COUNTY NEWS THE PUBLIC WELFARE IS THE INTEREST OF THE WHOLE PEOPLE Vol. 2 No. 51 5c PER COPY $1.50 PER YEAR Lillington, N. Ct Thursday, December 16, 1920 -If It Coocerne Harnett, If la THE NEWS HAR.NET - 1 It 7: I: ft f 0 O RELIEF WORK IS CONSOLIDATED The relief work being done in North Carolina in behalf of the suf fering children in Europe by several j differen torganizations has been con solidated into one organization known as the North Carolina division of the European Relief Counpil. T7" The organizations" entering into this newly formed European Relief Council, with their various chairmen, are as follows: American Relief Administration Henry A. Page, Aberdeen. Friends Service Committee Rich ard Hobbs, Guilford College, Greens boro. Jewish Joint Distribution Commit tee J. Sternberger and Lionel Weil, Goldsboro. Knights of Columbus M. J. O'Neill, Charlotte. Red Cross Judge J. C. Pritchard, Asheville, and D. T. Edwards, Kin ston. Y. M. C. A. Morgan B. Speir, Charlotte. Henry A. Page, who has been con ducting the campaign of the Ameri can Relief Administration, is chair man of this new European Relief .Council. The executive committee is composed of the chairmen of the or ganizations which have consolidated. Headquarters have been opened iri Aberdeen. Thad S. Page of Aber deen has been selected as executive secretary. The European Relief Council was formed because of the desire on the part of the various organizations conducting campaigns in North Caro lina for European relief to secure the fullest possible cooperation among themselves to secure efficiency and economy in administration, to prevent duplication of effort and to strengthen their appeal to the pub lic. It was determined to cooperate with the national organization in making the "national collection" a success by conducting throughout the state of North Carolina a "state collection." Sunday, December 19, was selected as the day to begin this ."state collection" and it is to con tinue through the holidays. TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE HOSPITAL NEAR ITS COMPLETION The following transfers of real es tate have been recorded in the office "Central Harnett Hospital" Is to be the name of Lilllngton'a new In stitution- for the relief of the sick of Register of Deeds Faucette during Tne n08pltal is almost compieted. Drs. J. W. Halford and N. C. Riddle, the founders, are rapidly making the past week: Geo. L. Cannady and others to N. 1 .1 . . W . A. Butler and others. 8 lots in Dunn, preparations iu vvu uwn. ur iu I ai m ..ti.t. T"i t $1 600 I reception ui yiieuu rmiuivrsi N. A. Butler and others to Ser- 'Piumoers, eic, are on me u8b retta E. Butler, 8 lots in Dunn, for finishing touches, furniture and $1,600. fixtures are being placed, and al- W. A. McLamb to Farmers Com- re&dr the institution is taking on mercial Bank of Benson, 25.50 acres that inviting look which character in Averasboro township. $17,962. izes such Places. Lynn Adams to M. G. Lee and Gol- Most people, of course, do not stein, 2 lots in Averasboro township, think of a hospital as being inviting. $100 and other consideration. but there's the drawing card. There Rasmus Nelson to G. C. Childress. i a certain air of comfort which re- 3 tracts of about 85 acres in John- assures the patient on first entering sonville township, $10 and other con- a feeling of confidence that here sideration. wil1 1 llTe wnere else 1 might die." Jasper M. Gregory to Leila Greg- An operating room has been fitted ory, 113 acres in Grove township, for P wth the most modern equipment $1,000. and annex for sterilizing work. This Jimmie Faucette to Chas. Rich. 1 department will be up-to-date In lot in Lillington. $1,000 and other eTerT respect, and. patients may have consideration. he be9t surgeons to be secured for Any case. Drs. Halford and Riddle will not limit the capacity of the in- Women's clubs and societies are atitution to their own individual urged to help by seeing to it that gkm, but will invite the best surgical such boxes are placed, as wen as Dy to be found and will consult appointing committees to solicit con- patlent8 In tnat re9pect. Most peo- triDUWons irom ineir memoers. (By Lenoir Chambers) Chapel Hill. Dec. 15. The old question. "Do college athletes study?" is answered with