TaMATION of i f rt VNKSGIVING IS ISSUED BY PRESIDENT Attention to Woes of Eu- f Lp-Whole Face of World Darkened uy mu. i cuPiC Keed Relief. president Wilson last Friday for- nrnHflmation. designated I iIit D fiw ' " '. JaV. ..tier li" J - The prociamaLiun ;T, has long been the custom of I eopie to turn m tne truvtlul au- 11111 Airv.;o.VifT7 -p niany DieSEingS mcicics. to 'and the nation. tv year that has elapsed since we st obser been iple, ved our day of thanksgiving rich in blessings to us as a but the whole face of the STATE HOSPITAL NEWS. Correspondence of The News-Herala. The chapel services on Sunday af ternoon were conducted by Rev. E. E. Williamson. Rev. W. K. Houk will preach at Salem church next Sunday at 11 a. m. Mr. Jolly Daves, patient from Ru therford county, has been confined to I his bed for several weeks on ward A. Mr. S. W. Elam, attendant, spent Sunday at his home in Cleveland county Messrs. Drum brothers, of Alexan der county, visited their relative, Mr. H. H. Sherill, patient from Swain county, Sunday. ,Mr. Jack Ramsey, of Cleveland county, has recently taken a position here as an attendant. Mr. Jos. Johnson, patient on ward M, is now" quite sick and confined to his room Mr. W. T. Dobson, attendant at Sawyer colony, brought his wife home from Dr. Long's sanatorium Thurs NEW CAR SHOP TO BE ERECTED AT SPENCER ij fcoc npeii uaiivcucu uy wax. xii WW liao , midst of our peace ana nappiness, " thoughts dwell with painful dis :et upon the struggles and suffer .i v.o niitiorKi at war and of the irc oi n- o t . . 1- 1 til. ioples upon wnom war nas Drougnt day. She is now fast improving and doing nicely from an operation for tumor. Mr. A. M. Scott returned Sunday from his home at Glen Alpine. He was detained there another week on account of sickness. kerica, do appoint lnursday, the Mr. O. B. Brendle, attendant, was irtieth ot Movemoer, as a aay ot na-roff a day Saturday and visited the Lal thasksgivmg and prayer, and i Southern Power Co. f - . - . i and advise the people to resort i The Hospital fire laddies took their their several places of worship on j annual hunt Saturday, the 18th. They ,i j. t : ;i.:i: a-- cater Wlinouu ciiviue ui pvft&'.umwy escape on their part, we can not link of our own happiness without inking of their pitiful distress. ..ow, therefore, I. Woodrow "Wil li), pw sident of the United States of BACKACHE IS A WARNING. Southern Lets Contract for Erection of Big Steel and Iron Shop. A contract has been let by the Southern Railway Company to J. P. ettijohn & Company, of Lynchburg, for the erection of a mammoth new steel car shop at Spencer. The build ing will be 100 feet wide and 600 feet long, with a wing 50 by 100. The foundation will be of concrete and the main structure of steel and iron. "While the contract price has not been made known, it is understood to be about $300,000. Work will begin just as soon as some smaller building can be removed to give room for the new shop. The new plant will be equip ped with heavy electric cranes, mod ern machinery of the very latest type for use in building steel cars. It is stated that with the completion of the new shop the force of employes as well as the monthly pay roll at Spen cer will be increased. A force of men is now at work clearing the yards for the new building. NEWS BRIEFS FROM WORRY it day to render thanks to Almigh God for the blessings of peace and 1 TT ibroken prosperity wnicn ie nas stowed upon our belovel country in ch unstinted measure. And I also urge and suggest our ,i j i? i My, in tnis our uay ox peace anu kndance, to think m deep sympathy the stricken peoples of the world ton WIIUIU liic tuisc anu Lcijiui ui L fc??? so nitilesslv fallen, and to (til - I -- fntribute out of our abundant means I the relief of their sufferings. 'Our people could in no better way low their real attitude towards the esent struggle of the nations than j contributing out of their abund jce to the relief of the suffering ,hich war has brought in its train. In witness whereof, I have here- fito set my hand and caused the seal the United States to be affixed. 