THE NEVSHERALD. 0ur genial postmaster seems . I to have made quite a hit by his T. G. COSB, Editor and Owner. address at the postmasters' con- " i vention at Asheville last week. THURSDAY, SEPT. 28, 1911. His' snhiect was "The Village Postmaster and His Relations to THE CONFEDERATE MONUMENT. y.0 Pnhlir. ' Th Asheville Cit- The Confederate monument in izen said it was a most pleasing Court Square is about completed, anfi entertaining talk " the Char- WOMAN ESCAPES OPERATION with the exception of the bronz lotte Observer that it was "witty, WasCuredbyLydiaE.Pink- mv v, i i xnsirucxive eiuquei.iL, wmic itm. :n i, 1:1 -P I - .,, . j-nis bimut: win ue u liutss ui -mm wavnesviiie wrote . , , , .. 0i5oT,nv it uuj -- 1 Klwnnn inu. iuiu iciunu- some uurKe county soiaier. no him that they had heard so many cured me and i m :eeta- DIB jumjuiiv-i. was sick tnree months and could not walk. I suf fered all the time. The doctors sal 1 could not get well without, an opera tion, for I could. hardly stand the pains in my siaes, especially my right one, and down my it shall be has not yet been de- nice tftings about his "village cided upon by the committee. postmaster" speech, they wanted lhe committee is now busy m him to g0 to Waynesville and re an effort to secure a majority of peat jt. An Asheville subscriber the qualified voters of the county writes about the address on the on a petition to the county com- firgt page of this issue of The missioners authorizing them to Nf,VS-Herld. In addition to appropriate half the cost of the fh compliments to our friend, monument, this being required the ornate and scholarly Banks to feel better n I had taken only by an act of the last Legislature of the Hickory Democrat said as I was afraid to stop too: won." Mrs. Mr. Snainhoiir's bill. Tinder , ,.. .u Sadie Mullen, 2723 . V. M, this bill, when the commissioners 1 1. 1 CATARRH SUFFERERS. If You Don't Know About Hyomei Try It at W. A. Leslie's Risk. Nearly every reader of the News- Herald has read about rixu&iu;i, dui many of them continue to suffer from catarrh just because they do not ex actly understand just what HYOMEI is. To these sufferers W. A. Lesliesays you don't have to know anything about HYOMEI except that you breathe it and that it does not contain cocaine or opium or any harmful drug. You can find out all about HYOMEI without taking any chances whatever. Just get an outfit today, read the simple instructions, give it a fair trial and then if you are not willing to say that it is the best temedy for catarrh you have ever used W. A. Leslie will dadlv return vour money. A complete HYOMFI outfit costs but fl.OO. Extra bottles 5u cents. right log. I began last week: "Charlie McKesson, net of the Muses, godson of i have a petition signed by a ma- the Demosthenes, and as fine on A T.l Why wiil women take chances with an operation or drag out a sickly, i .,ip iLrtai M-istpnee. missing three- fourths of the joy of Uvin?, when they jority of the qualified voters, tracing the etymology of a word can find health in Lydia E. rinkham's they are to appropriate to the asold Archbishop Trench." High tldrty'jS1 it has been the I t 1 ti -i ."v 1 monument tuna ouu acn year ise this and we all feel that for three years when a like our f ell0w citizen is worthy of it amount has been subscribed and paid by the people. The sut- "The candidate with the long- scription by .the county does not est pole will get Simmons' seat rmnire thf Ipvv of anv tax what- in North Carolina." Anderson oiw Vmt tVio navniimt Vw Daily Mail. tr"-J i.wv. I . . ,11, !! remaps tne Desi carver win county is to be made each year out of any surplus fund already collected by the general levy and not appropriated to any particu lar purpose. It is now believed that more than the required number of signers to the petition be able to clear the Kitchin also. Charlotte News. A (y) cock will be crowing and Clark will also be rising early. Mouday Instead of Saturday For School Holiday. will be secured, and that the Correspondence of The News"Herald- nrivat. snr.cprinHnr.9 There are many