News-Herald. , paper Published in Burke County The" MorlantTVJd Consolidated November 29, 1901 Subscription Price $1.50 per Year in Advance MORGANTON, NORTH CAROLINA, JANUARY 8, 1920 NO. 29 flnh i - fa R. L. PATTON W T ACT TTri3T t. l.iun Patton, who for v !k' 'yht or ten years has been -l;h, died at his home in T.'vi'Vt one o'clock last night. .'.'N' .Viv.on lmnwn in Morean- time that the end was r and Educat- ;P'iiCc(l Away This Mom t O'Clock Fun- idav Afternoon THE COLDEST WEATHER WAS RECORDED MONDAY Thermometer Hovered Close to Zero Many Broken Wa ter Pipes Resulted. XT' , uuiouncemcni oi uij uuuwi ;'i;iu'shcd minister and " '' ' i --5 the whole commun ' '.'"Tt'f old Durke has left a N-L c -s cn the county and the tV--V has Mr. Patton, whose r'"ln teen devoted to good vhore labors in the pulpit room will ucar iru.u att-n The coldest weather of the winter came Sunday night and Monday morning and since that time plumbers have been kept busy repairing broken water pipes. Thermometers register ed varying- decrees, as usual, the most generally reported being around zero. The standard government ther mometer at the State Hospital re corded 3 degrees above zero as the lowest point reached Monday. Since that time the weather has been moderating. CHURCH CONFERENCE WILL FORM PROGRAM to corse. survived o. , .-v.f children. va.o v.urc liv.Tcd-vds when he fell nslcop: 1 " x: r. Powell, of AsheviUe; V, (''ration, of Charlotte; Mrs. t Ar.tbony, i aiio.i of Connolly Springs; Mr Over Ore Thousand .Delegates Will Represent Twenty Denominations. Uouert A threo day conference of the inter-church world movement at which ia program of Protestant denomina- . f-.r'.'4" l: rrrr.n'.on, and Mrs. Col ;: V'-'.: ,., Winston-Salem. -a! will be hold from tne .t:?t church Friday after- Mlcvi'nff sketch of the life of jv'cn was written by Prof. A. tioral cooperation for .the "evangeli zation of the world", will be formu lated ami the amount of money ne cessary for this purpose will be de termined, opened in Atlantic City yesterday. More than 1,000 delegates, roprc- . . .-i a ' k -'s j.vkjka ivyuiilj' acii Ji:iii.icitiuii, rere-.r one or ""il vi V I, and 20O.C00 churches in all sections i cl tr.e ox ins un::ea stares are ncre lor tno . ;n j-c.-."' i imjci.iiijj3. iiiu conference was cancu v7: , by Robert Lansing, secretary of state, ta v. it. i r a:u:i.:iu.i ui u:o guacrai coaraitiee oi the mter-churcn movement. Owincr i c - ; t ca . 4 c r i ? ;'S c Ti "i c fS c v. L C 4 . i c r I : : ' I : ' t : fi : i c f .. i n I '. a : i i r i mr. 7r J zs y, -fc . ix- n ti ti j r i r r r 2 j c 5 ?i o ; l - i? : o c o j .) : n ( 1.',, ,1 joge township BRIEF NEWS ITEMS VOTES FORGOOD ROABS ! Mountain Township Will Issue lionds to Construct Good Items Roads Small Vote. Of the 41 votes cast in the election Saturday in Jonas Ridge township on1, the issuance of road bonds 2(5 were in j favor of bonds and 15 against, the ma- jority for roads, therefore, being 11. i As can be noted, the vote was light but it is gratifying that the road folks succeeded in getting enough to carry the election. The result means that Jonas Ridge may now issue $10,000 in road bonds, the expenditure of which will mean of Interest Gathered From Different Sections of the County By News Herald Correspondents GLEN ALPINE. We are starting on a new year with bright prospects of 1920 being in many respects the banner year of American history. The war is over, coal strike settled, money and work plentiful; there is no reason for com plaint. We have a crreat country and the best and most progressive peonle much to the isolated mountain town-jen the face of the earth, and with ths ship. ! smiles of a Kindly Providence bless ing our doors the for us to do CONGRESS MET MONDAY FOR A LONG SESSION J REV. ROBERT LOGAN PATTON c r ) - j cm o r.m t cm O'J cm m3 .? c m? 3 i? to reach out for higher and better ! things. I rihe school