tiii t tar? cf War Want to X z Tlie Kind You Have Always Bouglit, aud Avhicli lias been in use for over 30 years, lias borne tlie signainre of and has been inacie unuer ms v- 'Srf-t-g- soual supervision since. us luiuiicj. 7&tCUti Aiimviio one to deceive you in this. -1 tc T ...-4 L- .-..,,,l"0 1'0 Ifellf; All Counterfeits, Imitations anu " - Experiments that trifle with and endanger ti e health of Infants and CliUdreii-Experieiioo a-ainst Lsperuneut, What is CASTORIA Castoria is a barmlesi wibstltute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, 3lorphiue nor other Ivareot.e substance. Its age is its -Harantee. It destroys Vorn and allays Feverishness. It cures Uian hcea and AVincl Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, e.ues Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Pauacea-The JI other's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature ot The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CEMTAUn COMPANY, TT MURRAY STHEET. NEW YORK CITH. m q ictor TALKING MACHINES. fr il'j M!i vote" s; h1 y Machines, Records and Needles at factory prices. Call at our store allow us to demonstrate the superi ority of this machine. CLAY WELL BROS. Ml vl ii il) ii to il) i Hi il to to to to to to to to to fc. 00.00.00. m. .0. 00.0. 00.0. 00.0. 00. Ai, Sf: S": C. S'. C. 55. 5: 3J: S: f . ST". 5? 55". PRESCRIPTION ERFECTION Wc of guarantee our drugs to be the highest purity and tested quality, and are han dled by men of experience in compounding them. YOUR DOCTOR KNOWS THIS And you should know it. If we don't do your prescrip tion work it's because you have never given us the pri vilege of filling one for you. Once you have them filled here always here. A DtntftratK Rjtruit- Ch'trJolte New 2. The Democratic party gains a valued recruit in Mr. W. T. Mor gan, of Marion, who has a card in the McDowell Democrat read ing as follows: 'Editor McDowell Democrat: "I desire to publish, through your paper, the lact that i nave severed my connection with the Republican party. Many reasons, quite satisfactory and overwhelm ing, by this time, to my mind, for a long time acting upon my udgment and conviction, have ed me to this decision, which i3 by no mr-ans a hasty one. "1 have no unkind word to ut ter against the party with which I have for a long time affiliated; for I realize that the masses who compose the voting strength of the party, especially in western North Carolina, are as honest and patriotic as any people living. The pity is that too many of their leaders regard and use the party" as a chattel of theirs for the fur thering of their own personal ends without regard for the real upbuilding and future welfare of the party. "Hereafter I prefer to cast my lot with the conservative element of the Democratic party. "W. T. Morgan. "Marlon, May 11, 1908." Mr. Morgan is a prominent law yer of the western part of the state. He gives a good reason for the change he is making. Many of the Republican leaders do ' 'regard and use the party as a chattel of theirs for the futher ance of their own personal ends." Until it is rid of this kind of lead ers, with eyes for nothing except tne loaves ana nsnes it win con tinue to drive its best men into our ranks. We are glad to welcome Mr. Morgan in the Democratic party, and promise him that no matter how often he has voted for Blaine, we will not hold it against him. There is an evaporation from the body going on continually, day and nMit, through the pores and glands of the skin. This is nature s -way of maintaining the proper temperature of our systems and preserving the sou lless and flexibility of the skin, and so long as the blood is free from impur ities uo trouble will result. When, however, the blood from any cause becomes infected with humors and acids, these too must be expelled, and comino- in contact with the delicate fibres and tissues with which the skin is so abundantly supplied they produce irritation and inflammation, and tne effect is shown by Eczema, Acne, Tetter, and skin affections of various kmdS. These impurities and humors get into the blood through a deranged or inactive condition of the system ; the members whose duty it is to carry ott the waste and refuse matter of the body fail to properly perform their work, and this impure, fermenting matter is left in the system to be absorbed by the blood. The skin is not only affected by poisous generated within the but poisons from without, THE WORLD'S BEST CLIMATE Is not entirely free from disease, on the hig-h elevations fevers prevail, while on the lower levels malaria is encountered to a greater or less extent, accorc me- to altitude, lo overcome climatic affections, lassitude, malaria, jaundice, biliousness, feyer and ague, and general debility, the most effectie remed3T is Electric Bitters, the great alterative and blood purifier; the anti dote for every form of bodily weakness, nervousness, and insomnia, bold un der guarantee at W. A. Leslie's drug store. Price 50c. AN IMPORTANT DECISION. LESLIE'S DRUG STORE Poll Tax For County and State Must Not Exceed Two Dollars. Raleigh Dispatch, 25th, T J il ? sV . in a oaten 01 unrty opinions filed by the Supreme Court this afternoon it is held, Justice Con nor