The NEWs-ritRALD.ljgf f. G. COBB, Publisher. THURSDAY, DEC. 23, 1909. "God Bless Christmas." 1 have always thought of Christmas time as a good time; a kind, forgiving, generous, pleas ant time; a time when men and women and little children seem by one consent to open their hearts freely; and so I say, "God bless Christmas!" Charles Dickens. 'Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, ye have done it unto mo. In making your Christmas of ferings to charity, you will find no more worthy object than the work of the North Carolina Chil dren's Home Society, at Greensboro. It is a non-denominational so ciety doing a great work for the homeless children of the State finding homes for them. Contributions sent to The News-Herald will be gladly for warded, or contributions may be sent direct to the N. C. Chil dren's Home Society, at Greens boro. N. C. A former Burke county boy, Mr. E. L. Sides, is financial sec retary of the society. Many of our country friends have been in the past week to tell us that they heartily agree with us in our advocacy of a bond issue for good roads, which is indeed gratifying. When you get it into your head that the thinking country people are not for the issue and progress you are very much mistaken. They are more enthusiastic than we expected. They realize that it is to their interest, above all, to have good roads. The defeat of Speaker Cannon is alway in the future, never in the present. It is a constant wonder how this bold, bad man pursues his nefarious course in disregard of the confident pre d'ctions of his overthrow. So many political patriots (thieves) have been turned out of the New York custom house that we wonder what the G. 0. P. will do for ward organizations during the next year's political fight. We are threatened with an other epidemic of the Thaw troubles, just as we are getting ready to celebrate the season of peace on earth and good will to all men. In some parts of Australia snakes are highly esteemed as food. Sooner or later a snake trust will appear in that country, sure as you are an "ultimate consumer." In relation to the $3,800 just paid for a small volume of Poe's Works, the thought cccurs that Mr. Poe could have used the money on many occasions. Judging from the way beef is going up, the fancy of "the cow jumping over the moon" will soon develop into a fact. Economize, says Taft All right, says the country. Just what we are doing, because we have to. The Christmas gift that costs more heart than money is the mo3t appreciated. SOMETHING JUST AS GOOD can only be the case when it is another bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. Every bottle the same. Look for the bell on the bottle. King Leopard of Belgium Dead. King Leopold, of Belgium, died at Brussells early Friday morning. He had been critically ill for several days and an opera tion wras performed as a last hope. He survived the operation but a short time. Prince Albert, a nephew of Leopold, succeeds to the throne of Belgium. HE XAMETHYLENETETRAMINE The above is the name of a German chemical, which is one of the many val uable ingredients of Foley's Kidney Remedy. Hexamethylenetetramine is recognized by medical text books and authorities as a uric acid solvent and antiseptic for the urine. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice any irregularities and avoid a serious malady. W. A. Leslie. A CHRISTMAS SENTIMENT. JUNIUS A. MATHESON. c HRISTMAS again a retrospective pause in the scale of life's memo ries. A time when men and wom en everywhere unconsciously take from their dark recesses the heart's negatives and expose them to the bright sunlight of unself ish interest and kindly regard, to be developed again into living images of un forgotten faces-each joyously waiting to pledge again a mutual faith and trust and love. A happy, a delightful time it is giving to each of us an equal opportunity to put our own selfish thoughts and interests in the background the happiness of our friends in the foreground; and to wish for each the joys and the happiness that come from a renewed assurance that neither time nor distance has dimmed memory's sensative plate. This is my Christmas Sentiment, and I send it to you. with all good will, in the Spirit of Christmas. BIG YIELDS OF CORN BY BOYS. The Christinas of Charity and Kind ness. Baltimore Sun. The smile of Christmas is on the faces of thousands who are planning pleasant surprises and making gifts for their loved ones. It lightens up the household and puts the community in a better humor. The shops are in their holiday garb, and the red and green of the season are festooned around the whole city. For the prosperous and those in good cir cumstances Christmas is the most joyous time of all the year. But to the very poor, to the idle, the unfortunate, the penniless, the gayety all around them only increases by contrast their sense of poverty and