MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE RESERVES MEET. MANPOWER BILL PASSED BY THE HOUSE 336 TO 2. Burke County Committee Held Meeting Last Friday Mr. Payne Spoke on Work. Members composing the Burke County Board of the United States Public Service Reserve met in Mor ganton last Friday morning to discuss the work that the government expects them to do. Meeting with the members was Mr. Max T. Payne, of Greensboro, who is assisting Mr. T. L. Bland of Raleigh, the State director. The .Public Service Keserves in each county is composed of members from each township and also a local community board composed of three men one who represents the govern ment, one representing the employer of labor and one the employee of la bor. In Burke County Mr. W. I. Davis is chairman of the local com munity board and Messrs. B. E. Cox and A. C. Chaffee on the other mem bers. All matters pertaining to the labor situation will be conducted through them. It is the duty of the community board and the township representa tives to get a list of all men between the ages of 18 and 45 years who are in non-essential work. This list is sent to the labor department in Washington. In the near future a man from the department of labor, MR. BOGER WRITES ON BOSSES, BALL GAMES, ETC. working through the State director, I part of the week. Congress Does, However, Re verse Itself and Exempts Con gressmen From the Draft. The new manpower bill extending the selective draft to all men between the ages of 18 and 45 years was pass ed by the house Saturday night with only minor changes in the original draft of the war department. On the!. first roll call only two negative votes were cast Representative London the Socialist of New York, and Repre sentative Gordon, of Ohio, Democrat. The final vote was announced 336 to 2. The final vote was preceded by three days' debating, during which the chief contention was an amendment to de fer the calling of youths from 18 to 20 years until older men had been summoned. A final effort was made by Chairman Dent to place 18-year-old boys in a deferred class, but a mo tion to recommit the bill to the mili tary affairs committee with instruc tions to incorporate that amendment was lost, 191 to 146. The bill now goes to the senate, where leaders predict its passage ear ly next week. The seate plans to substitute the house bill for the mea sure favorably reported by the sen ate military committee and thus ex pedite its final enactment. Con gressional leaders hope to send the measure to the President by the latter INVENTOR WOULD PETRIFY ENEMY. Dr. Geo. Ramsey, of Raleigh, will come to Morganton to secure a cer tain quota of .labor. From the list furnished the government represen tation with the assistance of the community board, will select the men whom he desires. He will have the power to insist on these men going " The senate, soon after convening unexpectedly abandoned plans for a vote and adjourned until Monday. An attempt in the house to insert a work or fight amendment by which those exempted from military service on occupational grounds would be re quired to remain at their civil tasks, to the essential work or either report j failed, 52 to 91. The amendment was Directs His Communication to Mr. Cox and Writes on One Subject Interesting to Both. Aug. 24, 1918. Mr. X. It Pays to Trade at H. Cox, Broadway, Morganton. Dear Xennie: It might be said that certain lay ing of concrete on the streets of our old town had quite a sufficiency of supervision, superintending, over seeing, bossing, reviewing. Control generally, to have gotten it put down right.' Let's see. There was the mayor, town manager, Hawk Ward, the board of aldermen, city clerk, chief of po lice, Isaac Wortman, the contractor, abutting property owners, contract or's foreman, me and yourself gener ally and quite often, if the hour was propitious, the city engineer appeared in the offing. That little John Pearson fellow, from out "fernenst" Sandy Run, al ways seemed to me to be the brains of the whole works. (Along about the shank of the af ternoon, poor little John would have to be "The cook, and the captain bold, And the mate of the Nancy Brig, And the mid-ship mite, and the bos'n tight, . And the crew of the captain's gig." He remained, like Casabianca, "Whence all, but him, had fled" to the base ball game. If that little dinky steam engine had a blowed up before 3 p. m. any day, the very flower of Morganton's A GUILFORD COUNTY WOMAN WHO HAS AMPLE CAUSE TO BE directed against strikes and was char acterized by officials of the American Federation of Labor as a conscription of labor. The house reversed its action of Friday in voting to include members of Congress in the draft. By a ris ing vote, 98 to 143, it defeated an amendment by Representative Gregg, of Texas, which would make members of congress. State legislatures and Federal and State executive liable to the draft. them to- the local draft board when they will be reclassified and sent im mediately to the army. In talking to the committee Mr. Payne said: "The labor shortage is so serious that completion ofimportant war pro jects for the army and navy is being delayed. "The time has come for the entire nation to realize that