Bring Your Ths Npw5-rlpra!d d S I iiu iiuhvi iiwiuiw mHPKLNTING '"0- ;is THE Best Advertising Medium IN ,THX PIEDMONT SECTION U 11 11 I -riaraid Off ic T. G. COBB, Publisher THE BURKE CO VNTY NEWS Consolidated Nov. 29.1901 THE MOR.GANTON HERARD I Subscription Price, $i Per Year In Advance F,iT-CU3S WOEJC AT S fl VOL. XXV. MORG-ANTON, N. 0., NOVEMBER 11, 1909, No. 31 FTTH ERALDo 111 iX L mouth 18 SURE j T S s'j Bisoraeted ' SENATOR TAYLOR TO THE BOYS. v, ;'.I u s.-i better almost id still better To-Fviorpow THE CENl-'NE has tba RED Z on tha front c; each package and tho signature 3 id seal of J. H. ZEILIhl 4 CO., en ii-c Side, in RED. FOR SA-i 3Y ALL LiXUUU!bT5. Z33 Jr.--' i r ill - .1 V i-t :-IiPv I P. tubi; bailor lor or fur-complete good stack orates new fit- side ii. P. stationary ..'. engine, this is a : to outfit. Price i here, S195.00. ;12 20 H. P. engine and via on wheels," good ki a bargain at $285.00. 'rice or come and see. At 1 ': :.e No. 7. Senator Robert L. Taylor in the Taylor-Trotwood" Magazine. My Dear Chums: The happi est period of human life is youth, and the happiest specimen of youth is a big, healthy, awk ward, watery-jointed, rollicking, frolicking boy. with his heart full of dreams, and his head full of schemes, and his pockets full ! of apples and things. He is a bouncing laugh and a bounding yell. He is the beloved bandit of every mother's heart and the delightful outlaw of every old daddy's home. What cares he for painted wall, I aim jjarmsneu rooms, aim veivet ' im o I v-n . 1 4-1 -t . . . I f nnncf r) AC" o Y r ius, emu pie lui cu lapcouit, anu pastels, and water colors, and crayons in frames of gilt and gold? What cares he for frescoed halls, and polished floors, and stairways of mahogany? What cares he for all the chandeliers that shine, so he has liberty to romp on the green carpets of the meadows and hills, under heaven 's flaming chandelier, and a place to sleep in the lumber room, among the cobwebs and old, dusty trunks, where his rest is as sweet as though he were pillowed on the couch of a king, with silken cur tains drawn about him? What cares he for champagne and sherrv. if he can lie down and drink from the bubbling spring, or hear the corks of laughter pop, and listen to the wild melodies of nature's songs that sparkle in his soul? What cares he for "con- i i i j j somme, so ne can get plenty 01 lead him out of her nursery into the sweet gardens of fancy and the green fields of poetry, which lie on the frontier of cold facts the border land of reality. To prepare him for his future career, she first touches his vocal cords and changes his voice from the tone of the fife to the mellifluous notes of a bass viol, and puts a little hair on his upper lip, and whispers one word in his heart, which, in the twinkling of an eye, changes his dreams and his destiny. That word is "love." W hat a world ot beauty it un folds to him! And how sudden is his transition from the mud puddle to the bath tub; from the "Molly Cottontail" to the "Molly Curley-head" ; from frolics in the haymow to meditation among the buttercups and clover blossoms; from yells to love songs; from unrestrained laughter to sickly smiles; from text-books to novels; from novels to the opera; from the opera to strolls in the meon light; and from the moonlight to lamplight in the parlor, where he sits behind closed doors in execu tive session, and holds her hand for an hour and never says a word! The world is aboquetof flowers to the boy whose heart is full of love. When I wa a gay country boy in my jeans and my teens, I was as green as the green, green grass, and innocent as Mary's lit C. II. TURNER, soup? What cares he for "sur- left, either in dress, conversation or appearance, while we had grown up green and unsophisti cated, and, if possible, more awk ward than ever. In the midst of our struggle to regain our equil ibrium the door opened again, and in stepped three elegantly dressed young gentlemen, who were evidently the beaux of our erstwhile sweethearts. The city swell always has supreme con tempt for a country boy, es pecially in the game of love. These young men laughed in our faces when we again put into execution our studied and prac ticed bows, and they gracefully sat down