COUNTY NEWS THE PUBLIC WELFARE IS THE INTEREST OF THE WHOLE PEOPLE- Lillington, N. C.t Thur$Ujr, May 20, 1020. Vol. 2 No. 21 ."c TEH COPY $1.50 PER YKAR "If It Concnu Harnett, It'a ln THE NEWS' HARN o O O.MAX GARDNER MAKES DEFENSE OF HIS POSITION Only Man in Gubernatorial Race Who Refused to Answer "linbor" Says lie would Be Governor of All the People and Xot of (lass In Dunn Wednesday 4 P. M. MARSH-McLEAX XUITIALS. FROMBUNNLEVEL lion, O, Max Gardner, lieutenant governor and candidate for the Dem ocratic nomination for Governor, de 1 Jivei'ed one of his vigorous speeches " in Hsirnetts courthouse Wednesday at J p, in, A Ppeefh would not be char iicteriMle of Mr, Gardner if it were not vigorous, full of the fire that is part of his very being, Thai Mr, (lurriner ik an Interesting speaker no one who linn ever heard him will flunsUon, Defense of Ills powUlon In refusing to iniNwei orsuiiilKed lnbor' question nulre whs the burden of his renmrUe, Jlo mude a good defeiiHe, He caught (lie ear of hid ntulience at the outset when he declared hla ambition to be Governor "of all the people," Undi vided attention wan cinched for him then, because (his uppoal uttlkert a popular chord, Not a soul was Been t4 leave the audience during the ad dress, and the courthouse was pack ed, Among the hearers were a good number of ladles. Although Harnett County Is purely agricultural and has no fear or favor for organised labor, the speaker was so much in earnest In his fight against what h termed the dictate hu1u of a small percentage of the State's people that lie devoted almost hit) entire time to the subject of the questionnaire, rtevlewing his lifework briefly in behalf of his party and the Btate, he declared that he did not care to as , mime the Governorship unless he could do bo unfettered by any pledge to any particular class of people, Hid love for the State and its people, her glorious traditions and best of all, The Presbyterian church was a' scene of springtime loveliness Satur-j Mr- and Mrs' P - Smyth have day afternoon at 4 o'clock when Missjj"8 returned from a short Ylsit to Mary McLean, the attractive daugh-lhe,r People at Duncan and Oulf. ter of Col. and Mrs. Dan Hugh Mc-! Many people of the Duncan section Lean, became the bride of Mr. Wil-!wi11 be 80rry to hear of the death of liam Franklin Marsh. The church I Mr- John Wood of tnat section. He was filled to overflowing with theenTes a wife and two sons, his wife i . . a m friends of this popular couple. The!uem an " nianj- years decorations of longleaf pine, moun tain laurel and syringa had been ar raged In a most attractive manner among the white draperies which covered the altar and choir loft, while i cathedral candles shed glow over the fecene, Preceding the'taklng of the vows, Mrs, L. J, Arnold, pianist, wearing a cream figured lace costume with cor sage of pink and white sweet peas, and Mrs, W. 11, Hobernou of Council, N, C violinist, In black georgette embroidered In gold with corsage of pink and white sweet turns, rendered most beautiful and ex(jullt dc Hons: Minuet In 0, Hoothoveil, Vien nese Hong, Krlcaler and HumroeRqufl, Especially effective were the soft strains of Traumerel during the cere mony, As the strains of Lohengrin's wed ding march sounded forth, little Alius Margaret McKensle Hoss, dressed In white organdy with trimmings of pink rosebuds and hat to match, pro ceeded down the left aisle and met Master Palmer Klrkpatrlck In a white satin suit. They mounted the steps leading to the altar and opened miniature gates for the bridal party to enter, The groomsmen. Messrs. James Marsh, Marshall Kpears, Oscar Atkins and H, H. Pouglas, entered from the right and left aisles and crossing iu front of the chancel rail they took their pluceH Just within the gates. Next came the maid of honor, Miss Louise Iliue of Aberdeen, wear ing a handsome dress of cream lace over flesh colored sulln, large picture hat with trimmings of field flowers and lace, carrying Killarney roses. Little Miss Lena Itay Hockaday, Folks of the Duncan section will be surprised to hear of 1he approach ing marriage of Mr. Willie