i THE NEWS-HERALD, MORG ANTON, N. C, SEPTEMBER 2 1ST, 1922 FORD RELEASES 100,000 FOR INDEFINITE TIME Many of the Idle Factory Work ers Casting About For Jobs To Tide Them Over. n industrial army of upwards of 100 000 persons Monday entered upon , period of idleness and the mammoth Void Motor Company plants were de nted eXcept for caretakers, for the ?y time in months. This was the r'vt working day since the complete Sponsion of operations due to the oiil situation. . Vs many of the l.dle factory work v were casting about for jobs to tide them over, their employer, Henry lord renewed his efforts to solve V fuel problem. His task, Mr. Ford inintained, was to obtain fuel at 'what he considered a reasonable price. To accept coal at prices quoted him, Ford previously declared would c a "submission to profiteers." statement had been made by the manufacturer as to the probable du ration of the suspension of work at iiV plants, but Edsel B. Ford, presi dent of the company, voiced the hope that a way out of the fuel difficulty rnight soon be found. Whether the reported plan of the chamber of commerce of the United States for a nation-wide co-operative agreement among manufacturers would aid the Ford company still was in doubt. As outlined here the plan is in agreement with Mr. Ford's stand in the coal situation, to the extent t hat it would provide against undue j rice inflation as well as for transpor tation to all industries, large and -mall, of enough fuel to keep them in operation. The plan is being consid ered by local manufacturers as well as the chamber of commerce fuel com mittee. TRUTH TRIUMPHS Morganton Citizens Testify For the Public Benefit. A truthful statement of a Morgan ton citizen, given in his own words, should convince the most skeptical about the merits of Doan's Kidney Pill. If you suffer from backache, nervousness, sleeplessness, urinary disorders or any form of kidney ills, u?e a tested kidney medicine. A Moiganton citizen tells of Doan's Kidney Pills. Could you demand more convinc ing proof of merit? John H. Poteet, blacksmith 214 Greene St., says: "Some time ago my kidnevs were in a badly disorder ed' condition. My kidneys were nev er regular in action, at times too free, but the secretions scanty in passage. My vest was often broken at night. My back was lame and ached a lot. I used Doan's Kidney Pills and they ?oon fixed me up in good shape. My kidneys were regulated and the back ache left." Price 00c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Poteet had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv. "When does the honeymoon end?" "The first time the bride asks for something and the husband replies that he can't afford it." SALE OF VALUABLE LAND NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. Having as a mechanic repaired a certain Studebaker Touring Car, the property of T. A. Warner of Cataw ba county, and having charged for making said repairs $127.57, and sto rage to this date of $18.00, total amount due $145.57, which amount the said T. A. Warner has failed to pav after demand, and having retain ed" possession of said automobile in order to preserve my lien upon it; Now, thererfore, in accordance with Section 2435 of the Consolidat ed Statutes of North Carolina, I will pell, on Saturday, 23 Day of September, 1922, at 12 o'clock M., at public auction, in front of the court house door in the town of Morganton, said Studebaker car. to the highest bidder for cash. This Gth dav of September, 1622. MORGANTON MOTOR-MACHINE CO., By J. A. Robbins, Gen. Mgr. Avery & Hairfiled, Attorneys. NOTICE. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mort gage deed executed by M. B. Brown and wife, Mollie Brown, and Cozy Lee Taylor, to the State of v North Carolina, and pursuant to a judg ment of the Superior Court made and entered at the August term, 1922, by His Honor, J. Bis Ray, the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, will offer for sale, to the highest 'bidder, for cash, at the court house door in Burke county, on Monday, 23th of September, 1922, at 12- o'clock M., the following de scribed tracts, parcels or lots of land lying and being in Upper Creek township, Burke county, North' Car olina, towit: First Tract: In Upper Creek township, Burke county, State afore said, beginning on a spruce pine on the Main Upper creek, a corner of Smyrna church lot, and running up said creek with its meanders 10 rods to a stake; then south 10 roads to a stake in the Smyrna church line; thence east with said church line to the' beginning, containing one acre, more or less, with a certain store house and other improvements thereon. Second Tract: Known asx the Thomas Hall tract of