here has a?am settled mnuineraDie ioracsxiC ana in- bell can be heard on the hill temational Problem Arc Mr. J. H. Giles one of the directors Awaiticg Its Attention ci' the State Hospitals, was in a meeimg ana ainncr at the State Hos- Congress reconvened at norm Men day after a fortnight's holiday with months of hard work in sight and adjournment expected by few leaders before the Presidential camnaien pltal the first day of the new vear. Rev. A P. Brantley filled his pulpit at the Methodist church thc first Sunday. Miss Grave Bradley, field secretary np.vt. "frill. TTn r nn'xr TTVopa inni-J of the Epworth Leacrue. of Asheville. - J iJl r. 1 C I ll I i m is a brief ona m-summer when their"-5 u""y m interest oi i f- V . "idhood ho lived on his fath h V-uh Creek faim, ten miles north Var.ton, N. C, vntil h3 borajno vears of age. He had buo r , c:'J vt(wnfrw)ritr',!,t''f: -mimm. msm9 m imomjm.m. mmvwtmumvm. w tco( mL.vm' w w -.' tr cro to ho could read and write v i Imowledge of arith-:V-our.-h the maltipli- a;:d Icr, division. He To v io pressure of government business, , . T -rT tt 1 mTT -r xmr TI-. Attt however, it was said, Mr. L-r sin- LOCAL BRIEFS IN j NATIONALITY IS SOUL probably would not bo able to pro"- j AND AROUND TOWN j OF TRUE AMERICANISM sido over the cessions as had been j j planned. .. I Short Items cf Local and Per- Senator Harding, Candidate For by, through th? avoidance of d cated effort in tho field 3 air c-ady co .''jercd by missionary campaign, men ,a:e. i which have never ho?n o crid Durins: the Week. the Presidency, Makes Ad- dre National party conventions are in session. Innumerable domestic ,md interna tional problems await the attention of Congress, with partisan politics of the coming presidential election prominently to th fore. Political speeches of Presidential candidates and members of Congress un for re her work. Rev. F. A. Bower will hold services with the Bantist church next Sunday, the 11th. Weather permitting we aro expecting the church orchestra to be in attendance. Mr. Gibbs and Miss Iris Pitts. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Pitts, were married m Greensboro last week election are expected to flood the 'con- ! ?nd after viewing the sights of Wash- grssional record ingtcn and New York, they will mako then home in our town. Until the new parsonage can bo built Rev. A. P. Brantle and wife The cmafl cn of Mr. and Mrs. J. 21. Prttcn kr.:; been oxite sick but is rcrover-ir. Nationality is the ?cul of Araeri- na" never endangered clvi- ciinisra and tno rcr:u.;i: The Senate resumed consideration of the sedition bill of Senator Sterl- later began work on the House wa-' w T j . mi m tor rower development measure. I n? Lmville street. The good Indies Tho Senate vernsd in the shape!? 7e c.hTch arc giving and fixing of (ihpes'n- cf German pca-o Wty I ,thc lurmshmgs and vill give them a thr; month, but without substantial 1 1-omccoming this week. numanit-y o: orlts durin' the kcSidav rccsss. Rom- irr- ' V"a r?-n-0ttae- Mr. Allen Lail has moved to the efevers has moved to t - , , i i - I . i.' " ,J1 7 ) T I ' . ' ' II nil 1 . 4-. 1 7 4- v. .Inn mf. - " A 1 !- I'lOf ."t wlu-h he l--d vccA cuc,t!o:, v;iIi be diseusse L it!i at Catawba Vallev church r.p::t ; a candidate for tho Republican nomi- The motion, of Senator Underwood, JL' UV recently used x an r.mbiticn to p kr:icunr,(i. r'v.-lay r-.ov;r:r.? at 11 o'clock. nation for President, declared Tucs- I Bcmoorat. Alabama, for appointment i fr liV , 7 -V1 h"s moved h,s fam" b:;i t;, ni ha;u, Spcetaexr.r evr.ngelircr niciheds ! Iisi Tc33ic Wr.gncr is in eV.avgo day night in an addr-, on "Amcri- cf a conil:at:on ccrrmtt U awa;t-1 K? cif ,fl tl . 