Tub r. O. COBB, Publisher- THURSDAY, JAN. 9, 1908. Looking for a Candidate for Hackett tc Beat. The Asheville correspondent of the Greensboro .Industrial News s?nds the following: A gentleman here to-day from the Eighth congressional district, says that the political pot in that section has already commenced to simmer, and that "the Repub licans are casting about for a can didate for Congress from the Ei ghth. The Republicans believe that the Eighth is Republican normally, and that with a strong candidate they will overcome the present Democratic majority and next fall elect a member to Con gress to succeed Representative Hackett, Democrat, who is now serving his first term, having de feated former Representative B'ackburn, Republican, in 1906. It is understood that already the names of four prominent Re piblicans of the Eighth are being mentioned in connection with the Republican nomination. Chief among these are former Repre sentative R. Z. Linney, and also Frank Linney, a son of R. Z. Lin ney. Mr. Linney, it is said, is making his fight for the nomina tion in opposition to the establish ment of the Appalachian forest reserve. It is said that he has done no little ' 'missionary" work in Watauga county and, says the gentleman from' the Eighth to day, the man who runs for Con gress in the Eighth and advocates the forest reserve bill won't get 300 votes in Watauga. Got. Glenn Declines to Speak in Yil mington. Wilmington . Correspondence Charlotte Observer. In a local publication by Rev. Dr. Hale, pastor of First Baptist church, who is recognized as the leader of the prohibition forces now at work in the city, he says that it had been planned to have Governor Glenn here the past Sunday to speak in two of the churches and address an open air meeting last night in the interest of the prohibition campaign, but the Governor not desiring to take any part in the present breach between the churches in the city wrote that he would not come unless at least two churches in cluding the Baptists would join in the invitation to him. Dr. Hale said it was impossible to get another church besides the Baptists to join in the invitation therefore, the city had to forego the pleasure of a visit from the Chief Executive. Later it is pro posed to have other speakers and it is announced that the fight will be kept up to the finish. RANK FOOLISHNESS. "When attacked by a cough or a cold, or when your throat is sore, it is rank foolishness to take any other medi cine than Dr. King-'s New Discovery," says C. O. JEldridge, of Empire, Ga. "I have used New Discovery seven j v-ti o j. kuuw il ia lug ucsr remea v on earth for coughs' and colds, croup and all throat and lung- troubles. My children are subject to croup, but New Discovery quickly cures every attack." Known the world over as the Kir.g- of throat and lung- remedies. Sold under guarantee at W. A. Leslie's drug store 50c. and 81.00. Trial bottle free. Editors Deserve Sympathy. All country editors will deeply sympathize with the editor who received the follownig letter: "Dear Sur I hereby offer my resignashun as a subscriber to your paper, it being a phamphlet of such small konsekence as not to Benefit my family by taking of it. What you need in your shete is branches and someone to russell up news and rite eddy toryals on sensible topicks. No menshion has been made in your shete of me butchering a pig weighin 369 pounds, or of the gaips in the chickens out this way. You stenjusly ignore the fact that the dry rot is eaten things up out here, and say noth in about Bill Simpson's durham bull calf breakin its legs fallin down a well, or of grandma Sip es having the sore legs. Too important weddings here has been utterly ignored by your kolums, an a two kolum obitch uary writ by me on the deth of grandpa Henry was left out of your shete, -to say nothing of a alfabetical poem beginning with "A is for Anny and also for Ark," writ by my darter. This is why your shete is unpopular here. If you don't want eddy toryals from this place and ain't goin to put in no news your shete we don't want said shete. Yours in disgust Hiram Doaks. P. S.