'Done at the city of "Washington, lis seventeenth lay of November, in Miss Lessie Bradley was the charm e year of our Lord, 1916, and of j ing hostess of the Astronomy Club Se Independence of the United; on the 2nd ward, last Friday after dates the 141st. Snocn. The parlor was beautifully I "WOODROW WILSON." j decorated with chrysanthemums and ly the President, , j nasturtiums, the flowers being pre- "Robert Lansing, ! sented for the occasion by Mrs. John succeeded in bagging both quail and rabitts and also enjoyed a nice and jolly day off. Mr. J. B. Wacaster, manager of the kitchen department, is now prepar ing chickens and putting on cold stor age for Thanksgiving, He is expect ing now daily 100 fine turkeys for Thanksgiving. Mr. J. B. Wacaster attended ser vices at the Church of God at Drexel Sunday. Miss Kate Pearsall, who lived for many years at the Hospital, and who is loved by everyone here, was the charming guest of Miss Moses last Saturday night. Miss Pearsall ad ded much enjoyment to the dance by her presence. She left town Tuesday and will go to Shelby, where she will visit relatives till after Christmas, and she will then go to Newbern for the winter, to visit her brother. Correspondence of The News-Herald. Miss Alice Arney spent the week end at home. Mr. and Mrs. John Rhodes and fam ily spent Sunday at the home of Mr. W. E. Harris. Mr. Lester Saunders, of Morgan- ton, spent Saturday here as the guest of Mr. Chas. Michaux. Mrs. M. J. Crouch, of Hickory is visiting her son, Mr. W. P. Crouch. Mr and Mrs J. W. Hoke and son, Forney, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Houk, of Granite Falls, were here Sunday. Miss Zalie Henderson spent Tues day in Morganton. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Arney spent Sunday with Mr. Arney 's mother, Mrs. Louisa Arney. Miss Grace Pearson spent several days last week at the home of her uncle, Mr. W. M. Michaux. j Mr. R. J. Arney returned from Bal timore one day last week. Mr. C. E. Raynal, of Statesville, assisted Rev. J. W. Moss in a meet ing at Quaker Meadows church last week. The attendance was not as good as it would have been had the weather been more agreeable. Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Whisenant spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Ervin Whisenant on Lower creek Morganton People Should Not Neglect Their Kidneys. Backache is often nature's most frequent signal of weakened kid neys. To cure the pains and aches, to remove the lameness when it arises Irom weakened kidneys, you must reach the cause the kidneys. If you have pain through the small of your back, urinary disorders, headaches, dizzy spells, or are nervous and de pressed, start treating the kidneys with a tested kidney remedy. Doan's Kidney Pills have been proved good and are especially for weak kidneys. Doan's have been used I in kidney trouble for over 50 years. Read Morganton testimony: J. M. Patton, agent, Standard Oil Co., Anderson St., Morganton, says: "I had a dull pain across the small of my back, caused by disordered kid neys. I had always heard Doan's Kid ney Pills highly spoken of and I got some at the Burke Drug Co. They re moved the soreness and pain in my back after I had used the first box. My experience has taught me that Doan's Kidney Pills are a fine kidney remedy." Price 50c, at all uealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Patton had. Foster - Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. OBI- ' r ' .''i' lit ik.xxj 7 "T r TSrttf Sil E110ME ML 771 . crei it C7 f- - mj wife 6 Wow! Cold as the Dickens! Why do you put up with such a nuisance? You don't have to if you furnish your house with a: CoWs Original Hot Blast You build only cne fire each winter. It is never out from fall till spring. You get tip and dress in rooms warmed with fuel put In the night before. This is not possible with other stoves. Barns anything soft coal, bard coal or wood. Come in and see this great fire keeper and fuel saver. "Cole's Hot Blast makes y oar coal pile last! Morganton Hardware Co. I Qua i irr i! v J 7 To avoid imi- y. X ij'tatien, took XVp jL i for CoU'm om If J door. NO OTHtn LIKE IT, ' NO OTHER AS GOOD. Purchase the "NEW HOME and you wilt have a life a&set at the price you pay. 1 he elimination of repair epene by superior workmanship and Leu iiuality of material insures life-ion ir rrvcr at mini mum cost. Insist on havine ihc NEW HOME". WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. Known the world over for superior gewlrj Qualities. "Secretary of State.' Annual Corn Show. On December 8th the farmers of ftirke county will hold their annual Irn show. McCampbell. Dr. Griffin sang "Rock ed in the Cradle of the Deep," and Mrs. John Phifer sang "Face to Face." A delightful salad course was served, with wafers and hot chocolate. This event has never been of as; The Hospital was much pleased to Inch importance in the history of the j entertain the Council of the North iunty before. A great majority of Carolina Federation of Women's llttle son are visiting Mr. Jackson e best seed corn was wrashed away i Clubs in its amusement hall last I hisenant. roft kt Not sold under any other same. Misses Grace Pearson, Mary Ram. THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE C0.,0RANGE,KASS. seur, Nell Michaux and Mr. D. E. Ramseur attended services at Oak Hill Sunday morning. It was the pas tor's last sermon before going to con ference. There was a short church conference after the sermon. Miss Sallie Ramseur and Mr. Clar ence Ramseur spent Sunday at Ches terfield. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Whisenant and Mr, Raymond Whisenant was here last Sunday. Nov. 21, 1916. ClayweU Bros. The News-Herald wants five hun died new subscribers within the next six months. Won't our friends those subscribers who appreciate the pa per speak a good word to their neighbors and help us to get them oi our list? Wood's Seeds, Seed Wheat. The Scel Whcat we offer are from the best and most productive crops grown in the finest wheat-growinj? sections of Virginia, and arc carefully rrc leaned by us to remove all impur ities and small and inferior grains, bo as to supply our customers only with plump and well-developed Reed r heat, which ehould yield considcra i.!y more per acre than ordinary wheats imperfectly cleaned. All of our N-mxi wiicata are tciectea from irood yielding crop?, which with our methods of cleaning, makes theJvvd Wheat which wc offer very much superior to ordinary seed wheat. Write for Wood's Crop Special giving full information and prires of iieed Wheat, Seod Oats, Winter Barley, Rye and all seeds for 1 all sowing. Prices and samples of any seeds desired, mailed on request. T.W-WOODGSONS, SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Va. Rebuilt Traction and Portable Engines 3 5-li. P. Portable Engines on wheels. t 10-H. P. Traction Engines on wheels. 3 12-H. P. Portable Engines on wheels. I IMI. P. Portable Engines on wheels. AU guaranteed to be in good condition. Prices and term can be arranged to suit the customer Ask for prices on Eclipse Threshers. C. H, TURNER, Statesville, N. C 'Phone us the news. Silence From the Colonel. time of the flood and the farmers j'Thursday afternoon, in open session, e inquiring now where they can j The hall was beautifully decorted in A good seed for the coming year, ferns, palms and flowers for the oc- my rounds in the county I havejeasion, and the meeting was much ! ten lots of good seed corn, and most ; enjoyed. the best seed growers will show! Dr. Griffin and Miss Moses and Mr. j Col. Roosevelt was in New York! lis on the date named above. land Mrs. Scroggs attended the beau-liSf Wppfc for thp first, timp sinpp thp ft is hoped that the farmers who j tifuL reception given by the members j election. He declined to comment! ve good seed corn will not neglect J of the United Charities at the homelon the defeat of Charles E. Hughes! is. but beo-in to rrerare for the ! of Mr. and Mrs. J. "Ervin. i A,r,c 1,;. -p,,,, - x x i ui iiio iuvuic pinna. i:ov now. as it will take some time Manv delirhttul visitors have eone "T nm Tr,r n,.v. ; v, re;t; f ' ' C4i..x v jr iiiuv,ii aii bii yvoitiuu XA. make a good selection. ; through the Hospital during the J the Bedfort whaling mate," said the I am writing this to request that j Council meeting. ! colonel. "He asked his new captain ery farmer who has seed corn of; The steward's dining room wras the;ust what was expected of him. 'I edit to be sure to be on hand with I delightful recipient of delicious oys- v-ant you to understand, sir, that all pears of the very best they can iters sent by Dr. and Mrs. Gayle last j i want fr0m you is silence and damned i f-cct. ' Saturdav fresh from the We will also have Mr. E. S. Mill- Miss Maude Ferree spent Saturday j think that's about all expected from1 f ps and others to make speeches on ' and Sunday in Shelby. 1 me now." fed corn and Federal farm loan as- My. N. F. Rnsmiselle made a trip ; iations at this time. Asheboro Sunday, returning Mon-' Banker of Mouth of Coves ind E.S PERKINS ; day j Small Streams. County Agent. Mr. Sam Elam spent lact Sunday ; at his home in Lawndale. He was j Renoir News. iOV. Beckett's AnrjoiritmeniS. accompniaed by little Misses Azalia! Lmils "ie sveniiiieui e.Merib P,Uooi, v au and Evelvn Snaiks. ave gathered from the flood is that cvzj ctnu vuacivci. . . S t For Direct Elections. in most cases where a house was washed away or knocked away by a I With the incoming of a new ad Jinistration in the State almost at f-v$, speculation as to who is to P(l the. f t-r J s w s pvwv-- I I I I II III I II T-.