5 I IS -5 ring Your The Hews-Herald IS THE Best Advertising Medium -IN THI PIEDMONT SECTION - I I JOB PRINTING -TO- K 1 News-Herald Offic j T. G. COBB, Publisher. THE BURKE COVNTYJEWS 1 Consolidate Nov 29.i921 THE M O R.GAN TON HHRaD n80"0" Subscription Price, $i Per Year In Advance s 3 s J VOL.. XXV MORG-ANTON, N. C. APRIL 22, 1909. No. 2 AIN Pifn in the hPtid rain nnywhere, has Its cause. Pain isconuestiim. Pin is blooi Pressure nothing Ii nsuall At least, so says Dr. Snoop, and to mve tth h created a little pink tablet. That Lbiet-call" Vi. Shoop's Headache Tablet- ? i nh,-ciira AWAY (mm rvft.1T fwmtofa f,T.?eti charming, pleasingly delightful. Gently, though safely, it surely equalizes the blood circu- lvou hae headache, it's blood pressure. r . . ...1.. with wnTrnin mi nn ii.a Ii it a painim r nv nu .. i......, uium. li vou are sleepless, restless, nervous, it s blood ro-"Stion bloo.1 pressure. That surely is a Jya'nty for Dr. Slioop's Headache Tablets stop iti i A) minutes, and the tablets simply distribute the unnatural blood pressure. B-uise vour linger, ana doesn t it get red. ana iwe;1 and pain ycii? Of course it does. It's con on Mood pressure. You'll find it where pain u alwavs. It's simply Common Sense. 1 We 'eii at 25 cents, aud cheerfully recommend ' Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets BURKE DRUG CO. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. A Batch of Live Items Culled From the Papers of the Adjoining Counties. TAX NOTICE! The time has arrived when I must collect county and State taxes, and if you owe these taxes you must settle at once or I will be forced to place the tax-books in the hands of my deputies with instructions to levy on per sonal property for the taxes. This I shall do at an early date if these taxes are not paid. Take notice and govern yourselves accordingly. Respectfullv, F. C. BERRY, Apr. 1, 1909. Sheriff. Eggs! Eggs! Eggs! White and Silver Laced Wyan dottes, Barred Rocks, and Rhode Island Reds. Our last year's customers raised prize winners from stock bought of xis. Our stock is better than ever and our prices for eggs are reasonable. A few choice cockerels for sale. Miinford's Poultry Farm 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs f Copyrights &c AT.Trir. :ig a"seth and description nia .'a.tVitial. Handbook on Patents "TKv for ecuniiu patents. r :'.rmirh Munn & Co. receive ' h;ao cur.ree. mine j .T 'H t Smm JHnericatt. A tnn'isrvneiy I'll "traced weekly. Lureest cit -ntati.-a : anv rrienUSlo journal. Terms, 3 a yir- ir,.Jr months, fl. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNH & Co.36,Broadw'ay- New York Pr"1! 0i-e. ffV v 8t Washington. D. C- MEfANDTfiR Ls X m 3 rmrnrra 35? THE ST1ID1RD REMEOY FOR ALL FORMS OF RHEUMATISM LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, NEURALOIA. KIDNEY TROUBLES, CATARRH, ASTHMA and KINDRED DISEASES GIVES QUICK RELIEF Applied externally it affords almost In stant relief from pain, while perman ent results are being effected by taking it internally, purifying the blood, dis solving the poisonous substance and removing it from the system. DR. C. L. GATES Hancock, Minn., write! " A little Krl here had snob, a weak back caused by Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble that she could not eland on her feet The moment they put her down on the floor she would scream with pains. I treated her with DttOI'3" and today shernnearaund aa well and happy as -an be. I prescribe "S-DROP8" for my patients and use It In my practice." TEST "5-DROPS" If you are suffering with Rheumatism, Lumbago. Sciatica. Neuralgia. Kidney Trouble or any kindred disease, write to us for a trial bottle of "5-DROPS." 3-drops " is entirely tree from opium, cocaine.morphine, alcohol, laud anum and other similar ingredients. Large Size Bottle "5-DROPS" (300 Doses) 1.00. For Sale by Druggists. SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE COMPANY -V Dept SO. IT4 Lake Street. Chleaso McDowell. Marion Democrat. April 15th. Dan Hurley, wanted in Mc Dowell for robbery, was arrested in New York a few days ago. Sheriff Mashburn will leave to day for New York to bring Hur ley back to McDowell. Miss Sadie Seals, of Bridge water, entertained most charm ingly last Saturday night in honor of her guests, Misses Ruby and Swannie Davis, of Marion. Games and music were the pleasures of the evening. Hugh Cooper, son of John Cooper of this place, died Tues day morning after an illness of only a few days. Mr. Cooper was about 25 years old and is sur vived by