misfortune. Can't you do something to help those less fortunate than your self? Can't you bring the Christmas smile to some sad face? The tendency with most of us is to confine our holiday efforts to our own families and friends with "a world of strife shut out, a world of love shut in." But our activites should be broader tnan tnis. we would enjoy our own good things more, would in 1 J crease tne pleasure oi our possessions, by sharing them with the poor and needy. That slen der mother who is working hard day and night to support her little children would appreciate more than words can tell not only food and confections, but the visit that shows her that there are still friends left in the world. That old man, bent with the weight of years and suffering, would treasure the smallest gift that showed that there were still kind hearts around him. The little children who have no Santa Claus to bestow his bounty un them will laugh and clap their hands in glee when some Lady Bountiful comes laden with wonderful toys and sweets. Charity and kindness give a significance to Christmas that it lacks for the selfish and thought less. Comfort for the sick, aid for the poor, cheer for the downcast, joy lor tne children you can give them all; and they will re turn to you increased many fold J.U 1 1 . . iii inv eiinancea enjoyment oi a holiday that is rich in good deeds. pair of mules for salp nt Kiverside Park. The Secretary of Agriculture Honors the Boys, Prize Winners in the Boys' Cera Club Contests. Correspondence of The News-Herald. There was an interesting oc casion in the office of the Secre tary of Agriculture December 14, 1909, at 9:30 o'clock. Secretary Wilson presented diplomas .to Bascomb Usher-of South Caroli na, DeWitt Lundy of Mississippi, Elmer Halter of Arkansas, and Ralph Bellwood of Virginia. These boys were among the 12,500 in the Boys' Demonstra tion Work in the South who planted one acre of corn apiece and worked it under instructions from the United States Depart ment of Agriculture. Dr. S. A. Knapp, who has charge of the Farm Demonstration Work off ered a trip to Washington- to the boy in Mississippi who should get the best results. The State Bankers' Association in Arkan sas offered a similar prize in that State. Citizens of South Caroli na and Virginia duplicated the offers there. The above named boys, all un der eighteen years of age, visited the Department of Agriculture and other interesting sights of the Capital, and were received by the President. Thousands of dollars' worth of prizes have been offered this year to these Boys' Clubs in the South by merchants, boards of trade and public spirited citizens generally, under regulations fur nished by the United States De partment of Agriculture. These regulations do not encourage freak yields, but are drawn to encourage profitable farming. The basis of awards rests on showing of profits, written rec ords, exhibits of ears and yield per acre. The greatest yield does not get the prize in every case. Still there were some fine yields this year. The prize win ner from South Carolina made 152J bushels per acre; a boy in Mississippi made 147 bushels; a boy in North Carolina made 135 bushels, and the Virginia winner 122 bushels. More than fifty boys made over 100 bushels. In several counties no boy fell be low 50 bushels per acre, and the club average was about 60. Arrangements are-being made in all of the Southern States to send the prize winner to Wash ington next year. In a brief address to the boys, Secretary Wilson declared that ooqooooooooooooooooocooooo UUUODOUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO go oo 88 Dirt 88 oo In Town and County at 88 Dirt 88 Cheap Prices. 88 8 Dirt oo OO xs. u oo gg In Town with a House on. it for gg co nenz or ior sale. no OO Morganton Insurance & Realty Co., 88 OO FRED L- HUFFMAN, Manager. gg OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooooooooooooooooooo Scott's Emulsion is a wonderful food-medicine for all ages of man kind. It will make the delicate,sickly baby strong and well will give the pale, anemic girl rosy cheeks and rich, red blood. It will put flesh on the bones of the tired, over worked, thin man, and will keep the aged man or woman in condition to resist colds or pneumonia in the winter. FO"P.ATE BY AIX DBUOOIST3 Bend 10c. name of. paper and this ad. tor our beautiful Barings Bank and fchlld'a Sketch-Book. Xach bank contains a Good Luck tenny. SCOTT & BOWNE. 