The News-ti hrald. T. G. COBB, Publisher. THURSDAY, DEC. 7, 1905. 59th Congress Opens. Washington, Dec. 4. The fifty- ninth Congress opened ta noon to day To the Senate the most spec tacular feature was the swearing in of 61 members, and in the House the election of Speaker CaDnon, his speech and drawing for seats by the members. No attempt was made to transact any important business, an agreement baying b-en reached by both Houses to adionrn over until to-morrow, be fore receiving tbe President's mes sage. Washington, Dec. 4. President Boosevelfs message to congress received the atteutiou of the house for two and a half hour3 to-day Its reading was listened to with marked attention and at us con clusion the document was applaud ed. Preliminary steps were taken toward appropriating the needed emergency funds for the Panama canal and this matter will be the business for tomorrow. Shorter unanimou? consent be refused l'oi ' its consideration a special rule from the iJZttfmatet) on rule will be Available, which will put tbe bill oa its passage a ter a limited period for discussion. We are indebted to tbe Enniss Publishing Company of Ralaigh, N. C, for a copy of Turner7 ix. U. Almanac for 1906, an nUl and lnable pablicarhm. A reliable Sfate Alinarta'", a tioooioicillj' cal culated tor he Stafe and which gives all of oar State officers and institutions, all of our Courts, State and Federal; and au matters pertaining to the Courts; tbe most important statistical intormatiou concerning the growth of the State, farm aud household, ana medical receipts for home use, with much miscellaneous matter, is in need in every family, and by all business men lor reference dar ing the coming year; and no pub lication is so full, complete and re liable as tbe Old Standard Alma nac. Be sure and get one, bang it up by the fireside. The price is only 10 cents. To be bad of mer chants and postmasters through out the State, and Ennis Publish ing Co., Raleigh, N. C. Young Theodore Rooevelt got his ncBe broke the other day in a game of foot-ball betwepn Yale and Princeton. This i strict!" accoidauce Avhfe'the laws of IN MAD CHASE. Millions rush in mad chase after health, from one extreme of faddism to another, when, if they would only eat good food. and keep their bowels regular with lr. King's New Life Pills, their troubles would all pass away. Pronmt relief and quick cure for liver and stom ach trouble. 25c at W. A. Leslie and John TulPs drug b tores ; gauranteed. Rev. W. H. Tuttle, of Lenoir, one of the leading ministers of the N. C. couferesce, has been visiting his c nisi n Rev. W. E. Edmonson, iu Morganton, this week. Mr. Claud Falls, of Fallston, Cleveland county, is visiting rela tives here this week. "-ft.If you buy it at Store it's right. B. F. Davis's in ihotrenuous life. H is follow The News From Enola. Correspondence of The News-Herald. Kev. W. F. Hull filled his ap pointment Saturday and Sunday week. Mr. Timothy Smith was in Asheville Thursday week. "Mr. S. E. Poteet, of Nealsville, visited relatives here last week. Misses Mollie and Gertrude Mc Call spent Saturday night with Miss Le la Huffman. Mrs. Lillie Shaping returned home Tuesday from the hospital at Salisbury. Mr. Edgar Smith was out from tbe State Hospital Sanday week. Mr. W. W. McCall spent San- dav week with bis sisters Misses Mollie and Gertrude McCall. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Poteet, of Stoup's Ford spent Sanday with Mrs. Frank Denton. Miss Eliza Hawkins, of the State Hospital, was out Sanday week. Mis.ces Sudie Poteet spent San day with Miss Effie Brittain. Miss Leila UnBman was in Morganton Tuesday. Mrs. J. A. Poteet and Mrs. C. P. Denton spent ' Sunday with Mrs. E. H. Poteet, at Shonp's Ford. Mrs. J. I. Smith is very ill. Mr. Grover Denton returned home Tuesday from tbe A. & M. College with the dypbtberia. Mrs. S. P. Brittain returned from Graham Wednesday very ill. Mr. J- H. Poteet, of tbe State Hospital, spent Friday with bis family. Mr. and Mrs. Will Poteet and children, who have been visiting relatives at shonp's Ford, spent last week with relatives here. , Mr. S. P. Brittain, of Graham, is visiting his wife and child. Mrs. T. L. Duckworth of R. F. D. Uo 1, spent Tuesday with ber father, Mr. S.E. Poteet. HOENET Monday, Dec. 4 