COUNTY NEWS AR.NET THE PUBLIC WELFARE IS THE INTEREST OF THE WHOLE PEOPLE Vol. 2 No. 23 5c PER COPY $1.50 PER YEAR Lillington, N. C, Thursday, June 3, 1920 If It Concern Harnett, IV in THE NEWS THE STAFFORD CHAUTAUQUA Picture Travelogues Hero Lands of Europe At Lillington High School Auditorium Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. Saturday Night. Community Sing. Motion pictures and music. Prelude Art gems and pictured poetry. Napoleana. Travelogue France the Glorious. , The Work of Reconstruction. Song, "America," illustrated. Comedy feature. Monday. Af ternoon. Community eing. Motion pictures and music, Prelude, Masterpieces of sacred art, , TravelogueBelgiUhi the Urate, The Return of the King, Comedy feature, Questionnaire, Monday ftigltt, Community sing, Motion ik lures and musie, Prelude. Art gem end1 pietured lioetry, "The Hells of Bbindon." TraveloguegeFbia, the Dauntless, gong, Keep the Home Fires Burn ing, illustrated, Comedy feature, Tuesduy Afternoon, Community Bing, Motion pictures and music. Prelude, Beauties of Nature. Travelogue Italy the Illustrious Comedy feature. Questionnaire, Tuesday Night. Community sing, Motion pictures and music, Prelude, Art gems and pictured jioetry, "On the ttoad to Mandalay." Trivel0f$uePari8 the Magnificent Hong, The mar ipangled Banner, illustrated. Comedy feature, The Stafford Chautauqua Travel ogues are a new feature In the Ghau tauqua world, They offer the best products of study and experience In the most modern, practical and seien tine way, They give the results of a lifetime of effort in a combined ap peal to eye and ear, producing last ing impressions in pleasing fashion and enjoyable form, using the mira cles ot modern scienee and invention to visualize the treasures of thought . and life. - The Stafford Chautauqua Pandra ma presents the world thought and life of tjie day in the methods of the hour. Pandrama is a new name for a new idea. S. S. CONVENTION MET AT ANTIOCH On last Saturday and Sunday the Baptist Sunday School Convention covering the county was held at An- tioch church. at Mamers. Because of llness at Rex Hospital, Rev. J.' A. Campbell, who is president ot the organzatlon, could not be present and Rev. Sidney Edgerton of Buies Creek was elected for that place with E. H. Ballentine as secretary. The attendance was a breaker of all records, both on Saturday and Sunday. Quite a large number of visitors as well as delegates were present, among them many of the Lillington people. The messages on "The Why ot the Sunday School" by Hon. L. L. Levinson and that of Rev. J, L, Martin on "Soui Winning" Sat urday bight were unusual utterances. Among . other matters a Sunday school Institute tor the association at Ahtioch some time during August and decision (or the next contention (itili) to go to Friendship (Dunn level) were settled. The July union meeting will he held with the church at Rawls, TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE DEMOCRATIC COUNTY PRI- MARY BALLOT For Sheriff Mor- (Vote For One) J. W. McARTAN E. W. Mordecai to Wm. 0. decal, 1 lot in Lillington. 10. A. W. Denning to Elbert Johnson, nr it ttttjt twITOM III. 11, A VJ IVUlil VJ A W 1 JOHN GREEN ' lavish qv cdiinkhntonh oivwopaiswo iiomitai. Oftstpnla, June I,Marklg new era for the little cripple children of North Carolina of sound mind, the laying of the cornerstone of the North Carolina Orthopaedio Hospital in Qastonla on the morning of June I will be a most notable occasion. The ceremonies will be in charge ot the North Carolina Grand Lodge of F, and A, M, with other fraternal orders of the state assisting, Gover nor Thomas W. Bcikett will be the chief guest of honor. For nine years It, u, Babhington has been working to make this instr tution a reality and at last sufficient funds have been received from prl FAYETTEVILLE MEETING MOVED TO RALEIGH 22 acres in Grove. $300 Calvin Barefoot to T. E. Dorden ft Lane, lot in Dunn, $50. E. S. Yarbrough and wife to Lang don ft Morgan, 44 acres in Grove, $100. ' A. Y. Tutor to J. B. Tutor, 53 acres in Buckhorn, $10. H. C. Smith to AJj. Overby, 2 lots in Angler, $500. J. L. Wade to W. O. Holllngsworth". lot in Dunn, $1,350. A. L. Wiggins to J. W." Dorman. 