r ... ,i ,. . . . . ... - - ; : .. - ." . - ' , . The Burke County News The Morganton Herald paper Published in Burke County j- Consolidated November 29, 1901 Subscription Price $2.00 per Year in Advance MORGArVrON, NORTH CAROLINA, JANUARY 27, 1921 NO. 31 4 nFNER HERE r ON MONDAY NIGHT o-ihition Lecture at the Sodist Church -Urged Suppul .i Vipnrd Dr. Madison i hrzc ci1' - ir ureacner, ireiuiei so1". tat!w nf the Anti- ;r' w-uo when he spoke Monday Cat the Methodist cnurcn. ur.. ;,cncr emphasized ms ni-B ,.VnZ aiieuLii'" ' 3jrcd'us tnat nave uccu v.o. '. t-1'- . ni'li:..,n w.iTV-rlr PICO !nU0 ." V.a Mull nrsnti. i v,ot tlnlpp-ates be sent to 1, iir"tu l"u . . . , ,.., enforcement cuc 12 TTohmnrv 2 and 3. a..L nf the best known pro- n u' , .... : U .mintrv will t;nn workers in w v-"i -i.-"on.:; nmonir them Prohibition P5 ',-;; Kramer and Wayne B. roneral counsel of the anti- ;cimm , rt mpt rne liquor f on Fmcs in the United 5 o "w, court and routed tu-'1 MR. J. C. TATE DIED TUESDAY IN ROANOKE AFTER HIM! Former Morganton Man Died in Virginia Home Buried There Yesterday. Mrs. J. II. Poteet left Tuesday af ternoon for Roanoke, Va., Tn response to a message announcing the death that day of her brother-in-law, Mr. June C. Tate. The particulars of his death are not kiown here. Tne mes sage stated that the funeral would be ueld yesterday (Wednesday). Mr. Tate, who was a comparative ly young man, being only 30 years of e.ge, was a son of the late Captain June Tate, of this county a member, therefore, of one of the best families in thus section of the State. His mother was a Miss Bond. His only sister, Mrs. E. F. Key (formerly Miss me laie; lives in vvasnmgion. FEDERAL AID FOR OUR STATE HIGHWAYS Dr. PSerican saloon after 70 years iefon- i.... ,i pvpn- civilized missionary worw the battle that closed $2,500,000 Provided For in Road Appropriation Bill Reported Favorably 'to the House North Carolina will receive nearly $2,500,000 in federal aid for road con propriation of $100,000,000. reported favorably yesterday by the national house roads committee. h'r-rich cuts any figure the bat-I jn addition, western North Caroli ien temperance and uquor ; Ra wm ghare .r a.$300f00() appropria. ! tion ior roads and trails in national i i problem and has been cond-m:ied rjSn by scientists, lupor is rs asso- 1P A lUVii"' i . waueiit'i . proIWtion througn he next few d'1 . 1 1 x-T nnn Tlir , nflipnt number of con- .:"J.n.rFhould desire it, they could ..'h? percentage at 5, 10 or lo HAH. il 1" . 1. to t'eieai Dunn . 1 ! i i- r.f aicononc coint-ut no- linverasre. The Y j GET-TOGETHER FETING BRIEF NEWS ITEMS WAS A BIG SUCCESS r KOM OVER BURKE ! Interesting Talks and Informal i Items of Interest Gatheied Discussion Featured IMen's Meeting Friday Night. From Different Sections oi the County By News Herald Correspondents BRlbiifAv ATER J All who attended the "get-togeth- j i er" meeting with the Baraca class of j i the Methodist church last Friday The work of constructing the three I ' ... --xrt - ,1 . 1 1 11 f k 1 night pronounced it 'a most gratify- uf' "r nere Dy me ooumern . m i i I rower Company has been such a tre- mg success. Talks were made by j mendous Ulfdertaking that there yet Rev. a M. Pickens, Rev. J. A. Frye, J seems work to be done as some addi Rev. F. A. Bower, Rev. W. K. Houk, tional work is now under way, which Messrs. W. F. Hallyburton, J. M. t called for the return of engineers, Mull, I. T. Avery, W. F. Wampler,ihe Rhineheart - Denni Contracting and others. , Company and a number of others who "It was a feast of the soul," said i formally had charge of the work here one man in commenting on the meet-j which, reports say, will take several ing. ' months time to , complete. The Over $100 was cont? ibuted toward "Lake," so called by the Marion cor the fund for Chinese sufferers. respondent, is already . a thing of j beauty, and attracted many tourists RACE RIOT ENDS WITH llu?f fVT whe5 t vTrTTTTn Am w a TTTxTrrrkxr completed both Burke and McDowell uirv,xiirx v;vivrvrxv , counties will feel -equally proud of cneir -nearness to this great enter prise. The body of Mr. Winnie Morrison, whose death was caused by paralysis in Oklahoma, was brought here and buried in the Pinacle churchyard last Sunday, the 16th. The body was ac companied by his brothers, Mr. Jack Morrison, of Oklahoma, and Wood " Morrison, who has been in the army for a number of years. 