V r rlncr Your &s JOB PRINTING NEW The News-Herald I! If IS THB Best Advertising Medium IN THE -TO- lyjews-Herald Office. T. G. COBB, Publisher. Fust-Class Wokk LOWSST PRICM. AT THE BURKE COVNTY NEWS 1 Consolidated Nov. 29.1901 THE MO KG ANTON HERALD J woiwouoatea nov. .xui Subscription Price, $i Per Year In Advance i 2 vol. xxm PIEDMONT SECTION MORGANTON, N- C ., JANUARY 2, 1908. No. 39. h ib i 11 ' 1 1 11 1 1 ""si Ul II I 1 I 1 I I A I III III A MS A-: I' i r j i fH ORIGINAL UXATIVE COUGH SYRUP Fort'.' tj," ys. bv Etriy moving th jei v. cures tonsin"'"-r! ,h.3feV; tVnedv's Lixative Gonev4 Tar moves g, b'ewe: contain 7 5 Th Raft Clover Bloa om and taa Eoney Be is every bottle. RUTHERFORD COUNTY COURTHOUSE BURNED. Many Valuable DocumenU and Records Destroyed-Will Take $60,000 to Replace the Building and Bonds Will Have to Be Issued. Rutherf ordton Special to Charlotte Observer, Dec 24th. At 3:30 o'clock this mominc the Rutherford county court house was found to be on fire. 1CMMCnVQ Itin?flrS but the discovery was not made RtmiCUlU LAXATIVE 1 the blaze had got beyond all x . . ... iii jri t iyi nrit a- I I - I structure is now nothing more than a smoldering mass of debris; only the thick brick walls remain intact The loss to the countv is reckoned at about $60,000, so far as money goes, but the loss in papers and ducuments is irrepar able. Last night the graded school children of the town gave an en tertainment in the auditorium of the building and it is supposed that the blaze was started by a cigar or cigarette stump or the careless handling of matches. Early in the night the wind was high but fortunately for this place it had quieted down by 3 o'clock, this alone saving the business section from being wiped 'B0HE1STAR rurillD AT T LASOKATOST OF t o. D.WITT CO., CHICAGO. U. ft. A. Sold by BUR K E DRUG CO M PAN Y. Ask forth- 1907 Kodol Almanae ami -00 Year Calendar WANTED. For U S. Army, able bodied unmarried men, between agres of IS and 55. citizens of United States, of wood character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write Eng lish. Men wanted now for service in Cuba and the Philippines. For in formation applv to Recruiting-Officer, IS West Trade St., Charlotte, N. C.;26J South Main St., Asheville, N. C; Bank EuiMins. Hickory, N. C ;417 Liberty St .Winston-Salem, N. C. ;126 North Main St., Salisbury. N. C; Kendall BjiMin?. Columbia. S. C. ; Haynsworth and Conyer's Building, Greenville, S C; or Gknn Building, Sparanburg. S. C.' THREATENS TO SUE STATE. PROHIBITION IN RALEIGH. New York Attorney Is Informed by Governor Glenn That State Will Not Pay Ancient Bonds, Which Were Twice Repudiated by the Legislature. New York Dispatch. Dec 28th. Gov. Robert B. Glenn, of North Carolina, in a letter received to doy replying to a communication from Edward L. Andrews, who represents holders of $11,000,000 of special tax bonds of the State of North Carolina, which ma- turea tnree years ago ana were never paid, declared that the legislature has twice repudiated the bonds, and that the state would not pay one cent for them. Governor Glenn declares that North Carolina has acted fairly J Dispensary Voted Out by Large MtT - jority Election Passes Off Quietly. Raleigh Dispatch, Dec. 26th. Prohibition wins in Raleigh and will be effective from noon tomorrow when the election board will officially declare the result of the election held today, the ma jority for prohibition being 547. So the dispensary which has sold nearly one million dollars worth of liquors during the four years it has been in operation will not again be opened to the public It was closed Tuesday evening for Christmas day and for the election today? It could be opened tomorrow morning until noon, when the result of the election STEAM SHOVEL VS. MEN. with its creditors, but that it will will be officially declared, but it 'Ve prcmptiy obtain l. S. aud'l?oreip?'' not pay for bonds "conceived in sin arid brought forth in in iquity." Mr. Andrews urged that a settlement be effected, stating that arrangements were being made to donate $3,000,000 of the bonds to a foreign government for the purpose of a suit, since, under the law, individuals cannot sue a. state. The question of payment of the rwnrla Viae Vioon ia cnKiont mof entirely out As it was, it was a ! ter of intermmable litigation, iidiu uish. iu save me nearoy buildings, especially the f mode;, Siewa or jrnoio muivtiiuoD iori reererort ia patentability. For free book rkowtoiecuretaUnC IMCVO Write fpa:er.taii I llriUi. iilMlllxO to JOpoosits U. S Patent Office WASHINGTON D. tvvwvv. FOLEYSEONET'-TAE tops the cough and heals lungs 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Masks 'S?' Dessgns Copyrights Ac. Anyone riM:'i; a s.etrh and description maj quioiiT i-. . ;i our ci:Tiif.n free im.ther aj' ICTent'lo". ;T-'b!y patentable. Cothmunicn ti"tirri-'t'T ; ,f. lontial. Hiuidbookon Patents lent fie. 