i'f V'.... f ,Di HUNTING j Siws-Hs-ald Office f y, Tt'OBK AT ih w ' IE NEVS-HBRALDo T. G. COBB, Publisher. THE BURKE COUNTY NEWS 1 Consolidated Nev. 29.1901 THEMOR.GANTON HERAID i Subscription Price, $i Per Year In Advance VOL. XXVI. MORG-ANTON, N C., DECEMBER 1, 1910. No. 33 The Ins-Herald i-ia thf i 4 f Best Advertising J Medium 1 ft jj FH2DM0NT SECTION? J WHEN YOUS FOOD DOES NOT DIGEST -well and you feel "blue" and tired and discouraged, you should use SIMMONS RED 2 LIVER REGULATOR (TIIE TOVVDER FORM) , sweetens the stomach and strengthens th time restores a fine feeling the bowel organs. A dose taken at bed ;i::d energy. SOLD BY DEALERS. FfllCK. LARGE MCUaL ftLOO. vi-.iTi1 v. itb the Red Z on the label. It yon cannot get It veoilt to n. w. will ii. i. S'liiti-Kiia Liver Kt-sulaior is put up also iu liquid lorm lor tboae who prefer r Louk for the Ked Z label. J. H. ZE1L1N &. CO.. PROPS.. ST. LOUIS. MO. v n A T In L I J l j str: biT on-ga--- A. en Evans neiglibor- .iid office acre lot, bar- the -"'A. ERY. Jr. THE CORN EXPOSITION. 1 1: 5 t.. ': i t.s c: cMVtta b v ej i Csrcui, izr your female s, because wa are sure it -l'.z y:u. Remember that ra: female remedy j ha: brrught relief to thousands of i 0" . : wemen, so why not to I jcu? Far headache, backache, pe: :a';-l pair.s, female weak- B:-::, r.ar.v have said it is "the j be;: rr.edlcir.s to take." Try it! Ii Sold in This City ' rough, : i c k I v -: " N This is an ideal preparation for keeping the skin smooth and wh.e and the completion fair and beautiful. I: is a f.r.e, greaseless, fragTant to:'.;t cresm. A rr.ild, harmless bleach, which every woman who values her ap pearance should use regularly. Get it at any A. D. S. Drug It Will Give Prizes for Both Quality and Quanity Great Success in Ptos pect. The South Atlantic Corn Expo sition, to be held in Columbia. December 5-8, 1910, which is the fivst undertaking of its kind at tempted in the South, gives every promise of being a great success. The State Corn Contest and the Boys' Corn Clubs have developed and are still developing the pub lic interest in the matter of yields of corn. Now, that so much has been accomplished in that direc tion, this Corn Exposition is to D3 held with a view of setting the machinery in motion to im- ..... V, nlU.. -T Al , jjujvc mc quality vjj. wie cum raised in this and our sister States, to stimulate breeding ! work and make corn bring more i ! per bushel. j No one should fail to compete i and send exhibits to the exposi- tlon because he has read of one I man or boy making a phenomen j al yield. At the exposition all ex ' hibits will be judged as to quali ty whether they are from lots of corn from the large producing areas or not. They will be scien tifically judged and scored and the corn from a low yield field stands an equal chance with any other. I would, therefore, urge all corn growers, men or boys, who have what they consider good corn, either prolific or single ear, white or yellow, to apply at once to M. J. Miller, Superintendent of Entries, Department of Agri culture. Columbia, S. C, for premium list?, entry blanks and shipping" instructions, and enter the competition. The prizes are numerous and handsome, and at the present stage of development of corn growing one man stands as good a chance at these prizes as another. Entries should be made at once. A. D. Hudson. Chairman of Commission. CHAMPION BOY CORN-GROWER. Jerry Moore of Florence County, S.C., Has Taken Something Like A Thousand Dollars in Prizes. Stor 'cmpany. I A PROMPT. EFFECTIVE H PA MEDY FOR ALL FORMS OF j !H,AT!3t,; 11 ;j-r.;hz-ja. Sciatica, Neuralgia, iZsdney Trouble and Kindred Dlmeamea Apri.'d externally It affords almost ln-v-mt roiief from pain, while permanent r'- -u t are being effected by taking it In "aa .y. purifying the blood, dissolving !.j;sonous substance and removing it j ie system. DR. C. L. GATES nrock, Minn., writes: A tiu.e trir. here hart such a weak harkf.nfMi v kiieumatlsm nd Kidney Trouble that she ' id not itand on her feet. The moment they i !' .t h-r down on the floor she won:d acream 'ni.aina I treated her with "S.DROPS" .ml . ;..y the runs around aa well and hannr as ran l i-rt-serlbe '5-IKOrV tot my patients and 1 'iie niu mj practice. An Editor Sentenced to Jail. F. D. Warren, of Girard, Kan., editor of "Appeal to Reason," a Socialist nublication, must serve a term of six months in the Fed eral prison at Leavenworth, Kan., and pay a fine of $1,000 imposed by a jury in the United States Court in Kansas. The sentence of that court has been affirmed by an order of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals. Warren was accused of sending through the mails envelopes on the outside of which was printed: "One thousand dollars will be paid to any person who kidnaps ex-Governor Taylor and returns him to the Kentucky authori ty." The indictment charged that the words were defamatory and threatening, and intended to re flect injuriously on the character of William S. Taylor, former Governor of Kentucky. Warren has given notice of appeal to the United States Supreme Court P. C. Whitlock. Florence. S. C. In Charlotte Ob server. It was Emerson, wasn't it, who said if a man could do something better than anybody else the world would beat a path to his door? Well, the path to Jerry Moore's house is getting pretty slick. I added the weight of my footsteps, so to speak, to-day, though I was in an automobile Jerry is the champion boy corn grower of the world. He lives in the county of Florence, and State of South Carolina, near the station with the winsome name of "Winona." His father, Rev. J. H. Moore, is a Methodist preacher, and they live in the parsonage hard by the little brick church of Liberty chapel. As we turned in and stopped the engine at the front gate, we knew we had struck the right place by the incredible path of corn stalks off to one side. In front of the barn door was a lit tle slip of a fellow in blue over alls and brogan shoes. He was tying a hamestring on a big awk ward horse. As he was the only one in sight, we greeted him by asking: "Are you the fellow that raised the corn?" "I am the one," h answered. And so here we were face to face with a hero. If Dean Swift had known Jer ry Moore when he was talking about the man who made two blades of grass grow where only one grew before, what would he have said. Jerry made 228 bushels and 3 pecks of corn grow where only about ten bushels had grown before. Heroes do not look like heroes. Jerry Moore is 15 years old and small for his age. He might tip the beam at 65 pounds, but it would be close. He is a modest, demure lad, and does not seem to think it any big thing to be the champion of the world. He showed us his pile of corn and what a pile it was to come off of one acre of land! He had it shucked and planked off in one end of the crib, and overflowing innumerable barrels and boxes besides. We asked him what he would take for an ear. "I'll give you an ear," he said. And he went in the house and brought out two fine ones that he had picked out "Here's one for each of you," he said. I told him I would write him up for the ear of corn. He said, "I have been wrote up enough already." We asked him for the facts, and he went in the house again and brought out a copy of the latest issue of The Manufactur er's Record. Awkwardly turn ing the big pages, he found a place with a blue pencil mark around it "Here is the record in here." he said, "you can read it for yourself." And so we read how Jerry Moore, of Winona, S. C, made the wonderful record of raising 228 bushels of corn on an acre of land. I send the article along just as he tore it out of the pa ner fcr me. I don't know but x. that you have copied it already from some of the papers. If not you can use such portions of it as you see fit There are some mis takes m the piece, tnough, 1 am quite sure the "cold distributer" mentioned is a "Cole" distribu ter, made in Charlotte. Jerry planted Botts' Prolific corn. This came from North Carolina, also. Mr. Botts made 226 bushels on an acre in Wake county last year. Jerry beat him with his own seed. One might ask what sort oi land this boy raised his corn on. It is poor sandy land, such at hundreds cf farmers in North and South Carolina have worn out and moved away from be cause they thought they couldn't make a living on it. The most significant thing about the story of Jerry Moore is the indomitable grit and courage of the boy. Think of hauling 300 wagonloads of rich dirt out of the swamps and branches, and then 50 loads of stable manure. Jerry didn't go after that prize in a half-handed fash ion. He went after it to get it and he got it. In fact he dosen't know how many prizes he did get Some say they will amount to $1,000. I haven't investigated to find out I know one thing: Jerry Moore is a smart boy, and his father ought to be proud of him. Mr. the McKesson Always Equal to Occasion. Statesville Landmark. The Democrats of Burke, a few nights ago, celebrated in Mor ganton the recent Democratic victory. After various Demo cratic orators had spoken the called on Postmaster Charlie Mc Kesson, who was a spectator, tc say a few words at the funeral of his party, so to speak. Char lie was equal to the occasion, as asual, as the following report of the Raleigh News and Observer'? correspondent shows: He McKesson hesitated a Til Ten-Mile Race Between Rutherford and Lenoir Colleges Dec. 5th. Correspondence of The