'Another brother, Mr. Johnie Morrison and one Two NegroesLynched By Mob At Warrenton Af ter Race Riot At Norlina. Because a negro did not like his purchase when he bought ten cents 1 worth of apples, two negroes were I lynched after a group of their race naa started a race riot mat caused the wounding of five white men and LOCAL BRIEFS IN AND AROUND TOWN in. t- ... , T, . . i. - ,rfhinlT 0 SP. lb IS LU ,nt the nmlihcat'on oi me loch ,,.,imot that tne anti-baiuuu Lne is now calling on the people I enlist in the army oi law enioiw . Svadener related how the V States government naa uun- linnnr from its army camns hi j k to obtain luu per cent the army, how burgeon uenenu w fpver. outlawed linuor as nis ;! act an:l how he restricted liquor Fav?na as the first step in ciean forests. .The money is apportioned the States on three basises poulation, area and mileage in post roads. Un der the 1910 census North Carolina's share would be $2,350,000. if the 1920 census figures are used, the State's share will be nearer two and a half millions. Representative Doughton, of North Carolina, and other Democrats en deavored to have the appropriation made $100,000,000 a year for two years, thus enabling the engineers of loan construction ahead, but the Re- I Jf h ftiJ' hUMn Aa-eaA ant Hill at 3 o clock Sunday afternoon ea a two-year proposition because they didn't wish to have the present i Democratic administration eret any Short Items of Local and Per sonal Interest Gathered During the Week. THE JUNIORS ARE FOR SCHOOL BOND ISSUE where a mob took Alfred Williams and Plummer Bullock from jail and shot them to death, after they and eleven others had been captured by a pesse and placed in jail charged with rioting. V About 150 masVfd men overpower ed the jailer about one o'clock yester day morning, selected the two men they wanted out of the thirteen ar rested, and quickly put them to death. Masked sentries held up the sheriff, Meeting Next Tuesday Night after firing on him, as he came to the Will Be Given Over Larelv to rescue ot the jailer three negroes, at Norlina Sunday The Jf"'" V Y r ; lynching0 took place at Warrenton, j ?iite fand tyS' of Pat Miss Edna Young who is teaching Discussion of School Cause more credit than possible for this constructive legislation. It was un der a Democratic administration that the policy of Federal aid in State highway building was originated, therefore engineers may plan for 1922 construction only, and congress will . I I A- -1 ! -1 - J. 1- - il 11. . , . . i. .1. .r a-. TJ.iiiave to ueciue next vear wnetner me untript re?r no c oi uiseasf. 1 . , -... . . . risan admittedly great evil, and 1QOQ J 111 J.4MwJm BAPTISTSOlFTHfe SOUTH GAIN 150,000 MEMBERS snpak-pr (icclared that 80 per cent the inmates of a large charitable dtution were there because of al ol, tbns imposing a trmendous bur :on the tax payers, it is a ouestion of whether the er.t peot)le of the country are ero- to make the laws. Dr. bwaaener ared, in closing, and he asserted respect for law is the sheet an- r of civil liberty. had enlistment blanks passed ir the congregation to enlist the t... . .. A. ii folk in the cvusaae asrainst liauor evil and many members sied in the cause. ninth rrado won the flag giv- for se?urin"" th most votes for Mbition. Mi?s Teeter is teacher hargo of this grade. This Number Received Bv Bap- tism Alone Last Year Total of $16,851,100 Collected. E "SPFC," IVfTTLL HELD OX CHARGE OF ARSON 4 to Have Driven Family rom Home While Drunk and Set