Austin of Duncan and Miss Ruth Dennis of Nooes Siding, the marriage totake their softil,lsu"e Mar 3otb. I School closes at Hunnlevel Thurs day and Friday night of this week. Air address, will be delivered by Col. Fred Olds of Raleigh. Everybody Is Invited to come, A grand time Is expected. Gulf has another business enter prM lo be started soon which will Internal. many people of that section and perhaps several other, FROM OLIVIA Olivia. May 17. Probably the principal event of the past week with a news Interest was the speech at the school house Wed nesday night by John' O. Shaw of Fayettevllle, Democratic candidate for Congress to succeed Hannibal L. Godwin. TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE W. II. Lucas and wife to T. L. West. 25 acres, consideration. 11.100. J. 8." Lucas and wife to T. L. West, S 1-0 acres. $310. I. W. Smith to T. L. West. 4 4-S acre. Ed Elliott and wife to T. I West. hlnnM t 4l. ...... ....4 t.,.l t her wonderful opportunities "for the "7,7 "1 , 7ir; 1h,,;h tiJluH.i tu .. white organdy with hat to match, was FROM BU1ES CREEK Itev, Fred N. Day of Winston was ln town this week, Mr. H. J. Creech of New York City spent a few days In town this week with his father-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Fleming left Saturday for their home In Raleigh. Mr. J. L. Hood of Qoldsboro waa In town this week to attend the com mencement. Judge J. A. Gates of Fayettevllle spent a few hours In town Thursday. Itev. Herman Btephena of Knox- vllle, Teiui,, was In town Thursday and delivered the commencement ad dress and left Thursday night for Washington, J). C, to attend the Southern IlaptUt convention which Is In session there. Rev. U. 11. Towman of Rocky Mt. spent a few days here this week. Rev, J. A. Campbell left Thursday night for Washington to attend the Daptlst convention. The house was full and accorded Mr. T.haw lrtt attonttnn nA 0 acres. $40 - - - . eU I SFV ill V 1 A applause. He began his 'remarks with " I .lame the statement that he la a Scotchman. DmI nd S- nbl- . lot In Dann. following It up with a eulogy of the '10 Scotch, taking It for granted. It Is W D ,,0,l"nl nd wife to It. L. supposed, that If all those present Dnn,n ' ke Jame Rest, lot n were not Scotchmen they should be. Dunn, 14.100. In this assumption, however, he waa w tK 'lad and wife to II. I In error, as there were many present I700' who answer to no hear! throb at theL "h nd 10 n- x" mention of the "bonnle braes of old unn,n" Dunn. 11.000. Caledonia," and who have not the r,or d others to K. east Inclination lo wear kllta or tdar uaronfr 1100. bagpfpe. i "odwln and wife to Wjll U. It li the consensus of opinion here 0 . 101 ,n PuBn' that Mr. Shaw In hi" ddress eihlblt-L v' wh4 nd wife to John ed no very high order of statesman- TnomM' ,0 dubb, 1 1.600. ship. In fact most of his time was L 1 ' u' TownMn'1 ""d wife to N. A. taken up by ridiculing Mr. Oodwln TowB". lots In Dunn, and reviewing the poverty of results "" Ooodman and wife to It. C. which the Sixth rom Oodw ton. Rerond cernlna what ha stand for. .. ,B Htori Creek, 111. lloend good roads, good schols, lib- . ; iro,a,n lo A lmms and eral appropriations of public money u- i acres. 1100. for the Sixth District, etc., all things . 1 " . 10 v' o'aBa. which would naturally he expected of .f'LV. V. . . . any candidate t nroctalm him.. if ...! oricaiana ana wire to A. C. nd which few would have tha hardl- 'nd ?lwa.rd "ra,,h' M'000- retort ok ciuxn jrnr. tomorrow," furnished the speaker wtih- material that brought out the eloquence that Is In him, "I am as proud as any man of our past," aunt he,J'lMit I love to think of the glorious tomorrowlhat whleh Is ahead of us," Mr, Gardner deelared that not one whlt of animosity rested with him toward any member of organised Ja bor, Individually or collectively, He would be their Governor, if elected, und they could come to him as could 4 the capitalist and the farmer in his overalls. Hut the pledge was too much for him, he said, and as an honest man he felt it would bind him to advocate the measures therein contained. He related the story