COUNTY NEWS-. RNET THE PUBLICVELFARE 13 THE INTEREST OF THE WHOLE PEOPLE Vol. 2 No. 22 Be PER COPY flJM) PER Y'EAR Lillington, N. C.. Thursday, May 27, 1920 "If It Concerns Harnett, It' In THE NEWS' A ,.- ) FAYETTEVILLE'S TRADE BOARD ISSUES A CALL s Fttyettivllle, May 20. Tha Fay ettevlUe Chamber of Commerea has JhhuoiI invtl&tlons to oil Chamber of t Commerce In the Stat of North Car olina to be represented at a meeting on June 9th, 1920, in FayettevlUe. The purpose of this meeting Is the organization of a State Chamber, of Commrece to take care of such prob lems as freight rates, shortage, of 'farm labor, education, and ail other matters pertaining to the welfare of North Carolina, Manufacturers, bankers, profes nioiinl men and all ether business in ttrests are also invited to participate. A complete plan ef organisation is going to he presented and experts in gtttte Chamber of Commerce work in other States will be present. . TRADE BOARD IS FORMED HERE TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE W. D. Holland to W, H. Adams, 4 lots in Dunn, $500. Neill A. West and wife to J. A. Monroe, 23.10 acres, $693. M. C. Butler to W. F. Wade, lot in Dunn, $100. Elizabeth W. Brown to J. C. Byrd & Bro., tract in Averasboro, $10. J. D. Rogers and wife to D. J. En- nis, 30 acres, $2,000. H. P. Edwards to J, L. Ennis,"2 lots, $62. v C. B. Hinsley and wife to C. C. Utley, parcel land in Buckhorn, $100 C; C. Utley and wife to Frank Gil liam, parcel land in Buckhorn, $100 O. S. Young, and wife to J. K. Adams, 61 acres, $100. Sarah C. Wiggins to H. C. Roberts, 2Jots in Coats, $500. A. B. Mimms and wife to S. H Butler, 1 tract in Barbecue, $8,000 Geo. L. Byrd and wife to Alice G. Thomson, 6? acres, $10. T. J. Matthews and wife to M vin Matthews, 72 acres, love and af fection. T. J. Matthews and wife to Lexie D. Matthews, 62 acres, love and af fection. , Edward Smith-and wife to R. L Godwin, 143 acres, $5,500.50. R. L. Denning to W. D; Holland 5 lots in Dunn, $10. " Robert A. Draughon to Madison Butler and B. W. Lee. 1 lot in Dunn $100. A. C. Barnes to E. G. Lee, 1 lot in Dunn, $3,500. . T. H. CummingH to J. L. Johnson 1 lot, in Lillington, $250. i . HOME DEMONSTRATION NOTES. ROBERT N. PAGE At & meeting of citizen in the courthouse auditorium Tuesday night at 8 o'clock a Chamber of Commerce was formed with the following ofn- cers: J. C. Thomson, president; II. P. Gentry, secretary-treasurer; directors , B, Barnes, Chas. Eatman, 11. A.' arker, J. O. button, II. T. Atkins, . D. Burwell. ; The Board of Directors was ap pointed a committee on by-laws and f constitution, who will frame the working plan of the .body. The or' ganisation will meet next Tuesday night to perfect its plans. Reports of committees will be submitted and passed upon at that time. In the meantime a canvass will be made for new members and it Is practically certain that almost every business and professional man In Lillington will join. Those attending the meeting, each of whom signified their Intention of uniting with the trade body, were as follows: N. McLaughlin, J, A, Marsh, J, R. Baggett, B. P. Gentry, J. C. Thomson, L. D. Burwell, D. H. Mc Lean, W, P. Byrd, J. B. Barnes, Chaa. Eatman, J. F. Batts, H. T. Atkins, S. Atkins, B. A. Parker. J. O. Sut ton, C. R. Parker, I. C. McKinney, Hiram Baggett, Marvin Edwards, W. F. Hockaday, J. H. Dixon, John Green, W. L. Sutton. There were some who were un avoidably detained from the meeting but whose 'efforts will be put Into the organization whole-heartedly and help to present Harnett's countyseat to the public with a united front. . Tha bright outlook for Lillingtons future business prosperity Is prompt ing the business men of the town to take on new life and interest in the movement to work in harmony and to "pull" together for the upbuilding of the community. The Chamber of Commerce of Lillington is expected to put forward measures that immedi ately appeal' to those seeking a de sirable location. Let '8 build up! Watch Lillington! BIRTHDAY PARTY. CANDIDATES FILE FOR PRIMARY Last Faturday was the Inat day for GIN COMPANY IS ORGANIZED A new rotton ginning company has the filing of candidates to b voted been organlted and chartered for Lll upon In the primary of Juno 6th. Ungton tinder the name of Cap rear Oln Company with authority capital' ' S THE PEOPLE'S BEST CHOICE FOR GOVf RNQB CLOSING EXERCISES AT . TRINITY, COLLEGE MEETING OF CO FED ERATE VETERANS Last Tuesday we met over at the ' Lillington High School building and demonstrated bread making, Parker .House rolls and the 20-minute dough tenting the yeast before .using it. About 15 worsen and girls were present. Those who want the Fleischmann yeast twice a week can get it through this offlce, but will have to put in the order a few days before getting it. Parker House rolls 1 cake Fleischmann yeast. 