business as usual is no longer possible." Nathan A. Smyth, assistant director of the employment service has said, "If we are to end the war quickly the pro duction of luxuries and non-essentials in this country must come to an end. It is a question of winning the war quickly or having it drag on indefi nitely. "Manufacturers must give up the creation of needless goods, workers must be willing to change from non essential to war production even at a hardship to themselves; the public at large must stop buying luxuries and thereby make the problem of curtail ing non-essentials easier." juP ano- fight a white soldier, he now Following the the industries whirb i flings down his rifle and shouts "Kam- are held as non-essential: Auto industry accessories, drivers of pleasure cars, cleaning, repairing and delivery of same, sight seeing cars, auto trucks other than those hauling fuel or doing government work, teaming other than delivery of products for war work; bath and barber ?hor attendants: howli nop. hil- ' " 07 Another Suggests Freezing Clouds and Mount Artillery On Them. London Correspondence Associated Press. If the dreams of numerous British amateur inventors, who have been be sieging the Ministry of Munitions, could be realized, the war would have been over long ago, and little would be left of the German army. Recent proposals include the following: "Freeze the clouds and mount ar tillery thereon; train cormorants to fly to Essen to pick the mortar from Krupp's walls, so that they will crumble; trail from balloons prodigi ous magnets that would snatch rifles from the hands of the German sol diers; perch men on shells to steer them." A suggestion often submitted is to attach a searchlight to an anti-aircraft gun, project the light on a Gotha and shoot along the beam. Un fortunately, shells will not follow a path of light. Other schemes for dealing with hos tile aircraft are to suspend heavy guns from captive balloons; to arm defense airplanes with scythes; to provide heat rays for setting Zeppe lins on fire, and to cover the moon with a big, black balloon. To prevent polished rails shining at night and acting as a guide to enemy aircraft, the last coach of the last train is to drop blacking on them. A shell containing gravel is to lay a pathway over mud, and another, She Wants Other Women to Know How She Gained Such r Satisfaction and Believes That They Can Ac- complish Just as Much. f an advertisement" of Peplac a f ata Laments 0 i people who were benefitted There is at least one satisfied wo man in Guilford county, and she came into Greensboro the other day to make a statement for publication tiling just 'medicine, so I decided to tr V how happy she is. L. Clapp, whose This lady, Mrs. J. address is Rural Route No. 2, Grensboro, now knows needed. will always be thankful that i f 4.1. ' I 4. iur it was me very mediei Mp 1 ' It quickly banished ii knit n 4 I 4- wt striven 4-s V f n rj11 nrAtM A m I 4- -i -- J T m 1 1 . ? w ua i ib means w uc a vrcii nuuiau and enjoy life. This is the expert ence Mrs. Clapp relates: "A deranged stomach has been the cause of my being miserable for the last eighteen years. I was unable to take hardly any food without becom ing deathly sick, frequently vomiting and suffering intense pain, my nerv ous system was also affected. I took all of the usual remedies for stomach trouble, and a lot more, but they had no effect whatever on my case. I saw tnrripH nnrl T who qK1 v I ate. I sleep much better; a bit nervous and feel fing time. I gained all of this kj ment through Peplac and I cannj derstand why everyone who is I? bled in this manner does r.ot take ' wonderful remedy. This great constructive tonic i$ ' and recommended in Morgan Leslie's Drug Store. Buy a bottle day. t 11 virile manhood would have composed containing an irritant powder or a the casualtv list j sticky substance, is to hamper ma- Except two blooms. Maybe three. chine 2uns Cousin Peter Newton and A. M. In-! The "relav she11" is a favorite pro gold would not have been ushered into j Fsal, the plan being for a shell at eternity thataway, and maybe thethe heiht of its flight to expel a city engineer would have escaped, these 1 smaller inner she11- As a she11 does three not being among those present. !not Point directly along its trajectory And, Xennie, en passant, wouldn't ! would be impossible to secure ac- you put these two, who certainly would not have been there, wouldn't you put them down as the two most politest people in town. My cousin Peter can sell you a pa per sack of fresh roasted, and make officials - uu ieei 11Ke you naa clsed a deal with him for a Cadillac limousine. Mr. Ingold can send you a notice, with a vague reference to a past due note, or overdraft, or something, and make you feel like you had received an invitation to some sort of free curacy of aim for the second shell Among the miscellaneous projects are: To petrify German soldiers by I squirting cement over them; to throw snakes of pneumatic propulsion into the enemy trenches; to penetrate and attack Germany itself via a "tube" built "all the way" from England. It is said that about one suggestion in ten that reaches the Ministry of Munitions Is novel and possible. The Air Ministry