a load yes" In the annual report ot Dr. J. Wilson. Jr.. registrar at the University of North Carolina. Dr. Wilson goes back to the scholastic records of all varsity athletes of last year, averages the grades that they made during the year, and the result shows that the record ot the athletes All men's clubs, fraternal and be nevolent organizations, rotarian, ki- ,wanis, etc., are expected to assist by appointing committees to solicit do nations from their members. The principals of all public schools in North Carolina are hereby pie are peculiar when it comes to a question as to who shall "carve them. This question will be an swered by the patient's own wishes. The hospital will be modernly equipped and comfortably furnished throughout. A heating plant will be installed, hot and cold water running tart tn arnlain tliis worth V H-.- - """-' Lin the building, with electricity and cause to their pupils and give them A i . .Durine this time the neoole ofithe ,,r - T--T--.- state are earnestly urged to aid the an opportunity to contribute. It is also hoped that in all business or ganizations, factories, etc., committees- will be appointed to solicit do nations. In fact, the European Relief Coun cil of North Carolina hereby urgent ly and insistently requests every or ganization of whatever kind within the state to cooperate by at once (taking whatever action they may think necessary to insure the suc cess of this "state collection" in their community. Lack of time makes itmppssible Xq. .perfect local organizations to carry out this pro- other modern conveniences added. A ward has been fitted up in the rear for colored patients. The institution will fill a longfelt need for this Immediate section, in that it will not now be necessary for patients to take chances on a long and fatiguing Journey to another city avoiding a long trip will in a great many instances save a life MAYOR THOMSOX FALLS DOWN UTTERLY. WHEN HK HOLDS OLE HOSS SALE European Relief Council in having a collection taken at every gathering held in North Carolina for the bene fit of the destitute children of Europe. The European Relief Council here and now calls upon every minister in North Carolina to bring to the atten tion of his congregation, on Sunday, December 19, the desperate need of these millions of suffering children in Europe and take a collection for their benefit. It is desired that on j that day in religious meetngs of every kind, church, Sunday school, societies and associations, a collec tion be taken for these children. All church organizations are requested to continue these collections through December 30 at all meetings. Church officials, both men and women, are urged during this time to solicit con tributions. The assistance of some social or civic organization in each community is desired Mn procuring speakers to present the need of these children to audiences at theaters and moving picture shows and in designating committees to take a collection at every performance. You are urged not to wait for somebody else to do "Fact "tr ' the business Is, '.gentfe- . . ... men and fellow citizens, this is a real gram and makes it imperative that " the various organizations already ex- HO isting in each community be relied b,dy.mavke a bid'-ln ..nnn to voluntarilv furnish the ini- ' ' haTe t0 Uke tiative and effort required to make age stamp for 'im Yes. he s alrigh the "state collection" a success. can t you see he s got four legs all Individuals in every town and city Pinted down, head on the southern horse, not a cow; dadgum It, some- m going to sell canceled post- as well as in the country districts are requested and urged to take prompt action. Do not delay. Duplication in effort is much to be preferred than no effort at all. See to it that your organization does, its full share exposure age? oh, I dunno, may been born when Methuselah was baby but what difference does that make horses are scarce in this day and time! John Thomson was the guy; and dn helnine vour community to do its J ' w share in making this "state collec- was an animai iain ,n tion" a success. Everv S10 collected drama of life as a horse. Yes. the . nf . ,wm c, horse had a tale t-a-l-e that's 1v thi la worthv of a littlft effort on ri6ht. NOW, then t -Qr,,ts oh Let's go