HARNETT COUNTY NEWS. 9 f Harnett County News ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $1.00 Six months .50 Three months .25 CORRESPONDENCE - This paper desires correspondence from all reliable sources interesting to the people of this section. We as'c that the name of the correspond ent be signed for the purpose of at testing: its reliability. Advertising rates upon application Advertising solicited solely upon the merits of the paper as an advertising medium. Special rates on long con tracts. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Liliington, N. C, un dtfr the act of March 3, 1879. ADVERTISING RATES. Display advertising 15c per inch. Solid reading matter 5c per line or 25c per inch. WATCH YOUR PAPER. With the paper placed at one dollar per 3'3ar, it is too expensive to send out notices of expiration of subscrip tion. When a subscription expires th paper must be stopped to comply with postal r2gulations. Please don' blame the paper for not coming after you.- .subscription expires and you fail to renew. THURSDAY, ArRIL 24, 1919 If a new fiy has moved into your comuiunity, greet him with a swat ter. If you know a good word, let it be said; when you die you will be i Ion? time dead. Many a youthful heart is yearn ingly, impatiently, excruciatingly wuiting for the school commencement period to roll 'round. Let's see! Several years ago wa:i"t there a man somewhere by tLo name of William Jennings Bryan? Anybody "hearn tell" of him lately? There will be orator a-p!?mv vrlio cen tell all about ho v.- the war wa:j won, but tlia soldiers who we-- w iiwuL die me ties fied to give this information. front are the ones best quaji- Said the Governor cf North Caro iinan to the Governor of South Caro lina: "It's a long time between drinks!" That happened years ago. Today the version would bet "IiV a long time without drinks." Washington correspondents cf the daily papers say that in the forth coming Congress there is no hope for the farmer, the laboring men or suffragist. The masters of ceremon ies, commonly called the "steering committee," are all from big towns where little sympathy is manifested for the causes represented by the classes enumerated above. If present-day writers are correct, we are about to see a return of politics and policies of the Aldrich-Cannoa va riety. The newly-elected mayor of' Fay etteville, giving out an interview in Washington, boosts his home town which indexes him as a good citizen and good mayoralty timber. Whether it was the eternal newspaper mis take or not, does not appear upon reading, but when the new mayor is made to say that the government has spent a million and a half doliars upon the Cape Fear "from Washing ton to Fayetteville," it appears that inland waterways are undergoing some improvements. Fayetieviiie't s new mayor must have found thingr dreadfully quiet along the Potomac. The first attempt to fly across the Atlantic from the English coast re sulted in failure. The hydroplane dived nose foremost into the : e;: three miles from shore. The Short Company built the trans-Atlantic flier, and . the flight wasn't much longer than the nauie. They named the air-boat "Shamrock," however, and the Irish seldom start anything they can't finish. After some repairs a fre h start will be made. The avi ators are deterined that, the ocean must be "flew." An army viator last v eek made a flight from Chicago to Now York 727 miles, in six Lours and fifty min utes, making an average speed of i little over 10G miles an hour, at an altitude of two miles. The aerolo gists, of course, know why the ;;vi atcrs fly so high. The layman just guesses they are trying to go higher than the cost of living. The trip va made without stepping, the Liherty niotor working .to perfection. Pret ty soon, now, the clouds may be looked upon as hiding a show.-jr or an aeroplane. In our-counry and in our tirioA no man is worthy the honored name of statesman who does not include the highest practicable education of the people in all his plans of admin istration'. He may ha.ve eltqw-r.cc. he may have knowledge of all hi,;. tory, diplomacy, jurisprudence; by these he might claim, in othar countries, the elevated rank c: statesman; but unless he s.,eak. plans, labors, at ail times pnd'ii ui" Places, for the cui.uro and edifica tion of the whole people, he is nor, he cannot be, an American states man. Horace Mann. THE PRESBYTERIAL. Harnett County should feel proud of itself when it entertains a gather- ns of women cuch as composed the P ebyterial meeting in