News-Herald. Everything is being put in readiness for the ten-mile relay race between Rutherford and Lenoir colleges. The race will begin about a mile below Con nelly Springs, run by way of Hildebrand. and end by the pub lic square in Hickory. The miles have all been marked off, and the people along the road are re quested to see that their dogs do not interfere with the runners. At three o'clock sharp, Mon day afternoon, December 5th, as the pistol shot rings out, the race will begin. Written mes sages to be deliyered at Hickory will have been given to the rep resentatives of each school who are to start the race and run the first mile. Each of these two J men will run at nis pest s-prca for his mile, and as he nears the end of that mile the judges there awaiting him will line up two other men, one from each school. As each runner comes up he hands his message to the second runner from his school, and that man starts right off without waiting for the other fellow. Of course the latter also arrives in a few moments, hands his message to his mate, and that one then starts off to overtake and out strip his opponent Thus the . race will continue witn varying prospects for the entire ten miles and no time will be lost Some of the teachers from each school will follow the runners for the whole course. Each runner's individual time will be recorded, so that the peo ple can tell just where the ra.e was lost or won. About four o'clock the two men on the tenth mile will dash in sight of the square at Hickory, and in a few moments thereafter the race will be over. Should the roads not be m good condition on the fifth, the race will be postponed until the twelfth. All members of the teams have been training for some weeks, running a mile every day. The sport will be very interesting ana some gooo records will be made. ANSWERS EVERY CALL. rr mm v - Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Chicago, 111. "I was troubled with felling and iiiliarjirr,j ii-ju, and the doc- tors said I could not well xiiiloss i 1 au opr ration wmSflf I ecu'id not &jjcaiiu tha strain oi "lioue, so I wrote tc ViViVOli Somf'tlTilfl arrr. h s - ry : aLont my health livnd you told me v.iiat to do. Aftei taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound and Blood Purifier T am to-oaya well woman." Mrs. William Aureus, 983 W. 2lst St., Chicago, 111. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harm ful drnors, and to-day holds the record for the larareet number of actual cures of female diseases or any similar raedi cine in the country, and thousands of voluntary testimonials zz on file in the Pinkham laboratory av 1,-jzm. Mass., from women who have been cured from almost every form of female cornpfaints, inflammation, ul ceration,di3placemcnts,fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains.backache, indigestion and nervous prostration. Every such suffering woman owes it tc herself to pive Lydia E. Pinkham'f Vegetable Compound a trial. If you liko special advice about s oor case write a confident tial letter to Mrs. Pinkham, at Ljxii, TCns;;. Her advice is tree. 3Ef: .iwz iielnfuLi moment, then arose, looked over the audience with a smile and said, "Boys, if these election re turns are true you seem to be a .'leetle' in he lead; in fact, I think you 'have got us skun.' I am not, however, of those nar row souls who begrudge my "riends the pleasure of rejoicing' and drinking the wine of victory, and especially as that pleasure domes to them only once or twice in a half century. We Republi cans rejoice every four years, nd as you have not rejoiced in '5 or 20 years, I am prepared to live up to the Scriptural injunc tion 'Weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who re joice.' "This band has given us some fine music, and now I suppose that for the benefit of myself and my few Republican friends who are present it will play a funeral dirge." The crowd roared. Suicide at Old Fort. Aslieville Citizen, Nov. 22d. J. A. Bloomer, manager of the Tannic Acid Company at Old Fort, committed suicide at G o'clock yesterday morning by cut ting his throat with a razor. The d2ceased, who was highly re spected in that section, had been in ill health for the last few years and despondency was the direct cause of his rash deed. He is survived by a wife and seven children. Mr. Bloomer came to Old Fort from Pennsylvania several years ago to take charge of the tannic acid plant He was one of the company's most efficient employes and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. He had been complaining of his health during the last few weeks and yesterday morning he left his house and went to the bam where he cut his throat. He died four hours later. The