a voracious and habitual reader and a gentleman of fine literary taste and at tainments. His religious views and opinions were founded upon convictions as to the truth of the cardinal doctrine of the church, and his faith. in the ef ficacy of the attonement never faltered, but waj an ever prese it support and comfort to him in sickness and in health, and quickened his zeal in Christ ian work. Resolved, That we, his brethren of the session of the First Presbyterian Church of Morganton, deeply deplore his death and deem his removal an ir reparable loss to this church and to the community, and a personal bereave ment to his associates in every sphere of his life. Resolved further,. That we, his brethren and associate ruling elders, feel a profound sympathy for his fami ly in their hour of distress and trouble, and in token of our reverence for his memory and regard for his family, these resolutions and the foregoing memorial notice be recorded in the minutes of the session and submitted for adoption and approval to the con- i gregaiion at its next meeting. ncauiYcu lurtner, J.nat a cer. tified copy of the foregoing memorial notice and these resolutions be sent bv me tier, oi tne session to the family of OHr -deceased brother and that copies be furnished to the religious and secular newspapers for publication. Respectfully submitted, A. C. Avery, R. K. Fresnell; W. A. Ross, Committee, The News From Enola. Correspondence of The News-Herald. The threshers are still goiuj Miss Maude Clark, of Morgan- ton, visited Miss Sudie Poteet Sunday. Misses Loisa and Hester Snipes, of Shoup's Ford, visited Resolutions by the Ladies of the Mac cabees. At the regular review of the Morgan xuve, io. , ot the Ladies of fhe uiaccaDees ot the World, hid . - - ------ - VII II1C utn day ot July, 1905, the following x..ullv,,1a wcic auoptea: whereas. It has pleased our Heavenly Father to remove irom ner earthlv hom io ici .oeitna triucey, of Marion, N. C be it. Resolved, That. humble submission to His Divine will we cannot refrain from expressing o,,r ""wuu our reeling of loss in the ucata oi our valued sister. Futher be 1 1. Tl . xvesoivea. mat wp Ttn.i u r . ' ' .i.v,w 1 1 CI 1UDUJ our sincere svmnsfhr in UK" oi sorrow, and tnem to that God whom that consolation we commend serve for relatives here Sunday and Mony ffif Zet'tfr .eboivea, i nat a copy of these reso lutions be sent to the family, a copy be "" luiumes or tne Hive, and Home Coming Week" in Sheiby. The 2stews-Heeald is in re- iipt of an inritaion reading as You are cordially invited to attend the "Home ComiDg Week" for Cleveland County People, l Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, August 16th, 17th and 18th, 1905. Shelby.lXorth Carolina. Following is the program: EDNESDAY, AUGUST lGTH GEN ERAL EE-UNION DAY. 20:00 a. in. Ouenin? TCxprrisps. i0:J0 a. m. Address: Hod. B.F. ixon, Stale Auditor. 11:00 a. m. Address: Hon. Lee Overman, U. S. Senator. 2:00 p. m. Short Jieminii-cent peeches. 4:00 p. m. Baseball. S:15 p.m. A War Drama: -TJn- 'r tbe Southern Cross." IURSDAY, AUGUST 17TH FAE 3IEES' DAY. 10:00 a. m. Address: Hon. John Cuumngbam. 11:00 a. m. Address: lion. W. Oeatb. 112:00 m. General Picnic. 2:00 p. m. Informal Meeting. 4:00 p. m. Baseball. i 8:30 p. m. Public Reception. AUGUST 17TH TETEP- AXS' DAY. JU:oU a. m. Annual Address: oi. r. a. ulenn, Governor of ortb Caroliua. 2:00 p. m. General Be Union. 