-If you print thatobiteh ury in your next isso I may sub skribe again for your shete. Tit-Bits- H. D. It nils the arteries with rich, red blood, makes new flesh, and healthy mtn, women and child en. Nothing can take its place; no remedy has done so much good as Hollister's Rocky flou&tain IVa. 35c Tea .r t,u...j Changes in the Southern Time Table. J!i.-bury ?rci!. bth. n Chsrlc-t t oifrvr. Several changes in the South ern time table came into effect today. On the main line No. 29 will arrive at 8:45 p. m. instead of 9:15, as heretofore. With the exception that 39 and 40 are cut off this is the only change on the main line. On the Asheville division form er No. 11 will be made up at Greensboro as No. Ill, will ar r've at Salisbury at 8:35 a. . m. and leave as No. 11 for Asheville at 9:35. No. 11 will arrive from Asheville at 9:40 p. m. and pro ceed to Greensboro as No. 112 at 9:45 p. m. In the case of these two trains there will be a com plete change of crews at Spencer. It is expected that in a few days this arrangement will be altered so that the crews will change at Salisbury. Salisbury people are well satis fied with the changes, as they will not necessitate the removal of the railroad men's fami lies to Greensboro and the hour's stop-over here of No. 11 in the morning will give travelers an opportunity to visit the city and incidentally benefit the merchants. FGIEY'SHBHEYCilBB Kakes Kidneys and Gladder Right Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. Refuse substitutes. Price BOo. W. A. LESLIE. Final Notice to Taxpayers. All persons who have not paid their graded school taxes for the year 1907 are hereby notified to come forward and settle such taxes. The tax books are at B F. Davis' store, and any one can get a receipt by paying there. The Board of Trustees i.re in need of the tax money to mainain the graded school, and I insist upon all paying their taxes at once. By order of the board of trustees all who shall not have settled for their 1907 graded school taxes on or before Februarv' 1st 1908 will have their prop erty levied upon and their polls gar nisheed. I am compelled by law to collect the taxes. Please pay without our having to resort to compulsory methods. F. C. BERRY, Sheriff Burke County, Per W. M. Kibler, Graded School Tax Collector. An Unprovoked Killing in Watauga. The Boone Democrat tells of an unprovoked murder in Watau ga county on the day before Christmas. The killing occurred at Windy Gap, near Watauga Falls. Ben Guy, 15 years old, and Alex. Harmon, a grown man, were together at the store of Lewis Glenn and started home in the afternoon. About the time they reached Harmon's home, the latter, who was drunk, pulled his pistol and fired several times at a dosr which belonged to Guy. The boy protested and Harmon threatened to shoot him. The boy went on his way and when he was some distance from Har mon the latter ran after him and shot him dead. Harmon then fled and has not been taken. The Democrat says there is much feeling on account of - the cruel murder. The boy was the sole support of his widowed mother and when he was killed he had in his pocked a fascinator which he had bought for a Christmas present for his mother. Southern Reduces Rates in South Caro lina. Columbia Dispatch, ?i South Carolina will get the benfit so far as the Southern rail way is concerned, of the reduc tion in rates made by legislative enactment in other States of the South, but without the turmoil of legislative agitation and without the expense of prolonged litiga tion. President W. W. Finley, of ..the Southern railway, at a conferenence in the Governor's office to-day, stated that on April 1st, 1908, the Southern railway would put into efiect in South Carolina the following rates: For straight tickets, 2h cents a mile; for 1,000 mile and 2,000 mile mileage books, 2 cents a mile. HOW TO AVOID PNEUMONIA. You can avoid pneumonia and other serious results from a cold by taking Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops the cough, heals the lungs, and expels the cold from the system Refuse any but the genuine in the yellcw package. W. A