409 Pearl St. New York Don't let this Christmas go by without getting a Victor or a Victrola. Take your choice a Victor for $10, $17.50, $25, $32.50, $40, $50, $60 or $100; a Victrola for $125, $200 or $250. Why not come in today and hear these instru ments no obligation to buy. If you do want to buy, we'll arrange terms to suit. CLAYWELL BROTHERS, FURNITURE, CLASSWARE AND CHINA, Morganton, N. C they and the boys engaged in like work are "the only hope we have for the continued greatness and prosperity of the country." He pointed out that the South now, in agriculture and in manu facturing, was prospering as never before, because the men and women of the South had put into the work their own energy and ability and in no sense were dependent upon the capital or the industry of people from other parts of the country. "These diplomas," he con cluded, "are unique. No boys ever have received a similar recognition of their merit. Noth ing I have done since I have been Secretary of Agriculture has given me more pleasure than to present them to you. You have earned them. You have begun right. You now are in line to achieve the highest honors of your respective states." Prof. W. H. Smith, County Superintendent of Holmes coun ty, Mississippi, and one of the leaders in the Boys' Corn Club movement of the Farmers' Co operative Demonstration Work came to Washington to witness this interesting event Washington, Dec. 20, 1909. State op Ohio, City of Toledo, f S3. Lucus County. ) Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.. doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's CataiTh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my pres ence, this 6th day of December. A. D, 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO,, Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggrists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Fresh, Pc'tf Elf' T i V1 FOR 1 ptj. Radish . 1 peg. SHMiro.imj (ery . : 1 pk. Early (and.,. " . .'. 1 par. Full.rtoa Harlot lti," .'hoieH.I.s,ltl . Write today! Send 10 nts h j packing and receive theal...v f. r r"M. , gather with our Kw and lr.raHT ' , -'j GREAT KORluSVS:? 1416 Kose St. kZ.1 . Last Call for Christo a YOU CAN'T GET THAT CHRISTMAS GIFT FROM BURKE DRUG COMPANY ANY TOO SOON. Nowhere else in this locality will you find a larger, finer or better assorted stock gift goods than we show. So do not think of buying a gift until you hrve seen our stock. We have done things in a big way this season, what is more important, we have been able to reduce prices by our buying on these splendid goods. X-MAS CHINA. Special dainty pieces that China lovers are always glad to receive. If you make any gift of China be sure to get them here. 1 0c. to $5 X-MAS BRUSHES. Every kind you want, but especially Hair and Cloth Brushes, with Sterling silver backs will just suit as a gift. See our splendid stock. X-MAS NOVELTIES. Splendid assortment of the little things in the nov elty line that make too big a list to publish here, but you know our stock is alway full. X-MAS STATIONERY. Fancy kinds in fancy boxes. Everything fancy but the price. In fact plain prices are the rule here on everything. X-MAS COMBS. Druggists always have the best stock of Combs all the year round, then when we stock them specially for Christmas you may expect something great. We have it here. V-MAS CUT GLASS. Makes a high quality, lafting present, and the va riety here is so big. You can find something for 'everybody. ' X-MAS CIGARS. A fine stock that will at once appeal to ladies who have a present in cigars in mind. Special attractive boxes for gifts. $1.00 V-MAS PIPES. Thousands of Pipes given as presents every Christmas, and they make an appropriate gift, too. Every kind here. Every price. 25c. to $6.00 X-MAS HAND BAGS. Ladies' Hand Bags in Leather and Chain designs have attracted much atten- X-MAS DRUGS. Of course tho; o v, lots of need for :; Medicines even in ;!: tion in our store. If you j days of Christmas, V-MAS CANDY. No one thinks of Ch inas without candv. could not. Sjc (h2 ; stock we have ar.d vou know what Clu:Jv ." Christma mean. Always nr(:-:;ii-:! a gift and always p-;( even where otht:' ; -. not be. This :s true of our sttk. have a gift in mind, be sure to get one. 50c. to $5.00 forget stock. our verv Buy your Christmas gift things here and you will have reason to fiava A Merry Chrismas. BURKE DRUG COMPANY, If U U it; iff i& li i) vi Y our Price For a Suit or vereoat b And we will show you a splendid assortment to choose from well wEihin ! the limit you have fixed. if ii ill iJ ur stocks are selected with a view to gratifying all the vagaries of taste as v Jjj as meeting all the intentions as to outlay. We have a good selection to offer f. Hi JjJ That fulfill the highest expectations of elegance. All our garments are honest il'i Hi $5 to $25 the inside (the unseen as well as the obvious) and retain their shape. AH our fo ments are guaranteed to give entire satisfaction backed by our unblemished t ; tation of sixteen years standing. v Our clothing never fails to yield the purchaser a long period of cr viceability and that self-complacency which comes with beinp v. S n WE WOULD BE WELL PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THROUGH OUR LIN of Suits. (1 groomed. i i vi v Ht vl iti Hi Hi (4 ili Hi & iC3 Overcoats. ats and Furnishings. LAZARUS BRO f i i i