Liliington la it week. Fact is, we have too few gatherings in this county anyway. :oje who come together often know cii other be.it. Tliij-' should seep ir.to the cranium-- of those who take little or no interest in public meet .r.gs. Tliut community which calls itk own citizens to assemble in con futation frequently will always be .11 interesting pl?ce to live in. and . hc-n it invites strangers to come within its gates, there is thai added charm of pride and hospitality com bined which never fuih, to make iU impress. Ire ladies who entertained the Presbyterial last week put it all over n the li.en folks. The ladies are he progressive element in this com munity anyway. When there is a convention 10 De neia, depend on he wo- .en'to bring it here. They ki ov -.-it a real way to take inter j I;--, i.; -.liter a is to make things t. y.r way. lias anybody in ,i. :;:;.-. a any recollection of a gath ering invited here by a man? There ire meenss. gatherings by what ever name known, being held every veek at cue place or another in this Ovt:.vi. Would it hurt Liliington entertain some cf them? The name "'convention town" has i)2en applied to Greensboro because lit has always been an "inviter." There is no argument that a town will be benefitted by acting as host. It is an admitted fact. Individuals Jo not as a rule r.tep in " where they are not invited. Much less can a gathering of people be expected to thrust themselves upon a town whose hospitality they know not of. But back to the Presbyterial. The gathering last week was compos ed of some of the most brilliant wo men in North Carolina. Probably there were some Lillingtonians who were not r.v.ara of this fact, but it is true. And they ar sincere in their work these auxiliarians. When speaking of the detail problems which are met and mastered, Mrs. McAlister taid: "It requires stren uous work, but it is all for the ad vancement of the Kingdom." C:;tc'; an, men, catch on! Cau'i you learn something from the vvui;.a? Did you ever invite any body to this town? Let's try it ome time. THK COMMEXCKMEXTS. This is the season of school clos ings. Longing for the agony's end, the .small chap will be one of the world's happiest beings in a few days. The graduates, too, will long ,o linally sit at the peace table after jvercoming obstacles which stared them daily and proclaimed: "Thou shalt not pass!" The sweet girl graduate, the ours man hopeful, on down to the A I, c crowd, will experience a feel ing of relief that one more link has been taken from the span of time that must pass before they "know as much as the teacher." And long forbearance on the part of the teach er will be rewarded by many an essay to the health of "Our Teacher" and "Our School." Schools have been interrupted and in some cases seriously handicapped by sickness. The darkness has given way, however, to the light of new hope and greater aims for the fu ture. Let us all keep deep-seated in our minds and hearts the interest and welfare of our schools, for by this measure will future generations guage us. WAR GREATLY INCREASED NEWSPAPER INFLUENCE. "No educative campaign has ever -urpassed that of the use of newsDa per space in war propaganda in the nineteen months during which the i nitec! States was in the war," said the editor of the Minnesota Univer sity Farm Press News in a recent :a!k to editors of that State. "This use cf newspaper space as i means of accomplishing an end hen, must and will serve as a tre mendous object-lesson as to mean: of getting things done by the peo pie. It means simply this: If comunity or an individual wishes to accomplish something which depend: 'argely upon interesting and convinc ng large numbers of people, sue' community or individual must use lie yvmz. ihis was known to many oeiore, but never to so many has th lesson been brought home with sue! convincing force as it has in the va rious ampaigns that have been fea lures of the war as seen from the home side. "If, then, the people call to the editors for leadership because thov have guided them and told them what to do in the recent crisis, and if they recognize the power cf news paper space rightly uesd, the press has advanced to a new position of power as a factor in the world's pro- t." - 5 . . . ... oiC.,.,. .-.ev,., heuer, University Vi.