6 acres in Grove, $350. A. McN. Harrington to J. D. Rog ers, 121 acres u. L. R., $4,000. Mary Godwin to J. R. Young, 1 lot Un tit if ATantrJnTntsI hear Dunn, $100. L A I J, L Johnson to O. T. Capps lot " ? innyn t In Coats, $60, OWEN UDUM J Henry Pope to Cape Fear Lodge, V. It. STEPHENSON 131 K. P 1 burial lot, Dunn, $16. W. P. Buries to L. C, Stephens and others, lot In Dunn, $000, ft, L, Godwin to Pearl Harris, I lots l Dunn, 1176, Mr. I). A. Honeyeut For Auditor (Vote For One) C. N. WARE d. p. Mcdonald For Recorder (Vote For One) b. ii. Mclean O. P. SHELL For Board of Education (Vote For Two) IN. A. 31111111 I FROM BUIE$ CREEK went to Dunn returned Frl wher ha ha I'ltOlIIBITION NATIONAL COM MITT EH ADDRE8HKH LETTER TO PEOPLE W. 0. Mordeeal to B, W. Mordecal, Thursday n bualnaaa, lot In Lillington. 110, IUv, B. A. Kdgrl4 Garland Held to Wm, Praughon, day from Wefc For HO acres In Barbecue, 13,600, been attending eommncinnt, Her, and Mra, I. L, Yearby. of Wake Forest were In town Sunday and apent the day wit Mr. end Mrs. B. F. Mcleod. Messra. O. C. Gravltte, Olive Link, To the CltUens of America! w. T. Camnbell. Prof. II. P. Marsh- One year of prohibition has .nt rtev. S. A. Edcerton went brought more laughter to children to Maraere Saturday to attend the and more smiles to women than any Baptist Sunday School Convention. other legislation. which met In session with the An- It has turned ninialiouses and (loch Baptist church. ' breweries Intd faciorlea, jail Into prof4 r, P. Gentry of Lillington corneribs, and brought their Inmates pad through town Monday, forward Into the great Industrial mi- tiverlln Bryan went to Lll army. Ilngton Monday shopping. It ha ndded untold billion to the Iter. 1. I.. Yearby of Wake Forl vate contributions together with the nation's wealth, transferred money preached at the Baptist ehureh here gtat appropriation, to begin the "a oan a aavinga wanKa gun(llly njg,t al Ovio-k. work, It la already well under way.ln &ewiy erected home. It stands on ft high knoll east of Gas na amenament naa inereaaea tonia from which ona may eee one farm and city values, quickened In of the most magnificent yUws In this dustry and brought to the United section of the State, the wide rolling States the greatest era of prosperity PA (IK INVAIUM HI OWN UAILIWK'K IN CAM PA ION Ranford, May $ I. Robert N. Page, candidate for the Democratic noml WOMAN SUFFRAGE UPHELD BY COURT Washington, June 1 The Supreme Court. In an unanimous opinion, to day held that Federal constitutional amendments cannot be submitted to popular Tote for ratification by States baring referendum provisions in their constitutions. The method of ratifying amend ments, the court held. Is national power specially granted by the Fed-1 eral constitution and the States hare no authority to proride otherwise. In so holding, the court declared Inop erative proTlsions ot the Ohio State constitution authorlilcn submisnlon ot Federal amendments to a referen dum for ratification and overturned 8tate Supreme Court decrees dismiss ing Injunction proceedings brought by George 8. Hawke. Cincinnati at torney, In a taipayers suit to enjoin submission of the prohibition and woman suffrage amendments to a referendum vote. frftftk to N, fa P MttfTrage. While the Supreme Court of the t'nlled (Mate wa today driving an other nail In the weltnlgti covered coffin that enahroud Ihe body of i. Harleyforn, I It I same forum of poll Ural omnipotence was alto clearing the derka for. North Carolina lo eapl tallie Delaware's aln of omUalon and let the Democrats win final credit for attending the ballot to the women. In Its decision upholding the con stitutionality ot Ohio's ratification of the llth and the proposed 1Kb amendments, the court not only puts Ihe hope of the wets further away than ever, but It carries unbounded Joy alike to the hearts of ftepublican politicians gathering In Chicago and Democratic chieftains setting their tall for the Uolden Oate. The "tip" that has been paused out freely for the past l days prove lo be nothing more than a myth born of a prn nlal thirst. North Carolina Neil. Aside from the dscUlon of the court as It will affect Ihe major per ties In their convention deliberations, the overruling of the Htate Supreme Court of Ohio an unheard ot thing In Itself makes aolid the !