by the girls and began to pour out great sluices of non sense. They were kind enough, however, to fire a few questions at us, to which we replied in mon osyllables, and with more pers piration, which ran down our cheeks like the rain, until the paper collar of one of my cronies came in two; and he instantly sprang to his feet and broke for the door, closely followed by his two demoralized and completely routed comrades; and amid the protestations and appeals of the young ladies to remain longer, we made a rush for the street and vanished forevermore. The years rolled on, and we al found congenial spirits closer home, who made our hearts 7 Edens and our fireside paradise. One of my cronies became a splendid business man and private secretary to ti e governor of a great state; the other became a Sanitary Sunday. Statesville, N. 30 YEARS' EXPEKiZNCE - -- :. - : - . r?ACE Marks DESiGNS Cfi YR!CKTS &C. : r " t !l--cr:rtin icaj : whether au i-... ;-i' Patents - -"-;ir:i!2 patents. . : . v.jiin Je Co. receive i . m the - v --v-. I ireet cif -...-A 'I t-rn.s. f& a - - j i-.Y new stealers. - NswYcrk ?t Vah:oi;t-jn. I- C 3 What They Vil Do for You Th;y will ours your backachs, strengthen your kidneys, cor rect urinary irregularities, build cp the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre. ver.t Bright s Disease and Dia bates. and restore health and strength. Refuse substitutes. W . A- LESLIE. THE STANDARD -1 REHIECV FOR ALL FORMS Or H iRHEOiATiSil loin," so he has beef to eat? What cares he for "roast prairie chick en," so he gets chicken? What cares he for all the "a las" and "de la's" and "au juses" of the up-to-date menu? They are ' van ity and vexation of spirit" to him, in comparison with a good old-fashioned, well-cooked, big- dish home dinner, steaming like an engine, and tempting his ap petite with the mingling aromas of boiled cabbage and stewed tur nips, and mashed potatoes, and smoking biscuits, and corn dodg ers dodging behind the golden battlements of fresh country but ter, with big white pitchers sweating on the outside of cold buttermilk, and pumpkin pies laughing all over the table. If I wish to find a sure enough boy, I do not search for him m the parlor, but in the pantry. I I do not expect to find him in the drawing-room, but in the dining- room. He does not lurk in the library, but in the back yard with his game chickens and white rab bits and Billy goats, or in the fields, shouting and shooting in the glorious company of his faith ful dogs. The reason is that a boy loves his stomach better than poems and pictures; he loves na ture better than art. The truth is, he is nature's child; and the child loves to play close to the warm, throbbing heart of his mother. Nature furnishes him mud pud dles to wade in, and swimming holes to swim in, and stones to throw, and birds to throw at, and hills to coast on, and streams to fish in, and sunshine to warm in, and shade to cool in, and fruits and berries of every kind to eat, and "Molly Cottontails" to hunt, and a thousand other joys which bless h:s life. But soon-ihe hour comes when nature must wean her boy, and ' . i . . i it i tie lamb. I had two cronies who judge; while tne city swens wno were equally as green as I; and laughed in the faces of the inno we had a right to be green. The cent country lads were long since fields in which we played to- lost in the shuffle, and have gether were green, the trees that never been heard of among those shaded us were green, the wood- who have succeeded in the world, lands around us were green, and j I would not say aught to dis ,av0 qii vorv frmH nf tnrnin couraee the boys who dwell in greens. But we had seen the sunshine love the green fields into harvests of gold, and kiss the green mountains until they the cities and towns, for they have ten thousand advantages which a country boy never dreams of. The cities and towns are the turned purple with joy and pouted ; emporiums of art and science, their crimson lips to be kissed j and the great schools of poly- again; and in our jeans, and amid our greens we sighed for love and kisses. The sweethearts of our child technics and mechanical training; but the country is the nursery of poets and statesmen. I have seen snmethiner