. - I Morganton To Shelby Railroad Burke County Commissioners Make Order on Result of June Election Virginia-Carolina Midland Railway Company, if They Build Road, to Make Bond of $100,000 Within Ninety Days, and to Complete Road to Casar Within Eigh teen Months. At the last regular, meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Burke county the following order was made: "It is ordered that the following be spread upon the minutes of the Board of Commissioners of Burke county as the order of said Board, to- vvit: An election having been legally held on the 5th day of June, 1915, said railway company shall further do and perform all other acts . and things required by the said act of the General Assembly in-order to be entitled to ' have subscriptions made to said proposed railroad under the provisions thereof, when voted by said townships, then and in that case, and not before, it shall be lawful for, and the duty of , the Chairman of this Board of Commissioners, and he is hereby directed to subscribe in bonds to the capital stock of said railroad in the name of each of said townships the amounts so voted - by each of them, that is to say, in the name of Morganton township, fifty thousand ($50,000) dollars in bonds; and in the name of Upper Fork township, fifteen thousand (15,000) dollars of bonds; provided the voting, of said township for bonds in that amount Lis hereafter ratified by an act of General Assembly of North Caro lina, otherwise the ' subscription in bonds to be issued in the name of at the proper polling places in Mor ganton, Upper Fork and Lower Fork d Upper Fork township shall be townships in Burke county, respect ively, pursuant to the order of this board, made upon petition filed, un der the provisions of an act of the General Assembly of North Carolina, passed at its session of 1915, the same being Chapter 442 of the Pub lic Local Laws of 1915, upon the1 question of each of said townships voting bonds to be used in subscrip tions to the stock of a proposed rail road, running from Shelby in Cleve land county by way of Casar and through said townships to the town of Morganton in Burke county; and the judges and registrars holding such elections having made returns thereof and it appearing from such returns, as duly recorded in the office of this board, that Morganton town ship has, by a majority of its quali fied electors, voted in favor of a prop osition to subscribe fifty thousand ($50,000) dollars of bonds to said proposed railroad; and that Upper Fork township has,. by a majority of its qualified electors voted in favor of a proposition to subscribe fifteen thousand ($15,000) dollars of bonds to said proposed railroad; and that Lower Fork township has ,by a ma jority of its qualified electors, voted in favor of a proposition to subscribe twenty-five thousand ($25,000) dol lars of bonds to said proposed rail road; and it appearing to this, board that there has already been a survey of a proposed railroad through said townships by Manly McDowell and his associates as trustees for a cor poration to be hereafter formed and created under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, to be known as the Virginia-Carolina Midland Rail way Company and chartered as a common carrier of freight and pas sengers, such parties hereinafter named as the Railway Company, and that said Railways-Company through its said trustees, Manly McDowell and his asosciates, stands ready to enter into bond conditioned for the construction and completion of the said railroad through the said town ships within eighteen (18) months from the date hereof; now, therefore, if the said railway company shall, within ninety (90) days from this date, file in this office .a bond pay able to this Board of Commissioners for and on behalf of said townships, as their interests may appear, in the sum of one hundred thousand ($100,000) dollars with good and suf ficient surety or sureties, conditioned for the construction and completion through said townships within the time aforesaid, of a standard gauge railroad with steel rails not less than 60 pounds per yard, grade not to ceed 2 per cent, no curve to exceed nine degrees (9 degrees) and to be equipped and in operation with the proper rolling stock for the safe ac commodation of both freight and pas sengers said road to be constructed with oak or heart pine cross-ties of standard dimensions, and the bridges across Hunting creek, Lower Fork and Upper Fork to be constructed of steel, and the abutments of said bridges to be of stone or other ma sonry. All trestles to be standard and constructed of strong oak . or heartpine, so as to constitute a part of a proposed railroad from Shelby to Morganton through said townships as aforesaid, by way of Casar in , Cleveland county, and also condi tioned that the said railway company shall assign transfer and set over to the Chairman sof this Board of Commissioners, all