'i :.-t - Jt.'cv for securing patents. P.:e-:'i t.-icr. tbr aeb Mui.a & Co. recelv W-tl w;ioat charce, Ui the Scientific Jfmerican. A fcftTiTT:p!v' t.ii crated weeklr. I.arcreat cit caiati-n i.f ahv poientlUo JournaL Terms, S3 a ar: f. -Jr months, L Sold by all newsdealers. filONN S Co.36,Bfoad- New York Branch uffice. b St, Washington. D. C. Sanitary Plumbing, Steam and Water Heating, Steam Fitting, Boiler and Engine Setting, Repairing Steam Boilers, Steam & Gasolene Engines- Any kind of an Engine, Steam or Power Pumps. Plumbing, Steam Fitting or Water Heating Materia! of any kind, " Work and material guaran teed. RHYNE & FLEMING. A PROMPT. EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR ALL FORMS OF RHEUr.lATISr.l Lumbago, Sciatica, Mauralola, Kidney Troublar Catarrh, Amthma and IsQrlppm GIVE! QUICK RELIEF Actuied externally It affords almost In stant relief Irom pain, while permanent psults are being effected by taking it in- purifying the blooa. aissox-ing tne poisonous substance and renvoi ng it irom tbe system. TEST IT FREE If you are suffering with Rheumatism, jLumbino, Sciatica. Neuralgia, Kidney i roubie or anv kindred disease, write to u tor a trial bottle ot &-DKOPS." and si it yourselt. PURELY VEGETABLE ."-DROPS" is entirely free of opium. Kcaiiie, morphine, alcohol, laudanum, na other simiiiar ingredients. -le sue B.ttle, 'B.lROPS (800 Dasea) l.uo. i or Bale by VrauliU SWANSCM RHEUMATIC CURE COMPART, Levi department stores immediately south of the court house, the Mills-Dickerson Building and the Morrow Building on the north, and Mrs. R. R. Simmons' build ing just across the street These are all new structures, having been erected since last December, when this section of town was burned out The offices of the sheriff, the county treasurer, the board of commissioners and the board of education, together with all records, were destroyed. The offices of the register of deeds and clerk of the court were not so unfortunate, as they were some . two yearsago fitted - up with fireproof vaults and it is thought that these will be found intact, with the contents preserved. The burning of this building is a heavy blow to the county. Only two years ago $10,000 were spent in repairing and putting the court house in fine shape, and conservative estimate places the amount required to replace the structure at $60,000, and in order to raise this amount it will be necessary to issue bonds, the county not having the money to pay forthe replacing of the building. There will also be un told inconvenience both to the county officials and the public un til the new court house is con structed and ready to be occu pied. There is no town of its size within the State that has had . 1 T 11 Jj more nres tnan itutnenoraion and yet it is absolutely without means of fighting fire, having no waterworks or fire department After each conflagration there is a sharp agitation for such facili ties, but in a few weeks enthusi asm dies out and nothing is done. However, it seems likely that this state of affairs is no longer to exist the fire this morning having shown so effectually the need of a system of protection to life and property that water works will be installed and a fire department equipped. In addition to the loss to the county the Rutherfordton Cornet Band was completely put out "of business. All its instruments, which were purchased only re cently at ah outlay of some $500 or $600, were in the building, where the band practiced, and not a one was saved from destruction. The payment of the bonds was declined because it was urged that the agent who disposed of the bonds failed to make proper return to the state. DEBUT COST $100,000. Ml. i,..,.P.....y TJriE RIGHT REMEDY rul STOMACH TROUBLES DYSPEPSIA INDIGESTION B'i,,'J B"d Breath. AeH Fermeatatl.n, Tn-Ta.t,'. ".! ", llrartbpii, Et. wtln proJ,!I,ty and effectively on tbe Btomacb 1 " niltlifA In -. 1 -. ... - . n8atroeaUl1 U,e""md' and tUer A-!.!.!? TKE-CTCK TO ACT A1IUAL WILL CONVINCE l'OO PEICE 60 CENTS F.I- Bel. hT All Itroavhtu AN SON R. COO .160 Lk St.. CHICAGO. ILU Extra Session Almost Certain. Raleigh Dispatch, Dec 26th, Asked as to the progress of the railroad rate litigation and the trend of everits leading up to the assembling of the general as sembly in Special session to ratify the pending compromise, Gover nor Glenn said this morning he was expecting almost any tick of the clock to mark the arrival of communication for which he Wcrc. wnirih tr before taking the VV lJ fc w"-o imrjortant action in the1 matter, , He added: "I don't consider is rAallv anv doubt about v a? the assembling of the legislature; the only question being just when the call will be issned and f or what date." the mil you take DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the sii a knnvn for constipation ana .ir.k headache. Sold by Burke Drug Raleigh, Dispatch, Dec 28th. The bonds are known in North Carolina as "special tax bonds," and were made during the re construction period, the state ! getting nothing. Many of these have been collected by New York parties represented by John G. Carlisle, Henry H. Melville and L, E.