M MM'S a BMM MM I 1 ,1 i 1 i i s 1 1 i 1 1 ,1 c ENDORSES ft! rwu ivuaa snails. VFCTPDAVT 31 What are you TODAY ? What will you be TOMORROW ? Three words, will answer all three questions DO YOU SAVE ? OPEN AN ACCOUNT IN OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. 4 PER CT. INTEREST Si Hi 5 FIRST NATBONAL MORGANTON, N. C. BANK Hi a Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi '5 WATERPROOF Let the Children play, if it's finished with Extensive Plans Made for North Carolina's Biggest Season. President Wilson stopped in the busy whirl of his strenuous political campaign to endorse the Red Cross Seal movement and the work of the Anti-Tuberculosis Association. He says: "May I take this occasion to express to you my deep interest in the work of the National Anti-Tuberculosis Association and my hope that its work is growing in efficiency and extent from year to year? May I not particularly express my interest in the Red Cross Christmas seal, whose sale has been the means of raising funds for the work?' It seems to me that this is ar partic ularly interesting and sensible way of enabling the people of the country to give this great work their sup-' port." Ihe Red Cross Seal movement is getting well under way in North Car olina for its most successful season. Dr. L. B. McBrayer of the State San atorium is again executive secretary and 'has chosen an efficient corps di rectors and assistants. By Thanks giving it is expected that every town in the State will have arranged through a chairman or a committee for the sale of Red Cross Seals dur ing the Christmas season. This move ment affords every town an oppor tunity for doing something to aid the fight against tuberculosis both at home and throughout the State. IF IT IS TRUE V that the unusual sale of a remedy is the best evidence of its merit. IE PUBLI2 HEALTH 1 TRAD C MARK NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE. RHEUMATISM POWDERS are guaranteed to give relief from rheumatism. They are unusually large sellers. Sold only by us, 50c. and $1.00. Kibler Drug Co., Morgan-ton. SPECIAL TRAIN TO RICHMOND Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Burke coun ty, made in the special proceeding en titled "A. H. Carswell and others against Emma Cloud Franklin, D. F. Huffman and others' the undersigned Commissioner will, on Monday, the 4th Day of December, 1916, at the hour of noon, at the Court House door in Morganton, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land, lying and being in Lower Fork township, Burke county. North Carolina, known as the Terrell Cloud lands, including the Terrell Cloud home place, and ad joining the lands of S. S. Carswell, Kelly Carswell, the Shuping lands, and the Lail lands, beginning on an ashe tree standing on the north bank of Upper Fork river, a corner of the S. S. Carswell lands bought of Joseph V. Franklin, and runs north 2 west with said line 6G noles to & Rtonp his corner on a ridge, the old corner; thence east 112 poles to a stake in the line of the teri acre tract? thpnr north with said line 26 poles to a JnWns bv deeti dated the 10th day Via Southern Railway Wednesday, November 29, 1916 Annual Foot- Ball Game Between University of North Carolina and University of Virginia, Thanksgiving Day, Nov, 30th, 1916. The Southern Railway will operate special train consisting of first-class day coache3 and standard Pullman sleeping cars, leaving Charlotte at 8:45 p. m. Wednesday, November 29, arriving Hull Street Station, Rich mond, Thanksg Returning, special Richmond, Hull Street Station at! acre" tract bourrth bv said Carswell ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Under and by virtue of an order of sale made.by L. A. Bristol, Clerk of the Superior Court of Burke county in a Special Proceeding therein pend ing, entitled L. A. Crawley, Admr. of James Pool, deceased, against W. U. Pool and others, I will, on Saturday, the 11th day of November, 1916, ex- fose to sale and sell for cah to the ighest bidder at the Court House door in the town of Morganton, dur ing the legal hours of sale, that cer tain tract or parcel of land in Burke county, North Carolina, described and bounded as follows: Beginning on a Spanish oak on the south bank of the Asheville road, and runs south C degrees east, 54 poles to a rock; thence north 70 degrees east, 56 poles to a stake in Jacob McKes sonfs line; thence north with said line, 