1 pint mik, scalded and cooled. 2 tablespoonsful sugar. 4. tablespoonsful lard or butter, melted. ' 3 pints sifted flour. 1 teaspoonful salt. 25-rninute dough: 2 quarts flour. 2 2-3 cups water. 1 tablespoonful salt. 2 tablespoonfuls sugar. " 1 tablespoonful shortening. C cakes Fleischmann yeast. The temperature of this dough should be 88 F. after mixing. m It is then allowed to lay 20 minutes. It should then be punched and turned over. Then made up into the pans in the next five minutes. This is al lowed to double up and baked in the usual way." A smaller batch can be made by dividing the ingredients into halves. - - On Thursday afternoon the Chris tian Light Community Club met with good attendance. We made two fire less cookers and discussed the value of them as not only a home conven ience but to "make mother's work easier." After the ,meeting . ' Mrs. Brown, with whom we met, served ice cream and cake which was en joyed by all. , " MISS FANNIE BROOKS, Demonstrator. Master Jack Jackson was host to about twenty-five of his little friends Monday afternoon, " the ' occasion ' be ing the celebration of his eighth birthday. For two hours the little folks in dulged in merry games, after which they were invited into the dining room where they enjoyed ice cream and cake. A cake with eight pink and white candles lighted on it car- ried out the birthday scheme. Those enjoying Jack, hospitality were: Louise Arnold, . Elizabeth Thomson, .Adelaide Shaw, Margaret Baggett, .Martha Washburn, Margaret Cox, Thelma Mitchell, Margaret Smith, Miriam Todd, Margaret Pip kin, Annie Caviness, James Tugwell, Charles Curtis Parker, . Harper Barnes, Jerre Pearsal, James Hocka day, Stuart Atkins, Robert Johnson, Jack Bryan, Register Parker, Hugh Cox, Tommie Batts, Norman Wray, Sterling Wray. The following invitations have been received: The Senior Class - of Trinity College requests the honor of your presence at the exercises of Commencement Week June sixth to ninth nineteen hundred and twenty Durham, N. C. Commencement Program Sunday, June 6, 8:30 p. m. Bac calaureate Address, Pres. William Preston Few, LL. D., Durham, N. C. Monday, June"?, 8:30 p. m. Gra duaung orations. s:45 to ii:l& p. m. Reception ih honov of gradual ing class. - Tuesday, June 8, 11 a. m. Bac calaureate Sermon, Bishop Edwin PIPKIN-WITHER8. Holt Hughes, LL. D., Maiden, Mass. p. m. Alumni and alumnae din ners. 8:30 p. m. Alumni exercises Address, the Rev. Clovis Chappell, Washington City. Wednesday, June 9, 10:80 a. m. Commencement address ,the Honor able Maurice Francis Egan, LL. D., New York City. Conferring of de The members of Daniel McDougald camp of Confederate Veterans met In the courthouse on Monday, the 24th. This was the regular annual session of the camp. The meeting was presided over by Col. D. II. McLean in the absence of Commander McNeill. The camp sends a message of sympathy to Ad jutant J. L. Smith, who is 111 at his home, with the hope that he will long continue as adjutant of the camp. On motion of Benjamin Stephens, all members of the camp who may be able to attend are appointed dele gates to the State reunion that meets in FayettevlUe on the Is. 2nd and 3rd of June. On motion of Bealamln" Matthews, all'the prewent officers are reelected till the next regular meeting of the camp. The following I 1M of those who filed: lrtnM-mla. For Sheriff W. II. Turlington. . W. McArtan, John Green. For Auditor C. N. Ware. D. I. McDonald. For IlegtMer oP Deeds W. II. Fau cet te. For iloune of liepreentstlves N. A. Townnend. J. It. Daggett. ' For Coroner Dr. L. J. Arnold. For Burveyo C. It. psrtln. For Recorder II. II. Mclean, Otis I. Khell. For County CouimU'loiiers (five to bo elected)' J. C. Byrd. W. J. Mc Htewart. II. T. Johnson, J. W, Jordan. J. A. Buchanan, J, W. Draughon. W. L. feenter. W. T. Hmlth. For