HARNETT COUNTY NEWS THE PUBLIC WELFARE IS THE INTEREST OF THE WHOLE PEOPLE Vol. 2. No. 17. 5c PER COPY t-50 PER YEAR Lillington, N. C.t Thursday, April 22, 1920. If It Concern Harnett, If. la THE .NEWS' COMMENCEMENT AT LILLINGTON ! just that. Doors will be closed! I promptly. Also, cars arriving after any : FROM OLIVIA Olivia. ADril 19. HIGH SCHOOL peninfir h0Ur mU3t park at the Fruitgrowers say recent 111011 11W ifoot of the hill and remain ota u nn , tua VOiO V- llvlr S SJ l a V - VilV The commencement season ! at Lilligton High and Farm Life School will open Sunday' morning with baccalaureate i sermon by Dr. W. I. Cranford of Trinity College. The ser vices will be held in the school auditorium at 11 o'clock. Thirteen students are in the graduating class this year, four boys and nine girls, as follows there till exercises are over. PROBLEMS FACING i STRICKEN WORLD FROM BU1ES CREEK 0. BRADLEY DIES SUDDENLY in! PERSONAL prospects for a good crop this section. j Miss Ida Denton and Miss' . j Jennie Perkins have gone to j On account of the baccalau- Sanford to take positions in thej reate sermon at the school au- El-Rees-So cigar factory there.! ditonum next Sunday morning. f Mr. Alan McDonald is en- there will be no service at the; gaged in putting in new shelves Presbyterian church. The com-; and counters in Webber & 01 munion service announced for ive's store to make room for an that morning is postponed to! enlarged stock of merchandise; Shall Chaos or Reconstruction In Europe Follow the Great World War? j drea te work or starve. Am theee men grew older tbttr famlll crew la sue a4 demand, wnii tbelr ability air. and Mrs. K. A. Stewart It tiro tfKTHMd. The tragedy r 'nf 1 Mlincrtnn ikr.V, ' ZTJ.rXyZ'lZr,.', ;-. lt ThumUy. .topping Mr. O Bdl?. mcmWr of needs and diminishing sta. The for a few hour. ,ln county board of education grindis sot only hurt Utlr bodies. It I Mr. R. F MeLeod rathlor nt and n of the mo prominer.1 '. . ... Buiea Creek Bank, ha been county, died sud- had been tblr nurse, they feared It Clida Woodall, Blanche John-(the second Sunday morning of .they have coming ins furrowtd their brain. xney live in dread of poverty. It J . , , . Anv MnmUv irhlU .IrU-inc k:. luuuncu iu nu ruom tor Krrn - as 'would be their pallbearer. poverty days with Influenza. automobile near !u home in I ,lk lu, nP ,hMU- Itev. J. A. Campbell filled hU Kipling. They were resolving that If they could ' i . . P t-aill.- un .Irinr I ;. DANGER IN GENERAL UNREST ! p " it would act put it. i.h upoa appointments at he I'dle nun lu their children. They knew poverty Baptist church here Saturday car UP tfraile In the road ami -j . InUmately. It wasn't a word, a name. !anJ Sunday. 'l m hat while turning a Practically Universal Feeling if De-. J1 w" ,,T,n b-teful. cruel coropan- j q C Craviett left last cune tne car "truck a tree. t!- Wlll Craw Unleae the w" 'T" .. ., ... Ine- the nr .H-M .l.m..... . ma siarya or scarlet Hall. the slagda runcMiaj- lor iioxooro 10 ue " - " . leoa of the aluma. and atwaya the with her brother. Mr. Gentrv However, it i not probable that content Causes Which Qava It Birth Are Ramaved. son, Kathryne Hockaday, Vida Betts, Ruby Dewar, . Mamie Johnson, Ruth Kelly, Addie McDonald, . Beulah O'Quinn, May. However, there will be! Mr. and Mrs. Craig of Pine- preaching at the Presbyterian! view were visitors church Sunday night. ! Sunday afternoon. in Olivia! Rev. G. F. Kirkpatrick will Stedman McLean, Harold Moss,preach at Flat Branch church Luther Rollins, Sion Wilburn. next Silnday afternoon at four On Tuesday evening at 8 :30 1 o'clock. This is the regular day exercises by the Grammar I and hour for services at that school will be held. This part; church until a permanent pas of the commencement program 'tor is secured, is given over to the younger j Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rowland students and is always among j of McCullers visited Mr. and the most enjoyable numbers. Mrs. J. D. Long this week. Wednesday afternoon atj Mr. C. Ware of Lillington 4:30 the recitation and declam-jR. 4 makes announcement of ation contest will take place. 