of the old fellow who decided upon sui cide and used a "blind" brldje us the conveyance from existence to eterni ty. A son finding him, asked why the rash act. The old man stated his ring bearer, and curried the ring in a basket of pink rosebuds tied with pink tulle, The bride attired In most beeom ttig. traveling suit of dark blue plret twill with small hat of blark horse hart braid, with trimming and aeces aories to match, carrying shower bouquet of bride rose and lilies of the valley, entered on tha arm of her brother, Mr, A. M, McLeun, who gave her In marriage, and was met at the cahncel by the groom and bU brother Mr, Drooks Marsh of Salisbury, who was best man, The minister stood beneath an arch of mountain laurel lighted cuthedral candles. Rev. J. fC. Hall of I'arklon spoke the 1m presslve ring ceremony which united these two happy hearts, while Rev G. F. Klrkpatrlck invoked the blesn ings The little daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Junius t'earson of.Chalybeate Springs Is 111 at Rex hospital, Raleigh, Mr, Milton Henter, who has been attending Attflnltt Mouthern Dental College, Is home for vacation. itoouH nut roiiMi:u 'HKHVICN MKW Any en-service man In the Untied States of Its territorial possessions may borrow, free of charge, almost any book he wants for serious pur poses. The first place to go Is to the nearest library. If there Is no public library, books can be obtained from the library commission or the state library in the . state capital. The American Library Association la al ways the last resort. If no local 11 Following the ceremony. Mr. and jbrary exists, and if there la no library 1Lfta 1Lfotafi mfst.wl 1 1 lfnlklo'li w liapA ! .AtiimlaalAII nr t Q t A llhrATV. f ll A An umiio 1UI iicaicii. . IIU WUUIUII I . .... ... .... . . .111 . . ,.,iney ooaraeu me norinoounu irainierican uiDrary abuuwu wm u for an extended bridal tour, after books directly to any ex-service man which they will be, at home in Hal-'without charge, except that the bor you be a fine specimen in heaven with a blind bridle on." I "I am not going into olflce blind-1 Iy," sjiid the speaker. He took occa-' slon lo repeat what he had stated in the outset of his speech, that he would not attack his opponentsr He wanted to play the game fatrly and squarely, and would win or lose on the high standard. Mr. Gardner did not come to Har nett .County 'a stranger. Democrats here remember his efforts In their behalf years ago, and he was warmly greeted by all, especially by hla friends, of whom there is no small number, He was introduced by Hon.! J. R. Daggett. He spoke at Dunn at i 4 o'clock. i eigh where Mr.- Marsh Is engaged In business. The best wishes of all the Lillington people go- with them, for they are two of the town's most pop ular young pepole. Mr. Marsh, son of the late W. F. Marsh, made his home here before entering, the cotton business three years ago, and possess ed a large circle of friends in the business world as well as in social rower Is expected to pay the trans portation when the books are re turned. 'Ing the poverty of results uooaman and wife to R. C. Sixth Dlatrlef has obtained "J W K' Jlnson, lot In Dunn, i rln'e 14 year In Washing- "J; ft i . nd this he did not go. Con- , 8nUr lo T- R- !. To the Honorabl W. M. Road. Judge Presiding: We. the Grand Jary for the May Term. 120. of Harnett 8aprior Court, re pt fatty make the follow ing report: 1. We have Inquired diligently Into all bills brought to oar attention and have made returns arcordiogly. 1. We have Inspected all the of- J flees lo the courthouse and find ail of J Ihera In excellent shap. I. We have Inspected the county home and find It la good condition, except that the porch floor Bd a few new boards la It and that new plaalerlng Is needsd la most of the rooms. 