Hoard of Education (two to be elected ) N. A. Hmlth. T. W. Har rington, Owen Odom, W. II. Stephen son. If. C. Cameron. E. R. Thomaa of Duke had an nbunced his Intention of entering the primary," but withdrew. Republican. For Sheriff W. D. Holland. For Register of Deeds J. Fur man Andrews. For Auditor H. M. Spears. For Recorder E. C. West. For County Commissioners N. T. Patterson. Frank Bethune. C. II. Tripp. L. C.Seawell. J. O. Sutton. For House of Representatives F. T. Dupree. For Coroner Z. T. KivetL For Surveyor John McLeod. From this day, all aspirants for political honor are sentenced to ten days on the anxloua bench. CONFESSION OF A RKPIBLICAN. HANFORD YOUNG MAN DIES IN GREENSBORO HOSPITAL There was a quiet but pretty wed ding solemnized at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Withers near Broad way Monday evening when their daughter Jean became the bride of Mr. James -Pipkin. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Alexander assisted by Rev. G. F. Klrkpatrick. Immediately af ter the ceremony the bridal party left for Lillington where there was given a reception for them by Mrs. Mattie Washburn, sister of the greom, at the Washburn Hotel. Following the reception Che .happy couple motored to their home on Route 4 where everything was. in readiness to receive them. These young people are very popu lar and have a host of friends throughout the county and State who wish for them much happiness. FOR KALE Used & Passenger Uuick. Good condition, with five good tires. Ap ply Edwards Motor Car Co.. Lining ton. N. C. (Political Advertisement) WHY DOES NOT SENATOR DE RATE REPUBLICAN LEAIK ERS. ASKS BROOKS of 160. 000 and 110.000 aab.crlhed The o racers of the new company ere: O. H. Atkins, president: M. T. Hpears. lc-preldenl: J. O. ftultSn. secretary-treasurer and general manager. Directors O. . Atkins. M. T. Upeara. J. O. Button. L. II. Harwell. 1. A. Parker. Chaa. Rosa. John C. Thomson. J. O. Layton. F. II. Taylor. Archie I Johnson, Geo. A. Wicker. The machinery for the ginning out fit has been purchased with promise of Immediate ahlpment. A new and up-to-date gin plant with all modern appliances' will be Installed Work will te started Immediately upon the building for the plant In order that It may be able to begin operation not later than Kptember 1st. The equipment will be three 10 aaw Murray gins with 10 horsepower crude oil engine. Canaclir will be 40 balea dally. Long staple will be ginned with the same facility as the short staple, the modern appliance turning oat the long fibre well pre served. The plant will be located conven ient and accessible by all roads read ing Into town. CHAUTAUQUA AT THE SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Under the aueplree of the Woman's Atttmary of4he Presbyteiian charth the Ptafford Chautauqua will on Jane Ith lo Ith present Pandrama Travel gas of the Hero Lands France. Paris, Iterbla. rteiglant and . Italr. Matte and motion picture feaJare thla Chautauqua. Klghf hundred screen maaterplecee In color. ftliten thoufsad feet of movies rlrtarrt. French and Italian ofSrltl war views. Clean dramas and festnre comedle. Piano selections and coransunltr tine log. rive big events In litre dara. This la a new and different chat taaqna. dlrWted and preheated by It. Stafford Dawson, who himself baa been across the water seven tlme and traveled eitenaivety abroad. Nothing but clean, wholesome, n- terestlcg and laughable rt tares i; be pree-ented. ' lie sore to see this Chautauqua at the School Auditorium. UHi&gton. on Saturday lo Tuesday. Jane Sth to Ith. FROM BUIES CREEK e Mrs. w: M. Wallace left Tuesday for Louisville. Ky.. to spend the sum mer with relatives. , Mr. J, A. McLeod of Lillington passed through town Friday. Rev. J. A. Campbell left Monday for Rex Hospital. ReJelgh. to under go an operation for appendicitis. Prof. W .M. Wallace eft Tuesday for SL Louis. Mo. Mr. N. T. Patterson, president t-i the Bank of Coats, passed throufs town Friday. Profs. L. II. Campbell and A. C. Campbell went to "Raleigh Thursday on buslneaav TO PROVIDE BETTER HOTEL FACILITIES Greensboro C-uultdate Thinks North Carolina Should Speak Frtmi Kni. e,fj , . Hour la T.cbuttai-cntTnibn. Sr.fnnLaUx 11. The hotel sltn- :cTn-bn ran Villlflratlon of the Pmidcwt nd Ills Administration Apire to Ir4 Flm Against