Bring Your JOB PRINTING Hews-Herald i IS THE -TO- News-Herald Office. BestAdvertising Medium 0 . :. in -the . p ' PIEDMONT SECTION T. G. COBB, Publisher. First-Class Wobk at Lowest Pkicks. THE BVFKECOVNTY NEWS le i,,,.,.,, v... ,c,rt. Itlt. MO KG AN TON HERALD I . Subscription Price, $i Per Year In Advance vol. xxn. MORGANTON, N CM MAY 17. 1906, No. NEWS 1 The 8 ;-3V -,-7 oil V f.t j - - -. - THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP Cares n Coughs and Tht Bai Gorer Blos som aadths Boaey Be is oa tTeiy issiStS in expeuios Colds from the jystem by OHM the bowels i pertain cure i. rrouD tod fhoopiog-cooS11' KENNEDY'S laxative HOME rtXPAXID AT TH LABOSATOKT Or g, c D.WITT CO., CHIOAQO, U. . A. Sold by ALLISON'S PHARMACY. Ask for tue 19W Kodol Almanac and 2U0 VTear Calendar. Flifc INSURANCE. We wrue Fire Insurance poli cies oa alt fcluds ot property in ine largest home aud lot eigu companies. Every loss sustained on iropertj insured m ibis agency, estabh&Deu fifteeu years ajfo, lias oeeu prompt ly and ai. slaeiorily settled. Ve are agents lor the North Carolina Home Aeina of Hartford, Hambari Brerneu, Hartford, of tiarttord, Cou. Iusaraaee Company of North America, Niagara of New York, Home, of New York an GeioidU American. Policies placed on our books art promptly renewed before expir ation. We write risks from $i00 to 1100,000, on property in town ot couutry, at lowest rates. ATEET & EETIH, Ag'S. Post-office BuildioB. Fe-No-Pep-Zone CURES That splitting headache or any other kind, relieves neuralgia and steadies shaky nerves. Pleasant to take and leaves no bad effects. Read from Rev. L. M. Roper, D. D., the Pastor of First Baptist Church of Spartanburg, S. C. : i ed "I haTe been looking for several years for l headache remedy that relieves the pain and at the same time removes the cause of pain. Feno-pep-zone is such a remedy. Of many toed remedies lor headache which I hare tried Fe-ne-pp-zone is much the best. It is pleasant to take. It is a safe remedy even or a person ol rery sensitive, nervous tern- permeat. It is effectual for any headache tnat results from lass of sleep, excitement. weariness or indigestion, and it leaves no bad effects behind it-' LEWIS M. ROPER. For sale by Allison's Pharmacy At 10c., 2Sc. and Sz. a dose. Dr. A. Al. Dula, DENTIST. In futurp.T tji . - " UJJ VUiV) VTI I eek prepared todo ifkind. d- ui utature. evprv nav in Tne w work. Hours 8:30 to 4. We have on hand at all time the very I best grade of Limn) Pnol j 1 1 VAJdl.lOrerrateS and stoves, and all kinds flf W-,l VUU. J prr... ... I v uemery. 'Phone 121. W M ItflDi CD 9. on II M. rvlbLtn & b)U. wavtt . - I unarHnrHU-s'k my' able" of T'u??rned men, between ages BtaiL r 35 citizen of the United h.' of good character and temoerate . or trrmA i . i . .. i "QUlta ar biS. t2can sp. 'ead and write crniti 1 '"tormanon apply loive nutiBg officer. 15 WtJTraH AshZ.r ""'otie, K.U.,40 Fatton ave. C, Bank Buldiou 8Barii,hl: .Jrz OT Glenn BuUding "uiK, o. Uf p-Ieteb. Dr. P. f. Holliday. Jeter & Holliday. wenttsts, "WCE over UiniHco oTnoc Pre indthe do all kinds Dental B!lu.tothe fonowi " oiacea" state felt3 6iea S pdi. bS2 ' DP"nff and Rutoerforu Coiiefe. I M S - V k Y U !. "Milt ID COAL THE NEWS OF THE A Batch of Live Items Culled from Counties. CALDWELL. Lenoir News, May 11th. The horses that were drowned Easter Sunday in John's River with the unfortunate Mr. Eplev. i ... . . . nave armed to the Catawba River near the Cliffs; one of them -V V.A . .1 tnu Iks Been now in tne river there. The recent cold snap did irreat damage all through this part of tne county. Uarrten vegptabU-s suriered greatly and wheat and corn were- also injured to eome extent. 1 he hunt crop was much damaged in some places. The temperature dropped down to X) luesday night and a little snow was s en in the air here Tuesday. 