& States which have ratified the Susan B. An . r . - inony amendment to the constitution rangemente which had bea made. and leaves but one State needed to and tonight every hotel In the eitv confer full franchise rights upon all tonia. Executive committee, McAdenville, chairman; bington, Gastonla; M. B, lotte. Fayetteville, June 2. The meeting called by the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce for the purpose of dr ganizing the North' Carolina State Chambejr of Commerce, will be held in the city of Raleigh in the high nchool auditorium on June 8 at 11 a. m. The meeting haa been advanced to lune 8 on account of preventing du plication of effort on the part of those interested in a State Chamber of Commerce and those Interested In a It is manned to concentrate all mcI l efforts on the North Carolina State Cahmber of Commerce. Piedmont, dotted here and there with ver known. cities and'towna. Contributions are The pro-liquor element la doing Its natlon foP Qovernor of North Caro- still being received from all sections utmost to repeal tne Volstead act. Una WM greeted as a aonquerlng ho of the State, . " would null,f7 thB 18tn mend- TO by people.iil.tha Sejimth. district The exercises attending the corner-ment, which would mean the over- wn0m he represented in Confress forlthe women (of voting age and quaU stone laying will be most impressive throw of national prohibition and Its 14 jrears, when he made his Initial flcatlons) In the United States. While and will be attended ' by thousands attendant prosperity. speeches in his own bailiwick today, the antls are training their guns on from all sections of the State. Gas- The liquor minority proposes to at- IIe gpoRe to a crowd of 700 people In the North Carolina solons getting tonia is preparing to extend the glad tain its ends by capturing the nation- LaurlnDurg at noon. Seating capac- ready for the special session In July.; hand to the throngs. al conventions of the political par- jty ot tlie Scotland courthouse was the suffragists are looking confident The officials of the institution are ties. not near adequate to - accommodate ly to North Carolina for victory. as follows: The dry majority, aa demonstrated thoge wno came from all parts of the President, R. B. Babbington, Gas- by ratification In 45 States, must count rr to near nim. WIIEItK TIIANKH AUK KKW. tonia; secretary, M. B. Speir, Char- control these conventions. Mr Page arrTed.bere late this af lotte treasurer, J. Lee Robinson, Gas- . We ask you to get every state, ais- ternoon. One of the biggest crowds We've thought over It a good bit. METTS REELECTED HEAD VETERANS Fayetteville. Jane 1. Geo. James I. Metta was reelected commanding general of the North Carolina divi sion U. C. V. at the first easiness es slon of the annual reunion here this afternoon. Gen. W. E. Kyle was also reelected commander of the Third Brigade, these constitatlag the only elections. ine attendance on the opeatac date reached a point Utvno 419 and K00. This was awstUt t. - rlvsls tonight. The opening session was held In the high school audito rium this morning. 'After prayer by the chaplain. Ilev. E. A. Osborne, the veterans were welcomed oa behalf of the Danghters of Confederacy by Mrs. Felli Harvey, president: for Cam. berland county veterans. tv ifatn E. J. Hale: by Mayor Williams for! the city, and Commander D. B. Hoi lenga for the Americas Legion. The welcome were responded lo by Col. A. II. Hoyden of Salisbury. The Stara and tiara Forever a ong written for the Norta Carolina If. I). t was ung by Mrs, A. T. West of Ihls rltyi The matrons, poa ore anH malda of honor were Intro dured lo Ihe convention by Col. W, P. Wood, these belag Mra. Marshal Williams, matron ef honor for the tale MUs Mamie Holt, sponsor for Ihe Stale; Mlaa Sallle Ilalgh Under wood camp sponsor: Miss Leey Lon don Anderson and Mlsa Harriet Her dlson, maids of honor for the State, and Misses Edna Bennett, aponsor, and Josephine Dunlap, maid ot honor from Anson camp, the yoaagest ever appointed to these positions, being len to eleven years old. A band from Wilson