The news-herald. T. G. COBB, - Edi or and Owner THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1914. ft L HUFFMAN RESIGNS. The Captain of Plymouth. A delightful comic opera based upon Longfellow's "Courtship of Miles Standish" will be presented Friday night, March 6th, in the auditorium by students of the Morganton graded school. Seventy-five young people and children as Puritan men and maidens, Indian warriors and squaws, soldiers and sailors will take part in the play, which is decidedly one of the best ever undertaken by the school. The players were selected from the intermediate and high school grades of the school, and each part has been well taken. The choruses, catchy and delightful, are in themselves well worth the price of admission, all the musi cal numbers being very much above the ordinary. Many comic situations are developed, and throughout the play there are numerous criticisms of modern life, which because ot the very fact that they have as their set ting the solemn sternness of the serious-minded Puritans make of the whole a delightful entertain ment. The play premises to be the attraction of the season, and those who attend will be highly entertained. A general admis si n of 25 cents wTill be charged and 15 cents for the school chil trm and for ?11 children under 5 years of age. There will be no reserved seats, except a few rows for those who are unavoid ably detained by their business from being there at the opening hour, 8:30. Retires as judge of County Court and Mr. C. F. Mc Kesson Elected as His Suc cessor. On last Monday, March 2nd, vir, ri. Lu tiurrman, wno has been Judge of the County Court of Burke for about a year, ten dered his resignation to the Board of County Commissioners, effec tive April 1st, 1914. It is but simple justice to say that Judge Huffman, a man above reproach in his private life, bore himself most worthily and well on the bench. A good lawyer, Glen Alpine News. April 1st and will be Succeeded in that position by Mf. Hamilton Erwin. Mr. McKesson is an able law yer as well as an all round fine man, and his numerous friends are confidently trusting for a creditable administration of the County Court with him as Judge. BEST FAMILY LAXATIVE. Beware of constipation. Use Dr. King's New Life Piils and Keep well. Mrs Charfes E. Smith, of West Frank lin, Me., calls them "Our family lax ative." Nothing better for adults or aged. Get thenl to-daj-. All druggists or by mail. H. E. Hucklen & Co., Philadelphia or S.. Louis: is hi f '- i 4v - " : ., -f . .. , . 1 1 , t, ,.,tiii R. L. HUFFMAN quick to catch the main points in any case, clear in conception, fair and impartial in his rulings, he made a fine impression on the public and will, on his retire ment, leave behind him a most enviable record. He and Mr. A. C. Avery have formed a partnership for the practice of the law, and both of them have in a marked degree the respect and confidence of the people. We wish them the rich success that their character and ability merit. Correspondence of The New-Herald. Sunday morning good and early King Boreas started out on his 30-day reign. Shades and fruit trees and trees of the forest all paid tribute to his strength and might by bowing in the dust. Sunday night the wind blew harder than it has in 20 years, tress were blown on houses and several had shingles torn off and scattered over the fields. Straw and fodder stacks were badly twisted and some torn from stack pole and were blown to pieces, causing a total loss. Roads were blocked, wires were down, glass blown out of some of the houses and it felt at one time that houses could not stand. How ever the damage was small com pared to what it looked at one time it would be. The air during the wind seemed to be from the North Pole. Despite the fact of the wind and cold, Prof. Hinshaw and his quartette from Ruther lord college neid two