4 1 J 1 ? . a i;iou ueai or interest was manifested in the town election last Monday and some pr ttv uaru electioneering wort was done. The struggle was bet ween Messrs. M. E. Shell and E. A. Poe, the candidates for Mavor and they and many of their friends were quite active all day. There was no feeling of bitterness en gendered or what is termed dirty work done, but simply a straight iair contest between thetwocan- didates. The result was. Shell 175 and Poe 103. The Commis sioners vote was as follows. Mr. Allen being voted tor on both ticket: J. A. Allen 271, J. L. Nelson 173, J. J Gail 172, Jno. W. McCall 103 ind C. S. Triplet t 113.. Nelson and Gall were on the Shell ticket. To Cure a Cold in Une Day. Take Laxative Bromu Ouinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure, b, W. Grove's signature is on each dox zsc. Other Caldwell Items. Lenoir Topic, May 9th. Mrs. A. W. Dula returned Fri day from a short visit to rela tives in Morganton. A oung man, Claud Gilbert, of Rhodhiss, diid Thursday even ing from the effects of cigarettt smoking and excessive oheWing of tobacco. Freight train No. 268, which leaves here every evening for CheBter, ran off the track at Rhodhiss Friday and was delay- about 24 hours. Aunt Myrah Haye-, the widow of Robeson Hayes, died Friday evening and was buried Sunday morning in Granite Cemetery in the presence of an immense con course, of people. She had a great many relatives and was loved by all who knew her. She was eighty-three years old. The storm on Sundav night blew down a portion of Mr. John Herman's unfinished house. also blew off a part of the acade- mv roof, which wa replaced next moraine; it also blew the roof off of the barn at the Col. Hartley place, now owned by Mr. Fcx. The wind was severe. At a meeting of the Democratic Executive Committee of Caldwell county held on the 7th, it was resolved that a convention of the Democratic party of Caldwell county be called to meet in th; Court House in Lenoir on Mon day. June 4th, 1906 at 12 m lJl lUV pill fVC3& VI l&WUU, UWIV" Saies 3".l ol.aie' cuugi w ju . a. i al, judicial and senatorial con- ventions. Tne townships will hold their convention! for the election of delegates to the Coun- tv Convention on Siturday after- noon, June zua. FORTUNATE ' MISSOURI - ANS. uvS AES?1 "When I was a druggist, at J. of Graysville,Mo., "three of my customers were ?S?8FSS&ttaS?'ffi: co very, and are wel1 and strong today. One was trying to sell his property and move to Ari- u t flftflP sin0. Nfiw nis I co very a short time he found it Unnecessary to do so- I re- gdmKN7wDisooery J f ha. trodden Life', bigb f. th m.t. wnnrtrfnl-m,Hi. J; ha a large line ofdirect as tne most wonuenui meai cine in existence." Surest X u a nA MUS" uu uxo iiiu.Ant - l.nTin. . haAlai Throat and Lung - . . . Guaranteed by VV. A. Le&lie, and John Tull, Druggists- 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. Most men are the better Tor of themselves. knowing tbe worst ilave you weakness or any kind stomach, back, or any organs of the body! Don't dope yourself with ordinary medicine. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is the supreme curative power J5 cents, Tea or Tablets. W A, Leslie. NEIGHBORHOOD. the Papers of the Adjolningl , Mcdowell. Marion Democrat, May 11th. J. E. Conley is reported quite in ar nis n me in Woodlawn. Rev. H. H. Jordan and chil j ... uren nave Defncouhned to their home the pa t week with measles. T. C. Guthrie and Miss L.Carr, both of Old Fort, werj married here last Sa tu rdav, Esquire W. B. Rat liff officiating. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Conle.. of Woodla vn, were here Thurs day enroutetoStatesville, where the latter will enter Dr. Long's nospitai tor treatment. The body of Sam Whitmore. who was drowned in North Fork on April 14, was found last Saturday by a vounsr man named Hall, and the interment was made at Stroud's Chapel. Monday. Mr. Whitmore'shome was in Asheville. Joseph D. Conley. ot Turkev Cove, died at the State Hospital m aiorp-anton lant Fririav at 7:15 o'clock. Mr. Conley" was one of the best known farmers in McDowrll county and was a great believer in good stock. His health failed rapidlv for about a year past, but at the time of his death he was making prepara tions to return to his home. when, at the last moment, he was taken with acute pneumonia and died in a few hours. His re mains were brouct to his home and interment was made in the family burying ground at Wood- lawn. Kev. John M. -Greenlee conducted the funeral ceremonies Sunday at 12 o'clock m. A good complexion is im possible with the stomach out of order. If pasty sallow peo ple would