4. We beg to make the following recommendations: (al That the vault la the oQre of the list istsr of Dd be enlsrgsd. (b) That a Janitor bo employed al reasonable and Ivlag wage for the sole purpose of keeping the offices la the courthouse, the courtroom and the rounhoute grounds la a sanitary, nest and clean order. (e) That the privy belonging lo the courthouse ho done away with and a new, modern, ip-!o-date outdoor closet replace It. (d) That a heating plant be la stalled to heat the courthouse and Jsll. RespectfaUy submitted. J. E. ELLIOTT. SR.. Foremaa. k. r. niTLtn. cunt. a. a a . neoa to oppose, out mere waa no mention of national problems, noth- ng concerning the league of nations or the problems of taxation, or the puuBiiun ui ine lauor world and the cost of living. He did de clare for a bonus for the soldiers. While advocating this measure Mr. Shaw had nothing lo say aa to how he 'expected to raise funds for this and also meet the constantly Increas ing expenses of the government. Lemon and C. Lee to Catherine Lee parcel land In Averasboro. 1100. T. J. Matthews and wife to C. II. Matthews, II I I acres, love and af- T. J. Matthewa and wife to Rhoda Stewart, II acres, love and affection. Tearl Harris and wife to Edward Smith and A.. C. Ilarnes, lota In Averasboro, 1100. D. C. Lucaa lo fhebe ueaa. 4 acres. 1100. As to detail, concerning hi. au pe- . " '. ' V 1. w"' IO wr"' ' Godwin, Mr. Shaw assured his hear ers that though Mr. Godwin had sent out free seeds he would send out more, and that whlh Mr. Godwin had Jl' ' Willie Pope and wife lo N. A. lie!!, tot In Dunn. fHO. Ed Smith and wife to N. Ilsll, lot put fish In the lakes and streams he would put many nor., Jleyond these two achievements no other ronrreta Sample of aervlre were insntloned. W, A, II. MMIIHAGi: MCIC.NNIM IMHVEI) NI NCI J MAY I A. W. McLean and wife to Edw. Smith, lot In Dunn, 1100. Elijah tieuraaa hd wife u N, A. Itetl, I lot sin Dunn, MOO. L. K. lUmey lo N .A. Hell, lot, MI8. W, M. Tart and wife to Geo. T. Hodges, 4 acres, f BO. iioiti: poi n xoria. J. L. Borrsll, Harnett county, to May Johnson, Duplin county. Wj; Dyrd and Luclle Ilyrd. both of Harnett. D. M. Johnson to Annie Turlington, Harnett. W. A. Porter to 8usan Matthews, Harnett. O. E. Johnson to Ida Coleman, Harnett. W. T. Marsh. Raleigh, to Mary C. McLean, Lillington. Walter Norrla to Martha Lee. Har nett. Colored Willie Jones to Connie' Hicks. Harnett. ATTENTION, VETERAN. Daniel MeDougald Camp No. till rill hold regular meeting Monday, May nth. for the purpose of elect ing deegatea to the Reunion In Fay ettevllle June 1st. 2nd. Srd. Regular meeting for the election of offlcers Is generally held In August. but this business will also be trans acted at May meeting. All members are urged to be pres ent Monday. May 24. A. E. MeNEILL. Commander. William Davis, Cumberland. If a local llbrray or a state library Bertha Wltllama. Harnett commission exists in your community MIKNIONARV HOCIETV. The Woman'a Daptlst Missionary Society met with Mrs. J. W. Hilford to Tuesday afternoon. The subject for study waa mission work la China and Mra. Oscar Parker and Infant son of Luart returned home Friday after spending aeversl days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mra. N. W. Parker. Mrs. J. C. Peine and chlldrea of Hunnlevel spent Thursday with their aunt, Mrs. W. W. Cox. They were accompanied by Mr. Ralae, who waa on hla way to attend commencement exercises at 11 u lee Creek. Rev. G. r. Klrkpatrlck visit! sev eral homes la this section Wedaes day afternoon. Mr. ad Mrs. Curtis Godfrey, ee romplnled by MM Adams and Mr. Eik Anderson, of Duke motored over lo Mr, and Mrs. O. A. Wlektr'f Sub day afternoon. Mrs. Hugh Ilalne and chlldrea of Manchester spent the week-end with her sister, Mra. W. W, Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Thomas and children, accompanied by Mrs. Otcsr Nordon motored dowa from Mamers and spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mra. George Dyrd aad Mr. aad Mrs. James Nordon. Rev. O. P. Klrkpatrlck preached a very Interesting sermoa at Harnett Sunday evening which was attended by a large congregation. For the benefit of thoeo who caa not attend Sunday school at Harnett In the afternoon, the hour has ba changed to 1:41 In. the morning. Ex cept on first Sunday afternoons It will continue at 1:00 o'clock oa ac count of preaching service at 4:00 o'clock. Wo hop to have good at