The Hews-Herald til " -w 111 IS THE Best Advertising Medium . In the -TO- Nws-Herald Office. First-Class Work at T. G. COBB, Publisher. THE BVRKE COUNTY NEWS 1 Consolidated Nov 29.1901 THE M0R.GANT03 HERALD voBsouoteonov. m.jyvi Subscription Price, $i Per Year In Advance. Lowest Prices. 1 PIEDMONT, SECTION. VOL. XXI. MORGANTON, N. C., SEPTEMBERS!. 1905. No 24. Bring Your JOB PEINTING 11 HE NEWS De WITT'S WITCH HAZEL SALVE, THE ORIGINAL. A Well Known Core for Piles. THE NEWS OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. A Batch of Live Items Culled from the Papers of the Adjoining Counties. Cures obstinate sores, chapped hands, eo xema. skin diseases. Makes burns and scalds painless. W. could not improve the quality if paid double the price. The best salvo that experience can produce or that money can buy. , Cures Piles Permanently DeWltt's Is the original and only pure and genuine Witch Hazel Salve 1 ade. Look for the name DeWITT on every box. All others are counterfeit. ritar-AMD by , C. DeWITT CO., CHICAGO. V. A. LESLIE, Druggist, Morganton, N. C. fire: insurance: We wrLe Fire Insurance poli cies on all kinds of property in the largest home and for eign companies. c-....r.fT irwj n4tinR(1 on nrnnprrr insured in this agency, established company is tapitilized at $15,000 fltrfii vears aao, has been prompt- and will commence business witn Cleveland. Shelby Star, Sept. 13th. On Sunday, Sept. 3rd, at the residence of Mr. John A. Baker. onR. F. D. No. 1, Mr. Alfred Morrison, of Lincoln county, and Miss Annie Cook, of Cleveland county, were most happily mar ried, S. L. Dt41iuger, Esq , offi ciating. The bride is the fasci nating young daughter of Mr. Harrison Cook, of Knob Creek, while the groom is the popular and industrious young son of Mr. P. M. Mouison. of Lincoln ton. The Secretary of thw State has granted a charter to The liegal Manufacturing Company ,at Forest City, to manufacture fur niture, sash, doors and blinds and other supplies in wood. The ly and sat. sfactorily settled VV are agents lor cne North Carolina Home, Aetna of Haitfoid, Hamburg Bremen, Hartford, of Hartford, Con. Insurance Company of North America, Niagara of Hew York, Home, of New York and German American. Policies placed on our books are promptly renewed before expira ation. We write risks from $i00 to $100,000, on property in town or country, at lowest rates. AVEEY & EEVIN, Ag'S. Po8t-offic Buildmjr. CAROLINA & NDR1H-WESTERR Bl SCHEDULE Effective July 10, ioo4. Xorthbocsd Passenger Mixed Mixed t. t-,tr 9 OO am 4. 30 am . 7 57 am 7 501 Lv YorkYille 9 48 am Ly uastoma iu uu 9 ooi Lv Lincoln-on 11 50 am 10 45 am Lv Newton 12 28 pm lOOpm Ly Hickory 12 57 pm 2 20 pm Ar Lenoir 2 10 pm Socthbocsd Passenger Mixed Lv Lenoir 3 05 pm 2 20 am 5 15 pm Mixed 9 45 am Lv Hickory 3 57 pm o zu am u ou am Lv Newton Lv Lincolnton 4 24 pm 7 OO ar 5 02 pm - am 1 1 n 1 Lv Gastonia 6 00 pm x 30J am Ly Yorkvitle 6 50 pm S 05 pm Ar Chester 7 45 pm 4 45 pm CONNECTIONS. Chester Southern Rv., S. A..L. and L. & C. Vorkville Sonthern Railway. Gastonia Southern Railway. Lincolnton S. A. L. :,., ' Newton and Hickory Southern Rail-way. Lenoir Bl. wing Rock Stage Line and C. Be N. E. F. Rbid. G. P. A.. Chester.. S. C. LA -DM S ) dr. la Fran c o's ( Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator $1,485. The incorporators are J. N. Jones, of Rutherforton; J. E. McFarland and W. D. Proc tor, both of Forest City. Mr. Jno. T. Buff and Miss Ada Dixon, the charming and accom plished young daughter of Mr. T. J. Dixon, nf Casar, were most happily married Sunday, Sept. 10th, at the residence of Mr. C. D. Stroup, Rev. J. W. Ingle per forming the ceremony. Warrants for rural libraries were issued yesterdry, one each for McDowell,- Cleveland, Wilkes and Chatham cpuuties. They were for $10 each, the amount allowed each school that raises $20 for the purpose from the county and the neighborhood. Mrs. J. F. Whisnant, of Hen rietta, died Sunday, after a brief illness, and was buried Monday at that place, Revs. N. R. Rich ardson and S. W. Ingle conduct ing the funeral services. She was about 30 vears old. Mr. Carlo Swafford, of Hollis, and Miss Susan. Hoyle, of De light, were happily married at the Shelby parsonage on last Wednesday morning. Rev. Geo. D. Herman officiatnig. The-Shelby National Bank was.