'his candidacy for the nomina Six of the school's expert plat-'tion for form speakers wiU fill the pro-1 Democratic gram for this event. jSo far Mr. Ware is the only j today. Wednesday evening at 830 j Democrat who is announced for Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Davis mo tored to Dobson and other points in Surry county where they are visiting friends and relatives for a few days. Practically all tobacco men here report plants coming on in good shape, apd some say will be ready to set in about three weeks. Failure to get deliver ies on fertilizers is becomnig se Article VII. By FRANK C6MERF0RD. A epecter haunta Lurope. It la the (host of unrest When I started out to InterTlew unrest' In Europe I did not rive my ear to the Idle theorist who alajs know all about etery- thlor. but never from direct expert' l70br!ZYhAV 'who u "riously ill and not ex- hu d"th wa or tne poor. Cbllareo who bad been ... .t V " robbed of their youth, who had neer pected to live. accident. a only a cou- owned a flower, poorly fed aod nit- Mr. and Mr. R, T. Johtumn p,e of ratche ere found .n eraoiy ciao. Crajcrt out of be-I by ftf U'lnllncf inoitt n.ri tK ,l.v theirs early in the season.' hU face. He had been nuffcr- alarm clocka. aoumllnf the call to toll. -.. ,: .Z . . , lt with . ..t K.r .v. when they should have been an.wef ounuay wim -sin. jonnsona " " ing the school bell, children physical- parent. Mr .and Mrs. D. Col- er i,mentf xollowir.g a troV ly unfit for the breadwinner stmt- er of paralyiU ome month asr. 'Jt"?. IU r.?' !!: S Mer. P. A. Canadr. E. L. Mr. Bradley wa found lyin,: w w x !mm s m a vi IAW u&ui. wa wr I m ' a ence with It. nor did I go to the aftta- driven Into No Woman'a land, the Canady and S, C. Wt of Man- near ine running board of hi fJ r0"" cum no4er th wor,,L Chester were in town Sunday machine in an unconxriou -tSTiaiir1 i7dker:Uwh.Tcerf I u"h "-" and spent part of the day with " minute trouble, who la trying to mobllUe un-i Be' e war men were brooding j jj y Campbell afterward. rt and marshal it' under the banner n,,1 TlfT i Measrs. D D Johnson J II Funeral nice were held of ItevoluUon. I passed by the place- ,nM n'rrorlng life, pictured thej essra. u. u. jonnjon. j. . . f it hntm, tm..rviVe iiMH.n i ! horrorm. They wer the aubject of IMorcan. Wm. Uochurch and D.",1"1 anrnoon t 3 o c lok po, c oiWM.oo ana aeoaie. r- M. Mc Kinney were in town ai -naiyeaie :pnr.jr cnurtli. ies. v"- " f .wor? imiKV ?c...i. interment be nsr in the churrh- rious to those who failed to get " - P- P-! SSJ McKinney were I n knA,i,. f nnr,., trnm thing over with their wiee aft- ,:aturaay on ouine&s. iv.jr iU1 -xiv, nut.iwiA- - j i sougnt knowienge ot unrest rrom .Z Tv... . " . . I . . ' . .. vanrl Tdmnw f . county auditor in the Mr. Henry Lee Smith made those who knew it from contact with it. r !b audrn had g on. to bet and I Mr. D. A. Honeycutt went to;' , Rrn,r ! PfPf aN tic primary in June, his first shipment of asparagus thos. who were part and parcel of it. "y,; iJ'Vu jDunn Monday on kuaineaa. (enled the funeraL Mr. I rad- Ir. War. is th nnlv todav. I went t the t! u th. h.i Mr. T. T. Eaton has been at- one of the mo.t widely average man. I talked with the will be given to class day exer cises and the senior recital. The this office. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Stewart class motto reads : "There is no visitedMrs. Stewarts parents in elevator to success; take the Dunn this week. stairs." It will be interesting!. Mr. J. Walter Turnage, con- -w.w m.-t- , r ..... Most of the boys here fail to aweaty. dirty coal miner at the mouth ! ? P' back, only to look Into pointed po.t master for IhU ow? na r e5teemeU i rnai awvavaa ivr m iHAiKaff aw aaA a- n m rw i u ev m am aw & .mimm. finrl onvthino- pvti, i th of the shaft- He had Just come from "T. 'v. - - rDice. . , ... ., . .i i . t. uir itir bi ifib . 5 r l t .11 i II,." : u.. u, ,u -' . . . , Mr. II I. Ittri nf P.lir r. varouucii ami .-. . , . . fround. I visited the man who works ,v , f.i. - 'r-ii. c....--.. .-j c.. PaJtor Farmer conducted th.- n v r -ck a-a-ara n vi a-! rr r a-i n m wa ra aTi a k. t w a .a. . . w . iitus. a. aw . uvaa i aaaaa aaiaaaaa va aaa a-ara a aajat xiie iil m. a a. sa a a k m aa. mi -. iia - - - along. We hope that this fad -p- of th. teamster. I wt to f.o j "J t " Mr. and Mm. C. II. does more than increase the tones. and talked with men between ' ?ubc Ubrarl.a. brought light to and inspiring to hear the fare- tractor of Dunn, was in Lilling-j price of this popular well song of a class with such a ton On business Tuesday. ! which is likely to be t meaningful motto. The exer-i Auditor McKinney of Ral- however, if it succeeds in in- the two whistle which mark the time . the dark minds of the workmen, la Strickland of thU place. garment, of the noon meat They munched at ' t "ght they saw more clearly belr ie result- black bread, ate chees or aausage. ! d a apl?1' 1 f aulied te..7offeo or cheap, diluted red h,,p r,b,-..It.U tural ambition . wine. of roan to climb. CARD FROM MR. RAY. MISS OMA MATTHEWS. He wanta to get oo i inrai lima wiin in line, mi ... ... - - . r r.ioa tnA rtntu will rhaHlv picrh is snptiHincr q fow rlnva in snirincr some of the new cnn. i.iu k. .. ...n .. ik.. : nd P- ignorance bad kept mm from tAi uor rew s . i'JV.J 1 Aaa SMAX-rMVay , 0 g '-""----O " m. v tv -- mmm - a " I Vf V IIVI V w 9 w a aaew a verts to overalls, with the idea that it might be well to do a measure the capacity of the au-.Lillington on business for the ditorium in numbers attending. ;town. On Thursday morning at 10 Mrs. Hiram Baggett returned! little real work and produce o'clock the annual address will Sunday from Richmond where something, some benefit may be be delivered by some speaker she has been visiting her sister,; obtained after all. yet to be selected. At this hour ! Mrs. Medley. j Miss Fannie Brooks, county the diplomas will be presented! Mrs. R. P. Wray returned home demonstrator, will be in work through no fault of their own. Only yesterday many, yen most of these men were In khaki; now. back on the Job In OTeralla. they were think ing. Their speech was troubled. DIs- ronteut looked out from their eyea. I could feel It. They talked It. but never as unreftt. always proteat. Unrest Must Be Quieted. ; Mi Oma Matthew, daugh ter of Mr. and Mr, Clem W. Matlhewa of Kipling, died in i cllmblnc Irnoranea) la darkneaa. Men A . -.-..1 m--.K.- -.f m. stumble when they try to go forward - . . ,, itfr ... ,. ,,iKex Hospital Monday. She had In the dark. Education I. the light In Wends In different part Of the b . . for treat- the road. They sought to make ha.te. county have aaked In regard to "en lKen 10 aieign lor ireat tomkk.pfortb.ioata.woc.uool UIon M to thc comn ment ,me te n day. ag o by Dr. taught them to want thloga for them- . f , mi Arnold. The remain were aeuee and their famlllea that their Primary. I hope you w ill J P,brohl homc and funera rai nattr-a. ami nuiinavrai naTpr inouiaK ui nail 1 iir