gggffrr1 '"""'"irii m n -i wmwi i ' ' fan-m ryjjrigwii " irmfr .., minimi Children Cry for FSetcher's The Kind You Have Alvrays BoTlglit, and which has been in. use for over SO years, las borno the signature of ana lias been made tinder his ner- ' A r " y . . . i ,t l jy fmf j? ounui sui.i umuh since us uuancy. J-tcJZ&Zt Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-as-good" are but Ixporimouts that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. Mi is CASTOR I A Cnstorfa is a harmless" substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its acre is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, r. Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural Sleep. Tlio Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS (Bears the Signature of Iii Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought E CENTAUR COM PAf ICW YORK CITY, ii Mi m ! mnmi 3 Iaid Right: Over Wood Shingles No Dirt, No Bother In a very short time any building can have its fire trap covering turned into a modern fire-proof . storm-proof, lightning-proof roof at a very moderate cost a roof that will last as long as the building and never need repairs. 4 For Sale bit MORGANTON HARDWARE CO MORGANTOWN. C. The Presbyterian and Episcopal churches, the Court House and county jail, graded school building, besides a number of State buildings and nice Morgan ton residences are covered with these shingles. The reason they are used is because they, are better. "Cardui Cured Me" For nearly ten years, at different times, Mrs. Mary Jinks of Tread way, Tenn.. suffered with womanly troubles. She says: "At last, I took down and thought I w-ould die. I could not sleep. I couldn't eat I had pains all over. The doctors gave me up. I read that Cardui hail helped so many, and I began to talce it, and it cured me. Cardui saved my life! Now, I can do anything." JHTAKE MRDIJrWomanUTbnic If you are weak, tired, worn-out, or suffer from any of the pains peculiar to weak women, such as headache, backache, dragging-down feelings, pains in ann, side, hip or limbs, and other symptoms of womanly irouble, you should try Cardui, the woman's tonic. Prepared from per fectly harmless, vegetable ingredients, Cardui is the best remedy for you to use, as it can do you nothing but good. It contains no dangerous drugs. It has no bad after-effec8. Ask your druggist He sells and recommends Cardui. Write to: Ladiei Advieorr TImi ChHannn m.i.:.. for Special Instructions, and 64-paje book. "Home Treatment lor Womn." sent ire. J 54 3 A Telephone for Every Farmer Do yOU want one ?, 'We will tell you how to get it at small cosS rill out and return this coupon today. SOUTHERN BELL TEL. & TEL. CO. Atlanta, Ga. Please send me y6ur free booklet describing your plan for farmer. telephone service at small cost. Name... R. F. D.No. Town and State. Address FARMERS' LINE DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY S. Pryor St., Atlanta, Ga. THE NEWS HERALD Covers Burke County Like the "Dew. LIFE'S SWEETS STILL AHEAD Thanksgiving Time Found Chorus Girls Just a Little Bit Disheart ened Over the Outlook. j They eat in a cheap Broadway res jtaurant two chorus girls out of !work. It was Thanksgiving day. ; "When I came to New York a year ago," said the blonde, "I told the folks at home that I'd probably re turn for Thanksgiving in a private car. Back there they think I'm do ing fine. I hadn't the heart to tell them the truth." ! "That's what they think of me back in Wheeling," said the other girl, quietly. "The paper back home printed my picture last Sunday showing me to be a big actress." "They're having turkey and cran berries at my house back home to night," said the first. "Same at my home," said the other. The first put her face in her hands and was silent. A moment later the waiter approached them. "Whafll you have?" he asked. "An egg sandwich and a cup of coffee," came from the blonde. "Same for me," said the other. The waiter smiled, turned on his heel and departed in the direction of the kitchen. Two heads went into two sets of