pay more attention to their stomach and less to the skin on their faces. thrV would have better complexions. KO DOL. JtfOK DYSPEPSIA will digestwhat you eat and putyour lback m r.ght shap to lieves palpitation of the heart, flatulence, sour stomach, heart burn, etc. Sold by Allison's Pharmacy. WATAUGA. Boone Democrat. May 10th. The rye crop in the county is most promising. Democratic county convention on Monday, May 21st. Dr. C. J. Parlier was elected mavor ot Blowing Kock and president of the B. & B. R. turn pike on last Monday. On last Satu day W. It. Moody sold his large boundary of land on the Rich Mountain to R. Z. Linnej. The land is to bs sur veyed and Mr. Moodv will receive $10 00 per acre for the same. Considerable frost and slight freeze on Tuesday morning, which did considerable damage to gardens, etc The day was pretty and clear, but on Wednes day morning we had a pretty snow fall which lasted for more than an hour. Forest fires in Caldwell coun ty last week did considerable damage to timber, and we are told that one man near Globe iost foa dwelling and much of its contents by the raging names It took" strenuous efforts on the pnrt of the neighborhood to save other homes. The work on the stone church at Blowing Rock is progressing nicely. The walls are now sever al feet high, and the window and door fra i es have all been set The building will be a very com modious one, and is indeed a great departure from anything i in the county, being built entirely of rough surface atones. Mrs. Mary Wilson died at the home of her son, Andrew V ilson, on r nuay morning ana was buried on Saturday. For 87 descendants and near relatives, who are among our btst people, all of whom, with-many friends, will long love and cherish the memory of "Aunt Mary." DEATHS FROM APPENDI CITIS decrease in he same ratio that the use of Dr. King's New Life Pills increases. They save you from danger and bring quick and painless release from con stipationand the ills growing out of it. Strength and vigor always follow their use. Guar anteed by VV, A. Leslie and Johr Tulb druggists. 25c. Try i them. CATAWBA. Newton Enterprise. May 10th. The Catawba-County Stock Improvement Companv had quite an imposing street parade in Newton Tuesday. i " ?Died, Sunday afternoon, near the Little Mountain, Mrs. David Drum, aged 82 years. She had been an invalid for about ayear, and her death was not unexpect ed. Mr.M. M. Cline tells us that he has a jugr of honey fifty-one yea Mold. If anybody can fur nish a jug of apple jack of equal age, a merger of interests may be quicky effected. ? The Congressional convention for this district will be held in Lincoln ton July 2. Hon. E. Y. Webb, in all probability, will have no opposit on and will be renominated by acclamation. Mr. David Drum, the noted blacksmith and story-teller of the Little Mountain section, has sold bis farm, which includes part of the mountain, to the Graphite Company operating in that sec tion for $8,000. Mr. George Bolick, who led the county last year in the amount of cotton per acre, tells us that he hasn't anything to brag on now but his chickens. He has 125 hens, Brown Leg horns and Black Spanish, that lay him about six dozen eggs a day, and one day he got eight dozen and ten. On Wednesday night of last week there was a severe wind storm in portions of Clines town ship. Orchaid trees and forest trees were blown down on a good many farms. At Mr. John Brown, Jr. s, an oak tree smashed the L of his dwelling bouse, and but for the stone chimney which held up the tree, the lamily would have been killed, as they were sleeping in that part of the house. Another tree fell on a two-story granary and demolished it. CLEVELAND. Shelby Star, May 11th. The frost Tuesday and Wed nesday nights did considerable damage to the gardens and all gr iwing vegetation, and in some sectious the young cotton was killed. The extent of the dam age to the cotton crop cannot be accurately estimated, bnt if it is ery widespr ad, the price should advance. Mr. W. T. Powell, of No. 8 township, was here Monday. de says his ground hog died last week, and he gives notice to the public that he cannot be respon- ible for the weather any longer. rlow about the ground hog's death and that cold rain