ininiwinr il m. ir iiip 11 l . Olivia this week in the interests of her canning club work. Olivia already has several ex perienced cold pack canners, W. A. B. MAMERS NOTES. to the graduates. Diplomas'; Tuesday from Zebulon' where from Lillington High School she has been on a few days' admit to any college or univer- visit. sity in North Carolina without ' Dr. J. W. Hal ford and Dr. J. further examination or test.F. McKay went to Charlotte Many graduates of this school this week to attend the State are now in the various institu-i Medical Society meeting there, tions of learning throughout' Miss Fannie Brooks, county. the State. They are reflecting; home demonstrator, is spend-j The farmers of Mamers sec- great credit upon the local in- ing a few days at Pineview and!jon have organized a comnanv stitution. jPinehurst this week attending and are going to pUt up a cot. Thursday evening at :30 lectures on landscape garden- ton a Mamers Part of the will be presented the school's ing. Mrs. J. W. Half ord acorn- 'machinery for this irin has al- own proauciion 01 ine roman- paniea ner. ready arrived This will mean tic musical comedy, "The Gyp- Dr. W. I. Cranford of Trinitj !a great deal to the farmers of sy Hover. Director, Miss Kuth Uollege will preach the bacca-'fj,:- gection Corpening, pianist Miss Blanch j laureate sermon at the Lilling-; jjr. Allen Jones is erecting a jonnson. vveeKs oi practice ion nign ocnooi auuuorium on new residence in Mamers. have been put into this number Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Misses Idell O'Quinn on the commencement program! Mr. O. P. Shell of Dunn, can-1 Beulah Moore attended preach a 1 . in 11 1 1. m . 1 i anu no one in mis vicinity win diuate tor judge 01 tne recor- jnir at SDrinir Hill Sunday if a a a . i a a a a . a 1 lra nardiy ao themselves the in- der s court and politician dt justice of failing to witness it. j luxe, spent Wednesday in Lil It will be a rare treat.. The lington on business. The judge play will wind up the closing 'says he is sane and therefore exercises. 'safe. All persons attending com-j Mr. J. T. Ellington of Angier mencement are urged to be j was in town Monday on busi present and be seated before ness. . the appointed hour for opening Mr. M. J. Senter will hold a each exercise. The lady prin- sale at public auction of per cipal, Miss Richard, says this is Jsonal property and household "positively must." She means effects at his residence near 1 Kipling this coming Wednes- no hth Carolina ' Quite a lis of desirable harnett county. ipropertv is offered and no wanting. The home which aatUEed ;wncn fjg final. iiivir mrnii atrei ana imuiri Owing to the jvicea held at Chalybeate IS.t 1 l.t. I '"H'" Thalr atate of tulnd la the problem, j .beta. The bathtub and tooth breah are unutiiun ui niy neaun uu uic . ffprrmfin -t -, nn rnnn iinn ni m v i viimiiiwii wa imj a 9 t .a a a B - uunai in tne cnurcnyaru. Unrest la epidemic: It Is militant, i acquired bablta. The de-Ire to straight complicated There la little of pacifism In It. It Is ! en the back that has bn bent In toll 'nrivate affairs I will not be a 1 f. I A. . . . . u . - Km wfAtt " ' close to the cause of this dlseaso which , One thing stood la tho way It b- candidate Ueiore tne pnmar) Spring Baptist church Tue- elock with MUa Matthews waa about 14 .' year of age and had been in ill . t t e a . and the work ought to succeed Vl !TZ f!lb .irZiZ ij! thl. year for county commla. fc . h f wli Vior w a n "uu " : ' 8ioner. uui ai tne tame time . . ,...., - ... ' - - - viuiivi. av ttic mm 111c kiiitt: . ... . . , the minds of the men we are looking; and dlsUnctl porerty. They saw this . ... , f bore her CroM with that forti- to and depending