irgViBri -sin'in -iVrrfiffS'T''''-3 i 1 war, t-oouu The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, lias borne the signatnre of and lias been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. i r . - . Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trine with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Oyer 30 Years. 2 THB CENTAUR COMMNV, TT MUBHV STREET. HtW YORK CIT. am, m iiiiumiiii i n in wijgjngw METAL SHINGLES Laid 20 years ago are as good as new to-day and have never needed repairs. Think of it! - --vv-tesj?v- What other roofing will last as long and look as well ? They're fireproof, stormproof, and very easily laid. They can be laid right over wood shingles, if necessary, without cre ating dirt or inconvenience. For prices and other detailed information apply to MORGANTON HARDWARE CO., MORGAISITON, N. C. g THE OLD RELIABLE HJ North Carolina Home j Insurance Company. Forty Years of Honest Dealing has established gl this strong home company in the confidence of the people. Twenty-Five Years continuous business at its Morganton agency, with every loss fully and satisfactorily settled. g Post Office Bunding. W. C. ERVIN. g Monuments, Tombstones, and Iron Fences. Best Material. Best Workmanship. Low Prices. Cooper Marble Works, STATESVILLE, N. C. Write us, or write or call on our Local Agent, W. L. Kirksey, Morganton, IM. C. WE PAY THE FREIGHT. A&f&hSKi Wife ni i What was the weather repeat What is fee market price x of cotton Has-my team left town Istherejmy freight for me Do you want to buy When is the meeting The telephone answers these ques tions for thousands of Farmers every day. It will do this and more for you. The cost of a telephone on your Farm is small; the saving is great. Our free booklet tells you all about it. Write for it today. Address Farmers Line Department SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH twM X Ga. 11V -'"" ST irk. VA sL V 1 Prohibition ia Kansas. Twentieth Century Pastor, November, 1910. For a conclusive answer, as to the effects of prohibition in Kan sas, read the following summary of a paper by Governor Stubbs, of that State: The death-rate in Kansas is the lowest of any State or Nation on earth only 1 per thousand. ' Under prohibition the popula tion has increased 100 per cent, while the number of convicts has only increased 17 per cent. More than 50 per cent of the county jails are without a pris oner under conviction, and last vear 49 out of 105 counties did not send a prisoner to the peni tentiary. The ratio of convicted prison ers is one for every 7,000 inhab itants, while 75 per cent of the jail prisoners have been con victed for violations of the pro hibitory law. Fifty-four counties are with out an idiot, and 87 without an insane person in the asylums. The first few years of prohi bition showed a' decrease of per cent of divorce cases. Ninety-six counties have not an inebriate. Six of the nine counties furnishing inebriates were counties bordering on the wet section of Missouri. In education this is the status: Kansas has a permanent schoo fund of $10,000,000. most of it invested in municipal bonds of the cities of Kansas, which offer the safest kind of investment. There are normal schools estab lished in 100 of the 105 counties. During the last nine years the enrollment of the State Univer sity has increased from 1,150 to 2,063, the normal from 1,630 to 2,860, the Agricultural College from 870 to 2,192, besides 9,000 young people attending denomi national institutions and 4,548 attending business colleges. School property is worth $16, 000,000. There are 7000 newspapers and magazines and 98 per cent of then will not admit liquor ad vertisements to their columns. The first twenty years of pro hibition reduced illiteracy 40 per cent. The increase of wealth within the last ten years has been in bank deposits from $69,000,000 to $189,000,000. The per capita increase has been from $60 to $113. The increase