LINVILLE MOUNTAIN ROAD Interesting Communication Con cerning This Historic Road What Its Improvement Would Mean. To the Editor of The News-Herald: The improvement of the Linville Mountain road last fall by the power interests for the use of their engineers has done a large' share oward open ing this famous old highway for pub lic travel. The summit of this long mountain has been a route for thorough travel for more than a cen tury by white men and no one knows how long before that by the Indians. Along this route went Sevier to the battle of King's Mountain in the Rev olutionary war. During the war be tween the States it was opened up as a highway by James Hunter, then a prominent citizen of the Linville river valley, as a road to haul provisions to the camp at Linville Falls, where a dam was being built to furnish pow er to make iron and ordnance for the Confederate army. For many years it was used by the mountain people to haul their produce to Morganton, but nothing has been done to keep it up' for forty y6afs,.. Yet it was not in as bad condition 4s the average road would be in ten years if not worked. Taking out the stones, the logs and the trees and bushes" that had grown up left it a good road, except for a few steep places. The road was cleared ad made passable for automobiles for about nine miles out from Linville Falls. Now the residents of the lower Lin ville river and Paddy's creek are pro posing to continue the opening of the road from the point where the power people have taken it to the foot of the mountain, which is about five or six miles. Of this two miles or more is very little work, being on top almost level except in one place, and little to do but cut out trees, . etc. From the top, where the Linville Mountain road joins the old Yellow Mountain road across Linville, is a very rough, rocky road, still some what used, and a county road. This would" be the only expense that amounts to anything, and no doubt the township read tax would be available for part of this. Some people in Mor ganton are interested also. The completion of this road across Linville Mountain would be of great practical use, giving a better and shorter way to the mountains and over a grand scenic route that would strongly appeal to summer visitors. It would shorten the distance from Mcrganton to Linville Falls, and bv going via Bridgewater and the ridge roads from there to the foot of Lin ville Mountain, would avoid any river crossing and give an excellent road all the way. This road on the mountain top skirts the rim of Linville canyon for about 12 miles, offering near-by commanding views of this wonderful chasm, on of the most if not the most interesting, grandest and most unique of Western North Carolina scenic at tractions. Also the highest mountains in the State are spread out in pan orma all along this route, offering an ever-changing picture to the traveler. B. Linville Falls, N. C, Feb. 22, 1916. as parents of Bethel, Hartly and Ches terfield schools taking part. This meeting was a preliminary to a big rally which will take place at Ches terfield on or about the close of school. Miv T. L. Sigmon spoke on how to build up a good rural school. Mr. E. L. Perkins spoke on how the public school could help the agricultural development of its locality, stating that agriculture should be taught in the public schools. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of P. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Decem ber, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for Constipation. SrtUAL INOIILlSI FRM F0R. SALE.-100 acres fine .Arming iana m JNicuowell county, 8 NOTICE. Having sold my interest in the Purity Bakery to Mr. W. T. Alex ander, this is to notify all who owe said bakery that all debts are payable to Mr. Alexander and all obligations of the firm are to be met by Mr. Alex ander. J. H. MULL. Feb. 14, 1916. FOR SALE. Duroc Jersey Pigs. Full stock and half stock. Speak early and get choice. ED SPAIN-HOUR.-' DRY WOOD. We have twenty thousand square feet of shed space filled with dry wood. When in need call on us. MORGANTON ICE & FUEL CO. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. Bv Virtue of aUthAritV rrmforrPfl upon the undersigned as trustee for tne virginia-uaronna fjhemical Com pany by Gk F. Brittain and his wife, Mrs. R. D. Brittain, said deed of trust dated July 20th, 1915, and registered in, the office of the Register of Deeds in Burke county in Book JU of Mort gages at page 554, and the said G. F. Brittain having failed to discharge and pay off the note secured by said deed of trust, at the request of the said Virginia-Carolina Chemical Com pany, the holder of said note, the un dersigned will sell at the Court House door of Burke countv in Mnrcnntnn jN. C, to the highest bidder for cash on Monday, 'March 6th1916, at 12 o'clock noon, the following described lands, to-wit: A lot or parcel of land lying and being in Morganton township, county of Burke and State of North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of Williams, speculation lands and others, described as follows:. Beginning on a negro pine in Walk er's old line and runs north with said old line 92 poles to a stake in the Newell line (now Williams) thence east with said line 9 poles to a dead black oak; thence north with said line 25 poles to a cum? thenne crmfVi no degrees 107 poles to a stake in ine speculation line; thence south 20 degrees west with the speculation lands 136 poles to a pine, Poteat' cor ner; thence with Poteat's line to be ginning, containing 77 acros, more or less with the exception of 19 acres sold to Manly Smith and 4 acres to Mary Williams, leaves 54 acres, more or less. Terms of sale cash. This February 4th, 1916. E. P. YATES, Trustee. CABBAGE PLANTS. From best Long Island seed. Strong and stocky. Early and late. Postpaid: 100, 20 cts.; 200, 35 cts.; 500, 80 cts.; 1000, $125. By express $1 per 1000. Special price on large orders. GLEN-1 DALE FARM, Lincolnton, N. C. Social and Agricultural Develop ment. Reported for The News-Herald. The Farmers' Union local of Zion held one of the most successful meet ings for social and agricultural de velopment last Saturday that has been held this season. The meeting began about ten o'clock in the morning and continued till near four in the after noon. The people came out about 125 strong to get an inspiration for the development of schools, chuches and roads. The sentiment for better con ditions was so great that the people did not want to go home. They want ed to exchange more ideas, s Mr. Tom Drury spoke at length on general community improvement. Mr. Gwaltney explained many ways in which our people could get social and financial benefits from tVi bor. Mr. John Lackey explained very imuaiasucany now we could build na .maintain the roads of Burke coun ty. Mr. E. L. Perkins explained the necessity of our rural schools teach ing things that would conform to the needs of our country boys and girls. He explained why our financial con ditions forced us to have poor and unequipped rural schools. Stating that a few dollars invested hi colver eacn year by each farmer would develop our financial end of public institutions as well as individual farm equipments.. He also stated that co operation was absolutely necessary, tor the improvement of our rural conditions. al On Feb. 22nd, a township school rally was held at the Chesterfield scnooi. Children and teachers, as well An ad. in The News-Herald-pays. Advertisements inserted under this ' miles south of Marion, on C., C. & O. head at the rate of 5 cents per line ' anc Southern railroads. Has very each insertion. Try an ad. in this ood story house, fine water, fine department for quick returns. i pastures wired, and young orchard. - rr-rrrrrr ne miIe om two churches, postoflice j FOR SALE. Vine Arden One and and graded ychool. Anyone wishing three-quarter miles north of Morgan-to buy a farr" will do well to see me. ton. Craftman's bungalow. Seven J' G MORRIS, Forest City, N. C.' rooms and bath. Attic unfinished. Ce- : j ment basement and porch. Oak floors ! F0R SALE. House, 30 rooms, cj throughout. Double faced stone fire baths' 4 connccting. Steam heat. Near ' places. Americp.T iadiator heating Court House. Apply for terms to plant. Hot an! -old' water. Barn, P ' BQX 98 Morganton, N. C. sheds, etc. New orchard 85 trees. 23 ! IOTo FnT? . j acres. 10 in rye and oats Apply to U 7 , , SALE Choice Town MRS. GEORGE A MILLER at Mrs! ! I'Z, VO? tIatS. fJaiil.s M. A.