upon to do the Imp. table obstacle waa made out of ,nJr neany tuppon Will DC tree- , charaeteriatir of n tru4. worlda work. It doesn't take a ', ,-oor wagea. They aaw more. They aaw ' y given the party a far as , prophet to understand that If heed la that poor wagea built th poortiouaea an- aJe 1u knowing mV own . ... . a Ll i.lt.il.. k. . m m a I a it, . ft.au..t i w y not given to me minica irruaung mem i nod nuea mem. orgaoueti wm rra 1 , , , 1 . . i and a remedy Is not found for the Irri-' Hoea. Introduced the soup house. Out wcuci f ,vmn-fi,v nf . . . - , . a T W - 11. . t W - " " ' T The bereaved have the heart the entire aawawwv alias vaaiiitwa . , 1 community, h for the party and the people as I ought to do. P1SGAH CLOSES. - 1 aa a tatlon. serious trouble will follow. of their thoughts. In tbelr experience, (one Cle, 1 Know mat 1 cannot While war la hell. It haa at least1 tbey carved a truth. "Ae long aa some as muc tne renramt or aiscipune. a reToiu , penpie nave mora man m-j ra pur iinn rrovrlnr out of unrest would meaa alblv use. while others through do " mm. m m . 1 ..... . . . mob madness, terrorism, fanatical. : fault of tbelr own have less tban tne 7 1 ncrciore 1 ininiC II DCSl IO give brutal, cruel and merciless. Once I abaolutely need, something la wrong.- !pacc lo a younger and tronger. The school at Mt. Pigah will started, it would spread like wildfire.; and when thecal to arms cam. the , Mftll!rlft tVM.v A.ril tn TK.,. The world would bo awept from Its thought were living in me maaa bubu . - y . a-nsea. Tha tire would run it courae ' of the world. Many not cooceroed with ' strong men In Western Harnett will be an address at eleven until stopped became there waa noth- the problem of the other eeteo eighth-. but j wJj gUgg;e)ll ony two o'clock, picnic Sinner, exerci Ing left to burn. Who darea picture the knowing nothing of hat was happen- j . ,.,...,, . . . 111 state in which it would leate the; isg in the minds of the men and: Mr. J. Ambrose Buchanan of in the afternoon and again in world? In this day. when the nerve : women of toll, and raring leas, toy Upper lAUIe Uiver and Hr. II. the evening, beginning at eight of the world are 00 edge, when cold! did not know that theao men were V. Cameron of Johnsonville. o'clock. Even-one is ronliallv and hunger Irritate, one shudders when , uniting and planning to tear down tbo he thinks of the fate of civilisation wall of poverty. If unreK Is not checked before It ex piodea In passion and wrath. Unrest existed before the war. It was an acorn then. It Is an oak now. lie fer e the war men were complaining. ml fnatlv rnmnlilnlnr. ahn( their lot Wednesday night, the 28th, e X-1 The difference now la that four years -.-..It-.-, il L rni 1 I I . t. . -, k... Mn.w4 lh.ni tn ternoon. The commencement exercises of Mamers school will be held on the 28th and 29th of April. The exercises will begin on Both are good prgoressive bust- invited to attend. AT CHRISTIAN LIGHT. closing Thursday night. Green's first trip since recover ing from a severe attack of pneumonia. Attorney B. Ray Olive of Fu quay Springs was a visitor in town Wednesday. Attorney J. R. Barbour of stop complaining and act. taught them mucn. the greatness of force- Back of their present tendency to act Is the grown grievance and the war lesion. Before the war they com 1 icori-t.mi.wra vawai new men and each would add ' strength and vim to the ticket. ... Mhi: 'l.fkl babiea my poor judgment it Fata, mis, clotbea, milk for babiea ' ' Commencement exerciH s t and other necessities ere scarce la.WOUld be a Wise thing to put1 . , ., Iieriin. hd to high-priced th.t ih.'them both on the ticket, pro. ChrUt Ughthool wil be held poorer psle -rdJy them w rf h q h d Monday April 2C. beginning at at all; yet ths ahop windows along I ' 4 p. m. A most interesting pro Unterden I4nden sre full of beautiful 1 board should drop OUL I only They learned of. goods. suggest thU aa I know the men V " T . no?D'T mi: hi.: re all right, and I think West- Ine Puu"c " coruiany inviteu. fact that Berlin and other cities hnte - ' t less population than Wfore the war. em Harnett neds more re pre- t.,r, tor t4lW ml t Nr.. Ererr candr store window In IWrtln sentatlon. oSS. Soldiering plained; today they demand. It Is In-1 haa a crowd before It all day long - . .a . a. a a e -.( Adults, as well ss children, stand and stare st the dlsplsys of sweets. Movies most of them Immoral a ra , Respectfully, D. P. RAY. terestlns to examine unrest la the complaint stage, ss these men knew It before 1914. These plain, ordinary sversge men j slwsys crowded. Twelte new moving have, always been Intensely human. picture bouses sre to be erected. The Benson was in the countyseat h?ey ,,0T? lhet.rK T'T "d STTA 10091 tmM ar tL J I iti 1 1 v.il fnp lhalp hnmaa lha rait I ra rrA mAtm. Wednesday. keenlr their responsibility for the hap- i Theaters sre crowded, end so Is the Mrs. J. W. Mason U Improving Attorney C. R. Partnl of An- Dlness ofthelr loved ones. They bare opera, as a rule. after a few davs illness. r 1 ipph vi ft - . .. . - - 1 - . - in, P"r He reported the condition oi vipr w In tnwn Wpdnp.dnv hut one thing to gie. Before the war ed having his daughter, Miss Pauline Bla-j Register of Deeds W H !h!7 '! " ronofoi-i!. . ' . . . -kcjjiaici ui UKKUX v . il. uw Their oni FOR SALE I'nder and by virtue of the power ,iUf !,-..- .,, ...jii of sale contained in the mortgage doubt a laW crowd Will be on ded executed by K. B. Johnson of hand at the sale. Harnett County, on the 12th day of 1 vf t a tiiii- rt..-. Uecemher, 1914, to Adams Grain ft Mr. J. A. Blalock of Dunn Provision Company, and recorded in j Was in Lillington Wednesday. i I. . . Ill m 1 Tl 1 a) 1 m iiib uini:e 01 ine uegiaier oi ueens oi Harnett County, in Hook -01, the said mortgage deed cr-u uui uMiKiieu anu iransierreci : i. . n , i.y ll.o Adams Grain & Provision 10CK as unimproved, one 13 in Company to J. C. Thomson, default la hospital in Asheville. Miss having been made in the payment of vtninnu. ta ,nu 1,-. ..... i. 1 ti Hie note secured by said mortgage; Blalock is Well known in Lil- he undersigned win offer for sale atilington, having visited here of- ihe courthouse door in Lillington toL 1 he highest bidder for cash on Mon-len. '! f Aril2thf l9i0, a ,,,he !,our .of ! Mr- L- p- Surles of Dunn was . . iiuvn, me 1UIIUWII K U- ill) , , Hutu yiupeny, 10-wii: i --umift tvn mviiuajf . i noil oi LUKe was eiectcii a iiegins at a stake In Salmon's line.! Attorney Robert Godwin nf!u. f i c i e zhera his line crosses the river roadie AUOrneJr ooen uotiwin oi member of the State board of nd lutis as his line north 31 euntUnn Was in town on business pYnminfr tnr tnrm of iv .u u li n. ii i i ma ui ntn aha tr 4i iir..i i " . . Iglnal corners of Chas. V, Johnson's ,7 . ' . mi; thenco west lo.oo chs. to the he Lyceum singers, vocal ht of way of the It. & II. rallroail. r.iin-tta i-.