THE NEWS-HERALD, M0RG ANTON, N. C., SEPTEMBER 2 1ST,' 1922. SPtUAL INOHCtb GET ROOMS at the BURKEMONT Bay, week or month. Reasonable rates. SATURDAY, 3 O'CLOCK, will draw until someone present gets remain der of prizes. KIRKSEY & CO. NOTICE On Friday, September 22, I will sell at public auction on my farm on Table Rock road, seven miles northwest of Morganton, all my farming tools, including: One wheat drill, one corn shelier, one corn drill, set of blacksmith tools, one mower and rake, one pair of large scales, one two - horse plow, one disc harrow, one cultivator. on land roller. Many other things too numerous to mention. JACOB A. MULL. LOST Saturday night, Septembr 16, red Duroc pig about six weeks old. Reward for return to SOPIIRONIA WILSON, 211 White St. ONE 30x12 in. double surface plainer and one oil engine, 12 horse power, both in good working condition. WILL SELL AT BARGAIN. Ap- piy I. UA UKD. plenty of wood and the whole farm is well watered. This farm is in one quarter of a mile of a bitulithic paved road leading to Dallas and Gastonia, N. C. The distance to Dallas is two miles and to Gastonia six miles. Gastonia is the fastest growing and is the largest cotton mill town in North Carolina, therefore it is one of the ,best markets for all kinds of farm products. This farm would make a splendid dairy ami produce farm. The estimated cotton crop on the iarm tnis year is 20 to 25 bales and the corn crop 600 to 1000 bushels. For terms and further " information write or see A. S. AB ERNETHY & SON, Hickory, N. C. FOR SALE CHEAP Extra fine full blooded Jersey bull, 2 1-2 years old. D. W. LOWMAN, Connelly Springs, N. C. BUILDING FOR RENT Near de pot: suitable for garage. Apply to BECKER'S VARIETY STORE. ANNOUNCEMENT Farmers desir ing loans or to Attend to business in connection with the Federal Farm Loan, can see me at B. F. Da vis & Son's. F. P. GILLAM, Sec. & Treas. 1 WILL SELL AT MY HOME, Route 4, on Saturdav. Sentpmhor 2flfV 1922, at 10 o'clock at auction, one pair five year old mules, wagon and harness, two cows and one yearling, two hogs, weighing about 150 lbs. apiece, one wheat binder, one wheat drill, one Wood Mowing machine, disk harrow, about 1000 bundles of tops and fodder, one padded riding saddle, household and kitchen fur niture. W. H. EDMONSON. COME AROUND and see' if there is any pi ice you want at THE BURKEMONT. COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED Bring us your eggs, chickens, hams and other produce. Highest market prices paid. WALKER'S GRO CERY & MARKET. FOR SALE Chattanooga cane mill: good condition; size 11. Terms to suit buyer. Price $40. J. M. HARBISON. , CANVASSERS To sell "White mark" fibre brooms, and brushes. Staple business, liberal commis sions. For Darticulars wrifp BARTLETT, VANTINE & JONES, Hillsdale, Mh. BRING your clippers, razors and all edged tools. I can put them in good shape. HENNESSEE BAR BER SHOP. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing be tween W. H. Gibbs and Fullwobd Gibbs, trading under the firm name of Gibbs Bros., is dissolved by mu tual consent. Hereafter the business will be conducted in the name of W. H. Gibbs, who will be responsible for the indebtedness incurred from this date. ' FULLWOQD GIBBS. August 30, 1922. Boost your home town The Square You'll Eventually Use HIGH GRADE Seed Fulghrum Oats, Beardless Fulcaster Wheat, and Abruzzi Rye. Pair heavy iour-year-old mules; driving and saddle horse; Ontario Grain Drills; Hart-Parr Tractors; Cedar Shin gles; Portable Engine; all cheap. J. E. COULTER, Connelly Springs, IN. J. Worth is- FOR SALE Pigs and Shoats; good winter and spring killers. Tele phone 2104. E. A. SPAINHOUR. APARTMENTS TO RENT AT THE BURKEMONT. FOR SALE Six-room house and 4 acres of land in town limits, near State highway, at a bargain, for quick sale. For further informa tion see J. W. COOK, Morganton. LOST Small wrist watch, Friday night, between New Theatre and State Hospital. Finder please re turn to The News-Herald office and receive i eward. IF YOU HAVE CORSET TROUBLE, Call 17GT. NEW CROP FIELD SEEDS Alfalfa (Kansas trown), Winter Vetch, Or chard