J THE NEWS-ftriRALD. T. G. COBB, Publisher THURSDAY, SEPT. 21, 1905. ALMOST A SMALL WAR. The Town and the Southern Railway Lock Horns Over the Running of a Sewer Main Under the Railroad- Five R. R. Men Locked Up. There was "something doing"' in the old town last Fridav night, whiiP a newer main was being ex tended beyond the Southern liail wav hv k Hue uuder their tracks at onVl nf Sterling street. The i Hunt of Three North Carolina Boys in I California. Correspondence of The News-Herald. If you will -allow me space, 1 want to tell about a deer hunt of 3 North Carolina boys in California, 90 miles up the coast north of Sac Francisco in the Coast Range. We left Cazadero, the teiminn of the North Shore. R. R., at noon, reached camp about night, 15 miles out in the Keel Slide country. The Red Slide is a bate range of hills, or rather mountains, composed of a redish sand, which is constantly work- r,.r iiio stfivtr NictiMu which tUnCY ."":- .F -- , ,. ,. - , , is sow being installed in morgan- ui miuiiik uuwii, ueiicc iuc ton calls for two mains emptying name. This particular part of IUIU , - - .Antes mimiiif under the tracKS of the 'Southern llmlway. It is rough, being in au upheavel at claimed that the town autnoriues some perj0(j or another, leaving notified the railway peopie iu a rv nl time of the kcation of there linfs bnt e't no assurance that they would qe permitted to peace ably carry ou the woiE oi lunuei inT under the tracks. So on last TiVulav evening about G o'clock the awpraee force began woik on a ditch on t be railroad right of way r thft eudofSleilmg hUeet. Soon thortAftur. a railroad section force tn fill nn the ditch. This was the beginning of hostilities. The section foice was ruu off the work and then a railway bridge lorce, beaded by Track Supervisor w H Martin, nndertook to fill Up lha aitnh and a fight fcuv . i " ..-It iween Martin and Foreman Mins Of the seweiage Torce. For awuile it looked like there would be much bloodshed. Mayor Avery swore -in a large number of citizens to aid the police and gave orders that the workmen in the ditch be not molested and ttat evrey man intei fertng with the work be arrested. Warrauts were issued lor the ar rest of VV. H. Martin, Foreman w W. TCiester aud four of his men. Martin rav hond a:d the other tire weie locked in jail. In the meantime word was passed around that a laree force of workmen with a strong guard -was on the way here from Spencer to stop the work of the sewerage force and this caused a large increase in the town's cmard. But Mr. S. J. Ervin. the Southern's attorne here, telegraped Superintendent mat ii signs or marks of river beds, &c, on the very tops of the mount ains. There is very little mineral of any kind, traces of copper are all over the country but not in any body. The rocks look as if they had been burnt at some time, res mbling eoak very much Lsut 1 must get back to iuv story, the hunt. We unpacked, every one doing hi Bhnre and very soon we had strong coffee, eusued be- &c.. for dinner as they call it here, but. I call it supper. Sup per over we all lay rouud and cracked .jokes. We heard some noise iu the brush and each one sprang for his Winchester but our guide assured us that it was not a dangerous unimal, but only deer moving about in the thicket. We "all lay down tD sleep and to dream about the big bucks we would see on the mot row, which the guide told us were in plenty We were up long before day light, breakfast over, waiting impatiently for day light to come so we could start ou our first moraine's hunt. We all Before it was did not arme. hardlvlio-ht we heard the 30-30 m r-i Winchester of Jim Git bs talking. I got behind a rock for those bullets never stop. He look 14 shots but got his buck, which were was a daisy, netting over lzo lbs. We helped him to camp. where we had a Kodak with which we took some snap nhots at the big borns in every posi tion. The rest had some shoot ing, but killed nothing. Rollins Notes. Correspondence of The New -Herald. Falling fodder, picking peas and making sorghum are the leading industries now rushing the far mers. ' Moulton Moses is very much im. proved'andjs now able to bit up part of the time. . Mark S. Butler, sawyer for the Cuitis Lumber Co., is laid up with broken leg caused by a flying piece of lumber. The iujury was the breaking of the small bone of the left leg just above the ankle, lie will be incapacitated for work for some weeks. John 0. Dale is now at work for Pitts & Giles. Quite a number of our younger people are attending the revival meetings at Dry Ponds. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. James Holland has been very sick, the sickness being caused by cut ting'jteetb, but is now much belter. Mrs. L. A. Taylor is suffering from the loss of a heel, caused by getting it caught in a mowing machine. She is getting along as well as could be expected. Yours, Optimist. Kaniseur 10 etui mo V,-., hsrA ihprft WflDld DO doubt be bloodshed, and the train left camp in pairs carrying the men Supt. Kamsaur arrived here dur ing the night oa a speeiai -iraiu from Asheville. Orders had been received here for all trains to be held nntd his arrival aud No. 35 (the west boand passenger) aud one or two ireigui iraius wen held tor an hour or more. However, during the earl v morn inz hours an pgreement was reach ed between the town authotitis and the railroad people for the tunnels to be made under the tracks, the mfen in jail to be re leased aud warrants withdrawn, including injunction papers swoin out by the railroad the night be fore. Thus ended what for a time looked like the approach to a bloody a flair. The sewerage force worked all night, under a heavy guard, aud completed the tunnel early the next morning. The News From Enola. Correspondent of The News-Herald. I guess the people of - Enola thought old Hornet was dead, but here be comes again. Miss Velva Deuton" re-entered Mrs. Marbut's school, Moudny. Miss Leila Huffman went to town Sunday to take her sister Anuie to Mr. Patton's school. Miss Sudie Poteet was iu town Tuesday to see Dr. Litimau about her eyes. Mr. Tbitnotby Smith has bought a house and lot in town and is building -another dwelliug house and will occupy ic soon. Misses Emily Smith, Minnie Snipes and Mary Chapman were at Pisgah Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Poteet visited her father, Mr. S. E. Poteet Sauday. He is mnch improved. Mr. Fdgar Smith was out Sun day from the State Hospital. Little Leroy Brittain is Very sick. Mrs. Lillie Sbupng is improving very fast. Hornet. . Sept. 19, 1905 The American hen has a right to ''cluckand cackle." The past year, with her eggs ana her 2hickene, she produced $280,- 000,000 of the wealth of tbe country. The Delineator for October. From the artistic viewpoint, as well as that of fashion, the Octo ber Delineator surpasses even tbe high standardjit has previously at tamed. Many pages are given to the styles of the month, twenty pages in color being a noteworthy departure, additional space being devoted to the New York aud Paris fashions, set forth with chic and individuality by Helen Berke- ley-Lovd and Edouard La Foutaine aid the literary side, household topics aud special features are ou an unusual plane of excellence. Of widespread interest to parents, teachers and all who lead or follow in educational lines is an exceptional article, "Ednca tion for Life through" Liv ing," by William U. Maxwell, Superintendent ot New Yoik City Schools; N. Hudson Moore wiites interestingly of old desks and cecretaries, giving the ball-marks that enable tbe amateur to place them correctly; Allen Sutherla"Q tells the history of ''Onward, Christian Soldiers,'' a hvinn that is the inspiration of he young; Clifton Johnson takes tbe reader across the wild coast of Devon into the wilder country that was Lorna Doone's. Tbe marketing of milk i a vital pnblio question in that it deals with the health, and conse quently the life, of the child. In this issue of The Delineator Mary Hinman Abel discusses tbe milk question in various ohases. The title of another article, "Club Women and the Food Question,' shows something of how tbe caui- naiga instituted in the interest of pure food has spread. Mr. Paine's story, "The Lucky Piece," and the third installment of Miss Winslow's 'At Spinster Farm," furnish intei ing reading of a lighter character and there are also several shi rt stories. Pastimes for children in clude another chapter of 4,Sou Biley Babbit," that has delighted UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Western District o North Carxlina. By virtue of an execution held in my hands of the United States issued tT the United States "Dia. Court on the 4th dT of May. 190S. at tne sstaiesvuie, . ht uk sum of $325. 37, against W. C.Cook. W. R. i..rH and Bmannel Miller. I will sell for cash, to the highest bidder, at public auc tion at the Court House door in the town of Morganton, Burke County, N. C, on Monday, the 2nd day of October. 