announces that its air inventions committee, formed The American Negro is "Some" Fighter. France has her "Blue Devils" fierce fighting men. The negro race j feed. Of course you and I know noth- aDOut mne months ago, has examined nas already proved itself in this war. ling about this, but it is said thatimore than 5000 inventions and sug Hundreds of African colonials serv-jhe can turn down a proposition to ing in the French and British armies lend money with such a courtpmm nnt showed the Huns how a black man! that the would be borrower feels so jean fight but it took the American good over it he thinks ho dnn't ncA negro to put the finishing touches on the money, anyway. their education. The result is that And he goes away with a smile on while a German soldier might stand j his face, and nothing- else. xuu never Knew onver ureeK Sam Pearson, Xennie. I did. He wns erad!" with all his lung power when (more polite than Mr. Newton and Mr. a negro face shows behind an Amer- Ingold put together, ican bayonet. So furiously did they If, however, that biler had busted fight that they earned a contemptu- after 3 p. m., when "politics wn? A. ous but appreciative place in the Ger- journed" to the ball same onp littlp gestions. STRAIGHTFORWARD TESTIMONY. man official reports of the defeat. Two negro divisions the 92nd and the 103rd are known to be in ac tion on the western front. Under the first draft there were liard and pool rooms .bottlers and I bottle supplies, candy manufacturers!737'628 Regro registrants, or nearly and delicatessen establishments, 8 Per cent of tne country's total reg builders and contractors not engaged istration- tns number 100,000 in erection of structures for war work; have been caed to camp and the ma dancing academies, mercantile 3rity of tnem are now at the front. stores; florists; fruit stands; junk!About 1'000 negroes, including 250 dealers; livery and sales stables; pawn brokers; peanut venders, shoe shining shops, window cleaners, softiand Eecond lieutenants. In addition medical officers, have been commis sioned as captains, first lieutenants drink establishments, soda fountain supplies. The following men attended the meeting in Morganton: Messrs. W. I. Davis, B. E. Cox, F. J. Wortman, W. K. Houk, E. W. Price, C. V. Cline, D. W. Alexander, N. O. Pitts, W. Y. Frazier, Francis Garrou and R. O. Huffman. to the fighting men there are 34 col ored chaplains in the army, and 150 negroes with the negro branches of the Y. M. C. A. at the camps and in France. Keep Your Liberty Bond. Liberty Bonds are not intended as currency; they are intended as a loan to the Government and at the same time a gilt-edged investment for the purchaser. Trading a Liberty Bond defeats the Government's plan of financing the war. State College at Raleigh has sent this office a very interesting 16-page pamphlet about its "Military Train ing and War Courses." Well illus trated and carefully prepared, it gives a. V.ef y f avorable impression of the ac tivities of that strong and useful technical college and its efforts toward winning the war. Rheumatism Arrested If you suffer with lame muscled or Y stiffened joints look out for impuri ties in the blood, because each at tack gets more acute and stubborn. To arrest rheumatism you must improve your general health and purify your 'blood; the cod liver oil in Scott's Emulsion is Nature's great blood-maker while it also strengthens the organs to expel the impurities. . ScotVa is helping thous ands who could not find other relief 8tt ft Bewrn. Btoaafeld. H.J. War Will Make Men Scarcer in the World. There won't be enough men to go around if the war lasts for more than a year longer. That's the dire proph ecy of an Italian professor of sociol ogy and statistics who has just pub lished a learned work entitled "The War and Population." He figures that if the war ends in 1919 there will be 121 women be tween the ages of 20 and 44 to every 100 men of the same ages in Eng land. In 1910 the proportion was 108 to 100. In France the situation will be even more dreadful. There will be 124 women to every 100 men. In Germany, where the sexes were al most evenly balanced before the war, there will be only 19 surplus women to every 100 men . hardly enough; the author says, to make polgyamv practical. The scientist holds the comfort able doctrine that eugenically the! race will improve after the war, be cause thete will be so many women for every man to choose a wife from that he will choose the healthiest. handsomest and strongest. So many gods, so many creeds, So many paths that wind and wind, When just the art of being kind Is all this old world needsl . Ella Wheeler Wilcox. pine coffin would have been sufficient, and the only plaintiff in the damage suit would have been poor Little John's administrator. The dama?p suit would have been tried without even having Hickory or Lenoir legal talent in. - Speaking of bosses. There are five hundred people in Washington who are my boss. About a dozen of the smaller ones have no ticed my name on lists or something, and three of them know me when they see me, but only one of all my su periors exactly know what my name is. Several ought to know it ,and you ought to hear them "stall" when they can't