Grass, Red and Crimson Clover, Herds Grass, Rape and Ful gum Oats. Call and see samples of seed wheat, as I will order in the next few dr.ys. JNO. H. PEAR SON. JUST RECEIVED A car of Block Coal which will be divided among my customers. Four cars will fol low at an early date, so file your orders for your winter supply. JNO. H. PEARSON. ' SATURDAY, 3 , O'CLOCK, will draw until sonuori present gets remain der of KIRKSEY & CO. ROOMS' TO RENT at THE BURKEMONT. ' WANTED Nice' fat veal calves three weeks old. Write or phone 122L. J. L. MILLER, Hickory, N. C. FOR SALE Fine fresh milk cow. PINK GIBBS. Phone 103-J. - THE AGE OF MIRACLES have past but I can sell your Real Estate if any man can. When it is priced right I know I can, and as quick as 'any man can. I use printer's ink to find a Vm costs me little and costs you less that way. I have the best Dairy Proposition, the best orchard prop osition, the best Chicken Proposi tion, the . best Mercantile Proposi tion, the best Timber Proposition, and the best General Farming Proposition in Bnrlcp ennntv arA all priced right. One tract mostly . in timber, white pine and chestnut oak; 550 acres, extremely well war tered; good young orchard; some good rough buildings; price $4,000. This is almost a miracle, as any industrious man can make a f for tune in hogs and chickens on'thjs wonderful proposition in four or five years. List your property with me and let me show you how quickly l can turn it into . cash. SAM TAYLOR, the Square Man, Morganton, N. C. DON'T THROW AWAY your go-cart when thr tires give out. See CHARLIE LEONHARDT (Webb's Studio) and have it retired. DODGF TJU.ING CAR, in good cordition, oi sale. See A. J. WA CASTEL, A08 So. Greene St. CANE MILL AND COPPER EVAP ORATOR FOR SALE Cane mill 14 by 7 in diameter; can be run by horse nower or by steam. Evapo- FOR SALE Farm of 24 acres, new ;cui room house, good barn, good orchard and plenty wood and water. Oi." mile from Glen Al pine, in high school district. Ap ply to MRS. LENOIR WHITE. Glen A'pLie, N. C. DRY YOUR APPLES and save your pea-h &"ed. I pay the highest cash ric-j for them. JNO. H. PEARSON. TWO ROOMS FOR RENT Either as i nrs'ied bed rooms or for light house kee-. in?,. Apply to MRS. C. S. SMITH, 201 King St. WANT EI TC SELL A splendid small fi.y, well fixed for a small dairy far 71. One-half mile from Chase Cify, Va. Good house, splendu. laud, and excellent neigh borhood. Splendid schools and churches. DR. A. T. FINCH, Chare City, Va. DINING ROOM AND KITCHEN with rocins will be rented to the right party. BURKEMONT HOTEL. JUST RECEIVED -1 Shipment of Gras? ?i i Clover Seed for Sum mer jnd Fa.ll planting. KIBLER DRUG COMPANY. , rator ;o 1 ; 3 new; 3 1-2 ft. by 12. J. W. DuC'kWORTH. FOR R 7- "Better than boarding" Room-. v.'th bath, for light house keeping Mutable for teachers or in in d couple. Close in. Excel k it ..atie .'oartl nearby. Refer ee ices x hmged. Apply P. O. 3CK A Pronounced Success. The uniform success that has at tended the use of Chamberlain's Col icic and Diarrhoea Remedy in the re lief and cure of bowel complaints, both for children and adults, has brought it into almost universal nco so that it is practically a rival and as everyone wfto has used it knows, it is without an equal. Adv. Mitchell College ' FOR GIRLS AND YOUNG v WOMEN Thoroughly Christian. High grade. Moderate in cost; I Helps to meet the nrnhlprn nf Higher Education. . Literary Department offers Collegiate (3 years); College Preparatory , (4 years) ; Inter mediate (4 vfiarsV ninl and Certificate Courses in Piano, Voice, Organ, Violin, Expres- oxuii, xauiae -economics, reacner Training and Secretarial. Write for catalog. W. F. Hollingsworth President STATESVILLE, N. C. 4 m Worth Telling ADVERTISE! Advertise what you are doing. , Advertise what you expect to do. Advertise your old goods and move them. Advertise your new goods and sell them before they get old Advertise to hold old trade. . ... Advertise to get new trade. Advertise when business is good to make it better. Advertise when business es poor to keep it from getting worse. Advertising is not a "cure-all." Advertising is a preventive. s Advertising does not push, it pulls. Advertising to pay must be consistent I and persistent. Use Bonnet-Brown Sales Service cuts and ads, which we furnish free of charge, to get maximum results from your adver tising. , Complete copies are on file in this office. , V ,V. , V. ,w. ,w. ,w. ,W m V, LL THE OLD STYLE In the name of truth and justice to yourself, how can you content yourself with any other. ml T0 NAKE 12 S10ED ll JpQRmJSE L INE FROM fg W .;. - "- & THE NEW STYLE NEWS-HERALD j 1 The above cut may seem a puzzle to some of mv reader but I promise to make it as-plafn as daylight before this series of ads .is concluded. Watch these ads for I promise to ac ffi'lXKth?6 m?St WOnderful toofs'Tlxistenc SUS.f i fure. It is so nearly perfect that it seems perfect to me. Now, my friend, if you know somethmff tZ will jmprove this wonderful tool, why not meet me half wav and let us put our heads together and see if Ve can Improve it frankly, after about eight years of almost constant Zdv much expensive experimenting, I feel quite sure I have in mv latest copper plated square attained the acme of plrfection gladly would I accept some thought or criticism that would point me to an improvement in this favorite child of my brat Now, I want you to read what Mr. John.T, Oxford of Mnr' ganton, has to say about this Square: uxiora, ot Aior- T)f n y TVTf T1. -.,1 . ir .- like mazier When'7'" mre s a wonder, rt work Hi Hi TEACHERS! RAISE YOUR CERTIFICATES! Earn College Credit While Teaching ' . . SALE We have a in Gaston county, N. 177 acres, with 50 to sal good bottom land, eight-room dwelling, "use, a good barn, Hi Hi lliZ!iZ 7 .m COLLEGE By ruling of State Board, professional credits may be won only n Tolll! sessions, examination. ' Dt won only ln college or summer school, not by UM.1U1: liauivalent to a siv credit toward the A. B. degree. ENDORSFn 4v ItS6!,?6! assix semester houTs FEE: Three courses, thirty weeks, for $20 00 . tUUCATION. HOURS: Arranged to suit teachers from a distance. Railroad schedules convenient' Write at once and make arrangement for courses desired.- Address: COnTement- Prof. Grover Morgan, A. M. . LENOIR COLLEGE, HICKORY N, C.N R R m Hi ifi Hi Hi Hi Hi i are a wizard. I want to ask vou tn n it Vhl t- a ? ne nrst thinks you and write bonlc silS?u.2 quit e kl?d. of work you are doinc world might have tSe advantage demonstrate it, that the kept from the 1?V?,,! 70ur invention. It's too good to be on the market there will be no other lold?LTTe' an1 Wen Put are what the world needs to Jv iJ I Standa.rdization and education in use it will ffa gSifltVSd fcnTe" SqUare COmeS J. T. OXFORD. Now, some of you readers do not know Mr Oxford if gnlle SiJ Thr"fore 1 ?! ".Mr. Oxford', letter S.nKn?MryV.lAliS?e'' '"h' ""- Mr. Sam Taylor, Morganton, N. C. abouthre? yells TaVambrf Improved Squares for ever seen; and it U so plain and L17 HfaJ if th,e best Sfluare 1 have in." It certainly is an unpdntf i Ple ?ha a fo1 may nt err there tion on it, and L it cannot ?uboff "TaJ? has an educa in two hours than I could withTnS n, an lay more framing with it tempt to do carpenter' . woA wKm" ten honurs 1 would not at' andPI am h price; I can heartily recommend vml? q would if he knew its usefulness, and especially to treX and hr?L0 Uare f carPenters and millwrights quent, as al angles and cut, lie? we gles and bevels are fre ful tool. I oifly wish I could havP U h this trul' dcr' works. I cannot siv half al mSiS ow?ed. Pne when I was on public only hope a 11 my friends wfll Slwo8 1 JV1lh to say or it deserves, and about this, oreat Sauare Tn iiiVe-me iibe entily sincere in all I say and I feel ithSi STX " XT - - W.-A. SPEEGLE. NOW T rtm entfl mnnT ' . .... MR. W. A. SPEEGLE? HE IS A MAN np d a aptmtV AS AN TNVTTTm? tt a tttxt5 a AlAJN. OF RARE ABILITl ShSrfj flifu1, tni a sPlenc"d Christian gentle man therefore I feel sure he means all he-says in his letter. asitfaO':alsoSf Mor8anto' i3 "sing 'my Square rf' dear ,friends' if anyone doubts the abilitv- of my I want vn f TLJ 1 to refer back to many of then:. SAM TAYLOR, Morganton, N. C