-placed on a working basis Tuesday, the stockholders meet ing in the Shelby Hotel and elect ing directors and other officers. 420 of the shares were represen ted The bank will begin busi ness with a capital of $50,000 divided into shares of $100 each, audits quarters will be in the Weathers, Hord & Dellinger building on the corner of La Fayette and Warren streets. CALDWELL Lenoir Topic, Sept- 15th. It will be remembered that Ed. Dooly1 (colored) was bitten by the mad" dog which caused so much trouble. He went to Char lotte to try the famous D niel Boone mad-stone. His wound was very slight, the heavy coat preventing the dog's teeth froni doing more then pierce the skin. Ed very wisely had the place cauterized. When the stone was applied, it would not adhere. He then tried the Butler stone with the same results. There is scarce ly any reason to believe that he will ever have any trouble, as the virus was pro! ably wiped off by the coat. Mr. S. 0. Perkins, of Muttenz, returned to Raleigh to the A. & M. College, where he will finish his course in chemistry this year. Mr. Perkin's valise was enough to make your mouth water, so covered was it with labels of places visited in Eui ope. On Wednesdav of last week, at 6 p. m. it was learned that Hon. H. C. Bower had been taken seri ously ill at his residence here. The seizure was in the nature of an apoplectic stroke, the left side being attected. Dr. Ivey was called in and everything done for the sufferer that medical science couldj suggest. Mr. Bower ral lied finely under the treatment, having never been entirely un conscious. His improvement has been sieady, and it is hoped he will be entirely convalescent soon. The interest and sympa thy shown by his friends and fel low townsmen have been very great. Rev. G. D. Rherrill, pastor of Auvent church at Tabernacle, Lower creek, was stricken with paralysis Friday night. He was in bed at the time. When he at tempted to rise he fell, striking his f rehead on the window sill. The left side is paralysed. Mr. Sherrill is about 68 years old; and his condition is very critical indeed. He is well-known in the whole county, and his affliction is greatly regretted. If a Cow gave Butter mankind would have to invent milk. Milk Is Na ture's emulsion butter put in shape for diges tion. Cod liver oil is ex tremely nourishing, but it has to be emulsified before we can digest it. Scotte Emulsion combines the best oil with the valuable hypo phosphites so that it is easy to digest and does far more good than the oil alone could. That makes Scott's Emulsion the most strengthening, nourishing food - medi cine in the world Send for free sample. . SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists 409-41 5 Pearl Street New York BOc. and $I.OO. All druggists cms or hv mail. Testimonials DooKiei iree. r. LaFraaeo, Philadelphia, Pa, Other Caldwell Items. Lenoir Ne ys, Sept. 15th. Yesterday about noon Mr. J. N. Harrington and Miss Lucy Councill were united in marriage at the residence of Mrs. G-.IS. Folk in this place. The marriage was quite a surprise to our town as it vas kept very quiet. Rev. D. P. McGheachy officiated and the young couple left on the 3 p. m. train for a bridal trip. CATAWBA. Newton Enterprise, Sept. 15th. Last Thursday, September 7th, Esquire Fleming was called on to marry Mr. John D. C. Lutz and Miss Polly E Smith. . Mr. S. T. Wilfong has been critically ill of heart trouble since last Friday. His condition is slightly better this morning, and his family and many friends hope his life may be spared. , The sidewalk squad have been on our side this week. They are taking both sides of the street as they go. Now, broth r, is that the way you use the side walks on' a return trip from Marion, Morganton or Salis bury? ' "Just as good sidewalks as they have in New York," was Pat Carpenter's comment on the work that had been done on "Wall Street" while he was gone North. The town council has passed an ordiance imposing a license tax of $25 a year on dealers in fresh meat. The New ten Grocery Company, M. P. Sigmon and perhaps others will take out licenses. Monday a.fte noon Frank Lowrence, a young man of Hick ory, son. of Mr. Sam Lawernce jumped from Capt. Ross' traitias