ARE DECEIVING THE PEOPLE OF GERMANY The Policy of the Government is Meeting Protests From Some of the Newspapers of Germany - The continued attempts to deceive the German people regarding the progress of the war and America's participation are meeting with pro tests in a part of the German press, according to an official dispatch from Switzerland, says a dispatch from Washington. The Muencher Post, according to the dispatch, protests against a re cent speech delivered at Hamburg by: Paul Franklin. Prince Henry of Prussia, m which QUAKER MEADOWS ITEMS. NEWS ITEMS FROM AROUND GLEN ALPLNE Correspondence of The News-Herald. The revival meeting closed at Oak Hill Saturday night. Rev. Tabor was assisted through the meeting by Revs. Moss and Gwaltney. Mrs. Louise Leach .of Rocky Mount, is spending a while with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Connelly. Miss Charley Mae Hennessee. of Glen Alpine, has been visiting Miss Lela Alexander. Mrs. Charles Walton and children are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Winters. Miss Lanetta Bridgers, of Morgan ton, was the guest Sunday of Mrs. townsman, Mr. Jack McCarthy, was; Miss Laura Tabor leaves this week 'married a short time ago to Miss Brief Items of News Interest From a Hustling Burke Com munity. Correspondence of The News-Herald. Mr. John Queen, of Spartanbrg, has been up in his car visiting friends and relatives. For several days now long strings of autos have been going by a new way to get these cars from northern markets, which is quicker and more satisfactory than the slow freight on the railroads. . Mr. Ivey McCarthy,- son of our STATE HOSPITAL NEWS. the last battles were represented as j for Jefferson, where she will teach. German victories. "It is scandalous," j Mr. J. P. Whisenant has been on says the newspaper, "to see a person the sick list, but we are glad to note like Prince Henry of Prussia giving is improving. Gladys Lane, of Morganton. Mr. Robert Giles, who has been working for the government at Pen- mraan. va.. is bacK nome. News has been received that Messrs. Conley Lefevers, Jim Simp- the German people a picture of thej Hon. Erock, of Davidson, was a situation which in no way corres-jvery pleasant guest at the home of ponds to the reality. Germans are. Rev. and Mrs. Tabor the latter part j son and C. C. Parker, our soldier boys, not going to let themselves be ex-, of the week. have safely landed overseas, ploited like children. It is ridiculous Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Barber, of Mill j Mr. C. Hemphill, wife and child, of to think that people are saying that Springs, are visiting Mrs. Barber's ' Nebo, have been visiting the family we shall support a fifth year of war; parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Winters, like the four preceding ones. It Rev. Barber will assist Rev. Tabor in would be doing wrong to the German his meeting at Linville this week, people. Enough personages like Master Harold Powell, small son Prince Henry would do better not to of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Powell, was speak about the sufferings and mis-; taken to Grace Hospital Sattirday, eries of the war. We were told for a ! where he underwent an operation for long time that America's entry into appendicitis. Latest news state that the war was a mere bluff, and we see , he is doing nicely. today that one part of the press andj Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Phillips attend the greater part of the official orators j ed the meeting at Oak Hill the past are continuing to deceive the German week. public. They would do better to sayj Quiet a surprise to those present of Mr. Garfield Pitts. The colored people have had for the past few days a camp meeting at McElrath's chapel, and Baptist asso ciation at the colored Baptist church near here. As usual, large crowds in attendance. Mr. Aaron Pitts, who has been working at Mussel Shoal, Ala.; is at home for the balance of the summer. Mr, Gray Gibbs and son, James, who have been employed on government work at Newport News, Va., are now openly that Germany finds herself to- j was the marriage of Miss Ivy Gol-lat home. day in an extremely serious situation." , loway to Mr. Mark Huffman, after It is observed that a singular si- the services were over, Wednesday lence on everything which bears upon j night. Rev. J. W. Moss performed the military situation is noticeable in j the ceremony. Mr. Huffman left the German newspapers and news; this week for the training camp. I Mrs. Ed Connelly has been visiting jin Rutherfordton. FOR SALE One 8-16 H. P. Flinch- baugh two cylinder Oil Tractor., this 'engine "&$&?