of life in both, and i . . i i ii. . i iL . hood, like little birds, had long my ooservation nas Deen uil ui siT,rP flnwn from the mountains country is the place to raise a t ii in a neio-hborintr citv. and boy, where the green hills and the reDort came to us like an echo beautiful landscapes broaden nis - i. i .i j Vr nnradisfi that thev still re- views, and where tne great moun membered us. and loved us. and tains point upward toward God wished that we might come. So, LUMOfiOO, SCIATICA, NEURALGIA, KiCHEY TROUBLES, GATAHRH, ASTHHA and KIH3RED DISEASES GIVES QUICK RELIEF At-r lied externally it affords almost in stant relief from pain, while perman ent results are beins effected by taking it internally, purifying the blood, dis- tne poisonous suhstanee ana removing it from the system. DR. C. L. GATES Bancnpk, Minn., writes: "A lurie frirl here had sneh a weak back t,y I'.heuntatism and Kidney Trouble ijj it eould not etand on her teec Tho m-mf-i.t they put her down on the iloor fhe f yyA Fcream v.lth pains. I treated her with i'Kols'and today shemnRerounri as well J' 4 Lappy as-;an be. I pieBcrlbe-S-DROPS" i jr my patients and use It In my practice." TEST "5-DROPS" I. tou are suffering with Rheumatism, luwau, Sciatica, Neuralgia. Kidney trout i.eor any kindred disease, write w.ustor a trial bottle of "5-DROPS." 5-drops ' is entirely free from "pi um, cocaine.morphine, alcohol, laud u;;:a uwi other similar ingredients. Large Sizz Bottle "S-DROPS" (300 Dose) j J!.un. Far sale by Druggists. RHEUMATIC CURE COFflPAH'' v Oct. 80. 174 Lake Street. Chicago rs3 m a lm LSsa Lisa FOOD FOR A YEAR Meat - - 300 lbs. Milk 240 qtsT Butter 100 lbs. Eggs 27 doz. Vegetables - 500 lbs. This represents a fair ra tion for a man for a year. But some people eat and eat and grow thinner. This means a defective digestion and unsuitable food. A large size bottle of Scott s Emulsion Cures Colds: Prevents Pneumonia equals in nourishing proper ties ten pounds of meat. Your physician can tell you how it does iL FOB SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS with butternut suits, and squeak ing boots, and our little wool hats with brims pushed up in front, we boarded the cars; and soon we were primping, and blacking, and brushing, and perspiring in the hotel, within five squares of the flounced and powdered enemy. At length an immense bull's eye watch in the trembling hands of one of my comrades an nounced that the hour for action had arrived, and we reennoi tprpri the crowded streets, won dering, fearing, doubting, dream ing dreams no mortal ever dared to dream btfore. " Far out in the country from whence we had come there was no such a thing as a doorbell, and si-ddenly'there was a ta ping, a or eome or e loudly rapping, rapping hard upon the door; and "the silken, sad, uncertain rustling" of our sweet hearts' skirts within "thrilled us, filled us with fantastic terrors" w had never felt before. Our holism ped o u- n the iifccivy paiifcieu uaK auor swune buck on noiseless hinges and the "century reeled" when .1 i"n thf hn ur ri r th b i. i- and practiced bows. Tnen ihr.- wa . a rubh tor three ehaiis h. the farthest corner of the p rlor, intj which we dropped with a thud, blushing and perspiring in occupied by thiec iiiiie fchpp : and sknttd dreams ol J wb.; Deckviirt: .-.iji per.-uaded ou coaxeu us u c-ii;-- .ict- -; we answered the chaileitgt& ai more blushes and more grins and perspiration. The cause of ouj dn adf ul embarrassment was our annalling discovery that our sweethearts had evolved into cul tured and refined young society 1 dies, with not a single tract the country girls we Used t. know Hadley's Comet Inhabited. The Augusta Herald cannot see why Hadley's comet, now near ing the" earth on its periodical visit after 76 years,, should not be inhabited by intelligent beings. Of course, if the planet is in habited," continues the Herald, "the people on it will be able to see the earth. The great Creator of the universe did not create the heavenly bodies to serve no pur pose except to swing around in space. He made the earth to be the habitation of man, and rea son teacht s us that other planets, stars and comets are likewise the dwelling places of intelligent be ings." To the Editor of