1905. Verdict in Old Nick Case. Greensboro Dispatch. Not. 28th. The jury in the case of tbe United States Government against Glenn Williams and J. J. Kennedy, known as tbe proprietors of tbe Old Nick Distilling Companv brought in a vedict at 11:30 o'clock this morning of guilty. Thus enas one ot tbe most memorable trials of Its kind ever conducted in tbe courts of North Carolina. Every inch of ground has been stubbornly fought aud tne State's best legal-talent ap peared for tbe defense. Of the fifteen original counts, Judge Boyd instructed the jury to pass upon rut five. The Old Nick Company is corporation of which N. Glenn Williams is president, and a large part ot tbe stock is owned bv parties .from Baltimore and New York. The property is probably worth 8100,000, and the verdict of the jury practically means its con fiscation. Mr. Williams, Mr. Kennedy and the otherjdefendants are, however, not individually anected. in a word, the jury's verdict means mat Mr. vv imams win suiter no individual penalty, he will be practically reduced to bankruptcy. Judge Boyd assessed tbe fine in tbe case at 85,000, to which is added $12,000 in costs. The trial has been'long and tedious, 207 witnesses having been examined. The defence will file a bill of ex-ceptions. Rev. "W. F. Hollingsworth will preach at Quaker Mead ows church next Sunday af ternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. J. M. Parsons, of Alta mont, and Mr. M. F. Cuth bertson, of Jonas Ridge, were here Monday on business. Mr. Buret Sigmon and fami ly, of Upper Creek township, left last night for Clayton, Washington, where they will make their home. Wanted. Men to act as salesmen and collectors. R. H. Kirk, manager, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Morganton, N. C. fDon't fail to call and try the Piancs asd Organs offered by The Cable Co. Only a short time in which you can buy at cut prices. The first thing to do wen vou come to town is to get a bottle of Tull's Diamond White Pine with Tar for fear you may forget. , injr after "Pa." SlOO reward, SI 00. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn tbat there is at least one dreaded di sease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's ca tarrh Cure is tne only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly up on the biood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem; thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to core. Send for list of testimonials. Addr-ss, F. J. CHENEY & Co.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 7oc. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP Cures all Coughs and assists in expelling Colds from tha System by gently moving the bowels. A oertaln cure for croup and whooping-cough. (TrtlalUrk KegliUnd.) The Red Clover Blos som and the Honey Bee is on every DOtUO. KENNEDY'S uiauve HOCOMAR FUTAKSD AT THS LABORATORY OF E. O. DeWITT A OO., CHIOAQO, U. 8. A. Sold by ALLISON'S PHARMACY. THE BURKE DIVISION OF THE People's Mutual Benev olent Association Has been enlarged by tbe addi tion of Mitchell, Yancey and Mc Dowell counties. This gives tbe Barke division five counties Burke, Caldwell aud tbe three counties above named, with a to tal membership to day of 563. One thousand is the limit of member ship in each division and those de siring cheap ami safe msarance and in tbe meantime placing tbelr money into a home institution in which one neighbor helps another will do well to make applica tion at once, before tbe limit is reached. The age limit is from 15 and under 60 years. Mr.L M. Williams, of Morganton, a thoroughly reliable citizen, an assistant agent of this association, will be glad to write applications for insurance and is authorized to employ agents to write insurance, as the association would be glad to have a good agent in each township. Anyone wishing an agency will see L. M. Williams, at Morganton, or write J. M. McGormick, division agent, at Newton. With the addition of the coun ties named tbe Burke division can be made odo of tbe choicest divi xiona of the State. Two Farms and Store for Sale. One farm of 150 acres, about 75 acres in cultivation, 12 acres good bottom, good orchard, splendidly watered. Fifty acres good timber land. All necccssary improvements, 12-room dwelling, good water, all sorts of buildings appertaining to a first-class farm. Agricultural implements of all sorts and modern make; all in good condition, investigation solicited Terms to suit purchaser. Oi.e farm and store. Twenty-five acres, more or less; 10 in cultivation, 5 good bottom, balance in good timber, A new store 40x4a with good stock of general merchandise, valued at about 3,500. .Lot of good framing lumber, suffi cient to erect a good cottage or other building. 