58 poles to a pine comer; thence south C5 degrees west, 72 poles to a stake on the edge of the AsheviUo road; thence south 10 degrees east, with said road 34 poles to the begin ning, containing 29 acres and 32 poles, more or less, and being the lands con veyed to said James Pool by L. W. stake in the old speculation line and in the line of the 1G0 acre tract of land that R. T. Cloud bought of R. J. Hallyburton, Commissioner, Sept. 30, 1899; thence west with that line 12G poles to a small hickory on the west of January, 1890, and registered in the Register's office of Burke county in Book Y. No. 2, page 3SG; excepting out of the boundary aforesaid, 2 acres of land, more or less, sold by James Pool to Walter Pool by deed dated ivine mornine- it 7- i Sld? of a sma11 branch, near its headUhe 21st day of June, 1915, and reg lving morning at 7.3o. and two poles west of branch jistered m the Register's office of ecial train will leave Kelly Carswell's corner of the 2 10 ' Bu"ke county in Book W, No. 3, page 11 Street Station at acre" tract boucth bv Mid farewell i 374. (T.ADl NADU) THE MODERN FINISH They can spill water on your Floors, Furniture and Wood work with impunity and no damage will result. NUKOTE U is absolutely impervious to water and liquids, hot or cold noth ing like it for Nursery, Bathroom or Kitchen. EVEN PARTY PAPERS WERE DISGUSTED. 10:30 p. m. November 30th. Round trip fare from Morganton, $5.50. Fares from all intermediate sta tions on same low basis. from R. T. Cloud, by deed dated August 8th, 1912, and recorded in Register's office of Burke county in Book L No. 3, page 597; thence north with said line 184 poles to a pile or rocks on the north-west side This 9th day of October, 101 G. L. A. CRAWLEY, 1 Administrator of James PooL AVERY & ERVIN, Attys. EXECUTORS NOTICE. Passengers from branch line points'?, ft?"' s& P.f outh , '11 i . , , . i 1 - teen, xvcuy VUial'il b cor-, win. use regular trains to and fromjner; thence east with Shuping's line Having qualified as executor of the NUKOTE is a lasting, nonfading finish do not confuse it with anything else on the market it has no substitute there is nothing like it. . is scientifically made to produce that hard and lustrous finish unequaled by any other coating. Anyone can apply NUKOTE and obtain splendid results at first trial. Sold in twelve beautiful colors in all size cans, from quarter pints to gallons. Ask for Color Card and Book, telling what one woman did with NUKOTE- MADE ONLY BY PRATT & LAMBERT"! NC. VARNISH MAKERS FACTORIES NEW YORK BUFFALO CHICAGO LONDON PARIS HAMBURG NUKOTE HAS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR SALE BY " 1 "-JS Of course since the campaign is over it is time to forget some of the things we thought then, but just to show that Hughes made a bad impres sion on many of his own party we ! print the following extracts from Re I nuhrloan nanprs. I From the New York Tribune, whichlthe Southsrn Railway, or -write mam une junction points connecting i izu poles to a stake, Shuping's cor- will of Mrs. Martha A. Phifcr. de with the special train. neH thence south with said line 85 ceased, late of Burke county. North This is the last opportunity of the ?u to a. ake; shuPinS's corner; Carolina, this is to notify ell persons season to visit T?.Vhnfnn 1 t thence east 70 poles to a stake, Shu- having claims against the estate of season to visit Richmond and its many ping's corner: thence south 55 toles to aj tz. t . J 1. -A. iwv i.usi, m auuiiiun io, uitttiv uii lup vi a nege nonn I'hifer at Spartanburg S C or E attending the annual foot ball garnet ? rifee road their corner; thence jw. Phifer at Morganton. N. c!f on or which is the biggest one played dur- 7,th sau) .V,ne 103 poles 5 a! before the 20th day of October. 1917," ing the season. 1 0? T' V T ITl? ?5 notice will be pleaded in bar . ... . .. - .v. -'- i ui l 1 1 L" i r recovcrv. ncrenn in. debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. ihis ISth clay of October. 