4:00 p. m. Baseball. &30 p. m. Closing Exercises. General Committet: Clv'e B. oey, Chairman, Cha. C. Ulautoo M. Mull, A. C. Miller, J. A. itbony. dav T f . ol .11 nit t i. Ait-v. iur. rsneu nnea ms an pointment here Saturday and bunday. There was quite a large crowd out to hear him. Miss JLeila Huffman is teach mg bcnool in the Academy. She had 50 present yesterday. Mrs. S. P. Brittain, who been in Graham, is at Mr. A Brittain's. Mr. Mull brought a nice load oi watermelon's in to day. Little Lerny Brittain is visit tng nis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Poteet, atr Shoup's rum. Mr. Timothy Smith and dauj a copy be sent to the Mnma TV.T,: , .- & ciuu x.xanuu papers ior publication. ay order of the Hive. Mrs. M. E. Gillam, R. K, Mrs. T. G. Cobb, Mrs. Hamilton Erwin, Committee i uas H. BENT HER DOUBLE. I ku weeks, when I was ciib- TtrifVi typhoid and kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Annie, TT FlttsburfiT. Pa "anrl wdon 1 sot better, althrmo-h T hoA of the best doctors I could set, 1 was bent double, and hnrl tn rest my hands on my knoes when T wnlk-orl r? tere, Misses Emily and Bruna. terrible affliction IwrOCrtn J. J 1 - r . - ' 1 -m, . . . ..w.vovutu leiuoieu nome Monday from a y Electric fitters, which re- otvieu.iiiy xieaitn ana strensrth and now I can walk as straight Name. Am't Taxes. Avery, A C, Sr, $ 8 02 " Juliett 1 25 " Mary 29 " Jones 1 17 " Henry 46 " Ann 63 " Peg-gie 1 23 " Lucy Ann 84 Berry Jink 21 " Rebecca 1 67 Bridg-es, H R 6 86 Caldwell Caylor 4 61 Dennis 4 11 " Jerry 1 17 " Sam 75 ' NC , 2 59 Campbell Ars. Chas. 2 50 Carson, M C -- ' " -V 68 Coleman Howard 2 34 Denton, J M 9 40 " DF 5 21 Deal Joe M 2 98 Dale James M 2 50 Erwin James P 5 00 Fleming Clara 85 Fisher, H C .25 Gross Matha 3 05 Gaston Rose 85 Gray Mary M 3 13 Gilliam, Mrs. M E : 11 61 Hallyburton, T J 84 " JC 3 38 Hogan, W G, Sr, 15 84 Hapoldt George 3 36 Holloway, J B 13 42 Jubin, M 1, 86 Lee Wm. 4 25 Lynch Alf. 85 Moore, TP 34 00 Miller John Craton: 13 84 Morganton Roller Mills 9 46 McCoy, Mrs. A L ; 975 McGalliard Lark . 84 Michaux, W M 4 17 Nichols, Mrs. Annie 3 35 Pearson, Miss Bettie O 6 25 Payne, J N 20 45 " HP 1174 Ray, Mrs LP 8 34 " N W 37 50 S;ott Hennie 3 18 Smyre Robt. 84 Tate Ann Heirs 1 67 Ward, LA 27 38 Wilson Henry 1 69 " Anderson 1 67 " Sophronia 3 34 Warlick, E S 22 34 Williams, T W 3 92 Avery Sam 1 25 " Eliza 17 Caldwell Daniel 3 75 Greenlee Martha 84 Gaston Clarecy Estate 1 67 Henry Ed 1 67 Lvtle Lou j 2S Miller H W 21 Patterson, J T Estate 8 34 Pearson Tom . 84 Walton, Hyram j 25 Spencer, C A & Co 8 34 Frisard E 18 57 HAMILTON ERWIN, July 7, 1905. Town Tax Collector. mmyyymnm?mmnymmytmmmymn?r?ywmmmmfcg 71 Beachnut Sliced Bacon and Sliced, Beef are better than any other kind of canned meats and are just as cheap! SEE OUR WIN DOW DISPLAY. Bristol & Harbison. LAZARUS BRO Summer Clearance iUiUiiiiaiiiiiaiaiuiaiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiss:, week's visit to Casar Mr. S. E. Poteet doesn't seem to improve any. Master Monvon Poteet har 1 A . , . ' peueu to an accident Monday. He was ridine- a hnrsp tr. ua tor C7 - V. . 1 as ever They are simply won- utjum. viuaranteed to cure stomach, liver and kirWr orders; at W. A. Leslie's and Jno. Tull's drug stores; price when the horse stumbled, falling 50 c on h!a lorr in1 l.ii;.,:, 1 acne, ioui ton?nfl. nn annatUa 11 tins escapes the waste bas- lack enenrv.nnin n.ct jju m near irom me ajrain. HORXKT. i-.nola, u., Tuesdav. June 21 th, 1905. acn, constipation. Hollister's Koeky Mountain Tea will make ou wen ana keep you well oo cts. VV. A. Leslift. Has Stood the Test 25 Years The old. orissin-.l GROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tome. Yon know what job are takino-. t EDr. McG. Anders i iron and nnininc in a s" .rl I I ". . . . . care, no Pav. 