1n-10 y, r.;:d k:r, lather did , nr2 lllc;. l0 b. en,oura:1 in connc,. , c iho school at Enolr, bavin- takon canism" before tho Ohio society cf j -n- coy-orat-on and on the calt ndar ; , ..V ? Tvk HhfiVS i tion with the drivo and ncr., of th i:? tho work Monday of this week. i New York. ; as is tno resolut:cn of S-acor KnoT, j 'ft, oSU i H , i fund-, will lo employed in ahing the ' Idr. E. II. Bradley, cf Pvuthevfcrd i "We. have been tardy about it," h j uo-phcan, Pennsylvania, proposing j Iei? h 1 r:v::on? cn Tuo-ciay , -,rcMb;t;on Usi:Q ahr0i, .legates College, hr.s taken a position in the ! said, "like when we we-o proclaiming i mfJication ci all ucaco terms except t;,0 L? !C BrS-M th- of -o-d of Ocicjor. K-- , ! ;,hc.o department at Lazarus Brothers, i democracy and neutrality whde vo tna T cagi:o of Naticr??. I ' lil-. "ri- tV2.l-r. .k'2: tve !: . :- n of old. h2 Parted ouc no .... v.-,,!('U Tho rd'.-ht htiovo "rui-s hi.-, clothes in a plllo'.v i"h;d ii in the ncach orchard. Y.'r, father called him as usuai .; xn ;.r:? i cro.e cay to arise and gctwbjcn lOOiOOvO.COO KAtir.:r.t-2i as io--tho i;:r-o"nt -of . llr. U. ,P. Bale, liaa -sold. tis interest iicaored .cuLji money ;io:eL--.ary to carry out thcim t:ic iir.ri:omo:u jjeeaivc 10 ru:i t: uiuraate ana ncipui pari we p .Lno.t:onaLrightsibiit the1. Other. treaties to. be. .conside nd helpful part wc played 'the present cession of Congr.? od at - Ashavillo and will-be buried hero yy from $500,000,000 to $1,-! Williams, who will continue the buai- j in the great war will be the pride of S0, Vl ' No! Ill mFs3 Lizzie was well known lill tflitUICjIl Willi' VIJ- ' 1 . , , - . , , . cco.occ,cco. Americans ?o long as thc world re-1 Panama C muopenueni hcl fo - th: lires, no arose. v..t t r,r.;n,- bc (i.a no: rna:.e tne With live cents, a iew s-we.-i camnai'rn, for ! drady has bean I be: Mr. businos ! foir.ccrsomc bread, and his pillow f .. . vc c,,w; fnT.-.wnll to his father s f: - r. l cn the approach of day he ki rt?ched Fcnta Floa, and near thr-c crossed thc Linvillc river and j-'i out across thc mountains. Four i.-v-. htor he arrived at Jcncsboro, fTcr.n. Kc hunted for a place where b cnrM work for his beard and go It'w-.hrV i. - Then he secured i j tciitiiicjil. Willi vvi ' i , i . . . . . a rr.r 4r,n rp,,,.; I hers for her cheerful and cheering wno is in me iiiiii- cites tne biory. l-"' iUlftl5!l .li;nnr 1 ,TT rau r Clark's Hill, S. C, In reference to thn league cf na- peace treaty. Congress . also mpst a member of the Methodist L. F. Propst who is in the lum- j cites the story." raided will bo conducted bv tho Meth- has moved h:s family from Icard to tions thc senator said the plea that , consider many odist Eniseonal church. Its si np-.-m is : that place. i ratification of the treatv ".vouid mako one million new members by June 1." 1 Mrs. D. L. Rust, of Route 1, who normal," was that "of the patent line .rs in it-tt ill Ti or -fi-finrlc! crA maA'.f'.ina foViT wllft? ftTIP TPTTIPflv LOWER PRICES NOT TO BE EXPECTED AT ONCE A vory interesting article, dealing with tho present prices of various kinds of merchandise, is taken from the Merchants' Journal of Commerce, rn tho railway cccticn I jn V;hich it declares that there will be .rkod f"r two wooks, whon j j,0 lower prices any time i-ocn, brt At hi .? father was coming ; ri,-. ow.3 timely advice to both ; i-i.m no mo. :ni- : rnanv.a:turcrs and censumors. iho walking through : r,:t-;c follows: ind r-tenped j "If come cne tells you things are has bean very ill, her friends and family being alarmed about her con dition, is recovering rapidly. Mr. M. S. Arney, of Worry, was able to he in town again Saturday af ter an illness of several weeks. His medicine fakir whose one remedy marvelously will cure every ill." For mal peace would help, he said, and he i would gladly speed the day "it we sacrifice nothing vitally American." "I have come to think it is funda- friends are glad to see him out again. ; mentally and patriotically American Little Miss Mary Tucker-Jeter istto say there ien't room anywhere in GOV. BICKETT ISSUES PROHIEI HON APPEAL Goyernor Bickett has issued a recovering rapidly from an attack of there United States for any cno wno ! prociamauon vr.e xact uat ccn plouriF.y Vfhich caused the family and preaches tho destruction cf thc gov- stitstion prohibition becomes effective friends rrrave concern Saturday and;crnmcnt which is within tho censti- January Io and s mg asido Sunday c.,.