THENEW5HERALDq ; THEMog?ggTSg(C"-iM..ioi- ' Subscription Price $1 Per Year in Advance. MORGANTON, N C. DECEMBERII . 1913. No. 32 a r.r 7 Tim - m , , 1 ft..TriHrtt , J , vv ut mt NEIGHBORHOOD. '.i'.Ciecimg vii follows small ns Red Z : ; o i (The A Batch of Live Items Culled From the Pap of Oar Neighbor Counties. ers for firp- -. it cnves r.uscular It over .'.:ro:::c ccn--tc-J lieiirg - ti.e breath .' . mental )0 1 b school bond issue. It was simply a ir.atter of voting bonds to take care of the indebtedness on the s.:-!rv- rnp.o for necessary per :v 'v. . cj improvements!, and re acincj tlia irrost, and the peo tve responded nobly to the call. i. -, votes ca.3t ware 353 ds ar d 1 at j WATAUGA ' Boone Pen-ocrat. Dec. 4th. ' While felling timber wrnd on hi t F id' rirrht - !: Th; :.t his ?.. 1 , D. C. Rapan, on Meat C Mr. John H. Brown eat a tree, nc-t knowing it was such i until it had fallen, and procured ! three gallor s of honey. The j tree was right at the gran where milking had been done all sum- ;mer, yet the little workers h-d j chiidreii ot their own labored not been discovered. Mr. Brovyn j Actively and unselfishly for is of the opinion that the bees ihe good of the community at had been there for at least three J l-e-e. ears. i : Mr. unst for Some fine ranpnign work was done for the i-:5uo--many of the most en i thu Mastic workers not bavins: 500 delegates to the Baptist Con vention which meets here next Tuesday. 0. M. Mull, chairman and J J. Lattimore, secretary of tne ojritM'jfv rommUep say that 5 0 1 . at ha.v s jr- fied th iitentioa of coming'. Tl e children of John D. Wal ker at the Ella Mill had a narrow escape from death last week. They found a package of rat bis cuits in the road and ae them, thinking they were crackers. Onlv th- o dek work of & phy s;cia -awii b'ir livps. Rat biscuits are made of arsenic and Paris creep, and are deadly poison D. Good news comes from the Worth Penn, sen of! election yesterday in Lovelady Mrs. W. C. Coffey, of Boone, was married to Miss Nina Smith, of Virginia, on the 29th. The bride was a visiter here last townsnip. the bond issue for erood roads having carried by a majority of 51. There was A . j . . 1 Mroug opposition to trie issue lXCIIANGE. s-nirner ard made many friends, coming from substantial citizens, H-P ?n siil a coed S350.00 - r o j-250.00 .$200.00 The groom is popular and much admired by those of his acquain tence in Watauga. No particu lars. Deputy Sheriff Clyde Eggers was married yesterday afternoon to Miss Nora South, of Boone. On Monday of last week Mr. David S. Ray, of Boone, wv.s4 happily married to Mrs. Nora Harmon, at Minneapolis, Avery j county, and arrived at the home jof the groom's parent, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ray, r err the village, ?Cuy com sriv Pnce $225.00 nery I w il' me, or I will No. 2 Hart e. Write or r h Ti RNER, find Supplies, tesvil'.e, N. C ay morning nd Ul but i ,? r ieased. Adding furt.h..-r to the excite- Vs' I'riy rr e th death ' officers hUpects, STATE NEWS. The Iredell tomato club girls sold 128 dozen quarts of tomatoes to Statesville dealers and 48 doz- .)ci"--r at ti,p I en quarts to Cornell University, . , oimmons, and asked New York' a total of 176 dzen ne woman who appeared, if her -on was there. She immediately but the progressive won and now it is to be hoped that the out come will be so satisfactory that j otner townships in Caldwell will follow in the movement for the bui.'ding of more permanent highways. LINCOLN. Lincolnton News. Dec. 5th. After many months of patient suffering Mrs. H. A. Self died Tuesday morning at 5 o'clock, at her home in this city, aged 44 vpnrc Mrs Spit wac a momhor Tuesday afternoor. ar.d are nowif Cfc ' j in North BrQok occupying their own new and at- . tractive home en their model lit tie farm nearby. CATAWBA. Newton Emerpi ise. Dec. ith. Mr. C. E. Long thi'ough the Stamey & Aber nethy agency, his farm on Clark's creek to Mr. Mull of Stanley county. She leaves a husband and seven children. The funeral services were cor; ducted by Rev. T. J. Rogers from Bess' Chapel, in North Brook, Wednesday at 1 has soldi o'clock, and the remains were Sheiby Star. Dec. 5th. J. T Plot, a contractor of Statesville, was awarded the con tract to build the road from Shelby to Cleveland Springs. He arrived this week with his teams, tools, etc., and