1908, the rlluwinsr orooertv. to-wit: A tract rfland iytnx in said county and State, on the Ca ah, river, and fnllr described in Book R No. 2, page 219. in the Register's office of nr Ur fliid eonveved to satd- W. U- Cook by W. W Aiken and wife. Said land sold to satisfy said execution. This Sept. th, 1903. J. M. Mtlukin, U.S. Marshal. By J. E Ramsky, Dept. Marshal. rling Gorheurxv St Silver AT SWINDELL & PATT0N, Jewelers, New Line Expected This Week. .avWT& NORTH WUM. saoerior Cou-t l)119vi By L. Jl Ellen Haslett NORTH CAROLINA Burke County, ..... To all Executors, Aaminisiraiw and Guardian of Bruke County : Whereas an order was made toy Judge Allen at August Term of Burke o mrt directing the clerk to publish a notice in the News-Herald, directing all Executors, Administra tors and Guardians to make their re ports as the law directs ana an nuardiana to renew . their bonds as required by law, and upon a failure so to do, to remove all such from their office, you are therefore nounea in accordance with said oraer, ana upon so many little ones, suggestions for Hdllow'en amusements, and other subjects of juTenile interest We were out early the next morning. All tne boys bad lots of shooting, but killed nothing. The third day Conley brought down a nice buck to his credit. Tate was cettinsr furious and went at it red eyed and. tried his luck on a wild hog at a range of 500 yards and killed hei the first shot. We told him it was no tor we all TWO WAYS. TO the Editor oi Tne News-Herald T. iL- C 10fl9 a I uunng me wiuiei ui tn k;ii w -j J il l rt' company was organized aim iuC faad kiUed fao , . 1 - . . I o capital raiseu ra xviorguutuu w We wenj oufc 5 and kmed establish and operate a large ntt,; -Sf VS4A1.1L. M m aj w n: nn iniicil manufacturing plant. After Wlth what we had flnd thg d 1 1 1 . il A. .f O mucti aeliueranon on me part oi time we enjoyed. We paw in alI over 50 feer and fired twice as many shots. Gibbs affirmed deer were thicker than rabbits ever were around Bridgewater, which was so. Said if he ouly had old Jink he would be. hunting yet. Our guide told us to look out for rattle snakes, I tried my best to get bit so I could drink all the snake medicine, but I wasn't the stock-holders and all inter ested, they decided to build this factory six miles out of town at a little flag station on the South ern Railway, where, it was arrrned. evervthins: would be O J v ' cheaper, the excessive town and traded school taxes would be 1 avoided and they could run thinsrs their,- own wav and not be molested. They listened to 8Ucces8fuL Some o! the b 8 . s 11 it M 1 1 1 "Ij. i.1 I " the call of tbe wild and built the factorv where there is no water save in the beautiful dew drop, the village spring and the una voidable mud-hole. Recently tbey had a fire which consumed a large building that was used as a store for the fin ished products of their business, and $5,000 worth of their prop erty, uninsured, went up in bi metalic lined clouds of smoke to beautify the world for a short space of time Now, if these gentlemen had left the factory here, the town jould have benefitted by the iu- ciease in population " and 1.1 1 t . revenue anu tnev naa tne pro tection offered by .Morgun- ton 8 powerful and well-kept water system and her ever-readv and well-drilled fire department, the chances are a hundred to one that the fire would never have done any damage. Then tbe paramount thought to the gentlemen whose property was destroyed should be that, if the protection from fire in Morgan 1 1 1 . ton is as goou as we tning it is. they would have been saved all found two rattlers but wouldn't take anv chances. This is a great country and lots ol advantages for the man who wants to hustle. I expect I've occupied loo much space al ready in your valuable paper, which is a visitor each week and very welcome, but if you will squeeze this in we will probably come again. Yours truly, J. P. Gibbs, J. C. Tate, H. L. Coxley. Letter to S. J. Ervin. Dear Sir: what's the penalty II. a . . or M-inng- adulterated paint in yonr atf ? What is adulterated paintf Is clay paintf U chalk paint! is uarytra paiutl In lime paint Is bnzinei Is water? Is soap? Is mutll We know what what iej what is nor. is tne question. Apparently notnmg is uo : but we are olIv paint manufacturer, not a lawyer JJevoe is paint, all paint; and r..n t s . iuii measure, uo wuuewasu: . no nothing. We know what is: wha uTtr tv iw mio-Kf hoJWHO question i,.,i4 t.,..;.. ifi Yours truly, u ... Faj- , u. .uft tuC oi F. W. DEVOE & CO. A woman, the thiitienth child and born on the thirteenth day of the month, recently died in Arkansas at the age of 105. Slight have known something That California preacher who insists that Cain was the first striker, might. add that Noah was the head of the first ship- Oysters & Fish, To my customers and the public. My Oyster season will com mence on oept. 41. un tnat dav I can suoolv vou with choice select oysters atUcts . . A per. quart; not water; oui g-ood honest measure; I have made arrangements with the largest oyster shipper in Norfolk, and can supply your wants with the very best stock that can be had on the