tut The News-Herald JOB PRINTING " IS THE Best Advertising Medium IN THE PIEDMONT, SECTION -TO- Ne'ws-Herald Office. S TYGrCOBB, Publisher. THE BURKE COVNTY NEWS ConsoHdtd Nov. 29.1901 THEMOKGANTON HERALD "onsoilaaa "ov Subscription Price, $i Per Year In Advance. First-Class Work at Lowest Prices, flf VOL. XXI. MORGANTON, N. C, SEPTEMBER 14. 1905. No 23. Bring Your NEW5EiERALD0 M - " Easy to take and easy to act b hit famous littlo pill DeWitt'a Llttla Early Risers. This Is due to the fact that they tonlo the liver In stead of purging it. They never gripe nor sicken, not even the most delicate lady, and yet they are so certain In results that no one who uses them Is disappointed. They cure torpid liver, constipation, biliousness, jaundice. headache, malaria and ward on pneu monia and fevers. FSBFAKED 0LT IT - - C. DeWITT A CO.. CHICAGO Don't Forget tha Kama W. A. LESLIE, Drnggist, Morganton, N.O. FIRE insurance: We wrhe Fire Insurance poli cies ou all kinds of property in the largest home and for eign companies. Every loss sustained on property insured in this agency, established fifteen years ago, has been prompt ly and sat.sfactorily settled. VTp are agents for the North Carolina Home, Aetna of Hartford, Hambnrs Bremen, Hartford, of Hartford, Cop. Insurance Company of North America, Niagara of New York, Home, of New York and German American. Policies placed on our books are promptly renewed before expira ation. We write risks from $iOO to 1100,000, on property in town or country, at lowest rates. , Aveby & Ebvin, Ag'e. Post-office Building. CAROLINA & NORIHWESTERH M SCHEDULE Effective July 10, ioo4. Nokthbocnd Passeneer Mixed Mixed Lv Chester 9 OO an 30 am Lv Yorkville 9 48 am 7 57 am Lv Gastonia 10 38 am jj,jam rv Liacolnton 11 50 am 10 45n Lv Newton 12 28 pm 1 OO pm Lv Hickory 12 57 pm 2 20 pm 2 20 am Ar Lenoir 2 10 pm 5 15 pm Socthboukd Pannf;er Mixed Mixed Lv Lenoir S 05 pm 9 45 am Lv Hickorv 3 57 pm 5 20 am 11 50 am Lv Newton 4 24 pm 7 OO am Lv Lincolnton 5 02 pm 9 OO am 1210l Lv Gastonia 6 00 pm j 30 am Lv Yorkville 6 50 pm 3 05 pm Ar Chester 7 45 pm 4 45 pm CONNECTIONS. Chester Southern Rt., S. A. L. and I,. & C. Yorkville Southern Railway. Gastonia Southern Railway. Lincolnton S. A. L. Newton and Hickory Southern Railway. Lenoir Bl. 1 win Rock Stage Line and C. & S. E. F. Reid. G. P. A- Chester. S. C. LADIES i Dr. la Franco's 1 1 Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator Superior to other remedies sold at bleh prices. Cure guaranteed. Successfully used, by over '200.000 Women. Price, 25 Cents, droj gists or by mail. Testimonials & booklet tree. Br. LaFranco, Philadelphia, Pa. HOLLISTER'S Bosky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Hedioine for 3niy People. Brings Golden Health and Beneed Vigor. A snwifle f.ir Cnraf matinn. TsdierastiOD. Live t.r.i Kidnev Troubles. Pimples, Eczema, Impure ;i.jd. Bad Breath, Sluireish Bowels, Headache mi Riekaohe. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tab. let form, 35 cents a box. Genuine made by HomsTER Drug Company, Madison, Wis. COLD EN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE eh ji niu i hi ii uu i it i uii ui in i it ri 1 1 u iinti i THE KORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS t; Offers practical industrial educa- s E tion in Agriculture, Engineering, g 1 Industrial Chemistry, and the jf - Textile Art. Tuition $30 a year. S Board S8 a month. 120 Scholar- g ships. Address PRESIDENT WINSTON, WEST RALEIGH, N. C. E sun 1 1 1 1 1 in i ma ii ii i ti r.rii urn i hi mm mm WANTED For U. S. Armr. able- fcodied, unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35. citizen of the United States, of good character and temperate fcabits, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to Re cruiting Officer, 15 West Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C.,40 Patton ae., Asheville, N. C , Kendall Building, Columbia. S. C, or Bank Balding. Hickory, N. C. Dental Notice. You need your teeth filled, extracted or artificial teeth made, see me. Prices reasonable. A. M. DULA. Dentist. Office over Tull's Drugstore. Gillam Studio MORGANTON, N. C. Portraits VIEW WORK Copying ENLARGING Foi T a View nf vnnr ri rn co nr a family group call on us, and ee our latest styles