Fire to House. ''Sr?ck" Mull was arraigned at fliminiary hearing last Saturday vrioi m the cbarcre of arson, the "d Lnili'itio- bein'r his own homo 11 ya! totally destroyed bv fir 'fFri;!av morning about 10 o'clock. '"I faid to hav run his family " f-on home while in a drunken ? sttf'i- having threatened to burn 1 nousc. Hi aiirrh jni- enoueh evidence was "i"d at the hearing to bind him yt, as was done bv Magistrate 'burton, wlm fivorl Vi hnnd at - Ml;ll vrrvtorl r Vinvp ' ' 1.3 1 V ''i. WV WW - ;M kerosene oil around the to make sure of its burning '" and to have shown no concern j ,'t yas burning. Blockade li ls said to be the cause. with difficulty that Theo. ie, a brother-in-law of Mull, 'ed from the burnine house. drunk too, it is said. .wm he tried either at the spe- ltrm of court next month or at re?ular March term. lEF FUND CONTRIBUTIONS ?? Bible Class. Presbv- e"an Church $74.00 J ?. L. Cooper 1.00 ou?an Golloway 1.00 afh 1.00 More than 150,000 new members were received into local white Bap tist churches in the South by baptism alone during 1920, it was reported by the conservatio ncommittee of the Baptist $75,000,000 campaign in semi-annual session in Nashville, Tenn., while the cash collections on subscriptions to the forward move ment of the denomination have reach ed the sum of $16,851,100.68, it was reported. An effort fo push the further col lection of tne campaign subscriptions throughout the South will be made during the months of March and Apnlf it is said. Dr. J. F. Love, of Richmond, Va., secretary of foreign mion board, reported that Southern Baotists had contributed throueh that board $147. 284.20 in cash during the nast month to the relief of the ndy families of eastern Europe, ana China. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ross will move this week from their home on Lenoir street to the Ross home on Avery av enue. . The Papyrus Book club met last Thursday with Mrsr. W. A. Leslie. Misses Susie Perkins, Mamie Collett and Janie Pearson were invited guests. Mr. Sam McDowell, who is with the Piedmont Wagon Co., Hickory, is spending some time with friends in Burke. The wagon company has shut down for a week or more. The girls' basket ball team of the Morganton high school defeated the team from the Drexel school Tues- "day afternoon by a score of 4 to 6. JThe gam-was splayed at thSchool for t.he Deaf. The girls' team from the Morgan ton high school will play Asheville high school here Friday night at the School for the Deaf, the game, to be called at 8 o'clock. ' An admission fee of 15 and 25 cents will be charged. Rev. M. I. Harris has resigned the pastorate of the churches at Pleas ant Hill and Antioch to give. full time to his work at Penelope. Mr. Harris moved some time ago to Longview, Catawba county. Penelope is on the Burke-Catawba line. The trouble at Norlina hsd its be ginning when Plummer Bullock bcugnt ten cents worth of apples from a merchant. He did not like his pur chase and demanded his monev back, which was given. Some words were passed and the negro made threats of violence toward the clerk. About one o'clock. Sunday morning about twenty For next Tuesday night, February 1st, the Burkemont council No. 44, Jr. O. U. A. M. is planning a big meeting in the interest of schools. A program is being arranged which will be of interest to every Junior Order member and to those who are .armed nee-roes were observed abou not members but who are interested the station. A brother of the man who in a bond issue for the Morganton-had been threatened went up to Bul-!T. graded schools. When.it comes to lock and asked what the trouble was. ! backing up" the American public Jerome Hunter, another nerro. fid- school system all Juniors can be re-! vanced and fired on the young man, at late's schoolhouse. snent the week-end with home .folks at Green lee. Mrs. Elbert Sinclair, of Pontiac, Mich., Mrs. Williard Cannon and two daughters, of Marion and Mr. and