Mon day is it possible that the pass ing away of the former had such a sudden and decided effect upon the weather? Mr. Mack Walker, a citizen of the upper part of this county was brought to jail Tuesday night because of his dangerously a a 1 insane condition. . Application has been made for his admission to the State Hospital at Mor ganton, and he will be sent there as soon as he can be admitted. Mr. Walker is a son of Jonathan Walker and is 45 years of age, and has a wife and four children. He has been insane for about a month, but only dangerously so or the past few days. John Cook. Esq.. died at his home in Burke county, nearZion Hill, Mav 2nd, 1906. He lacked only a few days of being 88 years old. The deceased was the fath er ot nine cnnareneiernc sons and one daughter, all of whom are livimr except one son, who died a few months ago. Th sons are as follows: Noah, (de ceased! of Burke countv; A. J J F. and Samuel of Burke; I. A., Jno. B., J. H. and D. D. Cook.of upper Cleveland, and Mrs. L. J. Howell of Shelby. He leaves 4 1111 J C " -- granacmiuren ana jo or more irreat firrand:hildren. Mis re- mains were laid to rest at ot. - . " .... . . . Faul on May 3rd in the presence of a laree number of friends and relatives, his pastor Rev. W. B. Mull conducting the services His funeral will be preached the 2nd Sunday in June at 11 o'clock Gnnid takes a day ff when tbe feminine match maker gets bay STOMACH TROUBLES. Mrs. Sue Martin, an old and highly respected rnsident of Faisonia. Miss was sick with stomach trouble for more than six months Chamberlain's Stomach ana Liver Tablets cured her She 8avs:"I can now ea anything I want -and am the nroudest woman in the world to find such a srood medicine. For sale by W. A. Leslie druffgist . . i -- . i . j . The ssason's first cold mky, besljgEtJayLyield to early treatment; but the next cold will hang on longer ; . it . will: be ;: more troublesome, too. Un necessary to take chances on that second one." Scott's Emulsion is a preventive as well as a cure. , Take SCOTT'S EjHUlI when colds abound, and you'll have no cold. Take it when the cold is contracted and it checks inflamma tion, heals the membranes of the throat and lungs and drives the cold out. Send for free sample .- SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists 409-415 I earl Street, Hew Tsrk 50c and $1.09 - - - All drngfltU Death of Mr. Geo. F. Thomason. For TheNews-Herald. . Mr. Geo. F. Thomason died at tbe State Hospital, Morganton, N. Wednesday, May 9th, 1906, at nine o'clock in tbe evening. He bad been a great sufferer for near three years with cancer of tbe aw, bat was most patient through out it ail. He was born ia Rowan connty February 27tb, 1851, and Dined the Reformed cLarch wbeu S years old, under tbe preaching of Dr. Clapp, of Newton, N. O., and lived as be died, trusting in tho Lord. He was twice married and leaves a yonng widow and nine iviog children seven by bis firct wife and two by his last. His last wife before her marriage was Miss Gleo Cox, daughter of Mr. G. G. Cox. He also leaves four brothers and three sisters and many rela tives and frieads. Bis body was aid to rest at Mountain Grove cbarch Friday afternoon, the bnrf- al eei vice being held at bis borne by Bev. N. M. Modlin. May tbe Lord bless his bereaved family in their time of trouble. A FBIEND. The Twentieth of May at Charlotte. Charlotte, May 3. Tbe commit tee on program for tbe fonr days eelebration beginning May tbe 21st, has made its report. Monday, tho first day, tbe pro gram will comiist.of an informal re ception to all "Come -Homers'' at the Manufacturers' Club at mid day. JLue laaies consisting tne Charlotte Woman's Clob will have charge of this reception. In tbe afternoon at 3 o'clock there will be ballon ascension and at night a Carnival of Lights will be the at traction. Tuesday will be osbcred in iy a gorgeous military paraae as 11 o'clock. Tbe veterans' drill will take place at 1 o'clock and a bal loon ascension at 3 o'clock. At 4 o'clock there will be an exhibition drill by Company "E," the crack cavalry troop. At 8:30 o'clock in the evening tbe Marine Band will give a special concert at the Acade my of Music. r On Wednesday the Floral Par ade will be tbe initial feature. At 12:30 o'clock Hon. Champ Clark will deliver bis oration at Vance Park. In tbe afternoon and even Ing, there will be concerts by the Marine Band, Bed Men's Parade, Fire Works and a balloon asceu- 8100. Thursday will be Fraternal Day. In addition to this a tournament and firemen's drill will take place Charlotte is preparing to enter tain comfortably all visitors wbo come within ber sates during tne four days of ber big celebration. N OT IF AS RICH AS ROCKE- . FELLER- ' Tf xnn had all the wealth of Rockefeller, the Standard Oil magnate, you could not ouy a i . . 