has pitched camp on the WT. P. King farm above thp big steel bridcre on the Cleveiand Springs road. Work has already begun at the court square. Sanitary drinking fountains have been installed in the hall way of the Court House, There are four little fountains all in a row for white people and one on the opposite side of the hall for colored people. The sanitary drinking fountains are endorsed and recommended by physicians everywhere because they prevent the spread of contagious dis ease. Mr. A C, Miller returned yes terday f rom Morganton, where he went this week in the interest of the D. and D. Institute of that place. THOUGHT NEGRO WAS INFORMER, SLEW HIM. i-H. D. Sinclair, 0 p. m. ANTEED. ,.L.iJ. laid to rest in the church bury ing grounds. M. H. Hoyle left Wednesday for Baltimore, to buy goods for Judging from the big strings! the Hoyle Mercantile Co., anew of birds brought in by ?cme of firm that will open for business the sportsmen yesterday, quail jn a feW weeks. A new store are not so scarce as some people his been erected out at the old thought. Mr. J. F. Stewart had; pioyle stand, and Mr. Harrill about 25. Hoyle and Mr, Hoke Hoyle will tt Honro-o Vnlhviaht at compose tne new nrm. Bandy's died Tuesday morning quite suddenly at the sge of 2) years. She was buried at; Ebeaez3ron Wednesday after noon. On Thanksgiving rfternoon CLEVELAND. f Vew up her hands and fell over j . : ? - vi ilop t ws the shock to hi a t. Wni!- the wholesale arrests : ? - ihe detective was re.vtirc comLrtable in one of the cell ? at the calaboose. When the ffieers first started on the raid he asked to be locked up fearing lar.ger He will be brought out this moaning to testofy against the blind tigers. The detective is a graduate of Taskeegee institute. Home Keeping Women Need Health and Strength. The work of a home keeping woman makes a constant call on her strength and vitality, and sickness results from weak in active kidneys, and irregular bladder action more often than she knows. So many times it turns out that her weakness, tired out nervousness, headaches, depression and weak back are caused by kidney trouble instead of female trouble and Foley Kid ney Pills have helped many a woman back to a state of strong buoyant healthful activity. Foley Kidney Fills are a blessing in the home. A lady of Saginaw, Mich.. Mrs. Anna Drebold, 162 Oak wood Ave., writes: "I had terrible pains across my back, I was very nervous and felt all tired out I took Foley Kidney Pills and in just a few days the pain and nervousness all passed away and I no longer suffer." W. A. Leslie. quarts. Statesville Landmark. Wilmington housewives refuse to accede to the demands of the dairymen, who have advanced the price of milk to 13 cents a quart. The ladies say that they will not pay more than 10 cents a quart. Gov. Craig a few days ago par doned Jane Bennett, of Watauga county, a woman about 60 years old who had served about five years of a 15-year sentence for second degree murder. Pardoned on the ground that she killed her victim under very provoking cir cumstances. Such of the whiskey seized in the recent Asheville raids as was fit for medical use was sent to a charity hospital. The remainder, BAKING POWDER ABSOLUTELY PURE Insures the most delicious and healthful food By the use of Royafr Baking Powder a great many more articles of food may be readily made at home, all healthful, de licious, and economical, adding much variety and attractiveness to the menu. The" Royal Baker and Pastry Cook," containing five hundred practical receipts for all kinds of baking and cookery, free. Address Royal Baking Powder Co., New York. ing the chambers of commerce of Richmond, Norfolk, Peters burg and Roanoke, Va., for their interference with the attempt of North Carolina to secure more equitable freight rates. By authority of the council of State, Acting Governor Daugh tridge has granted a pardon to Robt. Tweed of Madison county, who has served four years of a 9-year sentence on the Buncombe roads for manslaughter. Gov. Craig was counsel for Tweed stored in the jail, was emptied .en he was convicted and for into the sewer through a bath tub. As much of the whiskey was in pint bottles it was quite a job to empty it. Mr. Caesar Cone, of Greens boro, is advertising for 1,500 turkeys at a cost of $3,000 for the Christmas dinners of the em ployes