HOLLISTER'S Hccky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medioiae for Busy Peopl. Brings Goldea Health and Eea-ved Vigor. -otinatinn. Indigestion, Live an.l KHney Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impure "dl.o l. Bad Breath, Rluj-giBh Bowels, Headache and Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea m tab. let form, 35 cents a box. Genuine made DJ Hollister Druo Company, Madison, Wis. . GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE 11 1 1 ei nil 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 111 1 in 1 1 111 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 mug I THE NORTH CAROLINA I COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE I AND MECHANIC ARTS 5 Offers practical industrial educa- S tion in Agriculture, Engineering, s 1 Industrial Chemistry, and the 5 I Textile Art. Tuition 30 a year, g 1 Board $8 a month. 120 Scholar- IE 2 ships. Address E -a 1 PRESIDENT WINSTON, , , e- WEST RALEIGH, N. C E S'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriirnviinimiiaiiiuuHiiI WANTED For U. S. Army, able- bodied, unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35. citizen of the United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to Re cruiting Officer, 15 West Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C.,40 Patton ave., Asheville, N. C , Kendall Building, Columbia. 8. C, or Bank Balding, Eickory, N. C. Dental Notice. You need your teeth filled, extracted or artificial teeth made, see me. Prices reasonable. A. M. DULA. Dentist. Office over Tull's Drugstore. Qillam Studio MORGANTON, K C. SICKENING, SHIVERING FITS of Ague and Malaria, can be relieved and cured withJiilectric Bitters. This is a pure, tonic, medicine; of especial benefit in malaria, for it exerts a true W.J.Whisnant, of Granite Falls, curetive lnflence on the dis- has decided to locate in Lenoir Mr. Jake Bush is opening a new meat market in the Ballew building. Mr. J. K. Price will be in charge of the business. ease, driving it entirely out of the svstem- It is much to be preferred to Quinine, having none of this drag's bad after effects. F. S. Munday of Henri tta.Tex., writes: "My brother was very low with ma larial fever and jaundice, till he took Electric Bitters, which saved his Ufa. At W. A. Les lie and Jno. Tull's drug stores. Price 50c, guaranteed. This is Your Washington Coon. Lippincott'a. Good servants are much in de mand in Washington a well as 111 other cities. Mrs. U. had searched long and vainly for a fairly good general servant, a colored one At last in despair she stopped an elderly colored woman who looked as it sue might have been one 01 the ante-be!lauiJuOH8e servants, and therefore a reliable on", and made known her wants. "I want a giil who is. trusty and a good cook. I am willing to pnt at most of oar laundry work and to crive fair wages, bat so far I haven't been ablv to engage one, aid Mrs. R. "Don't yon know of some one wl om I -an ge'V 'Dee 1, 10, lady, I dou't,'' was the answer. "Ob. dear." sighed Mrs. E. "wbat shall I do!" UI dnnno, fnb show, lady, less'u yoi dots as I Las to hire a white woman. Mcdowell. Marlon Democrat, Sept. 15th, A band of crusaders, who flre now holding, forth iu Shelby, are expected here next week-to begin, a series of teut meetings. Miss Kate Finley will leave Friday for Hickory, where she hax nceepfed a position to teach in the graded school. James Sinims received a mes sage last Thursday containing the sad intelligence of the den Mi of his father, J. C. Sirams, who died suddenly at his home in Chester, S. C. The consignment of some eight or ten car loads of piping for the water works system arrived this week and are being distributed on the streets. The contract for placing the piping; etc., was awarded to Burgin & Carson some time ago and it is up to them now to begin work.' It is to be hoped that there will be "something doing", in the way of constructing the system at an early date. After an illness of a few days, following an attack of paralysis DeBrutz, Cutlar Esq., for a few years a resident, and a member of the Wilmington bar, dkd Sun day morning at hU home at Winston-Salem. The remains, accompanied by an only Drother, Louis J. P. Cutlar, and an only sistei, Mrs. E. J. Justice, both