THE NEWS-1". RALD. f . Q. COBB, Publisher- THURSDAY, DEC. 8, 1910. COURTS AND THE PEOPLE. There's too much difference between the courts and the people-too much "Big I and little you. " Of course all good citizens will bow to and obey the judg ments of our courts, but then these good citizens are entitled to some consideration also. These good citizens make the courts and see that their edicts are put into execution, and when these good citizens see those on whom they have bestowed power and entrusted with the management of our courts letting things run loosely, many times at great cost to the people, there is naturally a kick, and justly so. The lack of back-bone on the Dart oi many ot our nudges is largely the cause of so many con jested dockets. All kinds of ex cuses are given for not being ready to try, and the judge gives way, oftentimes adjourning court for several days, with jurors and witnesses lying around at the ex pense of the county, perhaps waiting on some one man in the case who failed to appear at the appointed time. For several years it has been the custom in Burke and other counties lor the local bar to get together and arrange a calendar for the court, and it is a fine idea, if the program were carried out It is supposed that those interested know what they t doing when they make the calen dar, and it tne court can go ahead with it as arranged there is a great saving of time and ex pense as against tne old way. where litigants, jurors and witnesses came on the first day of court and remained until discharged. With many of our courts, however, it seems that more business would be done by going back to the old way and taking the docket "like Kelly did the dew-berries" as it comes if the parties interested are not ready in one case take up an other. But the judge is the "boss," and the people who placed him in his position expected him to run the court as it should be run, and the people are not unreasonable. Correspuiidence of The News-IIerald. Correspondence of The News-Herald. The year of 1910 will soon pass There was a very good crowd into history. It has been a re-1 out to hear Bro. Sherrill at Moun markable vear in many respects, i tain Grove last Sunday, which We are at Deace with all the showed their appreciation of his world, our crops are good, Glen Alpine. Table Rock Items. i Mitchell County and Miss Holman. Charity and Child. en. Here is what we have to say! If you men of Mitchell county V 1 11 nave a sparK or mannooa you will respectfully but firmly deny the right of this orator to impale you before a tearful world; and you will not stultify yourselves by giving her countenance, much less sympathy or support. it is not to the credit oi you Mitchell people that this tireless talker has lived among you ten years. Somebody has given her aid and comfort. Somebody has crawled at her feet for the trifles she bestowed. Somebody has played the sycophant and grovelled in the dust. We do not say what she men tions may not actually have oc currred; but she has no right to draw this hideous picture of is olated cases of ignorance and su- perstitution, and hold air intelli gent section of North Carolina up to ridicule. It is up to you men of Mitchell. xou can put a stop to it it you will: And if you do not assert your own manhood and invite your slanderers out of your bor ders you must continue to suffer the odium they put upon your names! fact the greatest wre have ever had. Other causes of thakful- ness to the Giver of all good and perfect gifts. Things are moving here as usual. The big dam at the J. D. Pitts water mill is about half completed. The mills are run ning on full time. From the looks of stores Christmas! seems to be in the air. The high school, by the nods and knowing looks of the children, must be getting up one of their noted entertain ments which are so well enjoyed by all who have the good fortune to be present. I had occasion a lew days ago to visit Spartanburg and Green ville, rival towns in our sister State of South Carolina. 1 saw much to amuse, interest and in struct. I went by way of South ern to Marion Junction and from there on the C. C. & 0. to Spar tanburg. This road is new, the service is good and the towns along the route are new and look well, considering the time the road has been running. One town, Chesnee, 16 miles north of Spartanburg, has 6 stores, 12 or 15 dwelling houses, a nice depot, a cotton mill, building all been done inside of 12 months. Spar tanburg has a population of about 25 or 30 thousand, well built, nice streets, car service, a nice, clever people. I met several of our Morganton boys Mr. Moul ton Phifer, Messrs. Ben and Ralph Kibler and others, who were glad to see us. Greenville, 31 miles south of Spartanburg, is well built. They are spending a large sum. nearly a million dol lars, in improving the streets, The streets are wider, the side walks of concrete, ample for the travel. A Masonic temple about completed at a cost when ready for business approximately 50 thousand dollars. Nice churches and good schools. A Baptist fe male college here said to have 1.000 pupils. I saw on the streets a fire automobile, with all the necessary fire apparatus, clipping along faster, it seemed to me, than trains run on the Southern. 