HOSPITAL BOARD HOLDS QUARTERLY MEETING. Editor Clark, a Member of the Board, Gives Report of the Meeting Number of Patients New Water Supply. ARBOR DAY SET FOR NOVEMBER 5. The following report of the quar terly meeting of the State Hospital board of directors appeared in Fri day's Statesvllle Landmark, Editor Clark being a member of the board: At the regular quarterly meeting of the board of directors of the State Hospital at Morganton, Wednesday, the report of Supt. McCampbell showed that there were on the Hos pital rolls June 1 last, 594 male and 810 female patients, a total of 1, 404. During the three months June, July and August 52 men and 53 wo men were admitted, a total of 105. Discharge during the same period, 31 one man and 30 women. Deaths 20 9 men and 11 women. Remain ing on the rolls August 31 1,458 636 men and 822 women. The installation of an additional water supply, for which the last Leg islature made 'an appropriation of $60,000, is in progress. The ditch has been dug for the gravity line, a dis tance of about eight miles, and pipe is being laid. To protect the water supply several hundred acres com- prising the water shed will be pur- chased. Negotiations for this land have been in progress and Supt. Mc Campbell was instructed to close the deals. It is expected that the new water line will be completed in two to two and a half months and it is estimated that it will add a minimum of 400,000 to 500,000 gallons to the Hospital's water supply. The pres ent supply of about 200,000 gallons has been adequate for some years and the addition is expected to pro vide ample water for the institution for many years. Application was made for right of way through the lands of the Hos pital for a railroad which it is pro posed to build from Morganton in the direction of Shelby. The application was referred to the executive com rnittee and the superintendent, with power to act. The superintendent was instructed not to receive patients until applica- tion papers had been received and passed on and a permit issued for admission. In a few instances pa tients are taken to the Hospital with out application papers having been filed or a permit issued for the ad mission of the patient. This embar t rasses the superintendent, who must either refuse patients in such cases or take them without papers. If the latter course is pursued the practice is liable to be abused by those who desire the admission of patients and is unfair to those who await the reg ular procedure. Hence the instruc tion that the regulations must be complied with by ' applicants for ad mission. The crop on the Hospital farm is unusually promising this year. The farmer estimates that the corn crop will be over 3,000 bushels, but form er members of the board think the estimate is modest; that the crop will surpass that. In addition to the corn crop there will be a fine crop of feedstuff and ,the crops of . vegeta bles, etc., have been good. All the members of the board were present at the meeting except Mr. A. A. Shuford of Hickory, who had been called away on important busi- WATAUGA MAN IS IN PEN AT LAST. Governor Craig Issues Procla mation for Observance in Schools of the State. By special proclamation of Gov- 1 X-l T71 1 T 1 ernor iocKe uraig, uriaay, iMovemuer 5, 1915, has been set aside as Arbor Day. The General Assembly at its last session enacted an arbor day law and Monday Governor Craig is sued the proclamation fixing the date. The public schools of the State will observe the day by recitations, drills, songs and exercises, and by the plant ing of trees and shrubs on the school grounds. A full program is under preparation in the State Department of Education and will be issued in pamphlet form. Governor Craig's proclamation is as here given: "Whereas, nearly two-thirds of the total area of North Carolina, is now covered by forest growth, the great er part of which has been cut over by lumbermen, and devastated by fire to such an extent that its annual yield is less than one-half what it should be; and "Whereas, the soil is the material source of our strength and upon its right use depends the permanent pros perity of our State; and "Whereas, the present generation is coming to realize that the use of the forest and the soil has not been in accordance with proper economy in as much as forests have been de stroyed by axe and fire, steep lands have been cleared and unwisely used and ruinously