farnUhed e cedent t.uslc. After alnglag "The Old North Slate" the convention ad Journed until afternoon. The attendance havlag far eate4 ed eipoctallona, a rail was made on the people of the city late today to throw open their homee to the old veterans which met with each a ready response that tpnlght all visitor who have thus far arrived have been pro vided with home. The taflai of old soldier and other visitor early over taiea tne eeemmgiy adequate ar- had been filled la addition to the bar rak or the Donaldson Military school, where the larger camber of the veterans are quartered. A reception at which Ga. Metis and Mr. Harvey were the guest of trict and local organization, or. what- ep to aUeni - political speaking Island we've about come to Ihe conclo- i - . .i - - i R. R. Ray, ever kind within your reacn, to aaopi t , ont iQ beaP hm Mr. Page sion that there's no profession on R. B. Bab- resolutions substantially as follow: u ..M8ter rj0b" to everybody In this earth In which the worker get less Speir, Char- "Be it resolved, that we nereny 8ect0n an everywhere he atop he appreciation and more knock and authorize our names to be used dMi, beslered bv old friends. This warm abuse than In the newspaper game. Trustees, F. C. Harding, Green- each and every political convention . . reflected In his bearing. And we have also reached the con- ville, chairman; R. B. Babbington, to be hel din 1920, notllying the leaa- Th h d t , throuah the bad roads cuslon that the reason all newspaper Gastonia; M. B. Speir, Charlotte: J. era of all parties that we will sup- of the w, and tne long jttmptl left editor go to heaven whea they die Lee Robinson, Gastonla; R. R. Ray, port such parties a apecincauy en- h ..... laded whe h started la they get o much of Ihe other McAdenville; C D. Armstrong, Gas- dorse by platform declaration ine fo home 8aturday night, but hi old- place while they're on earth. tonia; George Blanton, Shelby; W. C. 18th amendment, a inierpreiea oy Um yg-f hM returned with his ad Bivens, Wadesboro J. II. Giles, Glen the-voisteaa act, or some measure . . lh Santihlll country. equally effective; and nominate can- p w introduced In Lau honor was given In the parlors of Lafayette hotel tonight. Aa informal reception was given by Major E. J. Hale on the lawn of hla Haymount residence to the veteran this after noon. Th old soldier are finding a warm welcome and generous hospitality and the people ot the city have vied with each other la helping to make the etay of the veteran pleasant. A large number of an to mob lie hear placards. "Veterans. Car as aa la dlcatlon that It la at th command of the old soldier. R. G.FITZGERALD TAKES CHARGE AS COUNTY SUPT. Profeasor R. O. Fltjgtrald asan.e4 duty as county aapertcteadeat of ra ral school Tuesday. Jaae 1st. The new superintendent comes from Bet moat. K. C. where he had charge of the graded schools. Mrs. Flltgeratd will Join him here JIy lu ProL B. P. Gentry i:i remain la the oSce with the aew eapertatesd- eat aaul Jaly 1st In order lo allow Prof, ritjgerald to become ecqaaiat- ed with his new fiU. Mies Thslm. Harrington of Jonesboro. who has beea stenographer to Prof. Gentry for some time, will remain la the office. Prof, ritjgerald. a native of Da vidson county, this State, tk charge of Harnett's schools at a time when a great many new bviidlags are either aader tonttrsrtloa or contem plated. Coat In Grove township ha recently voted bends for ealtrgH achoo. facilities, Pinevtew tote oa a pectal fat Jaae lib for Improve meats, This I also the mimi of the yaer when new school district ira le are appointed -one aew trate la eab dlitrrli. There are now II white schools In the coaty and II colored, tiara) schools are helped by Ihe coaaty board In fiaaarlag Im provements, the bosrd paylag hafl of Ihe bill. By far the most serioes problem facing the pablle schools of Haraetl. aa well aa elsewhere, I Ihe shortage of teachers. Prof. Gentry sara there seema to be no doabt that there are not enovgh teachers to maaM the classrooms. Therefor those schools hlch first see re the service of echoolma'ama will he more fortaaate than their neighbors, bxaue some soctloas will wlthoat doabt be left -vacant" Harnett County Is not alone la re spct to lack of lea hers, however. From all part of the'fliate com re port of th same troable. Nor doee the salary question fig re so promt alasatly now, laasmach as eaoagh Uachsrs are not to be had at aay price. It may be aald that th prob lem ha spa4 the salary point of argument. 