tendance from now on at both ser- Rev. Mr. Dlalock will preach at cllne. PROCEEDINGS IN SUPERIOR COURT Superior Court mhUh vnrtt4 on Monday toornlag with J4f W. VI. Dond of Edeotoa prwtidJec. flitUtsM bulaM Wedn4sy af irmoon. Po. Ilcltor Waltr D. KiMr of FiW Oty prr4 for the 8tst. Th follow ing ra r di cf; Duacaa Smith. chsrcd with btsg disorderly, not gsilty. Loaale ttryanl. rutMsg and ssull wih dsadty (? a. f.j. guilty of simple asalt. Prsvsr for Judf mM rontlfta4 on pTtnBt of costs. iUUU Phillip, tumoral corJhi. plsadsd guilty, pram far Jsdgment for 11 rsonths continued ea psytsettt Of C04IS. Rob Clark et aU. tr-u.. t.i guilty. Judgment of Rordrs Cos ft again! W. II. Mrltoastd tvr creoliy to animals, coafirm1. Ruii Murchlsoa. aiita:t t:uj ed gutlly, Judgtnsal MicdM on psymsat of costs. HtrWtt tlaksr, blocka4sag. pltsd ed nolo contendere, fined 1109 and cc-tta. . Slon Knight, same eSsate, same fine. Jas. A. Thomas, carrylag asy r- sonal property, not guilty. Carl llarrlngtoa. remitting cSr. pleaded guilty, Jadgmsat (oatlausd on payment of costs. Win. McNeill, fortsry, pUsdsd guilty 10 count, sentenced rosds I months. Rut; Murchloa. larceny, guilty, replace stolen articles aad pay cost. Ernt Ennt. arceny, aballted to forcible iretpass. Jadgmsnt conllnaed on payment of coats. E. D. Iloyle. blocksiing. Jadf raenl r.ontlnad II month oa p-tytnsttt of costs. c Aubrey RsgUter, larceny, Jsdg tnent continued on par meat of coat. Ems'! Moore. !rpe. p4t guilty. Judgment continued II month on payment of coat. Arch Trulove. submitted to sim ple aal. Judgment suaptadad on psymnt of coats. Alton Sorrsli. aaaaull. Jsdlinant luape&drd oa payment cf coat. Waah Itryaal, charged with mur der. Jury still out. All other caa were aol pros or continued. I I. n M II A It K M "What Is home without a mother? and wbat la mother' home without running water?" Dy their daughters ye shall know them the better the ball the better the heifers. The farm wood lot needs care and It should receive more with lumber prices aa they are. The -Cotton Roil WntU" Is a aew extension circular issued by the N. C. Agricultural Extension &err!c. Aak for E. C. 101. No charge. 8lac 1104 population la the U. S. baa bea Increasing faster than crop prodactlon; the per capita production of crop shoving aa almoat steady d or state, but does not have the books Harnt Simon Geddle to Delia Matthews. L.h.. . Itenre were some very Interesting pa- irnett. ... . , pera read. After the bw.Mnese waa life. Miss McLean Is greatly ad-.two months or longer, It necessary- needed, it (In either case) can bor- June Johnson to Alice Laowlter. Si a .w- v .." 7 . . . .L- !. it... .. .futo itH, iu. u.jvivav aviairu row me uuuno iiuui mo nine, nan uariieii. . . . . . . .. I by Mlsa Fannie Drooks servad a d Drary absuuuuuh , liii ..I. , ..... men. i ncnc w" "V IIRATli tW If. II. ItAltMOV LUAKT NOTIW. Mrs. J. B. Collins is able to be out again after being confined to her bed neyeral days. ' Mrs. J. P.' Gilchrist spent the week end visiting relatives and friends near Broadway- We are glad to note that Master John McLean is improving rapidly after an operation and hope to see him speedily recover, Mrs. C. T, Thomas and ""tyrs, J, II. Brown, have returned from .6. visit to relatives in Raleigh. Mr, and-Mrs, J. W. Salmon gave a call to see father who is confined to hospital, Mr, Preston Gregory is hoped to mired for her attractive personality and for the enviable disposition she has always shown. The out of town.guestH attending the wedding were: Miss Louluo Blue, Aberdeen; Mr. Brooks Marsh, Salis bury; Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Douglus and daughters, Dorothy und Rebeka. Norfolk, Vu.; Rev. und Mrs. J. K. Hall, Parkton; Mr. and Mrs. W- R Robeson, Council; Miss Mary Hocka day, N. C. College, Greensboro; Mr. aird Mrs, Hal Worth; Raleigh; Mr. and Mrs, J, C. Clifford, Dunn; Major and Mrs. E. It, McKeitljan, Fayette yille; Mrs, John Adams, Linden; Miss Cora Adams, Linden; Messrs. Cromej", Horton and Jenkins, Raleigh. mother, Friday evening following the wed ding rehearsal Col. and Mrs. McLean entertained