w, Wj'.'is.',- THE NEWS-niiRAUX I. G. CCB3, Publisher. THURSDAY, FEB. U, 1907. The fellows who persisted in prophesying an op?n winter hav. shut up. Senator Foraker deserves the thanks of the Texas city as the man that nmde Liruweavilln fa mous. We understand that Texas ne groes are protesting against the invasion of thn inferior Japan e e. We hope we shall not go to war about it. THE LEGISLATURE. Surely graft has hndsoraehard knock of laic Hut ihe desire to get sotnethitiir for nothing it mighty penitent, and its elirai nation from human nature may require a fe v more ages. A Chinaman in writing of America in the National Hospit al Record, says, "Yet the women are to he pitted, too. On festive occasions thy are draggec around a room to the accom panirrent of the most hellisl music." He must have seen som two-steps to rag-time at a sum mer hotel. It's Better to Be on the Outside Lookin In Than on the Inside Lookin' Out. To the Editor of The News Herald:- I Lote the article in your receui issue entitled "To Extend th Town Limits", and thereto th statement "It is argued that theit are many people just outside th- limits, who have their business ii town and get just as much benefi from the town as any citizen with out paying any residence tax to the town". As one of these, lei me ask, 44 What benefits do you re fer to, or what benefits would wt derive in being within the towi JlmitbT ' JSone so tar as 1 can as certain. Surely not the benefit ct good sidewalks, for I know of resi dents who live at the outer ecg of town limits wbo still are com pelled to walk through mud, at times ankle deep, to get to mail, streets, notwithstanding their of fer at diifernt times to purchase th cross pieces for a board walk ano to have the woik done, provided the town would simply give tn plank for said wak! Suiely no good streets, for the worst road in the county are right within tbt present town limits? Not lighting for as that is rnn at present, a few hours each night, it is not a bene fit? Surely not police protectioi for the present limits are not pa trolled and a policeman arouuo the outer limits is the raieet of ra- reties! As an outsider, who does pay a town tax on my business, I'll not ask what the tndebtednss, bonded and otherwise, of the town is, no whether the commissioners hav created a sinking fund to pay ofl bonds as they mature, but from your last sentence (in article above mentioned) it looks to me as if tbt town had ''saddled more that she could carry and that you now want to "pull the outsiders in" t "help carry the load" without re ceiving a single benefit therefrom Why not be like Chicago take m the whole county while about it A Subscribed Feb. 11,1907. FOR SUF RHEUMATIC FEES, The quick relief from pain afforded by applying Chamber Iain's Pain Balm makes it a favorite with sufferers from rheumatism, sciatica, lame back, lumbago, and dee.p seat ed and musclar pains. For sale by W. A. Leslie. A Democrat from Mitchell. Raleigh News and Observer, 7th. It isn't often that a full fledged Mitchell county Demecra1 Inokti in on the Legisjardre.' In the first place itas V long journey irdm ikiircheil county to Raleigh and in the second place there are not many Democrats iu Mitchell But yesterday Senator Burlison, the Republican from that dis trict, was introducing to hi friends Mr. L. A. Berry, of Spruce Fine, the leading Democrat from his section of the county, who is in the city. He introduced Mr. Berry .to one stalwart Democrat who said: "Let me hug you, for you are the second Democrat I ever saw from Mitchell county." Mortgage Sale of Land By virture of a deed of mortae from Jackson Smith and 'wife, to me to secure the payment of the sum of forty dollars, I will, on Saturday, the 2nd day of March, 1907, at the Court House door in Morganton, N. C, at 12 o'clock m., offer for sale for cash! a parcel of land in Burke county, ad joiningJ.he lands of S. Huffman, D. B. Mull and others. Beginning- at a stone in the Speculation line and runs north 13 degrees east with said line, crossing a branch 65 poles to a "rock then south S3 degrees east 60 poles! then 85 decrees east 42 poles to a stake in the branch, then south 13 degrees