Leslie. House and Lot for Sale. I have for sale one 7-room dwelling house, on East Union street in the town of Morganton, X. C, good lot, size 100 x200 feet. House good as new. Good garden, etc. For prices and terms see R. L. HUFFMAN, Attorney. c an't It So many ailments are purely nervous affections, that you can hardly-miss it if you try Dr. Miles ' Nervine. It restores nerv ous energy and. through its invigorating influence upon the nervous system, the organs are strengthen ed. The heart action is "better; digestion improv ed, the sluggish condition overcome, and healthy ac tivity re-established. ' "Dr. Miles' Nervine Is worth Its weight in gold to me. I dkl not know what ailed me. I had a good physician but got no relief. I could not eat, sleep, work, sit or stand. I was nearly crazy. One day I picked up a paper and the first thing- that met mv eves was an advertisement of Tv. Miles' Nerv ine, I concluded to try it and let tha doctor f?o, and I did so. Alter taking two bottles I could dress mvself. Tfaen I began taking Ir. Miles' Heart Cure and now I can -work and go out. and have told many the benefit I have re ceived from these remedies .and sev eral of them have been cured bv it Pinee. I am fifty-nine years old "and I-retty good vet." r ANNA R. PALMER. Lewis'.own, Pa. Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If it fails, he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Write at once and learn why we secure best r-wu,ciiu rai, ewuanes iorour graduates. NORTH CAROLINA. SUPERIOR Court" T M mUjY- Before Clerk. J. M. Mull. Admr. e. t. a.. Estate Dr. A. P Lighthill, dee'd. W. H. Brevard. Theresa Rosenbaum. Lillian Harper. Mary E, Beoi ce and Josephine Calloway. The defendant&above namad-ftill take notice 'Pd'nss as above ha be coml menced in the Supenor Court of Burke county to Te" Restate : belonging to the said Dr. A P LighihilL deed, for assets to pay debts, and 'the cast oi administration of the said estate said interest in and to real estate being and C 1 X S,1?Cek township. Burke Sumj N nnl h - !a.,d dee,dants being next of kin and only heirs at law of ine said Dr. A. P. Lighthi " dec d. and devisees under the last v-ill ana testa ment of the said Lighthill, dee'd. which said St w.ll and testament has been duly admitted to whthlfhen-1HHf,Un-ly Snd State above ana of wnicn the said defts. have "ome ir ten-it tta: and the said defendants wiilTrt WaUe murZT,teltrcd to. and answer or demur to fie said petition iilei herein within . L. -A. ERISTOL. Clerk Superior Court. Heart Strength Heart Strength, or Heart Weakness, means Nerve Ptrt nsth, or Nerve Veak11es3 nothing more. Pos itively, not one weak heart in a hundred is, in it self, actually diseased. It is almost always a hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault. This obscure nerve the Cardiac, or Heart Nerve simply needs, and must have, more power, more stability, more controlling, more governing strength. Without that the Heart must continue to fail, and the stomach and kidneys also have these same controlling nerves. This clearly explains why, as a medicine. Dr. Shoop's Restorative has in the past done so much for weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Snoop first sought the cause of all this painful, palpitating, suffocat ing heart distress. Dr. Shoop's Restorative this popular prescription is alone directed to these weak and wasting nerve centers. It builds; it. strengthens; it offers real, genuine heart help. If you would have strong Hearts, strong di gestion, strengthen these serves re-establish them as needed, with Dr. Siiops Restorative BURKE DRUG CO. Jfor Over Sixty Years. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been ttseci iorc-ver du ycttrss uy uinni.uo v. .... -for their children while teething, with per fect success It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays an pain; enrcs wmu i-unw, auu is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will re lieve the poor little nufi'erer immediately. Sold bv Druggists in every part of theworld. i j .. knttl. U. cnrAnnH flsb I w t IJ L -ii v iiui.-" a !.....