Bring Your JOB PRINTING -TO- The News-Herald i IS THB Best Advertising Medium IN THE j News-Herald Office. Fikst-Class "Work at LOWK3T PrIC. T. G. COBB, Publisher. IBEraSSSSraiSB )Con.oliUAfa Nav. 29.1901 Subscription Price, $i Per Year In Advance U) PIEDMONT i SECTION VOL. XXIII. MORG-ANTON, N 0., MAY 16, 1907, No. 4. NfiWSr .3 our Stomach. No appetite, loss of strength, nervous rass, headache, constipation, bad breath, I sneral debility, sour risings, and catarrh c i the stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol cures indigestion. This new discov try represents the natural Juices of diges tion as they exist In a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonlo and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure does not only cure Indigestion And dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the muccus membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Ball, of Rav.nswood, W. Va.. siyst i was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years. T idol cured ma and w. ax now saint it to milk fur baby." Kodol Digests What Yea Eat. Bottles only. $1.00 SIxe holding- 2M times the trial size, which sells for 60 cents. Ffpars4 by E. O. D.WITT A 30., OHIOAQO. Sold by -BURKE DRUG COMPANY. ASkforthe 1907 Kodol Almanac ; ami 200 Year Calendar. WANTED. For U. S. Army, able-bc-dieil, unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35, citizens of United States, cf good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write Eng lish. Men wanted now for Philippine rvice. For information apply to Recruiting- Officer. 15 West Trade St., Charlotte, N. C ; 26,'i South Main St., Asheville, X. 0. ; Bank Building, Hick ory, N. C ; 417i Liberty St., Winston Salem, X. C. ; Glenn Building, Spar tanburg. S. C. ; Haynsworth and Con yer's Building-, Greenville, S. C. ; or Kendall Building, Columbia, S. C. At a Bargain. A pair of heavy mules and a heavy horse. Perfect workers. Easy terms. Angora and common Goats. Thorough bred Yorkshire, Berkshire, Esset and Poland China Sows in farrow and pis Chattanooga, Avery and Rock island Disc plows, second but in first class condition. A few Champion Grain Drills at less than regular wholesale cost to close out. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. A Batch of Live Items Culled from the Papers of the Adjoining Counties. i J. E. COULTER, Gonnelly Springs, N. C. 70 YEARS EXPERIENCE sfesAki3 3 - - mm. mm "532KE BADE WIARRS i ' Copyrights ic in-oiP er.-1Itt; a ''retrt and description vast o"(t -lv ascertain our opinKm free whether an -r'tii! is rbablr patentable. Cooamunica-i- it i?t'yco:iiije!ittal. Handbook on Patents b-:H 'r.-ri. ol'tu.n naencj for securing patents. rtii-m s tistr. through Muon 4 Co. receive , -t, a H'if.r-, ve.ntout cbr.rKe, in. the 'Scterrfific Jlmericati. a hanJsomo! i;It strated weekly. Largest clr-f.:iati-n of ar.v M-tex title JournsL Terms, S3 a ; four rcontha, (1. Sold by all newsdealers. I UNN & Co.3S,Broad! New York Bra&'-b OtEce. tT? ' SL, Washington. D. C Srnltary Plumbing, Steam and Water Heating, S:eam Fitting, per and Engine Setting, L pairing Steam Boilers, Steam k Gasolene Engines-- y kind of an Engine, learn or Power Pumps. Frjmbing, Steam Fitting or V iter Heating Material of c y kind, irk and material guaran- d. M. & E. RHYNt 3 Dli. A. M. DDL A, I Dentist. tr: iftrt-d tu ! :. P.i-iiless Qn- teeth. . all kinds of Dental method used in ex- i!l work guaranteed. e .iv. r tlie Tull corner. To T K OF NORTH CAROLINA, I Department ok Statu. i'Ccrlificate of Dissolution. II! tu U 'horn These J 'resents May : -ik-rcas. It appears to my satisfac . thilv authenticated record of edintrs for the voluntary dissoiu : .