9 THH NEWS-HERALD. T. G. COC", Editor leg Owner. THURSDAY. APRIL 4, 1912. in I opposed to aiding New England and t-v North in so using the tariff as to put down the price of the things they us whether ;-ft-(Xl lets Ot from ou th.v v.- ihe car i'.'ins or fort 'Ms, aa.I io pat up the price ci the tilings we buy from them. Denuncia tion and opposition of n;e for assuming this allit'ro I regard as a h'.dgo of honor. Sena tor Sinuno.-?. Lieut.-iov. Newland has good ground for a suit for damages against the Raltigh News and Observer. In last Sunday's issue Glen Alpine Jottings. North Catawba Notes. Correspondence of The News-Herald. A man told me the other day of that paper, the interview in tto tart - o . -w . i I . . Tk 1 1 which the Lieutenant-Governor located ot the western rieamoni states that hewi.l not be a can- section. He dictate for the Democratic nom- heaitn and water, no place in the inaticn for Governor, is accom- State will equal it. A man will . , , -.11 i i. live 10 years longer here and en- pamedbya double column cut -0vyehis foe more than in any other yitT t i ITT . f i i ni i T CM Z1 msisw or .Lieutenani-uovernor vv. j. part oi tne state. i wasmuicca-New.and"-the picture of agood Swis looking man but not that of Mr. the best to'wn jn the State a Newland. The picture shows a wide awake energetic progres- , n i j j tt. 't if I sive peple but the mosquitoes bald-headed man. Even if Mr. , t ni ht came near do. Newland is a married man, he ing me up. has a fine head of hair. Morganton has on y to reacn onr. and ciaim ner uw. ncn will she awake to her possibilities New York JufVe Assigns Tar Keel and onnortumties. A modern nr - nr-j w. nrnA nrutn-riatft. well-eaumDea in every iu.raa iu icicuu icgiu vuaijvu -t- - - , h ,i respect nosteiry wouiu ue uue uj. With Mnroer. the means, and others would fol- Xow York Dispatch, March 30th. l For the first time, so far as is Mr. J. D. Pitts is rapidly re- known in the legal history of the building his mill plant and when country, a woman lawyer today done it will be larger than the was assigned as chief co;ael to JSSiSSSi taJtoeaST" del end a prisoner accuseu or inui- j?umor has it that quite a num- der. The attorney is Miss Lucile ber of new dwellings will be Pnoh. more than ordinary good erected here this year. Among that he is not in the race for Gov- looking, and a member of the them, Mr. J. H- f North Carolina. To a exclusive Pugh family of North UD.to-date, modern house. representative of that paper he Carolina. Ihe person she will Mr j D. pjtts on a fine location defend is L.eKoy romciexter, a near his mill plant win erect a hn wnc arrrsatfiri" fnr shoot- niffi home. 2 ueaeu ivoi to enter , j, n Our county fathers are taking the race for Governcr this time , , ' " into consideration the building for the reason that there seems white man, on March after a bridffe aCross the Catawba that Mr. dispute growing out of a crap nt wi,at ;s known as the White -ised the gam3. Poindexter also came from ford, which is in a direct line to Kit. KJTLAK!) HOT IN THE RACE Lieutenant-Governor W. C. Newland, passing through Raleigh last Saturday, authorized theN to be an unuorstanang Craisc was virtually pro: nomination x our years ago, and Noth Carolina, where it is said the Linville section. With this t;:a: i y rii.t oi h:s parly service, . , , . ti, hrirltre and one over Linville it i . I A11f':i A'f f" U 1 I I II IIH II" II I - iy no "3 ciuui bv accisn-! tne nomination I am further family will give those people an outlet they have lor. g needed. lNotnm; :he peace and the now never over aay, TllltV 5 " J 1 moved to take tins course because When arraigned before Judge w;jj uild up a county more than my entrance have predpit have disturb-, tranquility tl cur a ui-a o .iuy. i liiucu pre- iwu uu iuw w w , The closmsr exercises fer to see an aosoluteiy unitea Judge awann sent for Miss Pugh w51i i-e soms time next month n ir e coming campaign oWMf no wnnld nndprtnke TVTr P f! Tallpnt. on iroinsr eh a resp. Shfi consented, and into his smoke house Monday ti i tn.ivnin(r mpt with miite a sur- iros ir occicrnpn rnfl as. iuj"""w - -1 nrise liirnniptif cnrrvinp with it a Tee -r Correspondence of The News-llera'.d. The school at Amherst Academy closed last Saturday night. Every- horlv renorts a e:ood time. Ihe npp-rn ministrel was very