1D1C. supported Hughes: 1 "And who is there that has forgot-J ton the chill that came with the first ! words of Mr. Hughes? Who is there who can or will forget the sense of disappointment, or grief, of disillu sionment, thati came with the open ing address of the new candidate? A world was on fire; abroad the whole fabric of human society ,was in the throes of a tremendous struggle; at j home the very foundations of our! unity and our existence were threat ened, and in the face of all this the Pullman reservations must be made : Cloud, being a part of the 80 acre in advance. grant to said Cloud; thence south with For further information and Pull-! ??ld TLine, 1J2.f.es to a stakc Vn tk? A. , 1U" .old Jacob Lail line, a corner of said urnu lewrvauons as any agent or ; Henry Lail tract in the Meadow branch, near the head; thence west R. II. DeBUTTS, D. P. A.. iwltn sa,d Jacob Lail line 82 poles to ra...i w n a aiaKc, ins corner: incnce souin 4 Charlotte, N.C.;F0les to a stake, Wilkes comer; thence west with said line S3 poles The Charlotte School Board has re- to his corner; thence south 20 west quested that teachers in the Char- 20 Poles to a stake on the river bank; lotte schools "do not attend dances uthen U! ll?e ?"eandersf .f. river ,. ,ltcVu uLesto the beginning, containing three or other forms of dissipation." The 'hundred and fifty-nine (359) acres. idea is that teachers out late at dances or other forms of dissipation are not fit for work the next day. oreanton Hardware Co. Telephone as ou'd Be Telephoned To jliverance could find no braver words j and on loftier sentiment than those ! which have fallen from the lips of ; cart-tail orators since political cam !paigns began. Deputy Sheriff Frank J. Dees, of Cumberland rnnntv wac cVrf nA Mllprf-hv T;' . " "TlHna. dated Mrd of May. 1882 and re- J .u. 1 corded more or less as shown by map as surveyed by K. Williams on April 7th, 191C. The above described lands being 1 the unsold portion of the lands con veyed to the raid R. Terrell Cloud by grant Irom the btate of North Caro I. A. P1IIFER and E. W. PHIFER. Executors of the Will of Mrs. Mar tha A. Phife. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. County of Burke In Superior Court Mrs. Lula E. Wceden, Plaintiff, Against Mrs. Henry Johnson and husband, Henry J. Johnson, Miss Jessie S. Edwards, James S. Edward?, and Knox Whitesides, Ralph White sides, Jessie Louise Whitesides (heirs-aUlaw of Mrs. Harry White sides) Jessie Louise Whitesides by her guardian, Harry Whitesides, Mrs. liattie Ramssur, and husbanJ, Frank Ramseur, Thos. Franklin, Carry Franklin. Ida Franklin (heirs-at-law of Mrs. Lllen Frank- 'man to whom we had turned for de- , 'luuua' I1,K"L dlier es county in 1500K J pages 334 and 335; ""'" .1 K"a . " , "7 " naa servea a warrant on the negro'10" 00 acres; ana a tract or land con- ,,rt,us "" ucivhu r.(1oi.n;nn.' j:,.i r i; I voved bv it. J. Hallvhurton. f!om ants. ronp-rpo-ntinn ! missioner, to said R. T. Cloud by deed NOTICE. i dated 30th of Sept., .1899, and record-! . 7ne defendanU, Mrs. Henry J. iea m said Register's office in Book! Jonnson, and husband, Henry John- Now Lookout. (J No. 2, page 373, containing 181 1 on, Miss Jessie S. Edwards, James When a cold hangs on as often acres' more or lessI and a deed from!n i uWa(v&. a-1 KntX rh,t?s,d.es Whitesides (heirs-at-law of Mrs. Har ry Vhitesides), Jessie Louise White sides by her guardian, Harry White- ((ttt i j i , . ii"wi a luiu llcllliz o till as niipn ' 1 - - -" " We asked him to give us just a happens, or when you have hardly ! Ransom Cloud and others to said Ter little of light and of leading; we ask-j gotten over one cold before you con-!re11 Cloud, dated lCth of January, npELEPHONE courtesy is just a bit of ordinary politeness and everyday kindness that we put into your conversation when we talk by telephone. 1897, containing 75 acres, more or less, all of which deeds and grant are ed him to SDeak iust one word thnt tract another, lookout for vou are li W j should put courage and self-respect to C0,Fact some very serious and old-fashioned patriotism into our J weakens the system and lowers thl hearts, and he talked to us of iohs. ! vitalitv so that .. . . '. J uiwic, r Arrnv r : nrnnQo-d cfffi ,A i liable tO Contract rhrnniV oofi-V, r yolliiniaaloner r to "vwo aiiu piatc-iiuiu- , 7 v""p AVFkV Kr TITTPFATAAI Aftv'o ers. We asked him to trive. us an pneumonia or consumption. Cure! I X'nnr rnlri nrhi n .