-reof by the unanimous consent Hi! stockholders, deposited in my .' that the Eitter L,umber Com- a Cor poration of this State, i nrincioal office is situated at Street, in the town of Sasinaw, V f Mitchell, State of North Car i (C. C. Hathawav being- the therein and in charge thereof. whi?m process mav be served), has ied v.nh the requirements of irr 21, Kevisal of 1905, entitled iorations." pieliminary to the ' if ui this Certificate of Dissola- i, therefore, I, J. Brj-an Grimes, ;tary of State of the State of North ina. do hereby certify that the 401 -ration did, on the 22nd day irch, 1907. file in my office a duly a d and attested consent in. writ- tihe dissolution of said corpora- tsecuted by all the stockholders af, v.hich said consent and the I of the proceedings aforesaid are it file in my said office as pro lb y law. k-.tir.10ny Whereof, I hare bjre ict mv hand and affixed rny of . 4 ssal", at Haieigh, this 22nd day trch, A. D. 1907. Sr. a 1. J. BRYAN GRIMES, I Secretary of State. Catawba. Newton Enterprise, May 3rd. Mr. George Bolick says he has ; lost $300 by the freezing of his Japanese plums. Mr. J. H. P. Cilley was elected mayor of Hickory Monday, and J. D. Elliott, Geo. E. Bisanar and T. E. Field aldermen. Mr. L. F. Long a few days ago delivered to Mr. J. T. Huitt, exe cutor of Charles Josey, a check for $1850 from the Aetna Life In surance Company. The general opinion of the far mers who have been attending court this week is, that wheat is badly damaged by the 'severe freeze of last month. Some say it cannot make more than half a crop. Mr. J. F. Spainhour, the old solicitor of this district, who came to Claremont to fill Mr. Craig's place as commencement speaker, was kind enough to come up to Newton at night and make a splendid speech to the Newton graded school. There was but one ticket in the town election in Newton Mon day. Mr. W. B. Gaither was elected mayor, J. P. Yount, R. P. Knox and W. A. Rhyne were elected aldermen for two years and R. P. Caldwell, L. F. Long and P. E. Fry for one year. This ticket was nominated in a citizens meeting Saturday night We were sorry to note in the Charlotte Observer Saturday, the death of Mrs. R. I. Allen. She was a Newton girl, Miss Minnie Homesley, and married Mr. Allen while he was one of the Enter prise's printers. For the last fif teen years they have lived in Charlotte and Mr. Allen has been with the Observer. They have five children, the oldest 19 years old. Mrs. Z. B. Whitener, one of the oldest persons of Jacob s Fork township, died last Friday and was buried at the Robinson grave yard Saturday. She was the widow of the late Babel White ner, one of the county's best citi zens and most substantial men, and was a woman much loved by all her neighbors. Rev. Milton Whitener, of Conover, is her grandson. The graveyard in which she is buried, is the oldest one in the western part of the county. It is the resting place of Henry Whitener, the first white man to settle on the South Fork, and of many of the other White ners. Mr. Will Sherill, son of Mr. E. A. Sherrill of Mountain Creek township, was killed by a rail road train in Los Angeles, Cali fornia, last Thursday. This news was received in Newton last Fri day in a telegram to Mr. W. F. Rader, brother-in-law of Mr. Sherrill. The unfortunate young man was about 25 years old 'and had been in California only a short time. He had been in Texas the last few years and had only a short time ago .written to his father that he had gone to California. How the accident happened is not known, but it is believed that he was working in the railroad yard and had some thing to do with making up trains. The body is expected to arrive here to-day or to-morrow and will be buried at Mt Pleasr ant church. Caldwell. Lenoir Topic, May 8th. Mr. Van Teague was in to see us one day last week. Mr. Teague has a very fine cow which gives, with ordinary feeding, 252 pounds of milk each week. Mr. W. G. Moore, of Globe, has won the scholarship given to Lenoir Academy in a competitive examination for entrance to Wake Forest College. He will enter college next fall. The following have secured marriage license since April 24th: Russell Griffin to Daisy McCall; J. Vance Bowman to Alice Clarke; Will E. Ollis to Loula Braswell; Chas. Cook to Mary Phillips. Mr. Marcus Bolick, of Catawba county, formerly of Blowing Rock, made us a call Monday. Mr. Bolick says his father, Ab ner Bolick, who lives above Globe, is 91 years old and is still in fairly good health. Mr. F. P. Moore