back a little this side of individual in North Carolina. tne rlTer- 8aId- "nebody Baid All monev collected should be for- Mr' ,oe "tuk" ln re warded to Henry A. Page. North count when he was out collecting Carolina Chairman. European Relief If we don 1 get U tralght. somebody Council. Aberdeen. N. fi. Please correct us. Well. Mr. Joe he t,?0 "o(,(o n;-' fotch the nag in and he looked so i., intended to sunercede the cam- flt-rate 7. the horse did. that he nain for contributions now bein aTe hIm to hIa 80n Pete- Pet had conducted through the newspapers a Ford and dIdn,t feel Uko and by direct appeals. Do not wait tne horse Ux- 80 he took nim round but send "amiei, mai aeoonnaire arugster It is I runs iJiits lur lur. wiw( uuug. Hamlet he allowed he d give Pete for the "state collection, in your contribution today, urgently needed. watch for the horse. Trade. Then Hamlet he raffled the horse, which was the sensefullest way after all to TERM OF COURT rid anybody of a thing like that to nobody what didn't want it. Any- For the January term of-Harnett way, Bennie Rich drew the lucky Superior court which convenes on or unlucky number, whichever it was the 10th of January and lasts for one what got the horse. Then and there- UNIVERSITY NEWS! RALEIGH LETTER (Special Corrtspoodenc.) (By Maxwell Cormaa.) Raleigh. Dec 11. The aaaaal re port of Commissioner of lateraal Revenue at Washington. Jut Uard. and the statement of Collector EUlley In commenting upon It. constitute ai revelation as to whUkty manufac ture and whiskey drinking that Is a dn grace to alt North Carolina. Basing the statement on the lg- AMERICANS ABROAD ! GIVING SERVICE NOT IN ITS LINE OF BUSINESS III RED GROSS WORK is a trifle higher than that of the Jjires furnished by his report. Mr. IUI average undergraduate. It does not rank up with such groups as the de baters or the Y. M. C. A. leaders or with the hlnorary scholarship socie ties, but Is higher than the general average ot all undergraduate work. Put In exact figures the record of the varsity athletes was Just under SO per cent and the average of the whole group of men In the college was a little lower, about 78 per cent. Indications are that the athletic scho lastic requirement which prevents students from taking part in any Intercollegiate contest unless they keep up with their work helped raise the record. The 41 women In the university last year ranked much higher than the athletes and are much higher than the average run of men stu dents. Their grades average about 8C per cent, which Is pretty good proof of the earnestness with which they drive Into their work. Of all groups In the university. Tan Kappa Alpha, a debating -fraternity com posed of Intercollegiate debaters and winners of oratorical contests, made the highest record, with the mem bers of Sigma Upsllon. a literary group second, and Phi Beta Kappa, the national scholarship fraternity. third. One distinct feature of Dr. Wil son's report Is the continued rise of Interest In French and Spanish. which seem to be displacing Latin and Qreek more and more every year More students are. registered In the romance languages. French and Spanish, than In any other depart ment' In the university, a total of 50, higher even than the English department with CI 4. Twenty-three students -axe'. taXlng Greek and . 17 are studying Latin as against 277 In Latin in 19 11. The winter and spring quarters will probably show a slight Increase In students taking Latin, but even so It seems certain that each year Is seeing a steady falling off in students of the ancient languages and an Increase In modern languages. Increases In nearly all the profes sional schools are noted In the regis trar's report. Medicine with 71 stu dents, pharmacy with 45, and the graduate school with 58. show larger registration than at any time In the past five years, and law with 139 is higher than any year except last year. There are 10 S seniors In col- i. ley declares that the "output or manufacture of Intoxicating liquor la North Carolina Is now as great as at any time In the history of the state; that one-fifth of the Illicit spirits de stroyed In all of the 48 states was manufactured In the one slate of North Carolina; that dating the past year more than half of the fourteen thousand