-Whichier, and offers to do nate large amounts to various states by these bondholders so as to have suits brought against North Carolina have been re jected. ' - Edward L. Andrews wrote Governor Glenn to present the matter of paying these bonds to a possible extra session of the legislature, with the request for a constitutional amendment elec tion to let the people vote on pay ing the bonds, threatening, un less this is done to give three millions of the bonds to a foreign nation so as to have suit brought as no individual can sue a state. The bonds are considered as fraudulent and twice the legisla ture has declined topay them, while once the people in a con stitutional election repudiated them. Governor Glenn wrote Mr. Andrews declining to do anything but to resist any action brought. That he does not believe any state or nation will harrass North Carolina about them, and that Mr. Andrews need not write more, as his threats of suits will avail nothing. Governor Glenn to-night de clared that this is the biggest victory for temperance achieved in the state during the year, and will be of immense benefit in the work of prohibition that must be pressed on now with renewed vigor in other parts of the state. This statement by the governor, coupled, with his declaration in the Raleigh prohibition campaign, means that it is his purpose ' now to bring aboutr elections in Winston-Salem, Salisbury and Wil- mington, the- three principal towns of the state still retaining open saloons. It is understood hat he has signified his, willing ness to contribute as much as one housand dollars to the prohibi tion campaign in his home town, . . s Winston, as well as to do his ut most in the way of active cam paign work. is not the purpose of the manage ment to do , the clerks being directed to report for duty at nine o'clock tomorrow to carry out whatever instructions the management may give for the disposition of the little stock which remains. The election today was decided ly quiet The announcement last night that the church bells would be rung at intervals during the day was not carried out, although there were prayer meetings in a number of the churches by the -women. The prohibitionists began vot ing early, the big majority of the ballots being cast by nine o'clock. Practically no work was done at the polls by either side. In fact the dispensary advocates very largely dropped out of the con test The registered vote was 1,985 and the vote cast was 1,309, so that there were 676 electors registered who did not go to the polls, nearly all of these being conceded to be advocates of the dispensary or saloons who did not care to get into the contest The vote for prohibition was 928, for the dispensary 881, for saloons 2. - The prohibitionists secured majorities in every ward ranging from 14 to 106, the prohibition majorities in the wards in their order being seventy-seven, fifty two, seventy-two, sixty-three, one hundred and five, one hun dred and six, fifty-eight and fourteen. Prohibition leaders are elated at their victory, the majority be ing very much larger than they had anticipated. They were claiming last night only 250 majority. Remarkable Saving of Labor Effected On Panama Canal. Scientific American. We all understand that the use of modern machinery has resulted in much saving of labor, but it takes such figures as have recent ly been published in the Canal Record by Mr. Borlich, division engineer in the Culebra cut to give lis an adequate idea as to just how great this saving of labor can be. The figures given are based upon the work accom plished during the final month of the last dry season, when ma terial was taken out at the rate of 18,600 cubic yards per steam ?shovel per month. A comparison fis made between the number of jmen actually required to do a given arr.ount of work with the use of machines, and the number of men that would be required were the excavation done by hand labor alone. The use of the 70-ton and 95-ton steam shovels requires the services of only 298 laborers, including the men used in moving up the shovel and clearing the track, and the engin eer and trainmen. On the sup position that one good man could load six cubic yards in eight hours, to move the 815,270 cubic yards per month- would call for the work of 5,456 laborers, a sav ing of over 5,000 men from the steam shovels alone. Another important saving in the use of the steam shovel is connected with the question of drilling and blasting the ground into such sizes and weights as men can load on the cars. A man can handle a rock of from 150 to 250 pounds weight; a steam shovel will handle a rock weigh ing 21,000 "pounds. In breaking up the material into sizes that can be handled by men two.