prices. AVar style Cards, especially for the Babies and School Children. forte 98. Ne,t Door to Dr. Roaa. Subscribe for The News Herald iariy iisirs THE NEWS OF THE A Batch of Live Items Culled from Counties. WATAUGA. Boone Democrat. Sept 7tu. Rev. J. J. L. Sherwood passed through yesterday on his return from Collettstille, and reports quite a lot of tjphoid fever in that section. . Much to their credit, the good people of Sugar Grove will vote upon themselvesja special tax to further, promote the school in terests in that district. They are thoroughly aroused on the great question of education. CALDWELL Lenoir Tepio, Sept. 6th. Mrs. Hilkiah Phillips died at her home in Lenoir Monday night. She was a Miss Angeline Walker before she was married. The family had recently moved heie from Globe. Seldom has Lenoir been thrown into such excitement as on Tues day morning, when the news of the terrible damage done by a mad dog, began to come in. The list of victims runs from Lenoir to Patterson. Following are the names: Milton Storey, Herndon Laney and Lee Walters, white; and Ed Dula and Betty Michaux, colored. Walters and Betty were the worst injured, beirg so badly torn that the wounds would be serious, even were there no danger of rabies. Many persons along the route taken by tha dog fired at him, but without results, until he took refuge under the store of Crisp, Cilly & Co., at Patterson, where he bit some small dogs, also in hiding under the building. Mr. Bond Warren stooped down, thinking perhaps the beast might be there, aBd seeing him, fired just in time to escape injury. The dead dcg was brought to town and viewed by soma of our citizens. Messrs. Laney and Walters left yesterday for the Pasteur Institute. The father of Milton Storey, who is about 14 years of age, has not yet been notified, as he is away from home. News telegraphed from Hickory is to the effect that the same dog 'ran amuck' there. having bitten several persons and a number of dogs. Those bitten there have gone to the in stitute. SICKENING, SHIVERING; of Ague and Malaria, can be relieved and cared with Electric Bitters. This is a pure, tonic. medicine; of especial benefit in malaria, for it exerts a true curetive inflence on the dis ease, driving it entirely out of the system- It is much to be preferred to Quinine, having none of. this drug s bad after effects. F. S. Munday, of Henri -tta, Tex., writes: "My brother was very low with ma larial fever and jaundice, till he took Electric Bitters, which saved his life. At W. A. Les lie and Jno.Tull's drug stores. Price 50c, guaranteed. Mcdowell Marion Democrat, Sept. 8th. Dr. George I. White who was operated on for appendicitis at the sanatorium in btatesville a few weeks ogo, has recovered and returned home. Dr. White was able to be on the streets during the week and received a hearty welcome Dy nis many friends, who wish him long life and happiness. The praded school census shows that Marion has220bovs and 190 girls. Attorney J. L, C. Bird, who prepared the list, savs that this is quite an increase over last year and fully justifies the new addition? to the school building. There are no colored children within the corporation, so the enrollment is exclusively of whites. . - . At the residence of Dr. and Mrs. M. F. Morphew, Tuesday at 8:30 o'clock a. ra., Mrs. Cora L. Council, of Boone,' was united in marriage to James Woodburn, of Reidsville, proprietor of the Wrightsville Beach Hotel. The ceretronv was performed bv the Rev. W. B. Moiton, pastor of the Baptist church, and was witnessed only bv the immediate friends and members of the families. The bride is a sister of Mrs. Morphew. As a dressing tor sores. bruises and burns Chamber Iain's Salve is all that can be desired. It is soothing and healing in its effect. I allays the pain of a burn almost in stantly. This salve is also a certain cure for chapped hands and diseses of th6 skin. Price 25 cents- For sale by W. A. Leslie, druggist. NEIGHBORHOOD. the Papers of the Adjoining -. CATAWBA. Newton Enterprise, Sept. 8th. A telegram was received here Sunday evening by Candoce Deal, colored, saying that her eon Ben was killed, in Salisbury Sunday by a railroad train. Mr. H. H. McGee showed u- Saturdav afternoon a real live apple snake, which