-i.,T ;tMt.?nT.." TTn.TdTno ?aid. ; .r.nuary IS, as "Law Lnforcement stove threatened The worst disloyalists and met i.l;. rroir.; to oe cn : iv. but not new.' ' i . i .. where ho aga n .J;:cn for a month. r.c wroro no i---ir.2.s' in went ny ra:i y;-coI:s ana t.ic weai:cn-n id evcrjod the Chio , n-aikot was so slight tha cveniua:- ci: it :n n:s nci5.e.:.-.i- covo-y to jOinr Kve.s iar:n lor oii..-''' i :xa.-nod wirh tiie rrosnec- s v- ii t Li l.- jnrro at the Presbyterian manse i c-fTcCtivo con?i;irators wear the garb Sunday night, but fortunately the fire iof full-hedged Amorican citizen-hip. was di??overod in time. Mr. MaeLean ' Tha ignorant foreigner is morn a had lighted the stove in the bath room Lvlctim thsn a .conspirator. Agitat and leaving it for awhile found, upon lor and revolutionist reached his sym his return tho room full cf smoke. " pathics while the captains cf Amer Ila succeeded in jretting the stove out ican industry were conn-hog divdends nd cxtinguirl.irig the blaze, before it vithovi concern for tnc human any headway. element m ineir maKmg. '. auirb auujiuis j u i. i -n n. American commerical. financial and U'rLV,' l" ar111?' f other relations abroad, arising as " wm oinciaw at me oi- war aftermath. I " it .!. . lviessrs. vriica xros. nave oougnc a nov Reo car. JAP. Glen Alpine, January C, 1920. CHESTERFIELD. Rev. J. A. McLean, of Morganton, was a guest Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lackey. . Messrs. Walter and Fink Fry, of Hickory, spent Wednesday with Mr. Edgar Harris. Friends cf Miss Virgio Hood will bo- glad to know she is improving, af Lor being very sick for a week. Mr. Lawrence Garrison, of Glen rc-; nac: m 1-v has 1 ( t - - , 'ohn o. I' Cf cvr. ti balance o ramr. ;.o i ,-r,- that ihoro -,vill be a str.Di j In who j surca that for tho nigh- tiv.s i CONGRESSMAN HOEY IS WELCOMED TO CAPITOL LARGER SALARY URGED i FCR SCHOOL TEACHERS ! b-rt. for Chi- ' - 1 - 'Thore arc no prospects of cl merchando for erring . s?ii:nr it is ha-iily necas-nry to i'oroc n 1 Demonstrations Staged As 9th ; Public Schools Declared to Rc in rora: il rnJ e. and : to tho Congressman Appeared To Tal:e Oath and Seat. j '.it t nn . r ii. Scantv Remur.cratioz!. 1 o : arr.Ti2 c: t ilr, ca:l" :al wor- grades cf fcr a sca : is began. ::cient ana Representative Clyde R. Iloey was warmly received in the house Mon day when ho appeared to take the oz th of ofiic rr- 53. De:n Material increases ;nes were :rgd i c :: . snd. : ,i . .. i , r: . r ! -1 i" . . Acs; cf r-od; t rr ' : J ar.T"o:'.ii.i" c. to prparo t Tn lb- -nring of 1.S70 R. ! - J L' J.X.A-'.1H'V .v ' l,a rtudicd all summer under (Continued on last page) .on, t.0 id raw -ISIIEB CHAIN GANG "cpid2 Against Mairatcuancu of V'rJ Trimn for Work fc-Js; Only S on Gang. Follcv.dr.f ihr. n--P Saturday jSt of four of the convicts on thc 'Uri;o cnnrittT (.Mnnrr lAhich has keen r ffai the county commissioners at j;''!" rc-rular monthly meeting Mon (c'd on its abolishment and -uoti that the remaining men be r;1 th- expiration of their several ih? four ncn vn0 CSCapcd Satur n'?ht did so after midnight and fP;0.tra"ked for over three miles be- ., c their iri?l wno lncf TVto trnk 5,i0'vcd that they were barefooted. V Tr.Th prices i:r.irt:cn; the (lecrcas c?:ther vich the cost materials, makes tho p-icos higli and the supply unequal to the (remand. "There is no way to reduce the ac tral cost of living except to work and economise The former can be done, but ihe latter is going to take place as a natural law. It. is painful to hear 'windbags' intimate