- ; for "Mrs Winslow's toothing SvraT.' tir" take tin -rneT itinri Guaranteed tinder the Food and Drag ct June 30th. 1906 Serial number 1098- A CURE FOR MISERY. I have found a cure for the misery malaria poison produces," says R Al. James, of Louellen, S- C. -'Ifs called Electric Bitters, and comes in 50 cent bottles It breaks up a case of ch'll-. or bilious attack in almost no time; and it puts ellow jaundice clean out of commission.'' This great ionic medi cine and blood purifier g.ves quick re lief in all stomach, liver and kidney complaints and the misery of lame back. Sold undei guarantee at W. A. Leslie's drug- store. Mrl(Tfe! For Indigestion, 3 'fer Relieves sour stomach, palpitation of the heart. Digests what you eat. f COCAINE aiid WHISKEY Habits cured at mv Sanatorium in few weeks. Ton can return to your home in 30 days well, free and happy. I have made these habits a specialty for 25 years and cured thousands. pnPP Book on Home Treatment sent I flLC Address DR. K. SI. WOOLLEV, 102 N. Pryor Street, Atlanta, Cia. ' FOR SALE. One 15-H. P. second-hand Frick Engine and Boiler on sills used 13 months. One 20-H. PLiddell stationary Engine and 25-H. P. Tubular Boiler, a complete outfit. 5 good seconi-hand Saw Mills, price $75.00 to $125.00. 3 good second-hand Inserted Saws. Write for particulars on, what you want. C.H. TURNER. Statesville, N. C. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS. Under-andby virture of a power of sale con tained in a certain dted of trust, executed on the first day of November, 1905, by J. C. Landreau and wife, Mary Landreau, to the undersigned trustee, to secure a note of $1,000.00 and interest, and in default of the payment of the same at maturity, I will, cn Saturday, December 21, 1907, during the legal hours of sale, sell for cash at pub lic auction to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in the town of Morganton; a tract of land in Burke county. North Carolina, adjoining the lands formerly owned by the C. A. Shuping heirs, Smith McDaniel and others, the same being the tract conveyed to said J. C. Landreau by Joseph R. Hennessee, gaurdian of E. A. Hennes see, by deed dated July 22, 1900, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Burke coun ts, in Book K No. 2, page 378 et seq., as by refer ence to said deed for a full and complete descrip tion of said lands will more fully- appear, said lands being in two tracts, one tract containing 150 acres and the other being an undivided one-half interest in a 50-acre tract adjoining the same, to gether with the dwellings, buildings and store house and other improvements thereon situate. This the 16th day of November, 1907. C. A. EDMONSON, Trustee. Avery & Ervin, Attys. Sale of Part of Dennis Caldwell Land. By virtue of an order of the clerk of the Superior court of Burke county, N. C, made and entered in a special proceeding pending in said court entitled A. F. Somers, admr. of Dennis Caldwell, against Isabella Caldwell others, I will sell at public auc tion, to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in the town of Morganton, North Car olina, on Mnndav. the 3rd dav of February. A. D., : 1908. the following described tract or parcel of ! land, lying and being in the county of Burke, State ot JNortn lvoiina, aesignareu anu uescriueu as follows: Beginning on a pine stump near the south-west corner of the Dennis Caldweil lot, and runs south 51 degrees west 67 poles to the fork of the McRae branch; then north 72 degrees west 29 poles to a large black oak in the head of said branch; thence north 5ft degrees west 44 poles to a small oak bush; thpnee north 72 degrees east 80 poles to a stake. Pressnell's corner; thence south 81 degrees east 16 poles to a stake; thence south 67 degrees east with Presnell's line to the beginning, containing 21 acres. School house lot of four and one-half acres ex- (T!T.1 out of th nhnve houndarv. The said land to be run out. surveyed and divided into lots and sold first m lots and then as a whole, sale to be reported at best price bid. This 3rd day of January, 1908. John T. Perkins, A. F. SOMERS, Adm'r Attorney, of Dennis Caldwell, dee'd. BURKE DRUG CO. The Leading Druggists. r'a Everything in Drugs. Prices Always Right. ft f) ft ft it ft it ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 4 SEND YOUR ORDERS POR & Pure g NiHlh Carolina Corn Whiskies, Brandies, Etc. fl To IT J. R. WORTM AN ROANOKE, VA. I have just purchased the Old North Carolina ft ft it ft ft it ft ft ft Saloon at Roanoke, and am prepared to give h mail orders riromnt. ntxpntinn $ J-- w.