good. The McCall and Smith string band furnished music. Mr. Ora Benfield has been vary sick for the past week, but we are glad to hear that he is lm nrnvino- ranidlv. Miss Grace Tilley is very sick at this writing1. Mr. Parks Gwaltney left last Monday for California, where he will make his home far awhile. The farmers are interested in a telephone line from Rutherford College to near Amherst Acad emy, which will be built right away. Also, there will be one built from Hudson, N. C, to the same point, which will be a great help to our community. There will be a public debate at Amherst Academy April 20th, 1912. Every body invited. Mr. Frank Smith has been elected secretary and treasurer of North Catawba Sunday school. There will be a box supper at Amherst Academy about the last Saturday night in this month. The farmers are behind very much breaking corn land. Rev. A. V. Setzer. of Maiden, N. C, has an appointment at North Catawba church the first Saturday and Sunday in this month. Mr. Joe Whisnant, sen of Mr. E. S. Whisnant, is expected home in a few clays from Florida. Wheat in this section is begin- ing to stretchy up and show its color very rapidly. The Sunday school at North Catawba church is increasing some. "April 2, 1912. Sambo. HO QUZ STRON&EiS THAI! BIS STOMACH. recent medical wr. er says: every fef'otJ 3 . affected accordingly. tomach (through the system ui n. v CORtinues, so we may be " TT on to show that the stomach is i. v,o vital renter of the body .V IB W - . said to live through) tne scomu. , t. consequent indigestion trrr whkh resalt therefrom,no medicinl can be better suited as a curat.ve agent than w Dp. Piers&'s Golden Meat? " Several momns ago i-', " Vr tvi .trkkn. of v ,-' Mrs. Murken- tinder Corona w hat was the matter with rise. sev- know I tried several medicines T wtct tn f IT. WHS I11V but they did me no poou. f,"" " When- liver. I did not dare to eat as it made me worse. ut-Yf ever I swallowed anything it si that I would fant-it hurt so. 1 grew very thin and weak from not eating. VV as liun.-u. x fc . ' . HinHiVnl Dis-. overv. I TOOK BIG CROWDS Have Attended the B i e Spring Easter SonX. nlftuns better from XIJtT I am strong and well and cm ;dc ja bjB ? ? rln v's work With ease, t an eao every -":'' V V- fesh wonderfully. I will say to all suuerers n w -Pierce. lie has my undying grati uUde. .9999999 4 Tonguclcss Disc Harrows, Peg Harrows, Walking and Riding Corn Planters, Walk ing and Riding Cultivators. 0 tne race would q,VK-m in Hprtpral Spssions. to- o-onrl rnnrl nnd hrids-es. itea a hot li.Jht ana I i -b;a.i- aa not I The nipn Ah-iinp HiVh School. j. uiuuv.w. - - - , , , id announced that he m spite ot measeis ana oiner i i araw uacKs, win &nuw a to ernploy counsel Perau T d- exi and besides, excellent my parry i x i 1 w '- v. v v 1 1 Mr. Crrig will m executive. He has l:cen second choice for the vast years, Nov. land being mv ihst. I have had a gr ar many offers of support from all over the State and to these i'riends I want to tour exnress and gratirr.de.' ill;- i i. appreciation ine .ev.-s ana Observer UiiU accorc taau "declaration th see tae r w ill le taken 2Jx Xewland's he prefers to "V;-" ": T O 1 0" r,Q"pp ircni mm at it Lrue vaiae. iiM to whom he gives ll-J IU LilC Ct.Li i.iUC ciiiU him ako, he doesn't know how to be selfhh." the centleman A VX-a Several of his hams were -i i .i rrnna IliIT WilC fnilslllPri i i i V ot t-oOO irom the btate. bne then flustrated. Visions of spring formally entered the plea of not cabbage and ham had gene up o-niitv. in smoke. One consolation- Miss Pugh is an ardent suffra- tne suck uuck am not taKe an ...ii -ii j i--i i.j uis mem. getie ana ner goou iooks creausu TvTr w n p;tts . veTnnfipllinir adds somewhat a sensation when she his store prorerty and when done came into court. She aftects a and painted will be quite an lm- somewhat mannish stvle of attire, nrovement -Mrinff n swnllnwtnil oi nnH a Easter services will be held at !,-,, , . the Methodist church Easter derby. Pomdexter seemed great- o T t u unuin iy pieusea uei me ucliuii ux uie JAP court, and whispered to the at- Glen Alpine, N. C. , April 3, tendant who had him in charse 1912, that if his lawyer could not get him acquitted he "deserved to be electrocuted." "My little son had a very severe cold. I was recommended to try Chamber