distilleries were captured and destroyed In this state and the states of South Carolina and Geor gia; that he expects Illicit distilling to continue In the state of North Car olina to flourish; that anybody who has the price can get moonshine liq uor and monkey rum in Raleigh, and he believes the same thing Is true of very many other towns of the slate. That the prohibition laws, state and national, are now doing but one thing, namely, affecting the price and quality of the liquor made. And yet not one government agent baa been charged with not doing bis duty, the only criticism having been made by some courts that they are "too teal obi" In enforcing the Law. Now. isn't that a pretty kettle of flsh, and the most odorous of spoilt flsh. for the state of North Carolina, one of the very first and most mili tant of all the states In the flgbt for both state and national prohibition, to be putting on exhibition at this stag of the game? If Collector Dalley's announcement Is believed (and It should be. be cause it Is based on facts and oScIa! figures) the question naturally arises Will North Carolina arise and be the first state to attempt to repeal a bad law, evap If It has become a part ot the constitution? The biggest thing the North Carolina prohibition law did of the open saloon, where the boys mostly learned to drink liquor. In the daya of the saloon the youths were tempted. Now the boy who gets mean stuff, often of the poison va riety, he does It out of pure mean ness and the element of temptation does not enter Into the transaction. The result Is that the better class of! young men soon become disgusted. If I they survive the experiment, while the other sort are either killed or have their health ruined for life. It doe sseem that another way of deal ing with bad liquor makers and boot leggers must be adopted. United States Citizens Far Away Enthusiastic Members of the "Fourteenth" Division. nlaaleg Ul Smr. tW Nw folk femtaern fUi?n4 d i its 4y train rU from luw to rrottiU. At IU litt M rfc4ti pml Uto etrt Wt.Vr Among the csort rsifcciUiUc and Lu:;aio rn it tuWith oorai energetic nenvUre ef tfce Aaertcse 9 at o'clock la tte nit Bed Crosa are tfcos c1Usnt f ft fy IW sans mtmimW. aayo. fct. United States wbo tle ovtside tbejlac taui la rsyvfieruu a4 coetloeetsl bouadsrtos f twir nxutrt o sad rvtsr la m dr st Strlpee residla at the far coruit of ' " r. tteearthT , ' of Xt These people coapose the tUr pU P9 f thu sad for! tXtUioo of (be parent "r ,lv NoTfo5 Senlhem fUil gsaltatleo. gvoerslly known as tfe rt4- bet a ccuar of -Fourteenth- Inwistoo. naicfc t" tk-rfetic-U-Jrae4 policy t4 Jurisdiction of all territory owuio ,tU psblic rvko laMslloa the country Kt-rr: that Is. AlaUs Tie f-ol. however, s to uw rorto nico. IIaw.,1. virgin UU-K IW u M . of M Tlu C PhUlpplnes. Cosn. sed even the U !..r . ... , . , Uad ef Tap. which came ider oer Prf4 ot a rUro4 flag as a result of tU wortd war. Tot "K bM ,B re or to co the year 18CO this dlttstoa rvporied P beil4leg p ibe tetniory paid p toemhers. j11 rrrs. The rosin ehn of this dJtisSoo is . Very Utile ohjoctio was hf4 lo gte our rttltens evenbere the hereabouts when the railroad portanlty to psnlrtpote la tho work tut4 hack to pm! ownerkl. et the organisation wnJca stands for ,v -cr.M, ? . T the best national kleals. An-n. ? i 7 batJy ,a. No,, to fsr plscee Ulrny u,,sl .ad p t them dkl not proSt iy ,u triotlc. ires tare their roetbWrtttp in r" policy of govrraraeat in the Bed Oooa an the eotwsrd vi jf,iie the railroads to the poiat of presaloo ef their riUseashin. It Is an- Ktattoey; hat no oa mho has nov ether tie to the bocaelaad and te hd any dealiegt nu ro4 w:i oacn ouer. iMft are chapters r r ttat It deere afihta Wh this division la Argeatloe. IWUU.,,,,. . . , ' Bratll. Canal tone, CUW. China. Ite, . I T!. ' ,U w ZaUT. Cagtand. rraace. Cwa,i ",n,r IO 99 In n ha.l Ooatefaala. Haiti, ttawaU. Iloodsrs. ! -ie manner. Ahoet the ooly Japan. Manchnrla. Nelhertaada, Ma- effort It sras to pwt forth U to rsrva. Psrsrur. Perm. funrypJaes. r4r lu right-of-way safe for rorto Rico. Siberia. Spain. Seoa. p4etrisa. tbere htsg Utile daacf Swtuertaad. Sjrta. Turkey. L'rsaay. 