Mrs McGee foundit in an apple. It was white in color, and was about the size of ahorse hair. Mr. "McGee said it was 18 inches long. Mr. S. D. Houk has taken a census of the school children in the Newton graded school dis trict, and nnds that there are 372 males and 391 females, 763 in all. This is our white popula tion between 6 and 21 vears. He also took a census of the color children in the d strict. They number 94; 45 males and 49 fe males. The - Hickory Mercury says that Frank Pollaru, a married man i years old, and Claud Campbell, a single girl only 17 years old, have eloped. They left in a buggy for unknown parts last Friday night about 10 o'clock. Pollard took from $500 to $2000 with him. Week before last the wife of Daniel Eckard left the country with a young man. The elopement craze seems to have become chronic around Hickory. At the Baptist parsonage ic Newton, Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Albert Harrell, son of Mr. A. M. HarrellJ of Newton, was marrried to Miss Annie Laura Trolling r, daughter of Mr. J. H. Trollinirer of Catawba, Rev. T. B. Davis ofhciatinsr. Miss Dora-dine, of this place, and a Mr. Alien, of Savannah, Ga., were married in Salisbury at the Methodist parsonage on Saturday afternoon, August 12, Rev. Mr. Rydjr officiating. This seems to have been somewhat of a Gretna Green affair, as news of the occurrance has just reached town. WAS A VERY SICK BOY. But Cubed by Chamberlain's Colic, Choleka and Diab- bhoea Remedy. "When my boy was two years old he had a very severe attack of bowel complaint, but by the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy we brought him out all right," says Maggie Hickox, of Mid land. Mich. This remedy can be depended upon m the most severe cases. Even cholera in fantum is cared by it. Follow the plain printed directions and a cure is certain. For sale by W. A. Leslie, druggist. CLEVELAND. Shelby Star, Sept. 6th. Sunday night marking the end of Kev. W . K. Minter s pastor ship of the Shelby Presbyterian church, he having accepted the superintendent of Westmiiister High School, a Wildemere, a union meeting of all thechurches in Shelbv was held in the Free bytenan church tor the purpose of e i phasizing the high esteem Mr. Minter was held in Shelby and the regret the people ot Shelbv would experience be cause of his? departure. Shelby is to have an i;e plant. This louir needed enterprise has been launched by C. B. buttle Co., the lot having already been purchased and the machinery being bargained for. lhe esti mated cost of establishing a plant of this kind here is about twelve or hiteen hundred dol lars. 1 Most of the farmers are through pulling fodder; the cot ton fields are getting white, and there is a bending time ahead for the man with his cotton poke. . Mr. J. J. Price, of DePew, gave this office a call Wednesday, and among the otner interesting things he told about, was a hog belonging to Mr. liurt &cism, which was born as black as a crow and remained black while a pig, but which is now white. He wants to know what turned it white, and utates that he is sure it is not due to end age, as t is but a ear old. Mrs. Albert Eskridge died at her home in Atlanta, Ga., last week. She was 45 yearioldand has many friends and relatives in this county, her husband be ing a brother to Messrs. tfaily Eskridge, of Shelby, ana jonn E kridge, of Lawudale. fehe was 54 years old and leaves a hus band and 4 child rm. The first bale of new cotton for 1905 was brought to Shelby FIFTY CENTS IN some conditions the gain from the use of Scott's Emulsion is very rapid. For this reason we put up a fifty-cent size, which is enough for an ordinary cough or cold or useful as a trial for babies and children. In other conditions the gain is slower health cannot be built up in a day. In such cases Scott's Emulsion must be taken as nourishment; a food rather than a medicine. It's a food for tired and weak digestions. Send for free sample Scott & Bowne, 409-415 Pearl St Cbcmlata New York '50c and $1.00. All druggist Thursday by Mr. John Borders and sold bv him to Mr. A. U. Miller f r 10. It 'was classed good middling. Thh was unus ually early and the price paid is enough to make the farmers feel good. Ten cents is not a bad opening. Rollins