Jvt--.s-Hr.i. Ai D !M8, DAVIS CREATES i t - Uicr u Owner. r t T T T " ihj i SDAY, FEB. 8, 1912. Exposes Liquor Selling in Charlotte, And Tells Where Whiskey Was Bought Illegally. Rev. R. L. Davis, secretary of NEW DEMOCRATIC PAPER. the North Carolina Anti-Saloon cunus this week for League, created a sensation in Charlotte a few nights ago, ac cord ins? to a report in the Obser ver. Similar to the one he cre ated in Raleigh last week. After a general discussion of the situa- wss tion in the btate and atter de claring his belief that the Webb AT l I n 8 A jfu Wtk ET"" MORGAN S hiVKL that illS Mnws- r goou cruir. t-.-v i:tlve s? an tlToit to cratic. Mr. Uomo Burke lil'iU1 i c Joepa -..,:i m' w bill to prevent the shipping of Spam uur nas muuau ml. . - - Uocmson, ui a the current session 0f Congress, donation, it is saiu 10 coaie to he declare1) The worst piacc jn Ixlerganton ar.d run an up-to- North Carolina for selling liquor date progressive" Democratic by drug stores and clubs is this P: p.r and that the paper will great metropolitan city of Char ... M.. "R.Vn- lotte, ' says the Observer: inson has been here twice wunm was talking about. the past two weeks -was here pr0Ceeded to open a box which vesterdav in conference with sat in front of him, and bade Mr Spainhour. but we did not his audience have a look. He took have the pleasure of greeting therefrom eight pint bottles of . a, , flno questionable-looking liquid which mm m out uu. - he displayed on the table. These fellow and we will give him and hg gaid were bought from thre; Bro. Spainhour the glad hand in different drug stores and five dif- their efforts to build up the Dem- ferent clubs, ocratic pa ty and improve Ihe re sources of Burke. Sir. Robinson is at present the editor of the North Wilkesboro Advance ar.d Ins been connected with paper at various points within the past few years. The 1500 donation should prove an inspiration to him and wo shall look for a great uplift of the party in old Burke Tr mi::; srcod to us. We have labored for tin GREAT WINTER CLEAN-UP SALE STILL GOING ON AND WILL CONTINUE TO e Sat. Night, f Hundreds have taken of people advantage party, "Here is a pint bottle of rye '; whiskey which was bought by a citizen of Charlotte without a prescription from the proprietor of a Charlotte drug store for 75 cents. "Here is a pint bottle of corn whiskey which was bought by a citizen of Charlotte without a prescription from the proprietor of a Charlotte drug store for 75 cents. "Here is a pint of corn whis- many key bought by a citizen of Meek- I - a 1 1 the midnight lenburg irom a cleric in a local drug store without a prescription for 75 cents. "This pint of corn whiskey was bought from the proprietor of a Charlotte club by a citizen of Mecklenburg, who was not a member, for 50 cents. "This pint of rye whiskey wTas bought by a citizen of Mecklen burtr from the proprietor of a enough to return isomer c-paa- 0f wmch he is not a member hnr.r to the Legislature or give for 75 cents, me: Commencing February 1 0th end Runs for 20 days to Saturda Nisi it larc y r A. "nigh onto thirty year Like ihat nas eve wav. But why third : dough? Let us ai big .Democratic ma- o; aid come o about the pull for c unty They call us non-progressive Well, we may not be progressive of the wonderful offer ings. Have you? If not, why not and learn that IT PAYS TO TRADE AT COX'S. Extra specials for next week in Men's and Boys' Clothing. The greatest values for the money ever offered. Trunks and Suit Cases! Now is the time to buy a trunk. i i i. j.i i j .- This is a sale you cannot afford to miss. Come in and see now we nave put me Kmieto the r rices for this sale. Prices have been slashed right and left in order to give you genuine bargains that you ill tell your neighbor about. There is nothing to give away. No tickets given out during thir special sale. The goods have been re-tagged and cut to the core and marked m plain figures and you can see just what you fre getting aTd will kfave it to your good judgment to decide if this is not. the best BARGAIN SALE Z ever saw in Morganton. This special sale is made for the purpose of turning goods into cash quick. ye have made prices that will make goods move. Come and get your share at money-saving prices while