-.m. u f -1 ' - jvri v-uiu vTinic juu can. vnamDer- lni'n'n I. T J 1 . lam o wugn xvemeuy nas a great rep utation. It is relied upon by thou sands of people and never disappoints them. Try it. It only costs a quar ter. Obtainable everywhere. hereby referred to for a more per-icdes rs Hattie Ramseur and hus fect description of said tract o land, hand Frank Ramseur, Thomas Frank- This the 30th o October, 1916. echo of those ideas and ideals which had stirred the Progressive party and made its great revolt one of the most memorable and hopeful things in our national life, and he responded with tne gross ana sordid materialism of THE YOUTH'S COMPANION CAL the camDaiarn orators who twentvi -c-wrT tt - . years ago spoke to the order of Mark I Hanna." Of Its the face to face brand politeness and kindness NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of an order of the Su perior Court of Burke county, North Carolina, made in a special proceed ing entitled J. B. Holloway, Admr. of May Walton, deed., the undersigned Commissioner will on the 4th Day of December, 1916, at 12 O'clock M at the Court House tiuor in Burke county lin. Carry Franklin, Ida Franklin, by their guarding James Edwards, and James Edwards, above named, will take notice that an ction entitled as" above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Burke county for the same for division of the, lands be,- longing to the estate Of T. IL Ed wards, deceased, in which said de fendants have an interest; and the said defendants will further take no tice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior ourt oi saia county at his oflice in XT -I .r. . . .i ... ' ! v The DubHshers of vtv. iV.L' ne.r rsaie l0. ine i"55 ! Morganton on the 18th day of No- And then there is William Allen ! r,mTln: A ... , "ving terms: une.; vember, 191G, at 10 o'clock a.m.. and White, of Kansas. Bull Moose Na-! r fcMi,Si aiways - , "1". i. " .1"! answer or demur to the complaint in 4- a ... itional Committeeman, in whose paper, I, reason, to every subscriber USed When We're Voice to 'the Emporia Gazette, there is this: if3 subscription is paid for 1917, pUTHERN BELL LEPHONE AND jLEGRAPH CO. always. voice. It's the same politeness and kindness that we like to receive from the other end of the wire. Giving a little thought to tele--phone courtesy and practicing its simple rules mill make the telephone an even more effi cient aid for you. "Telephone asYoud be Telephoned To," The Country asked for Roosevelf and they gave it Hughes Hughes and Fairbanks. -' "A convention that was a sort of compromise between a directors' meeting and a memorial service, nominating two estimable mutes who ,ana one-tnira in twelve montns, tnetcnid nroceedin. or thp nlnintifT win following tracts of land in Burke apply to the court for the relief de county, Morganton township, situated manded in the complaint or petition. This the 17th day of October. 191G. L. A. BRISTOL. a calendar for the new year. It is de-! 1 mile from the town of Morganton, cidedly unusual, and strikingly ar- Vr' .aes.cnDe1 as follows: tistic. The colors are well chosen andUr1 pT:. ci)rn.er. Clerk Superior Court Burke Co. . , , . . . , ik. v. i caisuii s uiviaiun Ol ine ' K AI HAlRFlFl Tl " " imiai-, iiiguci UUtl Mllll IV. Lt, ilCV-On- ily, however, for actual use, and isinaugnev runs west with the Hines Plaintiff's Atty. well named the Practical Home Cal endar. 9 'itiwi.-T.iivjv?...g-g7nr,..T.lt.,l mmmi T -- -- m'il Ypn can avoid the expense, delay and dirt of removing the old roof, and the inside of your house is not exposed during the re-roofing. In expensive, storm-proof and permanent. For Sale by MORGANTON HARDWARE (0. MORGANTON, N. C. went sighing through America over!" the vanity of human frailty, who! could conduct nothing but a funeral. And the gorgeously funny part of the spectacle was that the mourners, big and little, presumed to talk American ism, and when they talked about it they crossed themselves and raised their eyes heavenward as if Ameri- Icanism were some sort of sacred for- mula. ' "Americanism is red-blooded Amer icanism is fundamentally democratic. Americanism is robust,- sturdy, hila rious, rampant. It is something that holds 'the glory and freshness of a dream.' "But barring the lusty whacks from the Colonel's busy battle-axe, we had in this campaign for American ism nothing but tears and vain re grets. These tears and vain regrets did not' move the South. The South was partisan,, and it viewed the mournful spectacle casually. But in the West there was a definite feeling that the whole procession was a fake." line 35 poles to 2 forked white pines' rmf MiQ-smvnvc 4tr rw ti in his line of fence; then south 19 de-' C : M.? jfe?' nrvri n i v w AL grees west 12 poles crossing the1 I iw-U uLNUhLu LANDS. branch near a spring to a sourwoodi r.. r i r i . on a bluff; then south CO degrees eastLn5J ' ?f an order of sale made 33 poles to a stake near the ridce i a ,fnl 'TJ ? a $PCCIal Proceedm. Under and by virtue of a power ofid; then south 45 degrees east 201 I 'count v crStfX T HW, .MORTGAGE SALE. C UCCU CA.