- Gordon's. . j ww" 1Uf ate' ee AVfcKY. T I NORTH CAROLINA. MILCH COW WANTED. Must ! Burke County, be fresh, and qualities must be good. I Superior Court, Apply to W. K. ftOUK, State Hos- j Joh Torn,, 1910. pital, Morganton, N. C. v,r' John Houck, George Kepnan, eL al. NOTICE. The defendant George Keppan above named win uiKe notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Burke county against the above named defendants which relates to real estate situate in said county; and the said defendant George Keppan will further take notice that he ic re- ?Sired )rapPea at the March term, i i1?' f.Purc Superior Court, to be i A1 ihe Court House at Morgan ton, N. C., on the 13th day of March 1916, and answer or demur to the plaintiff's complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the said court for the relief demanded in said complaint herein filed. This the 6th day of February, 1916. L. A. BRISTOL, Clerk Superior Court. - j NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND AND VALUABLE WATERFALL ON CATAWBA RIVER. H By virtue of an order of the Su perior Court, the undersigned hereby offers for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, bidding to be closed by an nouncement and an opportunity to in crease bids, at the Court House door, in McDowell county, between the hours of 12:00 M. and 2 o'clock p. m.. on Monday, Feb. 21st, 1916, the fol lowing tract of land: Beginning on a walnut on the north bank of the Catawba river, and run ning west crossing the river 16 poles to a stake: th catbell, on the south bank of the river: thence south 73 west 70 poles to a chestnut; thence east 17 poles to a sourwood; thence south 56 degrees eas 2 Ples to a Pst oak; thence south 75 east 30 poles to a post oak; thence south 61 east 20 poles to a post oak and gum, J. W. Wilson's corner: thence north with said Wilson's line to the beginnig .containing 14 acres, more or less, upon which said tract r it , ls situated a shoal, or water fall .known as the James Simmon's Wishing Shoal, and formerly known as the Jaynes Shoal, on the Catawba river, in McDowell county. See special proceedings entitled: K. F. Burton, administrator of John II. Simmons, deceased: Etta J Sim mons, and L. Berkley Simmons," a mi nor, by his Next Friend, W. F. Wood, Ex Parte, on file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Mc Dowell county. This 11th day of February. 1916. W. T. MORGAN, Commissionier. BLANK OPTIONS TO PURCHASE LAND. For Sale at The News-Herald" Office. ' SpA)p.rnl 1pyii Ti n FOR SALE G23 acres, on Roanoke river, five mile frr o on improved road. Good two-ston- dwelling Jl:nt.v sood tenant house Knm ti i,t55ui??. h?.U5e. ten buildings. 300 acres' cuUivaUon 100 S This is cspecally adapted to grain irns rloL" ,XJ U-T is a fine stock farm." Price W.MoTOn KEEP WARM. We have Coal and Wood for sale and will deliver any size, any kind, anywhere, any time and all the time. MORGANTON ICE & FUEL CO. T Look at the label on this paper, and if you are in arrears please let us have the amount. CHEAP FOR QUICK SALE Farm 106 acres, good level land water or- I chard new 7-room house .finished and painted good barn-and outbuild ings. 6 miles east Southern Power Company, Shiloh township, Iredell county. If interested see R. J. BRAD FORD, Route 6, Statesville, N. C. We have the buyers You have the land. Write us what you have for sale. We can sell your property. PIEDMONT REALTY & AUCTION CO., Hickory, N. C. CrCf 2fi miIcs from Sood town, on imnroi residence of twelve rooms, hot and cold water" ?n Acetylene gas light. Good bam, corn hou'e L h hou- other necessary outbuildings. 115 acres inuhivlr 50' U watered by wells, springs, and brunches. Srm tetl ed in every way. Price $3,000.00. h,gh,-v Trtx. 583 acres, two miles from town and three Mtm on National Automobile Highway, good buMinwf"2 cross-fenced, especially suited to mfcim 9 fcRct About $4,500.00 worth of Price 12,500.00. S01U Irom Pcc this y n ,1?1.?Srcs-mi'c3 from Chase. City, on im,. Good bin dings. Land lays well and is ucll wat TiJ chard. Very fine dairy and truck farm. About K,!. These are very fine farms, especially adapted ia ih of corn wheat, oats, clover, cotton, tobaccoTSS, Je are excellent stock propositions. We also have L?i;ttC of other nice, farms, both large and small. All of onf well located in good neighborhoods, conventent to and churches. Healthful spotinn V, ..! 10 tov n, Write today for full particulars, or come to us show you what we have to offer. Fec us k Jeffreys, Hester & Co CHASE CITY, VA. See Bridgers, the Little Jeweler, for WATCH REPAIRING. First class work at lowest prices. Two doors from Pearson's Warehouse. FOR SALE. A farm of 96 acres, in Silver Creek township, adjoining the land of Rufe Poteet and Tom Norman and others. 