market, and regardless of weather Conditions, my days, a fanure to make said returns you will for having them tresh Will be be removed from said omce ana pro- m 1 ' , T , I nn-oSncf -la tho 1 a VP directs. on 'luesaay noon, ana "lowjrrr- noon, after October ZU, I will I Given under my hand and seal this supplv you every day. the 19th day of sept, im x ? , x n! . I L. A. BKISa 1 Ob as to my nsn, x am gewng c. S. C. the finest this season, that can be bought. You can get fish from Tuesday noon, un: til Saturday night, at very low prices. I will ask my customers to erive me their orders in advance, and never be disappointed. My motto is fresh stock; good measure and square dealing: with all. Thanking the public for their support, Respectfully, Thos. Lowdermilk. . n s:.ua If .rid S. Oihbs. A.B.ou.---j-- iv.Thi.nlt Th, Hcfendant above named win taite declarea??he owner of a certain lTineia Barke c ntyrunteo to S. r. Mar on bra Krant issue-l on thr 7th. day -f Nov .VsSsMm.! Riten,,bteh "o? No,: 5. ifnBbokoV0U!,V ? VTWS? ?h,reof And tbe aia defendant, will farther Ske notice that tb-y are reqnired to PPeJ rStV of the superior conrt of .a.d , be nei,i ou tbe first Monoai in fSS 'lot at the ,-nrt h of aaid connty taMWto.. NO . a.d an.wer or der to the complaint in aid action. or tje Plain tiff will app'.v to the conrt tor the relict de manded in said coiUilnt. gjjig-pQT. Clerk of Smierior Court. ThU the 15 d ty of Sept. 1 9 .". Til n,, T7nn A J nam iuut uraers lor Ui uraaes oi Quan o that have baen ri i.l market at the Q cash price, p S mirrhQcinn. i . . will do well to 3 before laying jn t' supply for wheats? ing wheat. 250 Q i r 4" I m -I J. H. PEARSON Cash Warehot. Wood's Trademark Brand. Ked Cover, (iMii-on Clover, l) urcnaru (Alfalfa, inoro'Mf- st-il) Ontha Gras-, Tsr. Koiock- BI Grass, I'al , ui.n- Meadow Oa: U Lesmk ae T.ll s irug Store. ISP'Take eggs to Pot street. The 'J !a cash. I Notice to Creditors. Havine dnly qualified cn the 14-th day of Ann., 1905, as administrators -ot wiionrn Brittain, deceased, not'ee is hereby given to all persons having claims against said es tate to present mem x xnc ooucnnKucu o before tne ltm aay ei aik-i iwo. v mi notice will be pleaded in barfortheirrecoverv; and all persons mueoiru iu nam nuu, u Brittain are also notifie 1 to pay same to the undersigned and save costs L.A BRITTAIN. Adrnrs.of Willburn Brittain, This Aug. 14th, 1905. As she was unable to get an indemnity from Russia, Japan will probably proceed to take its equivalent out of China. While Globe, Purple Top, Early Flat Dutch, Seven Top and all the other good varietiei at Toll's. Bennett's Catawba Vallej Old Corn Whiskey. THE FINEST ON THE MARKET. J. C. Tate, Sole Agent for Morganton. Other Jeadinp; brands in both Corn and Rye . recommended by physicians. Whist x i c 1: T.n wi,;,!,: t. i. Keep a unc line ui mco. t niamcs, Ajranaies 1 Beers and give prompt and careful attention to all orde- 'Phone 78. Next Door to Postbfflce SHIPPING A SPECIALTY. J. U. 1 ATE fea-Fortieth year in business, 36 years a graduate, 26 years in Mor ganton, 24 years registered in North Carolina, and still filling prescriptions at Tull s Drug Store. Lazarus Bros. Ever Tried Coffee This Way? This is a well known fact that even the best of housekeepers cannot make really good coffee without havi g the proper materials. lhey will never make it with coffee of doubtful origin, adulterated, queer ly blended, and possibly dirty coffee that ha, perhaps, been mixed up with all kinds of other things on the counter. But let them take a package of Lion Coffee the purest and cleanest and the brand universally used throughout the United states for over twenty-nve years. Millions drink it daily, and get the best results if it is made in the fol lowing way: Try it once and you will never want to try any other brand of coffee. HOW TO MAKE GOOD COFFEE. Use Lion Coffee, becouse to get the best results you must use the best coffee. Grind your Lion Coffee rather fine. Use a 'tablespoonf ul to each cup, and one extra for tbe pot." Hirst mix it with a little cold water, enough to make a thick paste, land add white of an egg (if egg is to be used as a settler), then follow one of the following rules: 1st. With boiling water. Add your boiling water, and let it boil three minutes only. Ado a little cold water and set aside five minutes to settle. Serve promptly. Sid. With cold water. Add your cold water to tbe paste and bring it to a boil. Then set aside, add a little cold water, andin five minutes it's ready to serve. Three Don'ta-Don't boil too lone. Don't let ii stand more than ten min utes before serving. Don't use water that has been boiled before. TWO WATS TO SETTLE COFFEE. 