cultivated; and "Whereas, the coming generation of brest and soil users is, now in our public schools; and upon the school children of the State is to fall the task of repairing the loss caused by our carelessness or indifference; and "Whereas, the General Assembly of this State has seen fit to enact an Arbor Day law: "Now, therefore, I, Locke Craig, PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Charlie Stevenson spent Sun day in Hickory. Mr. I. T. Avery went to Old Fort Tuesday on business. Miss Netta Bridgers visited rela tives in Hickory Sunday. Miss Eunice Ballew, of Hickory, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Bonner Lane. Messrs. L. W. Cline and Joe Sharp, Robert H. Walls Began Serving His Sentence Monday. Raleigh Dispatch, 13th. Robert R. Walls of Watauga coun ty took up to-day the service of his three and a half years sentence for the fatal cutting of M. I. Morretz, af ter spending a week here impatient ly waiting his official delivery to the prison as required by statute. This 0f Hickory, spent Sunday in Morgan was made by Sheriff W. F. Moody of ton who arrived here Sunday afternoon and scent several hours Messrs. B. Bristol and W. I. Davis seeing the city with Walls, who is a fPent Tuesday in Charlotte on bus- personal friend to the sheriff. It was iness. 1 1 TTT 11 more than a weeK ago ana tnai vvaub M s H Coffev nd daughter. came to -Raleigh and offered himself Migs Addie are sp6nding some time to the State's prison autnoriues to -n charlotte. begin the service of his sentence, it not being realized that it was neces- Mr. Robert McNeely, of Lake Tox- sary for an officer to come from Wa- away, spent Tuesday and Wednesday tauga to deliver him and make oath in Morganton. j L! Z J xm4-i4-t TUT"- 11 a Vtovri-mrv Vkaan as w iik, iu ujr, & w c Eryin left Tuesday night put under bond making arrangements f or to be gQne tor nis imprisonment. d Qn business Sheriff Moody explained that the fact that Watauga court was in ses- Mrs. Lenoir Chambers, of Char sion made it impossible for him to lotte, has been the guest this week of come to Raleigh as soon as he was Mrs. G. P. Erwin. Tintifipd of the necessity of his nres to deliver Walls. He said he Mr- Guy Houk left Monday to re was sure that Walls would stay right enter scho1 at Emory and Henry here until he came and that he and Allege, ,mory, va. the great .mass ot tne people oi wa- Miss Musa Marbut has returned i ii j I tauga wno Know mm nave tne utmost f rom a visit to her sister, Mrs. Will confidence in Walls. . Clinkscales, at Mountville, S. C. In taking up his abode in the prison Walls said that he enjoyed greatly Mr. R. S. Wimley, after a week's the many kindnesses that were shown visit to Mr. A. A. Connelly, left Sun him here during his wait to begin day for his home in Philadelphia. sex vice Ui BWh u.c mU.a wuj. M- Ada Pearson returned Satur compiera provision xux m d to charlotte, after a short visit and passes to the moving picture to her w g; snows, xnese, ne saiu, xieipmg Pearson wonderiully in diverting nis mina from his impending imprisonment. Miss Grace Brewer, of Hickory, Sheriff Moody insisted on paying all spent several days during the week the expense incurred in Walls' wait with the family of her uncle, Mr. for his arrival. Walls has a wife John Brewer. jnrl rVii1Hrn. Tt is helipved that it Governor of the State of North Car- win be only a matter of a few weeks Mr Bob Gantt' of Bryson Clt? olinaT realizing the value of which until there will be a definite and sPent Sunday with his wife, who is the suitable observance of this day strongly backed movement for a par- visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. will be to the State m interesting- theLi Woll. yweii. 0 XJ If CillO. rising generation m a proper appre ciation ot our forests, our birds, our Mrs M E Gillam ffooa rA ftnp criTMiVc! An ViqtqTtt rin w -c;a vL tcm. -nLt. A recent issue of Everything, Col. the seventh grade in the Graham November, One Thousand Nine Hun- Fairbrother's paper published m graded school. j j j.m. -!ii i VjrreensDoro, contained on tne vvu- uxeu aim rineen, snan oe appropn- Migs Robbie Cobb acc0mpanied by ately observed as Arbor Day by the ' , . , - hPr sister. Miss TWtt-w Cnhh. loft fM,.We a f n 1. i. rairorotner, tne loiiuwmg seucn ui , , - v,o uUiuxCu Vi c uu- nhotoe-ranher Mrs M E Gil- yesterday to enter school at the Nor lie schools of-Jthe State by recita- f local photographer, Mr s'M.