they are going. Tell your friends about this BIG BARGAIN SALE and let them come and do their buying while these low prices last. You know our record for doing just what we say and we still intend to main tain that record. We would not tell you that prices have been slaughtered if it was not so, for We regard our honor and your respect too great to misrepresent. Commences February 10th and Runs Until March 2nd. him scmethinp: else he may want (we doivc know yet what it wil b) but The News-Herald will be found 01 the "firing line, where ic h?.s been several times "beosthtg" Brother Spainhour, and where we were several years reo when he was not there. THE SERVICE OF SONG. Wherein is Submitted Some Remarks n . If. - imni l.nn c h raico in Mis l)L Lil is linieh on ringing hcuS6. (;,. ;; r;:i..l Chi'rt-n. The discussion going on in some papers about church music The matter is 01 more i t portance than many of the leaders of our churches im- ! i .? i Egme. as a matter 01 lcict nu attention whatever is paid to this part of the church service by the very people whose judgment is best. The deacons would be laugh ed at if they undertook to regulate the church music and even the pastor is limited to the selection of three hymns. All the rest is controlled and directed by people who sometimes feel no interest in the -welfare of the church be yond the reputation of the choir. In many of the larger and more prominent churches the singers are hired to praise the Lord m song and in arranging the bud get for the year the music enters in as a part of the general ex pense the same as the salary of the pastor or sexton. Choirs of this kind, usually prefer to do their own singing. Congrega tional singing is not to their taste. It jars on their nerves It is not artistic or classic, and cannot be. Therefore the larger part of the service of scng is an exclusive service in which the neonle have no part. There is a notion among some people tha this class of music daws, and that ;-t Rives tone and class to the church. It may do the lat ter, but as a drawing card its in fluence is very limited indeed, ihe average man cares not a whit about it and the average man is supposed to be the man the church was established to reach. Cultivated musicians are no doubt attracted by the artistic classic rendering of a musical programme, and there are always a few who want to be con sidered persons cf musical taste, but who in fact are painfully bored, who attend these Sunday concerts, but the plain, everyday men and women, bearing life's burden, and needing the strength and comfort of a spiritual service, go where they get these things. The church where all the people sing is the church where you will find the folks that is, the real folks. Of course the music should be bright and soulful and appropriate, but thepoint is that everybody ought to feel ve'.come to take part in the service of sontr. and not confine it to a few who imagine that they have wont er ful voices and that the Lord 1 as called them to sing for the wl ole congregation at so much per sorg. "This bottle of rye whiskey was bought by a citizen of your county from an employe of a club of which he is not a member for 65 cents. ' This bottle of corn whiskey was bought by a citizen of your city from an employe of a club of which he is not a member for 75 cents." Mr. Davis stated that with one exception all of these establish ments were located on Trade, College and Tryon streets, and most of them near the square. At this point Recorder D. B. Smith, who took clown the speak er's remarks, left the hall and, making a complete directory of all the drug stores and clubs on the streets mentioned incorpora ted these in three writs known as the capias ad testificandum. Sergeant J. M. Youngblood, Ser geant Joe Orr and Policeman Walter Orr then waited at the front and side entrances of the auditorium with these papers until the service was concluded and served them. The courts in this State have held that a blanket inquiry is of I no force. This was the reason for specifying all the establish ments which seemed tobe brought within the purvey of the general indictment. The papers served on Mr. Davis required him to state whether or not he had knowledge of the il legal sale of intoxicating