-or hree times as much drilling is necessary as to break it up for shovels. While one-third of a Miss Mary Paul Bows to Philadelphia Society Scene a Gorgeous One Horticultural Hall Transformed In to a Magnificent French Garden, .Where Imported Butterflies Flutter Amid Flowers, For Which $35,000 Was Expended. Philadelphia Dispatch, 27th. Miss Mary Astor Paul, daugh ter of James A. Paul, Jr., of the Drexel firm, made her debut to night at Horticultural Hall at a ball that for grandeur, costliness, and general unusualness, eclipsed the famous "Ball of the Four Seasons," with which four years ago he introduced his elder daughter. The flowers alone cost $35,000, and for the occasion a brand-new rose, a cross between the Ameri can Beauty and the Sofrano, which took nine years to develop, was introduced. The favors were very costly. At a certain hour 500 brilliant butterflies, gathered from Brazil, Peru, and even India, were let loose over the guests.. These butterflies flitted everywhere amid the cries of delight from the diners. Costly silken and FtiR oBADBLOO The most important part of the human, system is the blood. Every mus cle, nerve, tissue, bone and sinew is dependent on thi vital fluid for nour ishment and strength necessary to maintain them in health and enable each to perform the different .duties nture requires. , Kvn the heart, the very ' engine ' ' of life, receives its vigor and motive power from the blood. Since so much is dependent on this vital fluid it can very readily be eeen how necessary it is to have it pure and uncontaminated if we would enjoy the blessing of good health. Bad blood is responsible for most of the ailments of mankind; when from any cause it becomes infected with impurities, humors or poisons, disease in some form is sure to follow. Muddy, sallow complexions, eruptions, pimples, etc., show that the blood is infected with unhealthy humors which have changed it from a pure, fresh stream to a sour, acrid fluid, which forces out its impurities through the pores and glands of the skin. A very common evidence of bad blood is sores or ulcers, which break out on the flesh, often from a very insignificant bruise or even scatch or abrasion. If the blood was pure and healthy the place would heal at once, but being loaded with impurities, which are discharged into the wound, irritation and inflamma tion are set up and the sore continues. Bad blood is also responsible for Anaemia, Boils, Malaria, etc.; the weak, polluted circulation cannot fur nish the nourishment and strength required to sustain the body, and a general run-down condition of health results. S. S. S. is nature's blood purifier and tonic ; made entirely of healing, cleansing roots and herbs. It goes down into the circulation and removes every particle of impurity, humor or poison that may be there, restores lost vitality, and steadily tones up the entire system. It adds to the blood the healthful properties it is in need of, and in every way assists in the cure of disease. S. S. S. neutral izes any excess of acid in the blood, making it fresh and pure, and perma nently cures Eczema, Acne, Tetter, and all other skin diseases and eruptions. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism. Catarrh. Sores and Ulcers. Malaria, and all .Tour S. 9. 8 in my opipion, is as good a madlcin as can ba had; it simply cannot be improved upon as a remedy to purify and enrich the blood and to invigorate and tone up the system. This spring my blood was bad and I was run down in health, and having seen your medietas highly advartlsad I commenced Us use. Today my blood Is la fint condition and my general health la of the best. Am filling posi tion a Srsnua (or a large concern here, azd if I was not in good physical condition it would be impossible for me to fill the place. Your S. S. S. has been of great service to me and I do not hesitate to give it the credit It deserves. WM. F. VANDYKE. 