&. Kil Tnc0 Acllo . lam, wnicn win oe reaa witn interest wuv6.i,v, w, "v I 1 tit . n:n j 1 j I villp. i 1 ,1 uy iurs.N uniiiia b xiienus ncie ctnu 1 , anu Dy tne . , d 1 c C-T noru' 0 , j j.x. ji i 1 ivir. ana mrs. utis mun ana onoy, 1 Some one has said that no knowl- L . . . : ' 1- j . , , , , , IU 1VX1S. 1VJ.U11 S blSlWS, 1VX1S. XJ. Xl. J.VXU11 ifinpo livori Thrmiorh Thar is m or rT I ' ,v"vv """"6" I J?VT3 J J TAT XXT T rp 1 ui dicvqiu ctnu ivxxs. tv. xv .xxcsxex of Hendersonville. mmWx -TV' 'MmW wmMrn The Chewiest ever Gum Ms.-. f .11 .-' rt, V Sw is the bi 5c. the packet or two "Bobs" for a cent at all the better stands and stores. oy or evervDodv. Candied over with peppy peppermintt!ie heart of the heart is the gum. Itgets better with every chew. Bote" is Ome (Good Get' 66 Miss Donnie Cobb left last Friday to resume her duties as teacher of propriate to the occasion planting of trees and shrubs on the school grounds. "Let this be done that the purpose of Arbor Day may be imbued upon us and upon the youth and interest value in life. Little did Mrs. Gil- awakened in a subject the considera- la.m en reizf ,when' as y0?ng tion of which will add to our general &n? uu.ieu u dT5 . r WILLARD C. NORTHUP Architect MEMBER North Carolina Architectural Associ ation and American Institution 1 of Architects. Rooms 712, 713 and 714 Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.,- WINSTON-SALEM, N. C LITTLETON COLLEGE. well-established, well-equip- Miss Louise CoffeV. after having Tirnsnpritv and th f,itrP w0!,iti, f mS with such enthusiasm, that she RT.t fh vacation at her home North Carolina, and will greatly add was laying a foundation of V' here, returned to Concord yesterday for girls and young women. 7 o i i ? 1 1 J? 1 J i to the happiness of us and our chil dren. less value for her life work of pho tography. Though located in the! 'Done at our city of Raleigh, this sma11 town of MorSanton she has fV, 1,; i. a -e e x oeen aDie to mase ner innuence ien wii Lcciitii ua ui ocjJiCiiiucx, ill to resume her duties as stenographer for Gowan Pneumonia Cure Co. Miss Sybelle King, who spent the , I J.1 1 J 1 : . n- i 1 1 j the year of our Lord, one thousand 111 ma"y ouier auu 1S ciaim- summer m morganton as me guesi nine hundred and fifteen, and in the ing. customers in an ever widening of Mrs. B. S. Gaither, left Monday Fall term begins September 22, 1915. J. M. RHODES, Littleton, N. C. E. M. HAIRFIELD, Attorney-at-Law, Office in Perkins Buildins MORGANTON, N. G. Practice in State and Federal 0 SALE OF VALUABLE FAR! LAND. one hundred and fortieth year of our Amei'ican Independence. "LOCKE CRAIG, "Governor." radius. afternoon for New York to resume Mrs. Gillam was left a widow with her work as teacher in the New York C. L. Whitener, Frank McDowell, several small children to provide for School for the Deaf. ' - Hickory. Morganton. and dollars had to come. She instinct ness. Not Yet Thrifty. University News Letter. Eleven million, one hundred thou sand thrifty people had nearly five billion dollars in the 2,100 banks of the United States on June 30, 1914. That is to say one person in every nine had something laid away against a rainy day. The average savings de posit was $444.36. In North Carolina 56,199 people, or only one person in every forty, had money on savings account in our 28 savings banks, the average accounts being $183.96 and the total $10,338,- 466. The increase over 1913 in the num ber of savings- banks in North Caro lina was 2; in the number of" deposit ors, 12,138; and in the amount on de posit, $2,779,000 In the number of savings banks, North Carolina ranked twelfth; in average account per depositor, our rank was thirty-sixth; in the total de jposits, our rank was twenty-sixth. Mrs.'J. P. Stacy left Monday for a visit to Hendersonville, where she will visit her son, Mr. C. A. Stacy, and v daughter, Mrs. W. R. Trexler. She will then go to Brevard to visit another daughter, Mrs. L. E. Mull. Mrs. A. C. Kerley and children ar rived last Thursday from Salisbury, Tenn.. , to join Mr. Kerley. While awaiting the completion of the re pairs on the house on the v schoo grounds, which they will occupy, they are boarding at Mr. P. Patton's Ve Have Names, Too Washington News. i ively turned to her old pursuit of the British Sovereigns Are Melted WHITENER & McDOWELL, beautiful, but this time the camera Ttr flnA Tarc was her means of exDression rather Counselors-At-Law. than the paint brush. The dollars New York Dispatch, 13th rm.. rij. i . . . . , U 1 UU 01 1 C1 C AAA I xue oiaie press every now ana came, sne could never nave attained 1U wiui pxx,ux,vvu, wmui 'Office over First National "Rank i i . . . i . . . . 