v HARNETT COUNTY NEWS Harnett County News ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY HENDERSON STEELE, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year ?1.50 Six months -75 Three months - -50 CORRESPONDENCE This paper desires correspondence from all reliable sources interesting to the people of this section. We ask that the name of the correspond ent be signed for the purpose of at testing its reliability. TOWN POLITICS. considered by many of our profession 1 ; the best conducted and most influen- It seems to be settled beyond a j tial of the liberal papess in the Unit doubt that there will be a contest in! ed States, once said that he supposed the coming municipal election, the j that the one chief difference between primary of which takes place Friday, j the successful and unsuccessful edi April 29, the election following on J tor was that "one guessed a little less Tuesday, May 3. Each day adds in-j badly than the other." terest in the matter of selecting the And Editor Clark, whom I cannot WHICH APPEALS TO YOI? town's governing board, from Mayor all the way through the list. Probably the most interesting, cer- refrain from quoting, adds: "Pass 50 copies of any newspaper today to 50 different people of your acquaintance Advertising rates upon application. Advertising solicited solely upon the merits of the paper as an advertising medium. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Lillington, N. C, under the act of March 3, 1879. tainly the most unusual, feature ofi and ask each one to blue pencil out the election will be the part played j what he has no interest in or what by the women. The ladies are prov-j he would have omitted if he had ing themselves politicians; they are "up and about" in the game, and are doing some talking "politicating" is the word, ladies. And then, too, there are men who heretofore have not seemed to mani fest great concern about town affairs who are warming up on the subject. been acting as editor and it is quite safe to say that no two of the papers will come back marked alike." NO ENTANGLING ALLIANCE. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. If you see a X mark opposite youi name on your paper, it signifies that your subscription has expired. If you wish the paper continued, please renew promptly. The rejection by President Hard ing of the League of Nations gives Men and matters are discussed pro strong indication that a separate and con. Verily, if the present board: peace will be made with Germany in wishes to stand for reelection, they the near future. The Republican ad- had just as well be prepared to be j ministration is evidently determined "bucked. ! to restore relations between this THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1921 An inharmonious note "Due." What we wanter know is thjs: How long is this here normalcy gonter keep up? Local grocerymen disclaim any frame-up with the weatherman in delaying early vegetables. Probably within a few days some thing definite will be given Lilling tonians to ponder over in the way of country and the world at large, as well as each individual nation, to the same status as before the war. In The Raleigh man who returned from a sojourn in Richmond and re ported being fined one dollar be cause he innocently looked in on the i city court will hereafter walk the chalk line when visiting instead of "vagrancing" on the Mason & Dixon line. "for" and "against." At present j other words, to be as "peaceful" with there are rumors of "clean sweep, ' the Central Powers as with the "pick and choose," "elimination" and j Allies. other kinds of tickets. Whether! President Harding is of the optn- slated candidates will be put in the j ion that Germany is down and does field before the eve of the primary j nt need any holding. Perhaps this remains a question. It is certain, s correct, for the time being, but however, that opposition will be of-: there is no telling what future years fered to the present administration. ; win bring forth in the way of come Well, it is a healthy sign. This' back. Maybe it is well enough, poor bedraggled scribe is heartily I though, to let these matters take enjoying the awakening. Maybe the; care of themselves, and cross bridges old town will take on a new and when they happen across the. way. better life. That is