'Bach email ladacemeat ha la former year ba pSer! young rasa and women to enter the teaching profession that bow whea school facU'tle ar botag enlarged everywhere, school aataorlUee fad themeelree face to face with a one sided development. la other words. to pat It plainly, modern schoot hoasee aad equipment have absorbed thousands of dollar wlthoat da re gard being kept for teacher-traJateg. Th aeitXeglslatare will probably be called npon to adopt seme method of ladaclng yowag rata aad women lato th profemioa of teaching. aiPTTKT fJflO MKim.XO AT SAXDT DILtXai OttHCII Alpine; Governor T. W. Blckett. ex- to XOTICH OF HALU OF LAND FOR DIVIHION Under and by virtue of a special proceeding in the Superior Court, be fore the Clerk, entltjed Mrs. Mary 1. ghaW and others vs, Will A. Bhaw, the tsame being No, 1882 on the Spe cial Proceeding docket of said court, rlnburg by W. P. W. Weatherspoon loyally he may support a friend In LILLINGTON POST, AMKIttCAN LEGION. KLF.tTTH OFFICKItH resolution to each of the following person who have agreed to act as Pursuant In fait lha I .lllln ilnn IcUstOdlanB Of thCHO resolutions lOr Post of the American Legion met on their respective parties: and an order of resale obtained Utalledi therein, the undersigned commission er of the court, will, on Monday, June 7th, 1920, nt 12 o'eloek M at the eotirthous doer In Lillington, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder for oiiehalf cash, the remainder to he uald within one year from the eon Urination of the sale by the eeurt, the following described land, the"ftfnt being the land described in the petl Uou In this cause, hounded o fol lows: First Tract! Beginning at a stake (n the Tom Branch, thence pouth 70 oast, IT chs, to a cypress corner tponcH north 70 east, 11,60 cha, to a Btake and pointers; thence south BMi west, 18 chs. to the dividing line be tween John S. Bhaw and hia brother; north, 66 went, with aaid line to the beginning, containing 26.7 acres more or less. Second Tract: beginning at a stake ttnd pointers formerly John Elliott's and the beginning corner of the sur vey and runs thence north 42 east, 34 cha; to a enke and pointers in the north sdga of the nouth prong of An MWsrson creek; thenco north 67 west, HI chK. to n Ktwk and pointers In a liruncu in tho old line formerly El liott', now Zuehuriah -Cameron's; thence south 2 west, as aald line to the beginning, containing 1S2 acres i iore or less, and includes the rosi-.-nee and Improvements ol the It to j jbn 8. Shaw. Time of sale, Monday, June "th, 1920, at 12 o'clock M. Place of sale, Courthou) door, Lillington, N, C. Terms ot sale, one-half cash, .me year from confirmation of sulo by the ?curt. W. P. BYRD, Commlssloirer. This 18th day of May, 1920. last Friday night for the election of officers for the year 1920 ( and for other routine business. The follow ing officers were elected and in dldates unequivocally committed Its enforcement. .. hAr. hr ciauson L. Williams, a politics or extol the virtues of a citl- immediately wire a copy oi 7ur ndie for the State Benate In this gen of the town, no matter bow loud- district. He Is - being entertained ly he sings the praise of th town here by Dr. F. D. McCracken. He belle about to be wed or how gently will apeak tomorrow afternoon In he laya a wreath of pretty words on Wadesboro and tomorrow night In the grave of a departed citlien. he Monroe. Tomorrow will be perhape the bos- No matter how nobly the editor lt 4sy of the seatoa. In the mom boosts for the development of his! Ing there will be a general get to town and community, no matter how' gather meeting of the veterans, the Commander 11, H, Spears. First Viee-CommanderOscnr 8. Atkins. geeend Viee-ConittittnderJ. B Davis, Adjutant L. M, Chaffln. Historian :J. II, Withers, Jr. ' Finance OfflerG, D. Monroe. War Risk OfflcerW, 0. Mordeeal, Chaplain), L. Johnson, 8: S. Senator Arthur Capper, of