services in the Methodist church to a much larger crowd than was ex pected from the weather. The sermons were good and singing enjoyed by all who were fortu nate enough to attend, and re i i 1 1 gret expressed that many were kept away by the cold. We hope he may come again. Rev. G. P. Burgess of Eagle, Alaska, lectured at St. Paul's Mission last Sunday. He has been in the mission field of Alaska for 5 years and is over in this coun A " i TT 1 try ior a visit, jus lecture was very interesting. Mr. Burgess says the railroad our government will build in Alaska will be of in calculable value in developing the country. I notice some of the railroada are kicking up a muss about the parcel post. President Erb o the Minneapolis & St. Louis R R. Co. is quoted as saying tha he had lodged a protest with the President and Postmaster Gener al, stating he would refuse to carry the U. S. mails if the parcel post business kept up, and says other railroads are with him in this. It may be Uncle Samue will have to build his roads to carry the mails or back down The parcel post has been of vas benefit to the people. Abraham Lincoln, who was a good man, said the country should be run, "By the people, of the people and for the people. " S n art men have already prophesied that in a few years the railroad and tele graph lines will be owned by Uncle Sam. Stranger things have happened. Jap. Glen Alpine, N. C, March 4, 1914. The resignation of Judge Huff man having been accepted, the Commissioners went into the consideration of a petition for the appointment of Mr. C. F. McKesson to fill the vacancy This was the only application presented to the board and was Sale of Land for Town Taxes Bv virtue of Sec. 11, Chap. 1027, of Private Laws of 1913, and an order of Town Council of Morganton, North Carolina, made and entered on minutes of said board, to me directed and duly endorsed on the tax list for the said Town of Morganton, for the year 1913 now in my hands for collection. 1 will on Monday, April 2nd, 1914, in de fault of the payment of the taxes men tioned below, expose the several lots or parcels of land whereon the same is due to sale at public auction at the Court House door in the town of Mor ganton, State of North Caro'ina, (sale beginning at twelve o clock Ji) to tne person or persons who with readv money pay the taxes, interest ana cost for the smallest portion of such 1 ts or parcels of la-d respectively; a'l of such Dremises lving within the corporate limits of said town of Morganton, Coun-1 ty of Burke, State of Nirth Carolina,1 and each of said lots and amount of. taxes due thereon being designated and j known by the name of the owner set opposite thereto, as follows: Avery, Mrs Sallie 3 lots Avery, Mrs M L. est J lot Anderson, J L bal 6 lots Avery, Rachel 1 lot Averv Lucy Ann 1 lot Averv. James 1 lot irpfv T Mr ;r 1 1 lnf -A : Avery, Wash 1 lot 1 00 Avery, Li lie 1 lot 10 Alexander, Clara est 1 lot 90 Bri.tain, M W 1 lot 3 15 Bowers. Mrs G G 1 lot 3 2 Bolick E E 1 lot 14 65 Barkley, T A 1 lot 4 00 Bracket, A L 2 lots 9 uo Brooks, Lester 1 lot 4 27 Beach, Mrs C L 1 lot 9 00 Bracket J L 1 lot 4 80 Clontz, V H 1 lot 5 50 Clark, E R 1 lot 9 89 Coleman, Howard 1 lot 1 70 Caldwell, Jerry 1 lot 5 97 Caldwell, Sam 1 lot 45 Caldwell, James 1 lot 2 70 Caldwell, Dave 2 lots 5 70 Carson, C M 1 lot 2 83 Candy, Mary Jane 1 lot 1 80 Denton, M J 2 lots 8 66 Dale, Alex 1 lot 90 Deal, J M 1 lot 6 00 Dunevant, S D est 1 lot 9 00 Erwm, W A 1 lot 1 80 Ervrin, Laura 1 lot 2 70 Erwin, Jones 1 lot 5 6o Frizard, S bal 4 lot 12 60 Forney, Julius est 2 lots 2 70 Flemming, W T 1 lot 5 12 Garrison, J W 6 lots 26 70 Glen Alpine Milling Co 1 lot 3 60 Gardner, Jerry 2 lots 3 27 Oafilner, Liltfe 1 k . , L (laston, Henie Seott 1 10 f Hallvburtoni T J 1 lot B airfield, EMi lot Hogan, P F 1 lot i Hogan, W G Sr 6 lots bal Harris, R G 1 lot Hawkins, El'a 1 lot