west 27 poles to a pine knot, then to the beginning-, containing 10 acres more or less. Terms rf sale cash. This January 31st, 1907. - L. J. TURNER. ' Per S. J. Ervin, Atty. - Editorial Correspondence. Raleisrb, Feb. 13, 1907. A petition signed by 75 citizens of Morgauton graded school dis trict asl ing for the passage of a law extending the provisions of the act to prevent the depreda tions of domestic fowls in the town of Morganton so that it will embrace the limits of :aitl graded school district was re sented to the House by Mr. Avery on Monday. The bill making Mat ion dry af ter June, 1908, has parsed both houses and is now law. Mr. Avery has prepared and will introduce in the House, per haps to-day, a bill repealing the charter of Rutherford College and re-chartering the town. The bill provides for theappointmeLt of t new mayor and board of alderman; a heavy penalty for the sale of intoxicating drinks -vithin five miles of the town to any student of the college, and for the chauge of the name "Excelsior" under the old chart er, to Rutherford College. A pe tition from Rutherford College vvith a lo- g list of signers, ask ing for the passug of the bill, has been received by Mr. Avery. Senator Davis's bill to aUuw the trustees of the Methodist church of Morganton to remove and re-inter the remains of the bodies buried in the old church yard there has passed the Senate and was reported favorably in the House Tuesday morning. Mr. Davis, in speaking of this bill to the writer, said that he merely wished to give the trus tees of this church power to re move these bodies in case it be comes necessary at some future time; that the passage of this bill will not mean that the bodies will be removed right away, or at all simply gives the trustees power to remove them. Mr. Avery is preparing a bill which allows $2.00 per day to juiors in Burke; fees to officers where "not a true bill' is found where indictment is made in ood faith; and allowing in creased pay to the sheriff for thi apprehension of illicit distilleries and "blind tigers" and the arrest of the operators of same. He says that while he has wiped liquor out of Morganton he wish es to get machinery that will keep the whole county dry. Messrs. J. A. Dickson, J. E. Erwin and J. F. Spaitihour are visitors here from Morganton this week. The Senate Committee on Sal aries and Fees on Monday re" ported affirmatively a substitute bill fixing the salaries of the State officers. The substitute i for the bills of Senators Webb and Turner. The salary of the Governor is fixed at $5,000 per anuum. The fees are taken away from the other State officers, and aflat salary is prescribed for them. Their salaries are fixed in the bill as follows: State Treasurer, $4,000; Secretary of State, $4,000, and he shall receive no other compensation or fees; the Attorney General, $3,500, and in addition thereto he shall be allowed his actual expenses in attending to the business of the State, whenever it is necessary for him to leave the city of Ral-J eigh for that purpose; Jho. State Auditor, $3,0QQ- -the insurance Commisoaer, $3,500; the Super intendent pf Public Instruction, $3,500 with no allowance for traveling1 expenses; the chairman of the Corporation Commission $3,500, and the other two mem bers of the Commission shall each receive a salary of $3,000 iu full compensation for their services as members of the Corporation Commission, and also as mem bers of the Board of State Tax Assessors; the Commissioner of Agriculture, $3,000. The bill re quires that the Attorney-General, Secretary of State, Insurance Commits oner and other officers therein referred to, bball coll et ti e fes which may come into their hands, and which may be authorized by; law, and fu n over the same to theStateTreat- i . i .i urer to oe aepositea oy tne1 Treasurer in the General State fand.K s ! The bill of Mr. D ivis, of Hyde, j providing that the oyster com-1 mission shall also oveilook and: protect fish interests; prohibit ing the dredging for oysters in the waters of Pamlico Sound, Pamlico River, fveuse River and Long Shoal River for a period i f two years, and that no oysteiB which will not bear inspection