1 2 1 I nftTtpr mfiaicme ior uuww wm- Blaints than ; Chamberlain's olic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The most eminent physician can not prescribe a hfitter nrer-aration 101 cone an A diarrhoea, both for child renand adults. The uniform success of this remedy has Rbnwn it to be superior to all others. It never fails, and when rftdiv.ftd with water and sweet ened, is pleasant to take. Every familv should be supplied with it. Sold by W. A. Leslie, drug gist. Have you pains in the back inflammation of any kind rheu matism, fainting spells, indi gestion or constipation, Jaoi'is-, ter's Rocky Mountain Tea5 makes you well, keeps you welLt 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. ,W. A. j Leslie, . , . ; y U: ii1 Bonds For Public Roads. Many of the counties t b ough oat the State have issued bonds for tbe construction of macadam and other good roads. The resolt has been that these counties have been more thoroughly developed and become much more prosper ous : than those counties wblfh have been contented with , poor, roads. The issuing of bonds by a countv will mean bat a very small increase in taxes, which as the years go on, will be more than conntei balanced by, tbe i large in crease in tbe value of land and of other taxable property. It is a "fair and equitable arrangement that future generations should pay for a portion of the improve ments of our public roads, as they derive as great a benefit as the present generation. Too many have an idea that to bond their connty will mean a very large in crease in their taxes without their deriving any material benefit from the expenditure, not realizing that the increase in the value of proper ty, nnd the decrease in the cost of maintenance of the roads and wear and tear on horses, wagons, har ness is so much money saved. Are yon interested in good roads! II so, all meetings in various sec tions of yonr connty to discuss this important question and also the advisability of bonding yonr connty for tbe purpose of raising sufficient money to macadamize tbe principal roads of your connty. The members of the North Caro lina Geological Survey will, as far aa possible, meet your committees and deliyer addresses in yonr conn ties regarding the value of public roads; the best methods of con structing same and tbe issuing of bonds. Tbe Geological Survey will also assist in the construction of the first mile of macadam by famishing an engineer to give in structions and superintend tbe work. Judges to Retire. Statesvllle Landmark. 1 1th. , The Lord is always good to ns, bat it seems He is extending His mercies this year. The Landmark published a staten ent a few days a jo that a certain Sapeiior Conrt judge, whose term expires with the year, would not be a candidate for rj-electior, whereat we expressed gratification. The Judga in ques tion is a good man, an uonoiaDia maa, of correct habit p, bnt be is nit halted to the wrk on tie Saperior Court beuch and bis re tirement is the best thing for bim and tbe people. Naw comes tbe news that another judge will rot be a candidate f r re-electicn, whereat we give an extra wbobp or two for joy. He is a good ; man and we wouldn't hart bis feei ng (or th feelings of the first mentioned, either,) bat tbe fact is that he knows little law, lacks decision and is utterly unfit for the work. : Of correct habits, bono: able and upright, it i;u'c pleasant tonay these things, but it is wall kno n, wherever be has held conn, tnat he is entirely unsuited to tbe work and his retirement is tbe best thing for him and tbe people. Now il Bob Peebles and a few others we could mention wonld get down the Superior Court bench would be in very