56c. "- xvo luepracrice oi medicine, aft 2sot a cent wanted, unless u are cured. If you are sick id ailing:, take Hollister's ocky Mountain Tea. A great essing to the human family, akes you well keess you ill, 35 cents, T. a or Tablets. Leslie. I. W. HARPER is the acme of excel lence in wnisfeey productior. - Safest uu niQBi 8 tisractory for all uses Sold by J. H. McNeelyf pR)R Sale. An American union dewing Machine. Mads by the JMew Home Co. G jod as new. A bargin if taken quick Apply at The News. Herald office. absence of Gastonia. several er an months at Announcement! "Subscribe 3RALD. for The News- The regular annual meeting of the Partners' Mutual Fire Ins. Association Catawba & Borke branch, will be held in the City Hall, Hickory, N. C. on Saturday. July 29th, 1905. The meet ing proper will becin at 12-anfr. shaip. The board of directors wiil meet the secretary and treasurer at 10 a. m. in the same building, to examine and audit his accounts with the branch ior we past year ana approve or revise his annual report. Let every member be at the meeting if possible and hear lucouuuiH Btdtemeas or tne secretary and treasurer and exercise his rights in voting in the election of officers for the ensuing year. Fail not to come! S.T. WJLFONQ, M. A. ABEKNETHY Pres. Sac. & Treas. If you want your sew ing- Machine repaird let me know it, or bring it to the ping-er bewing Machine store in Morganton and have it repaired free of charge. Do not have your Machine fooled with by these sewino-Marhin bummers goinp- around rvr the country. Singer Sewing Machine Co " vv. ix. irexler, Ma oalesman. inagino- !lU if) Mortgage Sale of Land. By virtue of a mortgage deed t1 of April. 190i.y W. L. joaes and w,fe, E. L. Jones, to 1- W.Glass and ofn7tnnt0',Irethe ment of a debi day of Ansrust. 190S. at t .e tenrt HnL bidder, fo, cashTrcTrtairtVVtonanS'S tainfne 87VtOWnShiD' Bnrke eountv. oK Scribe", in8 IS tlJ -tikli, ... , , vac UCCU. Ibis July 7. 1905. GLASS & COULTER. Sheriff's Sale Under Attachment ana Executions of Valuable Mineral Projerties. By virtue of three several executions to me directed from the Snm-rinr . Burke conrty in the cases ef Citizens Marine Orr, and of the "-irst National Ro'nlr r.f v Dort News, and of T r F.nn, an o .:j ucieuaant. i will sell at the Court House door in the town of Moreanton, on lion. uay, AUK. tn. TO Tne nip-ttMt hirlrloi- u an tne property described in an attchment .... .u ouu iciui nea into xne Ulerk's office in the case of Citizens Marine Bank vs Orr on 28 th Am.. 1903. anri nil tho - "'.' tanas, mines, ores and miner als in the folio wine- tracts tn-xmrii-- w'.T"' Jac?; desc"bed in a deed from Byard Wall and wife to R. t On- ro- j ti "-cs- ""as in book ti No. 2. p. 558. Second tract, described in a deed, or deeds iron Etlev & Merri veatht- n-n- in i. r !i ,iVp 11 1TI,ra tract, described in " "IU J L-at " ano I . A. Perr v ree in Boek I No. 2. o. Rnnrth scnoea in a deed from 1. n u io !n BokJ'2io' P- 7- s"tl tract, described and interests in the Scott Hiil tract purch- ascuoi .virs. harah McDowell. Also all the and to the South Mountain Mining Co. All ciyU.E .cms arc reierrea to lor full descrip tion, as u tne same were written hmin ti.. .uKinuuuaiuurr rasaia lands, ores and Vi o v. oe so,c snDJt to the lien of mtuuweu, or ner executors uu der a prior attachment, to which reference is made as returned n -the Clerk's office 29th This 7th July, 19C5. manly Mcdowell. Sheriff Burke Co., N. C. trustees7 Sale of Lands in Burke .oanty, forth Carolina. RJ virtue of a power of sale contained in tain irus.;aea executed to us on the 17th dav of Deoember, A D. 1902. bv Robeit L. Smith, ot Manhattan, city and county of New York, State of New York, and reffistered in the Register's office i f Burke county. North Caroliia. Book P No. 2 oaee 238. December 23 J. 1902. we wi 1 expose to sale at public auction at the Court House door in the town o-" Morganton, North Caro lina, iu iuc nisnet Didder tor cash, on Mon- oay. me tn day ot Ausust. 