lain's Coug-h Remedy, andj before a small bottle was finished he was as well as ever," writes Mrs. H. Silks, 29 Dj'iinj Street, Sydne3', Australia. This remedy is for sale by all dealers. it! Ml FENCING. NISSEN BUGGIES. ACTUAL STARVATION. Ar.l J ' .. . been ai louncl ni cra:s s-hundred P 'Governor i over the Hickory io Have Laymen's Movement. iiU kory Correspondence, April 1st. Hickory is making elaborate Facts About Indigestion and Its Relief That Should Interest You. Although indigestion and Dys pepsia are so prevalent, most people do not thoroughly under . til i.iiO'. . s candidacy, had it preparations for the Laymen's stan(j their cause and cure. There need, would GENTLEMEN ! Farmers, Breeder-, a:id L:a-er of 0'j'jd JJ arses .- We, W. H. Avery and W. W. Wilfong, call your attention to our Standard Dr-cd Saddle and Driving Slalliou High Genu Gay, Jr. His register number is 2,827, a son of old High Gend Denmark, one of Kentucky's most famous horses. This horse will make a short season, beginning about April 1st, and running to about May 10th, in Burke county. Terms of season Slo.00. Mr. N. N. Colrad wull have charge of the horse. Address him at Morganton or phone Har rison Avery tor particulars. You make no mistake in breed ing to this handsome horse. VV. H. AVERY, VV. VV. VVILfONG. would nave r.y distinguished Demo- ncrting it. He has and thousands of warm v ;1 ..! political Missionary Convention to be held in the Corinth Reformed Church on Wednesday and Thursday, April 17th and 18th. A fine pro gram is being arranged. Two speakers already secured are Dr. higbert W. Smith of Nashville, one ot tne Xuissionary secre taries of the Southern Presby- L.cd St.,e, Senator Reid of Nashvffle. at the head frcm Tennessee, died in Washing- of the Laymen's movement in to with- the M. E. Church. South. Others Hen. senior IT L. TAYLOR PASSES; Robert Love Taylor, ton ibh stand the shock of an operation are President Apple of the Re- performed last Thursday, x mwi.:s uuw formed Woman's College, Fred ..V.V nTrl TV. T T 1. iU,W1' "c fnvrl. nf XWnlV 11 4L. i- ' " v.iv.u to ct.x in. ciuiv, There will be no admission fee. ii it . I ' because ne puiycci nis way into an(j all are invited. the hearts of his violin where- ii cuiiiyoiiu, vvuboijears Dr. T,en (i. P.rono-fctnn ing before a large audience in tional House of Repesentatives, the auditorium in Raleigh Sunday thrice Governor of Tennessee, aiternoon on tne question, "The ha had served in the U. S. Senate ?c?d's Neelf Ien'" declared xne political parties were nng their search liorht the across America in the effort to aractcrs the and men who could get votes -ft I and he honed that thA Tlom w L " . w .m.. v.iuvviaLl partj', with which he had always been identifield, would have the wisdom to nominate Woodrow Wilson. This expression produced applause. Dr. Broughton, prominent Baptist minister, for years a pastor in Atlanta, is en route to London, where he has accepted a pastorate, since January, uo en; or was cue oj inal ci South man of polish and ability, yet he made himself at heme with the humblest of the people, and the 1.1 -T 1 . " people ioveu n:m, as was evi denced by the honors bestowed upon him ail through his life. He was not only a good fiddlei and a seed mixer but also a most entertaining writer and lecturer. y to the Fid- Who that didn't cr fullest his lectures on ''The die end the Bow" and other sub jects. And hh writings are among the gems of our literature. Sweet peace to his ashes. Iowa's CLaaijioa Srsad Baker. Little Lois Edmonds, who won the title cf champion bread-baker cf Iowa in a contest in which she had ! i, 000 competitors, ha? been on a visit to President Tafi m Washington. Incidentally she vent into the White House kitche i to give the 'chefs there some pointers in maicino- douh and bakirg broad. Th Iowa contest was among the school children ana the interest was state-yiue. Alter Aiiss Lois had won me victory, President I aft extendea her an invitation to visit him. She did so nnri received nis perscnai congratula tions. Her expenses were paid Dy tne congressmen ot low ;:ca h fear oi t:v'id r i-.n a. rr s: :it : - n ; - and the president declared h had never tasted better. Tor rheumatism vou will find noth- .nj; l etter than Chamberlain's Lini ment, Try it and see how quickly it ,aves reiiet. r or sale ty all