Notes. Correspondence of The NewvHerald. Moulton Moses i very sick with a complication of liver and kidney trouble. Dr. Hennessee is attending him. Aunt Polly Nail, mother of Tom Nute Kail, who has been an invalid frorh rheumatism for many years, has suffered a stroke of paralysis and is very low. Edward Clark has the svmpa- thy of the community in the loss of an infant child from typhoid fever. Bud Morrison, our genial depu ty sheriff has just returned from a trip to lennessee, Dringmg with bini a . fine bay stallion known as the "Yode" horse. When Bud is riding him, he, Bud, is equal to the colonel of a North Carolina regiment. Leroy Wallace, of King's Mountain, has left for home, after a brief visit to his daughter Mrs. Mollie Pearson, wife of W. B. Pearson. He brought with him an invalid daughter, who will stay sometime with her sis ter, for the benefit of our fine mountain climate. Miss Sallie Epley, daughter of John T. Enlev, has returned from spending the summer with Mrs. M. D. Grant, in Morgan ton. She will reenter the Glen Alpine Springs School when it reoiens. Rev. R. D. Schoon maker, prin- capal of the Glen Alpine Springs school, has returned from his va cation at his northern home. He did not take very much time for rest, as be was busy most ot the time raising funds for carrying on the work of the school. He will put a fire-proof roof on the mam buildin and otherwise lm prove the property. J. Arthur Wainwright was be- foie the board of county com- mi sioners Monday and presen ted to them the survey of the proposed public way over Little Mountain from Henesssee to Rollins and explained the matter fully to them. It is to be hoped that the commissioners wil grant this road, as it is greatly needed. Frank E. Bos worth made the stirvev. . - Wm. Ferree is entrtaimng his father, who lives near Ruther- fordton. Yours truly, - Optimist. Rollins, N. C, Sept, 6, 1905. CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY ACTS ON NA- TURE'S PLAN. The most successful medi cines are those that aid nature Chamblain's Co rgh Remedy acts oii this plan. Take it when vou have a cold and it wiJ allay the cough, relieve the lungs, aid expectoration, open the secretions, and aid nature in restoring the system to healthy condition. . Thousands have testified to its superior excellence. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in nneumonia. Price - 2D cents Large size, 50 cents. For sale by W. A. Leslie, druggist. ' Good wice to woman- you want a beautiful complex ion. clear skin, bright eyes red lips, good health, take Hoi lister's'Rocky Mountain Tea There is nothing like it. 25c. Tea or Tablets. Sold by W.A. Leslie. The first thing to do when you come to town is to get a bottle of Tull's Diamond White Pine with Tar, for fear you may ' forget. ' LETTER FROM COLORADO. Golden Opportunities Awaiting the "Rustlers" Kind Words for the Editor. . Corresoendent of The News-Herald. 1 iiotict from - tli la'iel ou my paper tliat lm agaio in arrears, ml whenever I tuar, I fVel Hotiam-M. fur I fullj real.ze bow natural it in tocaj, or feel, "Oh, the editor cur wan; he doesu'c need uioue: he cau run a paper ou 'cheek' or be'a uo good." M friends, this is wrong; for of ..li mru I believe tbe editor ueed hip money tbe wort, and if tbe peopl et a good, brerzy paper, he i bouutl to have bin money fiist, to stimulate him and assist bim in gatbeiiug data for tbe kind of a paper we all want. So, frieud, lel'd put our 'shoulders to tbe wheel' and give tbe editor a boost; he will pay us well aud all will feel well. - I see trom The News-Hebald Bro. Joe, of La Yeta, Col., baa beeu visiting iu tbe 'Old North State ' and viewing the old stamp tig grounds o'er aud eatiug and feastiug ou tbe "tat of tbe land," aud of course having a time with tbe widows and old maids and girls. If he didn't, I'll not claim kiu "wid" bim, for of all people I believe tbe Kiucaids . love tbe woaien tbe best, aud more especi ally tbe ladies of dear Old North Carolina, for they are amoug tbe very best of tbe land aud t-urpass all iu beauty, ouless be those of tbe 'Centennial State" (Colorado,) iu tbe Jan Ju au country, where tbe state flower grows iu profusion, above timber me, and below also, (the "Colum bine,") always iu sight of tbe 