1905, the fol- ""'"S "nmoto ifwo tracts or parcels ot land: ; . Lying and beinj in the county of Burke. " , vmuun., aescriDea and bounded as follows, to wit: ...8.t Tract- Lyn on the waters of While's Mill creek, begmniag on a Walnut about 40 poles on the wrst side of said creek in the Stallions (now Sweets) east and west line and runs south 163 west 57 poles, crossing - i x-incaia's spring Z Z Jrri wnite-oak on the f'""" " .: iiukc ucuween tne two branch sJT eir. w.eB.liJ P,es to a stake . -a . C I ' ,,nc; tnen north with said line 76 poles to a stake in Keaton s line: then with saiG line 146 poles to the begin ning, containing 58 acres, more or less and 5e"iLthe JLa Particularly described in a detd from R. H. Kinonirl ttriU ir. t caid, to Julius Clark and wife, Annie Clark oi aate tne 1st Cav of May. 1897. as Hnl. neeHTf '2Z5 JLCJL "e ?c?ter of " uuin. .uuulv. i ii nnriir m o page 256. 2nd Tract. Adjoining the above h,mn. nmg on a walnut in the line of the widow Newton Tohnson. and the nii t f line on the west side of the cVeek.' running w.uBamnneeasttotne creek; then down the creek with its meander. .- .u TT 5 of the creek and fork ot the . simwon and Dogwood; then up the spriPg branch thmt J. M. Kincaid formerly lived of to the fork of the branch tha t f i-f on formerly lived on aid corners in the fork of the branch in a pile of rock; then west through the cleared land a short distance to the post-oak corner of r n . i-. . ld' 1ine: rth with'R. H. Kin'caid's . m mc walnut cor ner, containing 12 acres, more or less The same being the'tract ot land conveyed to Si"kS'" Yfc P th lt day otMa y. 1897, bv R. H. Kincaid and ife. 1. D. Kin! caid. as duly recorded in the office of the DTo8tirra 2595f BUrkeCUnty- hnMeV ?l1made bT relist of the beneficial holder of the security above mentioned on C,I,ntofdefanltn,ade in the payment of the debt secured therebj ; subject tJ a judg- .",POn o,ptri'r a' tachment Hen and levy d,li.,i?,'infa'orof Sarah A. , r.,, nKaini Koiaert P. Orr, "wuw n. outn j jfigtnent and m 'ft m LADIES9 K I RT To Close at Cost and Below For the present we have decided to discontinue our line of skirts and will offer, be ginning with Monday next, to close our whole line at cost with the exception of a dozen or so that we will offer to the first purchasers at prices considerably less than All in good shape, fine and desirable fabrics. cost, styles ii l i i v Bargains that outbargain all previous Barqains We will not carry over goods. Everything in everv department must be reduced to the lowest extremity. We otter new, only clean, genuine, reliable and carefully selected merchandise. It s the high grade and serviceable wearing qualities of the goods we .sell we hfiri vnn to hflar in mind-nnods that vva Innu, j j j atlivtl will give satisfaction to the wearer. These are the sort of goods we are now selling at such wonder fully low prices, and these goods at clearance prices 'are such rare bargains that you cannot well afford to overlook them. WE QUOTE YOU A FEW ITEMS OF THE GENERAL MARK-DOWN, Bargains in Ladies' Skirts and Waists. Wash Skirts, made of crash, trimmed in braid, 39c Wash Skirts raadeof fancy crash, real value 75c sold sold up sale price Cloth Skirts that 