hands and a silence fell over the little party. Two girls were thinking, and thinking hard. THERE ARE OTHERS Mrs. Wise Children in these days are very mature. , Mrs. Green Yes, indeed: why, my little boy often finds fault with the coffee just like his father. CONCERNING CUBA. There is no Cuban currency and no paper money; United States cur rency is taken as the basis. Customs duties are also payable in foreign gold coin converted in accordance with the list of values issued by the secretary of the treasury of the United States. Spanish silver coins circulating in the island are received for customs purposes at the follow ing fixed rates : Peso, 60 cents : me dio peso, 30 cents; poseta, 12 cents; real, 6 cents; medio real, 3 cents. lhe metric is the legal system. Some Spanish weights and measures are still largely used, especially in the retail trade, among them being the arroba 25.366 pounds, and the vara 33.384 inches. In some in ouuic-ea xnusa umxs axe also em- plowed. THE YOUNGER SET. Doctor Gildersleeve, eighty-two years young, says his "work is all planned out for at least fifty years ahead. ' What a rebuke to mere lads of sixty or seventy, who think only M Al l 1 w reunn? 10 siiTroerea easa. Greensboro (N. C.) News. CLOSE DISTINCTION. She (after the waltz) You're a freshman, aren't vou ? ' He Pardon me ; I didn't mean to hold you so tight. Ohio Sun-Dial. NO USE. "You can't split hairs in that ar gument." "Why not?" "Because it is over bald facta. EXCEPTIONS. Tsn't it considered a great insult to- hang him in effigy V "Not if it is his portrait in an art CThThition." ONE REASON FOR GLADNESS Consolation Handed Unchivalrous Es cort Who "Kicked" at Cost of His Companion's Luncheon. They were on the subject of girls. ' "Look here!" exclaimed McFar land. "Did you ever take a girl out to lunch when she felt a little faint?" "Er no," admitted Smith, reluc jtantly. ': "Well, take my advice aad don't One day I took Miss Jennie West cott into a restaurant. At first she declined to eat anything, but then she said she believed she did feel a jlittle faint." "Did she take anything? She jseized the menu, glanced over it, said she didn't feel very hungry, and or-, dered " ; "Well, what did she order?" "Oysters, bouillon, lobster, cutlets, sweetbreads and peas, chicken, shrimp salad, biscuit glace, maca-i roons, coffee and creme de menthe. It cost me three dollars." "Well, you ought to be glad," said Smith. ; 4'Glad? What for?" "Why, glad she wasn't hungry." Two HER FAULT. "Mrs. Nagjr complains very much of her peccant spouse." "If she does. I am sum ha ia at the hen-peccant kind." DANGER AFTER GRIPPE Li ies in Poor Blrwf r w w wa, ouj wom-Out Condition. Grippe, pleurisy, pneumonia are greatly to be feared at thla season. To prevent grippe from beine fol lowed by either pleurisy or pneumo nia, it is important to drive the last traces of it out of the system. Our advice is to take Vinol. our delicious cod liver and iron prepara tion without oil, and get your strength and vitality back quickly. W. W. Lake of Aberdeen, Miss., says: Grippe left me weak, run-down and with a severe cough from which I suffered for a long time. I tried different remedies, but nothing seem ed to do me any good until I took Vinol from which I received great benefit My cough is almost entirely gone and I am strong and well again." Try Vinol with the certainty that If it does not benefit you we will give back your money. P. S. For Eczema of Scaln trr ouv Saxo Salve. We euarantea it W. A. LESLIE, Druggist, Morganton, NC. Home Women Talked About Hair. Two women met in our store the other day, when one of them said: "My, how pretty your hair looks! What have you been do ing to it?" Why, I have been using Har mony Hair Beautifier for the past two weeks, was the reply. "Why, indeed," replied the first woman, "that is just what 1 am using. Isn t it great, and dont you think my hair shows lot of improvement?" Harmony Hair Beautifier is be coming all the rage among both men and women who are particu lar in the care of their hair. is