IUdiralUm m of Johnson, Militarism of Wood, and React lottery Force of Sena tors Penrose and Lodge. Sanford, May 25. Nello II. Prlmm son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Prlmm of Brodaway, who died Sunday after noon at the hospital in Greensboro, was buried this morning at Shallo- well church, Rev. Walter M. Gilmore of thla place conducting the funeral services. r Mr. Prlmm, who was just entering young manhood, being 21 years of age, gave promise of a useful career. He had attended school atv Eureka and Bules Creek, and was engaged In the banking business at Broadway. About a month ago he went to the hospital for a minor operation, fol lowing which he developed a fever that proved fatal. CHATHAM CITIZEN DIES. Sanford, May 22. Chatham coun ty has losj one of its best citizens in the death of Mr. John A. Knight, who died rather suddenly Thursday morn ing at his home two miles from Gulf. SPEAKING AND RALLY TO BE HELD AT PINEVD3W There will be a public speaking and educational rally held at Pine- view Saturday, May 29 th, At 2 p. m Hon D. H. McLean, Rev. Mr. Caligan and other prominent speakers will talk on the line of education. The public is invited. SCHEDULE A. & W. RAILROAD Eastbound Stations Westbound P.M. A.M. Lv. Ar. A.M. P.M. TOMBSTONES FOR SALE 6:30 5:37 6:05 6:30 6:55 A.M. 8:00 3:15 8:50 9:32 10:00 11:30 11:37 12:05 12:30 12:55 Sanford Jonesboro Broadway Mamers Lillington Mixed Trains. Sanford Jonesboro Broadway Mamers Lillington 9:25 9:15 8:50 25 00 4:55 4; 45 420 3:55 3:30 P.M. 12:45 12:35 12:05 11:25 .-,1-.-, - . . . umvKBus, eggs, ouuer raise em on your farm and bring 'em to Tom linson & Co. and get good prices for tnem. The name of the gentleman who made this remarkable speech l.i not known, but It Is accredited to a Re publican, and to that organization goes the honor for the frankness therein contained: Ladles and Gentlemen: To me It Is exceedingly tiresome to stand here before an audience of simps, such As this, and try to bamboozle you folks Into thinking that I am lit "to hold an offlce. I am not fitted for office holding and I don't care a rap about the office, except the salary there Is In It and Incidentally the honor and the opportunity it will give me to get a higher place. I have aome oppon ents in this race. They are honor able gentlemen of Irreproachable character and splendid ability. I am willing to make any kind of an old promise now, but they, mean nothing. I want 'your votes. I am for what you are for and against what you are against. I am out to be elected. When I am elected you know just as well as I do that I will devote as little time as possible to my office and if there is any work to be done I will hire an assistant, at your expense, and that means at pub lic expense. . I expect, if elected, to ride about just as much as possible at public expense and you may bet that I will ride in Pullmans and stop at the best hotels and if I can attend to aome of my political fensea or to private business while journeying at The funeral nervlces Were held in the Gulf Presbyteriai church yesterday ,your expense, do not let me fool you auernoon in me presence or a large nt0 belief that I will not do that concourse of relatives and friends, thing. If elected I will use my offi Rev. T. E..WhIte of this place, assist- cjai position to keep our party In ed by the Methodist pastor at Gulf. conducting the services. Mr. Knight was 66 years old, and is survived by his wife and several children. MR. BARNES QUITE ILL. County Commissioner J. D. Barnes of Dunn continues Quite ill at his home. Ie has been confined to his room for about two weeks, and his condition showed slight improvement nntil Sunday night when he was ta ken suddenly worse. He is resting fairly well now. Between two and three hun dred styles with about five hundred different sizes to make your selections from. . QUALITY AND PRICES GUARANTEED Write or see me before buying W. T. CAMPBELL BOX It BL'IETH CREEK, N7 C. AMERICAN LEGION MEETING. Lillington t'ost No. 28 of the Am erican Legion will meet at the court house Friday evening at 8:30 for the purpose of electing officers. Refresh men will be served. All members and all ex-service men are urged to be present. Corn, peas and other farm prod ucta will bring good prices at Tomlln son ft co.'a. Fetch 'am In. power. II