The News-Herald : "Sanitary Sunday" is an nounced by the tuberculosis and health authorities for Sunday, November 28th. Dr, Charles A. Julian, Assistant Secretary for tuberculosis for the State Board ot Health, has issued the following open letter to the churches and church people of North Carolina: There is now being con ducted a campaign of educa tion for the study and prevention of tuberculosis in this State. Scientists now believe that the disease can be ch-cked, and not only check ed but obliterated and effaced from theearth,if a well organ ized attempt is made in the direction of assistance, and with keen sighted educational measureand superyiaion. But the fact remains that this battle against disease must be perpetuated by the people. Its success depends upon the organization of a fighting force in every community devoted to its object and in spired to a constant and unabated activity. Tuber culosis is a preyentable disease and must be prevented Tuberculosis kills more people and costs more money than all other communicable dis eases combined. But it will take a combined effort on the part of the entire people to prevent it. This campaign on tuberculosis is clearing up the whole local health situation. We cannot get control of tuberculosis without making it practially impossible for any of the filth or needless diseases to exist. In getting rid of this disease we will raise the whole standard of living for the average people. The prevention of the disease, rather than its cure, the removal of the causes and conditions conductive to diseases is a primary object of this effort. We would like this in formation to be brought to the attention of the ministers of North Carolina in view of request to make Sunday, November 28th, a sanitarv Jvibbath. un mat aay we nope that everv minister in the State will preach a specia health sermon, explain the little Red Cross Christmas stamp and its mission, explain the fight, against dis eases, explain the warfare tg;tin-t consumption and tppeal to the people to save themselves. We desire the service of the minister for our first "sanitarv Sabbath." Thomasville, N. C. Nov. 8, 1909. Electric Lighted Day Coaches on the Southern. Salisbury Poet. Wednesday the Southern railway placed on its road between Goldsboro and Greens boro the first electric-lighted day coach ever operated in North Carolina. It is one of the handsomest day coaches ever built, and two of this type hava been assigned to trains Nos. 21 and 22 between these points, the cars having been built by the Pullman Company for the Southern railway. The cars-are of a steel con struction and of mahogany wood work. They are brilliantly lighted by electricity, the current for lighting being generated by the car as it runs, and storage batteries that will carry the lights for 15 hours while the car is not moving. These cars each have a capacity for 85 passen gers. The Pennsylvania railroad and New York Central lines have also received a few of this style cars, but these are the first in the South, and greatly improve the service on these trains. f Royal sV-css and adds toiho"3si bj of tho food lV Four Fires in a Night in Rutherford County. Ruthfordton Dispatch. 5th, to Charlotte Observer- Four very disastrous fires occur red in different sections of this county last night, destroying Some of these cars have been much Property. The sawmill and in use on the Western division of COtton gin nouse 01 the Southern for two weeks. Statesville Landmark. A SCALDED BOY'S SHRIEKS horrified his grandmother, Mrs. Maria Taylor, of Nebo, Ky., who writes that, when all thought he would die, Buck lea's Arnica Salve wholly cured him. Infallible for Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Corns, Wounds, Bruises. Cures Fever Sores, Boils, Skin Eruptions, Chil blains, Chapped Hands. Soon routs Piles. 