shall be shipped out of North Carolina, passed its final reading in the House on Monday. Mr. Avery on Monday intro duced a bill to be entitled "An act to amend the Morganton Graded School Laws." Section 1 of the bill strikes out that part of the law requiring the trustees to select a secretary from amorg their number, in other words, allows them to elect a secretary from the out side. Section 2 provides that the terms of trustees shall begin on the first Monday of June first after thir election instead of on the first Monday of May, as the law now stands. Section 3 reads as follows: "That the Board of Trustees of Morganton Graded School Dis trict acting with the Superin tendent shall have sole power to adopt a conrse of study and pre scribe the text books to jbe used in the Morganton Graded Schools." The bill has not yet been re poited on account of the pro vision, in section 3, for the adop tion of bookt by the trustees and the superintendent, the commit tee holding it up for further con- side1 ation. It is doubtful wheth er the bill, with this section, will be reported favorably. T. G. C. Tt.'ft the hisrhtest standard of Quality a natural tonic, clean ses your system, reddens me cheeks, brightens the eyes, gives flavor to all you eat. Holister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do this for you. 35 cents Tea or Tablets. W, A. Leslie. IT'S A SHADOW. All headaches go When you grow wiser And learn to use An "Eealy Riser." De Witt's Little Early Risers, sate, sure pills. Burke Drug Co SKIN DISEASE OF TWEN- Items from Patton. Correspondence of The Newa-Herald. Mioses Olivia and Princy Pat ton, of Glen Alpme Springs school, spent Saturday and Sun day at home. Mr. Julius Walker, of York, S. C, arrived last week to spend th winter with relatives on Muddv creek. Miss Elva "Duckworth and Mr. Millard Hennessee, bcth of Chambers, were last Saturday and Sunday the guests of Misses Olivia and Princy Patton. Mr. Shanks Cohan, of Kirksey, visited friends and relatives on Mu Jdy creek last waek. 'Miss Itoaj Blair, of Lenoir, and Mr. J. D. Bailey, of Morganton, were last Sunday the guests of Miss Mary, Williams. Alessrs. Julius Walker and Troyal R. Dysart spent last Saturday night a week near Chambers. Mr RobtT Williams went to Morganton Saturday on busi ness. Miss Lula Duckworth, of Chambers, spent last week with Miss Mary Williams. Mr. T. C Williams ppent sever al days in Mai ion last week on business. Miss Sallie Epley, of Rollins. spent Saturday and Sunday with Misses Olivia and Princy Patton. Mrs. Robt. .Williams is con fined to her home with lagrippe. Mr. and Mrs. Icelander Gettvs delightfully entertained last Tuesday night in honor of Miss Lula Duckworth, of Chambers, a small number of thfi vonno- people of this vacintty. The guests were as follow: MiWs Nettie and Falsome Dysart, Mary Williams aud Lula Duck worth; Messrs. Julius Walker, Shanks Cohan, Troyal Dysart, Charlie Crawley and Claud Que n. Two or Morf. Feb. 11,1907. All photographs are shadows, but some shadows are better than others. It takes experience and careful study to get shadows that look right. Good shadows please you; if they are not good your friends don't want them, neither do you; poor stuff is dear no mat ter how cheap. We don't sell the poor kind of photograph it is not how cheap, but how good we can do the work for you. WEBB. FS3 SEND FOR THE DOCTOR I want you to know how much Uhamberlain's Salve has done me. It has cured my face of a skin disease of almost twenty years' standing. I have been treated oy several as smart Piles of people have Piles. F"jiv;ittus as we nave in this Why suffer from piles when 2 l7 ?n? tne.y dld me no you can use Da WiU'a carbolize out two ooxes of this ! Witch Hazel Salve - and get re salve has cured me. Mrs. lief. Nothing else so good. Be-r-hoK rFEoN, Troy. -Ala. ! ware of imitations. See that Uiamberlain's-Salve is for sale . the name is . stamped ou each by W. A. Leslie. V ; . ' box. Sold by Burke Drug (Jo. Symptoms signify the approach of some dis ease. What disease few can tell. It takes years of study and ex perience to do that. Send for one who does know your --doctor. He will diagrnose the case and