1st. With egg. Use' part of the white of an egg, mixicg it with the ground Lion Coffe before boiling. 2nd. with cold water instead of eggs. After boiling add a d ash of cold water, and set aside for elirht or ten minutes, then serve through a strainer. Desire to announce their fall and win- ter opening of Millinery will take place . Wednesday and Thursday, SEPT. 27TH AID 28TH when they will show a line of Pattern Hats that can not be seen except in the largest cities. Pay sie's Mew Discover j "Saved My Lif e" Declares James L. Miller of Owensboro, Ky. It is the greatest medicine on earth. I suffered with Rheumatism for years, but the first dose of this remarHable medicine gave me relief. Read His Interesting Letter. Gentlemen: Nearly everybody in Owensboro . knows me, and also knew of my rheumatic troubles. They were so severe that my life was despaired of. With the aid of cane and crutch I was barely able to hobble around. Little did I think that after using Payne's New Discoery and Quick Relief for only a few weeks, I would be able to again perform my daily duties. But such is now the case as' thousands of people of this city can vouch for. I threw away my crutch and am now again able to jump on or off my wagon in as lively a manner as ever, without pain or exertion. All rheumatic sufferers should use Payne's New Discovery medicines as I have done, if they wish to be permanently and completely cured. JAMES h. MILLER, The Triplett St, Butcher, - Owensboro, Ky. Also & a complete showing of Dress Goods, Silks, Ladies', Misses and Children's Coats and Ladies' and Misses' water proof Rain Coats. Million Dollars of Paid Insurance Written by the GREENSBORO LIFE IN ; SURANCE COMPANY in Seven Weeks. This is the most remarkable record ever made by a life insurance company in North Carolina, and had the accomplishment been that of any company other than GREENSBORO LIFE, it would have v been astonishing-. In accomplishing in seven weeks what would satisfy the average company in a year's time, the GREENSBORO LIFE has demonstrated that it is selling the best and most attract ive life insurance ever offered to the people of North Carolina. . The people recognize our INCOME INDEMNITY POLICY to be just what is claimed for it The Best Policy in the World. - This policy contains features found in no policy soldby Nany other company. Its liberal provisions are not estimates, but guarantees written in the face of the policy. Our INCOME INDEMNITY POL ICY, coupled with the confidence and appreciation of the public, has enabled the GREENSBORO LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY to write OVER A MILLION DOLLARS of life insurance in weeks, thereby establishing a new ani1 heretofore unheard of record in the insurance world. Upon the Health of the Wage E,arner Depends the Corn, fort of His Family and the Education of His Children; If you are ill unable to perform your daily labor a few bottles of Payne's New Discovery will completely renovate your system and strengthen you, increase your earnings and help you to provide for your loved ones. Payne's New Discovery costs $1.00 per bottle, three for S2.50- lx for $5.00 Payne's Quick Relief, the Great Pain Cure, costs 25 cents per bottle Payne's Medicated Soap - costs 10 cents a bar Buy from your druggist, or will be sent, charges prepaid, on receipt of price; Address the Quaker Herb Co., Cincinnati, O. Sold by W. A. LESLIE JOHN TULL Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic hfis stood the tat 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One end a Half I V ' . m - ' ""- ? y? . No Cure, No Pay. ' iacKage oi urove's Eiadt Hoot. Uver Pins. 50c 0 seven Q reensboro Life I nsurance Company Capital, $100,000.00. ; - GREENSBORO, N. C. Surplus, $25,000.00. There's - room for good men to work hard in our agency force. Ask me for particulars.. . . .". i ..... . Geo. B. Graven. Special Representative, Morganton, Children's Qdods rJl$ .sei!?on we have given special attention to Misses and ChiWren s Wear, n our store you will find a most complete stock of Dress Goods and Dress Trimmings for little ones, a splendid as sortment of long mi short Coats and Cloaks. Furs, knit Caps, Mufflers and Shawls, Wool Mittens arid other cold' weather goods. Hosier. Underwear. Ribbins, Ties and Combs. Children's School Shoes. hJS ifl frandsA desi?ned especially for schoool wear and H!.direF frLm !he .mrs. We are making an effort on tHem St Z' HV Pa'r ,as "ear waterproof and weathevproof as pos- SI n 12 ft the bt,and strictly guoranteed. Satisfactory prices on family lots or Single pairs. Be5t Line of hitmen'? Goods Ever Brought to Norganton. . I- DAVIS i, N. C. J MSON. would happen to her. - building trust. 3ji I . AAi0lfl Q9