815 Fifth Street, Beaver Falls, Penn. w i'. ' ! painted butterflies formed one of ! other diseases or disordtrs arising from bad blood. Book ou the blood and IpTiund of explosives will blast outTA greatfount&inal50 hadbeen a cubic yard of material suitable lor a steam shovel "to handle, a pound of explosive must be used to break the same amount for hand lador. Hence, if the load ing were done by hand, instead of 700 to 800 men, as at present, it would take grom 2,100 to 2,400 men; and instead of using, as in the month of March last 26,000 pounds ol explosive for an out put of 815,270 cubic yards, it would have been necessary to use 780,000 pounds. the motifs of the decorations also. The living insects hovered over the women, bumped into the lights, and fell into the plates, but they were very effective. All the Drexels were there, and, in fact, everybody really prominent in Philadelphia society. Col. Anthony J. Drexel, his wife and daughter, Miss Margaretta, came over from the London court on purpose. .Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Vanderbilt had been invited, but didn't attend. The ballroom was turned into the exact replica of a French garden, copied, from the Louis Quinz period. Sixteen boxes, fashioned of plaster of Paris, lined the room, and had been built especially for the occasion any medical advice desired free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. GA,' built in one end of the room. Conservative estimates . of the total cost were given as $100,000. Coffee mnde, has recenfly been The ' finest Substitute ever produced by Ir. Shooo, of Kacine. wis. xouoon r have to b jil it twenty or thirty minutes. Made in a minute," says tne uoctor. Health Coffee" U realy the closest Coffey Imitation ever yet proaucea. Not a erain or real conee m 11 cuu Health Coffee' Imitation is made iiom pure toasted cereals or grains, witn malt, nuts. etc. Keally it wou:u 1001 an expert--were he to unKnowingiy drink it for coffee. Bristol & Harbison. Southern Still Cutting Force. Salisbury Post, 26th. The telegraph operators on the Southern are the latest to feel the effect of the policy of retrench ment decided upon by the South era several months ago in order to make ends meet, and the men on the Western division from Salisbury to Asheville are being hard hit at a seasc 1 when their jobs are very precious. A num ber of local operators have been let down during the week and it is said that the total of those af fectedly the cut on the western division is from fifteen to twenty, There is no little uneasiness even among those who held , re sponsible positions with the Southern in Salisbery and Spen cer over the prospect for a still furthar and" more far reaching reduction of the operating force in various departments the first of the year. . - It is reported on good authority that when Mr. C. H. Ackert the general manager of the Southern, confelTed recently with the superintendents in Charlotte, he told them thattthe road would do well to meet its payrolls prompt ly until matters took on another hue and he advisednd implored the strictest economy. In every department the lopping off 'pro cess has continued for more than 30 days ar.qT'some of the rrfost capable men in the company's service are on the retired list, Where it has been possible the older men in the service have been retained but even many of these have been reduced in po sition. When the Stomach, Heart, or Kid ney ner 'cs get weak, then these organs always fail. lon't drug the tatomach, nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That is simply a makeshift. Uet a prescription known to druggists every where as Dr. Snoop's Restorative The Restorative is prepared expressly for these we -.k inside nerves. Strengthen these uj. vs, build them up with Dr. Shoop's Restorative tablets or liquid and see how quickly help will come. Kree sample test sent on request by Dr. Snoop, Racine, Wis. Your health is surelv worth this simple test. Burke Druir Co. A tickling- cough, from any cause, is quickly stopped by Dr. Shoop's Cogh Cure. And it i3 so . thoroughly harm less and safe, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers everywhere to give it without hesitation, even to very young babes. The wholesome green leaves and en der stems of a lung healing mountain ous shrub, furnish the curative proper ties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It' calms the cough, and heals the sore 1 and sensitive bronchial membranes. I No opium, ' no chloroform, nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. I Simply a resinous plant extract, that j helps to heal ach'ng Jungs The: Spaniards call this shrub-which the I Doctor -uses, "The Sacred Herb' Demand Dr. Shoop's Take no other, Burke Drug Co. : Shot His Brother. Salisbury Dispatch, Dec 27th. Claude Barber, aged 19 years, son ot a wen Known citizen m Rowan county, was accidentally shot and seriously wounded near his home at Barber's Junction yesterday by a brother, William Barber. The two were hunting and Claude was ten feet in front when William's gun was dis charged, the load of shot tearing , a large hole in Claude's side Claude fell in his tracks. He was brought to a hospital in Salis bury and by an operation today the shot were