that some port of hocus-pocus of finance or leg islation can reduce the cost of living. There is no artificial way that can rhann-e tha inflexible, immutable and inviolable lav cf supply and demand. "We gat as wc give no more, no less. If "the people of this country do not come back from their vacation and get to. work diligently and intelli gently they will not reap a harvest. The man who. works and economizes is going to make money. Take this caution: Collect more closely than ever. It takes a mighty snort time and a mighty few purchases for any body to run up a large bill. "Again it is not good business to try to speculate. Buy the goods you need in tho quantities that will sell quickly. Get the collection system working right. Study the man who is not working as much as he should, let him pay cash. Better lose a cus- as a member oi con :ats led in. the and s'tcod as Mr. icey walked cl cho aislo to tho speaker's desk. ulated this week in Nc- a pro: Un that de.y he rsnuests that the congregations of the State assemble and that ministers preach sermons bearing on law , enforcement. The proclamation follows : "On January 10, 1020, according to the action of the citizens, cf this nation, tho fundamental policy of this government regarding the liquor traf fic will change and, according to our federal constitution, it wi.l oe unlaw- .V- re ?: ful to manufacture, ceii, transport, ! Mlsn import cr e::po:t intoxicating jiquorsihcr vr her night. Mr. Sidney Ilallyburton is at Cbarlct.te this vcck attending the poultry rhow with" his Rhode Island Mi?srs 'Comclia and Cphia Carter, o.l Mcranton. wer guo-ts V'Cuit-- Loui C tic1 Hood, after spending for beverage purposes in tho Unites' Stater. Under tho provisions of thc law enforcement codo passed by Con -; Caldwell, vsro visitor:: school at Encia. p n j Xil. ram form- pub- V ''' " f' tho enforcer: Roper, tno hcrl o; ;ment is charged with it c; this law, and Mr. 1 m l con. cr.u: f-rrulay. ivincaid, Oi of i'r. m7i- wl..i t.. ..i.L... art.: V f Cffi- from n m w drools lie education olhcial ats led in. the cheering , ern States as a means cf rc iown : critical shortage of toa-Mr ; ms closed hundreds cf publi Renresentativc Pou presented cho , and threatens to close more, w member. The oath was 4 admin-! "The public schools of the. nation are facing a critical situation," ravs the program. "In tho States of the Atlantic seaboard hundreds of schools anc rai olirs ' Caro'. L. Ciine. until this vcek with I tomer than to lose' all the profits you cer i r'ain-on Hardware (Jo., ras ac "ca a position with tho Drcxsl birv ,ComPany. He plans to move to uc an eai an early dat: made on him and forty others. Watch thc extravagant woman. Study your credits. You will always be able to buy don't try to monopolize." istered by Speaker Gihett and pro ceedings were entirely formal. Warm congratulations on his noteable vic tory came from ex-Speaker Clark and other leading Democrats. Photog raphers followed the new member , outside and fired several "snots at him on the east front of the house wing of the capitol. Mr. Hoey got his first chance a few moments later to vote, his first official act. He voted against a bill, which passed, to- increase pensions of civil war veterans of the Union army. It seems to be an undue increase, Mr. Hoey explained. The Democratic leaders are trying to find a good committee assignment for him. Mr. Hoey wanted to get on the judiciary committee but found the vacancy left by Yates Webb already filled. He has been assigned room 108-A for an office. It is on the first floor of the house office building. Mrs. Hoey accompanied her N husband to Washington. They have taken an apartment at the Driscoll. KILLED BY SLIDING ROOF John Hein was instantly killed Monday at Bridgewater when the roof slid from a tank. His wife, who lives in Alexander City, Ala., was notified and the body sent home