informally complimenta ry to the wedding party and out of town guests.' The McLean home, noted for its hospitable atmosphere at all times, reached the vortex of its social zenith on this occasion when MRM. DARRCHU DEAD. Mrs. J. L. Darroch of Lillington R. mere are uuuh """"i M- ti if li.rmon died at hla and profession in which men have hom near Da,M CrMk Thursd,y al I, dU(1 Usl Thursday. May 11. She worked. There are booka on poultry th f -0 iisrmoa had bn in rMbU h-.iih tn, ....r.i raising., traction firming, dairying. LerYed ,n tht confederacy. He waa I months and her death waa not on- orcharding, and ail tne Otner purauua ettlisn. srood neighbor and a aioactad. Mr.. n.rr-h Hfr. oi tarm me; dooks on enin.r .... frlend to alK wlll D grtatly rlage was Mlsa Mary Dyrd. alster of logging, gold assaying, lead n i n ng. lmUn9d ,n thu community. Mr. Junius Dyrd. She leave a hue- The funeral service waa conducted band and six children, four girls and Friday at S o'clock by Rev. 8. A. I two boys. Edgerton In the Baptist church at Harnett school boos next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The public Is cordially lavlted. Mr. and Mra. Willie Dyrd. accom- Flgnre-a on crop acreage- la the South show a tendency towards mot diversified (arming. Only 21.4 per cent of te total acreage la 10 South- panled by hla alster. Mlsa lna. spent era State waa la cotton last year. chemistry, railroads, shipbuilding. seamanship; books on accountancy. advertising, real estate, office man agement. and all the detalla of busl- Buies Creek and the r'emalna laid to (COMMENCEMENT KXERCIME rest In the Dnlea Creek cemetery. Mr. Harmon la survived by a wife ness for employer as well aa em ploye; books to help in the choice of a vocation u wu iu u. vv and egnt children. aration lor It. More training means better jobs and more pay. Tha American Library Association, through its Library War Service, sup- AT COATS SCHOOL A FRIEND. Commencement exercise begin at Coats school Wednesday, May It, at it p. m. and continue as follows: Thursday, I p. tn.; Friday, 11 a. Friday la Fayettevllle. We retret to note the Illness of Mr. Que Dyrd. Her many friends hope for her a speedy recovery. We are glad to state the condition of Mra. O. U'Oyrd la somewhat Im proved. Mr. Robert Wicker motored over to the home of Mlsa Maldle Dyrd at Dunnlevel Sunday afternoon. Meewra. Clayton Parker and Roger Allen of Dunnlevel apent Sunday af ternoon at the home of Misses tna aad Verlle Dyrd. Mr. Tony Piinc la spending some time at the home of bvr parents. Mr and Mra. Gua Dyrd. M. D. C, compared with 2l.f per cent average for the past fit year. the soon recover, Miss Martha Ballard spent Tuesday its doors swung open AT FLAT nilAXClL Thara will ha rnm m u n Inn Bervlralm . 7-lft n m anf a n m .. . , .1 1 1 : i - - - -- pnea men in me ar.,r. iu. u.,, . t FUt Dra0cn church next Sunday Prof. M. C. 8. Noble apeaka Friday afternoon at S o'clock. This service I at 11 a. m. wilt be followed by a very important Prof. II. B. Meek la principal. congregational meeting for the. pur the marine corps with booka and magazines for recreation and for study. The war and navy depart ments have taken over part of the p0M of lecUng iwo ddiu0nal true- Mr. Waylon Smith of Chalybeate equipment of the A. L. A. war aer- . - - . c-mn D-.tor. It la honed Sorlnas. who underwent an oneratlon vice for their permanent library aer- lhat there w,n be m ,arfe alUndfinc for appndicltU at Rex hospital a few vice, and tne American unrary asso- . t ths errlce . d,yi 0 u rtpdy recovering. elation for the present is continuing 1 M..k tohn,on of r,anB B With Misses vAnnie and fithel chHst. A, c, Gli-G.. noiu) mxvurs mcAVtiH. tiit, May 17A negro eoiiviet whe eseaped from camp at Oulf ha hen returned to eamp by the Lee eounty effleers, This negro left the camp, gsing t Oulf hi ul hoardeil the Ai fe W. train and made his iseayg t ganfora, but h was eaught there by tbt ffleeri, The negro reeeived entranelng enes, a mm turouBit iuh ngut arm, nut was not perlously Injured, and many direct service to the merchant jna- guests Were the happy recipients of