25c. at W. A. Leslie's. Mr. B. B. Ebwards, of Ellenboro, together with the contents, a large amount of cotton seed and a car load of lumber that had been dressed and loaded on the side tracks ready for shipment, were all totally destroyed. Mr. Edwards, it is said, had no insurance. He carried insurance up to a short time ago, but had let it run out His loss is something over $7,000. Mr. John R. Washburn, a pros- private perous Broad river merchant and farmer, was also a sufferer from the same cause. His double crib?, containing 200 bushels of corn, 75 bushels of oats, and a bale of cotton stored under a shed at tached to the cribs, were all con sumed by flames. The cause of the fire is not known. It is also reported that the Piney Knob Baptist church and the White school house in the upper part of the county were also burned last night. YOUNG GIRLS ARE VICTIMS of headache, as well as older women, but all get quick relief and prompt cure from Dr. King's New Life Pills, the world's best remedy for sick and ner vous headaches. They make pure blood, and strong nerves and build up your health. Try them. 25c. at W. A. Leslie's. F01EYSH0MMCAR for chltdnnt Mate. sure. No oola Railroad tracks are property and persons who walk on them are trespassers. While it might be too radical a depart ure to make track-walking an of fence, the law should certainly be changed so that persons in jured while walking on the tracks could not recover damages. As it is now, trespassers walk on the yil visit Morganton, 5th Visit, on Monday, November 22nd, railroad tracks, m some cases lie down on them and go to sleep, and if they are killed or injured the road in most cases has to pay damages. This is the rank est sort of injustice, but it is a custom which it will be hard to change. Statesville Landmark. DR. FRANCIS S. PACKARD OF GREENSBORO, N. C. Expert Physician,' Surgeon and Specialist Hotel Morgan, and every month regularly thereafter. fMA nnltt-Jtehirnlns: Everv Umirn. 8:00 A. M. to UIIBjUCiy Ulliy Four Weeks 11 U 111 Us 6:00 P. M. BrliishCanadian If vou have nociced symptoms of kid ney not delay in taking the most reliable ana depenaaDie remeay nossible. such as DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. These wonderful pills are being used with great satisfaction by thousands of people. Try DeWitt's Kidnev and Bladder Pills to-day. Sold by all druggists. F0ISYSH0HEMAB tops time cough and Heals lungs. "atarrh of the Stomach a Prevalent Disease Difficult to Relieve. A PROMPT AND EFFICIENT REMEDY. Medical Expert, Surgeon and Diagnostician. Dr. Packard has been educated in and grad uated from the best hospitals and colleges of Europe and America. . Special ExaminerUnited States Pension Bureau. Consultation and Exam' ination Free, Invited & Strictly Confidential. No cases taken or treated without a per sonal examination con sultation or interview. Ho mail order business done or correspondence solicited Read this carefully. II you orr in good health, oive it to a sick friend who will thank you. " "-xxav.." -A V- : ' r I F R -lOLIC o- anr l' w i t otible Dr Bell's Anti P liHC.s iem.tic, relieves al mo-1 nstantly- Also goo 1 for exernal pa. lis. Send 10c., name of paper and this ad. for onr beautiful Savings Bank and Child's Sketch-Book. Each bank contains a Good Luck Penny. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St. New York North Carolina's school fund : ,-e?er.t ear is $3,294,231. ;i gain over tlut of las year oi $413,013. This is the State fund, and the amount raised by local t-x-.t?!4'" 1 "s - like patisfaotor i' Worth O rn .. rfiVt ..uiu ; c boards i'oi building purposes. Tht same Kina 01 an mv m n amount of money devoted to edu cational purposes is found ii Southern State. This snow that wi'.n the remarKao'e -xrtu j, of agricul. al nnd interests the is oneriiig ueittii mu BUND. Mrs. wriit-i- Su act my all gold." Eilie Tiler, Ravena, 1 wasbinn: ;t a :;i:. t-ilatu's K.iff , I ke a ciia- m Tex., : . ed t Eit- Sa v- it It cut U t s-c off es v nd i estorf U my s ht IS ti r.l im nut vv i'i. its vei.i in 25 cents a tube. t m or faciii aes tor tne people w n , thfi homes in that porti . . e cvUiitry. - a-TrtVUT-n TT t GCX'D COUCii.3 ME.l'ltyli.Ni-' CRILDRKN AND GKOWh FOLKS IOO. "We could hardlv do without Civ, nx hi Iain's tv.ujrh Remedy. says :-r.i !o-r :in of R'od. Ky "I 'U' 1 n'll r"-t riun foiUs, ti. the implicit c nfi mothers place in hamberlain's Cough Remedy, a con ,un,-i.h;ls.doniiiaiiv years experi in Oi mint tilt ' 1 "" in children ani fhe above shows dence that many No one need Ii' . . . . . e hi f m, o l. druggists. Mr. S. "W. Jackson, 315 Weaver Block, j