land, contain ing 45 acrps, more or less, lying and being in the county of Burke, on Upper creek, adjoining the lands of Mrs. Hemphill, N. P. Beck, W. P. Burch, and others, beginning on a small dogwood in Burch's line and runs west with Hemphill's line 100 poles to a black gum; then north 54 degrees west 54 poles to N. P. Beck's corner; then north 77 degrees east 148 poles with N. P. Beck's line to his corner; then south G3 poles with N. P. Beck's line to the beginning, same being the tract of land convey ed by W. S. Hall, administrator, to Cozy Lee Taylor, by deed dated March .6th, 1901, and recorded in of fice of register of deeds of Burke county. Third . TracU t In Upper Creek township, adjoining the lands of James Jordan, and others. Begin ning on a locust on the south side of a hill, Brown's corner, and runs west 114 poles" to a pine on top of a ridge; thence south 42 poles to a stake in Ballard's line; thence east with Ballard's line 114 poles" to a stake in Brown's line, Ballard's cor nere; then 42- poles to the beginning, containing 25 acres, more or less; same being the tract of land convey ed by John W. Kellar and wife to Briss Brown, by deed recorded in said Register of Deeds' office in Book W, No. 3, page 206. Fourth Tract: In Upper Creek i township, adjoining lands of Annas Miller, and others. Beginning on a white oak in Miller's line and run ning west 114 poles to a stake in Annas Miller's line; thence north 32 poles to a stake in Brown's line; thence north 32 poles to a stake in Brown's line; thence with Brown's line 114 poles to a stake in Miller's line; thence 32 poles to the begin ning, 'containing 25 acres, more or less, and being the tract of land con 'veyed by M. E. London to M. B. Register of Deeds' office in Book, No. 4, page 259. The mortgage deed above mention ed was executed by the parties here inbefore named, to the State of North Carolina, for and in the sum of one thousand dollars, to secure the I appearance of Robey Brown and So llon Brown, at the August term, 1922, of Burke Superior court, and con tains power of sale, and default hav ing been made in the appearance of said Robey Brown and Solon Brown, they were duly called and notice is sued -and served on the parties above named, and no answer having been filpl. indfrment 4vas rendered author izing and directing the undersigned to sell the above tiescriDea property at the court house door in Morgan ton, after four successive weeks ad vertisement, as provided by law, and out of the proceeds to pay and satis fy said judgment, and reference is herebv made to Book P No. 4, page 550 of'the Register of Deeds' office of Burke county for mortgage, and the Minute Docket in Clerk's office for judgment of the Superior Court. Said land will be sold in lots as above described, then as a whole. This August 18th, m mcKj Clerk Superior Court. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN GLEN ALPINE OiTice cf Federal Prohibition Director, Salisbury, N. C, September 2, 1922. The following described property poized from Logan Francis, by Fed eral Agent Willis, for violation of the National Prohibition Act, will be sold at public auction under Sections 3 and 2fi, National Prohibition Act, on Saturday, September 30, 1922, at 12 o'clock, noon, in front of the court house at Morganton, N. . C, Burke county: One Ford Touring Car, 1916 model, motor No. 1409928. R. A. KOHLOSS, Federal Prohibition Director. ADMINISTRATION NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator cf the estate of Max York, late of Burke county, this is to notify all persons holding claims against his t state to present the same to the un dersigned Administrator on or be fore the 21st day of August, 1923, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to the said estate will make immediate payment thereof and save costs of suit. This the 21st day of August, 1922. J. R. CHAPMAN, Admr. The Key That Unlocks the Door to Long Living. The men of eighty-five and ninety ye ars of age are not the rotund, well fed, but thin, spare men, who Jive on a slender diet. Be as careful as he v'ill, however, a man past middle age v':!l occasionally eat too much or of ome article of food not suited to his " nstitution. causing indigestion or 'inatin and will need a dose of ' "ambcrlain's Tablets to move his 'vls aTlfj invigorate his stomach. hr n this is done, there is no reason vhy the average man should not live o a npe old age. Adv. MORTGAGE SALE OF INTEREST IN JULIUS BRITTAIN LANDS. By virtue of a power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage deed ex ecuted by J. B. Brittain and wife. Effie Brittain, on the 29th day of January. 