Harbison, Will (col) 1 lot Hamilton, James 1 lot Happoldt, Geo 1 lot Johnson, Berdie and Essie 1 lot Johnson, Mrs W H 1 lot Jones, Caroline 1 lot Kibler, W M 1 lot Keever, H S 1 lot Kincaid, Till e 1 lot Laxton, Mrs J L est 1 lot Ledbetter, J R 1 lot Morganton Handle Co 2 lots Morganton Roller Wills 1 lot bal Mayzack, Thos est 1 lot Mabe, K D 1 lot McCall, R A 1 lot McGalliard, Mrs J M est 1 lot McDowell, C M 4 lots McDowell, Miss Cora 1 lot Powell, James 1 lot Payne, J N 1 lot Payne, H F 1 lot Pitts, W D 1 lot Propst, Mrs S C 1 lot Raby, Mrs W P 1 lot Smith. W P 1 lot Setzer, R T 1 lot Scott, Delia 1 lot Thomas. D L 1 lot Wilson & McDowell I lot bal Williams, John W 1 lot Williams, R 1 lot Williams, J W, Tannery 1 lot Williams, Mrs Mary 1 lot Walker, F O 2 lots Walton, Hiram 1 lot Wilson. Anderson 1 lot Walton, Laura 1 lot I oooooootMSooooocofteeee, w Jkist Received 5 Ford Touring Cars 1 Ford Roadster 1 Studebaker, Four 1914 MODELS Prices P. O. B. Detroit Ford Touring Car $ 550.00 Ford Roadster Studebaker, Four 1050.00 ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE Gaither &ColIett, Morganton, N.C. Automobiles and Accessories. STUBBORN", ANNOYING COUGHS CURED. "M3- husband hail a cough for fifteen years and my son for eight years. Dr. King's ew N Discovery completely cured then, for which I am most thank ful." writes Mrs. David Moor, of Satri na v, Ala What Dr. King's New Discovery did for these men, it will do f 1 . t- .-.111 Tli- liT, me'e "7.a,T Ti 6 fc3 : snoiilI tie in everv linmp. Stnns j injjf coughs, relieves lagrippe and all ; throat and lunar ailments. Money back if it fails. All drug-prists. Pi ice 50c and 1.00. H. E. Bucklen &Co., Phil adelphia or St. Louis. 62 10 6 00 2) 10 2 12 1 35 For Sale. 200 S. C. White Leghorn Pal- I ...x .... . ... . ' " t . ,e&..3 t , if-? Notice of Election. Notice is hereby given that an elec tion will be held at the Court House, in tne town oi Morganton in tne manner provided by law, on Monday, April 6th, ior tne purpose oi electing; a Mayor for the Town of Morganton, as prov ded in Article two, Chapter one hundred four. Private Laws of 1913. And notice is further given that R. E. Coleman has been appointed Registrar and R. E. Roper and X. H. Cox Judges of election. By order of Town Council. R. W. PIPKIN, Town Manager. This Feb. 25th, 1914. C3"Kirksey & Co. can fill your wants with anything in House Furnisings. Oka la UU JU. BLiie lets. Birds of Quality and Bred for Laying. In lots of 25 or more, 90 cents each. Less than this number, $1.00 each. Will de liver Birds in Morganton free of charge. T. R. Ford, Route No. 5, Morganton, N. C. C3For Sale. One 10-room house, and lot of nearly 5 acres, in Granite Falls, N. C. m Barn and all necessary out buildings. All under wire fence. Very de sirable property. For further in formation, price and terms, ap ply to R. L. Wilson, Hickory, N. C., Route 4. Farm For Sale.. ins oi ;e. About I ON DISPLAY AND SALE I Saturday, Mar, We wili have on Sale and Dis- o play a nice selection of all kinds g of Spring Goods. The selections g are the best to be found, All 6 are nice, new and fresh from the wholesalers. $ White Goods in plains, fancy strines and r.v.i.. .. - . - ulc h OVER 65 YEARS' EXPERIENCE . t kAAJ a ? Copyrights &c. Anyone sending n sketch and description may quickly uncertain finr opinion free whether an invention is prohnbly patentable. ConunnnioR tionsstrictlyeontldentia! HANDBOOK on Patents sent free, oldest nirency Tor securing putents. Patents taken throuirh Muim & Co. receive !--i( notice, without charge, in the Scientific American A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.nreest cir culatioti of any scientitlc Journal. Terms, f year: four months, tU Sold by ull newsdealer. MM & Co.364Breadw.a-N8W York Itraucli Ofllce. fi25 F Ft, Washington. D. C. I !.'. f-.r mv farm of 130 acrt s. i i-..-. r : i: township. 