recall it, and try to do so. The President, of course, gave Mr. McAdoo his job and so I guess he bosses Mr. McAdoo. Mr. McA. is the head of a whole lot of big government activities, among which, one is the treasury department I'm in this. One branch of the treasury depart ment is the internal revenue bureau Mr. McA. has a man who looks af ter the internal revenue bureau for him, and that man, representing Mr, McAdoo, bosses Mr. Roper, who is Cnm m iccmn at Ix i ...uuluutl inrerna rairamiA This bureau comprises all the differ ent activities tliat collect revenue to run the government. One of these many sources of revenue is tax. So Mr. Roper has a man to boss, among others, who is the head of all the tax ousmess. Then there being many sorts of tax. there is a big chief for each kind of cax. One of the kinds of revenue produc ing taxes is the Excess Profits Tax. xere is a head man over the excess pronts tax division, and there are some six or eight different branches of the E P. action, each with a boss-, and each boss has a chief clerk, and cuca cmei cieric designates men to see Many Morganton Citizens Have Profited By It. T C 1 i i i 1 jou nave DacKacne, urinary troubles, days of dizziness, headaches or nervousness, strike at the seat of the trouble. These are often the symptoms of weak kidneys and there is grave danger in delay. Doan's Kid ney Pills are especially prepared for kidney ailments are endorsed by over 50,000 people. Your neighbors recommend this remedy have proved its merit in many tests. Morganton readers should take fresh courage in the straightforward testimony of a Morganton citizen: J. M. Patton, agehc Standard Oil Co., Anderson St., says: "I had a dull pain across the small of my back, caused by disordered kidnes. I had always heard Doan's Kidney Pills highly spoken of and I got some at the Burke Drug Co. Doan's the soreness and pain in my back after i naa used the tirst box. My experi ence has taught me Doan's Kidney .mis are a nne Kidney medicine." rnce buc, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Patton had. Foster - Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. .RepuiMie I i i i L Do not cost any more than ordinary tires, but give 5,000 Miles Service f. i FULL STOCK OF ALL SIZES AT Gaither's Book Store f It will pay you to investigate this claim S. GAITHER BUICK and DODGE BROS. Agent B w. LIVER DDN'T ACT GESTION WAS I I I a t ' m I I E E E E G G V D 0 -5 B if IF F !? 'lh In in rl in n in f- h i i : r i Til I 1 : ! i i Says 65 year Old Kentucky Lady, Who Tells How She WasRelf f 1 I After a Few Doses of Black-Draught, I r 1 r i Ask Anyorfe Who Has Used It There are families who alwavs "aim to keep a bottle of ChamberWs Co? ihatTisVofLt1! has il dS anyone who V after seperate details. They call these last "straw bosses." My work is that of an auditor or reviewer of excess profits tax returns, as made out, by taxpayers and sent to collectors, in the different districts, thence to Washington for corrections, correspondence, adjustments, etc. So, H. X., should you wish to see mee when in the-city, call on Mr. W. Wilson, and he will send you to Mr. McAdoo, and he will send you on, and on, and on, and on, like Co lumbus sailed, and in about three weeks you will be piloted right to my desk. Please wake uj gently, as you ap proach, because my nerves are un strung from the effects of a ball game I-recently saw, with Ty Cobb in it. Tell Jim I'm going to write him all about that game and that Cobb. Cobb's worth all they pav him' One other thing, Xennie, who else says it pays to trade at Cox's?" I thank you. DERR BOGER: Meadorsvllle, Ky. Mrs. Cynthia Higginbdtham, of this town, says: "At my age, which Is 65, the liver does not act so well as when young. A few years ago, my stomach was all out of fix. I was constipated, my liver didn't act. My digestion was bad, and it took so little to upset me. My ap petite was gone. I was very weak... I decided I- would give Black Draught a thorough trial as I knew it was highly recommended for this troubld. I began taking it I felt better after a few doses. My appetite improved and I became stronger. My bowels acted naturally and the least trouble was soon righted with a few i doses of Black-Draught" i j Seventy years of successful m f J made Thedford's Black-Drang J p standard, household reinedj. If f J & member, of every family, at tf j g need the help that Black-Drangl!) I j give In cleansing the system a I j lieving the troubles that come i J constipation, indigestion, lazy If f j g etc. You cannot keep well unless! f j g stomach, liver and bjwels are tf j g Keep them that f g I 3 8 working order. gently and in a natural way. IV I I .? t J feel sluggish, take a dose tc I T5u will feel fresh tomorrow. I f 22 25c. a package One cent 8 All druggists. SS2S2SSS2SSS2S2S2S2S2S2SSS2S2S252S2S it'l ARE YOU BUYING The United States Fuel Adminis tration makes two suggestions among umers: use wood or oil instead nf coai where possible: if you use 1 order it immediately. Orders now keen the coal minoe yii: . Trn. . : - " umuug. tt nen orders slow, up, the mines slow up. c o c c 5 a ss c o ? Si I V V I 1 I 54 1 O Q "WAR SAVINGS ISSUED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Wil & CO,