a wife and baby. In terment was made at Stroud's Chapel Wednesday at 2 o clock p. m. Greenlee Tate, son of Commis sioner Hugh A. Tate, is one of the leaders of his class at David son college.. He has been selected as one of the commencement orators from his class. He was last week awarded the Junior Fellowship in History, by the faculty of the college. We are glad indeed that McDowell coun ty can be so well represented at Davidson. Governor Kitchin last week is sued a requisition on the Gover nor of Tennessee for Turner Tay lor, a negro murderer wanted m McDowell county for killing Skip Toby, another negro, a one-armed man. Taylor was captured in Johnson City, Tenn., where he was held for North Carolina offi cers. Sheriff Mashburn returned yesterday with Taylor and placed him in jail. uoal trains are now being run I over the Carolina. Clinchfield and Ohio from Bostic on the Seaboard to Tennesse. Next month the passenger schedule between Mon roe and Rutherf ordton will be ar ranged to connect with the sched ule on the new road. The nearby mountains were covered with snow Friday and Saturday and overcoats were not disagreeable. MR. WEBB ON TARIFF. Foley's Orino Laxative is best for women and children. Ita mild action action and pleasant taste makes it preferable to violent purgatives, such as pills, tablets, etc. Cures constipation. The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. For conghs, colds, throat and luno; trouDles. JNo opiates. JNon-aJcoholic. Good for everybody. Sold everywhere. The genuine FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR is in a Yellow package. Refuse substitutes. Prepared only by Foley & Company, Chicago. W. A. LESLIE. Caldwell. Lenoir Topic, April 14th. Mr. T. C. Wakefield, who has been undergoing treatment in Dr. Long's sanitorium, States- ville, returned home yesterday much improved. He stood the trip nicely. Miss Lisle Norwood died Tues day night of last week after vears of suffering, lhe burial was at Fort JJehance m i adkm Valley Thursday. Deceased was about 65 years of age and is survived by a brother and two sisters. Miss Norwood was a consistent member of the Epis- coDal church and she lived a beautiful Christian life. The smallpox situation at Hud son and elsewhere in the county is very gratifying. The quaran tine against Hudson has been raised and the few casts that are not entirely well are still care- fullv looked after so that the . , m danger of any further spread 01 the disease is practically over, Mr. James Francum died at his home a few miles North of town, last Wednesday morning. The deceased was Derhaps near 80 vears of acre and had been in fail ing health for some time. The body was buried at nsgan cnurcn yesterday. BLO We live by our blood, and on it. We thrive or starve, as our blood is rich or poor. There is nothing else to live on or by. When strength is full and spirits high we are being refreshed-bone, muscle and brain, in body and mind-with continual flow of rich blood. This is health. When weak, in low spirits, no cheer, no spring, when rest is not rest and sleep is not sleep, starved: our blood is poor; there is little nutriment in it. i,.!? the blood is food, the blood rich. When .it fails, take f SCOTT'S 1 EMULSION It sets the whole body going again man, woman ana cimu. Send this advertisement, together n? of paper in which ft appear, your address nd fouVcents to cover portage, and w vou a "Comotete Handy Atlas of the World. Catawba. Newton Enterprise. April 15th. . The Easter cold spell has come and gone and we still have an abundance of all kinds of fruit. Cards have been received in Newton announcing the marriage in the Methodist church in Lincolnton next Thursday, April 22nd, of Mr. James Shuford, a former Newton boy, and Miss Mary Hoover. Mr. Shuford is in charge of the Lincolnton tele phone exchange and Miss Hoover is chief operator. Mr. George Warlick went to Salisbury Monday to undergo a second operation in the Stokes Whitehead sanitorium for appen dicitis. The first operation, about a year and a half ago, was not entirely successful, and he has suffered more or less from time to time until a second oper ation is deemed necessary. Papers were filed last Saturday in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court by Mr. W. A. Bollinger, father and administra tor of Miss Willie Bollinger who was killed last September in the Baptist church in Startown by Lonnie Rader, against W. P. Rader and wife, parents of Lonnie Rader, and Dr. John McCampbell, superintendent of