of taxable prop erty has been $120,000,000 a year for that period. The total as sessed valuation of property in Kansas is $2,435,691,859, which far exceeds the assessments of most of the States with equal op portunities. The State tax is 90 cents per $1,000, a very low rate. The garnishment courts that ran continuously under liquor conditions have been put out of business. Forty-nine of the county poor farms have been turned into ex periment stations with the State Agricultural College, because there were no paupers to be cared for. American Loan to China May Not Go Through. Peking, China, Dispatch, Nov. 30. Serious doubt that the pro jected loan of $50,000,000 to China by an American financial syndicate will be finally con cluded is expressed in Peking. Numerous difficulties have arisen among them because of the un willingness of China to accept a foreign financial advisor. With out such control it is said; that the promoters are unwilling to proceed. The present is recognized as a crucial period in the history of China. If borrowed millions are squandered any calamity will be possible, even a revolution and the partition of the empire. The Chinese have never been more sensitive to foreign usur pation of authority than they are now and they look upon the proposition to give the foreign financial group control of the currency reform, to which the loan was to be devoted, as a fur ther encroachment upon their integrity, of which the new sen ate and the parliamentary party throughout the country is es pecially jealous. An imperial edict issued on October 29 authorized a loan of $50,000,000 from a group of American financiers, who were to take a bond issue to cover the loan at 95. The bonds were to mature at a period of from 40 to 45 years from issuance and to bear 5 per cent, interest. The loaning syndicate was made up of J. P. Morgan and Company, Kuhn, Loeb and Com pany, the National City Bank and the First National Bank, all of New York city. On Novem ber 10 an agreement was signed in London by which English, German and French banks were made participants in the loan. Mr. Eddy, Christian Science Leader, married two or three times and " I .... i ft -i ri ENDS WINTER'S TROUBLES. To many, winter is a season of trou ble. The frost bitten toes and fingers, chapped hands and lips, chilblains, cold sores, red and rough skins, prove this. But such troubles fly before Bucklen's Arnica Salve. A trial convinces. Greatest healer of Burns, Boils, Piles, Cuts, Eczema and Sprains. Only 25c at Leslie's Drug-Store. THE DOCTOR'S QUESTION. Much Sickness Due to Bowel Dis orders. A doctor's first question when consulted by a patient is, "Are your bowels regular ?" He knows that 98 per cent, of illness is at tended with inactive bowels and torpid liver, and that this con dition must be removed gently and thoroughly before health can be restored. Rexall Orderlies are a positive, pleasant and safe remedy for constipation and bowel disorders in general. We are so certain of their great curative value that we promise to return the pur chaser's money in every case when they fail to produce entire satisfaction. Rexall Orderlies are eaten like candy, they act quietly, and have a soothing, strengthening, heal ing influence on the entire in testinal tract They do not purge, gripe, cause nausea, flatulence, excessive looseness, diarrhoea or other annoying effect. They are especially good for children, weak persons or old folks. Two sizes, 25c. and 10c. Sold only at our store The Rexall Store. W. A. Leslie. SAVED FROM AWFUL DEATH. How an appalling calamity in his family was prevented is told by A. D. McDonald, of Fayetf.eville, N. C, R. F. D. No. 8. "My sister had consump tion," he writes, "she pas very thin and pale, had no appetite Spd seemed to grow weaker every day, asSH rem edies failed, till Dr. King's NewDi9 covery was tried, and so completely cured her, that she has not been troubled with a cough since. It's the best medicine I ever saw or heard of." For coughs, colds, lagrippe, asthma, croup hemorrhages, and all bronchial troubles, it has no equal, 50c, $1.00 Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Les lie's Drug Store. Dead. Boston Dispatch, 4 th. Mrs. Mary Baker Glover Eddy, the discoverer and founder of Christian Science, is dead. An nouncement of the passing of the venerable leader, which occurred late last night at her home, Chestnut Hill, a suburb, was made at the morning service of the Mother church in this city to-day. 