just what it is named a hair beautifier. It seems to polish and burnish the hair, making it glossy, silky-soft, and more easy to put up in graceful, wavy folds that "stay put." Contains no oil, and will not change color o hair nor darken it. Simply sprinkle a little on your hair each time before brushing it. To keep your hair and scalp j n i -i . aanarun-iree ana clean, use Harmony Shampoo. This liquid shampoo gives an instantaneous rich, foaming lather that imme diately penetrates to every par ot the hair and scalp, insuring quick and thorouen cleansing. It is washed off just as quickly, the entire operation taking only few moments. Harmony Hair Beautifier, $1.00. Harmony Sham poo, 50c. Both guaranteed to satisfy you in every way, or your money back. Sold only at the more than 7,000 Rexall Stores and in this town only by us W A. L.esjie, Morganton, N". C. j MINOR INCI3SNT. I "The men of this country don't appear to object to giving their wives the vote' said the visitor from abroad. ; "Well," replied the plain citizen. ' after you have put in your life try ing to give a woman the kind of house she wants and good clothes and furniture and anything else her hap piness craves, it doesn't seem sensible ,to try to hold out on a little thing jlike the vote." MEAN HINT. Gladys J ack proposed to' me last jnght. Maude I suppose you turned him down like the rest of us girls ? THE FACT IN THE CASE. j Feople are getting on badly enoughr in those floods, aren't they ' j "I think they ought to be able to jget on swimmingly." GETTING IT STRAIGHT. one i oeiieve vou married me Simply because I had money. ! .e Quite the opposite, nmrlnm, J married you because I hadn't any. Standing in your own Light ii you do not use ople VtiO MT. any trrtt&toa Aatl-Paia 'j rrf km i iv relieves rheumatism quickly. It stimulates the circulation in stantly relieves stiffness and soreness of muscles and joints. Don't rub it penetrates. Rheumatism NereT Returned "I am a travelling man and about one year ago I was laid up with rheumatism and could not walk. A friend recommended SloaD'a Liniment and the """ used it my knee was all O.K. and it has never bothered me since -tfJfP your Liniment in the house and carry it wUh me on the road. ihoma a. tianer. Wen Philadelphia, Pa. Rheumatism Neuralgia Stiffness Vanished "I suffered with an awful stiffness in my legs. That night I gave my legs a good rubbing with Sloan's Liniment and believe me, next morning I could jump out of bed. I have been supplied with a bottle ever since." Mr. A. Moon of Manchester, A. 11. Sprained Ankle Relieved "I was ill for a long time with a severely sprained ankle. I got a bottle of Sloan's Liniment and now I am able to be about and can walk a great deal. I write this because I think you deserve a lot of cred it for putting such a fine Liniment on the market and I shall always take time to recommend Dr. Sloan's Liniment." iln. Charle Haute of Baltimore, Aid, Sloan's Liniment gives a grateful' sensation of comfort. Good for sprains, neuralgia, sore throat and toothache. Use it now. At all Dealers, 25c.. 50c and $1.00 Send for Sloan's free book on burses. Address Dr. EARL S. SLOAN, Inc. BOSTON. MASS. King of Externals for Colda Croup Pneumonia. and I have found Gowans so efficient and reliable a Preparation in all cases where a powerful count er irritant is needed, and also possessing such de cided anodyne properties that I cannot resist the desire to endorse it as far and aw ay superior to any preparation of its class that has come under k!' -1 1thi'? any household can afford to be without it and I shall most cer tain y advise all druggists of my acquaintance to Stock up with it. v . HOWARD JAMES. M.D. E29 Massachusetts Ave.. Boston. Mass. All Druggists Sell Gowans 3 SIZES 25c. 50c, AND $1.00 GOWAN MEDICAL CO. CONCORD, N. C Commissioner's Sale of Jessie Con nelly Home Place. By virtue of an order of re-sale made and en tered in a Special Proceeding pending in the Su perior Court of Burke county, entitled Robert Conley and others, ex-parte. I will, on