-.con;sin. oi IJISHOP DARLINGTON AT SAN FORD. Bishop Darlington, of Virginia, will preach in Steele Strpr-t tvt0w dist Church in Sanford o:i nt day morning, April 27th. Thh; is an opportunity to honi- nna of the greatest preachers nf ,, Southern church; and, as all are in vited, it is hoped that many will at tend, especially of the Method'sts THE XEW TOWN BOARD. That was a representative gather ing of citizen i who came to the! courthou. e Monday night to name a boa-i of ccuncilmen for Lilllnfton. The per;on!?i ci the new board had Deen ala-3;l the sole topic of the low:: for 1 days, and the fact that tho iv.r. rued received the nomin.:t;::g votu of Monday night's assembly i; evidence that Liliington has it.; cjuucilmen those whom it de;ire; and expect.:; to- keep the tows;', a.'Vilrs abreast of the march f r: :;.-Ci-. That there is a new impetus to matters looking to forward move ments in the countyseat, no one will doubt. The spirit of aggressiveness s becoming more In evidence every day, and the new town board has been named while the atmosphere is permeated with "Grater Liliington" ideas, plans and activities. A great responsibility -rests upon the new councilmen; but they are ;;:en who can and must measure up. SCHOOL ROW AMICABLY TLED. SET- About ten days ago. Miss Ballen ine, a supply teacher in the Varina ;chool, punished little Maggie Sher on, daughter of J. L. Sheron, to such an extent as to give the father great offense. He thought an insult had been given his little daughter and his family. After complaining to the board Mr. Sheron employed an attorney to take legal action and it looked like a big law suit, which woud have split the school and the community. But not so fast. Mr, Sheron's lawyer ad vised peace with honor, if possible. So, day before yesterday, all the par ties met in Raleigh. The lawyer said that Mr. Sheron did not wish to insult anybody or to be insulted, aud that, if all parties would apolo gize and make friends and declare that no insult was intended he hoped the trouble might end. Miss Ballen tine, the teacher, arose and said she meant no insult, that she had due respect for Mr. Sheron and his fam ily and if she had doue any wrong, she apologized for it. Then Mr. Sheron taid he was sorry, too, and he accepted the hand of peace which was offered him. Mrs. Ballentine, tlk- young teachers' mother, with tears cf joy. said she wanted to shake Mr. Sheron's hand and that -he was his friend and the friend of his family and only wanted the chance to show it. Mr. Sheron, with great emotion, replied that he hoped they would all meet in heaven. And then the lawyer said that he wished he was a preacher so he could open the doors of the church. So ended in reconciliation and in honor a mat tre which was shaking the Varina scetion to the center. Now who was the lawyer? JUST FACTS. The government of the United States is your government. That governent has given its sa cred word to do certain things. These things require the expendi ture of great sums of money. Your government must keep its word, must spend these sums of money. This money can only be secured now in two ways: either by taxation or by borrowing. . Taxes are high enough, are they not? Nevertheless, they will not pro duce enough to meet the present need. Then, the only way the United States can pay for peace is by bor rowing the balance needed $4,500 -000,000. All right then, your government must borrow $4,500,000,000 and since other countries have no money to lend, it must borrow this money in the United States and from one or two sources. Your government anust borrow from the banks and other financial institutions or it must borrow from millions of patriotic citizens. If this money could be borrowed from the banks, would it be wise? With all of their capital tied up in government securities, how could the banks perform their normal functions of financing regular busi ness enterprises and development projects? Without being financed, how could factories and business op erate, how ceuld the country be de veloped, how could labor be employ ed, how could people live? Think it jver ! Very well then, there is one course mu open. Your government must borrow from you and from every other individual up to each one's limit of lending. Ileuce the Victory Liberty Loan "n A?."'-l 21. 1DU the loan of vic---iy. r-eaco and thanksgiving. There are just facts. Can you see any other way out of it? We can't, iiie Treasury Department cannot, z.cd after you think it over and con sider that the government is asking ycu to subscribe for an absolutely gilt-edged, short term, good interest-b-r.ring security, and by doing it help pry for victory and peace and pros perity, you won't want to find any other way out. but will, like a true American, you will step up and say: "Sure, we'll finish the job! Uncle Tin I. . . -.