one of its needs, i This country has met crises before; to face greeting. They are optimist ana wares. The rays of the noonday sua When you open your mouth what are not brighter or warmer than the kind of a noise do yon make? smiles upon their lips or the human- Every time you speak a good word ,lT ,n elr hearts, for this town you s pease two for your- The hundredth mn rosy b dlf self, for the home booster Is alwar.. ferent. He may he the odd sheep In respected by home lovers. the flock, the cloud that dims the It's an easy thing to make a nasly brightness of the community light, remark -about your home town, but He u JH?9!,,mlt nd B knows It. it Is difficult Xo stop that remark Hl oul lj "hroud"d n Kloom from from traveling after It has or.e been wh,ch be nr k lo P. lit uttered. ' bore even to himself. The monkey in the Jungle swings Tbe Pt r happy the from limb to limb an 1 from tr to 0PUniIt ldom ad. tree-at remarkable ned, but the 11 U Plbl to be either, but monkey Is a snail compared to the neTCr ooth. caustic comments of a chronic pessi- Which appeals to you? mist. The monkey does not berate either the limbs or the trees, for they are his home they mean safety and comfort to him. The pessimist, however, Is not as considerate. His happiest moments are when he is slamming his home town. Nothing is right. None of Its numerous citixens pos sess the ability to perform civic du ties in the proper manner. Other people are unable to see the glaring defects that are so plain to him. He lives In darkness and radiates gloom. vot iikt: What omi Luine need Is ! talk an-J more printers Ink. -K. Yet Some Hay Notxnlr Iteml 'Km. Merchant In a n?a-by lnn a nou-adrertloer ran an ad In hl home paper recently. Two day It ter his store was broken Into and robbed. Evidently people b1 Jat learned he was In 'jn. K if we may be permitted to say so. Doesn't the'Greensboro News have a slight suspicion .that much of its Public Pulse is Public Impulse? ;try from becoming obligated to its Loose thinking on the spur of the poor kin across the water. Time it will be able, no doubt. what Fate has in store. President Harding repudiates the war slogan. He also saves the coun General Julian Carr and some wo men folks have entered the munici pal contest in Durham. There'll be some campaign in the Bull City, we opine. And this is quite an appropriate time, we say, for Alma Gluck to tour the country singing "Whispering Hope." General Pershing will not attend the good roads conference in Greensboro next week. Good reads? Ahem! How about General Progress? moment, y'see. A big prize fight is scheduled for July 2. But we are far more con cerned about regular Barbecue Day! alone can tell whether he has acted wisely. XOTICK OF PIHSOI.ITIOX OV VA RTX KIIS IIII. Notice is hereby given that the partnership under the name of J. A He is simply a pessimist, and the Williams and Brother operating on work of the pessimist Is too often drh nro of ,J" A" Um snl Brother and consisting of J. A. Wll- uesirucuve, . 1Jam uad j Williams, operating But why be a pessimist? Why not a sawmill business and a cotton gin be an optimist instead? nery In the town of Angler. North Pessimism Is worse than rheuma- aU"' h"f,,,!, lff,"dl .... Is to give notice to all persons nav- tisra. The one puts a few Joints out ,niE claims against this arm to pre- of proper working order, but the oth- sent the same to J. A. Williams, who er is a drag to the mind, the body has assumed all debts of said Arm ant ihA .mil " by the terms of said dissolution. All . persons being indebted to said Brm aution yourseu on a street corner wU pleajse mK paym.nt of the and watch the people go by for" an same to J. A. Williams. hour. Ninety-nine out of a hundred This 41st day of March. ItSl. J. A. WIU.IAJI.1i. Be Nice . About It BECAUSE YOU EAT TO LIVE! Next to the nicety of politeness at the table Is the impor- . tance of having nice things to eat. One'a health depends In large measure upon the wholesomenesj the digesti bility of the food. BE CAUTIOUS about selecting that which sustains life. See that it is clean and tit. This Is very essentia! more so than sorr.e people might imagine. And then remember with these nice things to cat, get them where you also get SERVICE Johnson & Bryan THE SANITARY GROCERY STORE . will be happy, and cheerful, and con