Jreenville, Ohio, says: "While I was i superintendent of construction of J. 3?. I Sender and Bros.' Co., of Hamilton, Dhio, I became entirely unfit for busi ness with catarrh of the stomach. "A friend called my attention to a remedy for this condition. I began to Improve at once. I was soon able to re turn to my former profession. "It would require many pages to de scribe thecondition I was in and the re lief J have obtained." Here is another case. Officer George Y. Stout, 724 North Broadway, Balti more, Md., says : "I suffered very much with catarrh of the stomach and ner vous indigestion. I lost fifty pounds in four months. A friend called my attention to a remedy, which I used, and gradually got well. I have gained half my lost weight back again." Chronic Stomach Trouble. ... . A-t art - AV. Mr. Robert J. Uiuespie, r ooum Main St., IiOS Angeles, Cal;, secretary of Lather's International Union, was also suffering from catarrh of the stom ach a long time. He grew thinner and paler, lost all ambition and appetite. Sick at the stomach, indigestion con tinuaUy. A friend also caUed his attention to a remedy, which brought about a de cided improvement. After continuing the use of the remedy for a month, he considers himself permanently reUeved. Now, once more. Mr. Christian Hof man. Slatineton. Pa., says he suffered for many years with catarrh of the stomach. It produced a miserable .outrh. dav and night. He tried doctors and manv remedies. At last his atten tion was caned to a remedy, the same i-Amerlv that reUeved the others which he been referred to above. He claims that he was entirely rid of hia stomach difficulty. Pt.rn.nn "RronffM Back Health. virl, -era a the remedy that haa wrought this remarkable relief! coiar. tho rmedv has not been mentioned. If any one doubts the correctness of statements it is very easy io er if v them by writing to the people whose names have been given, euuvui6 tanin for reulv. The remedy is within the reach of verv one. It is simply the good, old TMiis.hla remedv known as Pertm a. ' If the truth were known, the proba bilities are that Peruna has relieved as many cases of catarrh of the stomach as any other popular remedy in exis- " tence. We have a great many unsolic ited testimonials from all parts of the United States, declaring in strong and enthusiastic terms that Peruna has en tirely relieved them of catarrh of the stomach, that they were wretched and miserable beyond words, but Peruna has restored them to health, vigor and happiness. These are the facts. Now, if you have stomach difficulty, it is up to you to act upon them or ignore them, as you please. Symptoms of Stomach Catarrh. "The affection may result from errors in diet, or the use of alcohol. The ex cessive use of tobacco, especially whe the juice or the leaves are swallowed, is likely to cause it. 'Highly seasoned or coarse, irritating foods, sometimes induce the disease. "As chionic gastritis (catarrh of the stomach) is essentially a secondary affection, one of the primary causes w an unhealthy state of the mouth, nose or throat, 6uch as bad teeth or catarrh of the nose (ozena). The patients are usually poorly nourished, pale, sallow, thin, fatigue easily induced, muscles flabby. Losa of appetite or capricious appetite. The tongue is usually coated brown ish gray. Cankered mouth is a com mon occurrence.- "Pain is not common. When present it is usually dull, and is aggravated by food, especially when this is or an irri tating character. 'Vomiting may occur in the morning. Also after meals. Sickness to the stonv ach frequent and persistent. "Food produces dull headache, and a feeline of eeneral nervous distress. Constipation usually quite marked." These symptoms, given by Gould and Pyle, coincideexactly with the frequent descriptions Dr. Hartman is receiving from patients all over the United States. If you have any of these symptoms pet a bottle of Peruna. Take a dose be fore each meal. See if your stomach does ,not immediately feel better, your appetite improve, your digestion at once resume business. People who object to liquid medicines can now secure Peruna tablets. Consultation & Exaniination at all times FREE and Invited. replaced Medical Expert in Treatment of Chronic Diseases of