rights of, way for said proposed railroad through said townships which have already been secured and that such as are here after secured shall be taken in the name of the said Chairman of said Board of Commissioners and that the in an amount equal to five (5) per cent of the assessed valuation of the real .and personal property , situated and located in such township for the previous year (1914) as shown by the tax-list of Burke county for said township for, said year; and in the name of Lower Fork township twenty-five thousand ( $25,000 ( dol lars of bonds, provided the voting by said township for bonds in that amount is hereafter ratified by an act of the General Assembly of North Carolina; otherwise the subscription in bonds to be issued in the name of said Lower Fork township shall be in an. amount equal to five (5) per cent of the assessed valuation of the rea and personal property situated and located in such township for. the previous year (1914) as shown by the tax-list of Burke county for said township for said year. "The bonds to be so-, subscribed in the name of said townships to be coupon bonds, payable to said rail- way company, running twenty (tv) years and bearin interest from the date of making such subscriptions at the rate of six (6) per cent per an num payable semi-annually; such bonds for such townships to be of of railroad of standard gauge and equipment, as hereinbefore described, shall be constructed f ronv Shelby in Cleveland county, to Casar in said countyv connecting with the line of railroad to be built through said townships in Burke county, within two years from this date, so as to constitute a connected and operated line of railway, under one manage ment, from the said town of Shelby to the said town ot Morganton, then this order is to be null and void and all subscriptions made and bonds is sued thereunder shall be null and void and surrendered by the holders there of to be cancelled. "All of the provisions of this order are to be incorporated in and to form a part of the subscriptions and bonds to be made and issued thereunder "Done by order of the Board of Commissioners and signed' by i its Chairman and attested by its Clerk at this a regular session of said board, and seal of Burke county af fixed thereto . County Seal "J. M. BRINKLEY "Chmn. Bd. Comrs. of Burke County. "J. B. Holloway, Clerk." Rheumatism Has a Foe. Only those who have suffered the agonizing pains of rheumatism recog nize the value of a remedy which gives relief. Rheumatism has met a foe in SLOAN'S LINIMENT. Its at tacking qualities send the warm, red blood to the painful or congested part, bringing quick relief. SLOAN'S LINIMENT penetrates the painful parts without tiresome rubbing. This most satisfactory and voucnea for remedy has its further uses m all allied troubles, as bruises, swell ings, sprains or in fact anything which requires a good liniment. A medicine chest is hardly com plete without a remedy which can cover every emergency. So, when suffering from rheumatism and other pains, remember that SLOAN'S LIN IMENT penetrates directly to the painful spot and kills the pain. Rebuilt Traction and Portable Engines the denomination vof five hundred ($500) dollar each and signed by the the said Chairman of this Board of Commissioners in the name of such townships and counter-signed by the Clerk of this Board, and payable at the town of Morganton, N. C, but not to be issued or delivered so as to Couldn't Afford to Advertise. Selected. ' ' Jud Shaw sold shoes and sealing wax, and lamps, hshpoles and glue tobacco, , candles, gum, and tacks, slickers and sardines, too; dry goods and hams were in his line; he dealt in' peas and beans; he. kept the gen eral store, in fine, sold overalls and jeans; but Jed, somehow, he wasn't wise -"'Couldn't afford to advertise." - Not that he harbored any grudge against his home town sheet; he was, as anyone' might judge, a kindly man to meet; his customers, he treated fair, and yet he prospered not; his goods were honest, one would swear he simply was forgot; for Jud, somehow, he wasn't wise "Couldn't afford to advertise." Mail order firms from out of town, much wiser in their day, paid liber ally for their renown, and gathered in the hay; their catalogues went everywhere; they advertised for trade; their name went forth with trumpets blare, and, ah! the coin they made; couldn't afford, they were so wise, couldn't afford not t'advertise. Now, Judd's stuff it was just as good; his prices were the same; the loss was ours; he simply would not spread abroad his name; though townsfolks might have much pre- RESCUED PIFAMMG WIFE After Four Years of Discouraging ,,,, (. - - ; ".. Conditions, (Irs. Bullock Gave Up in Despair. HusBand Came to Rescue. 3 5-H. P. Portable Engines on wheels. 2 10-H. P. Traction Engines on wheels. 3 12-H. P. Portable Engines on wheels. 