500 locust posts. bplendidly watered; rood sorine-. Several gold belts on both places, and good stand for general enterprise. un tne county road from Moreranton to Rutherford and Cleveland; 9 miles from Morganton. Silver Creek town ship. Burke county, North Carolina. For further information inquire at the store of the Morganton Hardware Co. or at The News-Herald office. Terms cash to the amount of (roods now in the store. Balance to suit purchaser. J. C. LANDREAU, Owner on the place. ITT , A T7 T7 pf VEGETABLE SICILIAN liiiiiLf iUo) Hair Rene wer Makes the hair grow long and heavy, and keeps it soft and glossy. Stops falling hair and cures dandruff. And it always restores color to gray hair. Sold for fifty years, '"""ffyg mm. m a V, 0 Realty Loan and Cuaranlv Co. r Over Post-Oiflce. We have for sale: 0 A farm of 44 acres, 6 miles from Morganton, on Yellow Moun tain Road. New house of 6 rooms, well, good barn, woodshed and smoke-house. Price $1,500, one-third cash. A farm of 296 acres adjoining the above. Four-room tenant bouse and frame Store building; 40 to 50 acres river bottom and 30 to 40 acres good upland in cultivation. Price $3,000, term to suit purchaser. x A tract of 509 acres on Rutherfprd road, 10 miles from Morgan ton, about 50 acres cleared, remainder in woods. Price $1,685, one-half cash. A farm of 140 acres, 5 miles from town. Thirty acres in cul tivation, balance in timber. Three creeks and two rock springs on land. House with 6 rooms, two barns, and frame crib. Good well near house. Price $1,000, half cash. A tract of about 8 acres near above farm, mostly bottom land. Price $200. If you wish to buy or sell property give us a call. Realty Loan and Guaranty Co. W Post Office Buildmg, MORGANTON, N. C. J 4 gmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnfmmmmmmmn Let us Suggest Vhat to Give. 5 TCneravprl Visit.ino flaWls i Engraved Visiting Cards. g Engraved Stationery. j H Embossed Stationery. t We have this work done by the best people in S the business. 1 WATERMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN Makes a very satisfactory Present for a Gentleman or a Lady. 3 We have a full stock and guarantee everyone to give satisfaction. - A for a. Year- 3 g We take Subscriptions for all of them, at the lowest Price. 5 iiiliiiliilUlillUliililliiiiililliiliUiiliiUiUliiUiiiiaiilUliR BOGER, ROSEBROUGH & CO Christmas ALL KINDS GROCERIES. Our CHRISTMAS Complete Line WANTED 200 Dozen Eggs. Boger, Rosebrough & Company PATTON SCHOOL MORGANTON, N. C. 1. Next term of five months opens Jan. 1, 1906. 2. Tuition per month from $2.50 to $3.50. 3. Boys and girls desiring it are prepared for college. 4. Special attention is given to public school teachers. 5. The present term is the best we have had in an ex perience of over twenty-five years. Address R. L. PATTON. December 5 Second Week Special BEGINS Monday, Dec. i ith. Desirable mercnanaise, suuwu iu tne pre season. Goods wen oougnt, i uur own prj regardless of value. Our customers reap BENEFIT. ins in Shoes. 60 and 65c. Infants Shoes, lace and button, in black, tan and red, sizes 1 to 5. Sale price per pair, 50c. Children's Shoes, sizes 5 to 8, all solid leather, button or lace. Per pair, 50c. $1 Children's Shoes, donjjola and calf, light and heavy soles, sizes 8 to 11. Per pair, 75c. $1.25. Misses Shoes, dongfola and calf, in black and tan, Blucher cut, sizes 11 to 2. Per pair, $1.00. $1.00 Ladies Calf Shoes, 85c. 1.25 " 44 " $1.00 1.50 " " " 1.25 2.00 44 44 44 1.75 3.00 44 Pat. Leathers. 2.50 $1.50 and $1.25 Little Gent's School Shoes, sizes 84 to 12. Sale price, $1.00. Ladies' & Children's Coats Asa matter of fact, every thing in this department is new. for none stay long enough to get old. During the past week we received some new and fetching styles in Women's and Misses Coats to fill up the vacancies in this fast moving stock.' Ladies' new, long, 42 . inch Coats, black, brown, green and castor, from $4.00 to $15.00. Children's Coats from 75c. to $7.50. Laidies' Rain Coats from $5 to $15. Bed Spread Bargains. $1.25 Pull size, heavy Bed Spreads. Sale price each, 85c. Umbrella Bargains. 