0f jnion Teoeroela and Ylrxin Iftiaada. or -r , ... . XHrtag the war Ueoe acattereu .f R,J i ' rsyeii- roeta be rs of the Bed Cross coatnb- I i l hMt9 to roUiat ted taUllooa la nooey. and roCUons 09 cw,Bl of hu poor servko; ht el dollarV werth ef necessary snJc'.rt ; UlJiagion shonld ho the rre!t for the aseo tn service, and sent many picker tn the hnarh. rJr doctors and nnrsee te rraace. At the Ithoold fee rrorte4 to, evew if M rr aaae time they earned e an excel-traier lnconvenSero fr iu lent Uotne Service tn their rrpeile iBM, tn- w iiimit pBAtue lae roiw servkw. the now schedsl t pnai4: No. 82 leave ratttevH 7 a. as. who had gene to war, and la aoeoe re gions gave large anaa ef mooey atxd Immeasurable personal service te the rallsf ef disaster aad disease vtrttma. arrive Uillegton 1:11 a. nv. amte was to rM lta MUm mtA mrrwm nvm m . . " 1 "7 JXaaelt aTaaBor larna American Mrr The division ts now e-ruhiuntag Ice ribo la fere!ra ports for the I Vartaa l:8t a. arrive KW. 9 1 &e su tn. No. 21 l-ra nt.'.'fi & chant Marine, maklag pUas te aid ,m,.., .... . " Amertcans to uonhle In foreign land. ff U"lV?m m' SfTlt and corapletlag arraareaeots for gte. ! 9 x -lag tmmedUte adeqau reUef to case I a. wised train, leisve fUlih ef disaster. j 1:2 su ra arrlvo W.Hztiom 2 :i It is the renrteenth Dltlrion's pari , ra, arrive rayetlevie i p ta. to the great Peace Time program of j Nex 24. alsed train. tsv rayefie the American Bod Orson, : vtlW I a., ra, arrive Unicgtoo II a. m. amte Variaa p. RED CROSS A55I5T5 nai.igh p. aa. ra . sr- lege, ICS juniors. 270 sophomores. and 89 1 freshmen. A group of spe cial students numbers 188, composed mostly of students preparing for the medical school. CHHLSTMAH EXERCISES AT ' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH this, but to take the initiative your self and see that your organization ' Ji:RORS FOR JANUARY looks after this important work in your community. Stores and other public places are urged to prepare boxes or other re ceptacles, conveniently located, in which donations may be placed, i week fr tne trial of criminal cases fore, Little" River he commissioned j exclusively, the following jurors have Mayor Thomson to sell out his stock. THF THRIfF.A.WPrif rni l.been drawn: Now, then, here we are again. Ole - ' ' ' t . TION OF THE NEW YORK W.ORLD IN 1921 AND 1922 Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. No Other Newspaper in the World Gives so Much at So Low a Irice The next few years will be marked by important and historical changes in the life of the United tates deeply interesting to every citizen. The Thrice-a-Week World, which is the greatest example of tabloid journal ' ism in America, will give you all the news of it. It will keep you as thor oughly informed as a daily at five or six times the price. Besides, the news from Europe for a long time. to come will be of overwhelming inter est, and we are deeply and. vitally concerned in it. The Thrice-a-Week World will furnish you an accurate and comprehensive report of every thing that happens. We offer this unequalled news paper and THE HARNETT COUNTY NEWS together for one year for only TWO DOLLARS. Send in your subscription now and From Anderson Creek: W. R. horse standing out in front of John West. H. R. Cannady. Thomson's office, just like he had From Averasboro: R. C. Neigh- lost all his pep since cotton went to bors. M. A. Lee, T. A. Raynor, Ellis nothing a pound and boot to pick it. Goldstein, L. G. Tart, J. E. Tart, T. Thomson waa ashamed to ask a de- V. Smith, S. G. Pittman, J. L. Par- cent sum, so he started at thirty-five ker, W. J. Wood. no, 235 not 3 Sc. Folks laughed From Barbecue :D. P. Clark, D. H. bo much at the ridiculously high fig Cameron, ure that Thomson soon came down. From Black River: H. R. Blalock. and the horse's head hung lower at J. A. Johnson, J. A. Williams, H. M. each drop in price. Down, down, to McDade, W. M. Searcy. fifteen bones and no takers. Mr. Buckhorn: L. W. Dean, W. D. Grif- Archie Johnson he lowed he would fin, A. D. Baker, S. M. Johnson, E. n't have 'im if somebody paid his D. Senter, Walter Hardee . board. The horse was bored head Grove: J. WJ Sorrell, J. A. Par- further toward the ground. Wells! r. rish, C. L. Bailey, W. H. Pollard, folks laughed scandalous at the horse Next Thursday evening at seven o'clock there will be an affair at the Prsebyterlcn church which