-. uoih me use or all my money to pay for peace! I can ro over the top in the Victory Loan if my boy could do it at St Mihiel." Yours for the Victory Loan. EDWIN W. ROBERTSON, Chairman. Ocicr? can come between the best of friends. STATU FAIR "WILL BE HELD THIS YEAR. I Raleigh. N. C. April 24. The fif ty eighth State Fair will be held at Raleli'i this year as usual, and will ttke the form of a peace Jubilee T.hich will celebrate North Caro lina's part in winning the war. Ac cording to an announcement ' from ih office of the secretary. Col. Jos eph . E. Poue. the fair will be held lur-ng the week of October 20 to 25. Tha premium list Is being prepared now and copies will soon bo avail able to those who might wiah to ex hibit or otherwise take part. Plans will be .made at thin season of the year by those who wish to share In the premium money offered by this fair. This applies especially to the exhibition of crops and gar den products. Such preparation will take very little extra time and may We have just received a shipment of Old Hickory Porch Furniture A Carload of Wagons . New goods coming in daily Harnett Hardware '& Furniture Co. OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIX Liliington Garage N. S. Atkins, Proprietor LILLINGTON, North Carolina Automobile Repairing and Accessories BATTERY WORK A SPECIALTY ALL SERVICE GUARANTEED. HAY, OATS AND ALL In Wholesale Lots KNICKERBOCKER TRACTORS Fertilizers We are taking orders for the best grade fertili zers. See us before you buy. Tobacco Flues Place your orders early be.absolutely certain to get yours. Trucks Ord ers accepted for tobacco trucks. Howard, Batts & Co. LILLINGTON, N. C. Headquarters in J. A. Marsh's Store on the Corner THE BARNES COMPANY HARDWARE, FURNITURE, UNDERTAKERS r Pianos, Organs, New chines, "New Edisons" We will deliver an Edison in your home at the same price any catalogue send your money away service at home. The BARNES & Day Phone 1 1 DUNN, r u.t in some premium money b iS wca Ly those who participate.! act t3 mention the advertising fea-J ure. wDicn win be or vain to any .sro that wins the higher prize la A i annual competition. ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE The undersigned, having been ap pointed and Haly qualified as adminis trator of the estate of Clllbert Cam eron, deceaed. this Is to notify all persons having claims against the ald estate to exhibit the same before the undersigned on or before April 17th. 1920. or this notice will bo pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to the estate will please make Immediate settlement. A. A. CAMERON. Administrator. CIIAS. ROSS. Attorney. This April 17th. lllf. FOR BALE. One bedroom suite, metal bed. oak dresser and washstand to match. K. A. Stewart. Liliington. N. C. Get our Prices KINDS FEEDSTUFFS, at Wholesale Prices for flues, so that you will & HOLUDAY Home Sewing Ma house will give. Do not when you can get better HOLLIDAY CO. v N. C. Night Phone 70 Memorandum!. Tell your friends what do not subscribe for Harnett County News. Send us a trial order for Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Dodgers, Cards, etc J. A. MARSH LILLINGTON, North Carolina PEANUT MEAL FOR We pay highest cash of all kinds. A nice line of fresh fruit. A complete line of staple and fancy groceries. Quick sale for cash Ten tons of high fcvadc fertilizer. Will pay 20c pound for chickens. WE HANDLE FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS FISH AND OYSTERS Buunii House is chock full of goods this Spring and at prices remarkably low. All the leading fabrics are shown Silks, Satins, Foulards, Voiles, Poplins, Ginghams Silk Hosiery. Big stock dress shoes in grays, tans, black, mahogany, white. See my stock of enamel ware, tinware, cooking pans, bakers, an elegant line of stone ware for cooking purposes. Would be glad for every lady to see this beautiful ware. BURWELL BARGAIN Gardee The success of the garden depends on having good seed. We have all kinds of GARDEN SEED both in packages and in bulk. We handle only the best varieties from the most reliable growers. Plenty of home-grown, cabbage-collard seed. SEE US FOR SEED TugwelPs Pharmacy First National Bank DUNN, N. C. We pay four deposits. Accounts of tions, etc, solicited. Our resources dollars. they are missing if they HOGS, 28 Per Ct. Protein price for country produce yeuis HOUSE per cent on all time individuals, corpora are over one million

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