of his mills. One turkey will be given each family on Christmas Eve, in accordance with a custom he has observed for several years. At a recent meeting of the ad visory committees and officers of the Just Freight Rate Associa tion, in Greensboro, resolutions were adopted severely denounc- this reason referred the case to the council of State. Friday, the 19th, is designated as North Carolina Day in the public schools and "Knapp Agri cultural Day" is the programme. The subject commemorates the life and services of Dr. Knapp, the founder of agricultural dem onstration work and boys and girls' clubs and will also direct the attention of the children to country life and its development. The Norfolk Southern railway, which recently completed its line into Charlotte, wanted for rail road purposes a strip of land owned by the Mecklenburg Cot ton Mills Corrpany. The mill people wanted about $100,000 for the land. It was condemned and the jury allowed the mill folks $12,500. Case appealed and a Mecklenburg Superior Court jury raised the amount to $20,000. DON'T BE MISLEAD Morganton Citizens Should Read and Heed This Ad vice. Kidney trouble is dangereus and often fatal. Don't experiment with some thing new and untried. Use a tested kidney remedy. Begin with Doan's Kidney Pills. Used in kidney troubles 50 years. Reccommended here and every where. A Morganton citizen's state ment forms convincing proof. It's local testimony it can be investigated. J. M. McGalliard, Green St., Mor ganton, N. C, says: "My kidneys were weak and the secretions were ir regular in passage. I suffered from backache and when I stooped, I had trouble in straightening. Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at the Burke Drug Co., completely relieved me. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. ;0 No ordinary corset Can give you the style, fit or comfort you can have in Spirella She! by Star. Dec. 2nd. Yeggmen cracked the safe of the Bank of Ellenboro Saturday morning at 1 o'clock and made a two little boys while playing in , get away with $2,900 cash, leav the barn of Mr. Willy Bollinger's j irg only $7.70 cash in the safe, struck a match and soon the ! It took nine explosions of nitro hnildino- wjis in flames. Mrs. ! crH-cermc before the burglars Bollinger and neighbors got the j re i 1 1 ii .i and most things of value out, - t.j 4- ,d number set out for. Ue il iUUU IGJJUll nui Ji who heard by a number of people .i , mi 1 xl ! but the barn was soon burnea in the town. ney maue uieir down ! entrance by breaking down tne ! back door of the bank building The Southern Power Com-1 , . t rhnromrhlv Dro- pany took up the option on the . . themseives they took a roll CORSETS caii at your home by i- ;"'-nr, and mve vou : '"formation on our cor- ,. ii'- oDiigation on ;l. Part. Telephone or "Postcard to ;f.v.,,:!.'V(-' tl copies left -i? ''-'r;e3 written by iv rv '''hf was hanged S::-1' 12, 1833, for ,,;!' " '''-'husband. They oi at 5 cents per T'tt News-Herald. Wilfong place on the Catawba river last week a few days be fore the expiration of the option and gave its check for $15,000. The greater part of the land that it needs has now been secured. M.I The present intention ot tne company seems to be to build the power plant on the Iredell side of the river, though it at first, we are told, preferred the Ca tawba side. CALDWELL. Lenoir Topic. Dec. Grd. Miss Jane Ballew, of the State Hospital, after being home on account of the grippe, returned to Morganton Tuesday. The Union Evangelistic meet ings under the leadership of Evangelist Norman H. Camp of Chicago, began Sunday night at the Court House. In spite of the storm, there was a good attend ance, and it. is expected that much interest will be mani fested. The result of the election yes terday in Lenoir was an over whelming victory for the graded of wire fencing from in front of a nearby store and stretched it in front of the bank building. Four men were sleeping in a nearbv hous-3 and they were aroused by the explosion. One man went to the scene, but the yeggmen covered him with re volvers and sent him away. From the tracks four or five men were in the party and although the raid was slow, it was well exe cuted. The eight principal streets of Shelby have cement pavement mainly on one side of the street. On South LaFayette street ce ment pavement will be