$ een aboutr two' r, weeks' -. service and is' as , " good as new. Price r;...$650. 00 C. H. TURNER Statesville, N. C. J Additional Quaker Meadows Items. ! Miss Louise Crawley, of Glen Al Jpine, spent last week with her sister, ;Mrs. R. A. Winters. f f .Misses Ava Kistler and Mary Smith IMorganton, spent Sunday with $l&sseieo Wall. k " Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Phillips, of ) Silver. Creek, visited relatives and frfends in this community last week ajnd attended the Oak Hill meeting. Miss Lola Walton returned home Sunday after spending a month with her sister, Mrs. . George Allen, at Kannapolis. Mr. Sam Brinkley paid a visit to Mussel Shoals, Ala., seeing friends. Miss Winnie Simpson is off teach ing school at the Shiloah schoolhouse. Miss Louise Landis, who has been visitng the family of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Parker, has returned to her home at Lexington; Mr. James P. Gibbs and children, of Spartanburg, are here on a visit to relatives and friends. Miss Virginia Hicks, who has been in Salisbury for some time, has re turned home. Mr. L. F. Brinkley and Mr. Robt. Hicks left for Baltimore, Md., a few days ago to engage in government work. Mrs. W. D. Pitts and children had a narrow escape from a serious acci dent a few days ago. Waiting for a train to pass under the overhead bridge here before crossing, the horse Little Misses Margaret and. Bessie became restless and backed the buggy Duckworth, of Morganton, spe&c the past week with their aunt, Mrs: has. Benfield. om mo om mo o c o o O. D cm mo ( o o. o om o cm o oa o o. o o. mil om W. P. SPEAS, M. D Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat HICKORY, N. C. Office over Hickory Drug Co. Hours 9 to 12 and 3 to 5 o O. o e. o cm o cm 3 cm o cm mo cm mo c. o cm cm mo cm mo cm o cm mo cm mo Wood's Seeds Crimson Clover Increases crop produc tion, improves the land and makes an excellent grazing and forage crop. WOOD'S FALL CATALOG Just Issued Tells All About rimson CI over, Alfalfa, Fulghum Oats, Abbruzzi Rye and all other Farm and Garden Seeds FOR FALL SOWING. Catalog mailed free. Write for it, and prices of any Seeds re quired. I W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen - Richmond, Va. Raleigh, were guests a few daytklast week of Mr. and Mrs. R. 'A. Waiters. Miss Frankie Clark, of v Llogwood, is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Earl Harbison. NEWS FROM CHESTERFIELD off the embankment, turning it over. Luckily Mrs. Pitts succeeded in get ting out without serious damage to Mr. Charles Crawley and fariftfrbf ,her.or the children. Outside of a few more serious was done. It was a close shave. - Mr. Charlie Ward, calling the roll this morning, found '4 boys instead of 3 the night before. Mr. Hoover says "food will win the war." That means, of course, our not using none needlessly. There are other lines of economy. I was in a store the other day when a daughter of a farmer came in and brought a common tin dipper for 15c, priced 5c. before the war. Brooms are from 75c. to $1.00 each. During the Civil war you had no tin dipper but a; nice, clean goard to drink out of. Broom corn was raised or broom-straw wrung inj the fall and put away for a year's al lowance. The right kind of patriot ism means economy and that means to save. Little Harland, 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Powell, was op erated on at Grace Hospital for ap pendicitis Saturday. He is getting along as well as could be expected. JAP. Glen Alpine, August 16, 1918. Correspondence of The News-Herald. Mrs. Willie Bowman spent Sunday in Morganton with her brother and family, Mr. Charles Puett. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lefevers and children spent Sunday with her broth er, Mr. Thomas Shuping, near Salem. Miss Minnie Mull spent week-end with her grandmother, Mrs. Nancy Mull, in east Burke, Mr. Frank Chapman, of Valedes, has succeeded Mr. C. M. Denton, at tendant at the Sawyer colony. Miss Hettie Williams, of Lincoln county, is visting her brother, Mr. Jno. S. Williams. Mrs. Christine .Wilson, of the Deaf school section, is spending several months with her daughter and fam ily, Mrs. R. H. Faulkner. Mr. Floyd Cuthbertson, of Vir ginia, visited his sister, Mrs. J. B. Wacaster and family, the past week. Miss Addie Brittain has just return ed from a vacation. Miss Claudia Cope has also returned from her va cation. Mr. Gordon T. Wall of Fort Thom as, K., and Mrs. Jarvis Wall, of Mor ganton, and Mrs. M. E. Larson, of Hoboken, N. J., visited Mr. Jarvis Wall Saturday evening and attended the picture show. Miss Eugenia Fife, of Thomasville, is visiting her sister, Miss Mollie Fife, at Hospital. Miss Bettie Stamey nurse was ! called away Sunday to attend the fun eral of her cousin, near Hickory. Mr. M. E. Fore, of Virginia, has joined his wife who has been spending some time with her brother, Mr. R. B. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Fore will prob ably remain for 10 days longer. 'Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Moore and family and Mr a.nd Mrs. Fore motored to North Catawba Sunday to visit Mrs. Fore's brother, Mr. D. B. Moore. The Hospital fire laddies enjoyed a nice practice Saturday morning. The nurses' and attendants' dance on Tuesday night of last week was well attended and enjoyed. There were several visitors from Morgan ton. The chapel services at Hospital on Sunday afternoon were conducted by Rev. Geo. Hilton, of Grace church, Morganton. Rev. C. C. Totherow, evangelist, will commence a series of meetings at Oak Forest church " next Sunday, Sept. 1st, at 11 o'clock a. m. All are cordially invited to attend. Mr. Andrew Jackson Cook, of Cherokee county, who has been a pa tient here for about a year, left for his home Monday. !2v THE AIRPLANE is the military eagle, 2ptly termed Eyes of the Army. Rising above and fore the battle line, it watches for cci attacks. FIRE gives no warning of its coming. No eye can see where it will strike next. ADEQUATE Insurance is the airplane of protection. Use foresight instead cf 2c tual vision. Place your insurance with the. S W. A. JdAKBlSOW 31 H All Branches of Insurance j A" Phone 2G--J burk L CL 1 DR. ALFRED W. DULA EYE SPECIALIST 1 SEE BETTER SEE DULA 7 Year's Experience The Best Equipment Obtainable. Glasses Fitted Exclusively. UARTIH BLOCK, LENOIR, B.C. II you got it from DtTlA. It's All Right. WATCH PAPiX FOR DATES. Correspondence of The News-Herald. Mr. Albert Corpening and daughter Miss Lois Corpening, of Gamewell, visited friends on Lower Creek Monday. Miss Florence Puett is visiting at the home of her uncle, Mr. Marshall Puett, near Charlotte. Miss Jennie Smith, of Worry, spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. S. A. Kincaid has as her guest her cousin, Miss Minnie Davis, of Ad-akoa. Mr. S. S. Hallyburton spent Sun day night at Dogwood with his sister, Mrs. Mary Clark. Mr. Harry Highdon, of Asheville, was a guest for the week-end of Mr. Paul Conley. - - -- Mr. John S. Smith left Saturday for Lincoln county, where he will spend the week visiting relatives and friends. Misses Louise and Beatrice Hood are visiting relatives in Morganton. Mrs. Anna Fincannon and small son, Master Hensley Fincannon, spent the week as the guests of her mother Mrs. F. M. Hensley. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Powell visited Mr. and Mrs. Byard Wall Friday af ternoon. Mr. Wall's many friends are glad that his health- is improving. Mr. R. C. Baird and family and Mrs. M. M. Rader were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Arney, near Hart- land. Mrs. H. M. Conley and daghter, Miss Essie Conley, spent Wednesday in Lenoir. Mr. Felix Smith and Mr. Charles Smith, of Smoky creek, were guests Saturday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith. Mrs. G. M. :Arney and son, Mr. Charlie Arney, and family, of Ches ter, S. C., spent a few days in Cald well last week visiting relatives. Messrs. Ben and Bob Hallyburton Some of the Bits Your Liberty Bond Will Do. If you buy a $100 bond of the Fourth Liberty Loan , you are lending the United States Government enough money to feed a soldier in France a little more than seven months. Or you have furnished enough money to give him a complete outfit of winter and summer clothing, including shoes and stockings, and slicker and over coat and blankets, with enough left over to arm him with a good revolver. You have done that much to beat back the Hun. It takes $35 more to arm him with a rifle with a bayonet on it, and if you buy a second $100 bond your fur nish him this rifle and 1,000 cartridges for it; and there will still be enough of your money left to purchase a good-sized bomb to throw in a dug out ,or demolish a machine gun to gether with the Huns operating