tented, and will give you a cheerful ji.f. J. M. WILLIAMS. two days later. Our poet over in "the village ofi the whispering pine" puts up a good argument for the road bill, by the way. THE AliT OP GUESSING. Ten thousand illiterates in the Dis trict of Columbia 1920 census. Worse now, perhaps. The enterprising town of Vass has organized a building and loan asso ciation. The towns without such an organization can now watch Vass grow. The death of Judge Jeter C. Pritch ard removes one of the State's ablest men. He was one of those self-made men who made the world better for having lived. His going will be felt as a distinct loss to the State and nation. Insurance Commissioner Wade is starting out right, to be sure. Just because his chips happen to hit a for mer North Carolina public official is no cause for him to leave the wood pile. Wade in, Mr. Wade, clean it up. There is enough oil "stock" in this section of the country to last until oil is struck in North Carolina. Possibly the weather man is try ing to help reduce the cotton acreage with some of the cold carried over from winter. Charity & Children and Greens boro News are continuing to "argu fy" the Clements' bill. Which re minds us of the story told of the old darkey who, when asked what he thought should be done with a man who commits suicide, said he thought "he oughter be made to support de chile." The Clements law was an "attorney bill" passed for a specific purpose. It has no merit. Independent, N. Y. ' The editor, like the hunter in the I dark, does not know whether he hits i i the mark or not. I do not believe there is an editor in existence today! who really knows what the public j wants, or even what the public is. j If there is such an editor, he could name his own salary. j The late Mr. Nelson, proprietor and editor of the Kansas City Star,' ill For Torpid Liver Via the Vass Pilot we learn that Spring has arrived in Moore county, and the early morning "constitution er" is rewarded by the glories of beautified Nature. Also, the early morning gardener will get his "wegetubbles." "Black-Draught is, in fi my opinion, uie oesi liver medicine on the market," states Mrs. R. H. White side, of Keota, Okla. She continues: "I had a pain in my chest after eating tight, uncomfortable feel ingand this was very disagreeable and brought on headache. 1 was con stipated and knew it was indigestion and inactive nvcr. i oegan uie useoi Black-Draught, night and morning, and it sure is splendid and certainly gives relief." Money bck without qnaatioo if HUNTS Salve folia, in tha treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA. RINGWORM, TETTER o other Itcbioc akin diaeaaea. Try a 75 cent bos at our risk. TugwelTs Pharmacy DR. L. T. BUCHAXAX, JR. i j Practice Limited to Asthma, Hay ! Fever, Bronchitis and Tuberculoin i Woodartl Building j Raleigh, X. C. Hours by Appointment Only. I J. C. THOMSON', REATi ESTATE AXD INSURANCE Agency for Bet Old Line Companies LIFE AXD FIRE LILLINGTON. N. a J. A. McLEOD ATTORNEY AT LAW LILLINGTON, N. C W' 1 MONEY TO LEND ON REAL ES TATE SECURITY Someone has called Cottontots the farmers who are slaves to the cotton habit. Reduce the acreage some more. Weather poem: O fickle Spring, Don't do that thing! Along comes a home-brewist who says absinthe can be made from parsley. It's exasperating. The very thought of having the garden tram pled down by "revenuers" looking for French liquor. Wormwood, we calls it. The'U. D. C. District Convention meets Wednesday, April 20th, at Smithfield. Delegations from the Lillington chapter will attend. 666 is a prescription for Colds, Fever and LaGrippe. It's the most speedy remedy we know. Money back without Question if HUNT'S Salve fall in the treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA. RINGWORM. TETTER or 1 other Itching- skin diaeaaea. Try a 75 cent bos at our risk. Tugw ell's Pharmacy 71 Thedford's ILAGII- AUiHT For over seventy years this purely vegetable preparation has been found beneficial by thou sands of persons suffer ing from effects of a tor pid, or slow-acting liver. Indigestion, biliousness, colic, coated tongue, diz ziness, constipation, bit ter taste, sleeplessness. lack of energy, pain in $1& , imJ. hack, mlffinpcc i,n4o W ( 1 eyes any or all of these symptoms often indicate that there is something 151 ma"er witn your