1 1 - j i j.1 i nen nas some comment to make upon the proficiency that marks her work came to xms country aunng tne ias the queerness of hte names of Rus- if it had not been for this early train- three weeks in the form of British sian towns. However, perhaps, in insr. She has proved herself a worth sovereigns, are being assayed and Will practice in State and Federal 1920, or thereabouts, the Russian while woman in every respect, capable stamped at the United States assay courts, also Recorder's Court for press may have the same comment of rising to every emergency that life office in Wal1 street. The bars will to make upon engagements that may has brought. To-day she is sur- remain in the government vaults un tage place in North Carolina. For rounded by a family who are no long- tiA tney . are shipped to the United example, a dispatch, similar to the er children, but successful men and States mints to be coined into Amer following, would probably prove very women; secure in the esteem of her ican S0ld pieces. The British gold is amusing to the Russian scribes: townfolk, and happy in a prosperous part of p great shipment recently re Morganton township, and any justice's court. 'A fierce battle took place near business. Mrs. Gillam stands for two ceived from England by way of Hal- NORTH CAROLINA, Burke County. In the Superior Court, October Term, 1915. Chocowwinity. The fort at Mata- things; what a woman can accomplish ifax to help establish credit in the Maude E. Abernethy YS. R. Lee Abernethy. PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. muskeet is reported to be weakening, when it is necessary, and what an ex- country and to pay for purchases of while many have been slain at Pas- cellent profession photography is for war munitions by Great Britain. 4- i, xt o .. m . ...... 'ut' - n-: -e 4-T n 4uutaiiJY. xear oaxauaw tne enemy a woman. - one is an enthusiastic "AC U4WMs ux W1C vwcigus wo -p T Avarnai, va jflf.jai is reported to have. made a big gain, member of the Woman's Federation necessary because the treasury de- above named will take notice that an Two thousand prisoners were cap- of the Photoeranhprs?' Assnpintinn rvf partment has ruled that only Ameri- action entitled as aboveJtias been com- tured at Mooshaunee and many euns Amerira. can coins may be received at the sub- menced in the Superior Court of were taken at Omohundru. Numer- BAYARD WOOTTFINT treasury in this city. ous buildings have been destroyed at Aaron Sugg's Siding." C. & N. W. to Imnrovfl RnjiHhprf Fact For Sufferers. rwon Tiicof.v, iofv, Pain results from injury or con Burke county, State of North Caro lina, the same being brought by the plaintiff for the purpose of obtaining ing a divorce from the bonds of mat rimony subsiding between her and said defendant; and the said defend- By virtue of an order of tt perior Court" of Burke county id the case of Robert Arney and oJ ex parte I will sell to the highest) der for cash at -the Court House beptember 18th, 1915, for par all that certain tract of land i: per Creek township adjoining derson. and others, being lot! of the W. J. Arney lands, divi; Etta Arney Henderson, decease einnintr on a bunch of mulberr the east side of Upper creek, e of lot 3. and runs nortn 4 through the bottom with line : 3 68 poles to a stake in the roac a bunch of wild cherries, coc lot 3; thense south 45 with the and line of lot No. 2 8 poles to a on the east side of a branch, corJ lot 3, thence north 18 east i with line of 3 to a sycamore; 4 up the branch with line of lot j ou east poies; tnence cav thence north 30 east 4 poies, rvH-h a a onsf 8 nnles: thence 32 east 5 poles; thence north t 6 poles; thence nortn s ea&i of lot 3, a new marked line to a stake in Henderson m corner of lot 3; thence north fc with the road 4 poles; thence oo Vo mad 20 POlt white pine in west side of w nf Int. 3. thence nortn i to the line of 3, it being a ne line 20 poles to a wmte f; C 1 4- O 4-nna north 00 the marked line of lot o.j to a stake in rieamunt of lot No. 3; thence with itB J .4? XX mad and lOt r0, uex a ux tuc - ro & on j. 1 a -nlic nnrtrl 00 ou wesu x yV r..;fl poles to a staKe m u - , Henderson and Arney lm J, lot No. 1; thence