'beautiful, or at its edge, where be "laughing waters'' take a leap into tbe caunoDS far beuealh and are lost sight of as tbey disappear among the rocks. Here you'll hud as pretty women as ever the sun shown on, aud "uptodatc u every lesuect. My frituds Col orado, is a big state, aud her peo ple are lrom every state iu tbe uuiou, and aie among tbe very best, aud they will treat you right wbei you come witbiu her bor ders, to live or to visit. . She also has many advantages too numer ous to meution. oomce to say that no state has any "edge'' over her. And ber sister state. Utah, is fast coming to the front. "Uncle Sam" has just given away 6,000 ranches (160 acres each) 'in ihe Uuitab ludian Reservation, Utah, to the borne seekers, of as tine land as ever a "raven flew over,'' 1 registered, but my number was too high to gain any rights from tbe great lottery wheel. 38,000 registered. In 60 - days over 1,000,000 acres of mineral lands will be open tor entry on tbe same reservation aud there win be an other great rush for those lands, d s- for tbey show lots of neb float a tbe precious minerals are there just waiting for the faithful pros pector, with his "-burro,'' the Rocky. Mountain Canary," to un cover tbe bidden treasures; aud then, my lrieuds, just a little furth er on is tbe gold fields of Nevada, that are "lousy" with the precious minerals. These are but a few ot tbe oppor'.uuities that are' await ing the "rustlers," and they are coming irom every land and are going to get Uncle Sam's millions aud Mt on the front teat in tbe eud. Boys, get a "mote on.'' lb is is n big country and you needn't fear over-stocking it, plenty for all and to spare. Now, dear editor, it wasn't my intention to write a letter for pub lication, but if yon see ht and think it wi.l be of any interest, you are at liberty to publisu this, or any part of it. ' " . Iu conclusion will wish you and yours and all tbe good people ot tbe dear old "North Stat" an abuudance of this world's goods and long and well spent lives and a borne amoug tbe chosen ot every land, that have "washed, their robes and made them white in 'he blood of tbe Lamb.'' . from a burke boy, du years in the west. W. R. Kin c aid. Items from Quaker Meadows- Correspondent of The News-Herald. Tne weather for tbe last few days has beeu something flue and tbe farmers have beeu making hay while the suu is shining Some or tue young ioiks in our social circle are leaving. Tte pat cummer has beeu full of small social events. Mr. Je McCounaugbey has gone to Albemarle, where be has ac cepted a position with tbe General Fire Extinguisher Go. Mr. Bob Avery spent last Bun- day with. bis mother at Canoe Hill. Mr. Jim Harbiuson left last week for Mortimer to accept a position. Ho doubt be win liven things np there, for at telling jokos he is a host in himself; . Miss Aunie McGimsey enter tained Saturday evening the fol lowing: Misses Addie-and Fanny Waihck, Madge McCounaugbey, Lizzie and Ophelia Aven; Messrs. Eston Lackey, Erwin McfJou uangbej, Harrison and Alex Aveiy and Watson Fiuger. The music wa? greatlv enjoyed. Miss Dannie wanicK leaves on tbe l2tb for Claremont College. L. A. O. Sept. C I9O0. Are you lacking: in strength ana vigon .are you weaisi Are you in pamf Do you feel all run down! The blessings of health and strength come to all who use Holiisser's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents. Sold by W . A. Leslie, ; Dr. W. H. Wakefield. of Charlotte, will be in Morg-anton, at Mountain House, on "Wednesday, November 1, for one day. The Doctor's practice is limited to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose" and Throat. And Fitting Glasses. He can be consulted in his Charlotte office every Monday and Tuesday. on. I. P. Jbtbb. dr. p. f. Holliday. Jeter & Holliday, Dentists; Office over Millinery Store. Prepared to do all kinds of Dental work. In the near future wilt make Visits to the following places: State Hospital, Glen Alpine, Drexel, Con nelly Springs and Rutherford College. piiiiiuiiiiiriiiuiiiiiifitiiiijiiiiiiMiiiijim d. W. )tyif oreJ, LICENSED Embalmer Send Disenfector. HICKOR.Y.N. C. g Bodies prepared for shipment H according to rules of State Board of Health. Calls Eta Piompt Mention, b.i i ii ii in n iirn mil iim mm iui