Monday, the 23rd day of February, 1914. it being the date set forth in the said order of sale, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door, Morganton, N. C. the foilowing described tract of land, lying and being in Linville township. Burke county, and known as the Old Jessie Cob nelly Home Place, adjoining lands of A. A. Con nelly, A F. Somers and others, particularally described as follows: Beginning on a stone, Somers corner, on the south side of the Yellow Mountain road, and runs north 50 east with Somers' line, crossing said road 96 poles to a gum, his and Connelley's corner; thence north his and Fox's line 58 poles to a double-chestnut and gum, thence north 44 west, 64 poles to the ford of a branch, same course with marked line and lane, whole distance to stake. A. A Connelly's crner, near a large white-oak; thence south 40 west with A. A.. Connelly's line, crsosing a branch. 75 poles to a rock, on the north bank of the Yellow Mountain road; thence down the meanders of the road to the beginning, con taining 150 acres, more or less. Said sale made for partition between the de visees and heirs at law of such so mentioned in the last will and testament of the said Jessie Con nelly, deceased. This January 20th. 1914. A. A. CONNELLY. Commissioner. Trustee's Sde of Reel Ettcle. By virtue of a trust deed executed by Dora Hamilton 17th Oct , lull, registerod in Book N No. 3, page 390, and default made thereon, I will sell to thehiphest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door in Morganton, N. C, on baturaay, Feb. 21 1914, that certain tract of land in Morganton township on the Kutherford ro;.d partitionea lot No. 4 of the Clarissa Garrison lan !, beginning on a stone m the main iiutherfoid road, Nancy Jones' corntr, and runs south 20 east with said road 12 poles 11 f u. then south 68 east 70 poies to stake; then n.rth 20 west 12 poles 11 If-to a stake in Nancy Jones line; then north 68 west with her line 70 poles to the beginning, containing 6 acres. JOHN T PERKINS, Trustee. This Jan. 21st, 1914. Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of Martha J. Sowls, deceased, notice is hereby given to all parties indebted to said estate to make immediate settlement, and all persons having claims against saia estate to present them on or before January 12th, 1915, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This Jan. 12th, 1914 G. L. STINE, Executor. C. L. Whitener, Atty. Yotino TvTpn rriAn nf Kromo brawn YOU can make eood in the Great North-' west Thousands of men, just like you, from your own state, have won wealth and independence as gen eral farmers, truck gardeners, dairymen, fruit grow ers, poultry, stock and hoe raisers, on the free or law. priced lands of Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon. Get the "Make-Good" idea. Write at for our "Make-Good" books.'' 100,000 Free 320 and 160 acre Government Home steads in Montana and Oregon. Very low-priced logged-off lands in Idaho, Washington and Oregon. Low Spring Fares one way Colonists fares dally. March 15 to AnrQ 15. Ms r,,vQ . western Montana points. $38, Chicago to Idaho. Washington. Oregon and British Columbia. One way Settlers' fares on certain dates $24.15. Chicago to eastern Montana. Qnnnd tnn P.rM frn Mnpfrfc-ta. : i . I, Equally low fares from all Eastern points. Send for Facts and Fares n-n n.?if7 for,"Make-Goocl" books, 36 pages, each handsomely illustrated. Filled with letters from men like you who have made good in the Northwest. Get our free Colonist Fare Folder. Fill out the coupon below and mail to M. M. HUBBERT, DUt. Paaaenger Agent, Dept.BU Great Northern Railway 836 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ftw ft Mi HHHHM. COUPON BB im ll I M. M. H' UBERT, Disk Passenger Agent 1 Dpt Bll Great Northern Railway S83S Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. P Send me "Hake-Good" bock c;: , Intmationai Exfttitim San Francita,191S 1SS SHEETS j and free Colonist folder. Name Address TIR.ES tires tires LOWEST PRICES in BUY YOUR TIRES DIRECT AT By buying and contracting direct from the factories for tirp large quantities for spot cash, we are able to offer them at a great money saving price direct to the consumer. A saving of from 35 to 60 per cent. When you buy tires from us you get full value, you don't have to III dTel 8 T"fit' 6 distributor's Profit, saleman's commission jSrhJ55P?u!?'