uealers, Call Fer Republican Primary an County Convention. The Republican State convention foi- the election of delegates to Republi an convention for nomination of a candi date for President having been called to meet in Raleigh early in the month of May, and the Republican convention for this Congressional district for th; election of delegates to the National convention and nomination of a candi date for Congress having been called t3 meet in Hickory on the day previous to the convention in Raleigh, it is neces sary that we hold an early convention for ele-tion of delegates to these two conventions. Therefore, a County Convention for this county is hereby called to assemble in Morganton, on Saturday, the 27th day of April, 1912, at 1 o'clock p. m. The primaries of the various town ships and precincts will call and hold their township primary at the usual voting places on Saturday, the 20th dav of April, iyi2, at which they will select delegates to the County Republican Convention to be held in Morganton o; the 27th day of April, 1912. t w JN0 M- MULL, J-vo. W. M rtin. Chairman, fcerretary. is no reason why most people should not eat anything they desire if they will only chew it carefully and thoroughly. Many actually starve themselves into sickness through fear of eating every good-looking, good-smelling, and goon-tasting food, be cause it does not agree with them. The best thing to do is to fit yourself to digest any good food. We believe we can relieve Dys pepsia. We are so comment ot this fact that we guarantee and promise to supply the medicine free of all cost to every one who will use it. who is not perfectly satisfied with the results which it produces. We exact no promises, and put no one under any obliga tion whatever. Surely, nothing could be fairer. We are located right here and our reputation should be sufficient assurance of the genuineness of our offer. We want every one troubled with Indigestion or Dyspepsia in any form to come to our store and buy a box of Rexall Dyspep sia Tablets. Take them home and give them a reasonable trial, ac cording to directions. Then, if not satisfied, come to us and get your money back. They are very pleasantto take; they aid to soothe the irritable stomach, to strength en and invigorate t ;e digestive organs, and to promote a healthy and natural bowel action, tlnr. leading to perfect and healthy di gestion and assimilation. A 25c package of Rexall Dys pepsia Tablets furnishes 15 days' treatment. In ordinary cases, this is sufficient to produce a cure. In more chronic cases, longer treatment, of course, h necessary, and depends upon tho severity of the trouble. For sue) 1 cases, we have two larger sizes which sell for 50c. and $1.00. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this community only at our store The Rexall Store. W. A. Leslie. . - f . I TU- Va- 22t- m MORGANTON ARE CO. Spring Opening LADIES' & MENS' Low Shoes. fRESH nsn. mm PHONE 99. From now" on I will keep Fresh Fish every day except Sunday and Monday. The Shad season is coming in and I expect a few Shad in every shipment. Will make brice as low as possible. Large Ros Shad Large Buck Shed Entirely to the Goed. Charlotte Observer. The Waynesville Courier presents cuts showing the five best and the five second best ears of corn exhibited at Waynes ville on seed corn day. They look better thsn faces of candi dates to us. Just another way of saying "more corn is good politics." Well, them's our sentiments. Waynesville Courier. And ours, too. You will look a good while before yo'i find a better medicine for coughs anl colds than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It not only gives relief it cures. Try it when you have a cough or cold, and you are certain to h pleased with the prompt cure which it will effect, for sale by all dealers. 