-.-j-rw w w WW WAV-IA ft ft & ft ft J. R. WORTMAN, Roanoke, Va. $ ft Call at W. A. Wortman's jewelry store," Mor ganton, N. C, for price list. Address P. O- Box 12. OVER TWO THOUSAND . VISITORS A DAY Cooper Explains Reason for Remarkable Average of Boston Callers. We Wish You A Happy and Prosp ous New Year, During L. T. Cooper's recent sta In Boston, it is estimated that sir.ty five thousand people talked with him and purchased his medieine. This f an averace of over two thousand a His success was so phenomenal asi to cause universal comment both by the public and the press. There must be a reason for this. Here is the reason given in his own words by Mr. Cooper when interviewed on the sub ject. He said: "The immense numbers of people who are calling on me here in Boston is not unusual. I have had the same experience for the past two years wherever I Save gone The reason is a simple one. It xs because my medi cine puts the stomach in good condi tion. This does not Bound unusual, fcut it is in fact the key to health. The stomach isvthe very foundation of life. I attribute 90 per cent, of all sickness directly to the stomach. "Neither animals nor men can re main well with a poor digestive appa ratus. Few can be sick with a diges tion in perfect condition. As a matter of fact, most men and women today are half-sick. It is because too much food and too little exercise have grad ually forced the stomach into a half eick condition. My medicine gets the stomach back where It was, and that Is all that is necessary." Among Boston people who are Staunch believers in Mr. Cooper's theory, is Mr. Frank D. Brown, of 57 Bioomingdale street, Chelsea, Mass. He says: "For five years I have sought re lief for indigestion, stomach trouble and dyspepsia, spending nearly all my wages with doctors and obtaining no results. I had dull pains across my back, radiating to the shoulders. I had splitting headaches, which nothing seemed to cure. There was a gnawing and rumbling In my stomach and bowels. I was troubled with vertigo and dizziness, and at times almost overcome by drowsiness. "I felt tired and worn out all tha time, my sleep was not refreshing; and I would get up in the morning feeling as weary as when I went to bed. My appetite was variable raven ous at times, then again nauseated at the eight of food. Sometimes my face was pale, at other times flushed. I wa3 constipated and bilious, and had catarrhal affection in nose and throat; which caused me to hawk and spit a great deal, especially in the morning. I heard so much of the Cooper reme dies that I decided to try them. After taking-one bottle, a tapeworm 50 feet long passed from my system. I felt better almost immediately. All my troubles disappeared as if by magier and my Improvement was rapid. I now feel entirely well, and can honest ly recommend Mr. Cooper's medicine to anyone who suffers as I did." We sell the Cooper medicines which give universal satisfaction. W. A. Leslie. Administratrix Notice. Having qualified as administratrix C. T. A. of P. A. Warlick, deceased, nolice is hereby given to all persons holding: claims against his estate to present them to the undersized for payment on or before Jan. 6, 1909, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediat payment, and thereby save costs. ADDIE WARLICK. Admrx. C. T. A. of P. A. Warlick, dee'd. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as executor of J, H. McNeely. all persons havinsr claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them within twelve months or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons owing said escate are notified to pay the same to said execuxor and save cost. This Jan. 8th, 1907. JNO. T. PERKINS, Executor J. H. M :Neely- gmmnmjmnimmnjmmmmninmnnmmmmmmo reen & Ksncaid i G .DEALERS IN. FRESH MEATS. GROCERIES AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. We desire to thank the public for the liberal patron- ; age we received during the holidays to assure you that we appreciate every little favor. r2 We solict your f uther patronage, and promise that all :3 orders shall receive our prompt and careful attention, 3 and that our prices will be right. 3 Phone 7. GREEN & KINCAID. oiiiiiiiii aiiii liiiiuuiiiiiiuiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimuuiiiiiiiiiiiio We wish to thank our customers f, their patronage during the past yn and we will say in return that we ha endeavored to serve and to please thei in the best way we knew how, and w hope they will continue to patronize i as long as we serve mem m a mann( that will meet their opproval. LESLIE'S DRUG OOODOODDDXDOCCCOOOOOCOOwC O O O O O O O O O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ooooooooccccccc ooocccorc "TRADE V MARK COfloTTiabcdlccnv-- EDISON PHONOGRAPHS V (i mi 1 J ' 1 1 t- i. V ine most popular souna proaucmg macmne, iir. lgi son's favorite invention, which contains all his nfw improvements, and sell it for cash or on the easy-pay- 1 ment plan. We are now showing the new model witn I the big horn, the greatest triumph in phonograph mak- ( ing. Don t torget that Mr. Jiiditon is the inverter oi f I 1 1 1 1.1.. - -i - tne enure pnonograpn iaea, ana tnat tne Ldieon L'w , u : j-u 1 j-n,: gitipii i uic uugiiicu Lcimm niiiciimt:. LAZARUS BKjDS.I Us ili ii) & vi) ib J it l & (!) ib ib ib b ib vi ib ib ib ib ib b ib ib b ib ib ib ib ib vi ib ib ib ib ib ib ib & ib ib ib ib b ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib JANUARY 1 4TH TO 25TH. THIS Will be the greatest sale of the year in real bargain givinga reduc tion that looks like slaughter. Prices that know no competition, a cut toth,ecore. ANDERSON Always cuts the price when he holds a sale. So wait and see the largest stock of goods ever offered in any sale. Bemember and distinctly understand that everything- in my house zvill be sold at cut -prices Many things at less than they ---. can be bought for at 'hole sale. , 1,000 yds. yard wide 12ic. Bleached Domestic 1,000 " " " Unbleached Domestic 1,000 " good Flannelett, 12c. quality 500 yards Lawndale Cambric 200 " English Long Cloth, 15c. value, Percale worth 12c. . BLANKETS 10-4 Elkin Blankets, 11-4 Elkin Blankets 11-4 half Wool Blankets Cotton Blankets, per pair DRESS G00DS-A11 wool dress goods that sell everywhere at 1.00 to 1.25 to go on sale at only All Dress Goods that sell at 50c. to 60c. per yard will go on sale at All Dress Goods from 25c. to 35c. per yard to go on sale at CLOAKS Not a cloak to be left over. Price put low enough to move. 7.00 Long Cloaks 9.50 " 12.50 " 14.00 " CLOTHING We will make just four prices on our suits. 3.75 for Suits and Overcoats Sold up to 5.00 will buy suits formerly sold up to 7.50 " " a 9.00 10.00 JAN. 14TH. i t a 6ic. 7jc. 11c. llc. 8Jc $2.75 3.25 2.25 65c. 80c. 38c. 18c. 3.50 4.75 6.25 7.00 6.00 8.00 11.00 15.00 18.00 Ladies' Skirts at half price SHOES! SHOES! SHOES'. All shoes up to $2 00 per pair ill In SOld for 2jc. off Shoes from S-'-oo up zue xviil sell at 50c per pah1 oj) UNDERWEAR-Men's heavy Fleeced Ladies' heavy Fleeced Underwear medium " Boys' tt to MEN'S PANTS All Pants, worth up H.oU per pair will go on sale at Pants worth $1.75 to $2.50 per pair to go on sale at the uniform price of $1.50 per pair for your choice. 3oc. 35c. 16-lc. ISc. 9Sc. a BLACK TAFETA SILK-1 yard wide real good value, worth 1.15 to 1.25, go on saie luesaay morning at only Nothing in America to day at the price equal 11. RUGS AND DRUGGETS- 6.00 Druggets, 9x12, at 9.00 " 9x12, at 4.00 Axminister Rugs, 36x72 Good Brussels Rug,' 27x54, All other rugs in proportion. TRUNKS AND GRIPS Now is a good time buy a Trunk or Valise. " 1.25 Dress Suit Cases 1.50 " . " - - Telescopes 25c. each. 80c. that will o (IS 6.15 2.75 1.15 Ladies' Flannelette Wrappers -Black Pettycoats 38c., 80c. and S5c 95c 9Sc 95c I A N D 3"