50c. Ladies' Umbrellas with steel rod, good black cloth covers, 39c. $1.25 Ladies' and Gents' Umbrel las with steel rods and fast color Gloria cover. Each, 75c. $2.00 Ladies' and Gents' Umbrellas with steel rods and silks covers. Sale price each, $1.25 $1.50 Pull size extra heavy Bed Spreads. Sale price each, .00 Notion Bargains. Ball thread, 5 balls for 10c. Pins, 2 papers, lc. Mourning pins, per box, lc. I Hair pins, 2 papers, lc. Ironing wax, each, lc. Hooks and Eyes, per card, lc. Toilet soap, 3 cakes for 10c. Side and Back Combs, 10c. Underwc ladies' riu. j die price. T J- . uies rU, 65c. Ladies' J rawerSi J fleeced bJ Children's uJ Pants to 1 Size 16, each, " 18, " " 20, " 22, 44 " 24, 44 " 26, 44 39c. Heavy m Bargains il Boys' and GiiJ derby ribbed value. Sale Shirt Waist Bargains, 60c. Ladies' Flannelette Waist. Sale price, $1.25 Ladies' All Wool Flannel Waists. Sale price, $2.00 Ladies' All Wool Fancy Waists, Skirt Bargains. $1.50 Ladies' Walking Skirts. Sale price,. $1.00 4.00 Ladies' Skirts. Sale price, 2.75 6.00 Ladies' Skirts. Sale price, 4.37 Ladies' Flannelette Wrappers, 1.00 A Special Percale Bargain. 12c. yard wide Percale, liht and dark colors 8c. Bargains in Ginghams. 7c. Apron Ginghams. Per yard 4c. 10c. light and dard Dress Ginghams. Sale price 8c. Bargains in Outings. Good quality light and dark Outing. Sale price 5c. 10c. Storm Outings in all colors. Saleprice.. . . .. .. . . 7c. Flannelette Bargains. 12 c. extra heavy Flannelette, all desirable colors ...... 10c. 15c. Galatea Cloth for Boys' shirts? waists and Chil dren's dresses. Sale price per yard 10c. Unbleached Domestic Bargain. 8c. yard wide extra heavy AAA Sheeting. Sale price 6c Good quality Alamance. Per yard 4c. Dress Goods. 25 and 30c. Dress Goods in Worsteds, Voils, Flannel's and Plaids, 34 to 40 inches wide. Per yard 18c. 50 and 60c. Dress Goods in all-wool Flannels and Mo hairs, fancy and plain colors 35c 1.25 ana $1.50 Dress Goods in all-wool SeJ Broadcloth2 54 inches wide, black and all cl Silks. 75c. fancy Silks in neat stripes and checks, il thing for shirt waists and shirt waist suit-I $1.25 36 inch black Taffata and Peau deSoie.. Many other Single Dress Patterns to be had Silk Offering. Wool Waistings. 50c. Wool WaistintrR in ar?c all rnWc Si 20c. Waistings. Sale price per yard Odds and Ends in Corsetts. L$1.00 to $1.50 Corsets. Sale price Blanket Bargains. 75c. Blankets in gray and white. Sale price y Carpets. 75c. Brussel Carpet. Sale price per vard $1.00 Brussel Carpet. - Sale price $1.50 Velvet Carpet. Sale price Millinery. 50c Misses Ready-to-Wear Hats 1.50 to $3.00 Ready-to-Wear Hats for Childret and ladies 100 Children's Trimmed Hats. Sale price. 1.50 Children's, Misses' and Ladies' trimmed 2.00 Misses' and Ladies trimmed Hats... 3.o6 Ladies' trimmed Hata. Sale price... CLOTHING BARGAINS. vuuttv suauc dim uisunr.nvp srv oe it nan ka : , . . ...... . na " jV.'rr lctaL pcricncea Duyer could not mistake this cww" t. ,a"c r uisuncuyeness in every line, from the originating of the stvle down1 r. E!?Sb. flothi?.? is bound to sive the wearer beWil M!,' Bargains in Boys' Sales in this (IPnaMmonf ro?r i V. c-. A nC il: i t , t t. ua.u ui any Hung- nas Known xuci. o xuioei ana iancy jasimere Suits $5.00 $10.00 Men's Cassimer Suits in sine-le and dn.,hi breasted style. Sale price $7 75 $12.50 Men's black Thibet, fancy Cheviots and Wors- ueuouiis, nana-padded collor, broad shoulders, haircloth fronts. Every suit guaranteed $10.00 $18.00 Men's Suits, made of blue Serge, black Thibet fancv Cheviots and WnrWc nw...-....: ' . . . , . , ., . "yciv suit Lruar- anteed to hold its shape, in fact, they are made with. SCnfCaQetan P.recision as anV made-to-order garment. Sale price ........ $15 00 ua.Ku m men s rants trom 75c. to $6.00. 50c. M' U.r v. ot!.A. - , ct, JNeckwear m the new large shape. Sale price, 25c. $ 5.00 Boys Suits. Sale price. 7.50 10.00 12.50 1.50 2.50 3.50 5.00 6.00 Knee Pants Suits. t t Sale price-- LA 2 A R U B-Rf i