has sold his store at Globe to Messrs. Vernon Gragg and Lawrence Moore. This is very desirable store prop erty, and the hustling young men who have purchased it will no doubt make a success. Gther Caldwell Items. Lenoir News, May 10th. Mrs. J. T. Walton is visiting relatives in Morganton. A colored base ball team from Morganton came over and played the colored team of Lenoir Tues day afternoon, and notwithstand ing the loud and persistent root ing of Ed Hayes and his pictures que delapidated beaver hat, the Lenoir aggregation was beaten by a score of 8 to 5. Reese Russel, from near Gran ite Falls, was placed in jail here Wednesday, charged with break ing into a dwelling house in Ire dell county and stealing a gold watch, a pistol and $2.50 in money. A man named Dishman is said to be implicated in the rjbbery, but hes net yet been taken. Mr. E. C. Simpson, the new station agent here, is thinking seriously of resigning his position here and going elsewhere, be cause he has not been abl j to se cure a residence. This does not speak well for our town, in every respect, while it shows the great demand for dwellings, at the same time we should not loose s:ood citizens, for lack of dwell ing houses. McDowell. Marion Democrat. May 9th. Rev. J. C. Brown has accepted a circuit in Transylvania and be gun his ministry there. A neat catalogue for the Ladies' Library Association was issued from this office last week, show ing that the library now contains 475 volumes by well known auth ors'. G. W. Crawford is making preparations to erect a modern building on his lot opposite the Eagle Hotel. It will be a two story brick building with base ment, 25 by 70 feet Last Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. M. J. Sherrard, near town, Mr. J. S. Elliott, of near Asheville, N. C, and Miss Elma Sherrard were united in matrimony, Rev. J. D. Hendrick son, officiating. The election held Saturday on the question of extending the "Stock Law" boundary was very quiet and a comparatively small vote was polled. The election resulted in a majority of 167 for stock law, thus giving the entire county the stock law. Greenlee correspondence: A sad accident while shooting frogs near the Siding the other day de prived Lester Williams of his left arm. The gun fell from the rail where it was lying, ' striking the hammer and discharging a load of shot into the elbow. Ampu tation was performed by Dr. Kirby and the wound is said to be doing well. The municipal election in Mari on Tuesday was a very quiet af fair. The ticket named at the mass meeting of citizens was elected without opposition A very light vote was polled. Fol- owing is the ticket elected: Mayor, W. F. Wood; aldermen, J. W. Streetman, W. M. Sween ey, J. D. Blanton. J. D. Decker, B. B. Price. The new board met and organized Wednesday night, when the newly elected aldermen took the oath and were inducted into office. B. B. Price was elect ed secretary and treasurer and J. W. Streetman mayor pro tem. H. H. Tate was retained as sup erintendent of the water works system and streets, as was also J. A. Finley as marshal. MY BEST FRIEND. Alexander Benton, who lives on Rural Route 1, Fort Edward, N. Y., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery is mv best earthly friend. It cured me ot asthma six years ago. It has also per formed a wonderful cure of incipient consumption tor my son's wife. The first bottle ended the terrible cough, and this accomplished, the other symp toms left one by one, unil she was per fectly well. Dr. King's New Discov ery's power over coughs and colds is simply marvelous." No other remedy has ever equalled it. Fully guaranteed by W. 81.00. A. Leslie, druggist. Trial bottle free. 50c and Watauga. Boone Democrat, May 9th. Here are the gentlemen elect ed on Tuesday to preside over the affairs of the town for the ensu ing year: J. C. Fletcher, Mayor; M. B. Blackburn, M. P. Critcher and L. B. McNeill, Aldermen. Mrs. Mary Foster, relict of Jas. Foster, died at Blowing Rock last Thursday, ' May the 2nd, at 5 o'clock a, m. She is survived by four sons and three daughters. The