Washington, V. C. (Republican) I U. S. Senator Morris Sheppard, Wash ington, D. C, (Democrat) 1 Congress man Charles II. Randall, Washing ton, D. C. (Prohibitionist) IN T1IK IIAHIIKII H t'HAHt. "Poor Jim has been sent to a luna tie asylum," said the barber, flourish Th.'eH.I. I. fl" Tim . .ho,,. '". Republican Democratic convention June II.. Itn mediate action Is necessary. Signed! Arthur Dean Devan, Clar enee True Wilson, E. J. Flthlan, Chas, icanlon, Irving Fisher, Daniel A. Poling, Frances ES. Ileauchamp, Francis lialdwln, J. II. Kellogg, Mar On July 4th there will be a special gret Wlntrlnger, Virgil O. Illnshaw, meeting of the Post and all ex-er vice men, for the purpose of present Ing to the fathera and mothera of the men who died in France the Diplo mas of Honor given by the French Government. A speaker of State rep utation will deliver an address and the diplomas and there will be other features of Interest. The next regular meeting of the Post will be on Friday night, June 25th, at 8:30 o'clock, In the courthouse. JinOADWAY MAN WOCND1CI) W1IKN NKGHO HIIOOTH HIM Banford, May 11. Ed Lynch, a white farmer, SB yeara old, living about 10 miles east of Broadway In the chair. "Jim la my twin brother, air. He kept broodln over the hard times, and I suppose he finally went rraiy." "la'thataoT' "Yea, he and me worked side by aide for yeara, and we were o alike we couldnt tell each other apart both brooded a great deal, too. money In thla business now, "What'a the reason?" "Prices too low, Unless a tomer takes a shampoo It doesn't pay learned early seldom hears those msgle words "Thank you." And few time In life does he catch a whisper of that cheer ing sentiment, "Well done." flat let him make a slip In his papers-let him say Itlll Jones did something he didn't do or Mrs. llrown said something she didn't say, and everybody In town takes a whack at him. Thla Is true In the newspaper game everywhere In Ihe world.' and being a part of Ihe world, Lillington la no eireptlon. Hut with all the knocka, with all Ihe lack of lhanka We and little cheering worda that could No I be aald but are left forgotten, the editor drlvee right on boosting, and he alwaya will. He was born lo help cue- the other fellow and, like the birds, M life ihtt If no one Daughter of the Confederacy, Bone of the Confederacy, American .Legion and cltliena ot Cumberland coaaty. At 1 o'clock a dinner will be tendered by the Fayetteville chapter of th Daughter to th visitors, at which Governor T. W. Dlckett will make the principal addre. At 4 o'clock th cltltene of Fayetteville will give a reception to the veterana which will Saaford. May 21 Th aatoa meeting of th Bandy Creek Baptist Association, which was held Saturday aad Sunday at Bandy Branch chirch. near Goldstoa la Chatham coaaty. wa a distinct saec. For eeversl year this quarterly meeting ta the Bandy Creek Assoclstioa has boea abandoned. A targe aad representa tive attendance was present both day. Rev. W. O.. Johnson ot Btler City was mad moderator of the meeting, and Victor Johaeoa of Pittsboro c-retary-traurer. The eierelsee Ban day were feat a red by th able ad idr of Dr. O. W. Paschal of Wake ! Forest, bat a satire of this eectloa. be followed by a visit to the State jaDj by V. II. Teagae of tht city. Rev. home for Confederate women. The w. II. Gllmore of Baaford preached big parade will be held at I o'clock ! the sermon Batarday. In the evening, and (he day will be , to ahava or haircut. Poor Jim, I caught him trying to cut a custom- Harnett county, wa brought to the er'a throat becauae he refused a Central Carolina hospital. here Batur- shampoo, ao I had to have the poor pistol shot entering hi mouth and "Makes me sad. Bometlmes I feel penetrating the back of hla neck. aorry 1 didn't let him alash all he The, shot was fired by John Cam- wanted to. It might have saved his eron, 23 yeara of age, a negro of the reason. Shampoo, sir?" wound up with a grand ball. Col. Fred A. Olds arrived from Raleigh today with 14 old fceroe from Ihe Boldlers' Home. Itlll MALI! feed I Passenger HttUk. Good condition, with fir good lire. Ap ply F.dwsrds Motor Car Co.. Isling ton, N. C. LI' ART KM f. Ther was a slaglag glvea at Mr. Walt Matthews' Batarday night la aoaor of Ml Clyde aad CUie flail. Large crowd attended aad reported a alee time. Mr. aad Mra. John Stephen of Christian Light eectloa speat Satur day atght at th home of Mr. J. It. Cotllaa. Mia Lata II row a aad MUs Addle Patterson aad Mis Mamie Haywood else feed him, heaven may. And mayb that'a why th Lord keeps so many editor on earth lo keep th balance of the world from souring or turning stale. 