- Ill ST. I , I I, 1.11 r. 1 IIIIIIIIC . t-iTl . . tnvnv, t- t ,i " .,. . , ! Marbut, a soil expert wno , is in CVWfv ASf 7g Sin f CngreSS h- WlU mtr0duCe a charge of the soil survey of the bu- ng Mr Bickett thus far it is pr0posed constitutional amendment ; q sq vigi Ms Qn j--, nut ueteimmeu ucniiitci rjroviamg ior xne election oi me ' sliflp. the house was situated at the Senator Chamberlain, of Oregon,, . 0 OTr,o11 ' ' STV . : r : : lUB...i mu Marbut, a soil expert who, is P private secretary. Rumors that resident by direct vote of the peo- r. p.. iiuca White, Mr. Bickett's cam- Pic His intention, he said, is to get; f-ign manager in the primary, will ; the amendment under way promptly; an inspection tour several weeks ago. ! He spent several days in the Johns PERFECTION SMOKELE3? 503L HEATERS A Close Shave When the weather turns suddenly bad. and catches you with tco little ccal or a lu:: cv r.kvish aftrr its surr.ir.cr sleep chills will get you sure, unlc-v; Unless you've I r ftihandd mrd bought a I'rjlst'.iun Htatet. th best r.J clicij est (cfm cf c-trfon in surance. f.!cj.'ii cor;. n ul.en the furnace fils, t-r wherever rxtt hct is r.eeJed. Thaws cat the te'drtxn. the bathrcKjn. the breaVfaM room. 1 lands .rr.e, durable, qkk anJ .lean. Inexpensive tv hoy at 1 t u.c. As easy to carry s a wotk-tasAet. Ud in more than 2.0P0.OOO hmes. See it at your department stoir, futniture or hardware dealer's. Ue Aladdin Security Oilfr b?yt reuf STANDARD OIL COMPANY IJAUTIMOKE Wl.inrtof.. V. C. Cuiloiif. f. C Norfolk. V. Richmond. Va I river and Mulberry section. He had f Pnvate secretary have given way so that it may become effective x for v - vuitfis tnat ne is siaiea ior xreas- the next presidential election f ei' of tha North Carolina railroad r- Santford Martin of the Winston pem Journal already visited other counties in th Carolina, and he said that he found this fact true in every section viritpd bv the flood. The population o? Continental . . -A is being mentioned United States has Dassed the hun- .. .. , , j . , x , . , icl ievt man, not to duuu any more - prominently now for tne pn- dred and three million, mark. Officials homes .at the mouth of coves and secretaryship. cf the Treasury Department m their: rrU. wVw , , .-IHUll i-.lIVUlilS. 11113 lO K 11CI C LUC monthly money circulation statement ;eatest destruction to homes and! estimate that on November 1 the ; hmwm Uveg occunnjd , population cf the country was 103,- t 002,000. Catarrh Cannot Ed Cured -t rf-aoh the r.o:;! ol' mo disease. i-rjcr.fi -UY cons-titmiou.Al conditions, r"5 in order to cur;- - it. you must : internal ren.u'v. Hall's Ca p'ii Cui-o is t:tk. n internally and iliru t)ie Mo.iii ei; -tii- rmcnus sur (s of the jsyste.r.i. H:iU' Catarrh ' : ' .i..s in this roi.Mtry for yeara. it ;?"6fo, xt tmi I 1- 7 X7C j u ' - n posea of kv:;U: t r' i!ie best tonics j King's New Life Pills gives prompt ! gestion, loosen the phlegm and break ;;-.v;i, combined" witi wtme of the j relief. A mild, easy, non-griping bow-' up your cold. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar- : - blf'.od Purifiers. Tlif perfect COin- , , . -il Tr,r,c, ,irs ft ciram i 7-Tnnow Victa oil Via Konofitc Viq Vino! C n , I ' i . 1 t TJ.-1IVO ' Ci V ViUCll U Villi LV11V UU V JjrVV.m 1.A.JLL,J IIUlD U1I tUV Vi. un, utoi- r. niiia or tne irr'i!rii.s m ; , , , ij : il; . . r . ' rii, Ciir? wi.t r,ro,hices suen ana neip to ciear your muuuy, pmiyiy nig- aiuoia irum a pine lorebt, it isj Head-Off That All-AVinter Cough. At the first sign of sore ' throat, I Constipation Dulls Your Brain. tight chest or stuff ed-up head take a That dull", lislless, oppressed feeling ; dose of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. ! is due to impurities in your system, i The healing pine-tar, soothing honey ! d-rfni re?uits in catorrbai condi- ; complexion. Get a bottle of Dr. King s pleasant to take and antiseptic. The iew ljlie riiis louay a.u your urug-; lurmuia vu tne uuitie tens way it re fJ1- Send far tf.-tin-onials. free. I. rTIENEY & CO., Trops.. Toledo, O. A J Oculists. 7&c. j gist,. 25c U's Family Pills fcr constipation, j you chee A dose tonight will make t lieves colds and coughs. At jour you cheerful at breakfast. Druggist. 25c. I II tf xxxrxl yf:::x::v:-x U 13 Norfolk. V.. Charleston, w. Va. llllllllll llliill :Wy . - : - - a m ii-i-i .. i

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