11 '5 mil c . . ' - : i r ir- ! ill h m'l'i fr-e Hoe's pitoiii thr,'-i,:i!ths in tiin'ijor except presen cutting: othor land can te improved for cukivaiini at little cost Good .iwplliii r l.arn and outhouses; g-ooo water. Two fine water powers; gcod corn mill. Good g-arden and orchard Also 10 acres at Table Rock post office old Table Rock Seminary prop erty. Partly in cultivation. Price for farm and mill sites $2600, and the 10 acres at Table Rock postof rice 8300, Terms one fourth cash, bal ance in one, two anu mice jcai di luents if desired. A bargain to anyone wishing the property. See or write me early. 1 W. L. ALLEN, Table Rock, N. i. Trustee's Sale of Timber Lands. By virtue of a trust deed executed 4th August. 1913, by A. F, Tate, and default made thereon, 1 will sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door in the town of Morganton, on Monday March 9th. 1914. that certain tract of land in Upper Creek township. Burke county, N. C, being the second tract of lot No. 6 assigned to A. F. Tate in the division of the H. C. Tate lands, be ginning on a sourwood, the old Tate corner of lot Nc. 3 and runs north with the old line 24 poles to a white-oak. Tate and Estes corner; thence west 12 poles with the old line to a white-oak and point ers, Tate and Estes corner; same course with lot No. 5 to a white-oak on the north-west side of hill east of Lowery's house, corner of lot No. 5; thence south 30 west with lot No. 5 26 poles to a stake and pointers on the east side of Lowery road; thence west with the line of lot No. 5, 46 poles to a pine knot and pointers; thence west with the line of lot No. 5 26 poles to a dogwood, corner of lot No. 5; thence west with the Tate line 46 poles to a chestnut, corner of the Tate lands; thence south with the old line 60 poles to a stake in the Piedmont road; thence with the meanders of the said road to where the Lowery road leaves the Piedmont road, corner of lot No. 3: thence north 64 east to the beginning, containing 92 acres, more or less. This 7th February, 1914. i J NO. T. PERKINS, Trustee. nier: C. F. M'KESSON signed by quite a number of lead- in sr citizens of the county, both Democrats and Republicans. M r. McKesson was unanimously elec ted. This court was created by a bill of Republican Representative Jno. M. Mull and provides that a vacancy on the bench shall be filled by the Board of County Commissioners. Mr. McKesson will go out as postmaster of Morganton cn Local Woman Now a Big Ad vertiser. it CSee Kirksey & Co. for Iron Beds, Mattresses and Springs. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 4- When one oi our woman cus tomers recently bought five bot tles of Harmony Hair Beautifier to give her friends for Christ mas, she started Dy nerseii a mighty big advertising campaign, A uecaust; iiut vmy uuco cotu uuc of the women to whom she gave a bottle of the Beautifier now consider it indispensable for the DroDer care of the hair, but each of them has been the means of getting several of her friends to use it. As a consequence, if things keep on in this way for a few months longer, we will be selling more of it than of all other hair preparations com bined. Sorinkle a little Harmony Hair Beautifier on your hair each time before brushing it Contains no oil; wili not change color of hair, nor darken gray hair. TV boon hair and sc.aln dan XO X1.S A. - . monv Shampoo. This pure liquid shampoo gives an instantaneous g rich lather that immediately pen- etrates to every pare oi nair anu sraln. insurinsr a Quick, thorough cleansing. Washed off just as quickly, the entire opera tion takes only a few moments. Contains nothing that can harm the hair; leaves no harshness or stickiness just a sweet cleanli ncss Both preparations come inodd shaped, very ornamental bottles, with sprinkler tops. Harmony Hair Beautifier, $1.00. Harmony Shampoo, 50c. Both guaranteed to