1912, to secure an indebted ness of $150 due two years after date by the said J. B. Brittain and wife to the undersigned mortagee, default having been made in the pay ment of the said note and debt when due or within reasonable time there after, I will, on Monday, 2nd Day of October, 1922 at 12 o'clock M.; expose to public sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash a one-sixth undivided interest in and to the following described lands and premises, bounded and de scribed as follows, towit: Beginning on a maple on the bank of the creek and runs north 89 degrees west 34 poles to a polar; thence south 21 de grees 15 feet west-58 poles to a white oak; thence south 11 degrees 30 feet west 28 1-2 poles to a stake; thence south 50 degrees east 91 poles; thence north 64 degrees east 98 poles; thence north 27 degrees 15 feet west 26 poles to a pine: thence north 82 degrees west 36 poles to a white pine; thence north 30 degrees west 24 poles to a dogwood; thence north 25 degrees west 24 1-2 poles to a pine; thence north 36 degrees east 13 1-2 poles to a poplar; thence north 26 degrees west 24 poles to a cherry; thence north 76 degrees west 15 poles to a cedar; thence south 81 de grees west to a persimmon; thence south 14 degrees west to the begin ning, containing 22 poles 3-4, contain ing 86 acres, more or less. Said sale made by reason of de fault in the payment of the note se cured by said mortgage deed, the said note maturing the 29th day of January, 1914, and being under seal. This 2nd dav of Sentember, 1922. C. P. BRITTAIN, Mortgagee. " In pursuance of the order of the U. S. Court made in the Mat ter of J. D. Pitts, Bankrupt, I will sell for cash at Public Auc tion in the Town of Glen Alpine, North Carolina, on Saturday, the 14th Day of Oc tober, 1922, sale beginning at 10 o'clock, a. m., all of the J. D. Pitts Home Tract, containing 83 acres, sub divided into valuable business and residence lots. 32 business lots fronting Southern Railway on one side and a 40-foot street on the other. 43 beautiful res idence lots, including the 12 room dwelling house of J. D. Pitts, with 2 1-2 acres of land surrounding it, subject to his homestead in said dwelling house as set apart and assigned by the trustee. The rear of said tract of land cut into lots of from 2 to 5 acres. Map of this valuable property as subdivided can be seen any time at the of fice of the undersigned trustee, at Morganton, N. C. Also I will sell at the same time and place the valuable two story brick house and lot on the main street in Glen Alpine, now occupied by A. M. Davis. Also- the frame store house and lot in hear of the brick store house. Also the house and lot of about 2 acres, known as the Hamby place. All of this property within sight of the concrete State high way and six miles from Morgan ton and three miles of Linville Dam and Lake James. With concrete highway from Glen Alpine to Morganton and a jrood road from Glen Alpine to Lake James only three miles away, there is a bier future for the town of Glen Alpine. Now is your time to invent in valuable real estate. The' J. D. Pitts home tract will be first sold by lots and then as a whole. All sales subject to confirma tion bv the court with three davs after sale. This 12th day of September, 1922. A. C. AVERY, Trusteer Extravagant Son Of course I keep a running account at'my tailor's. Irate Father Running account? He tells me it has been standing for eighteen months. HOLLYBROOK LAKE Open from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m Suits and towels furnished, per hour 25c. Parties furnishing suits and tow els 15c. Children 10c. Parents will accompany children. No swimming on Sunday. No charge for picnics. S. M. ASBURY. CaciK c ac . ca : . a ac V. ca a: '. a : . ac ca : '"'' a a. m i HAVE YOU TRIED THE NEW rganton Steam Mo Laundry NORTH CAROLINA Burke County In Superior Court Before the Clerk. Rosa Baker, Plaintiff vs. James Baker, Defendant. NOTICE. ' The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Burke county, to ob tr.in absolute divorce from the bonds cf matrimony now subsiding' be tween the plaintiff and defendant, pursuant to Section 1659, sub-section and Consolidated Statutes, as amend ed by Chapter 63 Public Laws of 1921, and the said defendant will further take notice that he. is required to ap pear at the office of the eundersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Burke county, at his office in the court house in Morganton, said county and State, on the 30th day of September, 1922, and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said "complaint. This 5th day of September, 1922. C. G. HICKS, Clerk Superior Court. C. L. Whitener, Pltff's Atty. NOTICE. North Carolina, B urke County. In Superior Court, Before the Clerk. E. S. Noblet and R. E. Roper, Ex ecutors of tha last Will and Testa ment of A. F. Somers, Dec'd. vs. Mrs. W. S. Palmer,- Erwell Somers, Tola Turner, Virgil Somers, G. T. Somers, Irvin Hudgens, Mildred Hudgens, Mrs. Laura Brown, x Charles V. Brown, Henry G. Brown, Mrs. B. S. Parry, Harold Brown. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION The defendants above named, will take notice that an action or Special Proceeding entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Burke county, the same being one for the sale of real estate to which the said defendants have an interest for assets to pay debts of the estate of A. F. Somers, deceased. And the said defendants will fur ther take notice that they are requir ed to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Burke county, on the 20th day of September, 1922, and answer or demur "to the plaintiff's complaint filed in said cause, or the relief demanded will be granted. As witness my hand and seal of of fice, this the 21st day of August, 1922 C. G. HICKS, Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PARDON. Notice is hereby given that appli cation will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of Long ("Doc") Hefner, who was con victed of murder in the second de gree at December 1920, (special) term Burke county Superior court, and sentenced to serve a term of seven and one-half years in the State prison. All persons opposing same are invited to forward their protests to the governor without de lay. This 31 day of August, 1922. JOHN HEFNER. Boost Your Home Town Mitchell College FOR GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN Thoroughly Christian. High grade. Moderate in cost. Helps to meet the problem of Higher Education. Literary Department offers Collegiate (3 years) ; College Preparatory . (4 years) ; Inter mediate (4 years). Diploma and Certificate Courses in Piano, Voice, Organ, Violin, Expres sion, Home Economics, Teacher Training and Secretarial. Write for catalog. W. F. Hollingsworth President STATESVILLE, N. C. HALL mm This sole outwears leather or rubber This "Ball-Band" shoe, with leather up per, has a waterproof sole of special compound that outwears the usual rubber or leather sole. If you want the most economical work shoe made, this is it the Mishko Sole Letho Shoe. A. A, CONNELLY &SON : c v c f : c ac c ac ci : ci ac ct c c c c : .? CI ac CI c ci c ci a; ct c c ci a: ct c ci c a? ct ac c c c c 8? .? c ac C ac ct c V. ca I c c ac c .c ci : ci ac ci ct ac ct .: ct c ct : t c ci ac c t I c t ac c t c CI c . CI ?s ao c c c c. i! c z ca c c ca at ca ac ca ac c a z ca ac c ac ca ac c a: ct ac ct ac ct a: c t ac ct a: ct ac c t ac t ac ct ot ac ot ac c-t ac ci T We do all classes of work. Damp Wash our Specialty We list below our finished prices-com-pare them: a Xfl H H .o Shirts, Ng . .15 Shirts, Silk . ..20 i i Collars 03 Drawers 10 Undershirts ...10 Night Shirts ..15 Pajamas 20 Union Suits, Lt 15 Union Suits Hy 20 Socks, per pr .05 Hdkfs, Linen ..02 Hdkfs, Silk . ..05 Neckties 05 White Vests . . .25 White Coats ..25 White Ap'ns 08 up Overalls, Coat .20 Overalls, Pants 20 Overalls, Suit . 40 Blankets, Sgl ..25 Blankets, Dbl . 40 Curtains, Lace per pr .50 Sash and other Curtains, pr 10 up Curtains accepted owner's risk only Dresses . . .50 up Waists . . .25 up Skirts, updr.20up Skirts, top .40 up Chemise . . .20 up Drawers . . .15 up Hose 05 Night Dress 20 up Aprons . . . .10 up Corset Cvrs 10 up Undervests . ..05 Towels, Plain ..02 Towels, Roller 03 Towels, Bath ..03 Towels, Fancy .05 Bath Mats 10 iTable Cloths 10 up Napkins .. ..,.01 Sheets 06 Pillow Cases ..03 Counterpanes . 20 O e! S3 H H S3 H XSl H W l-H H F Unless customer's list accompanies bundle, our count must be accepted as correct. We cannot guarantee colors, or unavoidable shrinkage. Not responsible in case of fire. All claims must be made within 24 hours of delivery, accompanied by original list. - We appreciate your business. Just phone 65-W and our truck will call. ClctC' 1"l'. 1 f j . - . r. v ... v w w ac ci a: c t 5 SU BSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS-HERALD ARUS BROTHER raj kf j fff 5 ,"fc S I .111 Ill ' , IWUI1IF 1 Ik it III mm m i . VI Showing Largest Stock of HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX Suits and Overcoats They Have Ever Shown You Will Be Pleased With The Prices KNOX AND STETSON HATS All Styles and Colors Eclipse and Manhattan SHIRTS LAZARUS BROTHER I ;a a .a , a a , a : a i a .a b Ja a . a , a a :. a a ca a -a a : a a .. ca a : a a ca 5 a .a i c 3 a :a i i i ) t ) J i i jt ft i ft ft i ft" 2

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