uver. xou can't De too careful about the medi cine you iake. Be sure that the name, "Thed ford's Black-Draught," is on the package. At all druggists. Accept Only the Genuine. J.79 BAGGETT & MORDECAI Attorneys at Law LILLINGTON, N. C. Chas. Ross Neill McK. Salmon ROSS & SALMON Attorneys at Law LILLINGTON, N. C. Ot 2 S3 ' L. M. LOCKAMY REPRESENTATIVE OLD LINE LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE LILLINGTON. N. C SEE ME BURWELL'S Big Price Reductions In order to keep in touch with the low price of cotton, 1 have decided to use the knife and cut to the quick every item of my entire stock of goods. All Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Blankets, Drug gets, Rugs, Underwear, Sweaters, Silk Hose, etc., at big price reductions. And I ask you to avail yourself of this great saving now If I can't save you money, 1 don't ask your trade. Respectfully Yours, BURWELL'S BARGAIN HOUSE HARNETT COTTON AND TOBACCO GROWER AND LOMCO SPECIAL FERTILIZER We are making a specialty of these two brands of Guano, which are best suited to Harnett County soils. We will also make a Top Dresser to be applies to growing crops. We will not do any retail business, but farmers will be able to obtain our products from local dealers. USE OUR BRANDS AND IMPROVE YOUR SOILS AND GROW BETTER CROPS Yours very truly, LILLINGTON OIL MILL COMPANY ft - :i. -v s RUB - MY - TISM Is a powerful Antiseptic and Pain killer, cures infected cuts, old sores, tetter, etc. Relieves Sprains, Neuralgia, Rheuma tism. ; DR. J. C. MANN j EYESIGHT SPECIALIST j Will Be at Dr. L. J. Dupree's Office, Lillington, N. C, j Every first Friday In each month, j Glasses fitted that are easy and rest ful to the eyes. Headaches relieved t when caused by eyestrain. Cross! eyes straightened without the knife. 1 Weak eyes of children and young people a specialty. Consultation free and invited. MY NEXT VISIT WILL BE FRIDAY MAY Cth BE AN OPTIMIST ALL THE WHILE John Brown, Joe Baker, Catholic and Quaker all are hit by the sudden slump in business and prices. All are in the same boat. And now will it profit anyone to rock the boat? What's the use to grumble anyway? Will that raise the price of cotton? If we thought it would, we would organize a Grumblers Club. But it will not, and there being no profit or sense in it, we are against it. Let's all smile and get to work work will make us, idleness and grouch will break us. . YOUR DOLLARS WILL SOON LEARN THE MULTIPLI CATION TABLE IN THIS BANK HARNETT COUNTY TRUST CO. LILLINGTON, N. C. OFFICER B. P. GENTRY, Vice-President W. L. SUTTON. SecreUry-Treaurer J. A. McLEOD. Tram OS5cr J. R. BAGGETT, Solicitor THE BANK OF BUIE'S CREEK BUIE'S CREEK, N. C If you have money come to see uj; If you need money come to Me tts. Get acquainted with us aj your banker. We arc in terested in your welfare. We can aid you and we both can work together for mutual profit and benefit J. A. CawpWU. Pri4nL IL P. MsrifcKaaka, Ylr-Pri4i H. F. McUod. CuMr IF YOU BUY YOUR GROCERIES HERE AND TAKE THEM HOME WITH YOU YOU GET THEM CHEAPER TRY IT! ovr!abJlity t0 m, T0U With ood faerie never that voPu r l TOU C,W prkM- W that jou want things aa cheap a you can get them-pm- Uded of course you get them clean. We are giving you By 3nT?riufv nw to ,ave on our r" II. Il buying from us you can save money because we are affMin you n ormoas profit in the Cm instance. jour goods delivered. Come and buy from u and tale our groceries w,th you and get them cheaper. If the uV lid ZT nd that' whal wc mmt " do in thh J. A. MARSH LILLINGTON, N. C CHOICEST FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS FISH AND OYSTERS IN SEASON BANK OF LILLINGTON (OLDIMT rUXK I IHRXETT fDfSTT) axd ox thk ttnxort no Li, WE BELIEVE IN THE FARM is ihe fiVnXV;nV.rr1, tht? mf n !n bank is the financial center of the community, an Institution for advice In working out many of hU problems. Howeve? "Pb,ef ?d "mpctent farmer may be in the manage! KLtk hc u Ud l hl" tn)r etuUhh invthe Urm fay Bering our far Jul rfaSStuTtlM0? hope to.mkc r chenu-the Come in and talk over your plan for the coming Kn Remember we pay 4 per cent interest on time deposit, compounded quarterly. D. it. Saur. Prs. J. W. HsKonl, VPf-. it. T. $sr Ciir D. It. S6Ur M. J. Str K. A. Smith DIRECTORS tr. J. W. 1UUot4 J. W. Sie J. O. Pvra Dr. 3. F. MtKsy It- T. $pmr