1 saw at the depot, wThich is a credit to a much larger town, an electric car running from there to Anderson, 30 miles the front end cigar shaped, the rear like a steam yatch, about the length oi 1 I 1 A 1 i i a railroad coacn. adout twc thirds of length was for pas sengers. It seemed to move smoothly and nicely. If you should ask Spartanburg people which was the best town, that or ureenvme, tney would ten you that Greenville was not in it. The Greenville folks would tell you Spartanburg could not hold them a light. The people in both owns are clever and accomo dating. Messrs. Brather and Charlie Brown and Ben Sloan, old Mcrganton boys, are living in Greenville and doing well. I saw other Tar Heels, all getting along nicely and glad to meet a 1 brother lar Heel. A seven-story hotel building going up in Spar tanburg, Greenville people are getting ready to have one too. For all the thrift, enterprise and prosperity they can't make a climate like ours, nor have the pure water. What we need in Morganton to make it grow is a first-class, up-to-date hotel, a new court house and jail, and other minor needed improve ments would follow. The town and county can do it, and the longer we wait the further dowTn the line we will get. We have lots of things to be proud of and gratetul tor and some that we should be ashamed oi. l his is not written in a spirit of crit icism, but for the love I have for the dear, grand old county of Burke. Let us rub the Van Win kleism out of our eyes and see ourselves as our neighbors see us a good old sleepy old-fashioned town. Jap. Glen Alpine, N. C, Dec. 7, 1910. in return. ooaoooeooooooooooooooooooo o o ooooooooooo The recent snow and rain was welcomed by those who had plenty of wood, for it was needed. Mrs. Alice Coffey and Mrs. Ada Austin, of near Lenoir, spent last Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Kin- caid. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McGimsey entertaiued the Sunday school teacher's meeting last Saturday night most delightfully. Mr. and Mrs. Lite Crouch, ot Hickory, who spent a week visit ing their son, Mr. John Crouch, have gone to visit Mr. and Mrs. Will Crouch, near Worry. Miss Ceha Puckett has re turned to her home, after being absent for some months. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Kincaid soent last Wednesday night at the home of his mother, who is nearly 82 years old, at Muttenz, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Ramsour and baby are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Martin Golloway. Mrs. Will English, who has been ill for some time, is reported very much improved. Misses Bula and Lexie Williams visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Winters, last Mr. Balm Warlick and Mr. Roby Ledbetter, who are shack ing near the Brown Mountain, spent Sunday with their relatives and friends near Table Rock. Mr. Finley Barlow and little daughter, Maud, who have been visiting near here, have returned to their home at King's Creek, Caldwell county. Messrs. Ed and Roy Davis of Adako, spent Sunday with their friends near Table Rock, Mr. W. A. Kincaid and son, Tom, of Worry, were present to hear Bro. Sherrill's first sermon since his return from conference. Mr. Wesley Jaynes, who has been ill, is able to be out again. Mr. Dan Wakefield and family have moved to Table Rock and are occupying the Ramsour resi dence. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Houk, who have been living at Table Rock for some time, have moved to Caldwell. A Friend. Table Rock, N. C, Dec. 6, 1910. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o hristmas Suggestions! Useful articles are always acceptable. Give something of lasting value and receive lasting appreciation. We have added many novelties for the Holidays to our regular lines of O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O O 0 Would You Know the Way TO BARGAIN LAND Gloves, Umbrellas, Rugs, Handkerchiefs, Bags, Neckwear, Blankets, Hosiery, Comforts. MANY NOVELTIES IN CHRISTMAS PACKAGES, USEFUL PRESENTS-FOR A QUARTER OR A DOLLAR. Reduced for Christmas Buyers: Our Cloaks. Every garment in our stock buying, give us a look. whole line of at a reduced Ladies' Coat Suits and price. If you think of I. I. DAVIS & SON. The peculiar properties of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy have been thoroughly tested during epidemics of influenza, and when it was taken in time we have not heard of a single case of pneumonia. Sold by all druggists. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness and that is by constitutional rem edies. Dealness is caused by an inflamed condition ot the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entire ly closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the in flammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal coudition, hearing will be destrosed torever; nine cases out of ten are caused bv Ca- tarrah, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Cattarrh Cure- Send for circulars free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Take Hall's" Family Pills for constipation. BUCKBEE'S SEEDS SUCCEED I SPECIAL OFFER: Made to build New Business. A trial Will make you our permanent customer. PtlZe Collection varieties ;Let- 11 the finest : Tnralp, 7 splendid : Onion, 8 best varie ties : Spring-flowering Bulb 64 varieties la &U. tttABAJiTEED TO PLEASE. Write to-day; Mention this Paper. Mortgage Sale of Land. By virtue of a mortgage deed executed the 12th Jan., 1907, by Cornelius Caldwell, to Goodson, Brittain & Powell, and default made thereor , we the undersigned surviving members of the firm of Goodson, Brittain & Powell, will sell to the high est bidder for cash at the Court House door in Morganton, on the first Monday in Jan., 1911, all the rieht. title and interest of Cornelius Caldwell, in that certain tract of land, on or near the Mc- lioweii r ora roaa, in tne nortn-westemsuDurpsoi Morganton, beginning on R. K. PresneH'a corner and runn ng with the old McDowell ford road, to a rock in tha center of the branch, were said road crosses the branch, then a south course with the fence, and lines, as run and marked by W. E. Walton, tor said Caldwell, as said lines are marked, to the beginning. Said lands are sold subject to the Tights of A. M. Kistler, under a tax sale of said lands, for the years 1907 and 1908, and to the payment by him of the taxes to the State and county, town and graded school, for the years 1S09, and 1910. This Dec 6th, 1910. R. F. GOODSON. V. POWELL. Surviving partners of Goodson. Brittain & Powell. By J. T. Perkins. Atty. to cover pootagn and packing and rec.iT. this valuable collection ox eeeaa nominal a. toreuier witn mv oie In true tiro, ueanutui eea ana runt hook, 1 H.W. Buckbe8,14ieBUo. I 1 t V7 toveir John and th6 -rr2' Boys fancy thinfes thai LrTthey never use. This year tiflam oinM$ive ftiem Here is a gift that will prove use ful every day for years to come. A veritable marvel of eonvenience. m mm w m mmw m a m m m rmw El I W AS i fountain Pen embraces distinct advantages net found in any other fountain pec A great favorite 7ith OTiters QG world over and a mo3 acceptable gift, Make your selection D3Wt- la Xmas boxes. Burke Drug Company. Sale of Lands of Silas S. Singleton, Deceased. By virtue of an order of sale made and entered in certain special proceedings in the Superior Court of Burke county. State of North Carolina, entitled J. V. Singleton and others, ex parte. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door, in the town of Mor ganton, county of Burke and State aforesaid, on Monday, the 12th day of December, i910, (the same being the day fixed in the order of the court.) between the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing described trsct or parcel of land, to-wit: Lying and being in the county of Burke and State of North Carolina. Lower Creek township, begin ning on a post-oak on the north side of the public road, Willie Duckworth's corner, and run3 north w th his line 7 poles to a red-oak, his corner, in Clark's line; then east with Clark's line 59 poles to a stake and pointersat a forked white-oak, Clark's corner; then south with Clark's line 84 poles to a red-oak his corner in Wilson's line; then Bouth with Wilson and Sudderth's old line 78 west and with the branch 70 poies to a stake at the forks of the branches; then down the branch, south 40 west 20 poles; south 10 west 14 poles; south 40 west Vi poles to a stake in the branch. Princes. now Willie Duckworth's corner; then north 32 west with Duckworth's line 13 poles to a stake in a path; his corner; then south 70 west with road and Duckworth s line 8 poles to a stake, his cor ner; then north 52 west with the path and his line 4 poles to a stake in the path and m M. Z. Burns' line; then north with Burns' line 34 poles to a rocK, nis corner, in tne old ferry road Duck worth's north corner; then with the road and Duckworth's line north 28 east 56 poles then nortn 42" east 3U poles; tnen north 38" east 30 poles; then north 50 east 28 poles to the beginning, con taining 74li acres more or less. Said land sold for partition among the heirs at law ot buas s. toingieton. deceased. Biddings to commence at $253.00, J. C. Abee's bid. This the 11th day of November, 1910. J. B. HOLLOWAV, Commissioner. Avery & Ervin, Attys. C H. L0W0ERM1LK. Fine Groceries and Confections. I am still in business at the old Hogan corner and carrying a stock of Groceries, Confections, Fruits, etc., unexcelled in Mor ganton. Give me a call and see if I don't do you right. My goods are all fresh, and only a reason able profit is asked. I am thankful to friends for past favors and shall try and merit a continued liberal patron age. Respectfully, G. H. LOWDERIYIILK. TRY IT, TRY IT Try Dr. Beli's Antiseptic Salve for all skin troubles. It is as pleasant sweet cream and guaranteed to give satisfac tion in worst cases. 