interment was at the Reformed church at Blow ing Rock Friday at 12 o'clock. Last Sunday Rufus Brown, of Sugar Loaf, lost his home and entire contents by fire. The family was at Sunday School, and on their return found only the chimney to mark the site of their former happy home, they having nothing left but the clothes they were wearing. Mrs. Calvin Long, who "for so long has been trembling on the brink of the River of Death, quietly passed from the sufferings and trials of life to the happy fields elysium, on Sunday night, and was buried in the graveyard near her home at noon Monday. The funeral services were con ducted by the Rev. Mr. Draughn, of Mt. Airy. In the death of Mrs. Long the community loses one of its most highly esteemed ! christian ladies, one whose light was ever shining to guide the foot-steps of others in the paths of right Hi'! wWJmMk&lSt II HB9MMRP 33 oO LP ! IaV M ft r oxo They usually want 'something from the pantry ) lYou remember the hunger, you Home cooking counts for mucSi; in thcchild' health; do not imperil m, at f a tm i: with alum food by the use ot poor ..baking powder. Have a delicious, pure, home-made muffin, cake or biscuit ready whenth To "be sure of the purity, you must use , " " n AK0c:a come in. DON'T PAY ALIMONY To be divorced from your appendix. There will be no occasion for it if you keep your bowels regular with Dr. King's New Life Pills. Their action is so gentle that the ap pendix never has cause to make the least complaint, viuaranteed by W. A. Leslie, druggist. 25c. Try them. The State superintendent of public instruction announces that arrangements will be made for holding examinations for five year state certificates, in connec tion with the next regular exami nations for teachers' certificates, in all the counties of the state, on the second Thursday in July, 1907. SORE NIPPLES. Any mother who has had experience with this distressing ailment will be pleased to know that a cu'-.n:y -Le effected by applying" Chamberlain's Salve as soon as the child is done nurs ing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth be fore allowing the babe to nurse. Many trained nurses usti this salve with best results. For sale by W. A. Leslie. DeWITT'S WITCH HAZEl SALVE For Piles, Burns, Sores. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. Roys! iTixks3 a difference in your hom-a difference in your tsiJ-S a difference in your cooldag. ROYAL b absolutely Pure. rlurnnr'imt Effective at once the locomo tive engineers of the Southern Railway throughout the system have been granted an increase in wages amounting to ten per cent for passenger engineers and six per cent for freight men, and fif ty cents and forty-five cents re spectively per hour for over time. A NARROW ESCAPE. W. Cloyd, a merchant, of Plunk, had a narrow escape four years when he ran a jimson bur into thumb. He says: "The doctor wanted to amputate it but I would not consent. I bought a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve and that cured the dan gerous wound." 25c at W. A. Lea lie's, druggist. G Mo., ago, bis A Costly Oversight. Tjenoir News, May 10th. As will be seen from our re port of the proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners, published in this issue, the taxas sessors of 1902 and 1903 over looked a mortgage, held by the Caldwell Land & Lumber Comp any, for $417,540.00 and the same was not taxed during these years. The amount of the tax we are told is over $6,000.00. This was an expensive over sight by the assessors of those years and it is fortunate for the county that this error was dis covered before the matter was out of date. We learn Mr. Mark Squires discovered the discrepancy.- mi. J i'i i pa t Saa 'i-fc. taa 3b.