2 14-H. P. Portable Engines on wheels. All guaranteed to be in good condition. Prices and terms can be arranged . to suit the customer Ask for prices on Eclipse Threshers. C.-.H, TURNER, Statesville, N. C. Catron, Ky. In an interesting letter from this place, Mrs. Bettie Bullock writes as follows: "1 suffered for four years, with womanly troubles, and during this time, 1 could only sit up for a little while, and could not walk anywhere at all. At times, I would have severe pains in my left side; The doctor was called in, and his treat ment relieved me for a while, but I was soon confined to my bed again. After that, nothing seemed to do me any good. stand, I had gotten so weak I could not and I gave up in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle m Cardui, the woman's tonic, and 1 menced takin? it. Fmm , . aose, i couia xeu it was helping me , can uuw wrniw iwu mueS Without tiring me, and am doing all my WOrk. If you are all run down from AL troubles, don't give up in despair. Cardui, the woman's tonic. It has helJ more than a million women, in years of continuous success, and shodj surely help you, too. Your druggist sold Cardui for years. He knows fy it will do. Ask him. He will recom. mend it. Begin taking Cardui today. Write to : Chattanooga Medicine Co Advisory Dept.. Chattanooga. Tenn.. for Instructions on your case and 64-page book Treatment for Women." sent in plain wrapper elephones I on Farms fprvprl in Hipit Vmmr mart tr Vntr be binding on any or either, of suchl c T j oi,v x-i, ' i j i j ' , .L-i i -j -i J"" Shaw they had never heard you know the reason why, for Jud, The Next Best Thing to the Pine For est for Cold Is Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey which goes to the very root of cold troubles. It clears the throat and gives relief from that clogged and stuffed feeling. The pines have ever been the friend of man in driving away colds. More over, the pine-honey qualities are pe culiarly effective in figthing chil dren's colds. Remember that a cold broken at the start greatly removes the possibility of complication. 25c. townships until the said railroad shall be completed, in the manner hereinbefore provided, through the township in whose name the same has been subscribed. "It is further ordered that in case said 'bonds are issued and delivered, as aforesaid, there shall be levied, from year to year during the life of said bonds, on the taxable property located and situated within the boun daries of each of said townships the amount necessary to meet the inter est annually accruing on thes bonds issued by said townships, respect ively, and to create a sinking fund to pay off and discharge said bonds at their maturity. "Provided nevertheless, that if the said railway company shall fail to file the said bond of one hundred thousand ($100,000) dollars, within ninety (90) days from the date here of or shall have failed to have com pleted and in operation the said rail road through said townships, as hereinbefore provided, so as to have a connected line of railway running from Shelby in Cleveland county by way of Casar and through said town ships to the town of Morganton -in Burke county on or before-18 months from the date hereof, then or in'eith er of such cases, all of the provisions of this order are to be null and void, and the subscriptions to be made in the name of each of said townships for said railroad are likewise to be void and of no effect, and in that case it shall be lawful for -such subscrip tions to be made" by the Chairman of this Board of Commissioners to any other proposed v railroad upon its compliance with the terms hereof. "Provided, further, that when the said railroad shall be completed and in operation, as hereinbefore pro vided, then it shall be the duty of the Chairman 'of this Board of Commis sioners to re-convey to the said rail way company all rights of way as signed to him or taken in his name for said railroad, and as the said rail road shall be completed through each of said townships, it shall be the duty of said Chairman to issue and deliver to csaid railway company the said bonds, so subscribed by said town ships, respectively, duly executed, ac cording to the provisions of this or der. $ "Provided further that unless a line somehow, he wasn't wise afford to advertise!" -"Couldn't The Results From Less Than An Acre. Newton Enterprise. Mr. P. E. Fry has submitted fig ures for operations on not quite one acre of ground this year -29-30 of an acre, to be exact. He had it in clo ver first and then in . corn. His itemized statement shows, the fol lowing: Received 1,300 pounds of seed, which at 3 1-2 cents the pound equals $45.50. The cost of harvest ing and threshing was . $5.25, leaving $40.25. ,,. After the clover Mr. Fry put the and in coj-if, and while it is not ma rred he estimated it by counting the number of rows and ears to the row, finding 170 ears to 35 rows or 5,950 ears; and. 114 to 17 rows, being of uneven length, making . 