the Western Hospital, and direc tors A. A. Shuford, I. I. Davis and C. H. Armfield, for $20,000 damages. Mr. Bollinger's attor neys in bringing the suit are Witherspoon & Witherspoon of Newton and L. C. Caldwell of Statesville. It will be alleged that the parents and hospital authorities knew the young man was insane and are responsible for his being at large. We were glad to have a call last Saturday morning from our old friend, Mr. Frank Rabb of Lenoir. He has been in the country several days visiting his brother. Mr. George Rabb and other relatives. Misses Clark, Davis, Brown and Taft, teachers in the State Deaf and Dumb School at Mor- ganton, accompained the baseball team to Newton last Saturday, to the great delight of a number of members of the Catawba team. They returned to M'rganton on train No. 35. Miss Taft i3 a re lative of President Taft Last Thursday iiight, deputy sheriff T. D. Shuford, of Bandy's township, assisted by deputy sheriff N. M. Wyant and S. L. Ritchie, captured a blockade distillery in the iupper part of Bandy s township'near the Burke line. They approached in sight of it, and watched two men for some time going through their operation of whiskey making. Finally one crawled into a barrel to take a nap. The raiders pretty soon decided it was time to pounce on to them. The man at work made his escape. But his yells to awake his partner failed and he was captured. He proved to be Will Brittain. Read the pain formula on the box of Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your Doctor if there is a better one. Pain means congestion, blood pressure some where. Dr. Shoop's Fink fain lab lets check head pains, womanly pains, pains anywhere. Try one, and see. 20 for 25c. Sold by Burke Drug Co. Watauga. Boone Demcrat, April 15th. Considerable freezes three nights during the past week, and while the light peach crop nas paid the death penalty, the apple crop is considered sate so iar, as the trees are very late budding. With money scarce, flour re tailing at $4.00 per hundred, ba con at 14 cts. per pound, and i other necessaries proportionately high, the outlook for the laboring man in the mountains with a large family to support is any I thing but flattering. Bynum Holsclaw, the young criminal who was sentenced to the State Reformatory at the last term of Watauga Superior court there to remain until he was 21 vears old, landed at Beard's Creek, his native heath, Monday He told the mail coy Party Lines Were Often Broken in the Fight in the House Oil Trnst Had its Wings Clipped Lomher Schedule oa a Revenue Basis "Hides" and "Skins," an Attempted Discrimina tion Against the South Duty on Mica Prospects in the Senate. H. E. C. Br ant in Charlotte Chronicle. Washington, April 12. Repre sentative E. Y. Webb, of the Charlotte district, left here Sat urday for his home in Shelby, where he will spend several days during the dull season in the House. Before leaving here, at my request, he gave me the fol lowing statement concerning the Payne tariff bill, and the general situation: "The bill," said he, "was amended in several instances so that the strain felt bv the coun try for some time will be in a measure relieved. As might be expected, party lines were often times broken because of the di versified interests at stake, and some of these changes were wholly unexpected by those who had their hearts on passing the bill according to the plans of those who framed it in secret session. "For instance, the oil industry, which has thrived unduly be cause of high protection, had its wings clipped when the insigni ficant duty of one cent ad valorem was placed on crude oil by a sub stantial majority. Speaker Can non went so far as to plead on the floor of the House for the Stand ard Oil Company, and to argue that crude oil brought in from Mexico would ruin the producer here; that if the Standard Oil broke the laws of the land, the courts were open to the country. The farcical aspect of the affair was too manifest, and a most im portant amendment was adop ted. "The lumber schedule is in my judgment left on a purely reve nue basis, which is in accordance with the principles of the Demo cratic party. This was made possible by the support of the .Southern Democrats, who con tended that the . removal of the duty would not aid the consumer by lowering the prices on lumber. The Canadian output could not affect prices in the United States, except possibly in those sections near the line. The people of my district and other districts in North Carolina where