--.. i.i i. ten us this right of way 8. g 1-2 K.r , ' cuiui quancin, hi ens. to tne river road: ihenro inos. soios. etc.. at iiiiinrton High School auditorium Friday night, April 23. Don't fail to hear them. 8FJUWC HILL NOTES. A. AUCION Q H6 We are glad to know that' r.T nlnnrD rno -aii ON APRIL 24, 1920 Faucette and Auditor Allen M. Shaw went to Raleigh on busi ness Wednesday. At the meeting of the North Carolina Medical Society in Charlotte this week Dr. Wm. P. i tills road H. G3 PJ. 5.50 chs. to the ginning, containing 5 -1-2 acres. Tills March 22nd, 1920. (Signed) J. L THOMSON, Transferee of Mortgagee. Land Posters for sate at The News Cilllce. Chickens, eggs, butter raise 'em on your farm and hrlna om t -----o . Mr .and Mrs. Neill Green of Dunn were visitors to Lillington Wednesday. This was Mr. years. Mr. Marvin Edwards and Miss Vera Dorman motored to Durham last Sunday and spent the day. a art arm a xviiss uaye jonnson nas re signed her position with Bag gett & Johnson and left for Raleigh this week where she has accepted a position. sparingly It was their I lahor. Their one source of income waa the pay enrelope. With their wages i they had to buy shoes, clothe; food. 1 and proTlde ahelter for the Uvea they ! brought Into the world, and for the women they had choseo to be the math era of those children. -Hams" fare All. ' "Home, Sweet II oma" Is the Inter ! national anthem. It It ths heart song of the average man. The club plays no part In his life. From hla boms be goes to work, and from work he goea home. Khauties snd tenements sre not homes. These men hsve alwaya protested against the ngly shacks In ' which they were compelled to house their loved ones. They bit their Hps In jobless dsys when their children went to bed hungry. Resentment grew la their hearts when they saw how poorly dressed their wives snd clilldren were. They muttered curses when their children were forced to go to work. a They wanted to give their children a better education than they bad ra. a (tetter chance In life, and they laxiihed at laws prohibiting child labor, While conditions cum pel led chii . . Mr. J. W Mason was a isl- -Old Timers" en Rhine Again. ' n P r..r. :... Quite a number of regular -old tinvor at Mr. B. F. Mason a Satur-ers- who marched to th. Ilhloe with day. ! ne mu, one JenMr cou- JLhTirvn We arc gUtl to ee MU IVrl two buggies and harness, farm r vk uli XtL 1 22lalS!'Maon out again after a few , m , to the Lnlted States snd discharre.i ImolemenU of all kinds corn snd enlisted agsls. go to tasks up :ba days illness. irnpirrnem-a oi mil mnus. corn. Fifth snd rtftitth infsntry regineota We are lorry to hear of Mrs. fodder, shucks, hay. one wheat which armed recently la the vicinity .,- ,. c.ri-Lt. m... of Coblens to await possible dupatrhpv , , . l,,neM- - thresher and homrDowre all of In the near fature to Upper Silesia to! Mr. R. L. Bullard and son ef inre,ner anu norsepowre. au oi supervise the plebiscite. im county were visitors In our household and kitchen fund- ..v.". ..ri " dl"".?v- glum before the armistice. visited Mr. and Mrs. N.(A. Ma- gin and fixtures and pres-s, al-t ptuss Leases iJ. ooo.ooo, son Sunday. a.. . a m m a w Tlis I'olian proieaaor, a. a. weaeo- Mr. and Mra. B. F. Mason tur- one 1 rtl 80'w cotton platform scales. XXfm a rm ia-u av--v n la.m .--r.w. .t,i.l f lha tni.lll-nr d-C? " . ,-rtmeia of the sil-nus.iaa govern-.of Mrs. O. P. Thomas Illness. of Sa ,0o.cok M mem. eaumaiea mat m wwi wr, DUl nope ner a speeoy recovery. iMdshevism. a ''! "ft Miss Bessie Naul. Mis Hat disease has coat Ilussis a total of , t. 4, . ... !. , ,. . an) uvea. He piarea the eoat of boi- tie Butler and Miss Maude Hoi-, .hetUm St 12,20.000 Uvea. rofeaaof!dcr visited MUsCS Pearl and Osaendoffsky asys that formerly the t Masm Mondav nlfht ll.i.lsa roroUtlon Increased at the,1" n loncuy nignt. 1 itia rvar&nna mlntita. Tadit v- - - . . ... . ... . am . . ...I ., .v i -r v -i . i- ,t. . .-- ' ijobi loraei idii ibiiiini m v a, ' wi mwr imi --. i uni-.iiui ai mi i-i.w . ,, ,, ,, .. --,....- -r.t r DDjril mm wwii mm Miiri.. t owj war una ..ij... Place of 5aUi At Resident M. J. SENTER Kipling. N. C it to thirteen a minute. wsat fares prod are. eoa A Co aad get good