-"-' win; RELIEF FROM RHEUMATIC PAINS. "I suffered with rheumatism forever t.vo years," says Mr Rollan Curry, , a patrolman, of Key West, Fla. "Some times it settled in my knee3 and lamed me so I could hardly walk, at other times it would be in my feet and hands so I was incapacitated for duty. One night when I was in severe pain, lame froni it my wife went to the drug store here and came back with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain . Balm, i I was rubbed with it and found the pain had nearly gone during the night. I kept on using it for a little more than two weeks and found that it drove the rheumatism away. I have not had any trouble from that disease for over three months." For sale by W. A. Leslie. Confederate Veterans' Reunion, Rich mond, Va., May 30-June 2nd, 1907- For above occasion the Southern Railway will sell tickets to Richmond, Va,, and return at rates named be low: Shelby 6.95 Gastonia 6.35 Charlotte 5.90 Concord, 5.50 Salisbury, 5.05- Statesville, .....5.55 Hickory, .6.15 reensboro, 4.05 W. -Salem,.. 4.60 Durham, 3.35 Raleigh, 3.40 Oxford,.....' 2. 50 Approximately low rates from other points. Tickets on sale May 26th tj June 2nd, inclusive, with final limit June 11th, 1907. The original purch aser may secure an extension of limit until July 6th, 1907, by depositing ticket with Special Agent at Richmond, Va., on or before June 11th, and pay ing fee of fifty cents. The return portion of tickets sold from points South and West of Dan ville will be honored from Richmond, or Norfolk. Va., at the option of pass engers. When they are honored from Norfolk they must be validated at Nor folk by Special Validating Agent, L. A. Shipman, No. 4 Lrranby street, and must be used leaving Norfolk on or before June 11th, 1907, unless exten sion of limit is desired, in which case ticket should be deposited with Mr. L. A. Shinman, Special Agent, Norfolk, and a fee of SO cents paid. Southern Railway will operate their "Annual Confederate Veterans' Spec ial," consisting of first-class day coach es ana jutiman cars to os nanaiea through to Richmond without change. This special will leave Charlotte at 7:00 a m. Wednesday, May 29th, and is scht-duled to arrive at Richmond about '5:00 p. m.' same date, giving a daylight run. Veterans, their friends, and the general public may use this train. Excellent seivice on regular trains to and frcm Richmond and Nor folk. - Rare opportunity to visit Richmond, and the Jamestown Exposition, at small cost. Ask your agent for rates from your station. For further information, am;1 Pull man reservations write, R. L. Vfrnos, T. P. A., Charlotte, N, C, I will be at the following places, on the dates named below, for the purpose of collecting all taxes due Burke coun ty. - I nave been lenient with the peo ple, but now I am forced to collect every dollar, or be sued myself by the State Treasurer. Please meet me on the dates mentioned and save me the unpleasant duty of levying and selling your property. This is positively the last call. MANLY MCDOWELL, Ex -Sheriff Connelly Springs LovClady, Mon day, May 20, Icard Icard, Tuesday, May 21. Hildebrand's Icard, Wednesday, May 22. Amos Huffman's Lower Fork, Thursday. May 22. Joseph Mull's Lower Fork. Friday May 24. Enola Upper Fork, Saturday, May 25. - Tilley's Store Smoky Creek, Mon day, May 27. Chesterfield Lower Creek, Tues day, May 28. Oak Hill Quaker Meadows, Wed nesday, May 29. Table Rock Upper Cieek, Thurs day, May 30. Gibbs P. O. L:nville, Friday, May 31. Glen Alpine Silver Creek, June 1st. Notice Stock Law Election. A petition having been filed before this board lor i. ii election upon the question of stock law in the territory hereinafter des cribed, and said petition bavins been signed by more than oue-nt'tb of the qualified voters resident in aid territory, it iw ordered that an election be held in that portion ot Burke w-ify Doumiea as loiiows : fefrmnine in the "il and Burke county line where the same crosses thoJat i v. ba river and runs thence wit.i said county line :j the .Mitchell county Hue ; ttiru with said county line to uc caiuvtcil county line, then with said cot nty line to where the same crosses John's river ; met. uowu jonn's liver to rtsnioutn ; then up the Latawlia river to the beginning. It is ordered that said election be held ic said territory on Mr. Charles S. Adams, a travel ing salesman of Greensboro, is at the Whitehead-Stokes Sanitor ium at Salisbury minus his left hand. Mr. Adams was at the depot waiting on a late train. He sat down on his suit case near the track and dosed off to sleep. When the train pulled in he was suddenly awakeded and fell and as he did so he threw out his arms, his left arm reaching across the rail and the wheels passing over it at the wrist, tearing the hand off. Tuesday, :he 21st day 1907. of May, Has Stood the Test 25 Tears. The old. origin -1 OROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tonic. 