there is timber in any considerable quan tity were entitled to a reasonable duty on lumber, a duty, as I have stated, which could not be re garded as more than for revenue only; and I can not understand for the life of me, how the argu ments for free lumber would not apply to all other articles and therefore would make of Demo crats nothing but free traders. "Hides we were successful in placing on the free list. I favor ed this for two reasons. One was that under the rulings of the Treasury Department a hide weighing lesj than 25 pounds was a skin; and it is a well known fact that nine-tenths of the hides produced in the South would j come under th head of skins, j and so placed on the free list whereas the packers who have the big hides, would have all the pro tection. The other reason wa3 that 90 per cent of the hides of the country are in the hands of the trusts. The removal of the duty was therefore necessary to insure the consumer against ex orbitant prices and the little min against unjust discrimination and aid in lowering the price of shoes. "The reduction of the duty on mica and monazite, as proposed by tha committee, was unjust, from a revenue standpoint The best mica in the world is pre duced in western North Carolina; and the reduction was proposed by the Republicans in the face of the facts and figures of these producers, apperently, to favor the few N orthern importers. W e friends of the mica industry se cured the adoption of an amend ment which places on the un manufactured mica, instead of the 30 per cent ad valorem origin ally proposed, a duty of 5 cents a pound and 20 per cent ad valor em, and on manufactures of mi ca, instead of 35 per cent ad val orem a duty of ten cents a pound and 20 per cent ad valorem. These duties will raise a hand some revenue. The monazite schedule was made apparently without reason. No hearings were had on the subject, nor were any figures found to justify the committee in its reduction. in carrying his bill practically- a he had planned it. The duty on raw and refined sugars I consi ler an outrage to the consumer, foi this merely raises sugar from t to three cents a pound, and therefore forces from the con sumer just so much more uncalled for profit for an already over fed trust. "The wool schedules, sky high, will fall heaviest on our Southern farmers, who will, as heretofore, have to sell their cotton at world competitive prices and buy wool and woolen goods fixed by the American woolen trust and pay the Ohio wool grower a royalty of 11 cents per pound on all he purchases. In my judgment the bill will fall far short in giving the country that satisfaction which in the face of the campaign pledges of the Republican party it had a right to expect. Every body recognizes the necessity for a revision, and the people demanded, and were assured, that such revision would be downward. Looking through the the bill one finds that the sched ules average one and a half per cent higher than those in the existing Dingley law. A long wrangle will follow in the other end of the capitol. Will the bill be made less harmful than it now stands? I cannot so hope. Senasor Aldrich, who has rewritten tariff measures almost at will for the lat 25 years. A STARTLING STATEMENT. rewrite this one so that it will be recognizable on its return to the House, but I fear that it will be a good deal more satisfactory to ; the Republican standpatters." New York Medical Authorities Claim Dyspepsia Causes Consumption. The post mortem statistics of the big New York hospitals show that some cases of consumption are due to unchecked dyspepsia, especially when the victim was predisposed to tuberculosis. Dyspepsia wears out the body and brain, the weakened, irritable stomach is unable to digest food, the body does not receive the re quired nourishment, constipation ensues and the victim becomes thin, weak and haggard. As a result, the body becomes a fertile field for the germs of disease to lodge and flourish. Therefore, the person who per mits dyspepsia to progress un hindered is guilty of contributing toward the development of one of the most insidious and fatal dis eases known to mankind. Dyspepsia is curable if proper ly treated. W. A. Leslie sells a remedy which he positively guarantees to cure indigestion or dispepsia or he will pay for all the medicine used during the trial. This remedy is an abso lutely new medical discovery and has been named Rexall Dyspep sia Tablets. Centainly no offer could be more fair, and the offer of W. A. Leslie is proof positive I that Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are may ; a dependable and infallible rem edy. In asmuch as the medicine will cost you nothing if it does not benefit you we urge you who are suffering with indigestion or dyspepsia to try this remedy. A i twenty-five cent box of Rexall j Dyspepsia Tablets contains You should not delay under any cir- i enough medicine for fifteen days' cumstances in ca.