peculiar properties of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy have been thoroughly tested during epidemics of influenza, and when it was taken in time we have not heard of a single case of pneumonia. Sold by all druggists. lf Cook Book pT on receipt of IW&r nwukd free yur ddrss. If' T!i3 How to Make 178 Kinds of Cake (11 Cakes of all kinds for all people 11 are best made with Royal 1 H SPEGS&LLY FINE ftl A II FOR LAYER 'CAKE B If ( Federal Judge McCall, a Roose velt appointee, at Jackson, Tenn., directed a verdict of not guilty in the Government's suit to collect penalties exceeding $30,000,000 from the Standard Oil Company of Indiana for al leged violations as to the Elkins law in receiving freight rate con cessions. Foley kidney Pills are Ionic in ac tion, quick in results, and restore the natural action of the kidneys and blad der. They correct irregularities. W. A. Leslie. Health is of first Importance. Pure water is necessary to keep healthy, and city water in home adds greatly to its 15 W K. E I If A REAL BIG Christmas For You AT- Gift Ru6 You 11 I 1 F ? --Mil l. :r;p size Bottle "5-DnOPB" (800 Doses) j Va.vv. . UI KSUkl, U J U TUf lit. OU DUEIIMITII PIIDr tnuniii. HO 174 Lake Street. Chicae K a II i i ,.)mtyjji SWANSON PILLS A"t nuickly and gently upon the : iesiive organs, carrying off the 'iiS'.urbing; elements and establishing healthy condition of the livei, i.oTiiach and bowels. THE BEST REMEDY kGH CONSTIPATION Hl-jk Heodmcho, Sour Btommeh, Troublm. ate. 25 Cents Per Box I y r AT DRU001STS Dr. Woodrow Wilson, who by -eason of his splendid campaign :or Governor of New Jersey and his sweeping victory before the people, is very much in the pub lic eye just now as the Demo-1 cratic nominee for President in 1912, is to be invited to deliver ri-in mmmencement address at he University of North Caroli na next June. i dJ.. B DnailMAIllft J SAVED FROM AWFUL DEATH ww an nnnallinc calamity in his family was prevented is told by A. D. IcDonald, of Favetteville, N. C, R f?. 1). No. 3 ' Mv sister had consump tior," he writes, "she was very thin -md pale, hint no appetite and seemed tn rrmw wFr.k. r ev rv day, as all rem is failed, tiil Dr. King's New Dis coverv was ti icil. and so completely Mirpd her. that she has not ber f.-.Mnri wiih a couirh since. It's the tust m dicinc I ever saw or heard of." tor coughs, colds, lagrippe, asthrnu, croup hemon h;if;es, and all bronchial troubles, it has no equal, SOc., $1,00 Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Les lie's Drug Store. f A 50-cent bottle of Scott's Emulsion given in half-teaspoon doses four times a day, mixed in its bottle, will last a year-old baby near ly a month, and four bot tles over three months, and will make the baby strong and well and will lay the foundation for a healthy, robust boy or girl. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Send lCc, name of paper and this ad. for cur beautiful Savings Bank and Child's Sketch. Bock. Each bank contains a Good Luck Penny. SCOTT St BOWNE. 409 Peart Street. N. Y. j Morgcnton Poeple Have Found that ThAs is True. A cold, a strain, a sudden wrench, A little cause may hurt the kidneys. . Snells of backache oiten 101- wr low, Or some irregularity oi tne urine. A certain remedy for such at teicks A medicine that answers every call, Is Doan's Kidney Pills, a true specific Many Morganton people rely on it . Here is Morganton proof. Mrs. M. M. Piercy, Green street, Morganton, N. C, say: "In my case Doan's Kidney Pills proved to be a very reliable remedy. I suffered for over ten years from weak kidneys and when I caught cold it was-' sure to settle in these organs, causing my back-to ache intensely. 1 tried' a- number f rem edies but notWrrg gave-me -relief until fflWWw): They proved of gTeateneftt and therefore, I recommend therm" For sale by all dealers. Price Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, New York, sole fent? J for the United btates. Remember the name-roans and take no other. will remember the extensive line of appropriate Holiday Gifts we had last year. This year we have a larger and even better selected stock, and have not even neglected the little ones. One of the additions to our Christmas showing this year is the largest and most complete line of DOLLS ever shown in this section. To introduce this handsome line of DOLLS we are going to give you a $ 25.00 JO FRtt Eyery person making a 50c. purchase at our store from DECEMBER 3RD TO DEMCEMBER 22ND Will be given a chance on this beautiful doll. One ticket for every fifty cents worth. Come seen and look over our stock and you will be pleased. URKE DRUG COMPANY THE DIG DRUG THE CORNER. STORE. N

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