writing the opinion and oth ers concurring, that the poll tax for county and State shall not ex ceed two dollars. The case is en titled, "Railroad vs. Commission ers" from Mecklenburg. The court holds that a poll tax of over two dollars on the head is a viola tion of the fifth article of-the State constitution. Over eighty five counties in the State levy more than the constitution al lows, and the decision of this af ternoon is one of the most im portant ever handed down. system, but poisons such as Poison Oak, Poison ivy, Nettle Rash, etc., enter through the open pores and glands, and so thor oughly do they become looted in the blood that they are ever present, or return at certain seasons of each j ear to torment the sufferer. Salves, washes, lotions, etc., cannot cure skin diseases. True, such treatment le- lieves some of the itching and dis comfort, and aids iu keeping the skin clean, but it does not reach tlie real cause, and at best can be only palli- ating and soothing. A tnorougu cleansing of the blood is the only certain cure for skin diseases. S. S. S., a gentle acting, safe blood purifier, made entirely 01 vegexaDie ingredients of the forest and field, is the proper treatment. S. S. S. goes down into the circulation, and neutralizes the acids and humors, thoroughly cleansing and purifying the blood, and curing skin affections of every kind. It supplies to the blood the fresh, nutritive qualities necessary to sustain the skin and, all other parts of the body, and rids the blood of any and all poisons. S. S. S. cures Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Salt Rheum, Poison Oak and Ivy, Nettle Rash, and all other skin troubles, and cures them permanently by removing every trace of the cause from the blood. Special book on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired furnished free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, JJAJ I have used your S. S. S., spring and fall, for the past two years, with the result thai it tmtiiely relieved rae of a form of Eczema which my doctor w&3 unable to cure. My arms, lower limbs, and, in fact, the biggest poition of my whole body was affected, and when I hist began S. S. S. the itching, etc., was worse, but I continued the remedy with the result that the dry, itching eruption en tirely disappeared. I think a great deal of your mdicine, and have recommended it to others with good results. It is the best blood medicine made, and I can conscientiously recommend it lor the cure of all blood and skia aflections. CHAS. HORSTMAM. Wheeling, W. Va. Lunch With the Negro, Too. Fayetteville Observer. 'Solicitor N. A. Sinclair returned last night from Savannah, Ga., where he went to attend the fun eral of his aunt, Mrs. Mary Mc Neill. On the train with Mr. Sinclair was Secretary of War Wm. H. Taft, leading Republican candidate for the presidency, and three attendants, two white men and a negro. The Secretary of War and party boarded the train at Char leston, having returned from a trip to Panama. The Secretary ordered four covers laid on the table, for dinner, and on account of the great bulk of the Secretary the table, which is intended to seat four people, had to be ex tended. When the great man and his three companions ap peared in the dininj room and were preparing to take their seats, the conductor came on the scene and informed Mr. Taft that in South Carolina colored men had to wait until after all the whites had eaten, and despite the Secretary's protest his'negro com panion had to retire. Taft is certainly bidding high for the negro vote. wtAK torn mnmm UNABLE TO PER FORM Wl Discouraged After Spending Money Witho Benefit Found Help at Last. IT REACHED THE SPOT. Mr. E. Humphrey, who owns a large general store at Omega, O., and is president of the Adams County Tele phone Co., as well aa of the Home Telephone Co., of Pike county, O., says of Dr. King's New Discovery: "It saed my life once. At least I think it did. It seemed to reach the spot the very seat of my coug-h, when every thing else failed." Dr. King's New Discovery not only reaches the cough spot; it heals the sore spots and the weak spots in throat, lungs and chest. Sold under guarantee at W. A. Leslie's drug store. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. rha Kind Yon Have Always Boisghi Bears the yr Signature of &&f?X7CU&L'A 4i I True Economy On the farm is represented by the Bell Telephone. It accomplishes more, in less time, than a hired man. Saves unnecessary trips to town, summons aid in an emergency, and pays for itself many times over. Our. Long Distance Lines bring the whole world to your door, X X X BGive us your watch repair ing and we will give you satis faction. " Patton's Jewelry Store. For information and Manager at rates' call on or write to the iviorganton, N. C z Southern Bell Telepnone NECESSITY! !f You Do Not Kili ihz Germs, the Germs May Kill You. PUR0X DISINFECT0R PRICE $1.50. Means death to all disease germs. Costs 2 to 7 cents a month to keep Purox Dis infector in good runninsr or der. Kills all i leaves no odor. X about the Pare.: odors and information Dbinfectoi apply to BUY YOUR Wh (i share of your patronage. BOX 12, ROANOKE, VA. $T rvi . i. I ? worm iaro.ina Liquor to., inc. lSKey From the North Carolina Liquor Co., Incorporated under the laws of Virginia. Don't forget that we are Burke county boys and will expect a liberal President J. C. Tate, Vice-President J. F. Leftwitch, Yours truly, Sec. & Treas. R. WORTMAN. P J. C. TATE, President. 