laid from the Miller block southward on the east side cf this street to the town limit, near the Belmont mill. South LaFayette will then have pavement on each side of the street. . Homes have been secured for Resembled (Negro Detect! va : Cut and Shot to Death at High Point -Woman Scared to Death. Greensboro News, 8th. Thinking they had caught the negro detective who had turned up 13 alleged retailers, a crowd of negroes in the suburbs of High Point Saturday night killed Robert Hall, who strongly re sembled the detective. Hall was knocked down, was severely cut across the leg, then shot through the heart. Three negroes against whom suspicion is strong are guarded in the calaboose, The murder occurred after a wholesale raid had been made by the police on information furn ished by the detective, who had been at work since Tuesday. Starting at 9 o'clock the force gathered up 13 negroes, the completing the arrests in 45 minutes. The friends of these arrested set about to do away wTith the detec tive who would be the witness, and thought they had him when they got Hall. Hali was caught about 11 o'clock just east of High Point in the edge of the district occupied by the negroes. The assault was directly in front of a house, and the woman there heard someone say "shoot him" followed by the pistol shot. As she opened the door the crowd ran. There were several in the party. The dead body which was in the road was found by a passing negro man who notified the po lice. They started to work on the case immediately and by 3 o'clock were making further ar rests, this time taking up 20 to "fVCu IF nitta. At With all the things needed to make a Merry Christmas for all. TRY IT, TRY IT. Trv Dr. Boll's Antiseptic Salve for .11 skin troubles. It is as pleasant as sweet cream auu su'a"'"" " f satisfaction in worst cases. 2oc a box. TOYS FOR THE CHILDREN Every kind of Toy the child's heart could wish. A whole store devoted entirely to Toys, Dolls, etc. It will be impossible to name the hundreds of things in this Toy Shop. There are Velocipedes, Irish Mail Gars, Push Carts, Sulkies. Wagons, Tricycles, Doll Carriages and Doll Go Carts, Trains, Chairs. Fire Wagons. BallsMechanical Toys. etc. TOY SHOP OPPOSITE DRUG STORE. In the Drug Store we are showing a fine line of the more useful things suitable for presents. Every year we study your wants in this line, and we can say positively that we have more pretty things this year than ever before. China Tea Sets, Dinner Sets, Oddpieces, Plates, Cups and Saucers, Salad Sets, Cake Plates, Sugar, Creams, etc. A plain pattern in White China with gold band, at 10 ee.nts for Plates. Cuds and Saucers. It is the best value you will ever see in China. DR. HOBSON'S OINTMENT . HEALS ITCHY ECZEMA, The constantly itching-, burning sensation and other disagreeable forms of eczema, tetter, salt reeum and skin eruptions promptly cured by Dr. Ho son's Eczema Ointment. Geo. W. l'itcii of Mendota, 111. says: "I purchased a box of Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointmenc. Have had Eczema ever since the civil war, have been treated by many doc tors, none have given the benefit that one box of Dr. Hobson's Eczema Oint ment has." Every sufferer should try it. At all . u igiitor by nui. 5oc Pfeiffer Chemical Co. Philadeldhia & St. Louis, The Cut Glass, Etched Glass Tumblers, Goblets, etc. quality and price will appeal to you. Parisian Ivory Toilet Sets, Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, Manicure Sets and odd pieces. This is a new line, and the prices are lower this year than ever before. In Sterling Silver we have the prettiest line of Purses, Mesh Bags, Toilet Sets, Cuff Buttons and Links, Belt Buckles, Hat Pins, etc. WE HAVE PRESENTS FOR MEN Presents that will appeal to men useful presents for every day use. Collar Boxes, the new folding kind, made of leather, Cuff Buttons and links, Tie Clasps, Safety Razors, Lather Brushes, Folding Toilet Sets, Fine Soaps, Toilet Powders, Shaving Lotion, etc. Christmas Letters, Post Cards, Tags, Seals, Holly Paper. Huyler's and Liggetts Choc olates and Bon Bons in plain and Fancy packages. Cigars in packages of 25, 50 and IOO; Pipes in Meerschaum and Briar Root. Come here before you buy; you will find what you want, the price will fit you. Leslie9 Drag Store

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