'Natural causes'-exp!ains the death, according tctDr. George L. West, a district medical exami ner. who was summoned a few hours after Mrs. Eddy died Later Dr. West added that the more immediate cause was prob ably pneumonia. Mrs. Eddy was a native of New Hampshire and was probab ly SO years old. She had been North Carolina Wins. Raleigh Evening Times. The record made by North Carolina at the national horti cultural congress at Council Bluffs, la., has attracted the at tention of the entire Union, and is one that every citizen of the state should be proud of. There were three purple championship ribbons offered, and North Caro lina won two of these, though there were 32 states competing. Besides this, six silver trophies, 20 gold medals, 48 blue ribbons, li second, ana six tnira prizes were captured, more tnan any two states, the total value being more than $1,000. North Carolina excelled in the general display, in the apple ex hibit, in the collection of nuts, in English walnuts, in vegetables, and even won second on citrus fruit. The winning of all these prizes, and many others, in com petition with the whole Union will be of inestimable value to this state. It shows what can be done in the Old North State. $500 For a Kiss. District Court Judge A. J. Murff held at Shreveport, La., last week that the kiss of a young widow was worth $500. The de cision was rendered in the case of Mrs. Grace Hunter against J. K. Norman, formerly postmaster at Oil City, La. It was at the post office that the alleged offense was committed. Mrs. Hunter alleged that Norman kissed her while she was in the office. She sued for $2,000. Judge Murff admonished Norman that he locked old enough to know better. MAKE UP YOUR OWN MIND When in the need of a cough medicine, If you buy Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey we guarantee you get the best. HIDDEN DANGERS. Nature Gives Timely Warnings That No Morganton Citizen Can Af ford to Ignore. Danger Signal No. 1 comes from the kidney secretions. They will warn you when the kidneys are sick. Well kidneys excrete a clear, amber fluid. Sick kid neys send out a thin, pale and foamy, or a thick, red, ill-smelling urine, full of sediment and irregular in passage. Danger Signal No. 2 comes from the back. Back pains, dull and heavy, or sharp and acute, tell you of sick kidneys and warn you of the approach of dropsj diabetes and Bright's disease. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys and cure them perma nently. Here's Morganton proof : J. M. McGalliard, of Morganton, N. C, says: "I suffered from weak kid neys for several years. At times there was a dull ache across the small of my back and accompanying this, was a dif ficulty with the kidney secretions. I finally began using Doans Kidney Pills and they gave me great relief. I now feel stronger in every way and my kid neys are more normal. I heartily rec ommend Doan's Kidney Pills in return for the benefit I have derived from their use." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. was the mother of children. She at one time lived at Wilmington. Estimated value of her estate $2,000,000. GET THE GENUINE ALWAYS A substitute is a dangerous make shift especially in medicine. The gen uine Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs and colds quickly and is in a yellow package. Accept no substi tutes. W. A. Leslie. WANTS TO HELP SOME ONE. For thirty years J. F. Boyer, of Fer tile, Mo., needed help and couldn't find it. That's why he wants to help some one now. Suffering so long him self he feels for all distress from Back ache, Nervousness, Loss of Appetite, Lassitude and Kidney disorders. He shows that Electric Bitters work wond ers for such troubles. "Five bottles, "he writes, "wholly cured me and now I am well and hearty." It's also posi tively guaranted for Liver Trouble, Dyspepsia, Blood Disorders, Female Complaints and Malaria. Try them 50c. at Leslie's Drug Store NOTICE. D. S. Wilson enters and locates 640 acres of land in Upper Creek township. Burke county, adjoin ing the lands of W. W. English and others. Be ginning on 3 small black-oaks W. W. English's corner, and runs north with his line 74 poles to a stake and pointers, his corner; then with his line various courses and distances for compliments so as to include vacant land. Entered 28th Nov.. 1910. Any person or persons claiming the above entry or any part thereof will file their protest against the issuance of a warrant lor the same in the Entry Taker's office, and if said protest is not filed within thirty days from the date of this notice, I shall issue a warrant for the same as the law directs. This Nov. 28th. 1910. J. B. HOLLOW AY. Entry Taker. Trustee's Sale of Lands. By virtue of a trust deed executed by Joseph A Jaynes and wife. Mary J. Jaynes, and default made in the debt thereby secured, I wilt sell to the highest bidder at the Court House door in Morganton. for cash, on the first Monday in De cember, 1910, that certain tract of land in Upper Creek township. Burke county, being the lands divided to Maiy J. Jaynes in the special proceed ing entitled Mary J. Jaynes and Joseph A. Jaynes vs. Eliza Scott and James and John Scott, in the Superior Court of Burke county, being lot No, 1. beginning on a. post-oak, an old corner, and runs south 88 west with Fleming's line 30 poles to a rock and pointers in the road; then south 9 west 122 poles to a stake on the north bank of the creek, a little west of the ford; thence south 12 west, crossing the creek. 158 poles to a white-oak; then east with the old line 30 poles to a rock; then north with the old line 32 poles to a pine; then east with the old line 40 poles to a dogwood; then north with the old line 215 poles to the beginning, containing 67 acres, more or less. This November 2nd, 1910. JNO. T. PERKINS, Trustee. Are You Hard on Shoes? Many a woman thinks she is hard on shoes when the fact of the matter is her shoes have tricked her. If your shoes go to pieces unreasonably soon it's the fault of the maker. To meet competition he has skimped and scalped and substituted inferior for honest materials till there's noth ing left but looks. The SOUTHERN GIRL $2.00 SHOE $2.50 is built to fit the foot snugly and comfortably, as every good shoe should. It is built along the most fashionable lines, as you have a right to expect. It wears like iron which cannot be said of some shoes at this price. The parts that show are honest on their face and give to the foot a trim and stylish appearance. The parts that take the strain and wear away inside and out of sight are j ust as thorough, j ust as honest. Look up our dealer in your town and let him tell you how we can make such a good shoe for the money. CRADDOCK-TERRY CO, Lynchburg, Va. Look for he Red Bell on the Box. V This tame shoe in our "Autograph" brand, $2.50 and Sj.oo is Goodyear ivell setued. In Our College Woman' j Walking Shoe, Sj.oo Sj-JO S4.00, it equals the best custom make. MELR.OSE FLOUR. Our famous Melrose Flour is a guarantee of succesftl baking. Every bag is warranted to give satisfaction. Our prices are: 24 lb. Bags, 48 it 98 85c. $1.70 3.35 Fleischman's Yeast received Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. WE APPRECIATE YOUR TRADE. FOENEY & COMPANY. For His Christmas tes First Knife Nothing will be ap preciated so much as a Pocket