Mrs, John Simpson of near Neals ville have returned to their homes after a" few days stav here with Mr. and Mrs. Collett Benfielde. Mrs. Ralph Abernethy and children r.t Hickory, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Ballew Mr. and Mrs. RandolDh Shctwelkof : Charlotte, have returned to" Bridge- water for a few months' stav. Misses Pinkie and Kary Tate at tended the Lee-Jackson day program iven bv the U. D. C.'s in Marion at the Methodist church last Wednesday night. . v Mr. J. H. Tate, of Marion, spent a few days the latter part of tlie week ms parents, JMr. and Mrs. S. f. lied upon. The meeting will be open ed by the councilor but after avfew minutes the doors will be wide to outsiders who are interested better school for Morganton. ,oen ina then shot him twk-e more as he lay on tne ground, .p our railroad men working on the . Seaboard yards near ney. CHESTERFIELD , Mrs. C E. Davis was called to Caldwell Friday owing, to the serious :iir,oss cf ner brother, Mr. George Ar- rLOCAL BACKING FOR THE STATE ROAD LAW Chamber of Commerce Endors es Centralized Control and Favors State Road Law the station then came in as targets ffor the negroes' bullets p.nd all were snot down tnree negroes, including Hunter, also being wounded. Oe of the white men was probably fatally .wounded and he and two oth ers were taken to a hospital at Hen derson. Hunter was taken to a negro hospital in Raleigh, and he is hardly expected to recover. MASS MEETING OF VOTERS IS CALLED School Board Requests Meeting of Voters in District to Dis- Bond Issue. the FURNCT may SUPPLANT RABBIT GUMS IN UNION A correspondent from Monroe to the News and Observer savs that a Union county citizen, N. W. Thorne, has discovered a new way of trapping rabbits. He installed recently a new furnace which is so inviting that it works much better than the usual rabbit gum, it is declared. Mr. Thorpe in putting in the fur nace had no other idea in mind than The board of trustees of the Mor ganton graded school has called a mass meeting of the voters of the school district for next Monday night at the auditorium, the meeting to be opened at 8 o'clock. Announcement is made in an advertisement appear ing in this issue that the object of the meeting is to discuss the proposed bond issue. It is generally under stood that at that time representa tives of the board will go over the entire situation, explain the need of issuing the bonds and what the making his home more comfortable. It had been working fine until one. cold morniffg this week. One of the youngsters in the fam ily was dispatched to investigate. Imagine the boy's surprise when he found a full grown rabbit in one of the furnace piDes. Cfvn - o-n-r- c-f?11 wnd ctlll nllVP ...To n.ninrl' -fvwr tin a ncllne ol I X tier . The' Morganton Chamber of Com merce at a recent meeting of the board of governors decided to back up as much as possible the present movement now under way in the Legislature for a State road-- law that will insure a good main highway through the State. The bill drawn by the Legislative committee of the Nor.th Carolina Good. Roads association was favored, because it provides for State control of all main highways connecting county seats and principal cities. It provides that the State shaHon struct, maintain and protect all such ihghways, taking these matters entirely out of the hands of the coun ties. At present the counties spend most of their funds, and the time of ineir commissioners on the mam highways, leaving the other county roads much neglected. Under the law as proposed, the State would take this burden from them, leaving them free to give proper attention to communities lying off of the main roads. What such a law would do for Burke county can be easily im agined. The following set of resolutions were drawn and approved: Whereas, the construction and HARDING IS INVITED TO VISIT CHARLOTTE MAY 20 An effort will be made to have President Harding as the guest