1.50, sale price Cloth Skirts that $2 50, sale price Skirts that sold $6 00, sale price Ladies Shirt Waists at 60c, sale price Ladies Shirt waists at $1 50, sale price Bargains in Yasn Goods. Fancy Lawn 8c, value, sale price yer yard 4)4 c Fancy Lawn, WzC value, per yard 9c Fancy Lawn, 20c value, sale price per yard 15c Wash D ress Goods that sold up to 30c per yard, sale price 69c at $1 00 at $1 98 to 4 50 sold 39c sold 75c 0- Black Batiste, 25c value, I. I. DAVIS & SON. il i ii) ii il il il il il sale price per yard- Yard wide Percale tier yard Best quality Dress G:nw- ham, per yard Great Redaction in Silks. 75c Silk, per yard $100" SI 25 20c 15c 5c 8c 50c 75c $1 00 PLOW Your Land With a Plow. Burke's Choice Disc PKICE $25.00 Sow Your Peas With an EMPIEEDEILL, Cut Them "With a WALTER A. WOOD MOWER. - Bargains and Notions. Ladies fine lisle thread Hose, plain and drop stitched, 50c value per pair Ladies Gauze Vests each Ladjes lisle thread Vests, 25c value, each Ladies Belts, 25c value, ladies Neck Wear, 25c value, sale price Embroidered Shirt Waists, enough in each pattern to make a waist, per pattern Bargains in Ham&nrgs. Hamburg, Inserting? . and Beading-s, 15c val ue, per yard Hamburgfs, Inserting and Beading-s, lOcvalue, per 3'ard 25c 5c 18c 19c 19c oc lCc 5c Big- bargfain in Val. and Torchen Laces and In serting, values up to 10c per yard 5C Special Bargains in Corsets. We have chose from our Corset stock all broken lots and odds and ends, there are all sizes and styles in the lot, value up to $1.50, your choice 75c ' Millinery Bargains. Childrens Sailors, 50c val ue, saleprice 25c Ladies ready-to-wear Hats, $1 50 value, sale- price 98c Ladies read v-to-wear H?.ts, $3 00 value, sale Price $1 50 Snce Bargains. Ladies Oxfords, $1 50 val ue, Si 00 Ladies Oxfords, $2 50 val ue, . $1 75 Childrens' Oxfords, $1 00 value, GOc Children's Oxfords, $1 50 value, SI 00 Mens low cut Shoes, sold up to $3 50, sale price, per pair S2 00 Remnents and short lengths in all kinds of TV i I juress vjooqs at greatlv reduced trices dun'no- this sale. .Astonishing- are the sacri fices to be made in the cloth ing dept. Here's news for the men the like of which we con fiden tally believe has never had parallel nor prescedent in clothing- selling onlv an extra ordinary occasion such as this clearing sale could bring to piss sacrifices so un-heard-of as these. $5 00 for Men's Suits that sold us to 812 50. o lor Men's Suits sold up to $15 00. 8 15 00 for Men's Suits sold up to $20 00. Boys' and Children's Clothing at Greatly -Reduced Prices. Men's Straw Hats that sold up to 75c, for 15c. Men's Low Cut Shoes that sold up to 3 50 for 2 00 that that e w asron br i-roceedinss docketed and on fi'e in the office lb C'trk ?the Sartor Courts, f Burke county, .North Carolina, will more fully a" This th 1 3th dav of JuW, A. D 1 905 I. T. AVERY and VT. O Em iv Trost; es Mnrf n f i n n ri p& p i b -nmmmm t ? w m m m mm Quick morganton Hard ware Company IS THE Best Farm and All Round Wagon Made. Material and Workmanship First-lass. . THOSE WHO HANE TRIED THIS WAGON RECOM- J- A. POTEET iiNOLA, N. 5 c. "Wanted. One hunrlered men to work at Old Fort, N. C. Good wnges and stead r work the -ear through. Apply to The United States Leather Co., Old Fort, N. C. to buy this wag-on may call at The 'information. Agent, Mews-Herald office -SSX8 Tasteless ChiHTonlc bottles. Does this rV "J.e?e oyer Oae end a Half Hh iscovery, Relief, illedicated Soap, d At The Endosed with fT - appeal to VOU? , wtue is a 1 6i cent, package of Grove , No Cure, No Pay. 50c. s Black Root. o) n uuvv W. A. LESLIE, iNTON, K. C.