-es of Kidney and j treatment. Remember Dyspep Bladder trouble You should take sia Tablets arft onlv sold in Mor- ganton by W. A. Leslie. something promptly that you know is reliable, something like DeWitt's Kid ney and Bladder Pills. They are un cqualed for weak back, backache, in flammation of the bladder, rheumatic pains, etc. When you ask for DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills, be sure you get them. They are antiseptic. Ac cept no substitutes; insist upon getting the right kind. Sold by Burke Drug Co. What the State Did With the Money. Raleigh Dispatch. Of the $1,433,757.39 received by North Carolina from the United States Treasurer under the act of Congress of 1836 distributing the surplus of the Jackson administration, the State invested $300, 0i;0 for the redemption of State stock in the Bank of Cape Fear, Fayetteville, with branch bank in Raleigh; $200,000 was set aside for a literary or schooLfund; $533, 757.39 appropriated for an in ternal improvement fund $100,000 applied to what Builds up your whole body. Regu lates the bowels, clears the blood, aids digestion, makes you well from head to feet. That's what Hollister's Roocky Mountain Tea will do, great est spring regulator. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. W. A. Leslie. A HELPING HAND. Is Gladly Extended by a Morgan ton Citizen. termed" a public fund. Every dollar of this money was long since completely lost to the State and in the event of the passage of the pending bill in Congress for the return of this money to the general govern ment by the States that received it North Carolina would be obliged to issue new State bonds with which to make the payment. There are many enthusiastic citizens in Morganton prepared to tell their experience for the public good. Testimony from such a source is the best of evi dence, and will prove a "helping hand to scores of readers. Read the following statement: J. M. McGalliard, of Morganton, N C, says: "I suffered from weak kidneys lor several years. At times there was a dull ache across the small of mv back and and accompanying this was a difficulty was ! witn tne kidney secretions. I finally be- I nnn I I I. ..... . . gan using Doan's Kidney Pills and they gave me great relief. I now feel stronger in every way. I heartily recommend Doan s Kidney rills m re turn for the benefit I have derived from their use." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co. Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. prxxixxxxTxrxzTxxxxxxxxxxxzTTr SB Mil- Col . Patten, a 3 Lieutenant in tlte Old Guard, a an exclusive or- f ganmation com- .,jMf U posed of soldiers k' The fteht on this reduction which ing out of a second story window : also may be called Southern, will ti rrlAr ovonino- Hp is i be carried into the Senate, and art increase will be mad., I feel Inst. Thursdav evening, lie is certainly a freak as a boy crimi nal, and it seems that nothing short of the grace oi uoo, ana a good deal of it, can ever arrest him m nis wiia career aim save him from terrible punishment at 'the hands of the law. OBJECT TO STRONG MEDICINES. Manv oeoole obiect to taking the strong medicines usually prescribed by physicians for rheumatism. There is no deed of internal treatment in any case of muscular or chronic rheuma tism, and more than nine out ot every ten cases of the disease areof one or the other of these varieties. When there is no fever and little (if any) swelling, you may know that it is only necessary to apply Chamberlain' . Liniment free j ly to get quick relief. Try it. For sure. "With the exception of these few changes, Mr. Payne succeeded SWEPT OVER NIAG RA. This terrible calamity often happens because a caieless boatman ignores the river's warn;njs growing ripples and faster current Nature's warnings are kind. That dull pain or ache in the back warns you the Kidneys need attention if you would escape fatal maladies Dropsy, Diabetes or Bright's disease. Take Electric Bit ters at once and see Backache fly ai d all 3'our best IVelings return "Alter long suffering from weak kidneys and lame back, one 61 CO b -ale wh.ll cured me," writes J R. Blankeuship of Beik. Tenn. Only 50c. at W. A Leslie's. MM&f -fa Si ' CI frBSX': - k Thousands of millions of cans of Royal Baking Powder have been used in making bread, biscuit and cake in this country, and every housekeeper using it has rested in perfect confi dence that her food wonlrl !