I nave appointments to make you jnay rest assured that they will go to those who have barked loudest for me, unless I can find someone whose influence I consider greater for roe and the party, and in that event the barker In this cam paign can go and howl. Let it be understood That political" friends are to be used or discarded as necessity arises. I am after a fat Job for my self and will take care of my friends j if it Is expedient for me to do so. I am too lazy or am not competnt to get out and meet the sharp com petition of the age in private busi ness. All I'm After Is the job and the salary. Further than that I do not give n cnr. Go out to the pvls election dny, work and vote fjr and after thct you can go and itay put' for all I care. 11 : f Misses Mamie and Ida Byrd and Messrs. Fltzhugb and David Sherron Aubrey L. Brooks challenges Sen ator Overman to meet him In five or more joint discussions In different parta of the State, so that the people may be able to Judge for themselves as to which Is better fitted and quali fied to serve them for the next six years. Senator Overman has declined the Invitation, and declines to come to the State and make speeches. In a recent campaign speech Mr. Brooks aald: "What North Carolina needs In my Judgment Is a fighting democracy. Fighting, not by letter writing: but by men who are willing to get down on the ground and go among the peo ple of the 8tate. meet them, learn I their wants and needs, and then go back to Washington and flht their battles. It la not enough for Senator Overman to say that he has support ed President Wilson by voting for the measures he recommended. S e have all supported him. For ten months past the U. S. Senate has been quar reling and wranglng, and has done nothing for thla nation, while the en tire civilized world la ablaze with dis order and distrust. "The people want a change. They demand a government which la more responsive to the forces which are shaping . eur. destinies the educa tional. Industrial and religious forces. For nine months Republican leaders In the Senate have ridiculed and de nounced the President, abused the League of Nations, and vllllfled the work of the administration. Why has not Senator Overman en gaged these Senators In debate and fight on the floor of the Senate to de fend the things which our boys aacrl flced and died for In France, and which the people In this country are so dearly Interested In? "Mr. Wilson says the defeat of the League of Nations will break the heart of the world. The vicious saults made in the Senate on him and the League have nearly destroyed his health. Is It not time that North Car olina should speak on the floor of the Senate its convictions, and Its de termination to bring out of this world crisis an understanding between civl llzed nations of the earth which will guarantee the settlement of their dis putes with braids and not with bul lets? "I do not aspire to betaerety blind' follower, but a leader of the new forces which are shaping the de tiny "of the world, a-progreslve dem ccracy which anxiously looks forward to the fi'tnre. and resolutely deter mines to keep op the fight against the vicolus radicalism of Johnson, the tiillitrrUm of Wood and the reaction ary leadership of Senator Penrose a:td Lodge." atlon In Sanford since the burning of the Sanford hotel aome weeks ago has been rather acute, though the other hotels In hte city have become rapidly adjusted te the new condi tions. Mr. W. A. Man ess has 'given a contract for extensive additions to hla hotel, and when It la completed It will be thoroughly equipped with all modern convenience and Im provements. MIL TIIOMAM WITHDRAW. Mr. E. R. Thomaa of Duke, who announced himself a candidate for the House of Representatives, baa de cided to withdraw. Mr. Thomaa finds that the duties of a legislator would take considerable of' his time away from his business, whleh he cannot well afford to sacrifice at this time. Ills many friends will regret "to learn of his withdrawal, as they fell Har nett county fortunate in securing Mr. Thomaa as their representative. FROM OLIVIA e - OlIvU. May 24. The setting of tobacco baa been carried forward rapidly daring the past wk and despite tosewhal un favorable conditions the condition of the crop appear good. The Ladies' Aid Society of,, the Olivia