1 . TO Till: DEMOCRATIC YOTKRM OF IIAItNinT COt'NTYl Being busy with my farm work. 1 1 will not be able to make a thorough visited Ml Erma Cotllaa So ad ay af canvas of th county la behalf of my ternoon. MARRIAGK LI( i:MI. Let' build upt VITI'' I.' Having qualified as admlnlatratrlx da3r afUrnoon 00 of the estate of J. II. Wllburn. de Broadway section wno recently re turned from the army, and the. trag edy occurred about I o'clock 8atur-l Ye!' Ki. the" atreeta of 1:10 1:17 :0& 1:30 :&& Broadway, following an altercation ceased, late of Harnett County, North between the two men. Broadway Carolina, this la to notify all persona was conaiderably wrought up over having claim against the estate of tu ' . " . said deceased to exhibit them to th the affalr and a P3"" of 100 men undersigned on or before the 6th day wera acourlng the wooda for the no-1 a.m. of May, 1921, or this notice will belgro Sautrday night and all day yes- S: 00 pleaded in bar of their recovery. All terday. with the assistance of blood- persons indebted to, said estate will u a. k.. .. .u . v the negro has not been apprehended. HCHKDl'LK A. A W. RAILROAD Eastbound Stations Westbound P.M. A.M. Lv. Ar. A.M. P.M. 11:30 11:37 12:01 11:10 12:11 Bring your farm produce to Tom Jinson & Co. They will pay you top jnarket orlces. please make immediate payment. MRS. BETTIE WILBURN. Administratrix ot the Estate of J. H. Wllburn, Deceased. -This the 1st day of May, 1920. 6-6 - . c - 3:15 8:50 . 9:32 10:00 Banford Jonesboro Broadway Mamera Lillington Mixed Trains. Banford Jonesboro Broadway Mamers. Lillington 9:31 9:11 1:60 l:3t 1:00 :ll 4:46 G. F. Weaver to Susan Hudson of Harnett county. D. M. Matthews to Cora B. Tucker of Harnett county. It. II. Bmltb to Virginia Stephen- son of Harnett county. Jim Webeter to Claudia Baker of !:!? Wake coanty. 3:11 3:30 P.M. 12:46 12:36 12:06 11:36 10:16 No colored license Issued. FOR HALK Used 6 Passenger Bulck condition, with fiv good tires. Ap ply Edwards Motor Car Co.. Lllllng ton. N. C. Corn, peas and other farm prod-1 not mora than you need? Take ucta will bring good price at Tomlln- your farm produce surplus to Tomlha- are buyer aa well a sellers. son ft co.'s. Fetch 'em la. son ft Co. and get good price. wani im proauc. Don't forget that Tomllnson ft Co. They candidacy for th oQce of Coaaty Auditor. I am, therefore, making thla statement through th coaaty papers. I hsv been a eltlien of North Car olina for seven yeare and of Harnett Coanty two year. I am a graduate ef Mississippi State College aad hare-had tea year xperienc la bookkeeping aad audit ing work. I held a position with th auditing department of th Atlaatie Coast Line Railroad tor six years.1 leaving that place tor the farm. I believe I am qaallged for the place I seek aad If nominated and elected I propose to pat forth my Good'"? ffort to perform the datle of th once la a oinux aad satis factory manner. I shall graatly appreciate your vote and lafiaeace at the primary Ctt ! C. N. WARE. Mr. Fre4 Brows aad wife ef Lu ll a g ton visited relative of this sec tion Sunday afternoon. Mr. Oscar Brown aad wife visited at the home of Mr. J. R. Brown Baaday. Mr. D. O'Qnlaa aad family vtsited at Mr. D. C. Colllas' Sunday. XOTICE IIT EX1XXTOR. Having qualified as executor ef Ihe last will and tument ot Jeha C Pecay, deceased, late ot Daaraa. North Carolina, thl is to notify all ersons having claims agaJast sa.4 John 7C. Pee ay to axtlhlt th sm lv ram oa or before the Jtia day "of April, 1121. or this couce will hm pleaded la bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said Jeha C Penny are hereby aoUfied to make pro rapt psymenl to me. Thl April 21th. If : J. B. PENtfT. Jaae4 decator of Jeha E. Penny. Iee4. Dancan. North Carouaa. April ztta. 1129. R. B. LEW 13. Attoraey. 6-1