of honor and speaker at the 1921 twen tieth of May celebration in Charlotte. A letter has been made public by Dr. Romulus Z..Linney, chairman of the Republican State executive commit tee, disclosing correspondence with Mr. Harding on the subject; beautifulTwhite cover FOR GRIM OLD EARTH ( ir. Sam Branrch. who has been at Richmond, Va.. is at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Jamese Morrow spent Saturday with their son, Mr. Henry Morrow. He left Sundav for Asheville where he holds a position. Mr. J. G. Hood, of Montezuma, is visiting relatives here. -Miss Fannie Whitley spent Satur day in Morganton. Mr. Burtis Conley, who has been confined to his home with measles, is getting on nicely. Mr. G. R. Powell, of Longmont, Colo., and Mr. P. P. Powell of Le noir, were guests of their brother, Mr. J. V. Powell, Thursday and Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Macon Whisenant motored out from Moreanton to vis it Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Baird Monday. Mr. G. M Amey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sides near An tioch. Miss Florence Puett and Miss Effie Williams were the quests Saturday nigM of Miss Mary Lou Morrow. fir. Fred Hoover of Lenoir, who Snowfall of Yesterdav, Broke Record For Winter ' r as eri sawin.g lumber on the Mc- jjoweii iarm. moved his mill last Soft and Deep VnoT-rl Vine in mind for the imrnove- KJSli- ... . . I . . i. , ment of the school. It is of inter- fuer maintenance oi our principal est to every voter, and particularly to the patrons of the school to be present. REV. BASIL WALTON TO LENOIR From Wadesboro comes the news that Rev. B. M. Walton, rector of the Episcopal church there, has accepted a call to the Episcopal church at Le noir. The correspondent writes fur- "Rev. Mr. Walton has served 311 to Mr. Page.. $77.00 HUGIISON ENTERTAINED ;f ?f the delightfully enjoyable luients f tnc week was the tea ay afternoon at the Elms. sry - rs- Hughson in honor of Mamie Collett. OF AMPPIPAV imirvNT K lU be a meeting of the h .dn Lpo-irv t.':j., :vt of - . lnC DUmns nf plertinf of- nt mcmkers, are urged to be hli tiftma xi- . , v fn 0Urtf V,rno voars though its fur was badly scorched.'-, "rHVrra voune Ci 1 1 V t 4 m M U us v - man of marked ability and much promise, and has made many warm Yesterday's snowfall broke the lo cal record for the winter, t'ne snow reaching the depth of ten or more inches and covering the earth with a soft, fleecy whiteness. It began fall ing Tuesday night and continued rractically all day yesterday. But for the fact that it was a "wet" snow and melted rapidly it would have probably reached an even greater depth. when it jumped against the grate Vars ANNUAL PARISH MEETING The . annual parish meeting of Grace church was held on the 24th, being adjourned from the 10th. The following gentlemen were elected vestrymen for the ensuing year: friends here who regret to lose him and his family. He will take-charge of the Lenoir church about February 1." Mr. Walton, who is a son of Mr. mj II Pearson senor warden- and Mrs. Tom Walton, was . reared ilr. J. ii. rearson, senior waraen, .r , , w. - j i.00 ro Ileal iiaiiiwii.. mo iiiuu v v.. v ... . . . . .. i glad that he is coming nearer nome. Mr. F. O. Walton, junior warden; Mr. J. E. Erwin, secretary; Mr. H. M. Walton, treasurer; Mr. Hardie turner, organist. Mrs. Carl Carmichael returned Sunday to her home in Charlotte. Mr. Tom Ross left Friday for Athens. Ga., but Mrs. D. B. Brendle is still with her father, Mr. W. A. Ross. She will return to Asheville this week. Mr. Lee Hennessee has returned home from Ravnell, W. Va. " Accompanying the basket ball team to Statesville last Friday were Mr. Srygley coach, Bennett Riddle, sub stitute, Herman Walker, time keeper andthe following young ladies: Miss es Nan Jeter, Ruth Holoway, Marjor ie Gordon, Lina Cuthbertson, Bertha Poteet and Miss Pearl Teeter, chap-erone. highways is a matter of vital inter