write for the. needed remeaies. And, bv the way, these rem- edies should be exactly right pure and accu rate to the fraction of a grain. BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS TO US and you'll get what the doctor orders. It's as important to have your medicines put up by a graduated pharmacist as it is to employ a graduated physician. We Have the Knowledge. We Haye the Experience. Ws Haye Pure Drugs. We Have perfect Service. Get it at Burke Drug Co. Mortgse Sale of Land. By virtue of a power otsale contained in a certain mortgageHeed executed by Julius Michaux and wife Frances Michaux to L. W. Anderson .and as signed by said Anderson, which said mortg-aee deed was given to secure certain indebtedness due by said Michaux and wife and default having been made in the payment of the same when due. I will sell at public auction" at the court house door in the town of Morganton, N. C, to the highest bidder for cash on Monday, March 11th, 1907, within legal hours of sale, the follow ing described tract of land, viz. Beginning on a sour wood, the west ern corner of Mrs. Moore's dower line, and runs west 10 chains to an old pine corner, thence south 30 chains to a pine and rock corner, thence east 15i chains to a maple on the bank of the fine gold branch, thence up the branch to the beginning, containing 42 acres, excepting some four acres on the south end and up to a conditional line, being lands on which said Michaux lives. This Feb. 10th, 1907. W. T. DULA, Assignee. Notice. J. H. Walker, enters and locates 640 acres of land in Silver Creek township, Burke county, on the waters of Hall's creek, ac joining the lands of J. C. Mills, Queen Mining property, H. P. Harman and others. Beginning on a poplar, j C. Mill's corner, and runs various courses and distances for com pliments so as to include vacant land" Entered 12th day of Feb., 1907. Any person or persons claiming the above entry or any part thereot will file their protest against the issuance of a wan ant for the same in the Entry Taker's office, and if said protest is not filed within thirty days from the date of this notice, I shall isue a war ram for the same as the law directs. - This January 15, 1907. I. B. HOLLO WAY, Entry Taker. Notice. Notice is hereby given that applica tion will be made to the present gener al assembly of North Carolina 'or. the re-incorporation of the town of Ruther ford College, - :j ,, v- ODD PAIRS $3.50 to $5.00 era's Fine Shoes $2.75 CHOICE $2.75 M ON SALE THIS WEEK Orders Filled Same Day As Received. and Qrv si uara were ugs: 1. 1. Davis &Son Victor TALKING MACHINES. i l l vi m (f Machines, Records and Needles at i) (j factory prices, v Call at our store j (f allow us to demonstrate the superi- i (f ority of this machine. fcLAYWELL BROS. YOUR NEEDS If you haven't it in hardware--we know where to get it and we'll get it for you no matter what it is and the price will suit your pocket-boqk, just as well as the quality will suit your requirements. We aim to carry the most com-.-plete hardware stock possible--but if you need things. v;e haven't if you see things ir; cataloges or elesewhere that vyne do not carry tell us about t'We want to sup ply all your hardware needs and at prices that'will suit. Give us aTchance "to show you 10th, 11th F. & G. Sts. WASHINGTON, D. C. Speciel Sale of Rugs. We offer a lot of Special Priced Rugfs in oatt.- have been dropped by the makers and which cann , Til 111 fr n Kegrular f rices. 1 9x12 ft. French Wilton Rujrs $45.00, 1C, 6x13. 6ft. Brussells Ru were $60.00. - were $29.50. 9x12 ft An-lo Indian Rugs, $50.00 8, 8x10. 6ft. Brussels R t were 60 00. . nn 9x12 ft. Wilton Rugs $32.50 were $40.00. 9x12 ft. Arlington Rugs $30.00 were 3x6 ft. Wilton Rugs M $40.00. 3x9 ft. Smyrna Ruffs S7.nn ... 9x14 ft. Serebend Rugs $25.00 were 3xl2 ft. Smyrna RutrS al $30 00. 1?no 9x12 ft. Body Brussels $22 50 were $27.50. wlnKug9 $10.00 were 9x12 ft. Smyrna Rugs 20.00 were 27x54 in. Bath Rutrs Si $27.50. "cre 9x12 ft. Brussels Rugs $15.00 were -xw m- Bat Rugs $i.s0 $17.5U. 27x34 in. fVH w.i. o.n f K-j.hmir T? ii era sio.nn were """""k $12.50. $1.75. Also a small lot of Arlington Rugs, in attractive nuJ Spedal Sale of Portieres, Couch Covers, Upholstery Fat dox Mucnes, etc m very special Prices. The seasonableness of the merchandise offered the nnnlitips and thp verv excentional valuer 9nnQi Muu.