- IiVTif. sweet, and perfectly wholesome. Royal is a safe guard acainst thechear alum nowrlers whirh nr the greatest menacers to health of the present day.' ROYAL IS THE ONLY BAKING POWDER MADE FROM ROYAL GRAPE CREAM OF TARTAR 3S ; MSIS ll IBIMMM ISIllW mii.i.h The PosponedBaptizing. Atlanta Constitution. The old colored brother nre- f aced his sermon with the follow ing remarks: 1 well knows dat some er von has travelled fur ter see de bap- tizin' to-day, but I has ter an nounce dat dar won't be no baDtizin Five hie allip-ators has been seen sunnin' derself s on hve logs in de millpon ; havm des crawled out fum der Ion or winter sleep; an' hit stan's ter reason dat w'en a alligator sleeps all winter he's mighty hongry w'en he wakes up. Hit may be dat Providence will protect de canderdates fer de baptizin', but hit's my opinion dat ter wade into a millpon' wid five hongry alligators playin' 'possum on a log, would be flying in de face er Providence!" F0LEY$H0NEYTAR Cures Coldsi Prevents Pneumonia ICE! We will, as heretofore, supply our customers with Pure Ice the coming season. See us before making contracts for your Ice. We will handle the Broadoaks Ice, and will supply customers not only at their homes but also at our store at any hour of the day. will always have a good sup ply on hand. Prices right. W are still headquarters for Fresh Mats and Grocris. GREEN & KINCAID. i. jv t i nrace and reputation ot coi of distinction who foughtinthe Civil War, very popular in secret society circles, recommends the fa mo u s remedy , Pe-ru-na, as a spring tOniC. He says: 'I h a ve used Per u na, and desire to rec ommend your rem edy as an invigorat ing Spring tonic; also one of the best remedies that I ever tried for coughs, colds and catarrhal complaints." Having read the above testimonial, what conclu- lon must De reacneu Dy any iair- minded, unprejudiced reader? The Qualities of leadership were never better em phasized than in the "SOHMER" piano of today. It is built to satisfy the most cultivated tastes. The advant age of such a piano appeals at once to the discriminating intelligence of highly cultured musicians. The leading piano, at a poplar price, is theNreliable "RICHMOND". The quality and price appeal at once to the masses. The "RICHMOND" piano should be considered before buying. Style 15, price $250.00. Drop us a postal card, if interested. The Morrison Bros. Cq, Inc. HICKORY, N. C. ' Is there any possibility tnat a man oi the prom- &5liuced to suv such things Patten could be in- if he did not honestly believe R Li V -?ix3 them to be true? MifeitVv,A, 1.0 savsnot onlv that he recommends Peruna as an invig orating spring tonic, but also as one of the best remedies that he has ever tried foi cough, colds and catarrhal complaints. What are you going to do with such evidence? Are you going to turn away from it and listen only to the talk of people who probably never saw a bottle of Peruna, certainly never tried a bottle of it, who bave nothing else to do but to talk about other people's affairs? Are you going to listen to such people as that, instead of accepting the testimony of those who know? There may be a few people so constituted as to be able to perform such a mental feat. But the sensible people, the reliable people, the brawn and brain of the world, who are governed by principles of justice and common sense, are going to accept the clear, pointed and undoubted testimony of a man of national repu tation who knows what be is talking about. Peruuais everything he savs it is. It is an invigorating spring tonic. It is also a good remedy for coughs. We have many testimonials attesting to this fact, Peruna is manufactured by the Peruna Drug Mfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio. As Soothing as a Mother's Touch. Is the effect of our White Pine Cough Syrup upon the tired lungs, the aching breast It stops the tickling in the throat, It brings greatful sleep, ge It aids the appetite, 5? ' It renews health and vigor. X Once used, WHITE PINE Cough Syrup will always be in the housec - 1 BURKE DRUG COMPANY. BCOTT ft BOWNE, 409 Pa S-Nw York sale by all oruggisr.

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