est and importance to the prosperity and well being of our State, and Whereas, we believe that the State through centralized control and administration can most economical ly arid efficiently, construct and main tain said main highways, and. Whereas, such centralized control and maintenance will lift from the various counties a great buiden, and enable them to devote more time and funds to strictly county roads that are now greatly neglected. Therefore Be It Resolved, by the board of governors of the Morganton Chamber of Commerce, that our rep resentatives in the State Legislature' be urged to give favorable consider ation -to the State road law' as for mulated and recommended by the North Carolina Good Roads associa tion, which bill, we believe, will best meet the needs of the State at this time. The Chamber of Commerce urges every citizen who agrees with these sentiments ,to write to oru represen tativs and ask their support of this measure, or one embodying the same general feasures. senator XMoine jyi. ratton came home from Raleigh last week for a few days, returning Monday. SUBSCRIPTIONS Minnie L. Yancey, R. 3, Connelly Springs; E. E. Hennessee, Raleigh; D. F. Denton, city; J. Arthur Beach, city; M. B. Kincaid, State Hospital; E. A. Holder, Route 5; S. A. Hunt, Fonta Flora; Tate Pearson, State Hospital; D. A. Boyles, Route 1; A. T. Burgin, Drexel; Tolbert Scott, Nebo; W. M. Berry, Route ; T. C. Benfield, Route 5; Miss . Ida Orders, Route 1; J. G. Gibbs, Glen Alpine; Miss Susan Golloway, Table Rock; C. M. Causbyy Route 1; J. H. Hines, Mull, -Koute 4; Route 2: Mrs. J. C C. P. Hill, Route 4; Ottis Mull, Chase. Caldwell, snent Saturday night and week to Smokey Creek where he will cut a boundary of timber he purchas ed from Mrs. M. A.jCla-k. Mr. and Mrs. JoTm Baird visited Mr. and Mrs. Fd McO.U S'roV. - Mr. S. S. Hallyburton visited rela tives at MorFqranton Saturday. Mr. S. B. Clontz, of Amherst, was a visitor of Mr. Vanco Powell Friday. Master Xynn Baird. of Antioch, fcent Sunda-"- with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lowdermilk. t t Mr. James Perkins ond brother of Moriranton, snent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Finley ,Rader. Mrs. Ed McCall entertained Satur-" day night at her home a number of her friends at a party. Those pres ent were: Misses Jessie McGimsev, Annie and Lola McCall, Effie Wilr liams, Florence Puett and Mary Lou Morrow; Messrs. Columbus and Guss Whisenant, Lum and Wilfong Can non, James Corpening, Ed Hood. James Smith, Vance Thompson, Carl Williams, Lawrence Littlejohn and Acauilla Rhodes. Good music was ehioyed by all. Messrs. Charlie and Ben Houk, of City. Va.; Miss Hulda Loven, Chase City, Va.; Elon Smawley, Connelly Springs; Mrs. H. R. Cline, yaldese; J. R. Wall, Route 5; A. H. Carswell, Route "1; M. H. Mingus, Connelly Springs: J. (J. Uentry, Koute ; rvi. Fred Williams, Philippine Islands; B. C. Williams, State Hospital; W. S. Short, Valdese; W. A. Kincaid, Route 5: C. F. McKee, Bridgewater; G. M. Billine-s. State Hospital; Miss Mamie S. Johnson, New Orleans; J. D. Mull, R. 4, Chase City, Vf.; Mrs. G. P. Coulter, Bridgewater; Miss Louise Reid, Orexel; Julia Martin, R. 1, Connelly Springs. Mrs. Ottis Mull and Mrs. Clarence Mull left Tuesday for Charlotte to visit the former's sister, Mrs. W. R. Trexler. Sunday with their cousins, Misses Beatrice and Ruth Hood. Miss Winnie Smith visited Mr. J. A. Bowman at Grace Hospital Sunday STATE HOSPITAL Mr. - Alfred M. Scott went down to Hickory Tuesday the 18th to consult Dr. W. E Speas in regard to his eves. His eyes were tested and glasses fitted. Mr. Charlie Connelly has resigned -his position in the kitchen and Mr. Hartsal Lackey has succeeded him. Mr. R. H. Taylor and Miss Jose Dhine Harris were quietly married at her home near Table Rock on Mon day, the 17th. Rev. J. C. Gentry per forming the ceremony. Only a few relatives and friends werer present. (Continued on Irst page) 4 i