'ou know what job are taking. It is ron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cor, no pav. 60c. will odd After this date I take no repair work or jabs, but will devote all my time to one line of work. Will take orders for a limited num ber of doorand window screens. H. R. Bridgers, Avery Avenue Shop. March 28, 1907; FftfCK CO. "ECLIPSE" Traction & Portable Engines For Saw Mill and Threshing-Purposes;- "Eclipse" Threshers and Saw Mills. Foos Gasoline Engines for all purpoees Por prices write C. H. TURNER, Selling Agent. Staaesville. N. C- Hon. Joseph G. - Cannon, Speaker of the national House of Representatives, has accepted an invitation to deliver the principal commencement address at Guil ford College Wednesday, the 29th instant.. Mr. Cannon is a native of Guilford county and Was born and reared in the immediate vic inity of Guilfoi'd College. ' and at sail) election all qualified voters in luTur of tii. adoption 01 tlie stock law in said territory -""11 vote a ballot on which shall be printed ur written the words "btock Law" ana tttose opposed shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the words "No atoclc Law." It is mrther or dered tfiat un the voters resident in Linville township in said territory shall vote at Lar kin Thomas' shop, in said township, and that Sid S. Thomas be and he is hereby ap pointed Kefcistrar and J. K. Gibbs and L. C. farl s Judges ot said election to open books of registration uud open ana hold said elec tion in said township. It is further ordered that ab the voters resident m Quaker Mead ows township shall vote at Oak Hill, in said township, ai. that 1. A. Crawley be and he is hereby a. .meu Registrar and Thomas Valton anu 1. K. C. McUimscy Judges oi said election to open books ot registration and to open and to hold said election. It is lurther ordticu that all the voters resident in election pcecinct No. one (1) of Upper Creek township shall vote at Table nock and that J. .vi. otamey be and he is hereby appointeu Kcgistrar and W. A. Kincaid and i, C. Cox J uuges of said election is sai-l pre cinct to open uooks of registration and to open and nold said election in said precinct. It is futther ordered that all the voters in precint number two (2) ot Upper Creek township snail vote at John p. Barrier's store in said township. It is lurther ordered that John i . Barrier be and he is hereby ap pointed registrar and G. A. Lovin and Thos. Kellar be tund they are hereby appointtd judges of said etection in said precinct to open books ul registration and to open and hold said. election. The registrars hereby appointed will pro ceed to opciibooks for the regi-tration of voters in said precint as provided by law and shall copy the names ot all dnly regis tered voters m said piecincts now in regis tration boo-s of said county as the same now appear on recoro. The judges herein appointed v. . I open, bold and conduct said election as t in ordere l and make report of their protv-una to tnis board. It is fur ther ordered mat notice of this order be pub lished in The News-Herald, a newspaper published in said county, once a week for lour weeks. W. B. BERRY. Cbra. Bd. Commissioners, Burke County. I B. HollcwAy, Clerk of Board. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE "FIRST NATIONAL BANK at morganton. in t he state op north carolina, at the close of 1u. si ness, mar. 22, 1907. sources. Loans and t! i o j $ 1 66,499 .80 .Overdrafts, bcc-r-.-u and unsecured 3,558 93 U. S. Jond.