- v. JVii . , - .1 r 4- 11 I day of Januarv. 1914 '(now Bankley land) and Mash line; ' 1 in the office of thp then rorth vith said line to the be- "llSl ran. T sale contained ecuted the first and duly recorded Register of Deeds of Burke county, : inring, contai in Bock V, No. 3, page 30, and upon!lc"-. deault made in the navmpnt n thai This Novemt debt thereby secured by the maber,! J. Theo. Perkins, I will, on Saturday, the 15th Day of December. 1916. dur-i ;ing the legal hours of sale, sell for! casn to the highest bidder, two cer-, tain tracts or parcels of land at the vourt House door in the town c;anton, Burke county, North una, described and bounded lows: A . t'"h " tVi , (iiviic Ul 1 i ii . .i . . jcr ist, uit). i ii.,, . . -. -, .J. B. HOLLOWAY, .7 . i, r t, V . n Comniionpr ! !ond". the l!th Day of Iecrm!i-r. Comrni5Sloner- 1915 Cvithir, the le?vA hours cf ule LaLLUTION SALE Ol LAND. Sale mentioned in the order cf ya!e Under and bv virtue of an execu--11 ir.r 'O -p-'-T c:c inti tract r it. An ia..itA.l frnm s.,nr5 parcel of U.rd. lu.nte in Ouak'-r Of Mor-'r t?....i : i . t .Ic.ltJc vs townho. B'?rk? count nA. Caro- whitP vc A. .1. WhifP nn n !ii.lTmrnf ;oning the lands cf T. V. Scott aid as f ol-: rendered therein declared to be a lien rlhcrs l o'-,r '1 an ?er:icd as fol- a. i i i : . m i IOS. 'An iha itA harolnnn ,1 1 I I vnwftn thL c,; i ? n?i,lhe p "i ? C0H will, on Monday, the 4th Day of De- 'P'r "Tf fn rk U-nn,n5 cyed to the said J. Theo. Perkins by. cembcr, 1916. at the Court Houkc f t. No. 5 and rons ror 3;,7" ?f r k" & Comffin " 7th'door in the town of Morganton at 12 v,h I,ne ? fNo- c x rZi February, 1914, in Upper j o'clock L, offer for rale at public -,J, a inc " lr?c lier.fieMV Creek township containing OoH outcry to the-highest bidder for cash tne: thenc4cu Vo5t 43 rlcs to a rock; arces .reference being made to saiditw r i ,.c:jcc south 13 decrees wct 4f nolps 4L , 'Icard township in Burke county boun-,TO ck uinier corner; thence the lot oni aa na n.-o. t; rnrth v.ith Winters line 1 ixlc to n n of Mor- An n flt th cAiitK.xrocf f "take in raid line, .the third comer of of J .II. iiior-f i-fi.f nnA ,r,e k. Lot No. 3; thence cast with the line rs, fully 1 old Hart line '90 poles to a pine tre ! Iot No. ? .V: poles to the begin- cres, more or Sufferer From Indigestion Relieved. "Before taking Chamberlain's Tab lets my husband suffered for several years from indigestion, causing him to have pains in the stomach and distress after eating. Chamberlain's Tablets relieved him of these spells right away," writes Mrs. Thomas Casey, Geneva, N. Y. Obtainable everywhere. deed for full descrpition . becond lract : Beinir East Union street in the tow ganton .adjoining the lots Mull, Rufus Ayery and othe described in deed from J and wife to rpcr5ctor1 in Burke county, in Book R, No. 3, pagei 101, to which deed reference is mad for full description . This Nov. 17th, A. D., 1916. KATE PEARSALL, Mortgagee. o. 7 in division .jtJE?11 .lerkms and pointers; then north 87 west 81 containing ? said J. Theo. Perkins .and' poles to a stake and pointers in the'l?ss ?.nibeinF. l u .N( n tne Kegister's othce ofiWilfonir line: thence south with Rid : 1 oqii icnne:a lands. bee rpectal line 90 poles to a stake and pointers J11 dkt, Book 9 page 403. in the swann. the old rornpr- thrn --id sale made to make assets to If you are a subscriber to The News-Herald and enjoy reading it, tell your neighbor about it and ask him to subscribe. 12 months for only' $1.00. nct xiritVi rAA oo i v, P- debts and cost of administration beginning, containing 45 acres, more of ,the estate, and subject to the or less, fully described in and from' or,r. PProval by -the court. J. A. HHdebrand and wife to A. J. 711,5 November 9th. 1916. White, dated April 8th, 1904, and re-; n , . , T: PS9,0TTi corded in Book U No. 2, page 263. Commr. and Admr. Lst. A. Benficld. Terms of sale cash. ' This November 2nd, 1916. If you want the folks to know it. Sheriff of BuVke cTunty. j Iel1 thcm lhrou2h Thc News-nerald.

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