Men, Women and Children. C.. Packard has made more remarkable cures in the Southern States than any living physi cian. No incurable cases taken for treatment. All cases taken for treatment will be guar anteed a cure, I see all patients in person. No substitutes or assistants employed or trusted. Minors without their par ents or wives without their husbands will not be ad mitted t o consultation unless accompanied by their local physician. in a very few minute, or any complicated . j T take for mediately J. Ctire lO Biay t"' J .r": ..lin,. In men. treatment. Surgical Cases 1 trea .T ' ,Tl"i.nrl he aid of the 'general Prac- eration or Buttering, w unou ' V' a ;",:- And if vou have tried everything reform, without detention from Business or t.t.oner A"1.",, want to get well rXorth Carolina Doctor revered and See T?T7n S licensed by the State for there of all Ner- P"?.8? is a re for you,, will oV: All "Nervous Wseases, f"c-.,!U? NMATTER - What your ailment may thenia, in euraigia, """Vi"""' d" i: T,. vn MATTER what others may have tola bihty, Spinal f'rVZ. vn,'.. No Matter what your experience may hit a ar- r- ;i 1 1 1 ii v kjn rvni. v - ' t t . . - - . l i ni c- like Dizziness, Sleeplessness, tteaaacne , or -w V" titutions or Patent Medicines. spells. Disease's of it will be to jour advanta to see this re i Ke.rnfula.Ecze- markaWe Doctor of tNULANU, everjwnere to be the greatest center or Epilepsy, .... . n rr ii 1.1 n in' - . . , tne uiooa or okui hd .. . , --- Ulcers, Tumors, urowius, ;;r ; fh-WOrld today. Go pimples, etc. He wants to meet au s ck per- -for settled in your mind sons wno suuer ""a? i j- . ; vmir -ae is one for which a cure can Obstipation, intestinal jTyour case is cural,.e, he wi.l put lernia, Rupture of you on treatment at once give ou .u . . i i:;; p itiliinir h pfd fiUcn meuicim-n v. ' ' - ' , , TT Character. If incurable. Ha tell you so, and give you such coun- 111 ii. urutiutiiitg v. . . , -ii Taneworm. Diseases of the aver, sucn as eu- w.. rnln,1B- vour life. . . - i : i . A .nnpp&nnn. sei anu nivnc j i- . , largement or uispnn-im-v, . "u: " " .cr'iurrMRP.R This is not a scheme or eaten Cirrhosis, hardening or engorgement - D.seas- fff'0&nJ0ey and run, as is Vrri S?iijtnu: or burning Urine, ueu weiiins or wuxh"-- - -r - , E Statement here made Urination.Sexual Impotence . weakness or rri- self "TVue. A visit for Consul tabilitv. Diseases of the bladder. Catarrh in eranteea &s . .OKt VOI1 noth. all its forms. Purulent, discharging or ury iai.o -"v,;"--whatever. If Catarrh of the i head .Throat . w oi - t;atent be decided on and given you. it chial tubes. . Stomach, Bladd Kidney or wtMi oe perfect health, and may Systemic. This enemy oi w ""T . .v. T, thV Ravine of vour life. A Nominal foe aninri" Sdlen:wCm"h,odf ? X the Case can be treat CS' Asfhrin all its . forms. Con- ed with a view to s cure . Tonr. &tosZe Curer Disease's of" Women, Life instead of a Pleasure becomes a misera- or Ovarian are most successiuny via "irr , treated. Uterine or U7""0?. S "JZ iX. Remember the Date and Place. Uispiacementa m to Mm On the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month, very low fare round trio tickets will be sold via the Cotton Belt Route to points in Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma. Take advantage of . these low fares and investigate the wonderful opportunites now open in the Southwest. The 25 day return limit gives you ample time, and you can stop over both going and returning. The Direct Line to Texas The Cotton Belt is the direct line from Memphis to the Southwest, through Arkansas. It operates two daily trains, carrying through sleepers, chair cars and parloreafe cars. Trains from all points make direct connection at Memphis with Cotton Belt trains for the Southwest. Do not delay vour "trip to the ' Southwest until the hip- oDDcrtunities are eone write me to-day where you want to go and I will show you how rhean vou can make the trio and give you complete schedule, etc. I will also send vou free our books on Texas and Arkansas, with County map in colors. H. H. SUTTON, District Passenger Agent, H. E. ALLEN, Passenger Agent. 109 W. 9th St, Chattanooga, Term. StY .ilfr-f-t-Tf 1 . ri "rtk m i . v v viii oz.v r I I ill! riTwV J T