schools that standard remedy for female ills, and has cured thousands 01 women wi.y have been trouoieu huh ments as displacements, inflammation, fiiimid tumors, irregulari ties, periodic pains, backache, indiges tion, and nervous prostration. If you have the slightest doubt t ixiia "R. Pinkham's Vege table Compound will help you, 1 Mrs Tinkliam at Liynn, Mass., for advice. Your letter will be absolutely confidential, and the advice tree. WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF AC CIDENT If skin is broken apply Dr. Bell's Anti-Paiu at once and the wound win hAai nnirklv and never iret sore. Used internally and externally. necessary will be forthcoming and the mon ument paid for at the end of the term prescribed. Many adopted sons of Burke who had no direct relatives in the war from this county among them this writer, the editor but who are proud of the record of their ancestors from other sec tions of the South, and in many cases of Burke ancestors by mar riage, take pleasure in signing the petition to the commissioners and in giving of their means to the committee to help pay for the monument, and when they see men whose fathers' and other relatives' names are on the mon ument slabs refusing to sign the petition or to give a penny to the cause, it makes them justly sick. But, happily, there are enough patriotic pecple people with the right kind of pride to erect and pay for this monument, which should have been placed there a long time ago without so many little "hitches" and "requirements." Dr. BelKs Pine-Tar-Honey For Coughs and Colds. have adopted the new and bet ter plan to keep Mondays for the Commissioner's Sale of Land for Par- off dav. rather than Saturdays. tition; There is a good reason for it that By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of tj i f i th. mu nt W K I , il Marv I .nil the Scholars are better Prepared and others, ex parte, the undersigned commis- . , - , . sioner will sell the one-ninth interest of Lilly, for SChOOl On Tuesday morning Amanda. Minnie. Laura, and I Nannie Lail. in the , , . following described tracts of land near Kuther- than they are on Monday mom- ford college, in Burke county, viz: , . 1,11 i 1st Tract Beginning at a stone, south-west cor ing. Sunday IS not the day When ner of D. P. Johnson home tract, and r,s south , ., , . , . 18 west 63 poles to a rock; then south 32 poles to a Children, aS a rule, prepare their rock; then east 98 poles to alpost-oak; then south , -.r i i 104 poles to a white-oak: then east 16 poles to a leSSOnS, and Monday they are rock; then south 20 poles to a rock; then south 70O , . 11, west 16 poles to a rock at a mill corner; then south generally Unprepared fOr the best 58 poles to a rock; then west 120 poles to a rock; . , , -r.fM t then north 64 poles to a maple; then west 120 poles SerVlCeS m SChOOl. Let Sunday to a rock in the public road; then north 22 east 120 ... , unii,! i with the meanders of said road to a rock; then east be Observed aS the Sabbath, and 58 poles to a rock: then north 15 west 20 poles to a " , . , , . rock; then north 3'i west 48 poles to a rock; thence Monday they Can have the entire 36 east 100 poles tola rock, inthelineof Johnson 1 r , , . .old home tract: then east 51 poles to the hegin- daV for OUt dOOr eXerClSeS. and ning, excepting 38 acres sold to D. P. Goode. the evenings for StUdy. The I small hickory, in the hollow. Eli Martin's corner Children, by gOing tO SChOOl On I tin's line 120 oles to a dead pine in Syrus Bal- , - .,1,11,, 1 I lew's line; then west with Ballew's line, crossing batUrdayS Will the better Observe the creek at 52 poles, whole distance, 142 poles to he Sabbath day, and Monday to a stake, a corner of the college land; then west . . . . , 13 poles to a white-oak, corner of the college land; hey Can USe fOr getting in better then north with the line of the college land 10 poles Shape tOr the IOllOWing SChOOl line: then east with Johnson's line 120 poles to a . . , t f black-oak, Johnson's corner; then north with days. ThlS IS a SUggeStlOn I Of- Johnson's line 40 poles to a black-gum in John- , . i.i . i son s mill pona, pecuiaLion corner; men soutn iu er aDSOlUtely tree Of Charge, I east with Speculation line 34 poles to the begin- 0 ' I :,1 1 .... J 1 1,1 ... 