will be both Interesting and profitable. Three of the teachers at the school, to gether with Mrs. J. N. Fuquay, are drilling the young people In some Lexerclses that are adapted to the Christmas season and are of an un usually entertaining character. As there la to be an Inter-denomlnatlon al Sunday School Chrlstmaa tree la ter. no gifts will be distributed to the children, but Instead the chll Ldren as well as the grown folks are igolng to bring gifts to be sent to the Lorphans; thus we will play San Claus for the orphans, who will appreciate what we have to send them n great deal more than we appreciate what (others give us. All the people of the community are most heartily Invited to be pres ent and enjoy the exercises. It is also hoped that every one will bring with them something that will be useful to the orphans dry goods, clothing, canned goods, etc. Boxes will be provided at the church Into whlcft these things will be packed and shipped to the orphanage. silver offering will be received. C. F. Burnett. Johnsonville: E. M. Marks. E. Lillington: N. R. Anderson, R Morgan. Neills Creek: W. F. Upchurch. Stewarts Creek: Jasper S.. Byrd Upper Little Jtlver: W. A son, J. A. Allen. Judge C. C. Lyon of Bladen county will preside over this term of court. He is the father of Hon. Homer Lyon, representative in Congress from this district. MARRIAGES DISABLED VETERANS Hoard for Vocational Cdorstlon. la each of the Public Health Service hosptisls Bed Cros workers devote The following .marriage licenses their time to the general welfare ef were Issued by Register Of Deeds s toe service mru trwm ut wy wT Pancette rfnrin the .k- the receiving ward naUl thoy The American Bed Cross ts carrying f W "utoers for stocks of eo a wide program ef service for li-e general tnerthaadUo. drags or hard disabled World War veterans receiving 1 wr m Lilllagtoo, Dean. Safovd. treatment to Called Slairs mhllc or fweasy Sprtaga. Omr clients hao Health hoeptials. and thooe hetag train- lo mtmwf m4 CM4 ed throegb agencies ef the rederal ... AMK1UCAN tUHIXi.S CimPAXr 2-3 White Bern Ice Jernlgan and Pearl Hud son. Herbert Honeycutt and Ada Byrd. t are discharged. After the sotdrs d:s-, By virtue of tho power of mW ..r IK. tlA rWt mwt!aiM lis rOOt.Alted la AaA r,t I rm ml ! friendly service throcgh the Ilooe?'d hy 11. M. Sprs aad wife to I srUw JUnlM to ale own rotameter v. ! Warren. Treteo. lale4 ttsrvli The Bed Croos rent boose F. Mony nnd Alice Boston j wbrv pleats ran inoe tbemie on tn his own roam unity narrow. init. uie4 xsrvn roes mstatslne n roovetee- 18,1- l92J' 4 i tt r tm w.rjf.i. Itter"a oSro of lUraett coo air at alt of tho nJU. noo, U at psce Hi. 1 wia ot-r . for el l Mfcltf met lam tar r-Mm after they are wil ervnegh te ho T to tho hlgheet bidder at the ro-ert- Geo. Smith. o a o- m e s a, s nai ieasiey ana Moaie reaccos. s&d aronno. I If1i et picture soo s boo door la the toon of LiUiegii. Kenneth Boon and Minnie Gibson. to the wards are also fsralshod. wttn on Htardsy. Jsnasry llth. 1921. t J. E. Goddard and Corrlna Jack-1 ocreatoosl excursloaa when cootsleo-. 12:e noon, the following decnwd rence comes. proy-eny. io-wu: Great service has hoe rendered by j Cortala piece or trans of Uad lr the Bed Croe la meats! rases to Men- b8 l UiUagiontowfc.fci. son. Colored Wm. Allen Mauley and Mary Rayner. B. .7..'' .nil 1. k " r. I lUroetl rooaty. siaie of Sort a r-- ' . LJm7. fJ-i.STJA?J2 oItB- deorrtbed and d.Soed : stale bospttsls far the Insane, aad help- follow.,. i lag the, secure cocapensatlon de from j rtvt Tract: Beciaalag at a tke : the Boreon ef War TJsk laenraaco. .aj pointers. A. r. Josa'a corar la the Federal Board"a vsrloos die- la tie Ha of ike Pmiit liatmm irwi AMIUIICAN WAll ViriX, trtrt aacee tho Bod Croos worker, art-1 on the side of the LtUlaclon ro4 lac wtik the Il Service Section, "d the second comer of tho 2e makes neceesary te the men. ar ,rMl de4ed by A. T. Joka.i rsagee suiisble Using coodlttooa. helps1"'1 " ' J; 8$TC-V4 7 Board, assists to PPeaUa raor and rt w rod S. St eot 2 chains l-s a aettiee various peroe! diSraltleo fr,uk,; fbea sooth 21 1-2 wet 7.i the men. The woriers slo follow aa chains to n stake la Ite middle of and aid all men who dlscoetJaoo train-Ttbo Rsantevel rood, n short diuo lag. soolneost of