1 1 1. A 4 Her band this man could not get. His health was not as it should be. He had not used the "best as yet," Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. W. A. Leslie. Mr. Earl McCoy, living at 150S So. Branson Street, Marion, Ind., has passed through an experience that is being duplicated every day in every town nn-1 city of any consequence in the Ur..ted States. It furnishes abun dant proof of the correctness of L. T. Cooper's theory in regard to the de generacy of the human stomach, and 6hows conclusively the merit possessed by his New Discovery medicine to re store the -weakened system to full Etrength and vigor. Mr. McCoy says: "For a long time I have been a sufEerrer from stomach trouble. I was unable to retain any food, and became so weak and run down that I was compelled to stop work. My system was nearly a wreck, and I had tried so many remedies and spent sojnuch money without deriv ing any benefit, that I tewm dis" couraged and gave up wA . being well again. ' 01 etj "I heard a great dpni er's theory and merliriT,n nr. and much hesitation decided to tr , ai;i result was a nleassnt i-.r-. M- I had taken half of the f!-, I was able to retain all food taL ;J taken six or seven bottle . feeling fine. I eat and sleep Zl not cough at nisrht. anri fi perform a hard day's work, i nismverv for it hit, ,..fu.V forme." uuue 4 The Cooper remedies are m with remarkable they are introduced. TT X1IPV a.. nil t a rival in rr Im c . and run-down- system, -"V. A. Leslie. WMlv. We S6,T Hit. The Hot Season is Coming, WATCHES and WISDOM In selecting a watch you will find that a leisurely and uninterrupted examination of our stock will prove profit able. While the main thing is to procure a wratch that can be depended upon to keep accurate time, there are other considerations as well and wre are always pleased to point out the merits or demerits of any watch in which you may evince an interest. It is this frank and intelli gent dealing that has won us so many friends and which will, we are sure, please you too. All the Standard Watches from $b up. A Life Contract. Senator Johnson, of Alabama, owns a beautiful home in Birm ingham, and takes a great de light in donning a pair of over alls and a split hickory hat and working in the garden. One day, shortly after the expiration of his last term as Governor, a fashionably dressed woman who had resided in Birmingham only a short time, and had never seen Johnson, called on his wife. No one answered the bell, so she walked out among the flower beds where the ex-Governor was hoeing some geraniums. He bowed and she asked how long he had worked for the Johnsons. "A good many years, madam," he replied. "TlntWravwAll?" - F J "About all I get out of it is my clothes and keep." "Why, come and work for me," she said. "I'll do that and pay so much a month besides." "I thank you, madam," he re plied, bowing very low, "but I signed up with Mrs. Johnson for life' "YVhy, no such contract is binding. That is peonage." "Some may call it that but I have always called it marriage," Make no mistake about your Ice. We will espej ally care for the wants of our regular customers, The best Ice and the best delivery possible. Respectfully, The Pure See Company, MORGANTON, N. C. SALE PATTON'S JEWE1RY STORE. Nigh Grade Jewelry. Stomach trouble is but a symptom of, and not In itself a true disease. We tliink of Dyspepsia, Heartburn, and Indigestion as real diseases, yet they are symptoms only of a certain specific Nerve sickness nothing else. It was this fact that lirst correctly led Dr. Shoop In the creation of that now very popular Stomach Kemedy Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Going direct to the stomach nerves, alone brought that success and favor to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative. With out that original and highly vital principle, no such lasting accomplishments were ever to be had. For stomach distress, bloating, biliousness, bad breath and sallow complexion, try Dr. Shoop"a Restorative Tablets or Liquid and see for your self what it can and will do. AVe sell and cheer fully recommend Dr. Shoop's Restorative BURKE DRUG CO. What Would You Do If three good physicians should pronounce your case hopeless. If they should decide that you could not live longer than six weeks. And if you should get Tvell, after us ing only .