of Marion, and a nephew, Mr. Cut lar Iee, of Fremont, arrived yes terday on the 10 a. m. train and were borne immediately to Oak dale cemetery where they were laid to rest. Dr. W. H. . of Charlotte, will be in Morganton, at Mountain House, on Wednesday, November 1, for one day. The Doctor's practice is limited to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. And Fitting Glasses. He can be consulted in his Charlotte office every Monday and Tuesday. Or. I. p. Jeter. Dr. p..f. Hollioay. WATAUGA. Boone Democrat, Sept. 14th. Jeter & Holliday, Dentists, Office over Millinery Store. Prepared to do all kinds of Dental wprk. . In the near future will make visits to the following- places: State Hospital," Glen Alpine, Drexel, Con nelly Springs and Rutherford College. 1 pi 1 mi. in nil n 11 u e n i i 1 1 ri 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 111 11 111 m I d. W. (iuforel, 1 g - LICENSED ' I Embalmer and Disenfector. HICKORY. N. C. 5 t Bodies prepared for shipment ! S according to rules of State Board 5 Ei of Health. s Calls Given Piompt Attention. mm in 1 11 1 u 1 1 niii 1 1 urmii 1 1 1 1 1 a in i iiiji in May Send a Warship to Relieve an American Citizen in Nicaragua. Washington Dispatch, 13th. Thre is good reason to believe that the Htate Department has perfected i1.ius for sending a war ship to assist William L. Merry, United States minister at Costa liica and Nicaragua, in securing satisfaction from the Kicaragnan government, which now holds vvilliam S. Albers, an American citizen, together with his brother. in prison at Ucotal on cbarges be lieved by the Statt- Department to be thoroughly unfounded. Ucotal is a srual. place in the provience of Segovia, Nicaragua, a lew miles iroiu tue Honduras line. Albers has been in jail t here for many weeks on cbarges of- re- Groceries. presi Meats Mrs. E. F. Pcttor Company. :' Just Received 4 A full, line of Fall and Winter Shoes. 1 Also a full line Dry Goods. X Come and look at our goods before I you buy elsewhere. g HIGEEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE. Respectfully, 1 Mrs. E. F. Patton & Company. 'PHONE No. 7. .J A. M. Kistler, President I. I. Davis, Vice President A. M. Ingold, Cashier J. A. Claywell,- Jr. Teller First National Bank Morga.rton, N. C. CAPITAL STOCK, $35,000 STOCKHOLDERS LIABILITY, 35,000 SURPLUS & UNDIYED PROFITS 10,000 Mr. F. A. Linnev tells us that four miles of the grading on the sisting the authorities, defaming Junaluska turnpike have been the executive and tbreating - to shoot; some official of the govern ment who went to his place of business to onjastly carry awav a season's crop of tobacco. The Albers case has been be fore the State Depart met for several weeks and has nowTas- samed somewhat serious pronor- completed beyond the mountain, leaving but one mile yet to erade between the gaps. The grading from Boone to the low gap is be ing pushed this week. Young Hardy Coffev, son of Thomas Coffey, of Kelsey, wan tions. It has not been published married to the hf teen year old daughter of William Gray, on last Suuday and thereon hangs a tale that may be very interesting before it is concluded. The irate father of t he blushing bride called on Register May Monday to see by whose authority the Mar riage license was issued. He found an order for th same bearing his and his wife's signa tures, which, he told us, was as clear a forgery as was ever per DIRECTORS: A. M. Kistler, I. I. Davis, S. R. Collett, R. T. Claywell, C. H. Geitner. A. A.-Shuford,, K. C.LMenzies, that the government proposes . to make a naval demonstration to secure the release of Mr. Albers, out it. is neueved that a warship will be seut to a Costa Ricau point where Mr. Meny will be taken aboard aid sent down as far as possible to Ocotal on the Nicara- gnan coast, trom where he will travel overland to the Americans imprisoned. Ocotal is about 70 miles fiom the coast. 