1 - L i 1: 1 1 r and glVeil DeCaUSe 1 have the I cash, or one-half cash and balance in six months. , , . . ... i witn note arm security, hi ine court nouse uoor in DeSt interest OI the Children at I Morganton. on the first Monday in October, 1911, 1 1 T 1 & I t-.iv. neart. i, as a parent, preier my children attending school on Sat urdays, and give them Mondays to get ready for the following week days in school. I believe the children will make better progress if this plan is adopted here. It has proven a success wherever tried. A Subscriber. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND Sale of Grasslands Farm, containing 500 acres, more m A . or less, situate in Avery county, N. C, under and by virtue of a power of sale in deed of trust executed by Chas. Edwards Wood, trustee. for Maria Antonia Wood Chas. Edwards Wood, individ ually, and Maria Antonia Wood to S. J. Ervin, trustee October 1st, 1908. Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in the foregoing trust and by reason of default in the navment of the note secured thereby and demand for sale of the land thereby conveyed made upon the undersigned trustee by the beneficiaries thereunder, 1 will at the court house door in the town of Bakersville, Mitchell county, on Monday, the 30th day of October, 1911, at the hour of 12 o'clock m. on said day, olfer for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash that cer tain tract of land situate in Mitchell now Avery county, in Lower Linville township, known as the Grasslands farm, whereon Geo. R. Watkins and Anna K. Watkins formerly resided, containing 500 acres, more or less, con sisting of three several tracts fully de scribed in deed dated October 1st, 1908, from Geo. R. and Anna K. Watkins to Chas, Edwards Wood, trustee, for Maria Antonia Wood, and also in a deed from Jno. B. Palmer and wife to Anna K. Watkins dated April 22nd, 1889, and also in a deed from Jos J. and W. C. Ervin to Frances M. Palmer dated August 29th, 1863, all of which said deeds are duly recorded in the register's office of Mitchell county and are hereby referred to for a full and more specific description of said land, excepting however from the boundary acres heretofore conveyed Biggerstaff and fully described in deed to him. Terms of sale cash. This Sept. 22. 1911. S J. ERVIN, Trustee. A Distinguished Fashion Display Formally Introduc ing the New Authentic Styles in Millinery and Ready ' to-Wear for Fa'l. In keeping with the great Autumn out of doors our n ii 1 4-'U- nn-rOG store is now ready to lormaiiy reveai 10 yvu ni which have been accorded the "seal of approval" from fashion authorities. When the curtain goes up on this Fall Opening in will disclose such a splendid assemblage of new correct Au tumn fashins in millinery and ready-to-wear apparel as have rarely, if ever, delighted your eyer in any local retail establishment. New York and other style and trade cen ters have been drawn upon for our stocks. Our intimate knowledge of your requirements and preferences coupled with our painstaking selection of correct styles and superior qualities will at once become apparent to the most casual observer. Practical utility has joined hands with distinctive beauty in the fashions for this season and the two have been ably re-inf orced here by our usual moderation in pricing. Certainly, every one who desires to learn at first hand the correct fashion tendencies for fall and view the new styles in the beauty of their newness will be sure to at tend our formal display. Remember it is yours to enjoy for the mere coming, We extend to you a very cordial invitation. Come. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription T the best of all medicines for the cure of diseases, ?