satisfy you in every way, or your money back. Sold only at the more than 7,000 Rexall Stores, and in this town only ky us. W. A. Leslie, Morgantor, N. C. Farmers who need and expect to buy any kind of Farm implements this Spring and care to take advantage of our Special Discount of Five Per Cent from regular price cn any Machines listed below will please fill out blank in lower right hand corner of this advertisement and mail to us at once. This offer holds good until April 1st only. By letting us know your needs early in the season you will enable us to mail you catalogues and prices on Farm Implements. Our terms if goods are bought on time are six, twelve and eighteen months from date of purchase. 4g5 9 -A. 4 4 Deering Binders Farmers Favorite Wheat Drills Wm. Oliver Steel Beam Plow Riding and Walking Cultivators Kerosene Engines Feed Grinders Wood Saw Outfits Weber Wagons Disc Harrows Hoosier Wheat Drills Syracuse Steel Beam Plow Hay Presses Traction Plow Outfits Gee-Whiz Cultivators Pumping Outfits Peg Tooth Harrows Avery Steel Beam Plows Manure Spreaders Gasolene Engines Meadows Corn Mills Blue Bell Cream Harvesters Spray Outfits f Cut Out and Mail To-Day .1914 KIRKSEY & CO., Morganton, N. C. Gentlemen: Please furnish me with catalogues and price list on Signed.... P. O. Address 4 0 KIRK 0( O. Hardware and Furniture o o C9 10c to 50c per yard. Linens in all colors, the very nicest market affords, 15c to 50c per Silk Finish Foille in black, white, tan a der, 27 inches wide, something vc 25c per yard. Crepes, you know Cic; : . season. Ours are r-. 27 inches wi,. , ; Wash Silks in real nice, '1 wide, worth more nior. . we can sell them fo-" C- .. . thiiigj yard. tl O Wool Dress Goods, a real things in all colors. One sp; wide that are worth 50c per the tariff off so you can buy t r TT "1 1 1 1 Muslin underwear, me oige tion ever shown in the city. We the selection and quality of the Corset Covers in nice goods at : Gowns in all qualities at 49j, Gl-: and $1.50. Ladies' Pants at 25c and 50c each. Children's Pants all sizes, these you h a 6 not been able to buy in Morganton heretofore, but we have them plenty at 10c each. Underskirts, real nice ones trimmed nke, v.- the thing at 49c to $1.50 each. "i n .L j 3 i tome m oaiLraay anu ste vviiul we are si o ing. !T PAY'S TO TRADE AT co: OOOOOOCCOCOOOOC! to c pray Pomps Now is the Time to Prepare fer Fruit Crop Nothing on the farm is more profitable than fruit, and why neglect your trees. If you spray them you will have plenty of peri'.vt frrx We can supply ycu with Pump for from $3 to 12. CO Ask anyone who hns trees whether it pays, or v line Agricultural Expc Raleigh, for information. We also carry Lime, Sulphur of Lead and Spray Mixtures. Morg Hardware Co. boixnaooE Keep Your On This Space w. a. nm Watchmaker and Jeweler Twenty Years Actual Practice in Morganton. I have 46 acres of land in less than 2 miles t' limits of Morganton, with a fine water-power on i : torn; about 25 acres cleared and in cultivation: art : .last a family (with economy) a lifetime. Will n:: i cation for a dairy with a corn mill run in connect i.-n well watered and has a few fine lumber trees on it. dwelling on the property. About 50 horse-power can be developed on the l:i'.' ru.n ny small factory; such as a hosery mill, :mts will be ample power to light a modern hotel, r: laundry and wood saw. In fact, if the power is tK v generator placed down there, every bit of the eur rented right here in town to parties having fans aiul machinery. Owing to a change in business, I have decided to s y or exchange it for other real estate in town or c; tan aiviae in email lots, m order to turn it into re;:.: Good investment -fm nortioQ houimr mrmp v S alii i- 1 be sure to advance in price. See or address me at once, as I mean to sell. ,t(V WOKi-w--1-' rate try. taa: e v ' 5ufescrifrc for THE NEWS-HE lOk W. A I