Knife COME AND SEE Our Window showing Santa Claus filling Bobbie's stocking from his great bag full of Robeson "Shur-Edge" Pocket Knives V "I- " IT 1 f wiucii memoes xo new ana ex- elusive patterns desipned" ec- T pecially for this exhibit and never shown anywhere before. See full page advertisement in this week's Saturday Evening Post illustrating these knives. MORGANTON Each. Knife ina CKristxriasf 3a: HARDWARE CO. Women E -J ni mmt Mi rVfo Ti r nr I r tr 1 1 TTn-r nprvmis. tired women, vre recorommvi ru. dui. Cardui is a woman's medicine. It acts sniffy cally on the female organs and lias a tonic, UuiJ effect on the whole system. It contains no li-irfjl " ingredients, being a pure vegetable extract. If 0 suffer from some form of female trouble, get CarduiH at once and give it a fair trial. a J 35 its Help Yo'd Mrs. TV. "W. Gardner, of Paducah, Ky., tried Car!;! J think Cardui is just grand. 1 nave Deen usu.jr it c-v-n ir; j I am 48 years old and feel like a different woman, since 1 1,,'. taking it. I used to suffer from bearing down ains, n.-rw.-j and sleeplessness, but now the pains are all gone and I l-? g00ll I highly recommend Cardui for 3'oung and old. Try it , AT ALL DRUG STOBZ3 i 5 on the The Cotton Belt is the quick and direct line to Texas, through Arkansas. It runs two trains, daily, JuA&rSi on4 nsrlnr mfft rars. Trains from all Darts of . J. fr-'it: the Southeast connect in lviempnis wuu mess Cotton Belt trains to the Southwest Jb&?&?f; .-' eat li n..::, I;.: verv Jt.v f-r i "! tickets will r -.1 1 1- via the Cotton ik-it m V- points in Arkansas, l.c Mop-overs are allowed mJ t' ? r aay return limit gives yiu j,.nt,. t. . . . . r ' . f-: time to loot around. 1 akeaUvan-o of these low fares and invest!-- t' wonderful opportunities open to y&a ia t? the Southwest. " jj Don't rait until the bi? opportr.r;t:c n-r- -r.- write today and tell rne where vou w-nt to i ", I Eend you a complete schedule and tell v .ii-n.- ra ,...r. cost of a ticket. I will also m-ikI von f.--. it i...-i on Texas and Arkansas, with county ma; ij c ,; . H. H. SUTTON, District Passenger Agent H. E. ALLEN, Passenger Agent 109 W. 9th St Chattanooga, Venn. Low Fares jillF ! 1 Rebuilt Engines and Boilers. One 8-xlO "K" Peerless Engine and Boiler on wheels. Good as new. One 8xl0 Liddell Stationary En gine and 20 H. P. Boiler on sills. Complete rig. Price $275.00. Terms. One 20 H. P. Boiler on sills. Complete. A bargain at $125. 00. C. H. TURNER, Dealer in Machinery, STATESVILLE, N. C. FresN, Reliable, Pure Guaranteed to Please Every Gardener and Planter should test the superior merits of Our Northern Grown Seeds. SPECIAL OFFER FOR 10 CENTS tre will send postpaid onr PAMnn3 i rrvriniM 1 pk. CO Day Tom.t. .... SO. 1 pk(. Prineen Kadiih .... 10c J pkg. SIMir.wiiic tVlery ... SO. 1 pk. Erly Arr.w-h.xi Chbar. . . . IS. 1 pkr. Fullcrtoa H.rk.t Lettae. . . . 10. All. IS VarictlM Chain Flower 9d . . the Writ, today) Snd 10 emU to help pay roteeand packing and raceiT. the above "Famous Collection," to gether with onr New and Instructive Garden Guide GREAT NORTHERN SKKI CO. 141 B Rose St. Kockford, Illinois f ll ILLths oo y O ii .'A S " ' fi .mil m F3S l IrflA'.UUIilt i i I 5 mm Trustee's Sale of Valuable Lands Kear Morganton. By virtue of a trust !!. x,i-u:.r. I.E.?. Warlick and wife, Aup. liiij. t tee for Mrs. Malindu i'it-ioy, : : i ; r. i;, A No. 3, patre and cti .u:, hi the ,:y- ment of said ciebt, and ;.t the rvji.-t Piercy, I will sell to the hit !...-; 1.: i..rc-hit the Court House door in Zti y. r.:. n. i. :L!c;.yi 17th day of December, li'i", L;-.; t:-. i- i (' scribed in said trust detc. ::d.:i ;:.;r,v I.e. ion; and others; bt'Kinning at a luttixi t Tate and Lovin's corner, und 1 1 i.n::v v. ;ii L ' i.'s line north 4i) west, cxs-injr H'- !;i v o', ! poles to a stake en U.e u:h .-in- it luZx.-.i, Lov ill's coiner; then noith -. . Mi lee's line 46 poles to a i-:.kf. K. W i.iiii 'r V ner; then north 32!