fair shape pro vided, always, tbat Judge Shaw is retained. - A torpid, inactive liver can produce more bodily ills than almost anything else. It is good to clean th system out occasionally, stir the liver up, aud get into shape generally. The best results are derived from the use of De Witt's Lit tle Early Risers. m Reliable, effective, pleasant pills with a reDutation. .Never gripe. Jboid by Allison's Pharmacy. A Yaneev countv man took his wife to a physician. The doctor nnt a themometer in tbe womau'n K mi nth and after two or three mio otes, just as the doctor was about to remove the instrument, tbe man who was not used tbe such a pro longed filence on the part of bis life partner, said: "Doctor, that'll you take for that thin gl" Burns ville Exgle. CASTORIA Por Infants and Children. Tfc3 m Yea Kara Aiwajs Bought Bears the Senators of Grove's Tasteless ClfateZ lu stood tha test 25 years. Average Anrvusl Sales over One end a Hs!f tHHica bottles. Does 'this record of merit appeal to you? NoCra No Pay.i 0 EtvctOSCQ wtta very Bill Arp Said This. "I never took a. paper tbat didn't pay-me more than I paid for it. One time an old friend of mine started a paper way down South and sent a copy to me and I sub scribed just to lticonrage him and after a while it published an order to sell n lot at public auction. So I inquired about tbe lot and told a friend to run it up to $50. He bid off the lot at 38 and sold it in less than a month for $i00, so I made $62 clear by taking trial pa per. My father told me that when he was a yonng man be saw a notice in a paper that a school teacher was wanted away off in a distant country'; and he went and got tbe situation, and a little giil was sent to bim and after a while she grew np sweet and beautiful and be married ber. Now if be had not taken that paper what do yon suppose would have become of me!" I would, have been some other fellow, or maybe I wonld not have been at all." POSTMASTER ROBBED. G. W. Fouts, Postmaster at Riverton, la., nearly lost his life and was robbed of all com fort, according to his letter, which says: "For 20 years 1 had chronic liver complaint, which led to such a severe case of jaundice that even my finger nails turned yellow; when my doctor prescribed E'ectric Bit ters; which cured me we'l for eleven years." Sure cure for ;Biliousness, Neuralgia, Weak ness and all Stomach. Liver, .Kidney and Bladder derange ments, A wonderful Tonic. At W. A. Leslie's and John Tull's drug stores, 50 cents. 1 mi fllLLINlRY - and - Ladies Goods. SEE MY NEW LINE Mrs. A. E. Hicks. BOQER, ROSEBROUQH & CO Groceries. Fresh Meats. ICE. FEED. One Car Load 20,000 Pounds GOLD MEDAL FLOUR. It is the best of all good things that come from the grocer. It makes the most wholesome and nutricious bread and thedainti est cake and pastry- It is a bread flour- It is a cake flour It is an all round flour made for you. BOQER, ROSEBROUQH, & COMPANY. potue is i ei vcnt pgawMsc w vrwv a Mr. Merryman Got Gay and Also . -in Jail. ; Statesville Landmark, llth.- ;Vf"-A ' At Marion- Saturday Ua States Commissioner Craig' bo M. P. Merryman, of Virginia, the next term of United Stt court at Statesville, on the cha of impersonating a United Sts deputy marshal. ' Itj "is" alle that Merryman secured a boj sulpoena and in the-guise o United States officer served same on Bell Clare, of -McDov county, citing her. to appear Asnevitie ana give evidence in certain criminal trial to be het there. It is reported tbat Clare woman acted upon the sui mons and got as far as Old Ft befoie she learned that she b j been imposed upon by Merry ms In default of bond Merryman is McDowell.coanty jail. IT IS DANGEROUS TO NEC LECT A COLD. How often do we hear it rc marked; "It's only a cold, and a few days later learn thf the man is on his back wit pneumonia. This is of sue common occurrence that a cole however slight, should not b' disregarded. Chamberlain' Cough Remedy counteracts an tendency of a cold to result ii pneumonia, and has gained it great popularity and extensiy sale by its .prompt cures of thi most common ailment. It al ways cures and is pleasant t take. For Bain by W. A. Les lie, druggist i..5;f j rs. James HudsoD, 01 take a few Green street, will select boarders. pii ""- - . i ':,