- We sell tires direct t3 a., juuucis prices ana iuu GET BIG VALUE AND Shrewd auto owners comnose nnr mi!tmt. mt , . , , 1 """uv"i cuiiuug mem are Dank- f. ers, merchants, lawyers, doctors, planters and men in all lines who 0 know values and realize the advantages of buying direct. curing tne past aun winter automobile months we securpd rma Or. UDtt UizattT Tablets bare Kudy flavor. ChlMraa Among our tires are Diamond, Goodyear, Quaker Nassau pm pure, Fisk and others of equal quality. ' JNaSSau' Em- All Tires Guaranteed Fully. Note These Prices Carefully. TUBES SIZE TIRE 28x3 $ 7 20 30x3 7 80 30x3J 10 80 31x3 ll 00 32x3i ll 90 34x3i 12 40 30x4 13 10 31x4 13 45 32x4 13 70 33x4 14 80 34x4 16 80 35x4 17 25 36x4 17 85 34x4J 18 CO 3ox4J 18 75 36x4 J 19 45 37x4J 21 50 . 36x5 23 oo 37x5 24 40 WE CAN FURNISH GREY $1 65 195 2 80 2 90 2 95 3 00 3 10 3 20 3 35 3 50 3 60 3 75 3 90 4 80 485. 4 90 5 10 580 590 RED $1 90 2 20 3 10 3 20 3 25 3 30 3 40 3 60 3 80 3 90 4 00 420 4 25 5 10 5 20 5 30 5 40 6 20 635 RELINER $1 35 1 40 1 90 1 95 2 00 2 05. 2 30 2 35 2 40 2 45 2 60 2 70 2 80 3 40 3 45 3 60 3 70 400 4 20 THER ?IZES NON-SKID 10 PER CENT. HIGHER. FER Our supply of these tires are limited ins. Remember they are new clean tvLu advise early All high grade goods that wiKve lSh guarantee! - w oci vice. TERMS-5 per cent, discount if full order-goods. JST mpanies order. 1 ri a Mm. Uinjll t-l HI III rT III 1 a Money returned if unable to fill order. Seml'us trkforde 8hipments X! c - 3 ire i accones Sa pc fn ? DAYTON, OHIO. Model Bakery And , Cafe FRESH BREAD 0T Roiu DOUGHNUTS Pies aavd Causes We are Successful Caterers to a Varitf Appetites LUNCHES SERVED AT ALL HOURS D. W. REID, PropV. Thone 44-L TME POUNDATIOr! f m h p R ;- - THE HABIT OF SAVI" ;, i ORv- m EARLY IN LIFE, IS T '-'. i ;ry; f TION OF MANY A FOPcI U F Thrifty People Patronize the Savings Bank and Prosper The Department of Savings is a syccial feature of this bank. Large and small deposits are invited, and all draw 4 per cent, interest, compounded quarterly. Why Not Begin the .New Year by Starting a Bank Account? First National Bank MORGANTON, N. C. CAPITAL, $ 35,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS, 35,000.00 RESOURCES, 400,000.00 A. M. KISTLER, Prest. I. I. DAVIS, Vice-Prest. A. M. INGO'LD, Cashier J. A. CLAYWELL, Jr., Asst. Cashier. MISS SALLIE HOGAN, Teller. A, A "Chesty" Chest Protector You will be able to put up a good strong front against the worst kind of winter vr '' one ot our double thick fe-j cv Each protector consists of cxt" . 1 ' of felt closely felted so that there ve r: chance of the most sea: through. Cut accurately and fords protection for both back a::J client, the thingfor every one to wear who :s no; with weak lungs or a sensitive shin $1.25. Ju;t I'd 7t"c, ! BURKE DRUG COMPANY m 30E If: i: Try us with thatt next order for Job Printing WE ARE WELL EQUIPPED AND CAN SERVE YOU ON SHORT NOTICE Look over your stock of Stationery and if you need anything let us know jour wants. We have pleased hundreds of others and can please 'you. The News-Herald 0 liiii iqi 'iciicsogggji CHICHESTER S PILLS yr- THE DIAMOND BBANIK A Ladle I Ask year Drncrl.t for A ( M-ehc-ter INtmond BniidAX PHI. la and 4Jold mIllcV boiet, sealed vith Bluo Ribooa. Take a other. Bin of jomr v Umraint. AtkforCia.CUES-TERS DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for 85 PILLS. years kaowa at Best. Safest. Always Rdiabla CThr News-Heb.J Office has just reg J mPTit of near y .tirl Envelopes, besides a ruled papers . w A Stationery for Eusine;sJ bI It may pay you to placing your orcer. SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE

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