25c a box. 3r"Some special bargains in Single and Double Barrel Shot Guns. Morganton Hardware Co. INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM IMMEDIATELY RELIEVED. Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon, Ind., says: "My wife had Inflammatory Rheumatism in every muscle and joint; her suffering was terrible and her body and face were swollen almost be yond recoij.iition ; had been in bed for .SIX. wks and had eight physicians, but received no benefit until she tried Dk?Dk'khos's Rklief for Rrf.uma tism. It gave immediate relief and she was able to walk about in three days. I am sure it saved her life." Sold by W. A. Leslie, Druggist. Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve Good for all Skin Diseases a-We have the most complete stock of Shells and Cartridges ever shown on this market. Morganton Hardware Co. RHEUMATISM RELIEVED IN 6 HOURS. Dr. Detchon's Relief for Rheu matism usually relieves severest cases in a few hours. Its action upon the system is remarkable and effective. It removes the cause and the disease quickly disappears. First dose ben efits. 75c and 1.00, Sold by W. A. Leslie, Druggist. SOMETHING JUST AS GOOD Can only be the case when it is another bottle of Dr. Bell's Pins-Tar-Honey. Every bottle the same. Look for the bell on the bottle. ECZEMA Is considered hard to cure. Try Dr, Bell's Antiseptic Salve and 3'ou will change your mind. You will see an improvement from the first application. GRANULATED EYE LIDS are easily cured Caustic is not neces sary. Sutherlands Eagle Eye Salve is Painless and harmless and guaranteed to cure. Has never failed on a case, costs 25c. tsmmi mnmmmnifmmmmnmmmmm mm mm mm I "THERE IS A PECULIAR DIGNITY ATTACHED f I TO THE GIFT OF A BOOK THAT IS IN 1 1 NO WAY AFFECTED BY ITS PRICE." I Our stock is more complete this year than ever before. EE Spend your Time as well as E IN your Money s GAITHER'S BOOK STORE. g (Where you always feel at home.) H omiuuiiuiuimuuiauhiiiiaiiiiiiiiuiuiiaiaiiiiiiianiaag OLD TIME Fiddlers' Convention, Graded School Auditorium, MORGANTON, n! C, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Nights, Dec. 27th and 28th. Prizes from $5.00 to $10.00. FULL PROGRAM NEXT WEEK. Musicians, exclusively will be enter tained free of charge. Positively no one allowed on the stage except musicians, judges and managers. All proceeds except actual expenses for benefit of Burke County Confeder ate Monument Fund. Reserved Seats 35cts. General Admission 25cts. McKesson & Bennett, Managers. Then follow the well beaten pat; 'Tis a path where hundreds wend v way, ior every uny is a uargain rW ri - -II. "Mr' The power oi low prices ana high am ity fill my store every day in the yea COLD WEATHER NECESSITIES. North Carolina Wool Blankets 11 Y extra size, wortn more money Special at $3.50 and $5.00 per pair, 11ir1 TJol-P A7rkrvl 731 o-nlnfn ,r4-.. . and a big value at $2.50 and $3.00 per pair. COTTON BLANKETS. Extra heavy Cotton Blankets andb; values at 75, $1.00 and $1.50 per pair. Underwear. Greatest values in underwear ever offered buying public many people have taken advantage my low prices and supplied themselves. WOOL DRESS GOODS. You have no idea the values I am offering in k goods unless you see them. Corded Mohairs, Py Mohairs, Serges and Panamas in ail colors. CLOTHING. the Shield Brand the best Suit Fits well and wears well. WINTERS' -SUPPLIES ik i m. - J miM - - WE SUPPLY PAINTERS, both professional and amateur, with everything needed. Get your paint brushes, etc., here and you will be able to do a better and quicker iob. Save money, too, for our brushes last twice as long as the ordinary, and our paints require for less to cover a surface than common kind. Kirksey Hardware & Fur nilure Company. f 3 jWSBBi3SWl isii.jj.1 mm n m We have the best farm in county for sale. the Morganton Insurance & Realty Co. (INCORPORATED.) ' FRED L. HUFFMAN, Manager. 13 I . 4 J i -'1 j I i 1 Don't forget money can buy. X. 11. Cox. S COLD WEATHER IS CALLING FOR BLANKETS AND COMPORTS SEE THEM AT OUR STORE. Blankets, Comforts, 75c. to $3.00 per pair $1.00, $1.60 and $2.00 eatl GOOD SHOES AT LOW PRICES. Sweaters for Ladles, 44 Men, " Children, New Lot Boys Clothing. 85c. to $2.5 50(! 50c. to 25c. to Per Suit $1.25 to $51 Mens Snits cheap. Single Coats $2.00 to $31 Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases. Dry Goods in Genera! Wc believe we have the best line of Men's Dress Shirts in town. Prices: 50 and $1.25. Christmas Goods will be on display scon. We solicit your trade. T. C. MORGAN & COMPANY i J1ACE& MILLER Tlie House of Quality. fit V '"'- l T Bf. ...... - - i ORGANS AND PIANOS That Refill in Tnnft and WsrtnM Edison Phonographs Records. I: -it) AH Kinds of Musical Goods. Quality Merchandise Only. Prices and Terms to Suit- WATCHES, CLOCKS AND High-Class Watch and Jewelry Rep'"" EVERYTHING GUARANTEED Give us a trial. MACE & MILLER. Music and Jewelry.