removed from near his heart His condition is criti-j cal. Popular Salesman Drowned. SyhM Special, 28th, to Charlotte Observer. John C. Buchanan, of Webster, was drowned Saturday night while trying to cross the Tennes see river, two miles below Bush- nell. The" stream was greatly swollen by heavy rains and in the effort to ford it Mr. Buchanan : was carried away in the torrent and with no help near, rescue was out of the question. i The dead man was a popular ! traveling salesman for the Odell i Hardware Company, of Greens boro, lie is survived by a wife, .six children and a brother, Mr, Theodore Buchanan, of Sylva. He was a member of the Knights of Pvthias. Odd Fellows and Masons, and had $8,000 insurance on his life in one of these orders. At 6 o'clock this afternoon, de spite earnest efforts, the body had not been recovered. The Morganton Grocery Company has passed through the experiment al stages and is ready to serve its patrons with the best goods of the market at prices that are in line with all the best goods of the mar ket at prices that are in line with all legitimate compitition. WE S1AND BEHIND EVERY GUARANTEE WE MAKE On these terms we solicit your business, Shall come for your order, or will you send it to us? We wish to thank all our friends who have stood by us in making Morganton a leading wholesale market. Respectfully, MORGANTON GROCERY CO., Wholesale Distriboters fARMS FOR SALE! 1 Farm, 163 acres, 3 miles from Morganton. $15 per acre. 1 Farm, 100 acres, 4 miles from Morganton. $10 per acre. 1 Farm, 101 acres, 4 miles from Morganton. $10 per acre. 1 Farm, 90 acres, Aj4 miles from Morganton. $10 per acre. 1 Farm, 100 acres, 4 miles from Morganton. $15 per acre. 1 Farm, 2 miles from Morganton, 150 acres. $15 per acre. 300 acres, 25 bottom, 75 acres cultivated; 8 miles from Morganton, 3 miles from Glen Alpine; 250,000 feet merchantable timber, 4-room house, barn, crib, &c. Easy terms. 1 Farm, 80 acres, 2 miles from Glen Alpine. 1 Far-m, 100 acres, 2 miles from Morganton. $37.50 jper acre. Farm, 318 acres, 8 miles from Morganton, good dwelling and mill on premises. $3,750. CASTOR I A F:; Infants and Children. Ihb kind You Have Always Bought Bears tne -Signature ot For Sale. Pure blooded Berkshire pigs. Broadoaks sanatorium. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED 8 Is your baby thin, weak, fretful ? Make sbaby. him Scoft'f Emulsion , Gasoline- We are now prepared to supply 4-1, rvnVlif -arith t-rnsniine in an V I W closed. Deafness is the rerult. and unless the in. Wic ii I ffammation can be taken out and this tube restored By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only oneway -to cure deal as and that is ty constitutional rem- di'-3. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of tbe mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbline sound or imperfect "hearing-, and when it is entire- quantity. Give us your orders. EH5TNE & Fleming. Wanted. A - good cook, male or female. Apply to Broadoaks Sanatorium. to its normal coudition, hearing will be destrosed forever: nine cases- out of ten are caused bv Ca- tarrah, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. 5"' We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Pill's Cattarrh Cure- Send for circulars free. . J. JJiltUNiCY & CO., Toledo, O. Tak Hall' a Family Pilla for eoodt ipt ioik. O O Scoff's Emutsiort is Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites prepared so that it is easily digested by little folks. Consequently the baby that is fed on Scoff's Emulsion is a sturdy, rosy cheeked little fellow full cf health and vigor. ; : ... ; ' ' ' "all DRUCCISTSs eoc'and $1.00. o o o t o o 4 0 Also some nice, town property houses and. lots and v " bftilding lots These are bargains, and will be sold on easy terms. manly Mcdowell, MORGANTON, N. C. WE OFFER FOR SALE: 17 acres of bottom land nearriew cotton mill Price $70 per acre. 2 acres of finely located land i mile west of Drexel; 3 acres of bottom land, mostly in meadow. Price $550.. Farm of 160 acres -7 miles south-west of Morganton and 2 . ; mites from Glen Alpine. .About 60 acres cleared and 10 acres bottom land. Tenant-house. - .f rice $1,050. Farm of 80 acres, 5 J miles south-west of Morganton; 35 acres in cultivation with 5 or 6 acres of creek bottom.' Good house, etc. - - . - - - - - Price $1,000. Farm of 176 acres in Smoky Creek township; 40 acres in culti vation, 8 acres good bottom land Good pasture, fenced. Orch ard; 4-rcom house, barn an other buildings. 150,000 feet in timber- - - - - - - - race $&uw. Place of 11 acres adioinimr Morganton. This is prob- ably the best gold-mine proposition in this vacinity. Price $5,000. ' We'also hae-'f or sale several good town properties. '. REALTY LOAN & GUARANTY - COMPANY. ft 1 If 9 Co. - r