$12.00 worth of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and Nervine, what would vou advise a friend in like con dition to do? "I have to thank you for paving my Tvife's l:f3 two years ajro. We had continued with the doctor until the third doctor, liha the two j.revioua ones, said that nothing could be done for her; that the had better be taken home from the hospital to cmk-tly wait her time, which would uot be over 6 ' weeks at the most. 1 brought her home, and then I thought probably Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and Nervine misht help her, so I got a Vottls of each and some Nsrve and Liver Filia and commenced to give them to her. We soon seen an improvement. an3 encourages by this ccnun-.iea griv insr the msdiclne T7e gave brr eleven bottles in ail cf the medicine. Ska takes it occasionally now if :.he feels the need. 1 am u the ministry, and bive been for 44 years." RSV. P. IHI.I.IGAN., OenJu. ir!iing3. Kalis, Dr. Miles' Heart Curs Is sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first bottle will berteftt. If It fails he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind HI YandTAR The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. For coughs, colds, throat and lunjj troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic Good for everybody. Sold everywhere. The genuine " FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR is in a Yellow package. Refuse substitutes. ' Prepared only by Foley & Company, Chicago. W. A. LESLIE. HOW'S THIS? We offer One hundred Dcllais Beward fot any case ot Catarrh that cannot be curedbv Mali's Gatarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.."Piops Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F T. Cheney for the last 15 3 ears, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business tran sactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made bv their film. WALD1NG, KINNAN & MARVIN, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ol the system. Price 75c. per bottle Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. DIIIMCQCAineakd I lUlVl WHISKEY Habits cured at my Sanatorium In a few weeks. Ton can return to your nome in jo aaya well, free and bappr. I have made these habits a specialty for 2S years and cured thongandi. Book on Home Treatment sent fntfc Address DR. B. M. H'OOLLKY, lOa N. Pryor Street, Atlanta, Oat. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LANDS. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Burke county, rtndercd in the special preceding wherein Anna T. Key, Executrix of P. B. Keyr is plai.itiff. and Kenry T. Key 1 nd others are defen dants, the under;'.isrn d CYmmissfcner will sell at public auction, to i he hip he3i bidder, for cath, at the Ccui-t Houf e (Wr in Morpanton, North Caroli na, on Saturday, May. at 12 o'c'. ck M , he fcl lowing ciccnLia rei.1 ts.ate in the ciiy of Morgan ton: Beinsr -,ho lot f f 1 mtrly ov, red by the late M M Ch: rabavs, Luit d ai.d bounded a? ft.11. we: Being the hoase snd lot conveyed by J. W. Wiison to the late M. M. Clitmberp, and formerly own-d by Sarah A. McDowell, tUuared up.n West Univn strtet. bounded or. the west hv h.t r-rci by the late S. t'. W. Tate, and on the east by the lot owned by Mrs. Sarah C. Tate, and containing two ana one nail acres, more or less, (exceptii and lest-rviiiK that priicn of faid lot convcveH " II. M. Chambers to Surah Michaux and Mark Wal ton by deed t;nd fully described theiein inis April ii, GEOP.GS E. FRENCH, ,. ... ..... , CcmmUsi r.er. MoLLUfjhlin . Nicholson, Attys. Eggs For Hatching. Eight breeds, full blood, satis faction guaranteed in price and stock. Book on diseases of poultry and stock and how to cure them mailed on application. Eastern North Carolira Nor to . Yam slips. Mumford's Poultry farm. Preparatory fco tearing awa our ofd Warehouse, to be d placed by a new building, wear mm g m now making a Dig cue in price on Buck's Steel Cook Stoves, an Wagons. This, cut will last on! 30 days? so come early if yo want bargains. We also carry a good stockc Riding and Walking Cultivate and Disc Harrows, besides a fu! line of all kinds of Hardware M oreancon ilarawari pany. Com CFr Trap or Field a STEVENS SINGLE or DOUBLE BARREL SHOTGUN is Ideal. Low in Price High in Quality good gun value right through! Made in standard gauges, lengths, weights, etc. Hammer or Hammerless Styles. STEVENS SHOTGUNS SHOOT STRAIGHT AND STRONG ir or y an pracTW- hto naraware ana BaodlMer. its. If Tom e&Biiot obtain, w ship dlnct. wld. UDon ncalptof Ctiof Fries. MBd for If O-pwafflms. tt4 Catalog dwcrlb-1 injf enur. output. -Has attractiT eovar la colors. Hailed for o emu In stanpi to paypostags. IV 1-5 T ARMS 1 STEVENS t TOOL CO. P. a Box 4098. Chicopee Falls Mass. HANCOCK BROS. & CO'S. I PLUG TOBACCO is one of the biggest plugs of standard grade flue cukJ tobacco ever sold for 10c. It goes further and lasw longer in the going than any other brand made. A d who knows of this brand never goes around intn "chip" on his shoulder, he keeps it in his mouth. makes friends, and makes them always glad to see you- Demand Chip, and don't stand for substitution. Manufactured by a strictly independent firm- HANCOCK BROS. & CO., Lynchburg, Va. What is medicine fof ? To cure you, if sick, you say. But one medicine will not cure every kind of sickness because uino medicines act on different parts of the body. One medicine goes to the u another to the spine, Wine of Cardui to the womanly organs. So that is r ' has proven so efficacious in most cases of womanly disease. Try it. Mrs. Wm. Turner, of Bartomrnin Til tc . .. . ....... - . vj, I suffered for years vith femalediseases, sna h & I and Telegraph Company x "wimoui rsiiei. w J RHYNE & FLEMIiNG

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