Tuesday. Misses Goldie Shifiet and Mildred Connelly left Wednesday for the Con servatory of Music, Durham. are closed because teachers are not available for them. "There are being employed as teach ers large numbers of persons who do not possess the qualifications that have hitherto been required. A less of students in the State normal schools amounting to 25, SO. and in some States, 50 per cent, indicates that young persons are turning their attention to other occupations than teaching. Commercial and industrial opportunities are not only attracting teachers from the schools, but they are drawing away from supervisory positions in education those upon re liance for leadership should be placed. "The pressing problems of the pres ent time, the settlement of the new issues of the immediate future, de mand from the people that public ed ucation is not permitted to suffer any lapse. It is a paramount duty of the local communities, of the State and of the nation, each in its appropriate way, to prepare forthwith to meet the necessities of a most urgent situation. pcaiin'i to " - cccperation in "ilus; vv by virtu 2 ci tl: 2 authority va-- s .IV, LU l.s- ,..J-u...l.i .-.- January 18, be' ret av-zvt as 'i.s w ..n forcemcnt Day.' and I request 1hat tho ministc-s of tho State, cn that day, read this proclamation to their congregations and call on them to co- ith the olncers lor the and State anti-liquor laws." Ms;tor Charlc ; liensley viiitcd Ms T;P-1 patents, Mr. and Mrs. John 'i"' v ".. w , i:i vuakcr Mcadsws, and Mo:.:n'a a last rc.atr.c i .:-p operate enforcement of our national Ox 1 vIo.-j-o v. '. I:a".rls and Adaira fpent Mrs. :or. John n, Mr. Mack have been on a Rhodes and Mr. Work was begun New Year's day on the new home which Mr. A. C. Chaffee is building on West Union street on the lot adjoining Mr. E. D. Alexander. " It will be, when com pleted, one of the handsomest homes in town. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS A. P. Keaton to W. V. Phillips, 24 acres in Lower Creek township. Enoch S. Craven to G. B. Mcrris, house and lot at Rutherford College. C. H. Rradshaw to M. K. Carswcll and Marston Carswcll, 27 acres in Up per Fork. D. A. Bcylcs to Causie Turner, 34 acres in Morganton township. J. W. Brown to S. J. Lowman, 2 frff.q in Morcranton township. Mrs. H. I. Webb and others to A. W. Stroup and J. P. Hildebrand, 3 acres in Morganton township. C .C. Lail to A. F. Lail, 66 acres in Silver Creek township. W. G. King to J. M. E. Carswcll, 24 acres in Upper Fork township. Realtv Loan & Guaranty 10. to j. JL Milligan, house and lot m Mor ganton. Mr. Marcus Winters, of "Washing ton, D. C, wh,o servd 18 months ?n Franrce, is now at his home at Table RnM,- visitintr relatives and friends. IV:';-, cf Kid vMt tD I'. Mr Lester Cord uy has gone to Hil dcb;an to enter the high school. Miss Essie Conley ha1 returned to her .chool duties at Hildebran after (Continued on sixth page) BUSINESS CONDITIONS IN SOUTHERN STATES ACTIVE Railroads Unable to Meet Re quirements For Cars, Bat the Situation Improves. Southern States business condi tions as reflected in the report of the director ccmcral 0f railroads show marked activity with the railroads unable to meet all requirements for box cars and open top cars but with tha situation improving. Tidewater ccast dumping showed a substantial decrease due to car short age and the let-up of shipping af ter the holidays. On account of the export coal restrictions, consignment of ccal west was very heavy, but ar rangements have been made to issue permits fcr a limited tonnage of ex port ccal. - . Holiday travel, especially that cf schools, was large, but military move- Rock, visiting relatives and friends. 1 ment has now been reoucea to nor- He expects to leave lor vv asnmgton ; mai. rruiyai Jhe lt , -very good in the Southern region. 1 VERY POOR PRINT

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