1,972 ears, a total of 7,922 ears. Counting 130 ears to the bushel, though 100 ears is nearer, he figures out not quite Gl bushejs. Counting it at 75 .cents, !;e figures $45.75 worth of corn; and adding this to his clover profits, he has a net return of $81.75. The cost of the corn' he figures at $4.25 corn amounting to $41.50 net and clover to $40.50. As a record for an acre this is good enough, made better by the fact that not a pound of fertilizer was used. .. In the growing town of Drexel, N. C, a house, good barn, garden, or chard, lne water and nine acres of land highly improved. A desirable piece of property. A good farm of 68 acres, one mile .'rom Glen Alpine. Young orchard, -ater a ad house. Can be bought on -ight terms. " . . A good seven-room house and three acres of .well improved land, good Dut buldings, water, young orchard, 9 1 mile of High School. Price reason able. Other lands from 6 acres up. 50c per Month and Up If there is no telephone on your farm write for our free booklet telling how you may get service at small cost. Address A FARMERS' LINE DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY J. G. Parker, Glen Alpine, N. .C HAVE YOU A SLUGGISH LIVER OR BOWELS? i Send a hurry call for HER BRANT'S LIVER-AID rr renders" first aid to a DISORDERED LIVER -For tale by aU druggists, or by mail, 50c OLD DOMINION DRUG CO. WASHINGTON, D. C SALE OF LAND UNDER MORT GAGE, v; , MUST BELIEVE IT. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, rha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the V "a ' Signature of iaTZTUcUi When Well-Known Morganton People Tell It So Plainly. When public endorsement is made by a representative citizen of Mor ganton the proof is positive; You must believe it. ' Read this testi mony. Every sufferer of kidney back ache ,every man, woman or child with kidney trouble will do well to read the following: R. J. Hallvburton. denutv sheriff. Lenoir St., Morganton, says: "I had an attack of kidney and bladder trou ble, caused by heavy lifting and -a strain. I suffered from pains through the lower part of mv bodv. Several of -my' friends had been helped by Doan's Kidney Pills and I- eot some at. the Burke Drug Co. They quickly eased fhe pam and before long, re moved it entirely. I recommended Doan's Kidney Pills as a first-class Kianey medicine." Tice 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney medicine get loan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Hallyburton had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. By virtue of a power of sale con tained in a mortgage deed executed and delivered to me. on the 10th day of December, 1914, by P. K. Queen, to secure such costs as might be finally adjudged against him in a certain civil action then pending in the Superior Court of Burke county entitled P. K. Queen vs. J. H. CooK for slander, (said deed filed and marked for regis tration in the Register's office of Burke county on the 3rd day of Sep tember, 1915,) and by reason of de fault made m the payment of the costs which have been finally ' ad judged against him in said action, amounting to $106.90, I will sell, at public auction to -the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in the town of Morganton, North Caro lina, on Monday, the- 11th day of Oc- buuci , j.7j.s, aii. ux iiic x itL li. if txtic aiiix i . r- n r - - - - iu i 7l rm w rninirinn a wiiimm mm interest of the said P. K: Queen, m and Panama-Pacific Exposition j V . i.11 .. . I 'l l J. . i. -1 to xne ioiiowmg aescriDea xract or 4- i xi.. 4... j r j t . I r4rt Fork township, adjoining the lands of vC J . H. Cook, Peter Buff et. al., bounded Beginning on a sourwood and north 2 east 79 poles to a white Sally Queen's corner; thence east west 28 poles to a black gum Cook's, corner; thence north 70 west 30 poles to a stake, thence north 22 west -132 poles to a Spanish oak. thence south 55 west 56 poles to a stake, Buff's corner; thence south 21 east 66 poles to chestnut oak; thence north 15 poles to a black gum; thence south 31 east 80 poles; thence j south 85 east 140 poles; thence north 50 west 44 poles to the beginnig, con taining 75 acres, more or less. This the 10th day of September, 1915. .-4 ' ' L. A. BRISTOL, . , - C. S. C. mm rtuf. No Dirt. No Exposure. Inexpensive. Make the i roof FIREPROOF i"1" ji 11 INVITING. A stormproof roof that will free you from all repair expense, ana long as the building. 7 For Sale by MORGANTON HARDWARE CO. runs :m m oak, r:jjii , See the Exposition on "A. B. A." Cheques Hotels, ticket offices and the best stores and shops will rea 1 accept your "A.B.A. Cheques. Just counter-sign a cwq , and pay your bill. "A.B.A." Cheques are the safest fa "travel money whether you go to the Exposition or any else in the country. We issue them in $10, $20, $50 and" FIRST NATIONAL BANK Try a News-Herald ad. 1

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