-, to secure circulation 15,000.00 Banking- house, furniture, and fixtures 7,000.00 Due troin National Banks (not re iser ve asei, ts 32.479.13 Due troia approved reserve agents 17,365.27 Checks and other cash items 1 .361.21 Notes of other National Banks 2 OOO.OO Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cenis 117.31 Lawful M.'.nrv Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie 10,564 00 Leg.-il-teu.1er notes 3,000.00) 13,564.00 Redemption fund with U. S Treas urer (5 per ct. of circulation) 750.00 WONDERFUL ECZEMA CURE. , "Our little boy had eczema for five years," writes N. A. Adams, Henri etta, Pa. "Two of our home' doctors said the case was hopel' ss, his lungs being affected. We i then employ, d other doctors but no' bene fit resulted. By chance we read about Electric Bit ters; bought a bottle and soon noticed improvement. We continued this medi cine until several bottles were used, when our boy was completely cured." Best of all blood medicines and body building health tonics. Guaranteed at W. A, Leslie's drug store. 50c. The Woman's Home Mission Society of the Western North uaronna uonierence will noia its annual meeting this year in Gas tonia, the meeting to open on Thursday, May 23d. Let me mail you free, to prove merit, samples of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative and my book on either Dyspepsia, The Heart, or The Kidneys. Address me, , DrJ Shoop, Racine, Wis. Troubles of the Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are merely symptoms of a deeper ailment. Don't make the common error of treat ing symptoms only, symptom treat ment is treating the result of your ail- ach nerves the inside nerves means ; Stomach weakness, always. And the Heart, and Kidneys as well, have their j 1 : i; , 11 - i . contronutr or :insiue nerves, weaken these nerves, and vou inevitabwHaV weak vital organs. Here,s where Dr. Shoop's Restorative has made its fame. io oiner cemeuy even claims' to treat the J'inside nerves". Also for bloat--Ing, biliousness, bad breath or com plexion, use Dr Shoop's .Restorative, Write for my free book now. Dr. Shoop's Restorative sold by Burke Drug Co. It's too bad to see people who go from day to day suffering from physi cal weakness when Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, would make them well. The greatest tonic known. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. W. A. Leslie. g Rickets.1 J 4 Simply the visible sign that baby's tiny bones A f j 11 . (gi are not rorramg rapiaiy enougn. Lack of nourishment is the cause. O ) Scott's Emulsion nourishes baby's "9 entire system. Stimulates and makes bone. jSj Exactly what baby needs. Q J, ALL DRUGGISTS t .50c AND $1.00 7 0 259.695.65 Total LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided pronts, less expenses and taxes paid 2,995.19 Interest reserve 500.00 National Bank notes outstanding 15,000.00 Individual ucpusiu subject to check Demand certificates of deposit Certified che. k?, Cashier's eh?i k3 outstanding $35,000.00 13,500.00 124,172.24 67,824.22 302.12 401.88 Is. 8. Total 259,695.65 STATE OF NOKTH CAROLINA,! Co. .11V OF BUK KB. I I, A" M. tnvrold, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the lbove staten.ei.t is true to the best of my knowledge a. id belief. A. M. INGOI.D. Cashier. Subscribed fa.: I sworn to before me this 27lh daof Mu.r. 1907. L. A BRISTOL. S. C. 1 A. M. KISTLER. Correct .-it:, - t ; ';. 8, COLLETT, Jit T. CLAYWECL, Directors. ' Do You Know What It Does? H It relieves a person of all desire for nil yfA strong drink or drugs, restores his nervous system to its normal con dition, and reinstates a man 1 B . to his home and business. Kcclcy , For full particulars Address Ctir6 The Keeley Institute, Greensboro, North Carolina. zz Correspondence Confidential. This machine free to each customer whose cash purchases amount to $50.00. Ask for Coupons with each purchase. See machine at our furniture store. iMcMAHAN & KIRKSEY. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has steed the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over Ona end o Half MLSon bottles. Soes this record of merit appeal to you? No Cure. No Pay. 50c. 1 Enclosed with every bottle t a Ten cent, paramge oi urove s macs n.oo& ixver run. i