ii inn 1 1 iu 1 1 is THE BURKE DIVISION OF THE People's Mutual Benev olent Association Has been enlarged by tbe addi tion of Mitchell, Yancey and Mc Dowell counties. This cives the tinrKe uivisiou bve counties Burke, Caldwell aud tbe three counties above named, with a to tal membership to day of 563. One thousand is tbe limit of member ship in each division and those de siring cneap an- sate insurance and in tbe meantime placing their money into a borne. institution in which one neighbor helps another will do well to make applica tion at once, before tbe limit is reached. . Tbe age limit is from 15 and uuder 60 years. Mr. L M. Williams, of Morganton, a thoroughly-reliable citizen, an assistant agent of this association. will be glad to write applications (or insurance and is authorized to employ ageuts to write insurance, as tbe association would be glad to have a good agent in each township. Anyone wishing an agency will see L. M. Williams, at Morganton, or write J. Al. McUormiCa, division ageut, at JNewton. With tbe addition of the coun ties named tbe Burke division can be made one of tbe choicest divi sions of the State. Electrical (instruction Electric Lighting, Fixtures, Batteries, Bells, Burglar Alarm, Etc. 1 wire old. as wen as new residences-factories, schools, colleges, churches, hotels, etc. I guarantee all my material and work to stand the, ap proval of underwriters' insur ance rules. Will install for reliable parties at shortest possible notice any size or kind of ele- tric plant on approval. I seek tQ supply first-class apparatus, to nave its per-1 formanceentirely satisfactory to the customer and to employ methods of doing; business which will merit the confi dence of my friends. Wm. McGALLIARD. Jr. DOLLARS & CENTS are being LOST every day by buying goods at high prices when the very same goods can be bought much cheaper from me. Please look at these prices and ta.ke advice. All trrades of flour from 2.60 to 3.20 per hundred lbs., best heavy rib bacon lOcts., fat back aud chunk meat 12 lbs. for 1.00, California hams 11 cts. lb., best lara cts. lb., good lard 10 cts. lb. 12 lbs for 1.00, best granulated sug ar 15 lbs. for 1.00, good Rio roasted coffee. 1 lb. package with nice tea spoon 15 cts.. loose soda lbs. for 5 cts. g-ood rice 5 cts. lb.' a nice line of chewing- and smoking tobacco, also snuff and cigars, a fresh lot of assorted candies received every few days, fresh melons, fruits aqd vegetables at all times. ' My motto is first class goods, low prices and satisfaction garanteed. Thanking the public for their support, THOMAS L0WDERMILK UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICiMEy Bvf "of n i a?' Thonmeh course in MEOICIKE, SURGERY, OBSTETRICS end the SPECIALTIES ; aim DEITISTBT tad f HABMACT. Lecture Hall,, Laboratories, Hospital and Dispensa ries amplr equipped rcr successful trashing. Serentr Teaehera. High record before State Boatrda. jreCatjTojrneJjrit LOST II A BARGAIN! IN ; McCormick Disc Harrows. McCormick Mowers. McCormick Hay Rakes. J. I Case Traction Engines. J. I. Case Portable Engines. also. We are prepared to name you right prices on a line of Cook Stoves that can't be beat, Yours very truly, Standard Hardware Co. S. V. T. CHAMBLEE, Prop., Free Delivery. MORGANTON, N. C. A. M. Kistler, President I. I. Davis, Vice President First National Bank Morga.nton, N. C.. CAPITAL STOCK, $35,000 STOCKHOLDERS LIABILITY, 35,000 SURPLUS UNDIYED PROFITS 10,000 DIRECTORS: A. M. Kistler, I. I. Davis, S. R. Collett, R. T. Claywell, C. H. Geitner. Every courtesy and accommodation extended consistent with sound banking. 0000000000 f 5l PLOW Your Land With Plow, S Sow Your Peas With an EMPIRE DRILL, Cut Them With a 1 Klrganlon Hardware Company 4 : tf; 3. JSnttain DEALER- IN Fine Wines, Whiskies, Craton Poteet Euilding. East Side Sterling Street. Just the kind ofWines, Liquors, &c, that everybody wants are the kind I propose to sell. I want to hold your trade by giving you a quality that will please you, at prices which are fair to you'and me. - GIVE ME A TRIAL. F. 'Phone 122. A. M. Ingold, Cashier J. A. Claywell, Jr. Teller A. A..Shuford, K. C.LMenzies, 0000000000(i m Burke s Choice Disc PRICE $25.00 imnn Finn ii Branidies. Beers, 4c. B. RITTAIN, IfOOU WWLIl aiL.,sHl