Its tatervorMoa ik iu Tbo Bed Croos s rents find men loer- UUiagton rood; tnesxro wtin ATTENTION, hPANl?H- Attention. of all ex-ooldlers who served In the war with Spain at home or abroad, or those who saw service In the Philippine Insurrection or the China relief expedition, and their widows. The late Congress passed laws of the utmost Interest to soldiers and (f they will send name. and nddresa to Walter S. Buchanan.; te the Board, help dear rp delated ff4. ."i hina to National Army d and t I lBu uh v.v ima. . rin.i. ia.i.. v- ! their frteodiy worn witn tle me. . . ! tf... 0ji rV the oeglsnlag. rontaialag 2 more or 1 Less than . three per cent of the sweet potatoes produced in eleven don't delay. This is the best oppor- southern states are shipped to big tunity since the price of cotton fell. I markets. . and Thomson, but the mayor was de termined to make n sale ot stock that day, so he kept it up till dark Along about dusk John Sutton and Henry Spears (little henry) came on the scene. Sutton had old Kate, the Morrl- town mule, on his hands, and he 'lowed he had enough burden for a man in Ihis po' country. Well, little henry he bid. "Is six dollars all you will give for n genuine double recti fied four-legged hoss. henry?" It was Thomson asked htm. "Yesslr." said henry, "thazxall." "He's your'n." said Thomson, and the day's sale was over. Mr. Buchanan wlshea to assist his comrades In every possible manner. Don't tall to come and enjoy the Write him and enclose stamp for re exercises and at the same time afford ply. ' pleasure to those who have been de- prlved o fmany of the good things of MIL McGEHKK DIED HCDDKXLY. life. Mr Let's build up! BOX PARTY. There will be a box party at the Murchlson school Friday night. De cember 17th. The proceeds will be for the benefit of the school. Every body Is Invited. to he will be clsd to ndvlse then fallv! as to their rirfct nnder the Uw rTOC M I Second Tract: Bectanlag al a er- aa to their rights under the new !aw. Mcim rjetag ttuhe. ao theoe tte3me ar of the Cownty Homo trat as.4 Prompt acuon will mean the possible; of tr M, as re attrarOve rarrvnsd- on tfce sothwet bask of Capo !Vr saving of money, as the pension com- legs and tho fan watch most go with river below tno mootsi of Merdort'e menees from the filing of the claim, effective school work. ,rr. theoc wim a Te the Amertcaa Bed Ctm Is::ite " county Home tract so-sm for the Bl!n4 near P-almore, Ml 11 41 i lo !IJ.. iLir -7 In iZZll ai Prtr by the i:it of the U- htiaded to tho World War have com a s rBals, crootiag Msrdotk for tralalng. The tnstltnte, throoi. f creek to a Ujhtwood stake in tx the Bod Croos. toog sgo roodocted creek swsrap sowth of the Uinsc exhanatlve tndsstrisl survey to deter-rood; thence as a new tfiviissg i:a mine tho vocations for wtirh hUad wttn lot No. Two 121 of tho fituio men could he fitted As a remit It ts 'of tho lands of O. J. Speora. de4 !near Olivia, died saddealy at Web-i pettlag forth well trained me eqwlp f.f.?. . ,7l ped to meet tae aocaj. cik ss4 ecw-. . . " , . " reoroment. ef thotr reepoctl,. ?T& Tl comaaaicoa. Capo Fear river near some large " " rocks at tho edge of the rirrr; Aid fee fipsAtef Bed Croos. j thenco mp tho vsrloos coreo of Mid John O. McGebee. who lived jber's gsrsge at that place on Thurs day morning oi last wees ot nean disease or apoplexy. He waa 71 years of age and left n family of children, all of whom are married. Tbey came from Surry county about two years ago. FOR SALE One young purebred Rhode Island Cockerel for $3.00, also two (2) young pullets $2.00 each. Mrs. G. F. Kirkpatrlck. ltp Here's n good bargain for some body 7 passenger Stadehaker car In fine condition, second hand. Call quick. Edwards Motor Car Co.. Lil lington, N. C The rterUa chapter ef tho America j river to the hoginaiag, comtaialag si Bed Cross, eoapooed of America at acre, more or . resident la tpain. has Just coolra!e4 ' J" wlU .miJll ,a stea ei iroi 10 a. m. armjwm ir- tee. recorded In the Reriters cS of Harnett rooaty tn Book lit. pace ino te n fend heiag raised by Lte JtpeaUl Bed Creoa and tho Lrsgno ot ttrd Crtxw Sorletlon for the purpose of figbUag malaria. Watch LUU&gtonl 3 4 Thto 1-4 7th day of DmaW, l2. J. u w Annus. Trstseo,

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