Presbyterian church met at the home of Mrs, 1L C. Cameron on Thursday afternoon. We anderttand that the Ladle ezpect to erect a booth somewhere la Olivia bntisesa sec tion and sell ice cresm and cske oa Saturday afternoons to raise funds for th eoc!ety. A number of the La dle and young folks met at the church Saturday afternoon and gave the church and churchyard a thor ough cleaning. Mr. DeWItt McNeill, who ha re sided at Ashevtlle for some time. Ls at home with her parents. Mr. and Mr. W. J. Olive. Mr. McNeil! I a salesman' for the R. J. Reynolds To bacco Company and will have his . headquarters at FayeUevIIle Instead of eAsheville as heretofore. Mr. 1L C. Cameron ha moved his saw mill In charge of Mr. L. C well to a new location be!ow Pine- view. Mr. Cameron ha Juit pur chased two tractor of the caterpillar type for ttse with this mill and ex pect to Increase the output of his Ollvt plant. W are la hearty accord with the editorial statement of The New Last week regarding Its Intention to far nlsh a square deal for all. but not so hearty regarding th proposed Inten tion of conducting the coming cam paign In a manner befitting a perfect lady. Our motto la treat em rough. . W. A. B. MARRIAGE LICENKEH AT FLAT BRAN PI L Rev. G. F. Klrkpatrick will preach at Flat Branch church next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. At three o'clock he will preach In the school house near Mr. John McArtan'a home. Edgar Norris to Nettle Norrl of Harnett county. Geo. P. McKay to Margaret May Pope of Harnett county. Robert L. Denning to Cora D. Warren of Harnett Coaaty. Carlle Martin of Sampson to Mrs. Bettle Wade of Harnett. E. J. Pipkin to Jeaa Withers of Harnett- Alcy C. Parker to Mattie B. Tope, of HarnelL A. C. Barefoot of Harnett to Banche C. Thomas of Atamanc. Colored. Lonnl McNeill to Decy Harris of Harnett, Let' build up! CANDIDATE FOR IIOUKK OF REPRESENTATIVES FOR HALE . IjMt K Pitusrtr Hoick. Good i condition, with five good lire. Ap-j I bereby announce myseir a can- ply Edward Motor Car Co.. Lining- didat for Member of the House or ton, N. C. - i Representative from Harnett County t subject to the action of the Demo Bring your farm produce to Tom-i tt nn Itnson 4k Co. They will pay yon topiV ' " " market rice. Sth. NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK. Julia F. Dlnklns and Husband. W. D. Dlnklns. Lenora Monns a$d Has band. Nelll 11. Munns. and Mavy Relnhardt vs. Lillie Hlnton and Husband, George Hlnton. NOTICE The defendants above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court, before the Clerk, of N. A. TOWNSEND. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTEItH OF ILRNETT COUNTY: . motored to Sanford Sunday afternoon, Being busy with my farm work. I will not be able to make a thorough canvas of th county in behalf of my candidacy for the flee of County Auditor. I am. therefore, making this statement through the county paper.. of Mississippi Qot more than you need? Take your farm produce surplus to Tomlln son tt Co. and get good prices. WANTED ToTnijr Juniper Pole, delivered at Lillington. See the Manager. , CAROLINA TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. I have been a citizen of North Car- linrnett County. North Crolina, to ollna for seven yesr and of Harnett sell for partition a certain tract of County two year. Imd containing U 1-2 acre, lying! . srradaate and th aald defendant will. further jSut College and hav bad ten years take notice that they ar required to,Ptienc In bookkeeping and aodit arpear before the Clerk of the Su-'ing work. I held a position with the perior Court or Ilametl County. ld adlUng department of the Atlantic JrtaS- ' day of May. ltii. nd anaa-sr or de- Uavlng that place for lh farm, mur to th petition la aald action. cr I believe I an qu sliced for th the plaintiffs will apply to the Court jpUce I seek and If nominated and for th relief demaadc-J la said petl-Llet4 , propose to put forth my lion. . . . . ... .... a. a. Mcdonald. .t"v . . " ClerH Superior C-ourt. This 10th day of April. 120. 1-4 Don't forget that Tomllnsoa A Co. ar buyer a well a sellers. They want farm produce. the oCc la a businesslike and satis factory manner. , x I shall greatly appreciate your vote and InCuenc at th primary June Ith. C N. WARE.

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