9 miles from Morganton, 5 from Glen Alpine. For further information app'ly to A. J. Walker, Morganton. A News-Herald ad. reacheVtfc I people. DOM9T MISS THIS CHANCE TTnio for mil . J ' PPerty 18 e well known Aden Wiseman lands, and is one of the. finest Farms m Western North Carolina. Well watered and accessible to good roads Suitable for Stock raising. Land very productive !& AandrSVcheryr ' ? r f hard purPses' This 'nd eS both in Avery and Mitchel Counties, and comprises approximately CASTORIA For Infants a-nA n.ju MMA vixuuien in Use For Over 30 Years ' Always bears tne Signature of 4,000 ACRES susce2;taDle rSw- .8 ACres of Timber Land' W Acres SfftaSdSSJT S.0.?!0.0 Aes of River Bottom. This farm wm.De sold as a whole or subdivided into any size tract from one to one RaXrv Sf PThaSer' Avge distance from C C. & 'S! fourth vZ vaW T r f f thiS Prperty be bouht at 0"" SSenJtt8 18 3 ?anC6.0f a life time t0 make a ProfitaWe $s oPye.y ipto that wm doub,e in a s-s? For full description or further information, write to or call on " J, BE BAKERSVILLE, N. C. 4 41 4 ' . 4 m, 41 4Tl 4J1 4 r 7B'- 1 1-51 ! A A Few Hours Real Pleasure in the Evening HE brierht light of the Rayo lamo makes reading and sewing real pleas ures these evenings. Rmb Lamps The Rayo gives a steady light that . can't hurt the eyes. It requires almost no attention. Its simplicity of design maKes it easy to t keep clean. You ' don't have to re move the shade to lightit just lift the gallery and touch a match. Most con venient most efficient most economical. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain best results in Oil Stoves 1 Lamps and Heaters. The Rayo is only one ' of our many products especially suitable for use on thc-farm. h;andard Household Lubricant Standard Hand Separator , Oil pirowax Mica Axle Grease Eureka Harness Oil Matchless Liquid Gloss If your dealer does not earn them, write to our nearest station. STANDARD OIL COMPANY NfwJrcr) BALTIMORE W.ihinfton. U. C Owrlotte. N. C Norfolk. V. CWWtoo. W. V. r.ichtnooJ. V-. CharlrU3. S. C SERVICE OF ITBUC.11KK - V. ft state or noiIthcaroliyi County tf,ri.. In Superior rt B. B. Price and E!ohr .icvc tr - J. S. Carter, tradir- a :vc c I harmacy, defer htu. NOTICE. The c!pfrif- t.. . LVf' Mica ct-a x j ucn corcrr.crcfj ia tb -Pf"or C?rt of Durkc cvy u move a c oud from the trJe lonri real estate in Moixar.ton. .o-b a. olma. nnrf tn Knv. ' t!JieI? by c dcf c:,j( record, said mortajc M Ur been fully pud an4 u-juJ Icped by the ; plaintiffi; 4 tie J defendant will further ule t .cort iA tie IS rr-rrm rvl iA . . . I ly to be held on the Smr,J Xuhti March, 191C. at the Court : .lors-anton. North Carolina, t swer or demur to the cte;': : said action, or the phirAZt -J i. to the court for the relief Jr:.2 in raid complainL inis yui day of I)eccrrir, X I L. A. IZIS7QI Clerk of the S'-r-tnor Cr kJlo MORTGAGE .SALE OF LA Mi Under and by virtue of a icrw deed exwtitv hv n.- undersigned on the 2i'ih 07 tf una ueintiir hivip tn trii :i riyment of the debt thertl; frrtJ Will KpII fnf coor m the towTi of Morrirta uciinea as louows: acjo- McD. Tate heirs, bednr.ire ca icij nut (now down) V. T. HaisosTi fj ner, and runs south 1CK) poles riicj old line to a hickory, then ti U poles to a stake in the rtui lica A mt mm. - A. . ma . . . . t . m nonnwara direction wita ie (about 95 poles) to a stale ia Hoggin's line, then about 6 jk : the bepinnin, containir.? 4 arret r CO poles, more or less. This Feb. 9th, 191G. J. II DAIX NORTH CAROLINA. Uurke County, . Superior Cos Martha Chapmas, vs. Will Chapman. The defendant above mm j take notice that an action tr.'--,'h above has been comroenceJ ia v penor ixurt or Burke cour.ij ; - an absolute divorce from tie ant. nrA thf ArArt rJ1- . 0iV4 V . V - t notice that he is required W 7F) aw utie term oi tne superior vvuiik tU VZ li' v. onrfv In r.k toic t tie 11 House in said county in Mcrf, N. and answer or c!er.ur t ; complaint in said action, or ti tiff will apply to the court fort This 21st day of Dcccr.Ur. 1 -x Choice Lota on Avery Ate SaleEach 92 by M U lots for residence. Orr'- J Avery and N. Lazarus, to I terms, apply to T. G. CC r

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