- east with V;:;(kV ;:. . poles to a stake in the nl: tl,ts .-i. : with ihe road 13 poles to a s'.ui:.- in :i.t- r..ui!: south 2a west with the nad ) i ' u e vj i rock in the r'?.d; then f-it:'.ii throush the Piercy house anil ;i. r. road, 3. poles to a stake in iln ii.e n:t"' :' t!e railroad; then south 65 west up ti e mi rci iv.-h 2nd call about 24 poles to a :-t ;:. p: t he i .; ciossing-; then couth 26U east. eiii.-.-imr llir.-i!i! creek and passinp- a larse a .1- u. . Tc inlt - -a pine in Tate's line (not inarkul': ti.-r. f.wb. :j w st with Tate's line 47 pnU : the 1 i: This tract contains a valual.i nci :i-t: f'-r r.t on the Southern ltaiiway, ai ut t :e only : & near Morganton. This Nov. 16th. 1910. JOHN' T. I'EIIKIN'y. MP ALL THROAT AND LUBG TROUBLES '$ GlAPANTD SATSFACTO.Qy Pills What They Will Do for You They will cure your backache, strengthen your kidneys, cor rect urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre vent Bright's Disease and Dia bates, and restore healtu id strength. Refuse substiu W. A. LESLIE. Leap's Prolific Wheat 'Pie Most Prolific and Best of Milling Wheats Yields reported from our custom ers from twenty-five to fifty-two bushels per acre. When grown side by side with other kinds this splen did beardless wheat yielded from five to eighteen bushels more per acre on same land and under same conditions as other standard wheats. "Wherever grown it is superseding all other kinds and it should be sown universally by wheat growers everywhere. Wrice for price and "Wood's Crop Special" which contains new and valuable article, "How to grow big crops of wheat." Every woman may not be hand some, but every woman should keep with care llie good points nature has given her. No woiran teed have sallow skin, dull eye, blotchy complexion, who pays proper attention to her hea'th. vvhere constipation, liver derang nents, blood impurities and ether irregularities exist, good complex iors, bright eyes and sprightly movements cannot exist. Internal derangements reveal themselves ironer or latr on the surface. Heaaache, rlark rins around the eyes, sallow skin, a ccn slant tired feeling mean that the r.t end digestive organs are needing help w correction. Chamberlain's Stomach rr-d Liver Tablets give this necessary h-h-They work in nature's own way. They to net merely flush tho boweln but tope up t'; liver ond stomach to fulfill their proper functions. SoiksI end genSle do they act that one hnrdly rc ':: that they have taken medicine. Chornbcrhin Tb?et can be relied upon to relieve biksu rsi. ""i.Toatioa, constipation and dizzifc-"- St .vhere. Price 25 cents. promptly obtained in all frnntrlp. or NO FE TRAOE-MARKS. t'aveats and ' ..p-yr.sui m tered. Send Skt-h, Jlwlel c . V'.mI-. l r .r J report on patental.ihtv. ALL BUEiNESS rfl STRICTLY CONFiDENTlAL. ntm-UO-H exclusively. Surpassing reiVr-::'-. s. m B ventionswJH pay.Hovr to c?t a VaT. jltuivI'' S B valuable information. .S-nt tree tu any a"'1I,ai-S 50! Seventh St., Washington, D. Cfl T. W. WOOD & S0HS, Seedsmen, Richmcnd. Va. We are headquarters for Farm Seeds. Grass and Clover Seeds. Winter Vetches, Dwarf Essex Rape, Seed Wheat, Oats, Rye, Barley, etc. Descriptive Fall Catalog mailed free. 'igPmg TRADE MAfS n COPVRIOHTS &C :,ti..r.i'!2) ARyrne ssndini; a Rketeli ni iw qni-!k)T r-jTcriaiii our opi' Yt't?yi tio!;sf:rit7C'iir !-!, Tip.l. J!an:li--"' ' eiit fro. .-!c!-?tt a'.-encv lor hf-furinu i I'aton's titoi: i.hroueh Mmm ' yptrinl v.o'ic. witl.oiit churjre, in tiiO A hi:dsorne!y l'.lt nrat4 we!v. I.r.wt mixtion cf any poieiitilio jimnml. T -5 renri foi-.r months, 1. Soidtyail rcwnt-ai..-- Wrench imne. fpf 8L. VVaJhiUk'ton. " Very Serious It is a very serious rpatter to as- for one medicine and bsve the wrong one given you. For this 1 reason we urge you in buyin2 S to be careful to get the genuine ILacr-draugHT Liver Medietas t The reputation of this old, relia- digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN F2