'f Eve-y courtesy and accommodation extended consistent with Bound 4 i banking. THE BURKE DIVISION OF THE it was going ttirougn Mictory, petrat3d. The seqnal next week. People's Mutual BeneV- PLOW fell under the wheels and had one f ot so badly crushed that ampu tation was thought to be necces-ary. Mrs. Stewart's pony ran away while she and her two little nieces were driving last Friday. While rounding a corner the bug- Emma Horton, colored, re ceived t' e news that her son Lum, who has been working at Jellico, Tenn., for a number of vears was shot down in that plac. on Tuesday of last week and instantly killed. "Aunt"iEra- ma had but two boys and both olent Association Has been enlarged by the addi tion of Mitchell, Yancey and Mc Dowell counties. This gives the Burke division nve counties- Burke, Caldwell and the three counties above named, with a to tal membership to day of 563. One thousand is the limit of member-I Your Land With Plow.S Burkes Choice Disc PRICE $25.00 WAS A VERY SICK BOY. Portrait. VIEW WORK Copying ENLARGING For a view of your house or a family group call on us, and see our latest styles prices. New style Cards, especially for the Babies and School Children. Phone 98. Next Door to Dr. Ross. Subscribe for Tiie Sews Herald But Cubed by Chambeelain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. "When my boy was two years old he had a very severe attack of bowel comD'aint, but by the rise of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I we brought him out all right," savsMaarsrie Hickox. of Mid land. Mich. This remedy can be depended upon in the most severe cases. Hiven cnoiera in fantum is cured by it. Follow the plain printed directions anl a cure is certain. For sale by W. A. Leslie, druggist. for the practice of his profession, the la w. He will be the resident member of the firm of Self, Whit ner & Whisnant, whose card ap pears in this issue. Judge Allen has notified So licitor Harshaw that no court will be held in Lenoir until Tues day 19 thandall Jui os, defendant and witnesses, need not at tend till Tuesday. Mr. J.G. Lovin, of Montezuma, with his wife and family came over to Lenoir last Sunday to enter his son Grover at the Weaver school. Mr. Lovin thinks of closinsr out his business at Montezuma and coming to Le noir to live. Mr. J. II. Coffev of Morganton, came over last week in search of a dwelling. He will establish a wagon factory here, if he can get sufficient encouragement, and come here to live. He is organ izing a stock company and it is hoped the enterpnze win be es tablished. Granite Corresponden.: The Gianite Falls Drug Co. are put ting a new brick store on the old Methodist Church lot. Messrs. W. T. and C. R. Payne have the contract. Messrs. J. M. and C. J. Rhodes have sold their interest in the Rhodhiss Mills and retire from its management. Mr. J. M. Rhodes is moving to Lincolnton this week. Mr. Espey of New York is the new secrtarj'. and treasurer and Mr. Scrugrcrs of Caroleen N. C. is superinttndent of the mill. gy turnedover and the occupants of them have met death in ithel ship in eactfdivision and those de- were thrown out. Mrs. btewart same way at the same place.' was painlv bruised, though not . -i r x n- DV1 J. T uu I 111 . T"! 1 m son neia a revival ac r oscoe last Messrs. Jacob and Ed Lutz week which resulted in the or- have purchased Mr. Will White- ganization of a Methodist church ner s farm on the aouth J?ork at that place with a troodlynum- river. Mr. Whitner will probab ly move to Hickory where sever al of his children live. The Lutz brothers are among the most energetic and prosperous young farmers and business men in the countv and have other land, ad joining their newly purchased farm. ber of members. CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY ACTS ON NA TURE'S PLAN. The most successful medi cines are those that aid nature. Chamblam's Corerh Remedy nots m, thisn an. Take it when exploded, blowing a you have a cold and it wm allay the cough, relieve the ungs, aid expectoration, open he secretions and aid nature in restoring the system to a health v condition. Thousands. have testified to its superior excellence. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in nneumonia. Price o cents : . -n n i Larsre size. oU cents. Jj or aie by W. A. Leslie, druggist. Are you lacking in strength -1 ? 