liquors by the following corporations: Manufacturers' Club, Colonial Club, Woodall & Sheppard, Haw ley's, Tryon Drug Company, J. P. Stowe & Co., Reece & Alex ander, Hornets' Nest Club, Eagles' Drug Company, Charlotte Drug Company, W. L. Hand & Co., Palmetto Club, R. H. Jor dan & Co., Bowen Drug Com pany, Queen City, East Avenue Drug Company, Royal, Acme, Moody & Co., R. K. Blair & Co., and John S. Blake. COX'S c COX'S CLOSING OUT AT- C SATURDAY III, 1IM 21, MEN'S FINE SHOES. $4 00 Shoes, Bargain price $3 19 3 50 Shoes, Bargain price 3 00 and 3 25 Shoes, Bar gain price 2 50 and 2 75 Shoes, Bar gain price 2 00 Shoes, Bargain price 1 65 and 1 75 Shoes, Bar gain price MEN'S HEAVY SHOES $4 00 and $4 25 High Top, Bargain Price 3 00 and 3 35 Heavy Shces, Bargain price 2 50 and 2 60 Heavy Shoes, Bargain price 2 00 Heavy Shoes, Bar gain price 1 40 and 150 Heavy Shoes, Bargain price 1 25 and 1 35 Heavy Shoes, Bargain price BOYS' SHOES. $2 00 Fine Shoes, Bargain price 2 00 Heavy Shoes, Bargain price 1 65 and 1 75 Heavy Shoes, Bargain price BOYS' HEAVY SHOES $1 25 Brogan Shoes 1 50 and 1 60 Heavy Shoes, Bargain price 1 25 and 1 35 Heavy Shoes, Bargain price 3 25 Boys' High Top Heavy Shoes, Bargain price LADIES' SHOES. $3 00 and 3 25 Bargain price $2 38 2 50 Bargain price 2 19 2 00 Bargain price 1 67 1 75 Bargain price 1 48 1 50 and 1 60 Bargain price 1 19 1 25 and 1 35 Bargain price 1 09 CHILDREN'S SHOES. $1 50 Misses, Bargain price $1 19 1 25 and 135 Bargain price 1 08 1 00 Misses, 79c 65 and 75c Misses 58c 10 PER CENT. OFF ON ALL SAMPLE SHOES, THIS MAKING THEM LESS THAN WHOLE SALE PRICE. 2 77 2 39 217 1 68 1 38 3 19 2 39 218 1 6S! 1 19 1 12 $1 67 168 1 39 8 7 98 5 93 MEN'S CLOTHING. $14 00 Suits, Bargain price $10 19 12 00 and 12 50 Su:ts, Bargain price 10 00 and 1100 Suits, Bargain price 8 50 and 9 00 Suits, Bargain price SINGLE COATS. $3 90 Coats, Bargain price $2 89 3 00 Coats, Bargain p: ice 2 19 2 50 and 2 75 Coats, Bar gain price 1 89 MEN'S OVERCOATS. $6 00 Overcoats, Bargain price 8 00 Overcoats, Bargain price 78c 58c 38c 28c 30c MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS. $1 50 Fine Shirts, Bargain $1 19 100 " 753 " 40c " " One lot Men's 50c Shirts Men's 50c Work Shirts Men's 50c Heavy Overshirts 38c 75c " 58c "$100 " 78c UNDERWEAR. Men's $1 00 Grade, Bargain 75c " 50c " BLANKETS AvrTmT!" 75c Blankets, Barcm ;n w $100 " .?ainPr;ce.55c $3 89 5 48 BOYS' CLOTHING. $5 00 Boys, Bargain price 4 50 " 4 00 " 3 50 " 3 00 " 2 50 " 2 00 " 150 " 100 " BOYS' KNEE PANTS. j 50c Boys', Bargain price 77c 55c 37c 1 50 2 00 2 50 3 00 4 50 oc ir 163 189 219 348 LADIES' UNDERWEAR. 5 c Grade, Bargain price 37c 19c 78c 117 148 $1 09 7oe $1 00 1 19 1 09 2 38 1 50 $3 68 3 37 3 37 2 69 2 19 1 79 1 63 1 12 79c 3Sc 58c 77c 1 12 LADIES' KNIT GOODS S3 00 Sweaters, Bargain 2 50 1 50 1 00 50c $1 98 1 63 1 09 77c 38c 1 00 Ladies Scarfs, Bargain 78c 75c ' " 57c 50c " " ' 38c 25c Ladies Scarfs and , Bargain price 19c CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' $1 50 r. 1 oo 502 25c SWEATERS, caters, Bargain $1 12 78c 38c 19c S CCATS. QUILTS. $1 00 Grade, Bargain price 1 50 2 00 " TRUNKS AND SUIT CA: $8 00 Trunks, Bargain price ; i 6 00 and 6 50 Trunks, Bar! gain price , (i 4 00 and 4 25 Trunks, Ear- gain price ' 9 c 3 50 Trunks, Bargain price :l 2 50 and 2 75 Trunks, Bar- gain price i (,j 1 50 trunks, Bargain price 119 SUIT CASES. $1 00 Suit Cases, Bar-ain 1 25 41 " -150 " 2 00 " 5 00 " 6 00 " 6 75 ' MEN'S SWEATERS. $1 00 Grade, Bargain price 50c Grade, Bargain price UMBRELLLS. 50c Grade, Bargain price 75c " $100 " 150 " S;8c 119 163 3-:8 489 5 58o 79c 118 MEN'S PANTS. $4 25 Pants, Bargain price, $3 19 4 00 " ' 319 3 50 " " " 2 67 3 00 " . " " 2 18 2 50 " " " 198 2 00 163 175 " " " 119 150 " " 119 1 25 " " " 98c 1 00 " " 77c YOUTHS' LONG PANTS, B. P. $2 00 Youths' Pants $1 59 2 38 1 69 ; 15c 1 50 1 25 1 00 1 12 98c 77c MEN'S CORDUROY PANTS. $3 00 Men's Corduroy Pants $2 19 2 50 " " " 189 2 25 44 44 - 44 1 69 $5 00 Co;us, B nrain price 3 00 2 50 " 2 00 44 44 44 1 48 1 50 44 44 44 98c LADIES' SKIRTS. $5 00 Vail Skirts, Bargain $3 48 4 50 44 44 " 2 98 4 00 44 44 44 2 98 3 50 " 44 44 2 48 3 00 " 44 4 4 2 19 2 75v 4 4 4 4 44 187 2 50 44 44 44 . 1 87 CHILDREN'S DRESSES. 