-..w, j x w m utai nrcai to those needing anything in these lines for presenter fu! qse. PORTIERES. COUCH COVERS. Included are the remainder Extra Heavy Tapi OI IDC isCu.SU 11 S UCSl CUlUIIUa wv. .,.. vuina, m ricn 0 and sesigns; in one to four a. ?ffe!is: f u11 kngth " " r . &.w. tonowspecja.pr.ces: - Tapestry and Rep C "" f;i covers, witn pain and fri wcic 4m jv i.w $b UU and S7 50 $16.50. " - Rope Portieres, in red and IMPORTER'S SAMPL green and mixed ettects. ART FABRICS COUCHES. 50 24 inch Squares, con We are offering a lot of in? apestnes, Reps, Woodward & Uothroo Hand- ou"ulc 11,1 "'venng- c Made Box Couches, made !$a.ts' cushions, etc 25c. from short pieces of well sea- Va,ue Oc. soned wood, fitted with best '5 24 inch Squares, cod steel tempered springs and ingot iapsteies, Reos. covored with shorts lengths ours, French Cretonnes of art denim; an excellent as- Damasks, 50c. each. ' sortment of designs. . $11.50 75c. each. Value $13.50. 100 24 inch Squares WILLOW FURNITURE, sisting of the better sr; AHpntinnU1lpHtni.np.of furniture coverings, line of Willow Furniture, con- each- Values $1.00 and $ sistingof rockers, easv chairs, 75 pieces Tapestries, tables, etc., especially de- masks and Velours, in len snble or the boudoir ranging from 1 to3K y vvcuu.ci c.sci BpccicLi vaiue gpccjy suitable fo 1 a well-made and comfortable P . or n Arm Chair, finished in natur- chairs, 3 piece parlor sui al color. Special price, $6 00 etc. to y2 off each. prices. $ V -J : n raruiru Quick Relief REMEDIES 'muc CO- New Life yred How often do we read ths blood-curdling stateme ts made regarding Catarrh and its terrible ravages. There is bo need for such alarming statements. If you have Catarrh or the symptoms do not delay the surest an 4 simplest war is to go to your Druggist and obtain A COMPLETE PENN C AT A.KRH OUTFIT. It will cet you $2.00, for which you will get one bottle PENN CA TARRH LIQUID for atomizing, good for thee months' treatment one box of PENN CATARRH TABLETS, good for one month's treatment one PENN aTOMIZER AND BULB, to be used in conjunction with the PFNN CATARRH LIQUID. . You may be suffering from Catarrh of the Stomach and need only our PENN CATARRH TABLETS, or you may bo a martyr to Nasal Catarrh and ceed only our PENN LIQUID CATARRH CURE. Under ordinary circumstances you would be obliged to buy another comolete PENN CATARRH OUTFIT. v a Your glass bulb might get broken cr your rubber bulb worn out with use. - . All the above are liable to occur. To avoid the necessity of purchasing what you may not need the PENN-DRUG COMPANY havs put up the different CATARRH REM EDIES and appliances iu SEPERATE packages which can be obtained" at the following reasonable prices: PENN CATARRH TABLETS, per box ...... 50c PENN LIQUID CATARRH CURE 75c FEEN -GLASS BULBS FOR ATOMIZER. "50c' 'PFNN RUBBER BULBS FOR ATOMIZER . . .25c. All druggists sell them or can get them for you, or they'will be for warded y."u,. on recept of price by the PENN DRUG- COMPANY, Phila., Pa- Headquarters, W A. LESLIE'S. reiri ii ih ii) vl v il vi A NEW LINE OF SPRING WHITE GOODS We have just received a full line of white materials for early spring sewing, such as Persian Lawn 40 inch Linen India Linen Dimities Linen Lawn for shirt waists Complete line of white goods for shirt waists 90 inch Linen for suits f f 36 Nainsook English long cloth Cambrics Domestics. We are also showing pretty lines of Swiss Embroidery, (Mechlin, Round Thread, Torchon and Val. laces. ; PRESNELL & HOGAN. 1 I For Your Convenience We have opened a new store at Union Street, Morganton, N. C. where our patrons will receive careful attention and all are invited to call. By these signs you may Know and will find Singer Stores in every city ( These machines are never sold to dealers only from Maker to User. They are now sold at lower prices, quality considered, than any other. Needles and Repairs for all MaKes of Sewing Machines Sewing Machines Rented and Exchanged SINGER SEVING MACHINE CO. L I I A