4 l- ana vigor i -tvre you weaiti Are vou m paniT Do you tee all run down! The blessings of health and strength come to al who use -llolnssers Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents. Sold by W. A. Leslie. Country Boy Has the Advantage. Franl-'in Time.. As an o d farmer mend re marks, a , home-grown, hard spanked, hare-footed and hard fisted country boy makesa rcuch better fighter in the battles of life than does the pampered, high-collared, crease- trousered youth of our towns and cities whose clothes ha v always been dusted with a whisk broom m stead of a shingle. Togo's Battleship Sunk by an Explo sion More than 500 Perish. Tokio Dispatch, 12th. The Navy Department announ ces that the battleship Mikasa has been destioyed by are and the ex plosion of her magazine, causing the loss of 5'J'J lives, including meu of other ships who weut to the reRcue. The fire started from an nn known cause at midnight Sunday ighf, September 10. Before the officers could be rescued the fire reached the aft magazine, which hole in the port side of the vessel below the water line and causing the ship to sink. An investigation is now being held to determine the' cause of the tire. Admiral Togo was not on board the Mikaxa when toe disater to toe battleship ocenred. The dis aster has cast a gloom everywhere The Mikasa was Togo s flagship and was endeared to the hearts of the people. Tne ship was at aucnor in aaseoo harbor when tbe fire started at tbe base of tbe mainmast at midnight. It spread with great rapidity, exploding the after magHZiue an hour after the tire had been discovered. Tbe Mikasa sank in shallow water and it is believed that the ship can be repaired. Good ay ice to woman- If von want a beautiful complex r . i i a. ion, clear SKin, Dngm, eyes red lips, good health, take Hol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. There is nothing like it. 53., Tea or Tablet?. Sold by W.A. Leslie. - As a dressing for sores, bruises and burns Chamber lain's Salve is all that can be desired. It is soothing and healing in its effect. It allays the pain of a burn almost in stantly. This salve is also a certain cure for chapped hands and diseses of the skin. Price 25 cents-For sale by W. A. Leslie, druggist. 8iriug cheap au: sale insurance and in tbe meantime placing their money into a home institution in which one neighbor helps another will do well to make applica tion at oncer before tbe limit is I reached. Tbe age limit isirom 15 and under GO years. Mr. L M. Williams, of Morganton, a thoroughly reliable citizen, an assistant agent of this association, will be glad to write applications lor insurance and is authoiized to employ agetits to write msurance, as the association would be glad to have a good agent in each township. Anyone wishing an agency will see L. M. Williams, at Morgauton, or write M. McCormiCa, division agent, at Newton. With tbe addition of tbe coun ties named the Burke division can be made one of tbe choicest divi- Mons of the State. Electrical (WSTRUCTIONg Electric Lighting, Fixtures, Batteries, Bells, Burglar Harm, Etc. 1 wire old as well as new residences-factories, schools, colleges, churches, hotels, etc. I guarantee all my material and work to stand the ap proval of underwriters insur ance rules. Will install for reliable parties at shortest possible notice any size or kind ot ele- tnc plant on approval. I seek to supply nrst-class apparatus, to have its per formanceentirelf satisfactory to the customer aodto employ methods of doing business which will merit the confi dence of my friends Sow Your Peas With an EMPIRE DRILL, Cut .Them With a uf a uq a nnn pjinu llnLILll n. I uuu IIUlfL Morganton Hardware Company tf. Brittain DEALER. IN Fine Wines. Whiskies, Brandies. Beers, &c. Wm. McGALLIARD, Jr. iJThe first thing- to do when vou co ne to town is to get a bottle of Tull's Diamond White Pine with Tar, for fear you majr forget. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE! n c n c n i p. m r bichmono, w.i..f minw Thoioarli coarw In HEOICiNE, SURGERY, OBSTETRICS an. tbe SKCULTIES ; also 0EHT1STBT and f -ABKACT. Lecture Halls, Laborttoriei, Hospital and Dispensa- flca amply equipped lor lucceiltul teacninj. ereatr Teacher. High record before State Board. Craton Poteet Building. East Side Sterling Street. Just the kind of jWines, Liquors," &c, that everybody wants' ! are the kind I propose to sell. I want to hold j'our trade by giving- you a quality that will please you, at prices which.are fair to you'and me. GIVE ME A TRIAL. F. B. RITTAIN.