irine, coast guard and lighthouse sta lls genial hospitality between the tlons, public health service hospitals hours of nine and eleven. , and to ex-service men In hospitals Misses Frances Salmon ih lavctw def ahd pink georgette, and Mary Hoekaday wearing a dress of canary taffeta with iace trimmings, received at the front door, Baskets of moun tain laurel, howls of roses and sweet peas carried out the color scheme of pink and white, while myriads pi soft anoies shed their beams over the and to ex-service men m nospuaw. nM anttounced . eimlnatlon for The association proposes througli Its jUfhetl county, to be held at Llt enlarged program to be supported by Ungton tnd uutin;0n June 11, to fill a "book for everybody" fund, to pro- hAlnH n. ,ur.. P-,rir at Duke. mote the establishment of libraries fthd Lillington, and vacancies for every man, woman ana cniia " Uh.t may later occur., Applications the United states, should ha forwarded lo lha comtala ror Information about library er-L,0ft ftl WiBhjngt0M t th earliest vice gs to your leeai library or write Brglurable data. to your state uorary eommwion ai the state capital, or 19 the American RURAL CARRIER EXAMINATION. Lillington on business Wednesday. ' Mr. R. L. Johnson of Kipling was The U. 8. Civil Service Commission In town Wednesday. . has announced an examination for Mr. and Mrs. Yasser Matthews of Tampa, Fla., were visitors In Lilling ton this waek. pos riMTOFFlCK IIHOKKN OPEN. Gulf. Msy 17. The poatoSce at Gulf has lately been broken opea bat no cash has been discovered short. Only two C. O. D. pkse were stolea. one valued at 114.11 and ose 14.11. No evidence baa yet been received as to who did the robbing. SPECIAL TEN-DAY TIRE SALE 15 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON CORD CASINGS 12H PER CENT DISCOUNT . ON FABRIC CASINGS 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON ALL INNER TUBES If you need a new CASINO or an extra TUBE, our prkea on either will nave you money. judged 'on a mileage bania. e Spec 1st sste on Groceries In line of canned goods at John D. Johnson'a, Saturday, May Had, Bring your farm produce to Tom linson & Co, They will pay you top market prices, Chickens, eggs, butter-praise 'em on your farm and bring 'em to Tom linson Co, and get good prices for them, , WANTED ft f a 1 Ultk.nR iflmm m tmt . at n. . m,m AM-d'i0. n b. U..7, ,.,',.;; .. uHtaiii. r.ru7- ."LXn ' " "a Inn Ut Ohinaan III ., . BI UllinlDn t r.r,, ,a, a . ,,u.nuM0 iisums wuimif, 1 1. . as...... ' bibb avaaeai iiianisianr. a t -w v - wa v NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY IN THI SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK. Julia F. Dlnklne and Ilaaband. W. D Dinklns. Lenora Manna and Has band. Nelll II. Manns, and Mavy Reinhardl vs. Ullie lllnton and Hatband. George HlntDn. NOTICE The defendanta above named will lake notice that an action entitled as srior" .Undard make Hnrnett County. North Carolina. to,u iiuia. sell for partition certain tract of liud containing It 13 acre, lying In Harnett County, North .'arrttina; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are rrtu'red t't arpr before the Clerk of the u per lor Court of Harnett t'ouniy, said Mate, al I lie lourthoua uf said rojn ty In Uttiagton. N. C, on lh- nib day of May, lit), and ansetr or de mur lo the petition la said actlna. vt the plaintiffs will apply lo lbs Court fur the relief den.nnuel ti sld etli Hop A. A. MIH)VaI.D. 9 cierH aupertwr court. This 10th) day if April. IMP. It Corn, peas and other farm prod Qot more than you need? Take CAROLINA TELEPHONE ucis win u rui a ruou irice ay um (in i your iarm proauca surplus iu tumim! rl rrninu rt son & Co.'s. Fetch 'em In. laon a Co. and est aood prices. I LLtUliArlf i.U. I son Co, and gst good prices. Don't forgst that Tomliaaoa a Co. are buyers as well as sellers. Thejr want farm produce. KELLY -SPRINGFIELD MICHELIN LINCOLN HIGHWAY GOODYEAR UNITED STATES AJAX REVERE FISK Thfi aro all GOOD TIBIis and ag a tcp toward prrscn ini: your tlrca. EDWARDSS10T0R CAR COMPANY LILLINGTON, N. C

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