it. Rollins Notes. Correspondence of The News-Herald. The protracted meetings at Pleas ant Ridge Baptist church closed Sun day night, and Monday morning at 10 a. m. the candidates for baptism met at the Mt. Olivet pool and six teen were baptized by Rev. John Hagaman, assisted by Rev. Mark Clark. The meetings were well at tended, the Heavener schoolhouse not being large enough to hold the con gregations. Mrs. Lola Littlefield, who was tak en to Grace Hospital last week and underwent a serious operation, at last accounts was getting on nicely. Corn is beginning to mature and fodder pullinsr will be in full swing. Mr. B. G. Mangum already has 1,000 bundles gathered. OPTIMIST. LENSES GROUND & DUPLICATED Repair Dep't. Box 127 Charlotte, N C Save tin foil for the Red Cross they get 35 cents a pound for it. C ASTO R I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bear the Signature of soon Summer Complaint. During the hot weather of the sum mer months some member of almost every family is likely to be troubled with an unnatural looseness of the bowels, and it is of the greatest im portance that this be treated prompt- iy, wnicn can only do done when the medicine is kept at hand. Mrs. F. F Scott, Scottsville, N. Y., states, " first used Chamberlain's Colic and Di- arrheea Remedy as much as five years asro. At that time 1 nad a severe at tack of summer complaint and was suffering intense pain. One dose re lieved me. . Other members of my lamuy nave since used it with like results." ( Connelly Springs Notes. Correspondence of The News-Herald. A party from the hotel motored to Morganton Monday. Miss Mary Berry, of Valdese, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Slates, of Gas- tonia, are visiting friends at the hotel. Mr. D. P. Hudson has returned from Dr. Long's sanatorium, Statesville, where he underwent an operation a few days ago; H r m -m. mr Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Bell, of Charlotte, who spent last week at the hotel, has returned home. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Hallyburton. Mrs. Thomas Puett, of Morganton. is on a visit of some weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Baird. Master Elbert Powell was a Lenoir visitor Monday. Mrs. Maud Harris and familv. who have been visiting in .the home of her uncle, Mr. J. L. Hartley, has returned to Caldwell. Mrs. Sallie Davesj of Morganton, is spending some time with her brother Mr. Williams James. Mrs. R. M. Smith and daughter, Miss Winnie Sntfth, were guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hal lyburton. Miss Ruby Baird has been visiting the Misses Hartley. Messrs. Felix Smith, Columbus Lambreth, Vance Thompson, Jack Corpening, Quilla Rhodes and Jay Clark left for Camp Jackson Monday. A bellry has been built to the school house here and a . bell put up. I SWEATER TIME The cool mornings and even ings call for Sweaters. See our new line of warm Woolen Sweaters for Ladies and Children and Military School Sweaters for boys. Just receiveda new line of Ladies' Wash and Silk Waists. Pvt. ' inftbe : enlistee ir the .tKe cavalry This s L Davis t I L i 1 Son I Be Sure of the Number Before Calling The telephone directory is issued at frequent intervals for the information and benefit of the telephone-using public. Every effort is made to keep this list accurate and up-to-date. It is expected that telephone-users will consult it before making calls. A call for an incorrect -number causes delay and possible annoy ance to a third party. Avoid inconvenience to all con cerned by looking up telephone numbers in the directory before calling. When you Telephone Smile SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY i to Mr. ton, as i yea 44tl Bri s OFFICE PHONE 275 OFFICE HOURS: 7 to 8 A. M. RESIDENCE PHONE 319-J 1 to 3 P. M. 7 to 9 P. M. O. L HOLLER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon I have a system of treating and curing Hemorrhoids cr Piles and eth er rectal diseases. No cutting, tying or cauterizing. Treatment is painless, safe and sure. Does not detain the patient a moment froa either business or pleasure. No bleeding, no sloughing; in fact no injurious after effect of any char acter. All sense of weight or heaviness in the rectum removed permanently. No leaving of lumps or scar tissue, but permanent removal of all exist ing tumors. - The rectum is' left as smbothe as free from irritation and as natural , as when a child. - . - OFFICE: 1002 UNION SQUARE HICKORY, N. C