Hemic William Jeornitiiigs Bry ami mm important TO Will Lecture at the Graded School Auditorium MORGANTON, N. C. Tuesday Morning, September 1 0, at 1 1 o'clock General admission, 50 cents. Reserved seats 25 cents extra. Tickets will be VOL. NEW PR on sale at the Burke Drug Store Thursday morning, September 5th. An over-crowded house is expected, so reserve your seat early. GLEN ALPINE SCHOOL OPENS SEPTEMBER 3D. On Sept. 3rd the Glen Alpine High School will open. This is a State high school, and any student of Burke county, who is able to enter the high school department, will be admitted without tuition. It is the purpose of this school to prepare students both for college and for life. Parents who expect to send children to this school are urged to start them at the beginning of the fall term, even though it should require sacri fice to do so. It requires at least eight months to complete the work of a grade, and students who enter late should not expect to be promoted at the end of the school year. If par ents should carefully examine the monthly reports of their children, at the end of the year, they would not be surprised to hear whether or not their children were promoted. This year some high school books have advanced a little in price, but parents should see that each child be furnished with a full set of books. Books for grades below the high school department may be secured at Morganton, but the principal should ba consulted for high school books. A hearty co-operation by parents with teachers will add much to the efficiency of the school. For further information, see or write the principal. T. HENDRIX. GOVERNMENT SENDS AN URGENT CALL. If sorghum syrup and cane syrup is sealed to prevent fermentation, it will prove a good winter sweetener. Well made cane syrup can be used to take the place of sugar even in coffee. Fruits can be preserved in grape juice or apple juice in place of a sugar syrup. Extract the juice from very ripe fruit and boil down to one-half the volume to form a thin grape or apple syrup. APPRECIATION. The President of the Civil-Service Commission recently wired: "Xeed for stengraphers and typists at Washington grows more acute daily. Increase effort all possible." The Government and business con cerns are short FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND office assistants. Sal aries never before heard of are now being offered. We have PERFECTED and COPY RIGHTED charts and lesson sheets that enable us to teach you, at your home, BY MAIL, in THIRTY LES SONS, a system of Shorthand used by about NINETY per cent of the Government stenographers, and to teach you, BY MAIL, in EIGHT WEEKS, a Bookkeeping Course that is SUPERIOR to any SIX-MONTHS' course. The Government drafted our Civil Service Bookkeeping Set. Clip, fill out, and mail the COUPON following: : PRODUCE! : We arc in-the market for Rye, Peach Seed, Dried Fruit, Etc. We are especially in need of some Eggs and Chickens. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR SAME HICKORY SEED COMPANY HICKORY, N. C. When your soldier sends his picture home, have it copied and give his friends and relatives. WEBB makes these , copies at 6 for $1.00 and guarantees them to be fully as clear and many times better than the picture they are made from. WEBB (photographs every thing) COUPON DRAUGHON'S COLLEGE, Nashville, Term.: Send FREE Book on Horns Study and tell me why a Home-Study Course, given by your new method, is better than a course at college; also, tell me about the contract that you will give to secure for me a good position. I clipped this notice from The News Herald, Morganton, N. C. Name Address SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements inserted under this head at the rate of 5 cents per line each insertion. Try an ad. in this department for quick returns. Being unable to thank personally all those who so liberally contributed to the Jewish Relief I take this means of attempting to express in a small mea sure my heartfelt thanks and appre ciation for the generous response that was made to the appeal. I was much gratified at the report I was able to give for Burke and want to thank not only each individual contributor, but those who co-operated with me in Morganton and various communities in the county.- The response was re markable and I am deeply grateful. ISAAC LAZARUS. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of the late L. A. Taylor, we hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to set tle same at once, and all persons hav ing claims against said estate will pre sent them to the undersigned within 12 months or same will be plead in bar cf any recovery theron. J. R. TAYLOR J. B. TAYLOR, Executors WILL SELL CHEAP FOR CASH Good work horse. Women and chil dre can drive. Will trade for hogs or cattle. 0. L. BOUGHMAN, Connelly Springs, N. C. SEED WHEAT FOR SALE Ful caster variety, $3 per bshel. H. M. CONLEY, Morganton, Route 3. FOR RENT The McKesson house on Burkemont avenue. 8 rooms. Ap ply to NORMAN CHAFFEE. cm o cm o c o to mo cm o om o om o cm ?2 o cm mo cm c cm mo cm mo cm o c 88 o cm mo cm mo c-m mo cm mo cm mo cm mo cm ma cm mo cm ?2 o 82 S2 88 FOR SALE Nice gentle driving mare. Anyone can handle under any conditions. Also good work horse. ED SPAINHOUR, Morganton, N. C. FOR SALE 2 young mules, and 4 head of work horses, cheap and on easy terms. I want to buy seed rye, especially Abruzzi. Let me know what you have to offer? Also want seed wheat. Purebred Poland-China, Duroc, Hampshire and Essex pigs for sale. J. E. COULTER, Connelly Springs, N. C. J For SALE A pair of good young mules, medium size. Will sell right for cash. C. F. KIRKSEY. NEW PALL SHOES Have arrived and are ready for your inspection. Get them while the selections are good. We have Dress and Work Shoes of differ ent grades and prices for men, ladies and children. Let us fur nish you with shoes. We can save you money. THE BUSY STORE SAM KATZ, Prop. o cm o cm o cm mo o cm c c o cm mo cm mo mo cm mo 3 o cm mo cm mo cm mo cm mo cm mo cm mo cm mo cm mo cm 82 mo cm cm mo cm mo cm mo cm mo cm mo cm i 82 i o cm mo cm CCGCCG0CCC UGGIi ES Wood's Seeds Crimson Clover Increases crop produc tion, improves the land and makes an excellent grazing and forage crop. W00D?S FALL CATALOG Just Issued Tells All About Crimson Clover, Alfalfa, Fulghum Oats, Abbruzzi Rye and all other Farm and Garden Seeds FOR FALL SOWING. Catalog mailed free. Write for it, and prices of any Seeds re quired. T;W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen - Richmond, Va. j LEARN AT HOME OR SCHOOL ', Shorthand, Bookkeeping. Positions guaranteed. Tuition on credit. ED ; WARDS COLLEGE, Winston, N. C. j WANTED Live dealer to handle I Briscoe Automobiles in your terri tory. Good opportunity to make money. J. H. HAM, Distributor, i North and South Carolina, Charlotte, N. C. For SALE A pair of good young mules, medium size. Will sell right for cash. C. F. KIRKSEY. TO THE FARMSERS OF BURKE COUNTY AND SURROUNDINGS. I have succeeded S. M. Asburv in the Fertilizer business and desire to announce I am prepared to furnish the celebrated, Old Buck Guanos to an, ootn wholesale and retail. Call to see me before making your arrange ments for your wheat fertilizer. A: G. LYMAN, Morganton, N. C. WE arc glad to announce that at last a number of buggies. We have on hand Tyson & Jones, Ames, High Point, Conover and Emerson-Brantingham Buggies. Buggies are going to be very scarce on account of shortage of steel and other materials. We will be glad to supply our customers while these bug gies last. We also have on hand some INissen and Piedmont Wagons, we believe it will be to your advantage to look over our stock of buggies and wagons. SEE US EARLY FOR CHATTANOOGA CANE MILLS AND EVAPORATORS Mwgainiltoini DldWo Ga Those who dare all must share all. TRADE WITH THE MER CHANTS WHO ' ADVERTISE SDBSORIPS The War Industries Board has given positive orders that all newspapers go on strict cash - in - advance basis. The penalty for their not doing so will be that no provision will be made for their supply of white paper, ink and fuel. We are compelled to obey if we are to get supplies with which to coninue to do business. On and after October 1st NO paper will be sent from this office on which the subscription has not been paid in advance. Thereafter papers will be discontinued, promptly upon . expiration of sub scription. Look at the label on your paper and see that it is moved up before we are compelled to go through the list and cut off all delinquents. This is fair warning. There is no choice given us but to obey the order. We can make no discrimination in favor of any one. If you are behind and want to continue to receive the paper, attend to this matter AT ONCE. Don't put it off and possibly let it slip your mind. We should like to continue everyone of our present subscr ibers but expect to obey to the letter the War Board's order. Respectfully, News-Herald 5 - whea con- pan T r;"IT'