50c Grade, Bargain price 38e 25c Grade, Bargain price 19c DRY GOODS. $1 00 Dress Goods, Bargain, 77c 50c 4 4 4 4 " 38c 25c 4 4 4 4 " 19c All 10c Grade Dress Goods 7ic All 12Jc Grade Dress Goods 9ic All Calico 4c yd HOSIERY. 25c Grade, Bargain price 13c 10c 8c 10c 44 GROCERIES. G'-c-c-n Coffee 19c Roasted Coffee Rice 5c ib Octagon Soap 4c Baking Powders 8' Eagle Thistle Soda. 3 pks for 10c 25c Can Ground Coffee 25c 10s Can Ground Coffee 8c TALCUM POWDERS. 25c G'ade, Bargain price 15c 44 10c " 5c 44 14c: 10c; -,i 4d MEN'S HATS. $2 00 Hats, Bargain price 1 50 44 1 23 44 1 00 44 50c 44 $16? 114 78c DON'T FORGET THE DATE. T. C MORGANTON, N. C vsorgan Coldest Jtnmry in 17 Years. The weather records in the Charlotte office of the weather bureau show that the January just passed was the coldest Jan uary in 17 years and the second coldest in 34 years. The average temperature for the month was less than 35 degrees and there were 21 days when the tempera ture was below freezing. This with the snow and sleet made January, 1912, quite a strenuous month as to wreather. I commenced the Great Cash Sale to close out everything in the store. This is the greatest opportunity ever of- ioroti t tho npnnlo f-n q one no Come, ever vbodv and helo yourself to th feast; of dppn out 'hare-ains made mumuM w i.. v ' " 1 n " 1 Dig Dcirgctiiis Every pair of Shoes at Cost. Every Suit of Clothes at Cost. AH Dry Goods at Cost. All Notions at Cost. AH Trunks At Cost. All Men's and Boys' Hats at Cost. In fact, everything in the house will be closed out as fast as possible. Respectfully, D. C. Pearson, Pres't. T. G. Cobb, Vice-Pres't. T. N. Hallyburton, Sec'y. A. C. Avery, Jr., Attorney. BURKE REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE C 0 (INCORPORATED) MORGANTON, N. C. 5" Look over your Deering and McCormick machinery and let us know in time what repairs you need and we will give your order our prompt attention. Kirksey Hdw. & Furniture Co. Cr Frost Proof Cabbage Plants for sal- Fresh and nice. Ap ply at The News-Herald office. Farms, limber Lands, Mineral Lands, Water Power, Town Property, Etc. If you wish to buy or sell, rent or lease, see us. EIRE, UFE, ACCIDENT, PLATE GLASS, BOILER AND OTHER INSURANCE. We represent some of the strongest and safest companies iatLewcrld. 5 J A TV T -y g- my "Office over Presnell & Hogan's Store. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR 3 M H w tnrL ve nave a very targe sw, to select from, "and the prices are nenc. POULTRY Notice! For Sale! Three acres of land one mile from the Court House, wish two nice thr:e-room houses on it, newly built; a good barn, and a nice garden, wired in; good well of wafer; a young orchard; also two good nii'k cows, ror further informa tion apply to MACK H. MOSES, Morganton. N. C- Dr. Miles- Anti-Fain Pills for all pain. NOTICE! To the Tax-Payers of the Town of Mor ganton: You hav; been notified the amount of tax aue oy you to the town. Now, if your tax is not paid on or before 'thii 1st day of March, 1912. ycur property will be advertised and 6old. HAMILTON ERWIN. Town Tax-Collector, j Notice to Creditors of N. W. Whisenant Havinsr qualified as administrator of N. W Whisenant, deceased, notice is hereby Riven al persons having claims against the estate of t.-.e ostate o9 the said N. W. Whisentant to present them to the undersiiyned for payment, or to his attorneys Avery & Ervin, oner before the 9th day of February, 1913. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery: and all persons indebted to i he v state of said intestate are requested to come forward and set t le at once and thereby save costs. This the 9th day of February, A. D. 1912. V. W. WHISENANT. Aver & Fkvin. Ad nr of N. W. Whisen&nt. Attyr. Administrator's Notice. cSlin 9,ua,1ifif 1 as the Administrator of the estate of Paul Avery, deceased. late of Burke county, N. C., this is lo notify all persons having nih13tKaTStlh', es'aeof said decreed ta C Lwk V tundCTBifrned t Morgant". N. C . on or before the 25th dny of January 1913 rr th.snot.ee w. I he pleaded in b,r of their recovery All persons .indebted to said estate will pllase make immediate payment, piease This 25th January, ISif A. C. AVFRY. Jr.. Admr. of Paul Avery. .LI LP NC No TV. Miles' -Antl-ntin Pills for rheumatism 1 if w ii a a I ill it u 11 11 illl HAK tfAiiu L