souui - the lienaerson anu ori poles to a state on the ban . creek, Henderson auu "v ; thence down said creek sou 20 poles the south 42 east i thence south 21 east 33 beginning. t This 21st day of Augii, iJ JiU. A A nnto -Fi-m Pmf IT tvt srestion. lie it neuralgia, rneuma .i. x. ' Upon the completion of estimates tism, lumbago, neuritis, toothache, ant will further take notice that he is 7" ? , r if c , .meTJto be finished within a few days, work sPrain' bruise' sore stiff,les or required to appear at the next ensu- at. his nnmp a rnnnollv Rnnnofo fori c y vivjo, wui i ; , i , -1 J 4- I : 7i , " " wfJ. V- quests us to change the address of his paper to Madison, Wis., stating that he leaves this week for that city. Prof. Coulter is a member of the faculty of the University of Wisconsin. HAVE YOU BEEN SICK? Then you realize the utter weakness that robs ambition, destroys appetite, and makes work a burden. TorestoretliatsiTengthandstaminathat is so essential, nothing has ever equaled or compared with Scott's Emulsion, be cause its strength - sustaining nourish ment invigorates the blood to distribute energy throughout the body while its tonic value sharpens the appetite and restores health in a natural, permanent way. If you are run down, tired, nervous, overworked or lack strength, get Scott's Emulsion to-day. It is free from alcohol, w Scott & Bowne, Bloomficld, N. J. on thf rnnHhprl hf Va C A M T?oil wnarever pain you nave yieius xo ing term OI tne Superior court Ot on tije roadbed Ot the C & N. . Rail- oloans T.iniTTifiTit brine-s new fresh P.nrlr ominhr n & ir, road below Newton, involving the ex- blood, dissolves the congestion, re- of Morganton, State aforesaid on the penaiture oi several thousand dollars, neves tne- injury, tne circulation is ist Monday in Uctober, A. U., 115, will be started. The survev includes free.and yDur pain leaves as if. .y and answer or demur to the complaint frhp raiinw nf miio o ci-r-v, -nnA "s1 liaiulc UJ- Muaixnca hi saiu action, or wie piainun win ap- Jhe raisingof quite a stretch of road- penetrate immediately to the store ply to the court for the relief de- ueu wnere in times oi Dig rains water spot. Don't keep on suffering. Get inanded in said complaint. uoo ,uuuueu uie iracius, ana aiso tne uvtuc ux owau o xjiiiimciii. ubc i.. xms uie -iitn uav oi tiuiy, ivlo. . Ti. - i j 1 J? T nrr -S . L' straightening of the line at several " .ir.Tu x-rices . o . i. A. BKlBTOL,, anu uuc. px.uvF uoiuB uuiuB sij nines lerK-auperior uourt oi xiurke Coun ty, North Carolina. B. L. LUNSFORD, points were undesirable curves now as much as the 25c. size. exist. Civil Engineer Fletcher, of Chester, has just completed the survey. We are the logical people, to fur nish Coal to the town, as out stock will eat in the winter, and if we can't Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PARDON. TViq -tsmi-. 1 ,3 1 4? ir i i tv o Xrck it- vn rnl ttto olro i-f rn4- rf V10 xa..,Wuu8.Mui xium xviorganton r - Take notice that the undersigned who left this week to attend school ice bill. Business is business. Mor- will make apjplication to the Gov- at the State Normal, Greensboro, ganton Ice & Fuel Co. were' Misses Annie Spainhour, Louise ernor of North Carolina for a par don. All persons who oppose the srrantinr of said nardon are invitpd Immediately, Twelve to forward their protests at once to TIT A 7lT-P"E'Tk VJW"VY111' xiviioway, Elizabeth ua nUv xkta a-, the Governor, at RaWh m r. . - l ,vl uo vi xxcu vuxv x iiv ii wit. Mr I rm a o 7 -w. Anderson, Evelyn Mull. Sadie Patton U.i , r This August 28th, 1915. II Mlj VU Jl. UlCKViJI) iI-VlKaUbUU XI. I f -v TT XT riTWlT ana iaura Howard. , C. - 'wtttt aut ufTf r,T, Notice. Have you surveying ber estimating to ( do it for you in a careful j: fnmfa manner and ai W .--. Ml Tirt able price. Hw butWJ ar trip, best and good order. He does Hifrlf.iilt and intricate J , gets them right and you nice map ot .ffll you want it. lv;.;fie(jti - ,rrill VlA SatlS derstands his busines fiHICHESTii Fills in eu ryrs?v boxes, seal" joia Take bo rf lal . a years known as t- ' T- flk Subscribe for The Itesv the : if b 5tat fresp ass ding nts, this nvi k r. M itly idan r. D has . F: ion i rec Itten A. iami. e H( fevei all tin ts H Mr She Pi jgree )ictu: J He in ng. i H, edr ses: The ss 1 tht r EPon Es Wor( ter, Ali Tiite; rs. j d. com, blc -.---.--.XT-. x V X HI IXfc. I It

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