75c. 50c. Last week of Oyster Season. I appreciate your oiders. THOMAS LOWDERMILK. S i'Atesville, N. C, Office of Col lector of Internal Revenue, March 22, 1912 The interests of Nathaniel Keaton, Eliza Jane Farree and Epsy Ann Leo in the following described tracts of land seized and levied on under warrant of distraint for the non-payment of assessed taxes due, will be sold as provided by Section 3197, Re vised Statutes, at public auction on Saturday at 12 o'clock M., on April 20, 1912, in front of the Court House door at Morganton, N. C, to-wit: 1ST TRACT: A certain piece or par cel of land lying on the outskirts of Morganton, "in Burke County, State of North Carolina, lot No. 13, and front on Walton street: Beginning on a stake at intersection Canton and Walton streets and on north side of Walton street, west side of Camp street, runs north with Camp street 150 feet to a stake at 'enter section' of Camp and Pearl streets; thence north 88 west with Pearl street 30 feet to a stake on said street, north-east corner of lot No. 13; thence south with said line 150 feet to a stake, south-east corner with said lot and on edge of Walton street, thence south 89 east 30 feet with said street to the beginning, being lot No. 12 shown by blue print surveyed by R. Williams Oct. 2, 1903; deed to Nathaniel Keaton dated Oct. 10, 1908, by Manly Mc Dowell and wife, Lillie F." 2ND TRACT. A certain piece or parcel of land lying on the outskirts of Morganton, in Burke counly, North Carolina, the same being acquired by an action in the Superior Court for said county, wherein appear Eliza Jane Farree and Epsy Ann Leo as petition ers, and Cordelia Keaton and husband, N. T. Keaton, as defendants as re ported on March 1, 1911, by Commis sioners, to-wit: "Lot No. 1, we par tition, assign and allot to the petition ers, Eliza Jane Farree and Epsy Ann Leo Lot No. 1 as shown on the attached plat, described and bounded as follows: Beginning on a stake on the east side of the street or road leading to Gray's corner, a corner of the Nancy Smith land and a corner of Godfrey's lot, and runs thence north 43 degrees west with said road 150 feet to a stake ( n the east side of said street or road, a corner of lot No. 2 allotted to Mrs. Cordelia Keaton; thence north 47 degrees east with said Cordelia Keaton 's line 342 feet, or 21 poles and 10 links, to the beginning, containing 1 acres, more or less, as tenants in common." GEO. H. BROWN, Collector Internal Revenue. 0 !r9 -ave you taken ad vantage of these wonderful ings? Biggest val ues ever offered in up-to-date spring merchandise. t- v 9 f We invite your inspection of cur new lines LADIES' OXFORDS AND PUMPS IN of Tan Calf, Buckskin, Gun Metal, Silks, Patent Leathers, Whites, Blacks, Tans. MEN'S OXFORDS IN Gun Metal, Tan Calf and Patents. 1. 1. DAVIS & SON. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, CLOTHING. Come along, join the merry crowds, look and see Ihe values offered here. Extra values in all lines for Saturday and next week. It has paid hundreds and vviii pay ycu to PEERING BINDERS IKE BEST. We believe that everybody in Burke that raises small grain should have a Binder. Don't you think you would rather cut and save your wheat, oats and rye when it gets ripe than wait on the other fellow? Instead of paying someone else a goodly sum to cut your grain when he gets ready, why not bv paying on a machine of your own and in the meantime realize a few dollars by cutting for someone else? ;What do you think aboutjt? We submit to you the Deering as the lightest running and best all around machine on the'market. We are also showing an increased line of Furni ture, Hardware, Paints, Oils and Farmer's Supplies. trksey Hardware 8 Furniture Company K fpjmtnmmmmmimnm nnmmmnnnmn mmmmmm 1 TRADE AT MORGANTON. H As an inducement for those who g come to Morganton having to l pay railroad fare, the following g merchants will return fares for H total purchases amounting to FIVE DOLLARS and over. ASK THESE MERCHANTS ABOlfT IT j trade: at 0 WEBSTER'S Vest Pocket Dictionaries Cloth Binding, Leather " - zee. cCC. NO CHARGE TOR MAILING. GAITHER'S BOOK STORE. ti ?3 4 Annotiiic emenii We beg to announce that we wilij handle Ice again this season. We shall! hP cr an I n tnvmah vrm fmn lYPOllilbc; to give you prompt service. Our prices will be as cheap as you can get it. PHONE NO. 9. BRISTOL'S GROCERY STOffi THE PLACE TO BUY THE BEST. S Patton Jewelry Store. 5: W. A. Leslie. 5: Burke Drug Co. r B. F. Davis & Son. X. H. Cox. Vz. L. A. Kincaid. Morganton Hardware Co. Kirksey Hardware & Fur. Co. I. I. Davis & Son. Bristol's Grocery Store. Lazarus Bros. Forney & Co. EiUUiUlWUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUlUitUUtl The 1 0th Series of ganton Building asid sociation wHI open 1912. Loan As April E. B. CLAYWELL, Secretary. W. C. ERV'iN Pres