-.?r and weaknesses peculiar to women. It is the Jnlv preparatforof its kind devised by a regularly gradu ated physician-an experienced and skilled specialist ,n the diseases of women. It is a safe medicine in any condition of the system. thp flNE REMEDY which contains no alcohol and no injurious habit-formini drugs and which ravlne for such stimulants. - -IS creates u THF ONE REMEDY so good that its makers are not afraid to print its erery mgreient on mk and attest tn tfin I each outsiae doiub-"'-- v' truthfulness of the same under oath. eft. T : 1A Kir mpHlne dealers everywhere, and any dealer wl.r, u ..... iet it. Don't take a substitute of unknown composition for this , ,e, KISjOWN COMPOSITION. IHOWum""' " " fi V", . J 11 CBS 5tc me who says something else is just as gooa as yr. r erce s K eitila or is trying to deceive you for his own seinsn Denent. Sucl trusted He is trifling with your most priceless posses may be your life itself. See that you get what you ask for. r rr-istaL- in nor , Peeping Through Fashion's Telescopy THIRTY-ONE YEARS OF NEWSPA PER SERVICE. We trust we will be pardoned for laying aside our modesty for a moment to say that next month marks thirty-one years of news paper service for the editor of The News-Herald, all of this time, with the exception of two years, being spent in Morganton, and most of the time as editor and manager of the paper. He has had his "ups and downs," as the elevator boy would say his seasons of reasonable pros perity and smooth sailing and his times when the wolf came very near the doorwhen . the printers' pay-roll and other bills could hardly be met at the time when he has stayed up nights to "squeeze in" something that was worth far more to the other fel low than to himself or the paper, receiving many times as compen sation only a smile and a pat on the shoulder, and perhaps a "cold shoulder" later on when it seemed he received the least patronage from those he did the most for but, after all, we are thankful that we are still living and getting along as well as we are. There is not now a cent of encumbrance on the paper it is all paid for and a few of the back subscriptions which we ought to have would set the little incidentals straight and perhaps place a balance in bank. The numerous good friends and ap preciative patrons of the papar is an inspiration to us to press on. We now have no other inclination. At the same time and place the un dersigned trustee under and by virtue of a second deed of trust executed Oc tober 1st, 1908, by Chas. Edwards Wood, trustee, and Chas, Edwards Wood and Maria Antonia Wood, to me to secure the payment of a debt due to the Southern Loan & Trust Co.. which said deed is recorded in the register's oltice of Mitchell county in book 5b, page 332 and following, I will offer for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash the same land described in said deed, reference to which is hereby made for a full description ex cepting out of said boundary acres J heretofore conveyed to Bigger- statt. This Sept. 22, 1911. CHAS. W. TILLETT, Trustee, This Sept. 26th, 1911. JNO. T. PERKINS. Commissioner. SUTKERliXD'S EAGLE EYE SALYE Good for Nothing but the Eyes. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of &&ffi&&&4i Fall Millinery Opening 1911. Tuesday Afternoon at 3 o'clock, Wednesday and Thursday, October 3rd, 4th and 5th. Our customers will certainly not be disappointed in C3jlf you want to rent, lease the display this Fall. Our milliner and buyer spent ten or sell your property it will pay j r Rurke Real Estate Co., uaJ 111 bue ii"gesb xiouse in tne states, careiuny lOOKing 1. N. Hally burton, Sec. alter every ieature and detail. Everything in new mil NO NEED TO STOP WORK when your doctor orders you to stop linery will have representation. worK, 11 staggers you. "i can't," you say. You know you are weak, run down and failing in health, day by day. but you must work as long as you can stand. Electric Bitters and vigor to your breakdown and build you up. Don't be weak, sickly cr ailing when We are making every effort to outdo all former displays. rSSS -5fts-D- Oct. 3, 4, 5th Electric Bitters will benefit you from MRS. A. HICKS. Manager. the first dose. Thousands bless them I B. F. DAVIS & SON. for their glorious health and strength. Try them. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 50c at W. A.Lselie's AS-Penny Ping-Pong Picture at Webb's Studio from Oct 1st to Nov. 1st only. Foley's Orino Laxative is a new remedy, an improvement on the laxa tives of former years, as it does not gripe or nauseate and is pleasant to take. It is guaranteed. V?. A. Leslie. SEF. BEST IN THE WORLD J. W. Hyatt merchant of Warren, N. C. writes. Please send enclosed order by mail. Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve is the best eye remedy in the world. 25c. MERCHANTS PRAISE Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. J. W. McDaniel, Etherton, 111., says: There is" no medicine which equals it for coughs, colds. Grippe, asthma and Bronchitis. Look for the Bell on the Bottle. BLOOD POISON Is prevented by applying Dr. Bell's Anti-Pain to cuts, scratches and bruises. It destroys all septic matter enables the wound to heal without soreness. Be sure to get Dr. Bell's. BEST FOR THE HANDS S. L. Chapman, Massac, Ky., says: I used Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve on my hands, which were sore, and find it he best I ever tried. It cured them completely. W. L KIRKSEY Before Buying Clothing, Rugs, Matting, Art Squares, Linoleum, Blankets, Comforts. I CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. Big lot of Clothing just received direct from the factory. The very latest styles. Bought cheap for cash and buyers will receive the benefit of the cheap prices. Call and see me. New Pitts & Giles building. W. L. KIRKSEY. Fall Fashion Days are : Tuesday Afternoon, 3 o'clock, and Wed. and Thurs., Oct. 3rd., 4th and 5th. Blue is a color that's as everlasting as the sky. It never goes out of fashion. Same thing applies to Uray. Browu is for the more daring in dress. There are all kinds of "in-between" shades this season for those who crave a spice of "differentness." If it's right and bright, we show it. No half-way meth ods about our stock we meet fashion all the way and dis play everything that's "the thing' The "honor clothes" of our line are "HIGH-ART" Clothes They join the best taste to the best tailoring and possess style without stiltedness. There's no tax for looking. Step in when you like step out when ycu are ready. LAZARUS BROS. Sample Shoes! kf : Hi J f f. i r I hi v i 1 C hit. i l " A kf " f - v-r t - 4 It ,V 'A'1 kjp ':) r? STROUSE a BRO Our New Fall line of Stetsons are complete. Wear, showing all of the up-to-date styles and colors in Soft a: Stiff Hats jEE the large line at M O RQAN'S. More than $500 worth at wholesale prices. Fall and Winter Tailoring Opening Monday and Tuesday, October 2nd and 3rd. T. C. MORGAN & COMPANY. SEE US FIRST FOR PRICES AND TERMS ON Empire Grain Drills, Superior Grain Drills, Walter A. Wood Mowers, Walter A. Wood Rakes, l J. I. INissen Waeons. Webber Wagons, Rock Hill Buggies, Disc Harrows, Chattanooga Cane Mills. MORGANTON HARDWARE CO. Keep Your Money at Home! Do not send it away to the trusts for inferior goods. Onr Celebrated Complete Fertilizer 8 2-2. 8 3-3. 8 4-4. 8 5-5. are manufactured in Asheville from blood, bones and offal of the City Slaugh ter House, combined withHigh Grade Potash Salts, Nitrate of Soda, etc. We also sell Tankage, Acid Phosphate and all other fertilizer ingredients. Look us up at the Western N. C. Fair, at Asheville, OCTOBER10,11, 12,13. No worthless filler in our goods. Nothing in them just to fill up and make weight. Every pound contains the full percentage of We are exclusive agents for Hanan's Shoos in i styles and leathers, Button and Lace, Tan and Clack. LAZARUS BROS PURE PLANT which is guaranteed. FOOD, Asheville Packing Company, asheville, n. YOUR FACE SHOWS IT. Your face indicates wheth er you care as to your per sonal appearance or not. Doi't think that you hav to suffer from a ro ugh skin or wind chapped face. Viola Balm will help you along the road to a perfect personal appear ance, and metal satisfaction, besides it will be appreciated by your skin. Burke Drug Co.